HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-02, Page 1inbining The-Ood.:4.1ck Signaland. The .-0.4e:r.r.e117 Star CoilPgians liold Annual Field Meet '0i:tester 1401441 'Holds �r ' Boys' 04mpionolt1p' - for 'Second:Year .The annual Collegiate Institute field meet was hem on Friday afternoon,at the ;Agriettltural , Park. 'The "'weather_ was el(3-utly and cool, but fortunately no rain fell during the 'afternoon., to' 'spoil an interesting meet. There was a fairly pint attendance, and ' CQfli- ptition was keen, espeelallY • among the boys. . Ribbons "were 'given to the athletes wining first, eecond an4 third in each Ity.gnt. Medals will be presented- to runners-up at the Colregiate conl- mentement. . Mallet's of the meet were as . Starter, A. Siinpsems clerk of eourse; Robert Taylor; -senior hops' judge, A. It. Seott ; interenediate boys' judge, G. E. Payne; junior boy' judge, F. K Walkom; timekeeper, G. Beau- enont ; esirlst, judges, Miss i31. ISaue, Miss.11. Bisset, Miss A. Charbonneau, Miss M. Ackerraan; aseietants, •Nora •MePhise, _Lillian Young, Wen. Robert- son, 'Ruth* Reid, • Alice Irwin,; Mary Ahl and Catherine 'Graf. • - Winner of the girls' senior chains, pionship Wan Dorothy. Ginn, with 21 points, the runner-up being •Mexine Sturdy, with 19 points. ° • . 'The girls' tinterraediate •title wen'eto Maxine Sturdy, with. 22 points, • the runner-up being Eileen Astles, With, 19 THE 1111ATER0VROST • The str. Fort Wildoe arrived Friday evening from For ,William with. 2,53,- 1151 bus, .wheat for the elevator. The A. It. diudson arrived on Sat- urday morning with 5%044 buss elite' and 19,26Obus. barley for the elevater. 'The Hudsonleft for Windsot. Sunday night with 60 tons of salt. The Wm, Sebum) arrived Monday morning with '101,895, bus. wheat, also for.the elevator. • .The yacht Myrtle X., from Detroit, left for Tobermory on, Monday morn- ingafter a brief stay' in the ,harbor. On board were 'Mr, Kennedy, ,president of the Detroit Yacht Club, and a cress' of four. The tug John R. Stover arrived 'Monday afternoon from Chathasn to jin the: tug Dorothy May, of •Cealerich. They are awaiting minable weather to transfer the dredge from. .Goderich to Lake Erie. ,. „. • The T.. V. Massey arrived Thursday morning from Fort William. with 70,000 bu-S. wheat and 40,000 bus. barley, for the Western Canada Flour Mills. Last ,Week -end the Western Canada Flour MiliS remixed two cargoes of coal -the R. E. Moody, trona ' Toledo, • with 4,000 tone, and the Glenelg, from Sandusky, 'O., ,with -2,3Q0 tons., - Farewells Said to Retiring Rector Presentations to. Rev. A. C. and Mrs. Calder by People of St. George's Cluu-eh The girl' jollier champion wag' nner-up Victoria 13aechlert with 15 Alas. - • Chester MeNall "was the outstanding bey of, the meet, - his last year's title of senior champione_with, 23 points. L. (Willtains seas the run- ner-up, with 19. points, ' • • The boy.s' intermediate, title went to Vincent ,Smith, with 21, , points.. Vhe runner -un- was )(Jordon evith 19 points. • . . The junior boys' chaeirdhelvaS Reg: Huckints with 21 'points, and runnthee up J. Graham with 19 points. Winners' in the- various events were as follows • . Senior Girls 100 -yd. dash -Dorothy 'Ginn, Doris Beattie, Maiine Martin., • • 75 -yd. dash -Dorothy 'Ginn, Doris Beattie, iMaxine Martin-. • - •Reinning high lump-L-Mait.ine Mar- tin, Doris Beattie; Doreithy---Ginp-and- ° Arthemise Lassaline tied for third. • Running broad Punp-Dorothy Ginn; ...Doris Beattie, Maxine Martin. , Standing broad jump -Maxine Mar- tin, _Artheiniie Lassalinee Doris Beattie, Baseball: 'distance . ',Dorothy „Ginn, Arthemise Lassaline, *Maxine Martin- , Target throw -Maxine Martin, .Doris Beattie, •-• • • - - _ 100-1-(1. daeh-Maxine Sturdy, Epeen Astles, Mary ; • 75 -yd. dash -Maxine ,Sturdy, Eileen 4etles, 3Iary Gallow.. Running high jump --Eileen Astles, 'Maxine -Sturdy, Phyllis MacMillan. Itunnieg broad jump --Irma Thomae, Dileen Astles; Maxine Sturdy arid Maxine 'McGee tied for 3rd. Taeget throw•2- ' Shepp'ard; Ginria-elliehelne,A.C.noreSeMbiteIsees. ianding.broad jump -Eileen Agnes 'Maxine Sturd.e tied Air 1st; LOr- ,•4 me Allen 3rd. Baseball diStanee Joan -Sheppard, • Maxine -Sturdy, )S'hirle.y Medd. Junior Girls . 