HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-02, Page 7NANO 4811011 CANADA"S LEADING COOKERY EXPERTS RECOMMEND MAGIC Favorite of 4/; :--7;11 Generation5,o0 •ANG law MEI touNpay, tail iili'lp{y C,Oiaylm10Rw mow. to t�',/• U $RDO VQ* NAI rums= or W I .S1trRATi CANADA AO NQK'IUOTU$ UNIT= STAINS COU1 P SI Ji? MORI WICKLY.ItASIDY AND CREAM TOW TUX FOGIt4WIttQ s(iiiitCl$s sAOIXNAT &,o0o,o0o 611, tFST.KAURicI 1.400,00000 11CARILLON; .; • U P$R OTTAWA 600,000 ' flIAMIARN0I9 11.000 0000 i(ADANA$KA 100,000 W$AGA$A FALLS , 900,000 •,, BEN.AIL ER 11:1; 0NUILUER, Sept: $O-Zr,,. Ivan Jervis, who is hoarse ou a two weeks' leave; visited his grandmother, -Mrs. Walters, this week. Mrs. Drew of ,Gatlerich,is• spending a few days with ;iia. W. StrauE;han this week.. Bev. It. G. Hazlewood will take the services at f rondesboro on 'Sunday. Next Sunday, Octaber'5, anniversary iserviees will be held. in Benmiller United church. • 'Rev. W. J. Patton, a former pastor, will • be the slleaket at, both services, at 11 a.m. and T.30 p.m, There will also be special niuSic by the Patton family and . by.. theoehoir. A generous thank -offering is asked for. The Rally Day service last .Sunday was .largely attended. The ehildren's choir was exceptionally good, under the leadership of Miss B. Long, Miss Me - Ewen and 'Mrs. fit.:HiII: Mr, and firs. E. T. sPfrimmer spent the week -ends in Hamilton. Miss Grace •Pfrim'mer of 'Stratford visited over the week -end at her home here, Miss L. Maedel went to Toronto last ,,week tQ have an operation on her eye. We hope it will be successful. There was a large crowd in .attend- uee at the field day at Ur. 'Keith Gardner's farm on Friday last. The schools of the township were well represented. HELP THE RED CROSS Men of 30,40, 40 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal?, Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vitality, Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics. stimulants, oyster elements-- aids to normal pep atter 30, 40 or lie. Gat a spetirii "introductory size, for only , B5. Try this aid to normal pepandvim:: • today. For sale at, alt good drug atoreg., G r TO MEft.WHOARE' NOT LAZY.. .: But Just Can'tGet;Going You say you .are not the man you used to be!. Check up on yourself in Ile mirror. -Iir-your gyps _are muddy and chill and your tongue's ,,. coated nwell, then you're not as well es you should .be. But there are other symptoms. Fooddoesn't interest you. ' Little' things get on your nerves. You fall asleep -wilen you shoilld be awake. You try to ket out of visiting friends or.going to the movies. Worse, you are too tired for your -job. You're not lazy—you just can't get gg,.tg. What•s<-the cause? Your blood- stream isn't clear. There are toxins in it. Poisonous waste ie ,in your system. Get rid of it. Kruschen is the thing for that. There are several mineral salts in Kruschen, balanced in exact; phipor- tions to assist the organs of evacua- tion to get rid of waste matter every day. Kruschen is more than a laxa- tive. . It is a diuretic as well—helps ..to flush the kidneys and at the same time keep the colon moist, so that action is easy and, gentle. A`,pinch of Kruschen every, morning is all ' you need. Kruschen costs only 25e or Vic, at all druggists. Good, health for less than. a cent a day. Lifts POTS AND • PAN'S No neeil° to scrape and scnib in slimy water. A solution* of . f "iillett's Pure Flake, Lyejust lifts off grease layers ... loosens hard -bard food ... takes the drudgery out of washing up. Keep a tin always (handy! •Neves dissolve lye in hot water. The act on'of the lye itself „ heats the ,Water. FREE fl0OKLFT 'The oillett's Lye 1EIooklet tette bow this powerful eleanset • cleans clogged drains ,. < . keeps out. houses ettan sind odorless by destroying the contents of the closet .how it performs dozens of tasks. Sex.xi for a • fre Gator-14 Standard Brands (.tit., Voider .Ave. and Liberty Street,. 