The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-31, Page 6C3
tL^Q'�y� tt •.e
�7.I': rr�. '�l'A."�I.�.��I $, �Y tIlDy ti.'� -�--_ �ilt'�£a
ZEi11a and Alge cook of 'Wingh;aza.
went the wee4-endd with their pamonts,
Mr. and ai>iacs ^iii'. W.
tln; Sunday R v. W. Ll,.. ipm antaer of
1 alsf a , a va a '.
a � had charge tIn
fo ,� l
Wei:3411 d 4;laurell `aln l evoke fro,a,.
,Genestj d;tt -."Am 1 mybrother'sweek-end with lois parents, 'Mr. and
keeiper'im 'Ile .senior quartette, Wil- firs, A. L. INralsh•
111r. and :Mrs,, Arthur Spei eibeag
and (Barkley, Mr, and Ititr, , Simon and
s g• �
as '
onaldl�, and fir•.. Spei�lber�„ atr.; ' of
Kitelaenen, were , guests on 'S(andavaat
the home of MT. and Mrs;" W. A.
rent*, vi"i+'ael last wed:. Vitt 1 �.
parer-AEI,'Mr. air � r. 'W . A ‹Yamilbell tittie
�'� � Not
,Mr. and liI1.
1 x
Fail „iind ex'anil u'11eui c*Y k°iz'arl<
" r
ee, Irvin uy itself
til[i,e1�1�ane 'were '1,€)-s Vii' Mr. and
Earl Weightman. arida oche -fi` erntb
. eeemi ataimee, wee &xita u t gut an Amy on the
Mr. aunt Mn`1.
Walter Cook anti re. 4 ordonl � z�el1 Continent b
ri: (lapIIi � itdro :, db
Q'}iY. � .�
�A �° A'� to .
Mr. Jim Walsh: cif Clinton e'pentv tea(
limn, Alva and .J. 1,. '&i•c''Do)vel1-,'and
Maitland Henry, 'faivored with a num-
ber. ,y ..
� r•, h n two � nnd. �. ser-
For the esta �� ,�. r
vice will be withdrawn at 'Cietdteld:
:Mrs. 'Wm..MeVittle of 'Westfield' is to
be the W.M.S. speaker at auburn next Campbell. . -
fSUnday morning. Reeve It. 'ltchi:10nd;. , spgit , several
PMr, and Mxb, 'Wesley Stack•llouse of aay'4 r{ :ntly a at; Algonquin rark.
.1trueefield' visited with Mr, and .Mrs, <- •
McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Nap.., . VARNA --
Wigglt fnan:, `
Mr, and a,Mrs. John jampli01 andA1A, July n s 2$.-033 (rs Friday evei-
Donald, of Aylmer; were' recent guestbing. Miss, Dorothy t,ee* entertained atat .the -lome of Mr.,and Mr,. A. E her parents' lime, Mailedale Parnas,Walsh,
Zurich, in honor, of Miss -Sybil Rep, of
Mrs. Win. Blair, of Brumfield . spent Varna. The occasion was a matseellan-
Snnday with her . ,friend Mrs, R. eons,bride g
Vincent, she w� r for the of the comnin�,
month., Mrs. Warr, ,,belly and Jimmy, of Wal -Mrs.
Clifford di. Keys, of Ehnen -
ton, and 1, rs, ]os, KilleUgh: of D1111-,
rgaai;nou were recent visitors at the ; clorlph Farms,'4 arnai, held a trousseau
tea for her .daughter, Sybil, on \Vet-
home of Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Meliowe11` nesclay, July ,23rd. Mrs. W ;Cpl k
Mr. John Preenlan daf Iroquois Palle, , J. ar, ,
Visited at' the home of Mr, and 'Mrs. ours of the bride-to-be, received, and
Boward Campbell.
