HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-08-28, Page 8MAN 11148011t GODERIVoll SIGNAL -STAR TUWSZ)AZ AUOVIST 2•8tho 1941 ,. was Mated in marriage to Williana J. land' :NUS. Vag:1r Lan;s0 a AlabUrta, Oliver Andereozip younger eon Of Mr. • PORT ALBERT', NEWS OF AL,J131JRN • AlafilltiN, Aug. 20. --Miss Lula Yung- blUt, ThN f Illarat, le visiting her lather, Mr. iGeorge Yurigblet. Mr. and Mrs. L.' Ketlek and Bill XrUiie,ot •Oalt, visited On 'SUnday with anel Ms. UtIgai 1[4M0,11. bUe Weatherall, of the Aircraft Sih001t oat, spent the teels-end With. Mr. and'Mr-e. %Salford Lawlor., Ontigld. Wafer, in training at London, WO the weelteend with hie aunt, Mrs,Itiehard 'Finnigan; and M. Fin- • • Mriand 1±,Irs. Ted .a111$ of Toronte &Penttite week -end with friends here. Mr. and. Mrs. •Reg. McCeol of Port • At the sako at estate a' tile late Zev Marwood the henee'end It in the Saturday. The house and lot in the village was purchased by Henry Wir- Son of West Wawanosh.• The farm was not sold, as the offers did not come • lap to the reserve bid. . 'Dope visited on Monday vaith Mr, and eMrs. W. T. Robison, , eand. Mr.s. Harry Andersen of ltaicknow visited oti Sunday with Miss • Annie Doyle and 14,S,S Margaret -King, James (Houston- of -Camp Borden Spent a. few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Ms. Jolin Houston. aareasseseseseeist'amesssearseeeesese .mimum6minmomm•iimmimasur, English Dinner, Sets $14.75 -to $45.00 Sets may be purchased by the ••piece at any time. , START NOW SMITH'S ART A141) GIFT STORE' East St. T Phone 198 "The Borne of English China" - and Mrs..Williara Andereen of Auburn. PORT ALBERT Aiig 'and Susie Blair viitititt her Tee beide Repko elesettang ese e Nage Mre. George Smith and daughter, of Mk. C. NI. ReXrtz0142 and zedingote dre.,....s with neetehing eeeees • Mee. RobertSon at tiOnflOn. sorite,itind -wearing a vorsage of Peer. plr. and MreeT. S. Johneto and lessered reeee. She vtaa attended by 'Laura Phillitta visited London on Mon- day. . Miss Vivian 'Streughan is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew, Thamesville. ' Mr. aad Mrs. Thos. Manning of Lism. don visited on Snxiday wit n Mr. and •Mrs. Herb Mgdtjge • Mies 'Lucille' Keller has returned home after a sx weeks' visit 'With friend.e at Woodstock: Mree -Bert Marsh and Helen Marsh are viSiting friends etBranapton an, also Q.tteniling the Torento Exhibition.' ...Sirs.. John Finlayesonellas retorned to MieaeJesephine Weir of AUburn, who wow' a natty sheer redingote With rose accessories and a corsette Of piuk Briareliff roses. The bridegroom, was attended by Victor Yungblut. After the wedding'dinner eeered te,„ the ilia - Mediate eelativee, at the Park House, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. AnderSon: left ou a boneyaloon, to he spent at tho Georgian Bay. The bride's traveling ectietume was black sheer, with bite acces.sories and a silver fox fur. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will reside on tbe groem's farm in. her home in •Seaforth afer a week s East Wawantisli. visit with her sister, Mrs. Edgar Law - Son, and Mr. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Glassford, John and Russell Glassferd, of Louisville, Kentucky, and. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Manning end Phyllis Manning, of Olin - ton, visited oil Sunday with Mrs. Jos. Quite a nuriber from here are at."' tending the Toronto Exhibitioe. sArehdeatou Edvirifid""Traughton of Spririgfield, Illinois, vieited his sister, Mee Chita Asquith, arid 1r. Asquith. The loeale/ted CrosS nem a quilting' in the basement of Knox United enurch o T'uesday. *hen five quirts were fine ished. A pet -luck slipper was served. Keith Arthur realists.—Keith Arthur, eldest son of Mrs. John Arthur, left last.week to join the Royal Canadian ate For mechanice Atter „re-. pert in e-4-6-4fie%rethi itingestffiee- at, Lont. -don ht.e.' was. sent to No: 1 Manning daughter Joan.' orrorouto; are spends. Pool, Toronto. Per the past three .ing this. week with his sister, Mrs. N. years Keith has beeit •eniploy•ed in the Thompson, and other friends. . 'Mrs. II. Jeffersoe and little on garage with Thos. S. Johnston. Anderson—Lawson.—The home f Bolen. --have returned from a,vis.it with o Rev. Dr. B671 -nett, retired Presby- her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Thornton, t • . terian clergyman of 'Goderich, was aItInevale. Mee W. J. Craig, Ila and 'Allan, of the scene of a pretty Wedding on Sat - Auburn, were Sunday vtinters at Vie urday at high noon, ben Mary Jean hoine of . Berhice Lawson, only daughter .a1rR. Onaniney. ASHFIELD at);:sT.NY-131R0() . i. — Mre. Ohristena Jefferepo has returned' from a visit wit'It her sisters at Guelph. • . • . The W.M.S. met in the baernentof tne• eburen on. Thursday afternoon, with sixteen ladies present. The pro- gram was in -charge of teachers,heme for the belidays, led .by Miss Rebecca Thompson. Readings were given by MiSses laley Thompsen and Elaine Bamford. Irene Robinson eontributVd a solo. :Niles Rebecca Thompson closed the rne.eting with prayer.- During the aftegnooe, a quilt wae completedfor the ited Cross. Agnes Rodgers has returned to Toronto after spending a few .days with her friendMiss Jeag _Robinson. and Mrs. Ted8.1111S and little Meelie Were' Visiting witb Mr. 'And ISIV. Clove Myers, M. 'Siilth is Mrs. Myers' brother. ' Miss Jean godge is visiting with Miss Doreen Vttrie, 4th concession, this Week • - •,,, Mrs. Gray spent a few daYs in Forest vlsiting ;her, brother, Ray. Walter kawkins. Mr'. and MrS. 'Turnbull and family, of Walton, spent Monday at the„home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Mervin Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. Vie°, 'Galloway of De. troit spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Tigert. -COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE TO • • REQPEN SEPTEMBEL2 . -Goderich Collegiate Ingtitute reopens TAtesday,".-September, Studentt; on farm' lea*Ve-may• remain out until CiCtober, 1, knit inn - register • on 'Septentlher The school 'offers the regular aCademic ana commercial coz,r-.es iticluding. art, murde, agriculture. shop work. --and home 0(11 „„. $tutlents who have had t'ottr year= of ,4t•cnt .t* ,_may complete the eommercial eourse in one year. Further' inforniation regarding, eourses 'may' be 'obtalneil ;r•1.1 the printipal; A. It. srott, 17 ,Elgin ave. • - ge A.:9414. I ELI), .is • completed for 1941 and many of the '..farniers have, eompleted threshing and ieznr,t good - • retrm:: in the form of jzi. r Mr. ann Mrs. Ed. Riley. and three , children frone Detroit are visiting at the laInie of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mac - 4 Donald. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Fartish are attendiug the C.N.E. for a few days. Miee Elleabett -Bowler has returned' after visiting \vials her uncle, Rev. Fi th. r Dean. at Port Lai-1111ton, and her sisfer, Mrs. N.; O'Leary, at Seaforth. Mr. .John Simpson 'of Whitechurch vle1ted with Mrs. Simpson and familY :lily- -week. Mr. aed-Mrs..Kieslow of Chicago are eisi:iug with the latter'is brothers, Meer:re _Dile and Hector MaeLeari. ' nudge: „"I'M'out of shape ',.todaY.” Attlee: -wife been. sitting on you • ittrainr FZ, BORN' BISHOP, ---At Alexandra Heespital, Goderich, on ,2tugust 22rid, 1041, to Mr. and .Mrs. Russel Bishop, Gode- riela a son. •• OARD1,11.F.--At Alexandra ,Hospital, •Got1erich oxi Augist 27th, 1941, to -Me. and Mrs, 'Clark Cardiff, Strat- ford, a sets Brantford 'General Hospital,: , on, Auguet 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Gee (nee 'Sadie Patterson), a danghter,' miuGION.—At" Alexaedra"Iloepital, Goderich, on August 26th, 1041, to Mr, and Mrs. Dmicae, Million, XX, 4, Goderich, t son. The Saltford Red Cress will‘meet it the bona' e of MrS. 'Fisher on Thursday, September 4111, at -2 pan. :dale our 'fall term begmning 4:nt business success. Register for fall term 'September 3. (*Oral Business- Coalege, .1(kpderie1l 13ranch---office open every Friday, 2,30 to 4 o'cloelt, during August.' 'phone or call don us for full informatio?. 35 . The inoOthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will he heldinMaelC4T Hall bn ThursdaY afternoon, Septena- ber 4. Mrs. W. J. 'Henderson of Wing - ham. district president, will be the guest speaker. The Auburn Women's Institute wrill"be guests at .this meeting, and will' supplz the pregrana. 'All members ef the local branch are urged to lee presept at this meeting. , • At Kingsbridge Hall, Labor Dayee 9,pan,„ Keno, followed by contert and dancing to Music of IVECCharles oreheerra. Admilseion 35, cents. , 85 The Mepie Leaf 'chapter, 1,03).E., • will hold it regular meeting on Thursday, SepteMber 4the .atass On.; at the Pablie Ifibrary. DIED The Ladies'. Aid of Zion church and MeNEVIN. At Dundas, Friday, Unieedet Corndssweodfm:a(Trayyl:ir'ss,ep?ooJnenbeerr will August 22ed, 1941, Mary McNevin, at 2 pan.; at Miss,Nina Walter's home. wife of 'Salm MeNevin„ sr.,' of The roll call will be answered with, the . -t Scriptural use of the word -.Prince." wil4g4tuik cemetery Sunday, Atte& *, , rs. Fuller and Mise aeo. ginn are TIOHBORNE.—In dad—erich, f-ses. 4" Mon - (lay, August 26tn, 1941, William The Nerses' Alumnae will meet on Tiehborne, husbited of Annie Knight, Friday, September 5tli, at 8 pane at . IN MEMORIAM the'nurses' residence. - hi his 62nd year. COOKFIELD.--1n lefing memory of George Oockfield, who passed away '27th August, 1939. —Sadly miesed by Wife and family. • , 33x NeeKENZIE.--eIn. loving memory of our. dear -wife and mother, Mrs. Jennie' 'McKnzie-, whO passed away Aiigust 31st,- 1939. CORN Ontario Gnywn;lisroet, Fresh Tender ' ' oil - .. 0004 -11Ouroe of Vitamins ,B, & 'C' Doz. A.IIC POTATOES ifteaciairpoli:14;e1ritaminscal'adti‘r..82.,c, '10 ihr 20c BL IJEBERRIES • .seketecaler" mai. ty LEmoNs , California Fresh ArrIvais-380 Sire . Excellent Source of Vitardin "C" RED GRAPES ' • Calil"nia I.uscious .