The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-31, Page 2NA* TWO.
atilt abtrirtf tioottl,- tar:
00(411,1IINItj} VAIE ne()). SIONA.1•4 .GOtellirlOfa l$TA33
Publishe4 1)7 -.,Sigh9.1,-,Star Fres*. yiniitol,
West Street, Gocierleh, ctutarto. .
TlEtlTIVSDIV, opriraff' atst, 1041
1) vrrwOASOLME
G.• R. (4*.t5ttrelle: Vederar t Ott Con-
troller, expresses gratification at ,,,tite
vespouSe to his 'appeal for the •eon-
r-Oervatlien, f;of gaoIze
"Yon mut pear in mind," he said;
tha.t the appeal is onhy. tele days old
, and as yet we haVen'tatione all that
we plan •to do to.. bring' it to. the at-
tention of the motorists of Canada
go. -,so far a's to say that if in•
the,faext. iii`43ifeekl- We get as geed
resettle', proportionately, as we have
,had in the hest ten days I shall be
'greatly pleased.'
Discounting' reports thal resort
• would soon be made to ratiohing, gr.
gottrelle said, -"As yet we haven't
s Put on any restrictions. True, we
have elos•ed service stations' for eertain
- hours, but that was more -to bring the
appeal to the attention of the people
and inake them think. We haven't
stopped anybody front deiviug, and no
one nes been refused, gasoline dui*
- the hours that tbe stations are -open.
. This paper last week expressed its
belief that 'motorists from the United
Startse would readily respond te the
new regulations when they understood
•the situation. That this belief. was
.f014.4.4104L berne utb reporte,
'from, Sarnia, where tourists from
preesieg their readiness to fall in with
the regulations- and to share with
s;Canadians in whatevel',- reetrietions,
• e
may seem necessary towards the whi-
ning of the war: Traffic. , from the
tit.tes is' holding up well; in marked.
eo.ntrast to the conditions of a year
ago, when -anti-Canadian propaganda
• had. the ,effect of keeping many U.S.
. motorists away fromthis country.
Rather warm, wasn't it?
* * *
An day now we may hear that
Hitler :was .only fooling when he,
invaded Russia,
* •
He, also, serves who thekes one
gallon of gasoline last as long as
two gallons u.eed to.
a lesson. Iii(OpermantisUch Men MAIM
Le shot.
. *- * .4.
Annouingeinent is ,thatie of the resig-
nation. of S. J.'.1-lungerford as pre,eident
of the Canadian NatiouaketailweY'S
and the appointthent eJ R.
in his place. The new -president,. ale
though only flity-seven years of age,
has been in railway worlesfor forty-
two years, ha4iog begun as a
,Messenger boy with the 0.P.1a. Later
Jie waS With the old Grand Trunk
Railway, the Canadiao Northern and
the eatta.dian.. National. Mr.
Hungerford will stiIi• be eortnecied
with tee 0,N.te management' an chair,
man of the boar4:-. '
• *
The London Free Press', noting that
Attorney -General Conant, despite the
movement for the conservation of
gasoline, had brought out a new and
cheaper container in which the motor-
, ist,. might carry e reserve supply of
gasoline, thus to some extent defeating
the restrictions on sale, wants' to
know what sort of co-operation this
• is. Perhaps the explanation Iles in
Mr. Conant'e passion for being in the
public. eye 'as frequently and as prom-
inently as possible. Anyway, the, oil
• Even the haughtiest amongst us
must have felt the effects "of the
"humility" - in the air these' torrid
- t
• -
The Japs are 'beeoming troublesome
.again. When the' war is Over the
Allies will have to give the Far East
a good dose Of -insect powder,
.4 4 *
Apropos the gasoline, .restr le,t4 OTIS ,
The Hanover Post suggests that people,
to.reed to stay off the roads on ,Sunday,
• • may 'find their own homes riot such a
bed plaee•Tor rest and relaxation.
The earth's 'Cruet .waS-formed about
• 1.500 million years ago, scientists state,
and we'll wager it never had sbeh a
pounding as it is getting right now in
the neighhorhood. of Itatnb u rg, o g-ne
and other potirts in Gerrmtny.
- - 111
Soldier's aeetptire a proper supply of
vitantinS, it is announeed, and • the
Saltford sage, ever ready to help, says
on have any that are lying
Phil Osiferot Lazy Meadows
ItY Own ft 0000
City people *visiting the farm spend"
a great deal' of time „in speculation
about how, we Manage to eleeep clean.