• Mr. and Mrs, F. J. °atilt and family,
Mr. and ;Mrs. J. L, 14icri)asie l and' fam-
Mr's. Austin Sturdy, also,an aunt, dis
played,•'the trousseau. 'Y Luneh Wee.
served by Miss Zereldla Sturdy, mer
aly, Mrs.. (1. aSxrrith and Gordon, Mr. and ' delle Miss 'Doris, 'Clark, Varnn, and
i ;Mit- Dorothy •Laing, .`%eybtirtn, at~lr.
Mes. Walter Coek, Mr..and Mrs. Alvin
;Snell. and Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. -Lloyd *bat% in
Walden•and Donna,. Mr. and• 'Mrs. A. E. , } a Name
fv c Irishwomen were haven '
g a
Walsh and family, Mr: datid Mrs. oyer the back fence.
Norman Radford, and family enjoyed a
picnic at Gederich on Saturday-.
Saye Mrs. Rafferty to Mrs: Murphy
Mr. 'Kenneth Campbell, R.C.C.S., of :lrrahti now,. and how are ye feelin'
'Sore --Quick
"'Qeief from Asthma
'lad Hoy Fever ' with
"Shure," gays Mrs. Murphy, ''I'm
feelin' grand."
-Isn't that splendid? And how's the
baby?" u .
tellin' ye,' .the baby's doing
grand too." '
"*Eli, and phwat are-y>eP" calling the
child?" �
"Shure, Mrs. Rafferty, we're .goin'
to call the child . Hazel,"
ye're gain' to call her hazel? t
Glory be' An' alb them lovely names I
in the ealenylar of the saints—and
ye'^re cailiri' ye're child after a nut'"
Many an American who /lever at- 1
teaaslede-•,n--efoo•t+f+al : gtt3nne--x+^- srl mtly-- lm�r f°
TORONTO, 'July' 20. Geo y
'erowther, one of feritaixn's leading
economists, expressed the opinion here
today that the "watershed"" of the
War has been ceaehed.
''dlitherto our great preoccupation
was to avoicl� defeat,., , he. said. "It is
clearer every dui' that we have suc-
ceeded in that, and nbw the question
of how we cat win is arisiing<,"
Mr, Klr r" _sVi
u+wthe whose newspaper; The
Economist ef,' I�ondar>l, carst advocated
several of the �.°hief financial .measures
adopted.1 y the church%11 ',Govern/neat,
does net, believe the bloekade will
strangle 'Germany into submission.
"'The blockade imposes limits en Ger-
many's war ef>lort--tlhat's *bout ail.
Our ibomlping, e the other hand, inay
be , ra flier a different story,
•,The effect. of 'German ;bombing ntn
'British morale has -.onlybeen to raise
it. However, we have a' large number
'of good reasons for 'believing that 'the
effect on G'ivilian .morale in 'Gerrman
will be 'va'.st1 '' " y
y efferent.
Must invade Continent
• ^Giving his, "private" belief - as "a
rank amateur on military Plai` ters,"
Mr: Crowther saider he thought it 'Wbiu'ld.
;be nee ,4ary, in the end; for ' +, gland
to invade the continent 'to atchiet'e �"a
decisive vi tory.
'Britain, he 'said, has been highly
sut'c•essful so far: in preventing un-
eontrolled monetary inflation. "In
general, we have taken steps to see
the necessary restrictions in civilian
expenditure are brqught a,lrout 1 y plan
either -than -^by ;shortages or. inflation:
I am hopeful that we can pxei'ent-'Qx-
e sive inflation for ,,the rest- of the
•ar, although I am afraid of the
period iniimediately •after the war."
"O•ne thing ...the war has shown .is
he fundamental humbug of finance.
f you have: the men, the materials
and the mach'nee. the. monetary pro-
)Itens • coin . be' solyeti. The aim of
nacre •
lir wartime 18 to see„ that
lot'hing ii decided on Ifinan ice groilnds,,
s uei mase rn .417-41-y of a nation
c lianting to the 'Russian:;;: •"'Holtl _that which stopped fighting because' it. ran
line;" •- . short of money. . In monetary temps,
tL .
U1aZ3 wzri# ;SALT e'iintinde Wiefiaely,
though it e e ainfi to be 4', &' n. hese long
„natieni3 will b&\ willing to 'edea, down
their living t tandard t) to devote mei/,
coleSsal ,res0urees to the etrauggle."
