HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-08-14, Page 50
TaITIOSDAN, AUGUST s'icith, 1111,
11AICIPIEIND, Aug. 13.---4r. and Mrs.
OUnninghatnand son,/anneal, M.
H. G. E. Crosby, Paula and .Pat Mad
Pavid Crosby, of Mootetol,va", visited,
Mrs, 'Crosby's mother,- Arii. O. W.
Woods, (),,n Saturday, Pahl remained
;or t hinr;er visit. . •
** Mgs Lola Elliott Of I} trot and.MISs
• ‘Rostmaary og Mount Clemeas
,turned home on Sunday after ha,ving
, spent the past .tWo.,W,eeks . with Airs'. M.
The 'members of .40.112., NO. -24 and
viSiting' brethren will attend *divine
worship at the ;United church on Sun -
.,day evening, Augnst nth. at 17.30:p.m.
Reverend Harold Vnrrie will deliver
the sermon.
Miss Dawna Toms left oirSlanday to
• "visil friends in Toronto. . •
On Sunday, August 10th, annivers-
ary services were' beldIn St. Andrew's
United church, Bayfield. -Rev. deo.
. OliVer et Hyde Park preaehed to a
large congregation at tile morning ser-
vice, -Ills text was "My yoke is easy
and My burden is light." He Stressed
the satisfaction and peaee to be found
in 'Christ's serviee. Rev. 1 II.Turn-
bull' of North street United. church,
Goderieh: preached in the' evening, MS
theme being ',.`Loyalty to the Church."
The Whiper. quartette from Dashwood
added greatly'- to the enjoythent, of the
MusleTat -1;6-th- services. a'
• Miss jessie 'Metcalf of Detroit is
with her mother, Mrs. Wm. V. Metcalf,
for the month of August.
Mrs. .Robt. lerale Of Caledonia is
visiting 'friends- around Bayfield and
• spent a few days with Mrs. and- Miss
McKenzie. • -
Master Billy:Furter returned to Tor-
'ontu on Sunday.- after having visited
his grandmother, Mrs. W. E Stinson,
lor-sieveral weeks.
Air. Roy McLeod, who spent last
Week with his mother, Mrs. Adelaide
MelLeotl, returned to Toledoon Sunday.
wa-s acCompanied by bib aunt,' MrS.
J. Hall, who had been visiting her bro-
ther, °Mr Lewis Thontson.
Mrs. Allah IPye and s'on Brian, of
Windsor, .0 -.Spent ilast week ° with her
parents, Mr. and, Mrs. C. W. Wideombe,
Miss Mary Witicombe"and Mr. Allan
Pye Were• also .40th them, over the
,vreelt-end. . *
.Miss Anne -Neel* and friend, of
Toronto,* Visited' her grandparents, Ir
and Mrs. 111.-•(*. INvelin. last week.
Misses Anne itrinour and Eleanor
4-oetg,,.6f TorOnto arethe giwsts or MISS
Betty Gairdnei•.--* * • • "
• Mr. and 'Mrs. James P. ,Verguson of
Loudon were tile guest S of the former's
•mother, Mrs.. ja.s. 'Ferguson, ever the
week -end, „ • -
Miss Pegg,y Burt, who has been at a
land army camp in the, Niagara Pen-,
Ursula, is spendhag a week's vadatiion
with her grandparentsMr, and. Mrs,'
V, Baker,
Mr.' Jack McKeown .and 311.SS
bell of 'Windsor are the guest -0. of the
fornier's sister, Mrs, V. 0. Quarry:, ,
Mr.- ,Bill TIllmaun 'of 1.ionden is
-Spending a fortniglit's•,vaeation at the
family vottage •the village.. • ,
,Mrs. Adam !Boyd and•Margaret Ruth
Shneoe of Oravenhurst are visiting the
foriner's mother, Mrs, G. W. Woods, •
Rev. and Mrs, ID. T. ,painting and
son, Walter, of 1Branefortr, arrived on
Saturdity. and are occupying, , the
'Miss ,.11a,rY•Jean,lloorholise of Lon-
don Ls spending this week with her
mint, 'Mrs, J. 48.. Ferguson.•
Mrs.: David Dewar left_on Sunday
to visit her, daughter, Mrs. E. Itehn,
in„'Farntington, 'Mich. • •
'Mr...and Mrs. G. Churchwarti of
London and son, Lance -Corporal J,
ehurchward, of Woodstock; are at
.1 their summer nortie iu the village.