In .fact, I veOtild not be at ellesurprised
if some of them are of the opinion
that we .allanw the dust to take on
and then peel it off When It e•Rtis too ,of Britisn public wen and to find out
thick. Such is- far frornI the cast 'vehat they Shough. I had a talk with
• Jana nand be asked rue the 'question:
"Ik the present `Tirade:eel Goveierment
goes to War with 'Hitler, what wi
Labor dor 'I replied; "Labor awl
• the,,,Natiortal Vrovernmeut ,will stand,
side by side, and the country will be
"uukteasePrOetically 100, per cent." , 1,
remember the gesture with ,whieh he
threw up hisehands aud said: The
unity which you poess in this couu-
trY, the Fuehrer has (treated for us
in Germany." b
•101trilOIAX, JUIN 3140 1541
tOodprieit and from "CrOderieh
Kincardine have net materzol,
4711118 1.,•:,,ear, however, ii.nej/ced Wry
maeh tieteriorated. roadk which tag
been "eou'firmed rby'recent articles and
letters in, your paper. This' sIturftloa
seenit3 to me to he ;he unfortunate,.,
'Particularly fromthe standpoint of
floderich' anfl Kincardine, aS. quite.
nalmber of' ufy 1171,10
higliteas advise ote that' When 'going
ntirilt they leave it at Saylield, :golog
by way Of Clinton and Tees water north
ifo the. Walkerton -Kincardine highway,
tIiili liy-Passing both Oederielt. atei
Kincardine.; leouV3e,
nincii. greater; but it ,aPpea14 that th
extra distance, travelled IS. JuStgled
vieW. of the ;condition of the 'Bine
Water. .
"1 realize that 10anada is at war
and that funds are hard tO...obtain,
but it flow seem that there might be
some goetition fts to rvitethel. the way in
which ' the Bine Water ' Is maintained
,does not represent a, 'penny wise Mad
‘pound foollsif-program."
.COrreit Vicson tile War:
FIGHTING A GREAT 'DELAYING. e%sPr '6eelni' are Permanent wave9„ yet
twairie 64(9 make first-rate sailors.
(Part of a -talk by the Utt lion. dit. B. "Supposei,yzon.-4rive -110 to- Mike
Lees-Sutitlf, 4„.'iltairtioul of the' British aVeuue, 'wanting to • gee Commander
• Parliamentary Labor Party) JoiteS,'let,uS tsay. YOU are duly ellat-
. ase
• 'zmoll' after Hitler ciatte into Oovier len'S'ed by an alitnee sentry. You don't
•a Germa'a,opwaiatiA.; Who was al_ jtist ask*fors Cloananander eltmes,„. 'You
say,""IS the Vaptaly abOardr To, which
s confidence, came to this eountry' the answerwill •be, *Am aye, ..Sir," if
to. Wave Private talks' witha number .esess notr'Ifi for eXamplee• tlae
Commander has stepped asesimi the
eerner for an lee ereom sodo at a soft
drink parlor, you will be told in all
soleuvai4. '''No, • Sir, the Captain IS
_ashore.' Alle this, at lirst, sounds -a
little odd to tne freebevater citizeu of
the peairieS. It nsay make hin grio
oe ,set him Pm& on hie „haunches a bit
fou -sheer surprise; but in bas tre-
mendous value. The boys ill trebling
learn totreat the plaee aS a Ship
frees tasevery 'Stant • On enteriug the
building they begin, bY.etIltiting the.
quarter-deek. There's' no left - and
right, uPstairs or downstairs about
Fillice avenue. Everything is pert and
starboard,' fore and' aft, aloft and be-
low, Bach floly has, RS .epPropriate
name, .main (leek,' after (leek- and so
forth. •
"The point is that the men become
conditioned, long before they ever set?
a real I4ip The do theirdrill, of
eours, (master the voruplitated busi-
ness of signals, learn- the elements of
gunnery and get e worleleng knowledge
of, ropes,elknote, and the rest of it.:
Then they go ,to f Wishing, seh,00k,A1a
it were, go tea in a training vessel
from Esquimalt on the 'Pacific or from
an Atlantie ;port. Mid- they beeome
bendy seamen in half no t4ae..•
"ram boys are making„grand sea -
Men. That's importenn.lbecause in the
ptairie West we've pretty well gone
through natural naval recruiting needs
like. Great Lakes ;seamen and fisher-
men froth ...Lake .Winnipeg and ..Lake
Manitoba. Today's typical recruit is
just siren a lad as...Wilfred. the groom
at tire stable from Which I ride just
outside -Winnipeg,-, He's, --an- Alberta
boy from the foothills -of the Rockies.