2Corett ,, Oat,, A IN'.PSRNADTQNAL ROMIO$ sc•r.Avrrei;rtsz RIYNR .Noor .ONTARIO .NIAGARA 1•ALLs 300 M ILES IIER6 S,OOQ000 uP CAN BE MORE kEADlLY AEVEIOPED THAN IN !6 INTERNATIONAL SECTION OTIJ ST: LAWRENCE AIV Ontario and Quebec still have undeveloped Y rato-electric power resources capable of 'producing 5,000;000 alt,(,. as Sc'ciinpared with the 1,000,000 hp. whit?.(' Canada would get through joining with the "United !States in development}, of the international se(tloii of tile_ _St. Lawrence Rater under the Sit. 1Latvrence seaway and power agreement. While the latter could npt be completed for ut least file :years, • undeveloped power sites in ('ariada 'could be developed in much less time. — In the accompanying map it' card be seen that along the Ottawa River alone there is 1,000,000 h.p. it Waiting develojnnc nt, K;hile • Beiuharnois .can be further developed to the extent of 'another 1000,000 h.p, The .Madawaska River in thitario offers 100,00 h.1): for ready. development.• and another 900,000 h.p. can be "secured from Niagara Falls. Both the Saguenay River and the St. Maurice River have power potentialities equal to Canada's share of the St. • Lawrence development. All these -Sites, with the sole exception of Niagara Fails, ate entirely in C Cada and ('an be readily -developed witifi)ti'ti need for inter- - national negotiations or commitments. ,M•Qre imiportant from the standpoint of 'Canada's war ettort, they cans-i,be developed more quitbl • and' at les, cost than the 'St. Lawrence scheme presently awaiting action in Washington. _ 4 t Released by Jobrns,ton•, Everson' & Charlesworth, 1804 Northern Ontario Bldg., Toronto, PORT ALBERT, I'ORT!I4I;rERT, :.Sept. 30. ---Visitors on Sunday in the community were: -With Mr. and Mrs. R, Reed, Mr and Mrs. Rol)t. Davidson, M.r. and 'Airs. Allen Reed and son Jimmie, Mrs. Mel- vin Reed. and son and daughter Girvin and Doris, all of Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. George Lane and son. 1'litl'Otd, of 'Belfast • with' 111.° auidMrs. :John Quaid, 'Mr. thud MIs..John McPheri.ou and the former's mother, Mrs. Mc•=`. Pherson of Teeswa ter ; w f t h , Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham. Mr. and Mrs."Itoy Alton' and two sons, , Clayton _find the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas; Craw- day morning, when the •theme of the Alvin', of I'.elfast. ford. was "Let us go into the ;House The rains of last Sunday and Tuesday Anniversary Services.(,'omutenior-' of the Lord.'; 'Mrs.John Cameron were much appreciated by the farmers =sting seventy -tire ;years of religious react the. story, "A Rainy Sunday," in the district, as the land was getting life in the district served by the Pres- ,and Rev. 'G. A. Barnard based hard for fall plowing. The rains will byterian church here and the former his ' remarks • on • "I - 'Love- Thy. _� ,.. Methodist _ chureh_ - at _Sheppareltol,_K Kingdom..., Lord:' .4lie:;-•t,t0jr, sang also bring along the fall wheat. -- jubilee services were held last Sunday .