cliff rose. Mrs. Walter Tigert played,
the wedding march. Mrs. Murray and
1Mrs. 'Koviak sang "Oh.:,Promise Me"
rola' 211.1HORT, Aug: 12. -Mr. A. during the signing ot the register.
, F. Cunningham of Toronto and Mr.
After the reception at .the British Ex -
'.arta. Mrs. W. Cunningham of change. Cafe, GOderich,s the young
, • Waikerville, who are spending the coupleleft for Toronto. Mr. and Mr.
summer months at Vitirton, Visited' Johnston. will. reside in Brantford.
last. -week -end at ,the home of Mr. and
11.1• Chas. OraWford.•
Mr. :tint •Mrs. Jas. Draper of Massa-
ehusetts, U.S.A.,' visited last week with
hi, brother, •Mr. Will Draper.
,h shfield yatriotir Society will
11,;14: 1ieir regul'ar monthly Meeting on
Tnesday afternonn•of next week in the
bas., meta of the Anglican ehtirch. Sev-
AlStIFIDLD. Aug. 12. -Miss Sara
MadLeart, R.N., of Chicago, and he':
niece, Sara Ann MacLean, are holiday-
ing at the home of„Slessrs. Alex. and -
DUNGANNON, Aug. 13. --Mr. and
Mro. John iGoarley and their niece, of
Thornalale,, and Nir. and Mro. Mcilrae,
,Glencoe, visited• their 4ousin, John,
rernsons. and brothm and sisters of
Wet WawanOsb recently.
31iss Marganct, Tigert, ShepPardton,
spent last, ireek with her (vain,
Pauline Jones. Pauline is returning
the visit witWMargaret this _week.
Visitora vrth NIL and Mrs. Jolla
Blake on 'Saturday' Were Mrs. Reeves,
Barbara Alin„and' EObbY, 'of London,
and Mr. Jos. ,Tiffin and•.'41•V Vivian
Tiffin, Wingtam.
• Master Donald Nivens, Saltford;
Visitin,,"' this week with h$ grandpar
ents M, and Mrs. Robt.-Moore:
Mr. and Mr. John Bla,lee, aocoM.-
panted by Mrs. ID, 3, Crawford, Vent
Tuesday. with Mr. and Mrs. R. IL Willis,
at' the ,Willis cotta.ge, Port Albert.
Mrs, gas, Stonehenge left on Sunday
to vfsit for b, while with her brother-in-
law, Mr, Jos. Stonehouse; and' other
relatives at Westfield, ,
Tire services In the United church
are withdrawn fortheremainder of
August, while Rev, W. P. And Mrs,
$ewman and family are on IrAeatInn.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Gordon Kidd and child-
ren, Ryan and Sheila,„ who moved to
Islington 1st Month, are spending'
August with 'Mrs. Kidd's parents, Mr,
Ana Mrs. J. J, Ryan., Mr. Kidd ba'
'been appointed ,principal a the Pnblic
school at Islington. •
Miss MON. Fowler is having a sum-
mer cottage ereeted on a site at Port
Albert beaeh. Mr. 'Gordon Anderson
is assisting :with the carpentry work,
Mrs. Robt. Treleaven, who took it
paralytic Strolte last week, shows signs
of improvement. Her strong vitality
at eighty-eight years of age is re -
• A few Young, People ckf this neighbor -
ARO have gone to the Niagara district
for ICCojnbination of work and pleasure
at pickinrpes.clies. The are Bill
Sproul,. Tom , and Viola Young and
Ettabelle Webster., ,
-Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Plefforcl and
children, of Toronto, and Mrs. Arthur
Roach spent.MOnday at Milo& Beach
visiting ,Miss Lorna Roach; who has
been employed since the ist of July
at Miss Henderson's Cottage, "Rest a
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Smith (nee
Bernice'Roach), of Listowel, speni the
,civic holiday weekend with Mr. and
, ern willts"will be -quilted- during. the -Donald MacLean.
