HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-31, Page 5MUM/PAZ JULY 21Gt, x`J&i.
. ..... . .
.J Pi.,.
Den.'t take chances factory experience is very essential.
• 1 was formerly Uer tzma!l's Toronto factory • .ia o tuner
and 1 have credentiabl Oto show., ,'':
® This is my 20th 'year tuning' ianos in, Godo 'cls. Local
names furuished if ,desired.
Tuning* • 3.00 --cleapin ' and'. de>p otId g included..
o r WRITE .
D 9
4 n ;
c n St. � Gat.
96 M N��g�ao� �
oict0====0=0 0 O 1L'*[2.,
Daniel 'Hanover, an old -age pension-
er at the -County Home, ,'Clinton, was,
the object •of a Widespread search . on
• Tuesday, During , the day he was•
visited by Buffalo friends and when
they were `about to leave; Ile begged to
go With `them. ' On being refused per-
mission to do so, he ;threatened to take
his life. IShor'tly after dinner be was
found walking down: the railway- track
towards Brumfield. He was returned
to the Home.
Trusses and abdominal supports
Private fitting room
Campbell's Drug Store
BI+INMID 1DR, July 29. TElizaabeth
'Ann Orange has returned ,to her home
after spendingsome time with her
aunt at Fingal,. •
Mr. and Mrs. Marry ' flaacke, of,
'Deloro, visited;''last week with Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Vanstone. tl,
Miss Phyllis Jewell of—St. Thomas
•is holidaying at her home here for a
Mei and Mrs. D. T.. Pfrimmer,-spent
the week -end in Hamilton.
° Rev. R. 1G. 'Hazlewood and !Mrs. Ted
Me'Michael were in (Goderich :hospital
on •Monday having their tonsils, re-
inov'ed. Both were able to return
home the next day.
Mrs. McKee . and Miss Jean, of To r'
onto, spent last week -end with Mrs. .'
,Straughan. • Miss Jean remained for a
longer . holiday.
Mrs. W. :Straughah spent last week
le Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. McKee
and faunily.
• Mrs. (.Rev,.) 'R. G. flazlewood was
last week attending canip -for the
junior" girls at the Summer School
-bommmnln • irO th of -GMderi`e ,:. "sec ing as
Threshing ,has Commenced in this
locality. f
The Young People's Siel tY
are hold-
fd-ing a :wiener roaStOt the beach on
Friday night. •
Wedding bells, are, ringing around
`Benmiller. '
,Congratulations are extended to Mr.
and. !Mrs. Ted 'Michael on their recent
marriage. •
lagging; Dragging
Pains:In the Back
+ dany women nave to do their own
11ionsework, and' the constant bend-
ing over, lifting, making beds,
sweeping, itonng, sewing, so nece&
Baty to perform their household
duties' puts a 'heavy -strain ori, the
back and kidneys, and ifithere :sicore
no kidney weakness the back wodld
be strongand well. •
• Dban'e Kidney Pills help to give .
relief to weak, liackadhe., kidney suf-
fering women.
Doan's Kidney ?ills are- " :-p
in an oblonga box withtrade'
"Maple mark a el our urtLeaf" ° on the
wrapper. • .
Don't accept a subatitut'a. Be; ,
sure • and get '' Doan'8. "
Mrs T Milburn Oo, Ltd:. Tvontio. Omit
NIIIIJE, July. 30. -Miss Ruth Cantwell
has -returned to'Beachville after spend-
ing two weeks at the parental home.
There- will be no service 'in Nile
United church next , •Sunday. Sunday
school will be he1ti' at the usual time.
The Nile unit of the .•1 ungannen
!Red :gross. Society have sent in the
followin.r arthles for the months. of
May. June an!. July : 16 quilts, 4 baby
,blankets, . 1 seaman's , scarf, 9, pairs
plain -socks, 2 pairs -.seamen's long
stockings, 1 pair mitts, 1 layette.
BAYITIVE10, July 299. 'all+O. OIL;
mnur' f TOrento is tile guest of Muses
A. M..tarad E. J. 'Stirling. '
Mrs,R. II. Middleton' retUrned to
lad► home in fleasali on iSuriday after
having visited her' MOther,. Mrs. W.
W. Wood.
Mrs. David Dewar spent the week-
end with Mk. and grs. David Dewar,
jr., in 'Torozito. °
Mrs. Leoy doth and 'Master Ronald
returned to Caledonia on Sunday with
Mr. P. Poth, who 'was here over the
Week -end. . ;Miss Taylor, who wan
spending a • vacation with.
also has returned to ,Caledonia,
.*Uiss Mildred 'Caaneron returned
home on iSa,turday after having spent
a• fertnight at Lexington,
Mr. and gro. 'John, Rankin and two
children; of 'Gosheia, Ind., visited the
former's {aunts', 'Misses J; B. and C. P.