** California Valencia , good Size Louisiana: The Finest of Sweet Potatoes. txcellent Source 'Vitamin 'A' ORANGES YAMS 41,&,,,t23c Doz. 23c lb. I tic Doz. 2.7t 3 lbs. No. w Is the Time to Buy PEACHES N°1 At Attrattiyo AKr Delicioias Niagara Prices 11. CERT& PAROWAX SEALERS Sm�IlDoz Et'. ...TOM:. A .54 P JUICE New Pack Tins . 1 f Pkg: AP4N PAGE BAKED GOODS Doughnuts &a:12c Angel Cakekaki ljgz"te 299 BlithEAD 1114r4E PAGE'l Ea '15C WHIT LOGANBERRIESgw18, TinPackhoe WAFER PICKLES Aylmer Sweet -ii -oz New Pack BM' • • PEAS - GARDEN PATCH 16 -oz. New Pack Tin • 15c 19ce 9c PORK & BEANS LIBBY'S 3 vz. 25c LIPTONS TEAL.% igt. 83'. 17e AlliVIALADE t/TEVIttle 2j12 22c 1- MAYONNAISEPAANGND •itatiz. 23C APPLE JUICE lidn.rddrroddlooddmorldiordioloordorodrosorommormemonio SHREDDED WITEA7 2 for 23c . 1, • .ICELLOGG'S ALL I31t.4N lge pkg..20c SUNINFIELD, TOASTZ..13 WHEAT. .2 for 13c ▪ urg4RAPEFRUIT J 4JIQ, feb o• 230 ORAUGE es GRAPEFRUIT ,JVICE, 20 -oz. 2 for 21c • ONT. APPLE JUICE, 20 -oz. 2 or 15c NA.I.tir TISSUE '2 for ?lc TOWELS....., 2 rolls 25:: 25c PA .OWAZ .120 tic • CROWN JADS ' . gal. Vc 0E111,0 RIIBBEA PileOs guided to Posidett ebeneet, tordsteel Ittatted to fAMIlY "weekly' reallieemook. LOBSTER ChOice CilICKEN Boneless OLD CHEESE - SARDINES ciur KETCHUP 'oktik's PLUMSI, SEM 2 20 -oz, yies Ihe6 Tin 1 5( 289 Iv 219 2 "Is. 210 2 nos.. 23c 124. 2' 'lig 15C rordoomiiroworoommortrammw A&P COFFEE BOKAR 'itt. 39 8 to:CLOCK 35c RED CIRCLE a4,31c A & P SELF-SERV10E FOOD STORES d "God took herThthne,' It was His will; But in our hearts She liveth still." —Sadly missed by husband and daughter Jean. ,735 HELP THE,RED CROSS orowwwwwommiwar • AUCTION SALES FARMS FOR SALE BY PUBLIC s AUCTION, IN THE TOWNSHIP LOT' GOODRICH. , c. - The Preperty•of ,the.lete James Har- rison, 'lots 25 and 26, concession 5, containing 80 are each; will be offered for sale -by auction on the premises on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, at 2.30,p.m. On lot 21 there is a comfortable one - and -a -half -storey, holise, with a cement kitchen; a large barn with straw shed, all on stone foundation,: and, .good stabling: Hydro is installed in both the house and barn: There is also a Cement garage': A drilled well, with an electric motor installed, pumps the water to the house and. burn: , e Lot 26 contains 80 acres of excellent farm land, thlt the lefildings are poor. Both• farms have. sell suitable for grow- ing alfalfa and both -are watered by never -fairing spring creeks. . At the same etme the•tenant, Elliott Harrison, will offer for sale his farm implements pia -stock. TERMS ON FARMS: 10%payable on day of salee balance on October 1. Privilege of plowing during September. For further particulars write:. R. G, THOMP'SON, • Executor for the Estate Of -the late. James Harrison, R.R. 2, Clinton. F. DONNELLY,. Sorreitor, 34'-30 ' - Goderieh. AUCTION SALE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5tle5th-at 1 p.m. Let 25, concession 5,' Goderich Town- ship (Porter's Hill).• . HORSES -1 gelding, 12 years; 1 bay gelding, 10 years; 1 -hay-mare, 8_,yeaee 1 general purpose mare, 12 year; 'aged hprse; 1 Percheron.filly rising 3 years; 1 Percheron filly:rising 2 years. 