HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-31, Page 3• Directory1 LEGAL nI.IPLEY i7, 310141.ES Barter, Etc. Oourt Houee, Goderich. 'Telep ►one 05.,. WM. ,SIFItalifftLAND .• Barrister and Solicitor Nita Mortgage. Security. Urban Loan§ Available. Office—North'St., Goderieh. Phone 700 CIIIARTEREit, ACCOUNTANT Int Chartered Accountants 77 Downie Street,, Stratford Toroato Office: 802 Bay Street VETERINARY SURGEON ▪ VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 2AX3 " Clinton, 0 ' Telephone 119 Sake attended te anywhere and every effort made to give satiafaction. - Farmers! sale notes discouated, C1ORDON M. GRANT, LICENSED COUNTY A. satisfactory, courteous 4ertice tor gum, Property or Heusehdid SaleS.• Rates Reasonable, 'al NOSE, wilimwo Late House SUrgeon, New York eis• tant at Moorefield Lye Hospital and. Golden Square Throat Hospital, Loa - don, England. . ' EYES TESTED, GLASSES ' 53. Waterloo, Street S., Stratford:. Telephone 207. - Next visit Bedford Hotel, 'Goderich, Wednesday, :Sept. 24th, from 72 p.m. Veteran Physician Honored at Clinton u sings - Dr, 3 W, Squaw Reoeives Tribute on Completing Fifty Years of ,,Practice CLINTON, July 25,--4The J. VG% 'Shaw wak this evening honored by• the citizens of ,Olinten. and vidnity en having'attained fifty years of prat- tice in the community.- and aiso attaining 'hiS eightieth .birtlalay. A connannity Picnic was held at the Collegtate.grouads, where a huge birth: day, caite,„Was ent in honer of the cc-. A 'large gathering of friends and ad- mirers came to see, the docter who has helped over 1,600 of the com.munity intiPthe light of day and- whose ac- tivities have helped man', good .works Clinton. 'Dr. "She* and Mrs. Shaw were congeatuleted in speeches and received gifte to show the esteein in which the people of Clinton and vicin- ity hold Marne- 0' under the direction ''of !Owen CoMbe, Col. Ranee, Jas. C. Shearer ;and Mayor A. J. MCMurray.", The Clinton pipe band Played during the lunch hour and es a mark of honor ;circled the guest ...table three times. Wanda. El Hatt, Detroit, granddeughter. of Mrs. Jacobs, .niatron of, the County Home, was a charming little drum majorette. - Presentations Mayor McMurray acted, as the after- dinner chairman „and called;, on N. Watson. Dr-; Oakese 4L. iE. Cardiff,- Je C. Shearereend, Reeve Lieermore for holstered ehair Was presented by an old friend, Col. Coral*, while F. ,Filigland, R. Dorraece, on behalf of.tbe County Hona.e'committee, read the addrees for the COunty and Warden J. Leiper made' the presentation of a cane. Mrs. Shaw r ived a silver ;tea service from her Smith doing the honors. Still Looking Ahead The Doetbr, in acknowledging ,the tributes paid to him, outlined the ma..ny changes that haYe taken place here in•the tflfty years sinve he began his practice. At:that time there were 0 AIM 4.1 erre i L HURON 60I NT '$`FORErsTrW GobERICE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SDAY, JULY 3i.st, 19'41 ne cars, no telephOnee, no radios,,. aro 'Xray maehioes, people ;drank water purape'd from ,welle. He told of the establiShraene of waterworks In Mita;' 'ton, for which she 'had long agitated. He also mentioned that while Clinton has water service coital to the Wit_ in. �w® the 'rovinee It is still ire need - of a. newerage 'syy'tenn, and that, should be the next public improvement sebeme. Collision" Reviewed in WeekIyConst Van Meet Head -cam At. Gully Bridge -Fine of $5 Iinposed. Tfl Boys Net So Geed Dr. !Wm is of ,apinjon that the boys -of today are not as rugged as those ';,"Wheef .1 was medical officer Of, the lebt Battalion in the last War, 1 had midition pf the yeung men ',of that day." Dr; Shaw Observed to an •inter- viewer,. ,"I examined between 3,004 and 4,000. During this war I -have beep, examining' * hundreds" neder eircumsta.nees. ,Physically, the boys of this ,generation