HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-08-14, Page 2a • TWO THE GO BRIM SIGNAfrSTAR .Ortiteridl Tur GO1S01401_1SIGNAL .AND, GOWERICOH STM Fishiiebed by Sign' al -Star Fres, , Limited, WeSt Street, Gederiela, onWlo- „ TUURSDAY, AUGVST 14th, 194a- Phil Osifer of Lazy Meadows By Ham J. Boyle 1 THRESHING We could hear the !machine coming tapthe.concesaion. ("Thes' ""todtial"„ the , NO *NEW, 'Exrxionviss ? *SARNIA., is-tigast 8.—Williare „Guth- rie, M.P.P.,-- received a telegram today • from R. M. Smith, llepiltYiNtinister a ea Highwaye for Ontario, confirming a ' eotivet'eatieta held at the Legislature " . buildings WidnesdaY, that tenders -are . being called Tat pacing No.• 40 highwata' • b•etween Cerunn.a dad Sombra Village. The Deputy Minister's message stated that tenders would be reMved up to Au ust 126. . jiligr - •-lipglivatayis foreing an, enormous es, petidlture for frills Ma the Queen Eliz- abeth Way was epposed, by some mem- bers •o.f the -Cabinet. • At any rate If( Mr. Hepburn deeides that be can be more uSeenl in England fighting Hither than ineOntario fight- ing! Mr, King, ,departure sheath' tend to reduc•. the irritation rela- whistle as they 4 passed the •cparsert on the fai side of the Higgins plaee, just 'to leti thet they were on the way to (Its our threshing. When they turned in the big gateway at the front fence you could feel this earth quiver and shake with the force of the mighty. suorting "steam-engine."' Up the. lane - way it puffed, past the- house, and the •womensfalks Peering, 0%,,,s the doorway. There' Ls something fascinat- . tions between:Toronto and Ottaatra. 11116 about a.threshing machine. Setting 1 up the machine there was a great deal ,of yelling and •the "'water tankanan" yelled at the horses and everybody leaned on their forks and gave. him advice and 'sloshed" him a bit about his. thin team. If you have ever lived in the country you'll know ho W foolish that is, because thresher tank -man .an Italian Writer says the war spends most, of hie thee keeping hie team fit. The . ana. was one of the moat EDITORIAL '110TE gratife pieces of newe that the There is a ehieery Diellug of autumn. Frovincial member for West Lambton represented this tiding, he intimated. It in the air: fiignified the culnaination efferts he d the Only has received in the years that he hae s has put forth to have..Pa.Ve reinaieing graYel-stirfaeeda 'section' ' of "the hwav which uied to 1* known mar laet for ten years yet.° To what * • * as the River road. The distance to Will Mussolini have shrunk by 'that vse aVere ready to thresh. out of the range -of 'German bombers. 'be' paved is approximately e•ight miles. time, t( : Current Views on t e War •, !oat to, Beitlels philately for ever. The valued pieseee that Might otberwia0 • THE RESOURCES OF IH,SSIA. at Thalepretroi, on the raPhis below eoneiderable pre -Made of theee ealea , DuiepropetroVela SuPPlies poWer ap the are likewise diverted to ens national regionl.a4d a pine.me throuo,mcrea311.tbee' IteniViimeeliarntihteaiti, sStatanitelep, e•orruleitelttsorist The Royal Anatieute Of International _„ Affairs has Piabli4i-at a valuable study of "Rseasianaltesourees and Their Loesi- . '1,111s publieation partieularly timely im view of the German design to, seize and exploit large areas in West- ern Rassia( ..Wae One of "the 'motives 'of ,Hitier's treacherons eat, •tacis the ' The study ,emphasisee the tendency, which was first observed before 1033' and grew more niarked sieve Gerisaan,y begri'n -to rearm, to ehift heavy induetre from Western to Eastern Russia. At the same tinie it indj.cates that tbe Ukraine *and' the aloecow and Lenin- grad , areas retain their suprenaacy itt prodnetimi, and that their loss would he a serious blow to the defence- (sf the U.S.S.R. 