Mrs. Alex. MacCenuan of Chicago
after:loon and- a gooti attendance' is
1ited for!visited with Mrs. Duncan -MacLennan
G.': •
and Mr. and Mrs; Kenneth D, Mac
'and Mr. John Quaid and.AIiss
I' 4r. • Crawford of .caigary who is Lennan _on Mondlty.
Vis.;:ng relatives in Ile viCinity, spent Mr. ELM Mrs. Alfred Collinson of
t. London •spent Sunday with Mrs. Collin-
-las! Saturday visiting with Mr. and
son on their return from theircottage
Mr-. Quaid's daughter, Airs., John Me-
at Part Elgin. .
Ph. of Teeswater.
Alleene Pope of Kitchener,
-.olive ear 'has*been xisitIng several
henhoSes in the vicinity and a
visitediwitTi her cousin, Mary O'Keefe,
„of :fle '
the past week.
•:..o14-..; thief _has stolen a'. namber. of
Master Billie ,Johnston Of Lucknow
her- later 'selling them in Goderich;
doing till's would better stop is helping his uncle, Mr. golly •Caird,
"-T.he 'env
with the harvest.' •
1+;,•re he is eaught.
Miss 4ea'n 'MacGregor of Han:Intl:in
'Crawford, Charlotte and
S'pent- a few days with her cousin, Miss
Bert motored to Toronto, last week -end
Annie Mae MacDonald. .
with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard( 'rawford
'Misses Isabel Douglas and Jean
of G'''lerich and visited relatives there.
t ) MeeMillan of lucknOw are Spending
1 '1 .1 • * ft. 1 i
,•••• nit otte tem 4( 0 'Fon
for :at. extended visit., , a liappy• holiday in a >cottage at. the •
• 11'.M.S., will bold their regular
Mrs. Arthur Roach.
• _.
Miss Maritza Feegnson, Oth conces-
sion West Wawaniosh, ..e,t)ent a °few
days ,visithV
ig . Mrs. '1\lie SfeVart.
Miss Eva Killough, Toronto, is ex-
pected at the''end of the week to spend
some holidays with her parents, Mr.
and -Mrs. Jos. 4:,Killotfgh.
Leaving Ripley. -,-The Ripley Ex-
press of last week had the following
reference last week to former Dungan-
nonites, Mr. and •Mrs. Bert Bradford:
On...Tuesday moining tile 'Central Meat
Market, Which for ,the'past two years
has been conducted by -B. "B. Bradford,
was taken over by 'Charles Collins. Mr.
Bradford'has' secured a lucrative posi-
tion with the Coleman Packing Com-
panst. of tioncion,and left on 'Monday to
take up his duties. During his stay in
Ripley he carried on a neat. and uP-to-
xlate meat market and his friends
regret his departure. Mrs. Bradford
and family; who have also made inany
friends,-wme ill remain for It tiin the
't•A ' • .
me. •.ng on Thury'sdaafternoon of next Dr. 'MacLennan of Windsor ailed ,
at the home of Mrgra_ on friends here recently. It is, over
Wl 4 I: Percy
ill !tidies air(' invis.
ted.. forty years.since he practised 'medicine nor.i.uu‘.s'VILLE, Mtg. 11. -Mr. and
'..'•!,4-1.4- will la. mi serVices . in the -•. ...- • ----.... --t--3-1-rs.--Kenneth--.4.1aeDonalti,-i TetNsw a tei-,
GeorK-e-Kiter and -sow- gcl 1 .
church the next two sundays,. Mr'-, • =-• • 7 11, ' were guests of Mr. and ''AIr's. Elmer
.. of •Teeswater, yisited with friends here
•:,,,. It, v. W. P. Newman is on _vacation, Potter on Sunday.
on 'I'
W;*. .: good •attenditn-e Is looltea for on hursclav --- - - • ' .
in Kintall.