•• a J y 1 he lihurch of Long ro, and Mrs, at aft. Andrew's United church. The Andrew Gaunt conti+ibuteil a nr)lo, "The church was beautifully decorated with , Presence of God." • Mrs. >. Leigh left on Monday for fall flowers. Mahy former residents her iiotne at iSatilt .Ste.. "Ma e, ,,'ilii ca'f'e 'Tram . cunsadcra'b1e di, ance� to visiting for the past few weeks wit(~ hear tiro tine sermons by a former her brother, Mr, harry •Hawk{us., . minister, Rev. Gilbert. Gomer, of Oneida, *and to meet once, again the. .friends ,of their childhood. Sp.Nc•ial Mr. ('oci1 MCGee left last week for Windsor, where he will attend college. • M1. and Airs. 13, • W. Cuhaiiiiightuni of, Walkerville spent last week -end 'alt . Thinks Around Jqorne (By -A ;Viii.) • 'A inini:atei•ial vi::itoi. tl.led last even,- spired to :;ay in the hearing of friends, int; and we talked about the work of• chanting in his strop; virile voice. rutty likes in get ilcime even l'o: .a �l�ty, '() ye .de,Ll)hi111duIu:•,, bless ye the Lord• Mr, and Mrs. Roy Petri have been the elittrc•li and' the .uiiud„try. HP ,vie azaleas, Arles, ye„the Lord.., ; ,v ifing their daughter, .Mir , Gordon confided to ale that he got a cll.tp- • Cockfield, at Deir•)dt, for a few ;lays: pointingly Small fee for some Weddings . ..Mr good friend, Mr. James 'i'hoinp- Curran .X• Brirg , contract or,. have music was :given by the Dultg,tnnon c)'oir in the morning• -...and •sixteen boys sere in the choir • in the evening ant! their singing was enjoyed Tic all. Both wonting a.nd evening ;he T-hureii ppti�vas tilled to capacity. PORT-- ALBERT, .Sept. :�i).�t'1►1. Woodrow" Hoy of Hamilton and Mrs. Iioy spent the week -end there. Wood - lie had performed of late. _ There= was` son of Ly:liclen, though .'Blind. and got to Port Albert with their +t1thing innetyatltree years Of age, went to Tor- on ',t(1. 21 'highway. onto Exhibition again this year. He Mr. Mervin li.,d;re has .bee L'badly has been in tlie habit of going for h.ctidlT•:cimed• for fuck of it rf,=: t ► run S'e'ars. There Ito n.�t le many f'ie'lds 116 mall. 1 who knew kiln well before nut shadows , t and old age fell npo'tr hill', He was one, a splashy affair, in the ranking of those who like to go to weddings, foo which the fee, was u lauuilyle two dollar.,. Ile got tlte• (buret) a11- ready for the great event, ''yen decorated ST: HELENS iS it "iter plants and flower. )nit 'ffi •hl.°icing 1 to go again this year and wasr best snit 'alaiuse(1 , his ear and 411(1 physically able to take the .journey• S1. tti'4,r,.\ .Sept. ''—Private the oceti ion a lovely- 1!11(1 memorablerahlc , everything' he knew to help to make eo nrzed hit.. IIs declare, hc'. had a one. This, actually t reckoning his g,i'oat time' 1111(1 "5015' .,many (101 time at the churc•li and running friend,. around and at the reception, <'o)tstuned •' t = n •, and '.it. around and meet all who 1e=- Ha told il� mplirey of , Camp' Borden was home for the week -end. Ernest and Harold 'Gaunt have their ce n'filnt silo' a il+riy completed and work no- less 'than nixie hours of his ti'l'e• My �vifeltell; nie hots• she tris visit-, on their iaige teel'lr,trn to te,la<+e Hie r• 1 Then the .bridegroom gave lain these itig in a hotne"r the other s5'eeek and the one th'stroyed by Lire will comm'nc'e two dollars. " shortly. We did riot dwell on the matter of f funeral, Russel 1�'(:1►b was. horse from 'flutnil- tvcdding fees- or any. other finar c•ial doe f n l I 1 I ton_for the- week -end.' - •etui•ns clue t0 the"mitnistry ; they are f A War Effort. --'Alas. Prank Ritchie. so cliscrluraging, 5o • often, Happily w<� plant pot that thisgood hotiset��lt:c, R.R. 3, Luckuow. was the holder