+Raning, at their 'cottage , in the vii=
lage last week, ,
Messrs. Will and Frank Cameron of'•
Detroit spent the week=end with 'their
Sister; Miss: B. leamerou.• -
Miss Diva . Dewar Toronto came
last week to ^spencOsthe remainder of
the sumer , vaeation with .her par-
ents; ;Mr. and 341rr,. ;David DeWalr•
Miss Dewar attended the New Educa-
tional ,Fellowship: conference held in
Ann Arbor, Mich., and also visited her
sister, Mrs. Ernest Itehn, in Framing-
ton, Mich.
Mrs. D. 'Crane and Mrs Charles
Mustard of .Toronto spent a "few days
last week. at the Mustard cottage.
'Corp. Frank. .Burch, Uplands Flying
School, Ottawa, joined his wife and
babe on Saturday -rat the summer home_,
of her - mother, Mrs. T. Mustard,
where he will spend two weeks' leave.
.1r. 'W. Gray and Mr. and Mrs.
ugene Gray of Detroit Spent the
Week -end with 'Mrs. 'Gray .,and Miss -
Alto, Gray, who have been. holidaying
w;tth Mrs. James Ferguson. Mrs.
Eugene Gray remained with them.
Mrs. R. W. !Bristol left on Monday
to spend a day with her cousin, _Miss..
B. Ward, in Clinton beforereturning
to Washington,. D.C. •
Mar.•.an.d- 1-rsr all er ry-• iter -an-dh
children, of London, . are holidaying
with .the former's .parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. cBaker:'
�. �D Lola
of Detroit and
R.ese3,nary ',Miller of Mount ,Clemens
are visiting the former's mother, Mrs.'
Maria Elliott..
'the gtie.st-s of 'Mrs.Anna gown at her
cottage. ,
Garden i `srrt3a The annual garde
party of Trinity church was ,geld on
the rectory' thaw,, ora 'Thursday last.
The various booths were well patron-.
izeti, .badies of the• congregation were
•in charge, 'of the supper 'tables and
kitchen: Mr. Wm. Mone of fraensali
operated an electrje grauiapbone 'to
which an tunplilier was attached,.. and.
the patriotic numbers added to the
t ..'affair.
gale y the A short 'larog;riaaza
consisting of bagpipe &eledtions by Rev.
B. ,F: Andrew, who was in hilt. •. and
pianoforte seleetions by David Trout
and Miss Vera ,Pease was n1u•eb,;,_en-
; oyed; 'During the evening a visitor,
•Mr . d'. ;Ki'bby of Detroit, offered prize,
for al ehildrenas pelliaig naateb. .Iu
the oth and 7th'grades Donna- Baker
of, '1I4oiidon• won 'tile' $1.OQ'; Ronald
Knight of Toronto the 50c, and Bob
;Hallowell of St. Catharines 25c. For
those who were in the Stir grade last
year, (Keith 'Brandon won the •50e,
'George Heard ,25e, ,and. ',Helen Styr-,
gem 23c. The .warldene•are very much
indebted to all those who so kindly
gave their services to make the affair
such a suds.
DU NGANNON July 361—Mrs. jos.
•ai few da
A., Killough spenta ys recently
daughter. Mrs,
visiting her Wm. Kelly,
Walton, and Mr. Kelly, Who has joined
•the --army:
Mrs. Robt. !Henderson • (formerly
Agnes Young) With her four children,
from' Wingha,rn, • is moving into the
McAllister house this week. Mr.
Henderson is in the • army.
Mr. and' Mrs. 'Ceoi1 Orser, Detroit,
spent the week -end among relatives
here, continuing north to 'Golden
Valley, , where they will spend their
vacation. •
Mr, Abe Smith, who went to•B'yron
.Sanatorium two weeks ago, is, we hear,
doing 'very well with the • rest and
Mrs„ !B. J. Crawfcj with her.'house-
'keeper,} Mrs. -+Rose ,,:might; Lucknow, is
-•-spending-some:-t=ime--at •t-lie-•settamt
Port Albert. _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willis
and Mr, and Mrs.:Robt. McMillan and
son Bobby- are bending vacation at
the tither Willis cottage:
A St. John's ambulance- course was
held at 'Lucknow and was eiimpleted
Tuesday night. Those from Dungan-
non Who took • the course were Mrs.
John Blake, Mrs. Lorne Iiers,.. Mrs.