Sy.mpathy is extended to 'the Nelson
faithily•F in the death of their mother, a
Jalmsten--Nroontan.-.1. quiet wed -
took place- at Clirl'St church on gr:1111 olt1lady. litiry on Irulay and were guests -with 311ss ()live Huston, of Saskatoon, 1 he 1 Jgr( Fs, Day A11iance..-
E117.0 r y daughter .4if Mr.' Mr. and Mrs./Robert John.ston, ormer- week.„„)(1. Little Elizabeth Addison Worthy. •
1‘, Personal Mention
Mr. Gear4 Munro, of Stratford, is ,
visiting his siSter, 'Mrs: J. Story.
Miss Kathleen Hayhoe e,f--TOrtiirto
is the guest of her :tura, Mrs. B. C.,
tion at St. Catharines as a delegate
from this • zone. He is. on holidays.
Fred Love; who. liaS. been on the
elevator staff, joined the crew -tvf the•
str. Superior on its last visit here. a
err Kitcheer is •MiSs Joan Groves has been appointed
It guest with her grandparents:Mr. and -dietitian at Alexandra 'Hospital. For
Mrs. W, 'Craigie, Efat 8 treet. Some time; Aliss Ge,o-Ves was. on the
, Miss N'erna Miller is 'visiting. her staff of Western. Hospital, Toronte..
eousin, Miss 'Betty Gardiner,. at Strat- Mr. and Arrs. Harry R. Carter and
ford. daughters ;Betty and Virgene of Sarnia
. Misses 1 . and M. Luxton of Detroit and Miss Dorreen.):Orke of Port Huron,
Were recetit guests with Mr. and Mrs: - were visiting in Goderich today.
W. Tait, Kea,s-S. street:. ' •• Rev. It. C.'. anM
d rs. 31gDerxtiftl..of
x. Mr. rand Mrs. GT
ordon ehbutt and, Oakville have' b•een -.visiting friends. in
children,. • of :London, were visiting' town this week, -the guests ,Mr, and
reiatiVe0 heye. last week. Mrs, A. I). McLean.,
1101II-r-r:4Ilender- and
,Kintron.Will be -in Toronto next week , Schroeder of Kitchener spent .part of
.attending the fall Millinery displays. I tha
eir yeatioe WM
ith r. and MW
rs. ro.
Mr. and Mrs, N. W: Tren'*artha, ac- -Mrs. M. K. McQuarrie of Toronto 1;a:4i-street.
eompanied lee Mrs. Elien Alexander•of is spending tbe week with Mrs. Jas. • Mr. Angus McDonald of Toroptb
Knoxville, Tenn., motored to HaileY-H Hamilton,' Netvgate street. . in town this week in, the intere.sts of
Obituary. -Donald Johnston. f
son o
.rday Morning, August thh, when' ev. and Mrs.- Peter Addison over the is,- a guest with nel aunt, Aliss (1,. Air. and Airs. ,Wm..Pe&ter of Hannon
spent Sunday with 1Ir: and Airs. J.
I Iteltecca MacKenzie, residing in De -
:le Alt•-•. Vrootuan,A)ort returned witle'them rend will spend a 'Alr. anti Mrs. 'I". •It. Wallis have re-° I. • ••‘. W'll' street.
Aong-!plit 1. tam
ttirtied from a pleasant Motor trip to' Mrs. W. Warner and,sen Keith, of
Niagara • ' I Whelsor,-,have returned to their- lunne
Miss Betty Smith and Miss Shirley after a month's 'visit with Mrs. Jean
. .
• ' : . HU ited marriaze to Don- ! troit,., die•d at Wingham 'hospital on month with her grandParents here.