are not ae. good, Their eyes and,ears and che:Sts. are not as good; their legs 'are not ae strong. Color blindness- is conimon. The reason is that -they are Starving in the Midst of plenty. "Twenty-five, years ago there were cars, but not matay of them. Now men are racing around the country night and !filling 'themselves. on hot, dogS and• pop, and they are -beghining to stow it in their health. . "'But perhaps there Ls a, favorable faetor at Work; Ilerfor& • the autos people lived pretty, much in their own neighborhoods. They .inter -married generatien after generation among the same. famines. From this unfavorable results are heginning to show. But the autos are taking the young men away „drom the township and marilages are now-, made -in towns and viilageS • twenty-five or thirty Miles, up the' line. The benefit. of that -will come in the "The thing that astonishes me- IS what the girls can stand. In the -old days they wore 'heavy 'undergarments (lc/Wu !below their knees and heaps of little or nothing now I -know they are suffering for -the sake of style....,There is' no physiCal reason why they should he able to stand .it,^ 'but they, (14 stand it ; and While the boys have been going 141,very little girl on the' hack can - cessions pays as much attention to her appearance now ,as any girl ^anywhere, and she Is as well dressed. She is in better physical condition than the boys. She walks better and sheiS better -look ing. ut while they ,suger for fashion, on the bleakest,days, not they but the 'boys come to . me suffering front Home Geod Place to -Be Born shaw. has officiated at the.hirtbs Of 1,948 'babies, inaluding eight setS of twins. "Today it max cost $400 to I/aetor said. "Years alto when babies Were • barn at . home the .eharge Was $.1 and $1. for, one*viSit later. After all, , home •is ,a pretty healtlei,^; place; lx.rblips, the verY best place to be born.• • The' proof is. that in my ex- perience araund Clinton they all' lived. of my 1,94.8, leasi 1,000 were born at home. Often enough, the 'daddy Wa,s My helper." The Doctor used to have a little joke, and he often meant it, .tha,t-first babies. came free. A year or so•aga a professional man came ta him saying - that he had just heord that Dr. Shaw was nevei, paid' for, attendance at his birth. , Ile wanted,.ta pay up. The doctor aircePted payment' at' the old $170 AN ACRE FOR PEAS Record Price Paid:to Exeter Distil Farmer by Catming Company Peas that hVeraged„ four tons to the acre with returns averaging araiund $170 per acre is the proud boast of one fartnef- in the 'Exeter district and is .71 record paid for peas at the, Exeter Cur COARSE r,oR -DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CEIIROPRACTOR AND' DRUGLESS THERAPIST • Goderich, Phone 341 Office teurs-10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 and 7- to 8 p:m., TueSday, Friday wail 1• 0' to 12 a.m. only on Wednesaay, 31ineral fume baths by appointment A. N.. ATKINSON J. W:traigie INSURANCE -and REAL ESTATE Get Our Automobile Ratea Phone 24 Godericit INSURANCE tieltILLOP MUTUAL FIR - 140/bdetsboro; W. R. Archibald, Vice-, Manager and Secretary-Treaeurer, Sea - forth. Directors --Wm.• Knox, Londe -demo'', Leonhardt, Dublin; J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thos, Moylan, Seafoeth; W. It. Archibald, Sedforthe Alex. Mel:wing, Blyth ; Frank MeGmore, Clinton ; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Agents—E. Yeo, R.Tt."1, Goderich; James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get their,carda-rece4pted at the Royal Bankyclinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Xing -awl Street, Goderich, or 7. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfleld. Geo. q. MacEwan • Fire, -,4ceident- and Motor Car INSURANCE "'" Phone 230 . GODERICH COACH LINES Daily 7.30 tun. 4.25 p.m.