Otto 0 1 s. Will 'Stewart Mrs.
l' pp, Hx Stew� t and• M s.
Will 'Smith.
Miss. Bernice 'Blake returned ' last
Monday after a few days spent with
friends at •Wingbam. 4 ' t•
Mrs. Cook, Toronto, who is recuper-
ating from illness and has been spend-
ing soiue time with Mr. and Mrs. John
Blake, is now spending a while with
her ,cousins, Mr. . and . Mrs. . Will
Gardner, Lucknow. -
Douglas Alton, son •of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Alton, Toronto,. is .spending holi-
days with his cousin, J. C. Alton.
Mrs. hazel McQuillan and cliiughter
June, Lansing, visited on _lionr;1aty 'with
Mr. ag Mrs. Ohas. Alton. •
Visitors with .Mr.- -and Mrs. John,
Blake recently were Miss Willa Hoff-
man, their niece from• Dunnville, ac-
., 1 Ir. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and
two children, of Sudbury, came on
Thursday last to visit theformer's
parents, 'J•1r. and Mrs; W. L. Ferriuson.
Mrs.' Mary• Parker 'Cox of Devil's
Lake, 'N.D., is visiting her sister, -in-
law, Mrs. Chaa,les,Parker, for a few
Mr. Sydney Castle returned to Sim-
coe on 'Sunday after having spent the
past week with his mother, Mrs'. M.
Mr. -and Mrs. Henry Miller of Mount
Clemens, 'Mich., • spent the .week -end
With) "Mrs, M. Elliott.
Billy Johnston of Windsor, is visit-
ing his arrnt, Mrs. Malcolm Toms.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peck of North
Dakota' are the guests of the former's
sister, .Mts.'•iW, Dawson.
Mrs. Mary Ross and her daughter,
Mrs. K.. Gardiner, of Edmonton, are
teOmpanied trey two girl friends; Mr.
and 'Mrs. -Will Orazastdaza, 'Goaalliands,
Man.; Mr. and Mrs. Jus. i'Tanston,
+Ooderidph ; dtev. A. W. =1;row 2, Afars.
Brown and latl gal, ,Brantfoni, And lijizo •
ifilizab1 Uli ,Scott, Ripley.
Air. and Mrs. John' E. 'Freeman of
Iroquois J'L111s called on Mr. and Airs.
jos. A, Killough today (Wednesalay) .
Visitors with. mt. rill Pars. MA,
McWhinney ' `i centllr r were 'Mr. and
Mrs. 81mer 'Shackleton and Gari, ;,of
'Detroit; "Mr. and firs,• Robert iReid;.
of Port Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Lavin; with Afarg'areI ,mid. Arthur, of
Toronto. • . •
Air. and Mrs, Jinuny Figgins and two
children, of St. Catharines, have been
visiting; relatives ha, these parts.
The farmers of thig vection aro get.
ting pretty well on with wheat tliresh-
ing operation,, and are quite pleased
with, the yield 'considering thedry
spell we had in .the growing season,
Red Cross Wgrk.—Mrs, Durnnin, 1Mrs,
Pew, Mrs. avers, and 'Mrs. .Smith
packed 'bales of Red 'Cross workCon-
ttaining. the following' articles on Sat-
urday afternoon : For refugees -26
quilts;, 3 pair pants, 2 pair sox, 1 pair
bed sox,. 6. !quilts, 1 layette, 1''woman's.
night dress, 1 baby blanket, .li/% doz.
diapers, 1 'baby 'Vest, slip,nightgown,
binder. . Army --33 pair sox, 6 scarves.
Air 'Force -3 scarves, 1 pair socks, .1,
Pair` half ':mitts, 1 pair two-way mitts,
3 'pair plain mitts. Seamen -1 ,pair
gloves, 1 pair two-way. mitts, 8 pair -
mitts, 2 helmets, 3 scarves, 1 turtle-
neck sweater, 3 pair socks.
CA'R'LOW, July 29.—The bounteous
rain on '.Sunday night, aid • Monday
• morning greatly refreshed the palrchecl
earth, and will help gardens and. roots
and other growing crops. But more
is needed. '
Rev. R. G. ,Hazlewood began his
'holidays on Monday with having his
tonsils removed at the Godericli hos-
pital. 'He has made a goad recovery.
Rev. --and Mrs. W. R.. 1p,,POD aild and,
Margaret," of Perth called on some of
Mr. Alp's former parishoners. '
o'Mrs. Credie of London visited her
sisl~er., rs. +'eWIfeBri e, last week.