75 -yd. da,s1r-P5uline Patterson.' Bar - tetra Cuit, Tietoria- •Bneehler. -.50-yd.. dash -Victoria B'aechler andJune ; liaechler .,tied for int; Pauline Patterson, .3rd. • • • ; • •,_ Banning high junap-Maxine wat- , son, Barbara OM; Alberta Gallagher. R111311111g broad jurnp---WCIZirra • Biteclitler, Barbara Cutt, 'Clarice Le,e4e • e. • Feline. t ,Standing broad •jeffey-nita Hart-. ney, Jane Iliiechler, Victoria Baechler. • Baseball distatters---june 13aechler, Vietoria Beet-111er, Barbara Outt. . Sentor*•Boys • run ----L. -Williiiths, 0. Mcestalf. , alf411e--Cl1esit er McNeil, Le w- • rem•e 'Williarne. • • e -e-440° yds. -Chester •MicNiall.,-,•Toni Patton and _:Oharlie Tyndall. tied for . 2nd. • 220 yds. -Chester MeNali, ekus.. e -Tyndall. 100 -yd. dash-Chestex-Maall, Doug.- 'MaeDenald, Chase TYndalle • . ShotliPtite-Terry 'Costello, Lawrence Williallls,'Bill Thorneloe.'ft, iglr jump-1mi- Tli o rtt el oe, -bas, Tyndall, Chester „ 'Pole •vault-4eiwrence - Hop, Atip and limp -Tom Patter - Chas. Tyndall, Bill Thorneloe. ,* Interihediate Boys . MaeDonalde Edgar Prid- leuteliffe 'Vincent ,Smith. 440. yds.-VinCent •.Elgar Pridhane 220, -ser., dashe-Vincent Smith,• John ,flelmes,,• " • • ' , 100 -yd. dash' -Vincent Smith, Jahn IM'es, Edgar Pridham. • - • Sliot-Put -Vincent, !smith, bi. Prid- ham. Itigh jump-- Bill Mad/01141d, (401,- . (ion .Driteliffet ' „ - role* SlacCD'Oh.1(.1, dor- don ,Suteliffe. jjypAcip and 'jump----Clordon Sut- cliffe,. Bill Broad 'jump-44orton Suteliffej., E. rridham, ZilaciDonald. Junlor Ras Ilalf-mile-4teg..11tielcins, Pete Mac - Ewan, Jim fllaaet. 440 yds. -John Graham, O. Ilan. 220 Graham, 1191, ,Peter Whitey. • •'100 -Yl. daoh-40lni Oraliam, Reg, „es Lerge congregations were present at St. George's Anglican dearth on Sun- day, -when harvest thankegiving ser vice s were held and the rector, Rev. 4. 0.; Calder, delivered his fareivell ad- dresses befere'reaelug to take charge of the :parish' Of Owen Sound. ° • Mr. Calder spoke in wariest terms of the -kindness which had been exe . ; •tended to'himself and hiS"farally during their Six Sears in Gederieh. He Com- mendeaChis succe.sser, Rev: Vi7. H. Dun- bar, to the congregation and bespOlse OCTOBER. 2nci, 1941 onie and School_ Should Co-operate , Keynote of Conference of the Home and School Club Delegates 11 • MOTHER Day in 'Colborne RECEIVES I *EMORTAt. 9g0S8 Successful Field P, Schools Take rut in An. Foul Program of Athletic Contests for hint. "a: cordigl welcome.. He felt sure they would be loyal and faithful to their new reetor as they had been in the past. ,, In keeping with the thanksgiving services, the church was beautiffille decoroted. witiestlowers.and thelruits of the harvest. • • -.Aftex stlate-evenhag-seresiee the eon- gregatien adjourned to the parish hall, Where farewell _Presentations were made to the retiring rector and Mrs. Calder. Mayor E. De• Brown, • who acted as chairman, --expressed the regret felt by•-• the inerakers of the parish in the removal 'of the. .reetrerzba'nd his family. 'Mt,- Grovese• people's wardent spoke In similar strain, and presented to Mr. Calder a:substantial clieqne ,as --the- girt of -the Men. ",ef the eoligtegations Gifts. frorathe_ women of the .church were- made to Mrs. Calder, Miss M. A. Burieet presenting her with a purse containing. a cheque and Aire.' ,J. Murison. presenting a lovely bouquet of red roses: Mr: and Mr& Calder made fitting, replie.se Re- freshments 'were served by members ' f the various church organizations at table.e decorated with flowers and, candelabra- • Miss AudieS-DoWker wee, hosteA* at, .a fiirevVell Yartylnhonor of the Mises -Marjorie and Mary Celder at herthome on Monday evening. Gifts were pre- sented to the Misses_Celder .hy their -frie,ndseas remembraneee:Lof their six- year stay in •Goderich. • -Colborne toWnehip schools, had,.*theirl annual field day oa Friday last,. at Keith gardiner'ss fatale near Beneniller. Des,pite rather cool Weather there was it good attendanceilnd the veitiOns On- ., • teas Provided an rinteresting program. loot schools took 'Incite No, 1, teaeher Mies' Na, 2, Miss Geraldine Me - wen; No, 3, 'Mr. White,; No. 4, Aliss A. J. Sallows ; So. 6, •Miss ,garion Porbes; ,No. 7, Mi.ss Dorothy Wilsen; No. 8, .);fiss Edwina Allen• Union-'S.S. 1, Nile, Miss Corabelle Diek's•on. The committee in Charge was cona- •poeed. of 'flurry 31,0Creatii; Frank Wil- son, James .Feagati and, -NVillianerWat- sou. . Harvey Btyears, fOrinerlY teacher of No: 3 school, now principal of Central school, ,Godertch, actedees Sports director. 3.1r. 'C. Shearer, Huron agricultural representativeLetleo was present and assisted In carrying ou t's the program. Benmillej. ladies had a 'trailer on -the grounds for •;the eervingef tefresiements and dikt a good business: The pro- ceeds are for the Red Crese. •. • - Senior Girls' Events- , Throyving baselnill-:-1st, Nancy Mc- Arthur (No. '6)1' 2nd .Noreen Fisher (No. 2), 3rd Isabel liernighan (No. 4). 