—Lea,ves Goderich for 'Stratford, Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots — Bedford, British and Royal Efotls. ' 1Pkohe hotels or 305 for informatio/J. Real Estate and Insurrance A head-on naotor On the bridge, located on the Blue •Bayfield, was ander review in weekly - sell Duncan,. seventeen -year-old yogth, was convicted of Careless driving and ifhe accident happened on the after- Dunean WAS driving Fit. -Lieut. Brandi); hoine Port__ Albert from Sarnia.' Driving south were Min Richardson,. .V.S., and, Miss DOrinda The two cars came over (he respective brows of hills. that lead to a short ape proach to the narrow bridge -too nar- row to permitears to pass on it. a full 'stop after travelling twenty-nine feet on .the bridge when the Duncan' ear, after careering ninety feet down the hill and. 'forty -roue feet on the bridge, ,st ruck . • hire. Miss Brickenden coeroborated his evidence, as did Traf- fic Officer, James Culp with .measurt meats of the -Skid marks of the Duncan thought the accident. west's eanged by a misunderstanding as to which car waS ' "It ..also was due. to. abdisregariIrof signe such: as. 'Delve poe:fiy, narrow There was evidencevetoo, that Dun - .can, the accit'sed, was' travelling sixty travelling fifty to fifty -dive ,miles houe. ,On. the Ivitnes stand- he said Magistrate Makins told DuncanL he was driving too fast and -did not have his ear under control, also that he had paid no attention' to warning -No daubt you tried your best.to avoid nib- accident,' but -in this ease your best was, not enough," he ,riiid. 'Both ears', were dainaged, litik no wielt injured. --Assault Charge. _ layt-on Anderson, a Youth in hut was remanded TO Aail for a week, Mr. .Errington being unable ,to ,appear. Anderson' later., secured bail. mined .Sunday. July 20, at., 'Dun- gannon, Was "pretty bad.'' Allwitiquid '310 'and costs, for driving permit: _ caenieg factory. 1.:he pea pack is over. for anoilier year and' the yield and returns on the whole have been quite satisfactory, Six hundred and twenty aeree. were sown to peas for tile Exeter braneh of the Canadian Canners. 86"ine the early peas Were .a little light wing to the hot spell the•first part of July. The late peas tit riled ant Well and the qUality of The Pack n'tas never etter than the pack -this year.. Help J.370"4'' little,Short at the factory and on :several orcasions-tho peas eniewded the workers•and it wa,s well on towards morning before. finishing ti'fi• for the The faeto'ry is now preparing fOr the week. ' About 200 a•eres have been, sown to string beans, in this vicinity and we understand the beans• from this erap be supplemented .by beans. .front the West Lorne district and paeked at the local braheh. The beans, are picked twice a 'weeek. ,The peas that aVeraged foal' tens to the acre Were grown fly Ernest Willard a mile and 71 quarter south of town, Initjhls average Was groWn on' a half aere orland where a pigpen once et0041,. ae ,Mr. Willard keeps a large 'number of hogs. The lond was Well^ fertilized. • That 1(•ts you into the .Aside from the above exeeptional ea,ge„.„ Santo of the farmers av011gell around 31410 per acre. tvne farmer with an exceptionally large acreage would net in the neighborhood of $74) mt. acre. The amount peid 10 t ;farmers thr:4 year, win (;xtp.,,a that last Y'ear by at -least one-third and the! itnninnt paid- out 111 wages „will he al- I mast double that of last year.- Exeter Times -Adv o ea to. Office and Residence: 11 Trafalgar Street Phone 063 FOR SA1413--,,,Houses of all.kinds, choice building lots, business property and eeveral good farms. Let me show yOu some real bargains.. Buy 'Joe., BUY VICTORY BONDS eel 1 AT TnE CAPITAL THEATRE PHONE 47 Now ---"I Wanted 'Wings" starring Wayne Morris &°Cmistance Moore Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday • Alke.Faye-John Paype-Jack (iakie ,Cciar Romero—Mary Beth lingltes--The Four Mit ,4pots alit] yhe Nicholas Brothers A grand troupe of stana from mill°, stage and 14t.reen jean:011ie for a merry jamboree of rinzeic, fun and daneilfg "The Great American Bkoadkast". ION !TALL and LYNN BARI A thrilling epic of the, .oldr 1West Tito advehlurous„ story 'of one "KIT CARSON" 4. Cominc.