Mrs. .1. C. Harrison, Port Col bOtno,
is sPeniting a few slays Wit11 A4s. J.
July ..4.1 after a few days illness.
T.e.mas Joh-Iv:ton, 'only son of Mr.,
.:ald was not, of robust health and had.
• :A ()liver, .1 1,1111-1411, -Goderieh..
eome to spend ,a happy holiday tbe
A I fred NIaloney officiated. The
who was glyen. in marriage by
home of his, uncle , Air, DonaId Bane.
B. MaeMath,
Nlarwiek are spending- a week's holi- Mlirr Hurt; road..
MiSA. Thelma Bennett. Goderieli, is ,tia,v -at South Bay, on 'Manitoulin 1 attmell loft this week •
her 11;1,er, was 1.01.'eningly attired. In' \I it of Lochalsh, He Was' vis•iting- friemis in, HolmeSvitle this Island
taken smideoly• ill with_pueumonla and S'a ska tehewa 14...where he• oWliS
'In of dusky rose with matching•
for I
1-• I
Ei'd Ali -ale of Elora Was' -a- a farm and. will assist.. in hap -es -611g'
was taken to Wimrham-hosnital vont.
t II 11 S11111111:4,r,ite of orchids. ' - - • ' - • 1 he regular meeting.of the W.A. and reeent guest of Mr. and Airs. A. 1).: -his 'Crop. • •
Li• 1 tet t y ohn:r.:o (lta rm I ng .plietttions deNtdopedi and ,he failed: to 1'. 11., held at the home of -MeLettn. Mr. 'and 'Airs. Garley and -Master
ring-be:tr. r.. giwned in pink silk rally. Donald .wfis fourteen ears ,Of Ach"on on- Tuesaav,
a larg Mr Roy Turner of nit- 1-) '11 of thigh; of Lotalini are viSlting the lady's
• erepi and earring, a basket of Briar-
. - .1,,e, a gt
,n a ant , touttt ous at , a number of ladies present. At th
• d w
i fal,•orite of all, trnill be greatly ,
ciose of the ineeting a dainty 11111(11 wits
-- - •-2-si,"'"r''', missed The funeral took•place'froM served by -the hostesSeS,-Aliss•S. 'Ache -
...i Tile 'hate of his unc14, services being.i.„)„ ntut lir,. E. .e. yt, 0 .
V".1 conducted by Re. ,r -J.. B. IF.4.41ero, and i
4•01 0 burial took place -in Ripley cemetery.'
To .abarn his" passing he leaveshis .
sorrowing parents and four brliChers
and two .sisters,, ' all residing In. De -I
troit: The sypifiathy • of their many•!
'friends here is extended to tjlC!.
irereaved 'Ones. Mrs. 'Kenneth 1). Mac-,
Lennen..is„ an aunt of the deceas.ed.
Level of Lake Superior at Port
Art 1111r during- July was twei inches'
higher than the previous month, but
: I ti inches.....lower than in .July, .1040,
the Hydrographic and Map .Service 62- -
tile • ;NI inest and Resources Delta r t men t
• • reports.
Lake Huron, measured at Goderleh,
was a half-ineh lower than 4J dile (pia'
lovvVr than in July, 1040,
_kt Port ;Colborne. Lake Erie Measured I
11(4- Sallie level for June 'end July 9141
was 17i, inches hiwer than in July last
year. ,
'A drop of 21/, inches compared- waif'
; June and 11 inclies emnim1red with
Jnly, 1949, was repOrted for Lake On-
,ario at Kingston. In Montreal hat•
..0,;r. the it. Lawrence River measured
31,. and 231/2 inehes lbwor, respeetilvelY•
Commerce, spent the week -end with las jilirents. Mr. and Mrs W. Grindrod,,
s1s1e1..111.s. John 'W. Eider, Stratford. ,this week. 1
etiunty Clerk N.. .1V., Miller is at-.! .AIrs.I„rantes Hart, .who was- visiting
tending,. tlie l'anadian -Legion 1 her parents,' Mi'; • and INIrS":"; A. i. ;Mc-
' Lean,' IntS retained, to her hotne-at
Kirkland •Lake. _ •
Mr. and Airs. Wm. Lowery -of Tet.. -
onto spent a .fe,w_tlays 1:1,..4 Week .with r•
•Intkil•-s' mint. •:1 Frs. Itober.t
l'anthria road. -
Airs. 11. .1. Fox, Bernard .aftell'Alery.