Priro Control
Britain, 'the econaopct stated, bas
gone a, long ,way int.price control—
further than. was . believed possible
%beforehand. 'Nearby , every price is
now an addminiet;ratiVe one, �' ur(s, f it,
I it
goes up you know who p nap and p
can. ret after 4in :'
Mr I(•
rother.�lra�aesead not to itnow
what t % inside of an air raid shelter
looked ilte. 'yI halve sjept in nay, own
bed, i my own bedroom, every night,,
and t aiS is ,typit,1 of a. great ,cc, any.
You et utterly fatalisticabout bomb-
ing i ids, and your realize that the
t'hances of being killed are very small.
lit few months have •.•bor abing deaths
been more ' numer(itis than deaths .from
highway. accidents. I have as wide an
acquaintanceship~ in (muton as most,
but. I have only known two people woo
were killed."' ° ,: •
Mr. 10row her's,; newspaper Offices
were wrecked by bonibs, but he found
another plant and the next edition
came out as scheduled. ' 'lrle is on t
side of . the Atlantic, on. government
business.. !Ma:'s: !iOrowther, a U.S.
citizen, is with him,
, ,i)ONN" ;,i3rootli, 1J uiy 29. The
regular meeting of ' the St, Augustine
Women's Institute will'be held at the
home m ;Redmonde of :Mrs. John
on Wed-
nesday, August 6th. Roll call: Cur-
rent events. Demonstration by 3Irs..
Thos. -O'Malley. Hostesses: :Miss Me -
Allister .and ,Mise Lnicy Thompson; . y
'MIsn Gladys ,%Tefferson, RN:, of
;Woodstock, end Miss Olive Jefferson,
R.N,; of Niagara Palls, are visiting at
theirhome here after a trip to ,the'.
.Miss ,Ila Craig of Auburn visiting'
With her aunt, Mrs. R. Oh coney. ,
Recent' visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Ohammney. included Mr. and Mrs.
'Fred Deacon, and Miss Gertrude, of
Toronto, the Misses Colby, Whitby,
and )Jr. and Mrs. G. A. Ma Laughlin
and daughter, of 'Detroit° Miss Anne
C'hamney has .returned from a week's
kisit at Toronto. - U
Mrs, Olive Allin of Goderich was a
week -end guest with her sister, Mrs.
Mr. Harry Moss of Paris spent the
- week -end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred,Moss.
r --
roved by Automtcobile.:Experts
: r I elrn means a � worthwhile Sawing
ck List—Every _ �t
- •
�.� spark plugs and valves
from 60 to 0 Beep p
0 Reduce drivingspeed• clean.
40 on the openroast_.
Dr Avoid lack -rabbit starts.
Avoid useless or non-essential
�... driving. .
. T motor off when, not in use, do
- ' riot leave idling. -
1 Don't race your engine; let it warns'
up slowly.
0 Don't strain your. engine; change
D check cooling' system; ov
wastes gasoline.
D Maintain tires at right. pressure.
O lubricate efficiently; worn engkies
waste gasoline.
fo dnd from wPrk;
0 Drive in groups� •
using cars alternate - days.
O 'For golfs picnics and other outings•
use one car iristeakof four.
O Take- diose' shirt shopping trips ON
FOOT and .carie parcels' homed
buret ?r cleaned. mid prop" 0 Walk to and from the• mQViesd
Keep car
erly adjusted..
motor, timing, etc.
Tune up •
.Acting through
DONOURAIi;I.E C D IIOW1 Mica's •a�i`,.ibl unitienn and Supply
Orap" regular scrvia a station man
anti other trays of saving . €lam
:.; too, Can help by
.Boat owners,
reducing speed.
will gladly explain' these
oU,'ie. Consult him.
The slower, you drive, the more you saves!
