HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-09-25, Page 4rAk lit011
Golden Gate'Caf�
1'IION1 27i
(Nuel to Dominion Store)'
CountyYear Had 101 with
This Last ,
TAirteen Fatalities:
Motes accidents' showed a big in-.
,cause , , Euron county in 100,, --as in
1 according tovern-
al, Canada, aa ov
natant "blue'boo C : ".$statistics relating to
Motor. Vehicle Trra ; t c Accidents in the
,I'ovlzice of 'Ontario," 'which `has just
come to the desk of'' Chief "of Police
Ross. •
Last year there were 101 aceid its
on ,Huron's highways, as compared
with sixty-one in 1039. There were
thirteen killed, as compared with eight
In the year previous. The figures, how-
ever, are low alongside those of some
other counties- eS'inieoe county, for
%stance, .which had 431 . ace/dente,
twenty4lve of them fatal. The neigh-
SUNDAY, SEPT. 28, 1941
- Full Information From Agentk.
Canadian National
Rail a✓.
ti- r.
boring gOnntie9 of P.Ortil aa(t Brae • bad
• i1 /ttor r cair4.3._t? t iguree.,
a otnparativle ,fitAWO for the o(nr
Yet" I9,37-40• It:elusive. _ for Huron
c°ouny. aro as, follows
197 14+38 1939 1.910
tweith its 37 60 101
I).catil • '13 3 •8 13
Persons injured 47 e40 02 7
In 1910 !1llr uce, county • had 71 ,ae-
eiduents, seven deaths, with ,sixty -siX
persons injured. '-
Znlntal acideuts+ it Oaario for 1940
Were 10,021, resulting in010" deaths,
with 143, 9.14. iinju il-attd..aa tiueet dam:,
age less of $44510,1:12. During the
"last four .,years • there has been an
alarming increase, as is well known.
The . blue -book , contains a wealth of
valuable" inflrrniationw...:•It •conitnents
that the fgures suggest,"that it is the
experienced' driver, ratio than. the
novice driver, who contributes td the
majority of motor vehicle 0eeidenta ;"
:also that ' It is' an improper attitude
or an ' unwillingness to observe the
rules of safe practice rather than lack
of skill or driving knowledge widen
contributes to most of the accidents
accarring on our highways."
Plowing demonstrations have been
arranged by. the ,county, a.grieultural•
office as follows . 5e .ten ib('t� 20,Vsborne
I 0 Ce
township, on the farm of Roland Wil-
liams, east of Exeter .; September 80,
w fa of John
'G}�y to nahip, on elle ria o
Huether, adjoining the village of
•Cranbrook ; 'October 1. Goderich town-
ship, on the farm of Elmer Turner, the
,concession 0; October 2, Stanley town-
ship on the 'farm of Elmer Turner, the
Parr line. •
The North Huron plowing match
will be held on October Ott the South
Huron match on October ,23rd. The.
sites for these are not yet announced:
• Property on the lake front near Btay-
•field is to be purchased by the Anglican
Church as the site for a fummer'camp.
The Kintail camp grounds, owned by,
the Presbyterian .Church, were •used by
the Anglicans for some weeks in August
this year. 'Rev. J. H. Geoghegan of
Strathroy and Rev. John •Graham of
Bayfield Have been appointed to secure
the property for the new camp and
to supervise the _building program. The
estimated outlay' is -approximately
app oximately-
Sweater Coats and Pullovers
Men and ' Boys
A large variet,� ofilweater Coats•:a x, .; .
� � -,�� ad �-I'tillrs�c c'1.:� 'In' <a-.
multitude of c'oltx's. •olid .:4,hades, , two-tone, novelty
'weaves, styles and i color, combinations rnakc hp a sup 'r -
collection .of Sweat •rs that .won't disappoint- yotr- wheii • you
see them.