'It does not measure, nor can it be expected to measure, hew far the Russian arsenals and aema- ment works have been moved to the riew centres of heavy in.dustry, but there is reason to believe -that the Russians have taken" advantage of the vast spaces and -resources a their country to move much essential plant When the eitae for the paving of the Blue Water highway was presented to the Department' of 'Highways at . Toronto, it wage; -stated that no new work was to be undertaken by the Department this year; that the de- manda of war precluded aey new (capital expenditures. •• Yet here we have news of the under- taking by the Department of the paving of sections of a road iu Lambton a county, highway No. 40, a road taken over• by the Province years aftet the Blue Water, No. 21, was made a part • -of--the Provincial system. . • The "demands of war" are for- gotten. On the Blue 'Water road are - eitnated two air schoela operhting for the furtherance of Canada's war effort. Yet the Blue Water zeets the go-by favorof a road that has no war con- nection. whatever. The Ombef, for West ,Lambton ap- patently take :4 the Departnaent's an- nouncement as -a feather - in- his own cap as the representative or the ring. Are thete no M.P.P.'s at Termite for the ridings interested.' in the Bane Wa.teis' road? Or are they sl•eeping at their posts? Or axe:Spey indifferent e tea ehe claims of theirSaconstituents ? Or is it just that they have -ma -influence at Toronto? • 4." The pee* of this district are* tits- ' ested with the attitude of the Depail- merit ofellighways and witb its devious *ayes. disposing of the claimsemade on •beh.alf of the Blue Narater" road. a NO RELAXATION IN WAR EFFORT • Henry Peterson, a British journalist, r having forecast Germany's attack upon' Russia, and having thereby gained - some credit in the realm of prophecy, nay ' • The belts w•e•re slipped on and adjusted The recently developed industrial and ehe 'viewing hail:tapersrtireaa„ are In the tregion between ,the The peony ha been officially adopted s,e,eavea, It slapped along and 'finally (sKuzbass) area of °Siberia, around Orillia.—By the way, can anybody from the mow . .e the table -man grab- .Railway, and in Eastern Kazakhstan, machine started grabbing for the Volga and the Urals, in the ICuznetz « • as the floral eliablem of the Town ot the first• sheaf came tumbling down Nevosibirsk, on the Trane -Siberian bed, it with his terkiand dipped it into in Central Asia., 'Of these the Volga - name the flower that was adopted some' the machine and the threshing .had .1.Tral region is the most important.. A years age for GOderich? .• started. holds the fourth place after Moscow, 41 • • • At first there wasn't much duet ie the Ukraine, and Leningrad.an the pro - According to a writer in •The Tor- the tiara- Gradually It Came' gifting -1 auction eaf eleetrical power and in the the straw-moiv and- the engineering industries, .andethe fourth outo.Stare a township. down that .way dowa out of man next be.eanie a shadowy figure. I atter the Cisetaalicasian dad Trans - boasts a cornstalk 8 feet Etelechee The graba was Pouring in the full of ,Caucasian territories for oil produc- lashaw a That would be only ethe the spout in the eranary,. and the dirt tion. It stands first in copper produc- dwarf variety in 'Huron. and chafe and s•eeds were sifting down tion, and is second only to the -Ukrahr • •• 'into little mounds on the barn doer. in the output of *on and .Levi. Its Out at' the *machine the "tank -man," chief handicap 1.s fitelack of eood cok- - Mr. elhurchill is unaccountably pulled rail.s off the pile and took time ing coal, which is imporCed ftora--- Ti* apriculttiral wealth of the regioti. of the War eaort. ' ' Boov and "dealers are contributing , in mit limy' 1* inferred •from 'the • fact that, % --The Loudon Tunes, !small measure -to the economic espeet links it with the Caucasian oilfields. th.anks to its possession" of the far- ., • ' famed "black. earth," It contains over ° ':' , u/tR—ALlt ELS Its tilled land on an area«antounting A leading bOokseller .1u. 'the great eighteen per cent. of the total popula-, tion of the Soviet Union and. a fifth a British ermlaments eentre a iihettlf.lii to about, two per cent.