---Vingene O'Neill's— 'The 'bong • 'Voyage Home' 1 -or Money Back STOPPED paw tc.In7 tit D.D.11,1)111ESCitIPTION MIMS' TO COMPETE IN ' the modern girl rook? How is she will' the rolling pin? These per- ennial questions will, be answered on home 4-v01101111es students of both public and•high scho,gkizill stage an interest- ing emmpetition af the Canadian Na- tional Exbibition—islie-ia'setial making, baking. and tasting Of muffins and tea - Two • teams from ;ode ri ch a re litered in, this 'ewolktition -one of CI:tire Bisset and •Glaria Chisholm, the„ other .of.„Margaret it.tindle and Maxine $ITh VIVQR QF TORPEDOING', Msal%larTatiat Wz1w n %3aek itt TOMO() after Vai ed War. Ex enc,es 'f1ORONTO, .July P.—After one 'ter; 'petiloleg while en route to C4nada In Charge 3 . a government-sjJoneore( grellp of English, war guesgt ehildre , 7iss Marion Walwyn, V.A.D. in the last' war and voluntary worker in irnglaptl during this one until .her funde ran ,,out,, arrived home in Tor- Onto yeste><day. p. '.fall, tanned and grey-haired, lits Welwyn was overseas at war's out- break following .her annual custom of conducting Uauadia,ns on European tours, 'She was actually in Belgium, when. England went to war with Ger- many, having elope there two .day$ .before to ,pick "ftp baggage left with friends. Jteturning by. airplane to • England four months :later; .. ;Mise Walwyn joined the YLM.4.14.. staff as an organ- izer of social activities .for Canadian troops in London and *ldershot. ;She had dem .,similar work in the 'Great War after Va,teen months as a V,AA.D. Ilii" rifeblind •t flic'ers 'ward of 'At. ,Mark's • Hospital, 10ielsea. •Last year Miss, Walwyn helped to organize the Beaver Club, established as a centre ; fpr Canadian..,, troops -in 'L•ondon, and then handed over to a bblunteer staff. After that she signed on as a conductress of children going as war guests to the sDoIninions, and her -first trip was in the ill-fated Voien tan, torpedoed last August while carrying 32¢ !boys and girls betweeii the ages of siX and sixteen. ' All were saved after an hour enc, a half in life- boats, and 'the only casualty was the ship's purser, who slipped from a rope ladder and was lost.; "7'yinee - �the1L M s"-W1'tavynr`hsts .-been with` friends in Scotland and l�inglabd, doing what ^she could to arrange enter tainments for,Qanadian troops in near- ly `eaenp ,, and looking in vain for •a paid post which would enable herto continue -war work there. have no iminediate plans now, beyond •a short rest at my Weston farm," Miss Walwyn• told a reporter. Alike 'other Canadians 'just :back from the 'Motherland, -Miss Walwyn is full of sldrniration for the staunch British, spiri'C. 'r She says food rationing is severe but "wonderfully handled." ."yhen we gr)t aboard ship and were given plenty of every thing to eat, in - eluding frust, uch ars -we hadn't'. seen in' many months, there wasn't one ;of us who •felt comfortable about eating It," said Miss Walwyn. "Weal like to have sent it ashore." Miss ),"Kalwyn is the ditue-hter -of the }ate and Mrs. Warwyn Of Torun 1 0. lier father was'. at One' time pastor of North street MethOdist.4 now United chlireh • in Godericli, Ind- her of the lair 'Mr. and Mr.S. William Me - Lean of this town: Mr. Arehie Mot atighliii, -of Toronto, is spending twt of a well-desOrYed Six twenty-five years'' serviect in- the em - was Presented ,by the -Quarter Century Club of Wilt eonipany With 7, Q9arter, Century gold watch. with his initials - ONLY TEN' DAYS AGO We'read in last Week's Tifnes--Advocate- 'of "Exeter, dated July 24th: '•..A light frost, VisttedAllis. Soction early Sunday morning. ,Early rising motorists -round _some frost on their windshields and . at - lea slt one' man repotts, smite of his As Others See �'BQINT�A TO STAFF or, ;UPPER, pANADA i�QLT.P,f�E Marked distinction. has come to a former brilliant 0.0.1. student in the person of Waiter whe hasqJnst been' appointed to the, teach- ,ing staff of 'Upper, /Canada tOollege, Toronto; his selection beint,i'• mado-Afram a list of fiftY-two applicants. On Julie Oth, of, this year Mr. 