4.3ATTLE-71.xed cow, due Vine of sale ;- 1 Inerh,am .00W, bred July 1; 't Here - lord cow, -&-years old ; 1 .Holsteiri -heifer, fresh; 1 Holstein cow,due April -1st'; 1 Holstein eow, fresh,?. months.; 1 Holstein CoW, fresh 1 month; 1 'black COW; fresh in June; 1 'Hereford cow 1 due April 5th. P1GS-1 goy, with lifter ;.41. sow, due September 20th; 1 York hog. IMPLEMENTS—Frost & Wood mower ;., Deering sulky rake; " spring tooth eultivator, 13 tooth,.; 8 -foot power lift cultivator; '2' Set diathand harrows, four section; 1,harroW Ste; Scuffler, new e, 2 walking -plows; 1 Cockslautt riding plow; ten -inch grain grinder; 2 Bain farm wagons; 1 rub- ber -tire wagon; hay rack' gravel lox; set of sloop sleighs; set of ; fiat rack; set, of Stewart .clippers; brooder stove; 10 feet of hay rope; 1 leg vise; 1 set of, breeching harness; ' 1 134nch silo „ filling Papex eutting box :and pipes, complete; lsset of single harness; forks, Shovels„, whiffletrees, neckyokes, and other, articles too taunaerou's to mention, in- eltidinfe' tousehold effects. • At the' • same time there will be offered for sale lots 25 and 26,' con- cession 6; Goderich Township, contain- ing S,0 'acres 'each. Terms cash. . J:4:11.CIOT IIARRISON, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth, 34-5 Auctioneer. 111/1117.1/0/0MMISOWN/101/0/101/0///11,110111/1/ Many of your friends are registering and they're "going pla&s," becaiase they 'are attending 'Centre]. Business College, GoderiensBranch.• Office open every -Friday 2.30 lo 4 o'clock during August. 35 CHURCH NOTES ,areW A. J. Milligan Is expected home FOR • SALE.—FARM IGO ACRES -from his vacation this week and will with good buildings on county road gantist chusch next Sunday e east -of-- Nile_Applx_XIt. :take T•fiarge of the service in Rev. A. W. BrowerBrentford will Erich, DWA,Ont. PRD HARD), RA. No. re Gode- occupy the 'pull/if of North street 'hone 280 x- 0, ' Carlow. 35- United ielkirch next •Sunday, morning and evening. Rev. A. S. ,MacKaye will return to his pulpit in Victoria Ktreet Mited church next Sunday, ,and will preach both morning- and evening. - Rev. Dr. T. Wardle:iv' Taylor will preach in Knox Presbyterian • ehuich next Sunday morning. • For Results -A Classified Ad killa SALE *o FOR RENT- :roilalour:c:ohaln.0'41SnAaf:u14hrAnoi'a:eeet1/2;gga°r°Aad:beita;.4rInSililkeill;s:0": Bi4' C°11)°rne 9:9mlushiP' .(me l'Ille we" fruit. Cloec to echOol, stare and of "Auburn. POSsession in fall. PRANK 7 -room rod brick house with -bath- riro124uBa'NerT;671.C4sii:u°41)tealiotILNIstal42, coll'aUce67 . 'Quick 80e. , Apply reTAINIWY, /1)roprietor. Oolliorne MBA- 'SALE.—BARTLE'l'T PEARS. street, Britannia road, near Sunset llotel (turn at Burrowe• tore)' 34 FORB. 1„. "siamboolict 40 widder Preferably students. APPly., 21_ Bruxtlee'' AonDtA. STEWART,: R.R. 6, Goderich, Pal TaseekiNloneselee.803_,.. s. e :•3sesseal•-•5x . • -------------s . 34tf To .RE.NT,--iriunNrsairel) ROM, .43tree.t. bedrooms or bed-SlItilig "ZOIMIS. , pon ,Iroun Ar.u.) Two to itioNT.—KJRNIF,RED Rooms. spACRe,ntral. Apply BOX 59, sw,e„te.34r,-, lots; Mrs. Mew's property on 'Me - 'Donald street. ror Particulars apPlY 31 „MikEttmald street, , 3t(i0x ci T . .: 0 RENT ---PRONT I)OWNSTA.IR s'., ' apartment, Iriamediate pcisse.esion. p OR 'S AL E. — EIGHT s ItOOM plY 81C4N.,, ". 