4th , Marjorie 'Million (No. .3), 5t11 Bernice Mathews -(;Unien 1), Oth Katherine Hill (Net.• 2): , Running broad jtunpe-lst Bernice Mathews ( Union, 1), 11' 2"; 2nd Noreen ..11Isirer 27.;-•--ard.--isabei Kernign ... 0. 4 4th Nancy_MeAkt,1111reiNo. Oth Mae Garrett --(NO. .7), Oth,.Eleanor Willis (No, 2), e , • Rtanning high Jump --let Bernice Mathews (Unian 1),3' 7"; 2nd Nay •Mc..exthur (NO. 6), 3rd Marjorie Mil- liao. 'lleiepugall (No. 3); 5th E,ILtine Lnib (No. 61, Oth Noreen, Fisher (No...2)• . Running hopestep and Juenti.--1.st Bernice Mathew.s.:(Union 1), 24' 2nd Nancy :McArthur (NO., 6), 3rd Kernighan (No. 4),4)th Marjorie Millian (No. 3), 5th Noreen 'Fisher (No. 2)-, eth Christine Leishman, (NO, (i). *- 75 -yard P dash -1st, fsabel Kernighan (No. 4)', 2nd .Bernice Mathews (Union 1),' 3rd Noreen Fisher (No; 2), .4th Dona MOPhee ',(No. ea), 5th Nancy MeArthue)(No. 6). ,, • Ffnal eetondinge,e- 1st • Bernice Mathew, 2nd Nancy McArthur,' Isabel KereighanelNoreen Fisher tied for sthirdesplateeent*--Marjorie-mil Elaine 'Dinah: • Jundor Girlo,. Events - Running high jump -Jean Clark (2' 10'.), Gwendolyn Evelyn Hill, AndreyeThoms, Shirleyeltobertson (tie), Jean Kirkconneli, Jean 'Willis. Running broad 'Pim:yes-Evelyn- UM (9'.10",), Jean Kiretconnell, Grw end oly n Millian, Lois Mugford, Virginia Me- Oabe, *Annetta seetssaline. Running hop, step end- itimP-e'levelYil _11111 (20',), " Gwendolyn 'Million, .Vir- ginia McCabe, •Jean *illis, ;Shirley Robertson, •Helen Willis. • - Ball throwing -Shirley Itobertson, Evelyn Ain, Gwendolyn 1201-i11ian, lIelen Willis Jean Willis, Audrey Thorns. • Final Standing -1st' Evelyn :Mlle 2nd 0-iwendo1yn Millian, 3rd Shirley Robert- son, 4th Jean Kirkconnell, 5th. Virginia o McCabe, Oth Jean .Willis. Junior (rhea' relaf----Ist •No. 6, 2nd CEMETER,V CARETAKER' 'Colborne Township Council Appoints William J. Westlake of Saltford The Colborne Township Counei1 has appointed William J. Westlake, of San- ford, caretaker of the township ceme- tery, at the salary of $1,000 per annum. Mr. Westlake is well known in the Cora- thimity, having lived here with `his • wefe and; family for some time. Ile Is a farmer resident of the Gorrie dis- triet, *here he and his brothers were famed for their record in the last war. ;rive Westlake brothers enlisted' In the/ 1)61st Overseas Battalion and seived overseas and 01 returned.V the concluSion of the war. `4B04RD OF.14EALTH .At the meeting •of the Local Board of Health on 'Monday reports on milli from local dairies were' presented. A few of these shovved conditione not uP to standard and were referred to the assistant Raniettry inspector. .RePorts fronS the -Provincial Laberatories on *water taken from different taps' in town in each case.showed the water to be .!`grade,Ar-the highest rating. ASSISTANCEAUN-14WAVOKI Patriotic Society at Port Albert are helping the war work and have sent to the Salvition Array here various things to go overseas. This past week five quilts and a nuxn- ber of eoelts Were received from this group ef ladies, or Which. airs, John Bennett, -R.R. No. 1, Port. Albert, Is the president. Thank you, ladles. 3rd !No. 3. • - Junior boys' relay -1st No. 1, 2nd No. 6. Senior. ,boys' relay'-Ist .No. 6,. 2nd ero. N-ose3- ,.„ *;ezaior girls'relay-ast" No. 3, 2nd No, 6, 3rd. No. 2. , Senior Boys • Running high jump -e -Arnold. Fisher, Maitland Moetgomery, Ford Cunning- , ham, Bert Peaga0, George v13‘rgton, Ilugh Feagan. • Running bread juniV-Arnold Fisher, Maitland Montgomery, Mac. Wilson, percy Mcllwain, George Bolton, Gordon Matthew's. Running hop,- steY and jum,p-s-e A.rn old Fisher,- Maitland'- Montgomery,- Mac, Wilsnua, Hugh Feagan„ George Bolton, George ;Miter. • . s Pole ,vault -Arnold Fisher, Jimmie McPhee, John Paul Lass,aline, Mac. Wilson, B. Good, Gordon Feagan.• Senior boys' race-Deniel McPhee, Arnold Fikther,' 31 -ds unknown, Percy ,MellwainS Hugh Yeagan; John Paul LaSsaline. • Pinal etanding-lst Arnold Fisher 29 .points; 2sed- Maitland Montgomery, 18 poinfs; 3i'd Mac. Wilson, U points; 'George Bolton, 'Percy McIlwain and thigh Fedethe 4tied), 0 points each..., 'Junior, Boys Ruining high jump -Prank ' Mc- Kechnie (No. 0), «go. • Peagan (8), John *Wilson (1), Donald Kernighan (4),• Jim Mugford (4), Bob Fettgan (1). Running broad jumpsselrelin Wilson, 11' 2". Donald Kernighan, Bruce Allin, ieraise-Fkagaree-J-ime Mugfordr_Frank.