Sport Jack is
Every man, ,young 'man and boy will want one .of t1le:w
Sport Jackets for fall Wear. They are made of Ac'r" ic-ebrd
(wa e%°• repellant)' Eleptiant leather --fine ('•olt horse
-Hirl.e--Suedines. 11 have -lilrhtening zipper fastening.
The styLes' are v reed.; . the e rlors 'and color eon-
binations are irrenistilil '. All , m,.odera€ely priced. a •
store will be closed rTUESDAY arid WEDNESDAY,.
SEPT. 30 and OCT. 1, Vin. account of Hebrew Holidays ane.
:, ,mpi'en Thursday, Oott ber 2, .
i- On Friday aniglair' a llialS d` opt -n •toaarn-
ea c lthe i
ti°aaanent in doubles was '� 'l�, � on
•Goderich greens. Localil raf Won alt .
,but forth prize. Mr. and. Mrs., 3. t.
Wheeler won first, prize; Mr. and Aptl.
.I.rrr'd Price, Woad; B. Sanderson Mull
Dorothy Westbrook, thirti'u-M, Ifeid'auti
Miss Reid, a f ortli,. ,fourth, and N.1
MacKay and Miss Mary Melilear, fifth.
In Mfonday nights Weal Dai L s.
doubles, ..• Lx„ Yining and
G. e1tt070van, l
ware in tai
y ' place; lace; 'A. MaoMaoand W.
Heitman, second;
()n Wednesday afternoon and even-
lug an open- tournament was held: by
the men. F. hunt and Y. Toole Won
,first prize, wool ,, comforters:' Second
Prize, two pars of fancy pillcnweases
went to P. Bisset and N. Mackay. '(k•''
Mathieson and. G..Machwan won rugs)
:as third price,and the fourth prize,
wool blankets,. Went. to M. J: Ainslie f
and F. Rouse.. G. Williams and J.
Hanna of Wingbam w oil th€', fifth prize,
men's. pyjamas. ,
At -the mixed rinks tourney at
Exeter ou Tuesday night, a' Goderich
rink, Mr. and v� Mrs. W. J. Hodge,Mirs,
C. Cita and 'G, Mathiespna (skip), won,
second prize.
At the Seaforth doubles on Tuesday
nighty winners ,from ,Goderich were, G.
Mathieson and F. Brooks -in first p'iu_ee,
-With F.iHunt. and •C. McManus taking
Second I r ze
71q&1>iAgS19A. "a
Hat' 2 tt>1311
The girls' branch -of the W.A. of• St.
George's church met Wednesday, even-
ing, September 17th, at the home of
their .superintendent, Mts. _ Adam Gorl,
with sixteen. girls presents, •After the
openuig-. exercises• the girls enjoyed a
d• ' v -:.-lunch _.. served._ by 'their hostess
I a
'IJirect w
r.. Arnold
TP- Ii
1 pair
a a lovely presentation i1
it . eutttt c o P
Inch the e
of pictures was made to Miss Marjorie
Calder by Miss Ameta Steep,, •presiden t
,of the class, 'who n a tetra well-chosen
words spoke of the valuable assistance
she had always :leen •to the class.
Miss !('alder replied • in.,., very fitting
manner, asking the girls Still to earry
on their good work. .
- After the regular nieetiug of the
Margaret Seager Club of St. George's 1
Anglican church on Monday afternoon, 1
Mrs. A. �. Calder was.'" presented with i
ct, lovely purse by tbo: memhers of the-
orga„izaugly. Mlrse 'Calder w.: ' the
fou icier of,the,--club.' -' - • ' - -
' Payment of. 'Costs `by •Board in iUnseat
in Case
Disputed g Cis A
(''I.I\ I�O'N, Sept 24 Appiication.for ;
iurigmeut ' a&aiilst two members..•of
.Clinton Boarc1 of ,Education. resulting 1
in their. • unseating. by " the ruling of f
the county judge has.'had repercussions,
the extent .of which .cannot yet be;
foreseen. .