'STAR* --....::, -35 A housef urnaiee, and, three-piece - ,SIGNAL0STAR, 00E70E, ' 35x, bath. ,Gentraliy loeated. Apply at . NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR , SALE. — 1939 CHEVROLET trick, 3.1/2 ton, dual wheels; tell cheap or trade on car ot cow. Five young pigs, light Wagon, thoroughbred Jersey cow; thoroughbred St. Bernard dog, one year old; barn, 22 feet by 30 feet, JAS; WHITE, Oxford street. V 1, Fon - SAIA.--WIATORFROT modern furhisneds hbuse; furnace, cellar, water, light, sewer, bathing. Or part CHARLES HEALE, Benuett St., Goderich. 21-tt. FOR SILE.--segrObERICH HARBOR , lots Nos. 1030-1. Water and rail facilities. Good distributi ---peintifer 1 7o. coal nandlings ett. Reesonittne terms. Further' particulars, F.I D. "WIDDER, Goderich Signal -Star. , 33-36 FOR SALE.—AUTO-TRAC TRACI.% OR, $160.00; 'I -Jame -made tractor, $50.00, in Al condition; set 'double dase; set of Oliver tractor plows; ‚trailer and rack. 'HEDLEY PROUSE, ,Taylor's 'Oorner or Phone 933-81, Godee rich. 35-6x N°TWE TO CREDITORS. 'NOTICE' is ,liereby given to all,per- sons Irevinebany claim against -the estate Of.Mary Ellen Fellows, late of . the Tow, of GMIertch, in the .0ounty of linzeire." widow, who died on ;or about the 8tb. day of June, A.D. 1941, tO send .saine to the undersigned, on or before -- 29th day of August, 1941, as on and after that date the Ladalli,liStratar of the saleestate shall,proceed to make rid,. eetribution of the asset % thereof, hav- ing regard only to the clainis then -Dated atGoderietfldthdayof August, A.D. 1 1. • G'Co'clUerAiIehS,;Ontario, 33-5 Solicitor for the said Estate. e3Envoy and Mrs. Deverson and cane- didate Payne of Hamiltoeethe lat6ir entering. the Salvation Army training college in Toronto_ next' month, wili. conduct the meetings at The Salvation Army next • Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Saturday at 8 p.m. Moving pictures will be .skoWn. ..Messrs. A. C. Bennett and William Bennett of Chicago have been visiting relatives at Port Albert- and district, and gave The Signal -Star a friendly Calle FOR SALE OR, RENTe--1:10USE and lot in Auburn; house newly. decorated and painted. Apply W. H. WILSON, R.R. 3, Auburn. - • 35-7x ()R FARM attractive highway location one mile west of Seaforth "at the turn" is offered for quick sale et low price with reasonable termS,''Seven-romned bouse, 'with bathroom; furnace, electric stove and ' hydro; brick barn and poultry houses, small fruit trees and bushes, excellent land for -gardening. Suitable for poultr'Y farm, market garden or toueist camp on a busy highway. Appy to Mee'ONNELL & HAYS,' Senfortha Ont. • • -.01111•111. , oyir WANTED •`. WANTED. -110Y TO WORK- -kr ' ,b.J.Anal-Star; one who is through tf • CARD OF THANKS : MRS. ' • -I-WANTED. 'A' SMALL -noust, WM. ,FREETII AND FAMILY - in ,geodri- wish to thank those whopair, *ere so for cash. Apply M6 Goderiete Rcottage or bungalow‘ S. H. B, RRNo kind to them in theft' recent bereave- ' 'loaned ears for the funeral. -35 m 34+x ment ,• also those who sent flowers or .. . —olorial0000rmoromillo 'RESULTS COUNT! The following students of. Central , Stratford, have, re- cently accepted positions: Grdee Mc- VOTIOE TO pitpinTons: IN THE ESTATE OF ISABBIJLE LOUISE MacEWAN All persons laving claims against the-- Estate-- of