• U
the Government of the
d . E. COTXRELLE; Oat Controller to
fievie. and Sha,te, ontit
aeoC�%re 1f -o2 VICTORY
Lovely, shhnmerang hair iS a sign-
post of youthfulness, yet so many are
content with, dull and faded hair, often
^specked with dalldraff'. With very
little t'ro.u'b1e, hair can. be made most
attractive. ,
Brushi�hg is the first step. Use t; brush with really strong 'bristles, and'
&Cat the roots and ° scalp, •
' Dull, faded, hair needs tonin, u
with •good 'hair tonic. Sprinkle sox
tonic over scalp and':hairy leosenu b•ai,
from scalp, then, placing your Tinge
thinly' on the scalp, rotate the scalp
itself, without rubbing. Finally, brims
vigorously. ,
If you've very greasy hair, don't fez, -
get that a permanent 'wave -tends to
dry up surplus oil. •
Dry hair needs occasional j massage
with waren olive oil. 'For very brittle
hair, try an. e g sham oo occasion 1
Take two eggs, beat whites and yolks
separately, -then fold together.. Wet
hair and scalp with lukewarm water
£ircd hot water; it congeals-the.eggs).:
Cover _ Opel with sufficient mixture
to work into hair and scalp, -then rinse"
thoroughly with. clear tepid. - water.
Repeat process several times.
Ot' course, whatever the condition of
.your hair, you need a sha•m'poa at,
least once a week.
Write for confidential perdsonal ad-
vice, enclosing four one-eent stamps
for ,. my interesting 'booklet, Beauty
Care. .A°ildress : 'Miss'Barbara Lynn,
Box -75, Station ;i3;,'Mon�t'eal;•`Que.
1 -....TOWN•S•HW
Gt(1I}I7I I+(`II T(x NS11flP, July 28.
Mr. and Mrs. .tllarold Needham of
Bowinanville visltett last week wi
)1r.•and Mrs. Earl t'ooper.• • -
The'Bible contest. being 'conducted
Union Sunday school concluded o
,Sunday. Lilly Elliott Was proelaime
the winner, with 11jr.•barai Seer•, Dor
Orr, Charlie Orr and 'Melville , IIat
wood'tieing for" sec d place.
Rev. A. J. ant? 's., MeKaye act
familt, left on Wednesday - morning fo
Manitoulin. Island, where they wi
acrd - four weeks' vacation. 1)ttr'ie
the month of August, I•tt''^v. R. E. Gross
of Long Branch will conduct service
• at union.
1�ej.Irite the Warm weather,• there wa
a fair number of communicants pre
sent at -frieze, chin{2b-fm-genet- y. '1'h
snc•rarnent'of the Lord's Sumter, wa
-di-pensed. The pastor, Rev.' A. J.
MeKaye, delivered a fine' ,s ernnd�n from
tli gi'�.en n.o, .higher _.ecurage atirrgr""than
the skipb)i• aria-c�'0w of""the mereliant
at, marine, --•''They are. in the real front
line and -they don't• even ,have 'the
d safisfa,ction of taking a Slibt at their
.1..3i€t, 1tft
The Unsung �Nerosof the Sea
(Dai a�. bnlsty naorniung not so lonh agoifaastdst ou the 1t~tlaatie a
dna old' ?t'relghter utter db doti ire said, " t. would taakovreil-
ID 'vua til
harbor and -p'3sseai, throu;;h the gate:.ttr . placed torpedoes to sink her. "In the
t e open. � , , laar'bor iti aa' sricaaail. feeightd'r, eapabld' oi'
b. sea. 'lYer tonnage w n i -
as e l I
• , ...
no more'than hevien der eight knots. She•
ibld°, heir lines Angr'ac' •fiii, , and her; is loaded with. munitions. One shell,
Sneed that a a tortoise, but 'to the Men ` of any kind would o'bliter'ate her. yet
On shore whoknew about her I .she is � utt'nn out to sea. +Her.. slai r
h .she made p � p1�
a :'braver sight than if she .had been .the.. 0-11e - li►ho- neallly (derfeR.,e
henry i0J einore in •The Detroit .
capital. ship passing in : review, writes plate,"
Free Press. •
On the bridge was a skipper who ha
fought the sea even longer than t
old tub .he c'onimanded Retired from
the merchant marine just, after the lass
war, he had come from 'his home i
the hills of. IHalifanx and volunteered
run the gauntlet of the North Atlantic
He gave this ;age as seventy -o a and
stormed at those who said he could
• not' be a aninute this, side of eighty.