- McXechnle.- Standing broad jump -John Wilson, 5' 2"; 'Brum Allin, Bob Ikagart, Frank McKechnie, Donald Kern igh a n , Donald, Lamb. • Hop, step and _Pimp -Prank Mc- Keehnie 23' 6'; 'Bruce Allin, • Bob Feagan, Douald Aernighauf, ,Donald Lamb. Pole vault -Donald •Ke,rttighan, John tAtiledia, Gerald .Ikagati, Frank3.1e- Kechnie, JIM Ilugford. • -Dash - Prank MeKechnie, Bob reagarr Bruce .Allie, J. W,Ilson, D. Lamb, 1. Lamb. . • 9 Pine' eta nd haw -1A Frank M e- Kechnie (No. ()), Z; points; 2nd, John Wilson (1) - 24- pointe; 3rd I)onald Kernighan (4); 19 points; 4th Bruce Allin (7),21§,,points; 5th [Gerald. Meagan s(8), 10 points; Oth Bob reae,an: (1), 10. poina The events eoneinded about and • Itieleins, Ronald Patterson .Shotsputee'Reg. Iinekins, C. Hill, john Graham. . High junip-7,Pete? NiaeiNwan, Reg. Hueltins, Jim Bisset. • Pole vanlf-jinimy Ad ams, Don II -fop, "skip and jump-itim Bisset, Jim 'Adams. ' • A refreslim,ent booth was in (+Arm of (Miss. I& -maelqaughton, assistf4 by girls of the Athletic Association, Mil-, dred Videan, Eleanor MacEwaii, irav.4 W1lmot Iratialeera rlxyllla.1so1ac1)0nald, Marjorie allies -7: pie and Mary .I1U1110,-, • ,e „ • 7 Mrs. Thom= BIllott.,4 Wellesley street, is recelpt,of,a memorial silver erase from Hon, [C. D. :Howe, Mini -stet/ of Traasport, in honer of tlie.inemory of het son Lewis, who died, on May 24th last in French ,Guinea,:an the wt coast 62 Africa, [ •where I* .had been interned after' his boat had been ter- pedoed, The Croes is embossed in the centre with the letters "G.R.," and ou the J.baelt' 10 Inscribed; "Lewis 211iott.„, second englneer, 5.S, Portadoe.6 •An accompanying card reads, orial Oross, is forwarded to you by the Minister of Transport on behalf of the •Government of Canada in memory of one who died In the service' of his COuntry." Several Changes in Airport Personnel Sky- Harbor Graduates Making Good in Advaneed •• StudiesL.. There has been a change in super- vising officers, at !Sky Harbor. Fite - Lt. F. W., Ball, who has been chief supervisor for nearly a year, hes- been posted to the service ,flying school at Brantford. He:41s succeeded by Flying Offigr Thress of St.- 'Catharines, an R.A.F. man, veteran orthe 1014-18 war, vetch 'several decorations. • Jeltelst. Jordan, assistant supervising . officer, aselieenepeeted....to_11nnervilleeservice- flying schobl and has been suceeeded bseeleltselete -kartagareWlee -comeseir fi•ont Dunnville, " • • - • Theze 'also,: has- b'eeti • a‘ change in Medical officer at Sky Harbor... Flt -Lt. Tuieler. has been posted tei Western Canada* and; is -succeeded 'by° IlteLt. Httrolti Donee.. of CamP *Borden. • • Sk.Y Harbor "gradnates" have been hitting the high spots in their 'talons at' serviee schodis re.cenTe" ly. • Sergt.-Pilot Hines, who • trained,. here, was high. man in4his cfass who received their wings at' Brentford last week,..and when ,,wings were presented to a class . at Camp Boiden recently, SergtePilot Nesmith of 'Wingliam, who allo received hieeelementary training h&e, topped 'the Hot. Manager J. .1e. Douglas ts'juStIy ,proud of these boyet aehievements.-No, better -'nesvi could Fame te _Everykody kat* about' the new paved road into Sky Ilarbor. .it is a migh•ty tine job anewas done in record time, e It 'ebet eittle.over $2,000 for the two-thirds of a mile, .•the cost 'Whig split three 'ways betweeen the Prevince. the Dephrtment of Dt..c.en:C9 and, the, Township of Colborne. The Woils was done under .the superyision County Engineer T.,_11-.P.etterson. • ° • Manager Douglas_is _getting •- his maintenance plant. •in readiness, for winter operations. Snowplows, tractors, 'rollers, etc., are being given the once - acct.; The 'airport is in much better shape to handle winter flying this coming winter than last, for the reason that inueh- of the snow -cleaning ,eqiiip- ment did not arrive until .last winter was half over.. , The 'announcement made from Ot- tawa a few days ago ,by Heon. CG. Power, Minister for Air, thatthe Commonwealth Plan wee ,to be doubled, in ee.epect both to the number of training fieldseand to personnel, has createdinueh Ititetrts locally. A drive pest the 'new airport at Centralia eon- s/Paces, one that a big drive is, on, for there work is progressing night and :day and it is expected, the airport will' be in operation by EChristmas. • Squadron Leader Lyon -Dean,- . Who has been medical officer at Port Albert Navigation School since its