The applicants for judgment, in til: i,
ease of ,the two ,members, presented a
1)111 for lawyers' fees at a special meetei
ing,of the board and the bill was. al-'
lowed. as though the''applieiation had
been made by the board.
A writ has now been served against
the board Chairman, C. ,G. 'Middleton,'
over payment of his and Mrs. L,' Mc-:
Kinnon's (the applicants'). lawyers'
fees out of the public treasury. .,i
The case Will .come up for trial "in
County ('oust at 'Goderieh on Monday,1
September 29. and may affect the stand--;
trigof the.entire board. •
It pays to get tough, and ,,stay tough,
with Japan. When A•tiierieanL;.tankers
with oil for Russia first started across
'the Pacific, the Japanese raised a ter- i
rifle uproar. They insisted that they ,
could• not permit these . tankers, to
reach their destination." 'the United i
States dial not hack down by 'a quarter
of an • inch; • and' they result is that
ese ral•shipu~ rtm—n€rw ar •ivethat•-Vled4
ivostock without interference. Evid- i
ently the Japanese are badly frightened
wand have -begun to feel that they may
have bet on the wrong horse. Of this
there can be no doul, ; there is.. ample -
and solid evidence t at Hitler. after
• he has 'finished' off he Anglcr$Sa.xon
•world. intends' to destroy. Japan. For
the; Mikado's subjects to help him Is. .
.1 f,+.
Win still 1 cei(vc $200 a Month f roM
1`--- =-e.-�
LONDOIN, Sept. 20. ---Counsel for'
Joseph A. )ieec�llie,Ca-year-old former;
prominent 'London busialess man, now •
of'—'IlnYliel+;i; --iia n-,ee t.---1 ---, taprean
Court, late yesterday' afternoon, that;
Beeehie bad,' ab.°Iandoned lab legal f''1'ht 1
to be declared eapableL and ached leave
" of Justice. Roaell to. Withdraw' the ap-
plication. 'Had Beeehie'been leelered,
iapa'ble, he would have won from his
wife's ••eontrol his fortune eetimatcd at
l. $100,000... - l ••
It was ,learned after the withdrawal
of the _ease that •zresent 'financial ar- -
rangenients, under whicin I3eechie•�� is
444 to• receive approximately $200 a
mouth, will, be continued for the ti+me..
• being. Beet•hie.was declared incapable
while a patient (arthe+Ontario Hospital,
a` lel lois wife was named committee of
his estate. Ile was formally dis-
charged from hospital in'�'° December.
)3eechie told the court that shortly
after his retirement ifroni. the . Htint
Milling Company, in 1937, he bad been
sent to Homewood: Sanitarium, •at
Guelph, and later . placed In the On-
tario Hospital here, • During this time
he was declared •incapable of- manag-
ing his • own affairs by a Supreme
/Court order. , He was released on Pro-
bation Ati from f am• the hosliitAY In June, 1939,
and discharged in, December of time
fi Y 1 �' same year. 'Since that time he had
oi?ciasious the work of c•cillectiii f will been living in his summer home 'at�
"be confined . to one or two. This
makes it all the more yeeessary that
papers and magazines should be se-
curely tied . to help tine drivers.
• onseholders are asked to have the
articles' they have saved for this war-
c;t`1"tint piled on the botrlevaardS or sidr'- drawn betweeen $50,000 , and $60,000
!or. • -�'s `',._ /� ^e7tnh ,..:� ,fit �' a •f a.. -.ea -`T
A,w"�.n`+a4fi.y .,�R ri ea4SIZ,Z4,„, •i..A:4 :N'• �, 4. Ffio.. v�yrr.t y..=,. a,_ `✓ .p-
' 'Fixing the Bombs in the Reeks under the 'Whigs of a Platte.