'IIe stormed , at' officials who said that
he would have to lie in •the harbor until
a' convoy, slew enough for thin .:to,n keep
pace with.' was formed, "To heli
with the ;Germans," the old 1 boy said.
°W'e'll get across - somehow." ►So it
P was outward hound all arlone.'. +No des-
troyers joined him in his renv s`
r with the- waves. Ne. �b'oihbers wheeled
ahead. With - onlya
ti4';nmygtnza °to
protect her, against �S'tukas,: armed, raid -
h• ers and subanarines, the freighter
crawled' Wood the horizon,- headed;
for 'lirngland. The old boy and his tub
mad -
eit, .
diundreds'o�f old boyeare,raking it,
or trying to make it 'these days. ` They
have w^haclned off • their beards and
-twenty... _years- off ..-their ... patted
a�'es, pact-ec"I
their great-grandchilcdren on- the -head;
tidied up their gardens and put out to
sea as vital threads in Britain's life- j
line. •
Courage of Skippers
A walk along the.... water front on
visits to the seamen's hostels brings to
light innumerable stories of the- cour-
age of these old skippers. There was
one in here the other day who bac}
been picked up after.his freighter bad
been shot out from under him, Ile
admitted , to seventy-five, and after
three days of floating on a ,half-sub-
-meriged raft, towed by n. line from -his
chief ofiieer's jolly -boat, his only com-
plaint•vvas that •thestirSt-'shelleint a
nifoiigh the carbin and destroyed pos-
sessions he'' had carefully collected in
half a century of roaming the world.
Ewen the pilo.s of the IR,A.F.'
(l - (E perimental. I.+ate News)
h0 There are tinnes when most home-
- owners 'wis'hthat some. easy way could,
t be found of ]haling weeds in lawns.
n The ,almost miraeulous results whieli
0 have been obtained in the Control of
. eertairn�f' w 's,,in grain crops has pos-
sibly led mean ole to expect l
y people � equally
good results in the eradication of
weeds in lawns, says Veorge Kn.cvwles,
Division of Field Husbandry, K entral,
Experimental ,Waarm, ;Ottawa. -
In a lawn, hoWever, there Is usually
a mixture of weeds, sone, of °w,hich
are annuals, some perenniabs. .It is
difficult 'therefore . to 'And one herbicide
`'vvihic'h is equally effective' against alb
weed species, Nevertheless, •progress
has•' been made toward the objective def
eradieag ting weeds from lawns without
Jtillanrg the; i�rF'lsta, '
;The results of experiments .conducted.
at .the�''•Cen�tral' Experimenatal Parma r
Ottaway show that the growth of many .
species of weeds can 'be definitely
checked by applying calcium cyanamid
•I dust at •the rate of approirimately 5 or
6 pounds per 1000 u
�,-. �. •� ... ,...a. ..�..Il.r'� fit of lawn.......
lit is essential that this dust be ap
plied uniformly, otherwise permanent
Injury to -the grass is likely to occur
where the dust is .applied, at an„ ex-
cessive rate, For this reason it is ad-
visable to use some- type of duster,
which blows this- chemical on the
foliage. It may also be applied by
shaking the dust, througrh a cheesecloth.
One may also punch a number of fine
holes in the lid 'of a eon'venient-sized
can , and shake it on. It is well,
however, ''to experiment with- the ap-
plication of 'thi's herbicide on a small
area and observe the results before
ricking ..t'his _treatment -on the entire
lawn. ' Cyanamid shouldl be_ applied
when the 'f ee. ..3zret_, maeleedevu --•ora•.w.-..:_.�-w.....