lot Laelkine, Quea
..' re spendIng - the
mon'lli of .‘tigust with Mrs. Fox's,,par
Ants. 3Iir. anti .MN. Thos. Griffin.
. Al!ss 1Iarjorie •Ilenderson, of -the
office of ate Departibent of Agriculture .
at Clinton, is spending liolidays'Avith ,
ner mother...N.Irs•,- R. Henderson, Water-
loo. street.
Ji•sepli .1 trek:and V. C. 1;en111s011 are
. a tend ing the Provitteial convenfion of
the Canedion. Legion at .St. Catlitir,ines
fliis week, as delegate's froni. the loval
brianeb of 'the Legion.. '•
'Afri'and 1Irs. 4".• Eagle and Ails's,:
Joan Eagle of Ithrlington spent t1i'
with the Misses Ca.nipbell,
Qiii.bee street,
-31iss Corinne Pigiovatini and .1Irs.
Donald) 'mci,voil or Detroit, Nitch„ are
visiting at 11(4' 11,11114' of John Graham.
Gloucester '1(1141 (4'.
Airs. 111 /('l T. Mu'rray airfl dattgliter
Donna. of liaytield, spent a few days
last week with the former's parents;
Air. and Mrs: Wm. Birnie. East street.
Miss Kaye Tyndall of Goderich and
1 her sisters. Nliss 'Eleanor of Toronto
and ;Miss Isahelle• of Oshawa, are'
-_ holidaying 411. Wigwassan Lodge, ,letke
„Itos,,,eart, 11uskolef. ••
Mrs. Stewart Gastfierd, of 7(l1,ieag0,
with her young (laughter, was the ,
. guest ,ff her uncle. Mr. James I)iekson;
on a visit to 'tkelerich. •
, • Mr. and Ari•s: Leslie lianna and sons
Bobby and 11111y, of New Toroeto. spent
1 their holidays with Mrs. .IIanna's pat-
'•ents,Mr. and' Mrs. 1V. Priee, Kingston
, street.
"31r. and Mrs, Price have re-
- turned to their 1101114, in TOroeto after
. spending a motab's ;the
.:Itortie'of'Mr..and Mrs. W. Price.
Alcrarlen and
41,,Iiraf1'Vr' Dein it-tAtitt. hf Toronto. are'
441 11 tVV.(1,Weel:s* v(ICatiOn nt Lightimuse' •
Pfeguards fit any make
of tire -and in the' long
run .they cost 'no more
than ordinary rtubet
' 'FoRT WILLIAM, August 11. ---Ten
-, • vesselS of Paterson Steamships. Ltd.,.
.LET US MAKE YOUR he transferred to ocean Service
le,fore the end of -October, E. B.
of the announeed hero -today.
. Sutherland, assistant general manager
vessjis will be leased for periods
. pI to eighteen months to the Saguenay
Termiteals, for servitas between Canada
and 'South Ameriea. it IS' understood
t bey will ea rry bauxite frOm South
Tho,, Mineral is essential in
the mannfacture of aluminum.
Several of the Paterson ships al -
41,:1(13' hare 'Well transferred -'t0 (1004111
.i.serviee And this agreement will
- leave only thirteen of a fleet which
once totale41. More ..than. thirty vessels
plying.' the Great Lakes.
r „ A.'n•ato, Or workmen from Quebec is
engaged at Port Albert Jtistalling
0&'' BELL high-presure water system for ,fire-
fighting purposes. The wort; ig being
I done .for the. Department of. Vational
Defeitee and enAils the installation of
ptitriO. .