'Mr. and Mrs. Duncan ,CrawfOrd and
two .children, of Michigan, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Stoll and later went on to •
Mr, and Mrs. Fred 'McGregor, Rod-
erick and Charles J. MacGregor and
Mrs. Bailie, of Alberta, mother of Mrs.
'MacGregor, visited Mr. Alex. Young
last week. ee. .
The Ladies' Aid were g ests°0--tire
Dungannon e'W:M:S. at the • last. meet -1
ing and assisted in the program.
The United Church held'' its picnic
at Harbor 'Park, Goderich, on Friday,
afternoon, • when 1 a goodly number
turned out to enjoy a day at the lake,
A series of r••,,ces and contests 'was
enjoyed and theg men -,played off some
keen horseshoe games. The summptu-1
ous supper -at the close, with a .boun-
teous Supply' of .ice cream, brought the j
-annual summer- outing to a close." I
Mrs. Thomas Jewell had , tivs-^vis-itors
on J ,� clay her sister-in-law, Mrs.
111fri and the Misses Murray and
Ir. W. T. '.Henderson, dill of Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. Wail. Fowler and ftiim 1
ily attended. the Fowler picnic at
Easy Terms, Liberal Allowance for your
. Nelson and Victoria St Goderaacb•�
Phone 513
Springbank, London, F oh Saturday. Cargill visited at M. J. O''Connor's yes-
Despite the hot weather and busy time, terdays •
there- Was a large attendance of tela-
tives and friends.
We are pleased to' note"_ that 'Miss _.-
K. Dineen is much improved from ,
._r.e t•...illnns&.. il3e'r sister,.;,, Mist .- ,� ..
Joy, is spending the summg. wi-thW,her
and her 'brother, ' Mr. Joe"Dineen.
Mrs. 'Gus. ' Kinaahan of West•
Wawanosh spent a couple of days• in
the last week.- •
ri h � is
• JohnHusseyof Ode C
spending a . few dhys at the' Con.,
O'Keefe home.
KINGSBRIDGE, Julys 3Q. --Mr., and
sonDennis,Mrs.John 'suionil and De
of Pinkerton, and.. Mrs. J. Brophy
daughter Mary, of Wingbam, visited
at M. J. ()'Connor's lust Wednesday.
Mrs. 'T. Molyneaux of Dublin spent
'week -end. -a Tim Griffin's..
'Sir. and.Mrs•. King -Wand- daughter
Agnes,. offTeeswater, spent Sunday at
Blaise Martin's. •
IMO Mrs. Frank (teddy and
c1i1dren, of Goderich, spent the. week-
end in Kingsbridge.
Mr. .J. •I3. ()iLoughlia of Detroit is at
present making his annual 'Kingsbridge
visit. -
Mr. I.en: ()iLoughliri, with his 'little
daughter and , son, Mary Ann and
Jimmie, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.._ Dren-
"naii of Detroit -visited at -Thos. Drcen-
nan's ever' the week -end.
Mr. -and Mrs. Rouse -and daughter, of
•Goderieh, visited . with. Mr. •and Mrs.
J. C. Moss ' here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs: Joe O'Reilly of Chicago
and ,lir: and Mrs. P. M. ,O'Reilly of
•MAT1fi.IIiNIG, July 20. --Mr. and Mrs.
Bill McCann of ,Nile visited on Sunday
at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. George
The'W.M.S. met 'fast Thursd•ay*•� r'"'
noon at the church. ..9
Congratulations are 'ectended to. Mr. .
and Mrs. Charles '1Hodgins, .neW13 reds.
Wilma McIntyre, of the 2nd con-
cession, spent last weetit with • Mrs.
Clifford Kilpatrick._-_
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley and
family attended ; . the -Hasty picnic at
Kintaii last Tuesday. ..
Mr. a and• Mrs. 'Chester =Brown of •Der
trait spent the week -end, with the
latter's sister, Mrs. George Twamley;
and Mr. Twamley. .
• a•
Ui .
ridgy, Aug.
1st -each night --$150, War °Savings
2nd -=each night 50, War Savings
3rd --4: eh night-- 25, War Savings
• 4 to 8 -each night- - 5, War Savings
Draws will be made at 12 4 p.m., .;each night. Tickets not drawn first might eligible for end night's Draw.
Ten Booths on the Grounds ---Bingo, Keno, Games, Jitney Dances: Special invitation to all ,Men of the forces.
SPECIAL -Foie Boys and Giiills-10c tickets will be sold .for a new Bicycle' each night.
H. Kinkead Pres. E. 4E. Cranston, Chairman of Carnival Com. A. H. Erskine,
This Space donated by'lhe SigriaLStar.
in the event of inclement weather' the Vrelic will be held in the Wet t. Arena.