opening, has been transferred, to Swift Current, Sask. He has been succeeded by • Fla-, Lt. Kent, who hits been one the medical - slat(' at Port- Albert: Squadron Leader Innes-Ciump, of the Port Albert station, has received promotion to the rank of wing cone, mander. -Ile is in charge of the eignaP sectioh. • Another promotion is ;that of Flt. -Lt. Powell to the rank of squadron leader. He is in 'commend a oneeof the flights at Pont Albert. Whittingliam; Of the medical staff at PorteAlbert, has been trans- ferred to a Station in. Eastern. Canada, LindePitelet. Brewn, of the instruction- al staff, bits been transferred to a past in the .Klogeton area. TAR WEATHER The maximum and minimum temper- atures for the past week And for the corresponding week laet year were -As follows: '• 1941 tes. 1940 - Max. Min. Max. Min. Thurs., -Sept. 25 .70 50 52 42 Fri„ Sept. '4:16 ....02 48 57 37 Sat., Si.ibt. 27 ....7040 04 48 San., iSept. 28 ....05 47 67 43 Mon., -Sept. 29 ....53 40 68 47 Tues., Sept, 30 G5 41 69 42 Wed., Oct. 1 64 53 • 07 41 Cardiff, M.P., donated • additional stamps for the junior (tampions, Fevelyn 111111, end Frank Meilteehnie. Book prizes, contribute& by' the T. leitton Co., were awarded to the senior boy eh.ampion, Arnold Fisher, and the 'senior girl champlorteBernicer,Slathews. race Tor trustees was won by Ress Pishefe With Harry McCreath, seeond and Tait [Olark third. Horseshoe -pitching was an addtfil*at- traction for the men. after some speeial races, and events for Among the spectators was Mr. Alex. the younger ehildren, the -prizes were Yonne'", who Wan celebrating his eightyr presentedninthbirthilay ariniveraary. Mr. Young War savings stamps Were 'awarded believes in keeping young by associat- to the winners In each , clam E: big with the young felks, •••••••••e••••••••1 • inspeeter C. W, Robb of .rorolat:e, ad dressing the. regions:4; , eenfercnee of Home and ISehool Clubs at 1.71ctoria street United ehttich en Tuesday even- otated that at first he was doubtful about tlae,home and school club moVe- nient. He was 'then 'in ehdrge of a school in l'oroxito, and' be did not. want interference from outsiders, in the runniug of 14s, school; but after ,Y.eiir's experienee be found how valuable and helPfur the Uoxrie School ,Club was '18 relation to the REOttEATION GROuNDO IQJ Fon ALBERT AIR $01:1001, pearhornt Mn Maiies. Nine! Acres‘ et Lake Shore, Preperty Available Nine acres of land on the shore of hake Huron, diriectly? wes.t of the Port Albert Mr Nirvigation School, have been madeavailable lb the 401100i through the generosity of the owner of the property, Dr, -W, Mathews of Dearborn, Mich„ and Will be used for reereational 'purposes. It is proposed :to have softball, ,baseball,aud possibly cricket grounds, with a pavilion which will include dressing' rootas and ,a tanteen. The beach offers facilities' for bathing, :and the prespect of cid• ditional accommodation for sports is weleomed by the personnel a the school. -••••9•• - NO, 40 Proposal for Local Air Cadet S:or Pr Ojeet r resented to' Lions C1413 -(11 S. Officer Gives- An Interesting Talk An interesting program Wa.* karriN oat at the luncheon meeting Of, the 140ns Club on ri4ay evening last. The president, Lion J.11. Kinkead, was, In the ehair, and With him at the head • table were three Tinned States officere from The Clinton Radio School: Lieut. Brandon, in charge of. the U.S. Army , detachMent at Clinton; Radio Eleetrie- Ian- Beandinl. U.S, Xavy, anlic .2unior'4 Lieut. Foley, U.S. Navy Medical OttepS. Lieut, Brandon •waS the speaker ett, the ev,eoing. elle Wasformerly with the U.S.' air force Lint he gaire a thrill- ing And at tunes amusing account of M s, experiences as young recruit at the San .Antonio (Texas) dr training- ceistres T1118 is a very' large- training area, the, terrain and 'the', clear skies of that part of Texas, making Ideal eenditions for flying. At the conclusion of his addresa0. Brandon was presented with a hearty vote of thanks on motion of Lion C. Saunders'', Another feature of the meeting was a presentation to Lion ,Harry 'Edward's, in recognition of his recent marriage. Lion D. D. Mooney :Conveyed the felieitatiims of the Club, and, Chin W,. J. -Baker presented a silver pitcher ns a Mark of the Club's good wishes. A vote 'of thsenks was passed to the Club's, baseball coramittee for it good week during the season just concluded. , Air Cadet Scheme Lien G:' L. Persons introduced 'a proposal for tla.e formatiemeeleaneeiresees„ eadrtd-erieh