- of the whole,. Its natural advantages are immense, not least the juxtapositions of its.iron- fields to the best coking coal in European ktussia., Uut it..is vulnerable to air attack, and even the Donbass region could be reached from the Rumanian ,border. Hereos where the septembei;, Me, is-nat ascribed to its vast distances of Eastern. and Asiatic literary exeellence, The reasons ,given Russia tell. Even if theeNazis reached are the 'British people's interest in Moseow their airm.en would still have Russia on the one hand, and Napole011 some 550 miles to cover before they on the other. togorsk under their borab,sights. —The London Times. away from the West into the limitless Ninth every step that Flitler takes eVI"CVT" :Et:Victory" ' eeuld have the factories of Magni- • of the British Firrchasing Oomniission' lib:self harastriing by the l3ritish corn. f)f raising tll'e depression , us. now th be. a clatiger that the use WORK FOR , STAMPS AS SINEVirs Or WAR Since the outinvak‘ of • war, some lewreerailin io*fmthea East, the parallel be - clearer. Like Napoleon he wished to T • and Napoleon becomes , Canada as a means spirits hundreds of thousands of dollars have ievade Britain, aud drew back five's the use of the sio he display ,of the letter `"V" and (simcoe .Reformer),or• gone to swell, the funds at the &VOW the attempt ; like ,Napoleon, he finds were Welcomed in 14 the United States 'through the sale' mold of the sea. Like '1,1apoleon,.nitler h. - etiied to have settledon Canada, ha- attacked Russia. And nItliimis' are with regard to the,prospecte oteictory. consequences for .the attacker. hoping the parallel will have Parallel Having. accomplished that object there (Boston). ' United Kingdom. With the -approval —The .0hristian IScience *Monitor 'of these symbols may degenerate late in America ef rare. stamps and collece trade has been built up in :the precious The combine method of harvesting meaningle. es, childish PlaY. We are got a country; that has been overrun by , 1 Noels- there as no dangar thatthe will hear as tapping out the d by philatelists . in :the rions owne s of the Board of Trade and the Treas- THE * comigNE-HARVESTER valnable aid to our war effort. • . Canada over a period of four -years ,lienetihortst:etaPdats and a dash aNazi Morale la ury an importent and growiug export (Experimental Farms News) Anaerica, with her million or po and muter widelrvarying Weather On- likely to be affected by our use scraps of paper which ttas proved a has been thoroughly tried in. Eastern - stamp collectors, has always been ai ditious. Over 725 eombine-harvesters of "V for Victory" here. Perhaps, a fairly •he.av,y buyer on the London were in use irb Eastern Canada iu 1940: better letter for Ca•nada would be the presaion period, and with the wriVe*--Of-handry Division at the Gentral •ExPeri- 7-111d .double V or. W. °"I'V - for 'Victory" tlieti stand for 'Work for Prosperity now sweeping the Ueited mental Farah, Ottawa, states J. M. VictorY." stamp market, except during the- A survey conducted, by the Field'Hue- has recelitlY declared that' the Xnus remarkable efeeet (),f the war on litera- ture is the vastly increased popularity of Tolstoy'ts "War and'Peace." Some well-known critics, including Gerald Gould, have -been. to believe that "War, and race" is the world' greatest novel, but its popularlty,sinee • TiameaDAy, AUUU 14041 - achineY Repaired On sitortNpotiee. FAYOry job receives nty poYsonal' attention. Geo. W. Stokes Moia!XiiSt olist Photte gou _ a the Iaattle' of Britain has alrea.dy hi..en told. A Ptiny, force of &ring l3ritish aviator:3, liaspireci,by be spirit of the heroes of Britain of the past, held off anedefeated the Gernaan. armadas. Aa. 'Churchill said: "Never - was so much owed by $o many to se, few." the same tune F.b.R. Iles diSa0Peared I ii). the weeds. The engine -man kept distances by rail.