of the had.4)rit,1it, profitable, inspiril1 things had been 1►usv With. Sltc t5'ac quite. lucky ticket in the draw for°the quilt+ to speak of, slid(, books to talk alhont convinced of �rlrat had been tole( her, made at 'trhe I.ucknow Fair concert ou " unci show each other. • 11( told me a that the plant would t►(� rr�'11 r,ni„•;s1,art. Friday, night. • The quilt wag road(•' `and good story of a Chinese boy 0t a ' mi5I4i0n school who was alppoilited, to say the farewell word -for the rest of lady ,of the house was just returning from -a It was not the ortho- u ern , watt assure.(. t. was the' futie'ral ofa dead mous' in 11 and tire' ,oil its the pot c'urlclie=cl Ina1” ((orate(( to the St. Helens Women';c yellously if she made this -window re- Institute by Mrs. Wm. Ganirpbell, who c 'pttrc�le a little c•e'nr<'tery for suet' a in over eighty=four years old, and pro - a ('1a155 at the leaving of a dear, good 0r&'attlre- So she had lac'en busy • and (Needs amounted to over 40, which will English ' teacher, The boy did so, its he Wats r03icly to as'. if 111at ryas ev•er , bc' tt-.cd'.•for •war purposes. presented at lovely bouquet of flowers'', done "at our house: trying' to Nay the nice things: "Dear teacher, these flowers will fade,, hut One of the brightest and, most Inter- pol will smell for et•et." esting young men I have met this sum- We generally have some fail' zinnias.,mer was one I picked up as he stood on Mie side of the high•tvay at aI cross in the summer„ in our Garden, but road between Brantford and Hamilton. this y011l' we diad the nowt ben1itiful We .got in a'0nwersat,ic n together and 1►looms I have ever seen, such a (1111111.- I 50011 discove'recl he was a Ilaptisat tlty and, variety. The marvel •, to one minister and ha s• charge at ('apreol, was how they grew in what the had 'forth of Sndbtirt.'r. The holiday season t'1i14yed as 'coil that 550(1141 grotti tint b. bad brought ' hint. (lotc•n south to see. iiU(r,, They 411(1 this with scar(Vely ,ti•u•t ti1(11(1s. Visa atj,l)t 111 1111 1 un<d _clisvossi- eultltratl (are. Sired' were thrown in thin made 115 Eitel he was the happy ,.. haphazardly; its' at narrow but long plan, in love with his tvoi'k and 1114' pi('4 e of soil that aisirti the dr lvt'sva,r• world. Asked his name, he said it r us of the hoct, that has • had ashes and tV:1:4 Ivey. And he ventured to add rubbish thrown ,111to ,it at variotis that it was Frank •and not Dort Key. tittles and been narrowed with a thiels Ips:• tv;1s ,s0 0:1d tltoy did not name 111111 . eement,e'urh that made 44011 fertility at Dyotlri 'Ire. eotold 04' stupid ':enough the �mittinauin, is wO b11115ec1. '1h0r1 without that creature's najtte: `. We had 4> t a I other �ff wer. -tiancl Plants lekel ed and a big time together and 1 hope to • c'ache'd, h1 the 'hot, dry Weather. But I meet ttti::.lies• ratan of Ilial (apreo1 oh ,11104(1 .inn1y; The.? Wore 111,E' j eanttnifltit,5' again, But bless sue if he 1 those flOWeI':a of the college g11Ld0n : didn't leave on the ba011 54'x11 of lily where 'ikinple (lairriner, later famous W ear lids Ilible, a • pre$4('11t from hist! 1111451011817 to the Aratlts, after his 1 s.we('the'art, and now., wife. I lttlist G Oxford a•a,14=t'1' fe01114 them sail( 1loriet I,'sud it .to hum . pEe.ache cal(httrdis 1, in uteri to ,1110 (':tent, that. he was In- got atou'r; without' his'8ible' ' • ° •I Rally Day Sevriee.--Rally Day. was observed in the United church oft Sun - HELP THS "KlE CROSS A golf club has leen organized a .I',zetei• with T. 0. Southeott as pro' dent and U. N. ''receli. tai;:: e(.