*Come and.,see this, compatt Tractor
with wheel -less implements work.
Goes places horse won't 'go.
Implements easily attached and,
Be at ROY RUNDLE'S FARIkkon No. 8 highway„,
' .two miles east of Goderich, on
FRIDAY, AUG. 15, at 1. p.m:
Demonstration sponsOreol. i3ry.
Goderich Motors.
Phone. 83 -
South St.
`the remainder -Of her Iheilidays with
her father, Mr. Arthur Smith... /
' Corporal Harold K. Turner, No. 6
Bombing :and Gunnery SchOol, -Moun-
tain View, Ont.. is spending two weeks'
leave at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. 'Turner, Elgin. ave.
Harold, -recently- attained "A" group
standing as an airframe mechanic, •
Pilot . Officer Leslie R.,,Naftel.,- who
has ,successfully- passed his exa.raina,
tions at ;Trenton, is spending- ,a .few
lLays with his parents, Mr. and.•Mrs.
K. ,E. Naftel, WellesieY street, :before
proceeding to No., 1,.1' Service Flying
Station at Aylmer, -where he *ill' -be
.an instructor., , •
. Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Max Clairmont over 014'
eec! -were his sister, Mrs. Alma 414.riest,
and her two married' daughters, Mr.
and Mrs. M.',Carvell and Me.,4`nd Mrs.
Seintimeau, and tb.eir two' children,
all of Montreal, Que.
, Miss Edith Taylor, daughter Of Rev.
Dr. T. Wardiaw Taylor and Ars. -Tay-
lor, who leaves- 'September Ist for
Northern Ontario as ,acting field,zecre-
tarro-f-the Girl Guides for .Ontario,'
is at. present taking a training course
at Toronto. The course ends August
23rd, and fromthen until September'
1st Miss 'Taylor' will be the coniniand-
ant at the ,Girl 'Guides -camp 'On, Lake
Huron. , • •
Miss McBeth,• London; 3Irs. A. L.
Wilkinson, Detroit ; "sir aid Mrs. Wes-
t •
ley Parry, 'Miss ,D. RuSsell, Miss L.
Russell, Chatham.; Mrs. C.•
well... Mrs -A.133 -r -Iiingswell,,'MrS:_ILL
Brooks and Phyllis', "Toronto Mr„, and
Mrs. John H. Dicken, Detroit; MiS,ses
I. and M. Griffiths, London ;Miss
Dorothy Pheasant, Miss Jean Burns,
Windsor; Mrs. George '11. Forbes, Chas.
Forties, Toronto; Mrs. •Robert.Hewson,
Mrs. Irene McMullin, Miss•••••Evelyn
Hewson, Chathain;• Maud Ellis' -and
Mrs.- Heal,. St. ‘„Thomas.• . •
• • -
Mr.. and Mrs. W. R. Van Walken-
burg, St,.Thomas; Mr Ellis. MoVer,
W. II. Pierson,-St.lcatharines; Mr. and
Mrsi1Jas. GOrdon, Hainilton; Mrs, F.
- i1n,, s 4Sun oron ;
Mr. aid Mrs:" Franelly6i•roTV And fam
.11y. ,Lon don' ; M1.1.. a and Miss
Davies,POrt,„ Colborne; Mr. and Mrs.
"IlE11.1.8 tit
cpoint„, ,
. lir. Flo'renet.* Smith arrived home on
Pte. TT, N. Motris. otationed at a eross,,ktoads past, 410 11t474 Ventrat Ontario Tue-,day, having* juq completed .a MK i
infantry !battalion takes up, 41 110ition .4111r1114:t prItetiv0 nlaW(k)(klIVre'S ofIgille week0,.eottrse of leetures at the sum- 1
2nd ,Oatiatilan Divi...lon. PA,Its*cs a inalnent° to how an English Touttgqiir"blev awe seSsin1V„of the Toronto ruiversity 1
a tounny-gun operate.