Isabelle Louise • wan( ,ate of the', Town �f Geee. rjejs,„ deeeasecirwho died on ex -about the tenth dray of January, 1944), are hereby notified to send ra to the -under- signed on or 'before the 29th day of August, 1941, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after thesaittlitEt * 'mentioned. date, the assets of the said estate wilr be distributed -amongst the parties- entitled theretoshaving regai•d only to claims of Which the under; signed shall then have notice, to the. .exclusion of all .others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets, so distributed or any part thereof. • Dated d't Goderich this 14th day of Augustes1.941, - ' R. C. 'HAYS, K.C., Esq., .3.V5 Solicitor for the Estate.. WANTED.—EXPERIENCED .!GlRL •for geneiai housework, able to de 411r5111 cooking. MRS. 'ACEIESON, 5 Nelson street,. 34•-•5 WANTEt/e—tiFFICE BOY WITII Business Sterol bicycle, full time.; some clerical Kellar, Royal Bank, Stratford; ;Wilma work. Write BOX 62, SIAL-S'TA Hamilton, ,Staffa Creamery, Staffa; WANT E D. — BUY, USED Meier Novelty ,Co., 'Stratford; Clara eras ;recent models of 3511;141., Mill"Ltd., St. Marys Marguerite Brine, Great Star Flour 'cam Schletzhauer, Silverwood's Ltd., Strat- r -se-r-3% -camerae preferred.- -J. G.. s' '; Jerdarie----ee-e• .ford; Reta Watson, Merchants Broker- HENDERSON, Thotograp.hers 2 -• 11- age, Milverton; Muriel McKay, Kroeh- ton street; Godrich. • 33236 e " ler Mfg. Co. Ltd., Stratford; Howard 'AN.TEI..7TO BUY OLD HORSES and deiecattle; must be suitable ,t gnerengesser, • G. L. Griffith & Sons for mink reed; reraoved promptly Ltd., Stratford; Betty McClelland, FRED GILBERT, R.R. 2, Bayliee, MaXiVelF:s -Ltd.,•-artt,"--Maryet, Barbara Phone 9 . r 22. Clinton. Calls Dad Crane, Canadian Bank of Comanerce, Stratford; Beth, 'Shannon, ',Stacey Rress Creamery, Mitchell; William ANTED.—TO • RENTS -BY -YOUNG Ballantyne, R.C.A.F.; Betty,,,Burford, koutge, a three room npartmetat, 11 Dept. of Higfiways PSm rov. of Ont Strat- all house, or *part of -a large houee, ford ; Roy Whiting, R.C.A.F.; Nelson by 'October. BOX 91,,•SIONAL-STAR. Kehle, ,Goodrich- Rubber CO.- Ltd.; -35x• Kitchener: Maxifie Wiggips, Whyte Packing Ob., Stratford •, Robert Krug, Interior Howe Co., Kitchener; Blanche .Kittmer, A. IL•Lofft &.,Co., St. Marys; Margaret Dempsey, Mutual Life' of Canada, Waterloo; Isobel Sim, Beacon Herald, Stratford ;- Julia Schaefer, Na- tional. Grocers Co. Ltd., ,Stratford; Mary MeOlacherty, 'Western Ontario Cred•it Bureau, Steatford; Kenneth Cornish, Massey 'Harris Co., Brant-. ford; •Doris •Wilker, Canadian Bank of Commerce, Taviitalt; Helen Itastings, (1.L Graff,. -Stratford; Elva Baker, Richmond .11esiery. Ltd: Mitchell ; .Hilda Smith, Ileispeler Furnittire Co., Hes: peler; Margaret Morrim-Silverwood's Ltd., Stratford' Roy Batley, General Alonstroction ' Toronto; Harold ,Harrie, Canadian., National Rlys., Brantford ; Jean Sutter„ Toronto; Eeelyn Reycitaft, Jones Mfg. Co., Strat- ford; Eva Deitrich, klleitridea''Strat- ford; Olive McKenzie, Western Ontario SOrbdit Bureau, Stratford; Norma Mak,. Toranto; Audrey Swope, St. Marys (n•eanieey, St. Marys; 'Franklin Zurbrigg, -Listopl Transport Ltd.