and gave an outline of the scheme, iteeeejeneesand Inanner of operation. The scheme le s,ponsored by the Federal lGovernraent and endereed, by the Premier of On-, tarto. It. proposes to give its merfibere a, three yearscourse in physical train- ing, theory of' 'flight; first aid, mathentatice, medelsbuilding; and signals.' It IS suggested that schools mig,ht uspend the present cadet course , and take on this aer cadet training to their limit of- time, or that 'training Might be carried on miteide the holds of schnel study. - The plan provides for two groups dY cadets, junior from' twelve to fifteen years -of -age -and seniors from fifteen te eighteen. Units thight be seetablished ateether centres in the county and the whole fOrna a Squadron; which Might. Pitt on massed programs of deinonstra- tions, drills- and fieldsports. Another Outcome might be the bonding up of a good band. s .; 'eeeertainleettseeneitided-sLien.•Parsoiw--- it behooVes us as Thona,,in'eur ,several Huron dens, to ehew Canaddeihat thin banner county •of the Province, in inore ways than one, but certainly with it's having in operation and under pro- jeetion seven of the finest types' of schools and • areas under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, iS fully appreciative of the opportunity ctf developing the air cadet training plan. in ftiet, we wig* even, later on, Show eneouragement to a 'braneh of the Navy Cadets, a body Which is 'finding favor at 'lake- ports. TO this end we could reasonably be assured of assist- ance feom mariners who winter a few 'months in our midst, at Bayfield, doderich, Kintail and elects -by Kin- cardine." ' • Lion ,Seott, Yrincipal of Goderich Col- legiate Institute spoke favorably of the propoeal. but sant ony decision as to any part to be taken by the Collegiate Institute, would be a matter for- the trustee board. Membership in the corps would have, to he on an entirely -voluntary basis, he pointed ante A committee was named to -Onsider the proposal and repoet at anOther meeting. ARRIVES N. GREAT BRITAIN Miss Mary MacKenzie of Pert Albert has reeeived, a lteter frOrn, her brother Alex. announcing his safe arrival Great Britain -Ulna a „contingInt Canadian troops.° Pee.'MacKenzie seA•tel four years in the last war with the Princess Pats and has again heaed the' call. Ile enlisted at Vancouver, 13.C., where he ,had ,.been living, and is with a Canadian Scottish Regiment COUNTY FRUIT SHOW At kineeting of the executive,of the Huron Fruit Growers' Aesociation, lit was decided to hold a fruit show in the Town. Hall at Clint.= on November 28th.' Committees were arranged' to attend to the various detalle. It vvan decided also to affiliate with' the Duren County Federation of Agrieulture. The, ground is banded over to tile school for the.duration of the war and. six months thereafter, at the nomitial xi.ntal of one dollar a year. teaching of childree • •• , The tton-ference LIS addressed also by Mrs. A. B. Sitcox ef, Toronto, presi- dent of the Ontario 'Home and School Club Federation. Mayor E. firoi,vn extended_ehe civic vvelcoinee and spoke in praise of the work of the Home and 'School Clubs of ,Goderich. e* 'nut ses6ion was Opened. with 'a period of community singing led by Pauline McEwen, with Mies .Ellen Bogie Lit the piano. Mrs. Albert Tatylor presided. - • Inspector' Robb in his opening „ re- marks referred to'his former connection with Ilueon county Lts.a teacher on the staff .of Clinton Collegiate Inititute twenty-five years ago. _Ile, described' teaching as "the most ill paid and the most highly rewarded of all the pro - fes -,ion,," its, rewards being in the knowledge of 'results _nichieVid by the teaTher'S' IsfirtieneeTnperflitaqii-e6-5r 'pupils. Some "Frills" Have V-alue There had been' some change af recent yeers In edueational valuations. said. the ...speaker. Net so mach - was heard e- against the -teaching, for -in- lstances of .Latin, _which ander the new treatment had taken on a new poptalars ity. Nor was so much heard in.' ote• jection to -frills"-the value or some of. the --frills", had been realized. fusicopens ,up ea new and magic land 't'o the student. TS -5-61111 studies' have taught how we are to live with and get along with our neighbors.' • Health, studies were teaching- boys and girls WILL HEAR. Rgiv CASES', . . . • Judge Costello to Sit as -LoCal Rental Administrator maOctOber 20th . Judge T. M. Costello, as local 'rent adniinietrator, will hold his first ..sit- tings 18 this --cayaelty on