This herbicide is. quite caustic and
may cause injury 'to the skin in apply-
ing', but the burning can be •,prevented
by covering the 17ands. with -a 'thin film;
of oil before 'handling the dust.
Cyanamid is a fertilizer as well as •a
herbicide. It chucks growth ,by burn -
ng the tops, but later it stimulates
Abe g-ev tl of grress. and enables It to
•ompete more effectively with" weeds.
It is well, therefore, to repeat this
treatorent at numbor. ,;of tunes. .Early •
spiing _and early fall are suitable
Imes for it:a ap;!lieation, although good.
result may 'bQ detained if . applied any
tittle du ring the grewirig season.
i)aandelion; •and plantain are more
ffectively controlled 'by spraying with.
,ngtiine 'burning oil at'" the rate of
gallons per 1000 :S(lxare feet of lawn. -
tormentors. • -One' lea., only to • see • a
i._• tanker,. loaded with .,high-test gasoline,
laboriously put 'out to -sea, : to - know.
cl tha(t • the:ellen wins will eventually use
r that fuel -iii 'tights high above the
11 I clouds deserve no more credit than t:he
g'1 ;:rimy, unsung me11 who •r{ le with it .
e acres.. '� the ,Inittle-grounclQ of • the
•s Atlantic.
High Tribute e
'''' Perhaps the highest tribute t ver�paid ',
'- I to the men of ' the merchant marine B
el was paid, cip:svn in -L-7-4 1)y the late tr
est. results are secured from this
r -Sir Bertram'` :H
Fox aves • in the last c
I's alai 8(;.
Picnic at • Harbor Park.—The eon
lined picnic of the Union- Sunday
school and Dramatic Club :was held 'en
• }relay` at 'IiariborI'ark, Goderich, with
nteety present, Tables were ,laid unfit* huge *neve and "everyone °enjoyed
the supper, after which the young
•i '' I'le participated in' a f,unc� t 'soft
-ha 1. The races, under •tlie- leadership
cif the pastor, Bev. A. J. McKItye,
SU -lied as follows: Girls 1-7 `,rears,
Vera , Johnston, Noreen Fuller; boys
1-7 year., Billie Orr, Donald Feiner •
girl. 7-10 year., Petty Sowt'rhy, Mary
.Ic•a n Fuller; hoy 7-10 year:., Donald
t rrr, Charlie ( err'; girls 10-L' - "years,
Isobel puller, Madeline Bogie: young*
Borniee Johnston, Mary Hale
Wood : bet's 12,-14, Allan MeKaye,
Douglas Fuller; coat rave,, :Mary Iia�r-
`oud and Robin• Sowerby, Elan Orr and
1)ave • Davidson ; girls' three-legged
rice_ ,1►'rothen- Ti.chberieseand Mary -
Ilarwood, Mary ,lean Fuller and Helen
Joiinsu n ; - •boys' three-legged race,
:Charlie Orr a rid . Donald 'Orr, Bruce
Sorferlly .and Erie 1peiran ; necktie
race, I)orothea •Tiehborne and Erie
Speiran, Flva - . Orr A and . , Brume
Sower•by; kick the slipper, Bernice
Johnston, Mrs, Harvey_ Feller; mnar-
ried men's race; Austin 1�'-u11er. .
ASIIFI ii,1), July 28.—Mie Char-
lotte Mac keiizie Is home from Toronto
for a now t li'• „holidays.
Miss "Anna'• 'MacGregor of Toronto is
'spending at three -Weeks' holiday ,at her
home heie,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes attended
the funeral of the former'e mother, the
lata di e. -ell ctatler ^Ilowee, in Toronto
loner idaiy. *
Miss Matnd'I.oghrin of Guelph. visited
with her cousin, Mrs. '*1: O. 'Mackenzie,
last weed.
The July meeting of 'the W.M.S. was
held :"on - Wednesday at the home of
Miss Annie Mae 'Macdonald. •
:Sunday, August 3, will 'be t11c:' Inst.