•retar3. Miss Yrzuriue Millen R�Ai.;. '., o $t. J elens,. Xis been ai,pointed as osis) ant ,,superintendent of the Wing -hart hospital. .he death of dames' 'Scott 'Mae" 1 Pon a11, of Tar bei.•ry township, occur- red at Byron Snu,ltariuui on• September '20th, in his faulty-e'lght1 • year. A. . daughter, 'Mrs. arrtiey• Mau,,s `w ur vav+es. A cow kicked over the lantern in the barn of Roderick.. 31c1 ay, 4th ounces sion`'-of Grey township,, and the build ing, containing ;the .season'•a orop, was completely destroyed,' There.. was is insurance diaries Swanson, of Wingd am, ha a couple of ribs broken in an accident at Lucknow, where he was assisting ,his daughter Agnes, recently, married to net settled. He fell oft a platfoa` with the result as stated. Mr, and Mrs, John 'McNabb, i$x sels, announce the engageinenrt of their youngest daughter, Helen, 'to 'Lloyd. Walter, only son of Mr. and Mrs. 'E EERer .iiaricwell, Drayton, the niar- riage'to take place October 10th. The death occurred, .suddenly, in Tucdtersmfth on' �Septeniber 22nd of 3iis `Mars MadKay, in her eighty-first year. She had never recovered from the effects of an accident which she suffered a month before, when she fell from a buggy. W. T. Booth, insurance agent of Wingltanl, who some time ago offered his, services to the R.C,A.F., has !been called to Regina as a pilot officer. Before leaving Wingham lie was pre- sented by the Lions Club -there with an -'%ieutification disk.' Mr. Booth 'was a flier in the last war. The death of Jessie Collie, widow Of Constant Val- 'Egmond, occurred on Fiiday last at her home in E;.mond-- vilie, 111 her. eighty-sixth year. Her -husband died about -forty years ago -and-she fs ;serviced, ,by two daughters, Mr. p. F. Mcregor, Egmondville, and Mn.s-Neil McLeod, 'Flint, Mich., and two sous, Oscar, Prince Albert, Sask.; and iikirl, at bQane.,. George Beatty,. a lifelong resident of tale Varna district, passed away on -hursday morning- last., During his life of eighty years deceased took an active pa11 'in. the life of:the-com- munity and for many years he .was t1 - partner in' lye:: of I3e sty Bros„ Varna, He is survived by' one sister, Mrs. W. O. Woods, Iiistowel,a �► roc({ -- H ppei _ • At the home of Mr. and :'firs. Lyle a``;. Hopper, Morris towuship,'on September 20th, • their eldest daughter, Laura Frances, was united in marriagerto, Lloyd. Aleock of Morris. The sere- mony ,evas ._performed by Rev. J1r, Dunlop of Beigrave: . The flab(?3' couple will reside on .the. groom's farm in Grey township ' Jackiut=Ifitthe n - _ . In a wedding �eerernony `performed at t�he.•tfn,itted church manse, Wroxeter,' on 'Saturday last, Rita .Isobel, only. daughter of ,Mr.: and .Mrs. Charles Wesley Kitchen,' was united to (�''ari Jacklin,; of Ethel. Bear. J. L. Poster officiated. The couple will 'reside �h the bridegroom's farm near- Brussels after ,ti motor trip through Northern Ontario, > Wells--� oungblutt The marriage of �Ilelen Henson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Toungblutt. I.ondesboro, to' Williani D. .13,O_s—rlf. S'Itat ' :-.,uf,._- h . ... maw--• ii e 1,�� -.fir. and Mrs. ,T. ;Wells of•, Blyth, was .t tseW nnized by Rev. A. W. {Gardiner, • at the home of the ,Mice parent*, o* - , 'S•aturdayi; Septembr,'r :'.0th'. Later t 1 e ' bride and groom left on a trip to the f' D'e'ter,, coast. They will 'Make their ' ; home in t°ilnton. 4111teit'• Stiainton Kt. t. •Paul s: ch1u('ll, `i[igliain, was the kverie on « eptember 17th of the weds, ding of Hilda,. Pearl Stainton, 'dtapght( a.'