- *Nevertheless it is 'Marries at the age Of 24. • Iaarns 4837 pairs Of socks. THE AVERAGE -WOMAN -- States as a result of the boom, in Arnistrong,,eovOlpg thirty per cent. of • abs•ent from view in England, and at out to kill a rat a hieh lin n i g Kuznetz and. Kazakhstan over long heal's- induseries. this aselseen4ntensi- these" harvesters, shows that ,over thing' 'is brewing—and they ni-a-Yerbe_ Oiteii-alie wohld. open the door orthe d t 1-pla ts -in-the Usaion wo'far•4' -as--asta- ti'"-•-•11resen-teestrile''''gle— Thea-comblne has zedneed.:_ihe lithor .Ekpeasioar_yents_ytp.Oing, dishes. _ • At the outset there was sonae sugges- required .at? harveat time and when seisteas to 18 radio serials each week, Tight. ea - fil": .1 fire -box and' shove in the lengths tion that the export tract -elle stamps for used on sufficient acreage per ear hat, ,alaes, five years longer than: her ee already. A new plant was 'oPened east e ---, •.." rock -elm rails that Produced the heat June at Nizhni Tagil with a °capacity ,at collections might have to be suspended. effected' a saving lia the coat of The latest -----------------------—-- sts * ., 000 tans annually, and of 2,000,000 tons ` husspebannasd. 8,784 bouts (five years) - • • to. steam up at, the ProPer, level. -that time, it was claimed, of 64r 600,- a. practical plan was 'formulated, how- harvesting-. In addition, under the . * tall and squirted oat how and again on the :tied industrial production. . appreciated as a weapdn of economic harvesting. •reporting is tiyefeet, four inches tied of rodent months. Never Afore ninety per bent of those are from sight on this side of the Atlautic. 1 clo.ae watch on the belts and the utters area • of rapidly increasing mineral — has the postage stamp been so fully satisfied with the einnbine metheed,ref Buys.4tI9 hats and. 552 dresses. _ massing parts of the engine, Every soiron t. Maguitegorsk bas one of the largest Has a baby weighing 71/2 lbs. The newspaper boys,euspect that some - lee ever., by the British Philatelic Associase extremely wet harveet ,eonditions ea.._ gossiping. illOwever, Col. George Ae Drew, who Press admiratien for threshing dinners, .metal in ndecatstant future. sits opp,osite him in the Lesislature, but few _of them do juatice to the At Reycla, near Sverdiovek, a g.seat ,Ocelsionally wishes she'd ° married • is not likely to go AseEngland after all. aleny words have been used'. te ex. of pig iron and 1,500,000 tons of 1.0i }i that a woman likeseto produce copper r,efInery has been opened, • The I - • he Old Country and he e will tell the Premier all aboutitwhen aleaTy, White potatees, std.:ming in as great As those of Trans-Caucasia, 1 • cold ham, ceoleed•to a perfect degree of about 2,000,000 tons in I-03% there is 1. ., tion„ representing the stamp trade, as •countered iu some areas in,1940 tae a whole, .for the eontrol Oritainta ex: combine -harvester rSroved west effec- someone eLse. . . ...,_ . . ports in such a Was-: that they wouldi tiye le eaving grain. In maw; eases- Quarrels at least twice a month with bring direct benefit to the Treasury the quality . of combined' grain was her husband: s . bv setting up-dallar. credits in, New. aupariet to that thre'she.d from the e ease -nee -a wee in beauty parlors and York. This wa's approved by the Gov -: stock. In other cases -crops that could' SeS7 ou coameties. eminent and has now been ha operation not be. cut' with the. binder were Never' learns to drive a nail witheut „ • ,. •fot -about twelve months. ' • ' harvested with 'combines. . ." hitting her Omani!. Under. this arrangement the British The, amage reqpired to justify the Attends 3027' movie matinee many Philatelic Associatioe acts as a clear- purcba.se of ' a cbanbine-harves*ter on stamps interide'd for the A,merican work for a tractor is estimated • at 1 of them.double features. ing • house for all cengignments of Any farm with a tractore or sufficient , 'Neeer learns to play a. golf game market. - "Sending, accompanied . by a twelve acres per foot of cut of the 1 