4t4q1,111." tinVtit send
, Thos. Dexter and daughter; Sloatsburg,
N.Y.; Mr. and' .Mrs. 1S4»ing.
field, Ohio; 'Miss Helen Jean Ooldwell,
Mr. Ray A. Bonner, Mr. and Mrs. "S. 3.
Dickspn, Toronto; Dr. -and Mrs. Ji31.
MacVicar, Pert Huron; Mich:; Mr R.
and Miss Winnie Munro, Windsor;
Mrs. Lottie Peterson, Mrs.0har1tt,
.Qampbell, Mr. and Mrs. N; lB Kirby
Mr. 'Don P. Cudahy, Mr. and Mrs:
IIuniphrey, Mrs. P. W. Humprey, Miss
'Gladys Humphrey, Mr. F. 'C. Holmes,
Toronto; Mrs: Geo. W. Tope and Mrs,
W. H. Rose, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr.
MrsW.. B. Moffett, • Bag 'banging,
Mich?: Mr.. and Mrs.' lei T. Leach;
TillSonburg; Mrs. -Harold Allen,
New york; Mrs. Arthnr Kalk, Pert'
Huron, Mich.;, and ?MI.'S. 'Marie's
B. Haitton, Pittsburgh, Va. • Mr. and
Mrs. 'Louis H. Paine, Toledo, Ohio;
Miss R. C. Oates, Mr. 'and Mts. F. IL.,
Edmunds', Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. V,
'B. Wood, Elmira., N.Y.; Dr. arid Mrs.
J. Phillips Jones, Jordan', Ont.; Misses
'Dorothy and -Rae Lee, Mrs, W. L. and,
Miss Ada 'Solliffe, London; W.
M. Michael and ,3ai.,SSI'Maui1e Allen. De-
troit, 'Mich.; Misses Margaret and
Bern Day and Miss (aura Travehen,
Waukegan, Ill.; Mr._ and Mrs. C. F.
Maker, Mr. and !Mrs.C. Ballet; Mr,
and Mrs. ,C.' R. Morrison, ,Detroit,
,Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson, St
Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Ross 13aker,
Allenford; Mr. and Mrs. Geo Quinley,
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Teo Searle,
Welland; Miss MaryPell and Mrs.
Pala)* Fell, Detroit, Mich.
, • Not the Same
-Atm- Wood hatl-;--died-i- -and
:wanted Co put gaine sort Of memorial.
to her. A stained-glass window in the
local church being suggested, Dad
agreed. and left all arrangements .jn.
the habds of the minister. •- '
At, length the wiudOW arrived,. and
Altas .fitted into position. Dad, in an
unn,Inally, excited frame- of mind, set
'Mit to vies -it.'
The minister escorted the old chap
into the church -and, with a•flOurish, in-
dicated the window, which depicted at
• "How do `you like„ it?" said he.,
Dad gized tit it thoughtfully.
''"No good," he grunted.
"Why, what's your objection,?".
"It ain't a bit like:the old woman."
Small .
. . doz2 99c
. $1.15
doz. $1.35
d"; 23c
Pure Spirit or eider
gal. 43c
pkg. 15c
Memba Seal pkg. 10c
16Vhole Ground
Pepper 10c 19c
Pickling Spice jib. 29e
. '111.1;: 13c
Sigar lbs
Sdalmon MAVeekel,fe" Ill'stt 22c
Red- 1%14t1iga---Just in .
Ripe link Flesh -All sizes'
Priced low individually
Red Ripe Firm
Tomatoes lb. 5e
BaShet _4)
iqr C 11114)
}lead Lettue 'ea.. 5c
Celery bun. 10e
1/2.-14. 120 lb. 25c
RODS .. IA' lb. 15c
ITUMERIC lb. 12e .
Cloy& /Leaf CO1100
1/2's:tin ric 1's tin 29c .
Ontario No 1 rreestone
Arriving fresk
IFinecrt cpality. CO us
for your requiretnrrits.
DOMINION sroke.,1 Lr».