In • the semi-finals for the Lloyd
trophy at the Maitland' ,Golf •+Club,
Squhdron Leader Lyon Fran 'defeated
C'. Kemp, and Lyall Conipeau defeated
T. Costello, leaving iSgtiadron Leader
'Dean and Mr, +Compeau to play .off the
finals for the trophy.
'The, demand for aluminum for war
•purposes met a ready response from
the Canadian school children, and the
pupils of the local sc heels • entered
heartily into the effort. Quantities of
all sorts and shapes • of aluminum
articles were takers to the four differ-•
ent sehools,�,„where th�c�,� wore later
picked up-'li'y, truckers •.ena+kaged 'by the
Board of Trade and taken to the Ex -
'Whitton, 'buildiang for sale and, ship-
A 'general collection of all materials
suej,t as newspapers, magazines, rub-
ber, rags, tires, white glass, scrap
iron, copper,. brass, zinc, lead, dry
bones •• and rags, wilt ,..::be made on
'Saturday, October 4th.
As,. it °/'ill likely •be° impossible to
secure a, eet. o_ true s., as on fattier'
.Bayfield, while chis wife and eli1ldren
occupied his Thornton avenue resi-
dence. •
Beechie told his counsel, Arthur i
LeRel, K.C., that -at the t time �nf • his i
retirement from the 'milling company---•-'
his fiftieth t h
et birthday -Hite had '
std wrtln-
walks at as early an hour on Satur- from the business, plus,. ether .$20,000
day,, October . 1tit, as possible, which was in his wife's nnnfine. At that
This is an opportunity to make i tine, he said his assets totaled $1•10,090fall •clean-up of all -secondary ma-
terials around yoiir premises. Every
little bit will help.
A GoderlcliGirl in. Noyf oundland
Mr. and 'Mrs. M. • W. Howell •and
faintly have 'had several letters from
their "daughter, Mass Maude Howell,
who few- weeks -ago- went _to :'St.
John's, Newfoundland, to -take the posi-
tion of assistant' principal in the
.United Ohurch ,College there.. One
written. •September° 14th, • and received
here, ,September 29th was written for a
wider -cir`cle, and Mrs. 'Howell has
kindly, handed .it on to The Signal -
Star 'for, publication. Miss Howell
writes :.•r-
- My first¢ week in '+Newfoundlandi has
rushed by with plenty ofcoming's and,
goings, of . work and bf play. . Mr.
and Mrs. +Cochrane (the Principal and
his wife) had me to dinner a week
ago. Then we had a 'pleasant drive in
the afternoon to diddle Cove : and
Torbay. . The -scenery • is. delightful;
somewhat like Northern Ontario• but
more rugged. That • is, there are bold
bluffs and rocky coasts as- well as the
broken farm_ land 'and the stretches' of
wooded country. - At Midclle"Cove the
surf Was .simply breath -taking, The
big 'waves seemed to come ' from no-
where, gather volume veryyquickly, and
ride along, swiftly till they broke with
a greatsplash. The. variety' in the
spray patterns ,made me think of fire-
works. There was a rich green tint in
nearly every- 'wave, .clear and light.
The white spray seemed very pure
•against.°the drill, brown rock. I• 'liked
the waVes :bestiof all on that trip.
Friday 'eyening at sundown I was
out with Mr. and Mrs. Peter, members
of Gower street United church. They
took - me to Portugal Cove, a little fish-
shing villagean a beautiful bay. Across
the bay is ,T3e i Island, where icon ore
is mined. There were beautiful sunset
ante in t.he- g. -and rich -reflections ,on-
the water. A little stream tumbled'
over a waterfall as; it hurried into -the
bay. The local steamer 'which makes
several trips a clay . across to Bell
Island was docking. We walked down
•to- the shore and marvelled . at the
variety; Qf• colon on the bills in every
direction. •
Yesterday Rev.• and Mrs. T3inni:ngton
:about as sensible as it would- he for
a missionary to help the cannibals,
gather stieks to heat the pot.