„ ListoweWTtilerie MaxWells Ltd.. St.. Marys; Ella .May Miner, Wil- liams Trow Knitting Co. Ltd. Strat- ford ; Kenneth Lingelbank, Brantford; Edwin Roeding, Federal Steel Co. Ltd., Linden; Doreen Pfaff, Preston Neelt- lug Ltd., 'Stratford; -Lois 'Cash, Can- adian' Bank of Commeree, Stretfotd; Olaires Diem], MinuaI 'Life cif Canada, Stratford ; Kathleen Stapelton, Can- adian -Bank of ''(!ommerce, Dublin.; laine (Weston, Canadian Bank of.: • Connnerce; Tavistock; Fficieen Preetee, John W. Lloyd, Insurance, Stratford; Mary MeDenald, Ifteleon-Herald, Strait. lora. . If you attend the Cental Bileineen Goderich brancl19 you, too, will soon bolding a good position. 'We' invite you to call at the school and, arrange to register for day 'old night . or spscial half-day eitine'p, opening 2epthnaber 3, d NOTJCE TO OREDITORS. IN THE ESTATE .WZiLIAM GEORGE MacEWAN All persons having claims. against the -Estate of William George Mac - Ewan, late Of the Town of •Godericla, gentleman, deceased, who died onor aboet the twentieth day bf May, 1941, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 3rd- day of September,' 1941, full particulars of their claims. immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be' distributed amongst the parties entitledthereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others..., and the undersigned will not be liable to any 'perSon of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the 'asSets so distributed or any part thereof. D at ,Goderich this 21st day of August, 1941. F. R. •DARRofw, 35 ,Goderich, Ontario, 84-36 Solicitor for the Estate. for. 18-tf •WAiNTED.--tEXPEllIENOED GIRL " for general housework; able to do plain cooking; good wageseePh"one LIFE INSURANVE A IlUgRAND'S PRIVILEGE A• WIFE'S ItWHT A CIIILD'S CLAM -11. M. FORD • not/RAN-et a namliton Tel. 268w CO-OPERATIVC FERTILIZER '- The, Cucknow Tensumers' CA -Oper- ative is preparing th supply the farm - eel, with -registered brands of fertilizer. We also have on hand our special brawl, for mixing'ivith tlie grain. It can be sown witk, the ordinary seed" • seving,.the expense of buying a fertilizer drill. We deliver within .a radius of twenty 'miles. Oet our- priees and terms. Order early. • JOHN JAMIESON, Manager, 3541 Phone 71, Ituelinow, Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE 367: . __. see OPEN RAWLEIGH ROUTES ARE AVANTED.—YOUNG MAN' WIT111 , tioaree but in so vast an organiza- tion expansion creates new opportuni- bicycle to deliver telegrams. APP1/' ties, /f ambitious, wilting to start , C.P.R. TELEGRAPTI OFFICE. 25 with good earnings and increase yrapld- WANTED.77-0(110.-01% TOWN STUD- ly write for full information. We Gap- " ENT desires to earn board in re- ply sales, advertising literature—all- (urn for housekeeping claim Apply you need. Itavvileigh's, Dept. Key BOX' 60,eSIGNAL-STAR, Gotlerich. No. IIL-216-118-II, Menatreal, Canada. -35 -35 PAINT NoW is the time to do outside painting. We handle a full line of C.I.L. Paint's and Varnishes. For a WHITE iiaint that stays white use CIL, TRLITONE WHITE. ',Keeps white houses whiter. COAL Now is the time to put in your next winter's supply of coal. The price is no* atits lowest. We stock fl&fl Cone - Cleaned Anthracite which is free .front slate and clinkers, low in ash and high in heat units. • Chas. C. Lee Per Hardware, Plumbing and lieating, give nit a tall. Phones—Office 22' liettse 112 At the Harbor