Monday, Octobe* 20th, ^at the. Courtelltsug-e, So- far there are four applieLitiOlas listed for review. Three of then' were tiled by landlords asking for an in- ereaee in rent. In _one, of these Con- sent already has been, filed by ;Able tenant. Thee are cases in which im- provements made tofeaidences are claimed to justIk a greater rental, but increases anusi be formally ape - proved by .. the _local administrator. One increase asked is from' ten to twelve dollars monthly, a second front el-ye-Otourteen-dollaitl-, and -a -thirds froth - twelve to fifteen: dollars. - .n •t sing e tenant he is asking that a maximum rental be. fixed.. An increase of rental fer this hones* has been in effeets-fot- some months, but anychanges since Januery ist, 1941, must,. approved. A *boolilet On Rent Control" in- .Cane aa, erabodying:questions and on-swere on,thaximuin,rentals,-;renewal of leases and evictionsriSsuee'by the Wartime Prices and Trade I3oard, 18 a-v.41110de et' the, office of --Nelson Dili; County Court 'clerk. • „ RED CRSS WORK AT no.w to take care of their Mr. Robb urged that teachers .seek I ' . COLLEGIATE -.INSTITUTE 1. the .cp-operatioa of the churehes in - ' --- ' their community and see that . church Junior Society Organized with Eleanor and school march side by side.. The ' MacEwan as President :Condition of Germany, today, he Said, .was due 'in no small part te the divorce- ment ,of. the church fromeeducation.. ' -Tee.ehers-sheteldenot be eat-eel:led-with present ceeditionS, but should welcobie criticism, which would hep-- them .to aittain to the maximum of effectivenesS in the work of the scholds. ., Stating that onestkrdsof local' titx- a.tion was spent on schools, the. Sneaker i said that school training should net he devoted to students for the unfversities but, should be an aid to younepeople in taking their' part dii the life of the community; and he -asked, to - What A Junior Red: Creee iSeclety has been organized at Goderich Collegiate -InSti- tute. The officers of the, Society are foliowee--Presidente Elea -la -o' -Mae - Ewan; vice-president, Chester MeNall; secretary, Mildred Videen; treasurer, 13111 Thorneloe; Chairmen memhership cOmmittee, Marjorie Baectler; chair- man- work committee, Marjorie Gil- lespie."Ihe .form represeptatives are: OA, -Unice Milne, Albert MacTavish 9B, Bill Sanderson, -Richard- Carnish ; 10A, Madeline Shackleton, Ronald Pat- terson; 1013, • Marjery Hays,' Grant Johnstone 11Ae Claire.Bgset,'Yranklitt extent are the schols helpieg young Hawthorne; 1113, Mary Russell;, 12, people to meet the problems of,life'll Ettabelle Webster, . Dan Walters; 13, Parents, too, should ask themselves i Patricia Craig, Chas. Tyndall; com- if they were prepared and fitted to mercial, Hazel Wilmot. help their children •in meeting life's ,31iss A. Charbonneau, instructress iii difficulties, in making good citizens. home economies,' has been authorized The boys and girlsof the present by the Society to spend $50 on meter - generation ere a'pretty sound let, said i.iale for. knitting sweaters, scarfs, caps, th,e speaker --especially considering ' and ankle,socks for girls eight to twelve their training -and _would rhe to theirl years of age.,. The girls ' of the home responsibilities if rhe challenge were collard s elass are using the better presented, to them. 'A Mrs. Silcox rt 6f Weir eonentice periods to da this *ork. Funds will be. raieed • Mrs. A. 13. Silcox, *president of the thrOugh bake sales and party catering, Ontario Home and, -School Federation, sponsored hydthe home economics class, lit: opening her_addles:L.1mM_, f, tribute Isand , through the _Sale 'of =fides made to the work pf,Mrs. Albert 42)r in by the boys taking shopwoek. the 'establishing of home aped_ schael. etnbs in Huron county. • ..The war had KNOX CHURCH LADIES' AID • made difficult, codditions .- for the The regular meeting of the Ladies' otganization, but these • difficulties had Aid of Knox Cherchesyas held. Friday, to some: extent been eovereothe, and Septet:tiller 26th, with a fair attend - there were now 430 asSoeialibns, with ance. The devotional period wae, con - others coming, , There was greater ducted by Mrs. Doak eied Mrs: Bean. need than ever, she 'claimed, for tfAa*, Plans were made for a rummage sale in ,work,aeld induence, •for -moral 'stand -I Octobee, also for a fowl supper on the el.