'Ruffen , was aivarded thonor ,bachelor of arts degree by the itiniversitY Teronto, having comPleted a four-year honor course, hbiglisle, during whfch won an %I. J. lOodY scholarship, At scholarship. He is the abn of the late Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles Ruffen. -of this town. In addition te his teaching duties he Will .act as a. junior house' master at this famous school. Another Goderich old. boy, Mr, Eapi Elliott, also is en the teaching staff of UPper MrselLorne Elliott, of WinniPeg, died expeceedly en Tuesday, Jply 22nd, at the home of J. Benson Cox, Clinton, where she had been 'visiting for a Week. She was born and educated in Guelph _and went to Winoipeg. in, 4910, Her husband, 'a former -resident' of Gode- rich who practieed law in Winnipeg for maey years, died in March' Mat She eurviyed by a:daughter, ;Cath- erine, a son, Lorne, and three -sisters, Bergey of 'London and Mrs. A. Me - 'Millan of Ottawa. The remains were The Advanee of Melville, Saskatch- ewan, had .t he fbnowing referente o .the death Ot rOharles V. 'Miller, native ,of St. Helens, and. member of a Well - .known faintly- of that ''plac4: The M°C•lville and district 'Community feiret of the death on June 25th of C. T. Miller, following a long Hitless.; Mr. 'Miller had 'been a popular re.sidenf Of the town. for the paSt,tWelve, years. elle had .been Oe Dee‹, tuber, 1940, and confined to Thefuneral was held Saturday, June 28th.-and,interment made in the mtini- Cipal cemetery: _The late Mr. Miller was a .meniber of the' local Masonic ladge, and the*: uneral sprvice at the First,rnited church was preceded by a Nlasonic service at Temple. The church service and naourners 'filled' the church. • Many • floral tributes were' also sent, testifying ,to'lhe high regard ,held for Mr.'Miller -in -the COMMUnity. "The late Me -Miller was born at came west to ''Manitoba in 1900 and years at -Swan. ISiver bkore'coming to rosr /kat woo to TORONTO Tir HOTEL iiirAVEt/LEY .L.421110(11 on Itif101* Spadini. Ave. .o at 0011010 Cenvonisat to 'Highways its sus ciao. tis the University, Parliament Maple, 1-eal Gardena Wholesale, Houaas, and .the Faalltonablie Ratan Ists, 14111410,12a Melville in -1929., look over the agency ter „the, Imperial t011 Company et Melville, Mr. Miller took a live interest practically, all lines of sport, beim hoeltey and eurlieg. Ile was a good player himself in; these gamee. Fish- ing was another sport ire greatly en- joyed.. Before bis +illness he gave every • worthwhile project in the community' his wholehearted support, beilag ever ready to giveea helping hand to com- munity work or a friend: in need, and was a real good neighbor. 2;Survivineare hie widow; twb' sons. John- Riehaid and Donald ; 'two daugh- there, Isaac,, St. dlelens, Ont; e Stewart, Ilanna,- Alta.; and Robert, Innisfail„ Alta. ;. and twe sisters, Mrs. Stanley' Taylor, Edmonton, Alta.;, MrS. Wai- READ ME" CIASSIIkED ADS. e';'11?'"I--;-e---t:y 10c Packet of FLY PADS WILL KILL MOPE FLIES THAN SEVERAL DOLLARS' WORTH OFANY OTHER FLY KILLER WHY MORE Best of all ..fiy. piers. Clean, 'quick, sure, eheap. Ask your Drug!, THE wnsoti FLY PAD co., flAMILTON, ONT., "611%; /IS ,;( oil • YO.Pit.._ '1IE$ERVE THE.' OPT • For a thorough Eye Examination News," published Itsy the Port Albvt, home Inost of the.'local papers are Weeltlies and are entirely composed of Air Navigation School. 