ttlielrseeheyerahrsusabnadudeigii t months perts appointed by. the, stalnp. -trade, bine method la that' creps must be- suf- ' thatspetildtsis and passed by*. a „smell panel of ex- The- chief •disadvan-tage• �r the corpse . Is positive ' that her child is better - talking 011 the telePhone. .. detailed declaration, are submitted to, harvestela • ' sealed bags to ,the Postal Censor' S de- when. combined, and that during the' than the brat 'next door. ^after which they are forwarded in ficiently ripe or dry"to ke,ep in storage' Weighs 128 pounds—until 'she he- pattment and thenee to the United ripening .petiod damage may occur I • Threatens at least eight times to •go Leomes ica-reless, about_ her figure. e condition that all transactions' shall 'hails' Four , years' experience aas. Devotes; the best seven years of ,her [twine to mother—but never does. States els oPporttinity offers.. It is .*;, from lodging, Weed' growth wind- or be• in dollar (not sterling) currency shown that, on tli.average, losses due life to' attempting to -make her huaband mid that, s'aTe in very special .circum. 'to weathe•r are not ,excessive. This is. has leftfort for „a ahresh•-haungry" grbnp of men. oil deposits are believed to be at least he gets back. 0/4 -teeing bowls . . . thick slims or and thou* the field only supplied reason- to believe that the o tpute has tenderneea . . a tangy crock .--,pick14. Thereeis a. discussion isa' to 'whether brought up from the dim, cool dep s improved since then. Russian pro- ne 'fruit" which led to mae's down- a the cellar . . a Sta6ks of wh te gramthes il,f production have often been. fall was really an apple...The Saltford bread . . . fresh tomatoes, sliced and over-optimis•tic, but it may be said that laid on long platters green beans of the total of 48,5004000 tone estimated Sage says he doesn't want to get into ' ' • (the total 'for' 19111a was swimming in --butter . . . and the men fo 1942 any dispute,, but if it wasn't an apple - 1,000 tons) nearly 15-tper I cent. 1, eat in alleeceas There is never very 30, h. • how -Account for the "Adain's ,apple" muele talkieg at a threshing table. .was scheduled ,t6- be produced in. the m.an • never yet has been, •able . coin - Fresh berry and, apple pies disappear Volga -Ural region. - beferte your eyes and _the men, in spite of She heat of the day, constime gal-, Ions of' te-et. a The talking is rese`rved f•I th hen- the -sprawl Ant on western Kuropeafa still" hold T 1Still, great as as the promise of the pletely to swallow. There's a .poser, newls- industrialieed areas near and a • • • across the Ural,• -the old centres. of A sensible relaxation o s e for the time w y isoline Testrietions gives police (sa. the- grass to smoke. The,. _ lder men pride of place, notably- in engineering production. The great cities., Moscow deers authority to allow the sale of gasoline in prohibited houre in case of look on in amusement at the young fellows, who persist in °jostling each other around, A blush of embarrass- oyer—without success. • with it e 4,000,000 inhabitant's, isenin- stance's, the sale -must be completed alao true losses due to the operating And makes a good wife in spite of it grad with 3,000,000. and 'Kharkov with within six months. The dollars thus mechanism of the combine and for all "grave enaergency." , One can think' Of Merit floods -up under the dust of some 800,000, are (or were until recently) arming are taken over by the 13ritish some, crop's the loss With thecombine almost the only.places for the making such `bases as a sudden. illne• ss, or an young man's face as he is ribbed abotit • Treasurv at the standard rate of $4.03 norm011y less than with other Methods occident requiring- an unexpected auto- 'a girl. The tank -man -can usually be of •the finer engineearing tools. Taking 'to nee. £, so that the money actually of harvesting. Take Them All first the separate astricts of Moscow, Bride, to stranger at door: -Wells" found over under a tree with a group