We hope our Governrpent will not
I only stay 'tough with, Japan. but_ get
tougher. She slionild be given her
ehoiee betweeen an -immediate, coni-
"piete hloekade and making peace with
her neighbors, which involves gieing up
;ill the territory she Inas seized. • if she
is good, she should be promised' the
utmost economic eo-npera.tions if she is ,
bad: she should lit prhiruised ec'nlunn'ie
—The New; Republic (New Yoiri i?.
Both Provincial and municipal pollee
are shortly to launch a drive against
one -eyed nutomohiles,The .Signal -Stir,
is informed. Tn the past several weeks
hundreds of rnotorists with one .head=
light or no taillight ;have been Wafted,
but th e .still are many offenders lin
the highways. This newspaper w,1
asl:ecl' to pass on the information that
the bine for warning; hp's passed.
or Our New Furni ure Store
argains that can not be
duplicated, for the duration
"or more."
An. affidavit 'filed last spring, at the
time direction in .the matter was
sought by lawyers from the. Supreme
Court, set the value of the estate at
$97,000. During his illness, his wife
was appointed committee of his estate.
and their two children called to take his hy he went to Bayfield after
me for a drive, after which I .had. tea discharge from' the hospital,
in their home. Heir. "MIr,"i)rown has Beechie ' replted""'that 'the hadn't been
written Mr. Binningtoa} tellingrhim I invited to his Thornton avenue home.
was- going; to St; John's'- 'They* took r some time nom, his wife has Gl n
me through the ,new site for the Anti authorized to pay him $200 a 'month,
erican .Base, where a city is being Beechie declared that he liked better
erected in one Season.: Some of the; to be called a ,success than to' aceitmu-
for I late money=, - and said that being de -
apartment houses are nearly ready
occupation. Workmen of all kinds' are Glared incompeten`i had hung, like, a
greatly in demand for the laying of
black cloud over him.• He wanted, he
drains, •the lnakirpg of roods, a nd all •., ' blrsh himself again in
kinds of buildings sufficient t'o accom- society,;.
modate thousands of Beechie was on the stand for nearly.
people. - Then we
visited a camp with tent aeoommoda- three hourg, during which time 'ht'
tion and, later; the quarters ,for the discussed various financial natters, hi -
Canadian army. Then we left the city ! eluding
off his retirement he id ha.t
for a "drive out to Topsail, one of the insured to the amount of $150,000.
most popular runs out of the,clty.. We
dre+ve to 'Conception Bay,,. whose waters i p,u. COMMISSION BUYS_ TRL'('li
were very quiet for a bay so near the. The Public Utilities, •Colramission is
open sea. .'£.here`was.'-settroely,a ripple' adding' 'to its, equipment a one -ton
on it. The. children walked over the International '1FIarvester 'Co. truck with
rough stones down to the ?water's edge. 1
special body,,, the ,price delivered 'in
Mr, Binnington Old me some of -the the ' •
stones. of e special kind, were (UoTerich• being :1,300. Delivery is ex -
cpxteel..oatt •by local workmen .and sent i Ileeted early in October. `'••
to the °States for some commercial use. 1
As we returned to the city we drove',
through one of the parks in which there
is a fine statue of Peter Pan
The Duke of Kent was here on Fri
day, 'so wehad a half -holiday. Mr. 1
• Adams, little Terry and I joined the 1
crowd out to welcome him: and Mrs.
Adanis'i nd the baby met us as we were
returning: Mr. Adams teaches' physical'
trainin`a antitraining in the
college. �.../_•_ .
The attendance. this year is just;
about the same as last year,' 850.' The
girls' classes are at .one'S'i'de of the
school and the boys' on the other.