& must be -preserved and patriotic 'first Tuesday of November: Mrs. people must recognize that the home Shultz rendered a delightful violin Od _school training af today Is _n_solectiefiTaccompanied be Miss Bogie. necessity, for the preservation Of to- The meetingeefosed with, the National. morrow's demoCraey. Children' mustAnthem and the Lord's 'Prayer. • be helped today to develop strong - characters to face the obstacles ' GEMENTANNOUNCED -• tomorrow., r. and Mrs. J ohn W. ;Bell, Huron • Mrs. ;Silcox urged the election to road. Goderich, wish to announce the school boards of persons who have ale engegement of their youngest daughter,' interest in edncation and 'deprecated Donna Maya., • to Mr. John. Edward poor movie films and poor reading Patterson, ,eon ef my. and Mrs. -James ma t r for their iniluenve upon' Patto.-son, !_n ono bee read, Pet ce- children. e borough, Ont.; the wedding - to -take A. vote of thanks to the Speakers„ place quietly in late October. - was moved by Inspector Beneon), who said he 'would, nue toseemare home and school asesociations in his inspector- ate. Vocal solos by Miss Madeleine Lane, with accompaniments by MISS Eileen Bogie, were a much • appreciated con- tribution to the program ef the even- ing. The National Anthem brought the eonfer4nce to • e lse. _ .Over 100 Delegates, Over one hundted delegates a t ten &el the regional conference of IjOme and School Clubs held here en Tuesday for Huron, Perth and North Wellliigton. The sessions were held in Vietoria street rnited ehureh, Mrs. Albert Taylor, 'member of the Home and Sehool Federation executive, presiding. Delegates were present from Strtitford, St. Marys, Listotsel, Myth. Centralia and Goderich. At the afternoon sesSion Mrs. J. 11. Mequarrie, Toronto, Provincial con - %seller, spoke of the Courtiee Memorial lAbrary. established in memory of the • founder of the Home and 'School move- inent in Canada. She advieed that where a children's; library is not avail- able In the public library, a travellin'g library under the ,flepartment Education is a marvellous sonree of supply. BUyers of books should have ,a knowledge of 'books listed for child- • ren. The Courtice Memorial Library Offer& an easy way for dubs to [build up libraries in the sehools. The Nolo • (00tinued mi page 41 , Gasoline Rationing Is Getting • Tighter and Tighter, Pealeis Say -• Gaeoline serviee stations in Godilrich will have no trouble in selling all the gasoline they ean get in October, 'but there slumld• not lie an te shortage. ili ()thee words, there will be enough to go roend if it is handled judieloue- ly, but (sae]) month the Sglienl, is being applied more an(l. maiz'o tightly. Titre MIS, the view expressed by several Goderieh deliors • when interviewed this week, During' illetober loeal vendors will twelve eighty per (put.of the amount of gasoline delivered to them in October, 1940. In addition any dealer who has shown aneimtretiee in sale in anly of tido year 'over the same month last year will be' gis:•en special ,on. .Intritow much no one- yet knows. rAll 1441eVieli deale-rs will be affeeted by this la tterruling*. for gaso- line sales here this summer set a new all-time 1110r. In September, just elosed, lova' (dealers received ,s'eventy-live per (Tilt. of their gasoline cedes hi 3u1y :of tlig year- It was enough, but just enough, A few 'dealers ran out last ‘Saturday night a few hotirs-befere eld'sing time. Others vf,.,7ere terviir*°regular eusto ors only. others Were doling ,ou few gallons to transients. The same situatitin is -said to have existed throughout • the county. Sonats of the more popular. pymps 'waft dry, but there *as plenty at out-of-theewav station S to *eke up the defieirney. Motorists have,' adapted -themselves's ".• pretty well to the new order of thiteass. There are no ,more lasteninnte selling t,p1urget---b0 line-ups. Service stations still 'lget the odd teltsphone call on Monday morning for one 'gallon of gasoline with whieh to ffet the bld btu; to the ileareet pump, but even theee calls are now -rare. ',31otor1stA liate 1,arned to ratiexx. themselves just as have the retailers. • In future there will W. only ,titsve grades of gasoline, o. 1 'and No. 2 - no 'so-called high-test for Ithyh The oetane rating has been reduced_ Automobile dealers report that the new ears be on digplay in thechow rooms early- this nionth. Deliveriee will Ite Jetts than,•half thoee alast year, although the amend it),s., everi greater, bemire moreAnoney in in (iv, eulation. A. 'new pleasure, ear thi$" year will cost over $400 more than be, fore the virtm. There are 110 rff liti41100C on .commereial vebieiea 4,01,, • _