remains to our credit in New York A .few combine eperators object to Mobile trip by persons ,iremediately Tula, and Leningrad— - , Stralurer: "I'm a bill collector- --now declares his belief that "the Nazi ,concerned. The authority, it. is pointed to beat of 'the Wild iind telling ihe•most "Moscow is the Main centre of the the equivalent in .terling. The syetena, ever, most operators are satisfied to Bride": 'flow nice. ,Come in lad h'Id efe "varnine" although the vender receives ultimately hauling straw from the combine. How -- war machine Will---iitterly .cellapse by Out, is to be uee- d sparingly -and_ewith fantasstic storiele, altont the I - h • " - - • it wills be same Pe- no Means eom- handle the straw in a similar manner e ',eye vote all vou can caret "J- 1..th'1-1;.t T%‘vo Bella p e, eleetialcal eneineerine and the machine - tool induatries anti has a great motor . h I n and wideseeed childTen heated, apart from the. filling up of to hay With a.diimp or siderake, loader • t• 1- 't all in works:. in addition it has a consider- the inevitable forms' and these are no and slings or a cutting box Little4" rheietnias." .1 roreSees- ft- British greatest care and is not to be employed as lee • • army on the Continent by .the.secend week of -Augnst and a series of counter-' aaSeeks by Lite Russians that, between them, will crumple the 'German forces, arid the uprLsing_of the _nations _now generalne 0 large eeale and also hes a rubber- use of the service, • without fee or Many combine Qperators need their 1 „sometimes, takes queer licence provideclethe eaaential tegula- machines for custom harvesting. Wet a aa lie its on the fender' -over the Ns -heel a or the big tool -bo° e. and watches. the , Proalfteing „works. -Tula '(272A03) is ' r t one are adhered to, and every week " aveather conditions were claimed to nir and more involved than the average bill d difficulty was reported with heating of i • of factories- protium°. consumers'. . motorist who unexpected's- finds lies In the heat of the afternoon the letS - - h !lading.. Any recagnized • stump dealer, combined grain and in some egses i , . threshing eontinues. The engine -m, goods. ,Lerringrad has. r shipbuilding or collector for that mattereMay make combined grain sold at a premium. I . tank empty. • 1 eineeri e industri s n * for the accommodation or an ordinary , •0 * '4, e .able textile industry. and a great var- 1 s • • • rocks with" -the Motion of_the machine some hundreds of, consiiimments, find his increesed the amount of custom , Nazi demoralization. . trustees ef a rural scheel were 'coin- alone, and the belt s-wasee. and .the (materials (-entre. . . . . In'theee places their ' way to philetelists acraSs the . . combining available. Well; the second week' of, August is • 'wiled to 'cancel the 'engag emen o a t e . I -machine thunders through the funnelj there is a ,large Working- population There is no information, as to how far the country still- depends-, on these thien air! p,aketygraragino., (London Free Press) 'collections., are being sold 'in America- __I for the benefit Of our war effort and tIlt_.VV:sihiattit aatiocnhainnge centres for war material, lint the de- _that is by public auction. , Again with' * this -week the Germans lenriched their . pendenee must be eonsiderable." the sanctimeof the 'Board of Trade taeo Even more- ireporta•nt is the Ukraine, leading firms of London stamp auction- air "blitz" against Fugland. They ex- i ... overseas. Canada has many thousands the object -of German. appetite before eera have opened offices in rNew York Pected to wipe out the British air force. • for the handling of philatelic properties to terrorize the civilians of -Britain and Peterson's prophecy fulfil.led we -are seems_ the' right thing to da . . . to the Nazis were heard et and now more steel of being almost won, is just suppose .aeine. of these days I'll have to Te. . . •utote Pour neat Ukrainian -citieS . . source of strOgtli to the countryo‘N•ners prefer to offer them in the Peace. After their triumphant March ,. under 'Illtler's heel SS 01 complete the turns, Down near reawanaiesille • the The• machine "pampams ' 1 +111 01(1 asPor • here, and so fac. ase 'is known en this- -teacher named Kozak because rate -!'