I teach girls. The staff are very friend-
ly. There are four periods in they
meriting _ i d --three e in 4114 -,afternoon -
Sdrne of the 'text -books .are - familiar,
but others are new. to •
As .you •may judge, I shall .not have ti
'man;y idle ,moments with any school
work to 'be -attended to, and °People
gi)in.; int of their way to make, -rail'
feel :it, home. ' ^ -, "
Greetings to all who • so *kindly
wished Ore .well in this new position,
500'8i Euchre •
%yin 1 t ,. played in the fjrial e
+Hall over A. e4 P. Storey
Marl' naa 'pieea of the 1.03% %. i
at 8 1►>tr.,•
lirove'eds 'will be used . to send
cigarette to as many, Qlinleric'la
joys. ' as possible. for' Itristni,.ts,
Aiiv not ben .able to ktttclid'uiacl
wool _brie' to give ..`t .11oliatlon.
may 11:11 so by le9Ting it at Ur.
(-lowland's (tithe tshop. ;
Good .I:unch
'Come and help 5eUd , the •boys
wile are overseas7igarettes.
Inspection-. of 's°talliorns hi Huron
bounty will• -tape` place on October 7t1,
8th and 9th, -
There are 1,508• stallions• enrolled for.
nubile service in Ontario, a decrease
of 180 compared with 1940, according •
to the annual: report of the Ontario
Stallion Enrolment :'Board.Ciy1es-•;
dales are in the lead with 073 stallion
enrolled; Percherons
are next
Belgian draft, 1l7,.• atan ard1. bzed
hackney, 13,`3 ; thoroughbred, 24
,E`renchd'anadian, 17 -Suffolk, 11; Ger-
man' coach, 5; French coach, 2 ; saddle
horse, 2 ; . Cleveland bay, 1.
"Canada's Largest Rural Fair"
° Teeswater
SEPT: • 30th and OCT. 1st
Exeellent Horse Show, Sen-
sationai pacing Events, Wood-
stock Boys' Band, Hamilton
Lidless-13and, hack now . Pipe
Band, Freak Vehicles, Clowns,
Highland Dancing, Hurdle Jump-
ing. • .Beauty (contest, Toronto
• Stay's. War Photos, �,arry
Foster's Theatre of the r .1�f�i', ,
('t(., este.
1. •1. it KID, i'resident."
Sec 't•-l'r'iasurer • and
Managing_. Director..
Mother Notto Blame for
. the Children's Colds
Despite all the inother cazi do the kiddies will run
'put of doors not properly wrapped upelave en too
much clothing; get overheated and cool'off too sud-
denly; get their feet wet; kick off the bed clothes, and
dot a dozen things the mother canndt help. "
• Half the battle in treating children's coldh is to give them something
they mill like; something they will take without any fug,' and this.the mother
will find hi WooWs Norway 'Pine Syrup, a reraedy Used by Canadian
mothers, for the past 48 yeara. ---
Price 35c a bottle; the large'fareily about 3 timee manual,. 60e, at
The T. Milburn Co., LiincieeToronto, Ont.,
--------->'' I
.0.----7-, Nsk,.\\\
oeo vO.'„.pi dor' lot OA% veip
4et'&04,i0,00,r, 6e61.00Vilttelv, 41° .5
00031. 06 sit6tritoo!
Coffee "" 27c "" n 49c
0•00...••.0.1•1.02.1mom 1:10:74
c 83c
Clark's 28 -oz.
Pork & Beans
Oal§ • lbs. 27c
Luxor --,40 and 60 -watt
'Light Bulbs 2' .f°1' 25t
Solex .25. 40, 60 and 100 watt
Light liulbs
ea• 20c
New. Cropoltay
cRAP:R$, lac
Ont. Wolfe River
JELLY -A pligs 94n
Dr. Jackson's
Australian Seedless
RAISINS 2:";s• 23c
SPAGHETTI 3 for <25-64'
‘Stitticist Sweet
ORAtyGES doz. 15c
Ontario No: '1. Alines('
itguality. .iblatte your :VON
jellies and ° whies. NOW
at their- best.