. of ()has. N. Stahiton Of 'Clifford and the ._ late gni. iStaintou, to "Herbert A. Fuller, son ofM r. and Mrs. Fred. Ft YIIer, .;Wingilam. Tine nuptial rite were conducted .by 'Rev. 1I .' 0, Gat. lagber. 'The couple left On a trip 'to. iNot�ti1 ru Ontario before settling in:; ,, their home at Winghnrn, Caen-Waltei A•t`'trbe home of Mr. and ),IirS, Frank) • ;Walters; '' uickera pith, on - i 'atl}rday r nfterhooh; their daughter;. Annie Mae Beatri`c'e, was united in Marriage, to,; tut Allan.James 'Campbell,. stns. of Mr. ani( . Mrs. Jack Campbiell, , Mc'Ki lop town- ship:: 'Rev. °t3, O. Bunton 'of 'Clinton,. oiticiated, .After. a ,honeymoon trip to Ontario points the young courple will reside in' .MtKillep. Davidsoin—Twiltrkef . In a quiet wedding at the United' eliureh manse, •Hensall, on Saturday,, Shirley .Bernice, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Orville Twitchell, and Allan lass Davidson '.only son of •Mr.. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson, all, of ens►alI, were united by Rev. R. A. Brook, After the ceremony the couple left by motor for Toronto, Ottawa and North 13ay, They will reside in klen,a1L • " Coultes—Grasby ,At the .United church- manse Bel.- grave, etgrave, „on Saturday morning last, Marjorie 'Hope, youngest daughter or Mr. ahti' Mrs. Martin "Grasby, 'Morrill township, was • u.nited in biarrage. to James Robert „coulter,: only, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Oharles'.R. Ooultes, also of Morris town: lti f ` The ;ceremony was performed by r lei' _ George_ Dunlap.. -,, Inter the couple"left (or Niagara Palls, Toronto and- Brockville.. On their , re- turn they- , will •7r"esicle in Morris N towni'vlalp. ,• I ▪ FROM DEVELOPING RIGHT AT -START • 3-Plawnse Medicine a Success At first 'sniffle, sneeze or nasal irrita.. .tion, put a little Va -tro-poll up each •,nostlril. Its stimulating action aids Na.- tire's defenses against the cold. .'...And remember —When. ahead cold Makes i you suffer, or transient congestion "fills up',„.. ose and spoils sleep, 3 -purpose Va nol gives *al- -liable help as•it (1)•- shrinks _swollen metabranes; (2) relieves irritation (3) FALL FAIR DATES Dungannon, •O.t. GArrie. Get. 3-4. Tdderton, 'Oct, 6-7. Blyth, .Oct. 74., London (J'nnior•only), Oet,`' 10.11. _Underwood, Oct. t,14.• • TO„ SUP EVE helps flush out , ' . nasal passages; • clearing.. clogging luu a . ;nucus. o e -,._ _�_.., relief it pringS.:' 'ntoi ! t, , • Of th``e many plans and schemes to pl•oa1IVe business, Nothing has yet been devised that equals paper that • has reader .Your town p111)1'1• ii_s the that will bring results, if used con- . sistently. a news -o lhteres`, (Mediu(,( a, Mo44 Ili Toronto Make your'hoine 1—hytel Waver1e r Located en wide Spa.cdiina Ave. at College St. Conveniot1 to Iiigbwaya from 411 Porta d►f Entry , Easy Planking Facilites 'Close to Evaythme of tinparrasice 'tat"Single $11..3)0 to $3.00 Double, $2.50 tea $6.0! A. IDC. l'OWL4, Plt,'C.li1)2t t? Asstllfting tlt('i'( alts'. tl<)itl' pe(►lAt' in every household, to which Tic• Signail-Stat•• is sent ; thatt Illeiuls 952i) read this paper t'%•e'l', week. 'flint figure slot's, not include the people .; who hol'l'ow their• neighbors' eopic s. Perhaps those people - really* can't' afford to subscribe for at ('op`', though it eost14 only $2..00 for :t whole year. or. they may 1,e .11I4t too stingy and' are -looking for sow - thing for nothing. ,Every, emu- minlity has tlletn. eSignal-Star r, 'e't►{°('l°;i its (111;tric't very t11()1` 1117. •4�a