°f -'the smoke -stack as the sheaCee clog xvith a long. tradition of iiirittetrrae.K111. There rs another war'in whith stamp!! LOOKING RACK A YEAR * side of.: the IAtaantie .no British force payer? complained that -1.ie was the the - separator ana et -cam -engine seems ' up ireehe separator. Threshing with ' has yer crossed the Channel. Wishful ',child of foreign'born parents.- Thertdnemed. My neighbors are using sumll thinning doesn't win wars,' and al- young woman 'is• of Canadian-Ukrain-tmaehines and -tractors and eombines, . though. we should like to. see .11r. iarr origin and has I 1 ' fighting•' . . ,a.,,rat ier but T still like to hearthe old "steam- engine" pounding away at work. It inteined to believe that tlie war, in- of Ukrainians and they will be a thresh in the old-fashioned- ally. I there ever desir e tbe eovetous to force Britain -to make a speedy originating in Great Britain whose , F • - , , start using. a cmnbine or an outfit with —Kharkov (a great cenare o eavy American market; Although some of across Europe and ehe „collapse q)1. ..„ Every 1O\ . Packet of WILSON'S ; FLY PADS WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN SEVERAL DOLLARS' WORTH OF ANY OTHER FLY KILLER 10c -as ea are a one( full rights t eto,r, bui until NW' have to, Lazy industry), Odessa, XiQN", •f111(1' t'IW great' the best colleetions in the country are 'Pr, anre. they were confident:- 'Me rest • - beginning.' When the c-iierinan army . th I the suffers a decisive defeat collapse may of (.it izemh ip. , :.Nti.SIS <,1cozak, who is. Meadows cropa svill he threshed in the s efeel-produeing -centre of Dniepro- _being sent overseas in"this way, 'there WHY of the' world 'had' little doubt that to Stich a del "at la '''i failure of the has obtained anOthee position and 1 7 -- - in the U.S.S.R. artostoy-on-Don, which atlantic euctiona' British buyers can Peace and theBritish themselves only Germans i0 St11:1 an resistaece . in af few weeks as they toped and ex - said to be a girl ot exetptiohal abi1ity,1 "time -tested" manner.. Petrovsk—are among the eleven largest , Fs nap aalvantage that in these trans. Britain would be forced tosue for eon* quickly, but so -far the nearest .* PAY May prove her worth so uerniatakably • "My friend:" said a solemn man, lies just outside the Ukraine, has long ° ' have. eon ever done aught to make prodeeed indu.atrial machinery. West as. to makethe people whorejected the Conimunity- in which- you live the of the Dnieper are the Krivoi Rog iron- ' compete with their a -A erican col-eknew, that tb•ay would fight to the last „1 leagues and so secure a eaepeiaIle fo theit precioes isliind. The atorseal fi I 1 . the manganese deposits at peeted to do: ' , her ashamed of their narrow On" better for your living in it? • I have 0 ( 5., ,-Canadians should •not alloiv such ,done much," replied the other humbly, Nikopoland the shipbuilding 3;•a`rd'a of 1 prophecies of early victory to 'mislead thern into thinking that vietory is just aroend the eorner and that strong, unitesi effort, sustained perhaps for tazis and the Darlan-Layal crowd ' several „years to come, -will not he wish the design of keeping them fairly needed. They should prepare them- well 'satisfied without altogether sur- eeIVes for a long period of such self- rent ng 'Franee to their, will; .but denial and self-sacrifice al•rwar entails, when he puts bis country in the ke:ep- anal i, -4<-----%ikbtory, cornea unexpectedly Int; of t he ettemieseof democracy anal early. so.antiNi the better, s. • the friends- of Nagai „terrorliern, and an- , • —•-•,------ . neuneea full eollaboratiorf with Ger- IS MR, IIEPBUItlf GOING ? many, the best CCP ran think of the t . old mah is that he has' reached sech a pi•emier Hepburn talks of resigning :stage of senility that he is not quite iais st coet as Pternier of Ontario - and reaponsible for his,actions. He admits gi)ing to England to engage In war .ceatiori of CanaditinLem. „ * • • We had nursed the idea that 'Marshal Petaiq was playing a game with the "to purify the homes of my fellow- ,Odesse. Niko a eye a • • To . beings." "Ah!" confirmed the solemn Ithe east of the river are the many man. with a pleased look, "you Ms- 1han:47?