'has the fob' lowing editorial art,if•le - under the! . gassip: Here .they are .41ailies, , but nevertheless the same Ville. applies. I DM:. that Mrs. Jones' boy has 1 1- jained the artily or has gone overseas At various •tint( -,s eels vamp is just .as interesting te hiS friends-, have heard 'fltik derogatory to 4.,:,111ada here as it would be at home. • for the ivar effort: 4'4,1.i:0111y I _am ta• king it on rwself. to answer this is not yet a total .effort, and• -the - some af the comment,s :tad at tlie same Canadians themselves .are the lirst ,,to Nine to appeal for*Tair PlaY for the adnilt it. Nevertheltiss they have ev'ery 'Canadians. PerillaPs 11 is hecailse the. right ta (.111 1111 credit for what has been .British are -11 a insnlar nation that they done. Bearing hf mind that 'Canada 'have the idea that no other nation ls . vast emintry, very thinly popii- can equal them. an( British. but at 'fated, wh belt has been starved for There have been 1-1 1.1 of comments tinie (10I1141 11(18 4•1 Vel*T .erefina1114.: F11 011 1114, Inespittility whieh' has leen the recent lean drive the Do- :iceorded us by the people of Ocideriiii niWion subscribed well over,.1 lre ex - 1141 district. I have even lieard: Peeted lotal and in every 4cruitilig compared to the entertainment offered campaign the nithiber of en! ist Mein s ..tr711:.411 `.4111,e.'4 1011, e71-11 :4 nyone lionostly titutilTrof..11101 actually in the fighting i Great Britain has not been., (.1j 11 ing for of :1,000 in' England would or could offer us- the variety of eatertainment nun Inmer• We have Wanted nia' whirl, (.,1 11 4.11.kry (;011erk°11 eh 11 1141 01 11er 511111/1 105. 11 1111 111 this' 1.141ellnilly. it is noticeable, that those- liebi 011nelle bee been her I who are himlest in their ern -101,4111 are Of the hospitality' so generously offered by I'mr .1,)(1,1 friends. Exception. has rather than to (eilist then, in an army I been taken to the prevalenCe' of gossip wkilik'i) Wo1.1 Ile „le „excess or the %vie« has lived in a email town at borne - weight. .Surely it is far better 0,,1 empIoY. men In making the tools Of war and growing neeessar400dstdirs knows full well that goseiping is the remember is that In 'Britain we are In reereatioulf 'folk who load rather tut- the midst of the war. Ev(ery man and world over, and le really quite harm- 1.1.st a(lf:::,11 wIlitliC:1'41 tate rather ridiculous eomplaint, ern,. filsiasn7.1anr1:111t44,z1, (17011;110.4.4,111,i: afing.(11! tii11,1gisiinuff:fill?,:r ?erne the lieeneinge laws. After all, a. elettoge, in the hew jest to. satisfy a A ;final WOlkil to the "pilwrs." 11eforel few hundred' elielliger.-? When in -eriticiNing make ti habit 'Of vorhsidoring . The newepapers form a neier ending and you will find there is not neatly retiree of amusement to sqoftre people. so hulelt it) grumble a"hout. Also, the to roalik-, ii4 British are -sUppaed, 40 be liCatta for 'that these papers aro local pubileatioas tiloir golue 0.f fair Phis, 1 I Telephone 91 , Glasses In the Newest Styles at Moderite IF IN NEUD OF EYE SERVICE .CONSULIT L COLE to. OPTOMETRIST AND ()PiiICIA/!,T Phone 91 AMMO Goderieh ..1.111111111.. Quick4asy---N 611rifck o JAMS ma /JELLIES made with awro turn out RI6HT Rileeolieosittlri2deT:,stiked of every Much Les Bolling Tirno Foy' Pm you neecT give only a one. Ininute to two -minute full, rolling .boil -for jelly only a half -minute • Miore Jam and Jelly For thin nhore boil very littIe juice can boil away, Yon get up to one half mole° jam or jelly from the spine amount. of fruit. ‘. Natural Taste and Colour Boiling tittle is so short it does not sp9il the taste or darken the colour. Sure Results If f011ow etnaly 'the tented recipes given with Cetto ion ' always have good results. CERTO IS PECTIN EXTRACTED FROM FRUIT