Sunday f&' - redrning ;services in a:;i1b
lic id•Presbyterian (1111rch 'when mem-
bers of the 'Summer ISehc,ol 'wi-11 be
I►resent. In the evening, the annual
oi►i vc'nti.cic+ . will be held at Kintail
61 r. t'118rles MaeGxegor ofKitchener°i vesitin),r' his 'br•otlicr1 Mr, Itod.''''Ma
Gregor. - • -
Miss° Helen Johnston spent htnt week
with her cousin, )lis.-trdonna John-
s1nn, In ia,cknow•
°JYias Isahc'1 I1'utte `is visit:ri;; her
aunt, Mrs. 1h'rnarrtl. Rhodes, in 'Toronto.
Misses Sadie F'arri.h and Isar°bare
('nlheit of Goderich were home, for
a week.
AS[IInlrr1), July 2Lt -Mr, Jelin
It(►wleieof ?Detroit and hie tuotiter, Mrs.
McIlatrdy. of Goderiele visited at the -
home of Mr. 'Jae. J. ']owlet. We aro,
proud to call John one of our Aslrtield
1►oys. Ile has been aCeO1111tatrt With
tht. N firm in Detroit for twetrty-
01,o neat l e,
Iletlteril(gton of . (io(1e1101, her
si._•t{'n', Mrs. Bessie Thompson of
inrrn, and brother, 1 g
of. Ltleknocv, visited with friends here-
on 'Sunda;(. • ' .
Mr, John Ilrltsce y of 4italerieli In s i git-
is» with Mr. and Mrs. 4''llon, O'Keefe. -
Missionary Seceeti.—'I'hcrdS:k,ef
the A ;knead Presbyterial) ehureh fi ldl
their Jtily 1114'0 t tr, lit i' he lltattle, p1' Mimi
A;tlnid' Maes MaktT)onatld,on lr'k'eclnen<lay
with t'h'enty-411 t i11attendance, Mee.
war. Sir '1l�ertram' was Captain of the
olym`pie then and, when he had safely
carried rrie�d 200,0000 .old ier s to the .other
side, the efts. - - honored ]aim
with a 'banquet and massive :s:i11er Ser-
vice, In his speech' Of a ccelptal• t-c%e•-of
I the plate. Sir Bertram said
did not deserve it. ' My ship,;.
eatnient when. the° oil is *applied in.
o1 weather. •
All herbicidal treatments to control
evils. in lawns - searcll • the grass to=
}ire extent. This scorched appear,
banes remains usually 'for about ten
days.' After tart period - the, gr•asi;
Tosumes its normal color except where
ces,sive amounts. "of the herbicide.. .
ave i►c't• n applied.
Donald: R. M acKeen zie, presiden t, pre Kse
sided. After the singing of a i'salrit
the Scripture lesson iwas. read by Mrs. arount
Simpson from 1 Kings: 17. Prayer fol-" frowns
lowed .by Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie. The here.
area: uioes .report by Mrs. John Mac- Sh{'
Rae was given, - showing, that the t,rtly fat
Society, had received about oneJialf
allocation- .Mrs. M. 4'. - Mackenzie
Only }anther
-Say, who is that ftrntty-kicking
who tlri^ves your ear and works
1 in ,the g;irden? Ht• always
a t - ire whenever he .sees me -
oh, don't. mind him. • Thst's
gave a report on the ,17•ume I1;e11W'r8-
department. It was decided to join
with the• Ripley Auxiliary for - the
thanksgiving meeting in October, when
there will be a, pecieT speaker. Miss
Ella- Cowan read an excellent paper on
t1i F►o�iood recalled 'try John Patton.
Mrs., John (Ross led in. prayer. Mrs.
Ester gave an interesting talk on the
life'`' of .Rev.. - J. '"Wilkiie nnissionai'y.
She d`tvelt on'bis evangeIis•tic, educa-
tional, - industrial and medical- experi
ences, bis eager spirit and bis abound`
ing', energy. Sally ,MacDonald and
Jean Johnston Sang sweetly "'What
shall we children bring?" The meet-
ing closed with the Mizpah benediction
and "God E <ive the King."
.(Established 1875)
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