-1111 towns and, the great Don- , tribute tracts?" "No 1 clean earatets." 1 blias eoalfield. The hrtge power station work. ille appears to, hint thae”whether he go -ea' or not, or whether lie•goes as a private citizen or as Premier of , 'Ontario, leaving an -"acting premier" s in cliatOeat Tdronte, depends in sOme way upon -a decision at Ottawa. Ministers at Ottawa declare they have -nothing. to do with Mr, ilepburn's eourse one way or atiotlis;r, and that, "if he Ls trying to lave the impression that the Federal GOverntnent has stood' , . . , • , in the way or his departtire •at any 01,NERAL EEFECT SPOILED einfia that is absolutely utrue." (St. Marys "Journal -Argus Y. ' ., The question of asaceessor to Mr. SUMITit'r Visitors comment on thei beauty Of gt. Marys. Thig attraetive- cilep'aurn. in the event of his resigna- floss, is largely due to the pride that ,-.t0.11,- itteVibibly atirTP, and two.,name'd L_ ,eit,izelari fano inkeeping their premises fare at i'Mee mentioned, those of Honneat, their „ lawns and boulevards IL <1. N1e0n. and nonli.'iD,,,,Me. mowed and trimmeg. But the offeet ,spoited, where one reeident illizieii. If it had to be one 'or ov het °I- lartWIY on ,a, atreet .cfllow,:•4• his 'yard an'd bottle - of thez,..;e, It is likely the rank And file ,tard,to rini,wild. Through his°thought. e tlie Liberal party tvould.clion-Alr. lemei=,4 6r perhaiv.3 lazilwq,•he is ruin. Nixon,; but if the doeLgion v.,ntli with frig the best effort ofhis nelohbors. VI.e iNier kire.1e of the Cabinet it mightynditriotirarif,o,eletipt tu:trteletnjragtrSi: be Itr.°Meguesten, though it ig, rumored t; ,s1,10aut he ;40/,-, way 4:i ••-iularaig with that the lattee; ACtion 53 Minister o 6tieu Glugglat 1totweh01dor;4. , • ,. . in his address to his countrymen tit. t there is a "real IilleaS1114`;SS ant ng th Fieneh people. It would besaad if , there were not. When the time eomes --and we hope it will he aotm—that uneasiness will resolve itself into aetian •that "will sweep traitors like Marian and 'Laval 10 their doom and set Franee .right in the eyes of the world as :a champion of liberty anti. dernoeraey. * Best of*all 'fly killer& • aean, ek, sure, eheap:'Ask your Drug- gist, Grocer orGeneral Store. THE wilsoN PLY PAD CO., HAMPTON, ON. ONTARIO amoma....mool414.41 aroawasmaornomosamilooalla•a0014111144.44.44114 AN URGENT APPEAL TO ONTARIO FARMERS Keep your cows milking! "On point*" Wis o einpltitle, gen leineii,-alw s ,1 Pe4 Ontario cheese fac ory patrons did a good job in May and June. They increased cheese production y 2,574,772 pounds. Don't let the drought be a tool for Hitler. Britain must have 12,000,000 pounds of cheese this year. This requires effort on, your part.‘,Drough conditions call for heavier grain feeding immediately. (1) Fee any available grain or silage. • . (2) Bu Bran and Shorts at the pegged prices from your nearest Fee Store at a saving of $3400 pr ton Prices are now at • Ma levels. . • (3) Fee41 new grain at once. (4) Do 't stint. Milk flow must be maintained. YOU WILL NEED GREEN FEED THIS. FALL Work up a stubble field. After the first rain, sow one bushel Rye or Fall Wheat ad two bushels of Oas per acre. This mixture will also provide early Spring pasture. You will be .tirprisje&tuid pleased at the qui& and steadY growth. ONTARIO I BRITAIN'S "FRONT UNE?' FOR DAIRY koRODUC S, 50 KEEP YOUR COWS MILKING! Feedf 'the, cows to feed Britain ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HON.,. M. DEWAR, Mi W. R. REEK, beetaty Minigew ° .44