He's now a eew-puncher. but he's spent
Wilfred did his spell of eompulsory
military training, theii promptly joined
up. volneteertel-sfor the navy.
'Canada be,gan tne,war•with ,41 -tine
navy.. It was insignificant' in eyize.• but
officers and men at onee proeeeded
dp a magnificent job, ;both on alettyP
olorable condition of the Blue Water
service .and. in traiiiing'•reernits. On -
highway. Thousands _of dollars are
the outbreak of war. the Oanadtao.
being_ spent to attract tourists to On
navy hod 'only 1.774 ofifieetet and rnt. tam, yet erveryone. who travels along
in'g-with a total, of fifteen ehips. &I high.way No 21 leaves the Province
reedy. at the -beginning of this Year. th&roughly: disgusted. Tlie .conditiOn
the •nembere. hiel been 'imil•tiplied nl- of this so bad that the Detroit
and 1 hasten to the support of vountri„
• people hi any controversy wkich May
develop. For eome on -known reason,
the old log houses built by Great -
Grandfather on the Osifer-honteeteact,
has been retained. It serves varieuelY
as a woodshed and as a etorehouee
foe everything in general. During- the
eurnmertime Father used to patroniee
It eagh Saturday night in order to
take a bath. Now welt 1 can, re-
member him standing in the washtub
While one of the boys 'sitting with the
sprinkling can on a erossbeam gane
hiut a shower. The really hard job
was the,patrying of the tvater, ;but, the
sprinkling was fun. The general rule
was to give elm pailfttl on fr,ont and
backand. a third one was used for
a general rubdown. How the !harvest,
dust used to melt before the sieray
from that old sprinkling can. • ;
• * * *••
I cen remember one time when a
dose of parts green lia.d been placed in
the caa mid it later deVeloPed that
the potato bugs were not too bad. I
was doing • the sprinkling •that night.
It was late evening and the light was
dim up in the old house.' I poured,
the pail of water into the can and
Proceeded to spray.. ' Father stock'
there, enjoying the trtekling comfort
'hack, wh,en he
The benighted man did .nert• gee the
• between tne two kinds of
unity, between 'our., unity whieh, is
'based upon fnee • diseueSion and the
right to call <me:Souls one cesen and
Hitler's' unity based upon the -.blood
purge,.. the mreentratiett camp, ' the
torture house and t.110 executtenter's
block. The •ehallenge wheel), we htave
'Iseuen, to Hitler in this war is that
our unity will outlast this. We have
justified; that cna•Ilenge in. Ole last few
Menthe, .Our unity has stood the test
• ofaeriaInambardutent,ethes loss.. of.
our homes, the defeat of our Allies anti
the desertion of France, and we have
not.yet Itottelsed the fringe of the reso-
iurion) of the people of this country,
'• But German. unity '. Before we have'
the superiority in armamente, before
of tbe water down his
fie aetive entry .of the United. States
controllerha'ruled thatsele of realized that something was, amiss. into the -war, before the Germans have
He, was turning to an alarming color endured- the terrible •punishmen.t that
. se-' •
of green: ; He pranced out Qt. the tab is. • • g for theinIntern the R SF.
anil ()vet to the light. 'Great Aunt ---before any of these
Agape), was staying with us • that the deputy-fuehrer to whom- Hitler.has
Of ES -greenish -figure -dishing -
a always pointed as the very symbol of
Germitustunety. andefaithfulness to him,
weelenerid and when she eaught
up to the doorway., of the' old shed, self, has lied to this, country and
iseeinted in lst
ntterS thatie whole world
can 6. icfe''ffifnysnpou-tnte--eyst.n.
On -ale day. that Hess flew to , this
country, Hitler destroyed the House, ;the viiieesof -Beitien, nee
tional unity. He Understands so little
that he thinis that- by destriViiig
1m:tiding •he'can destroy the epiritthat
it .doeteinee He has always derided
what be described as our "decadent
Parliamentery system, but now Par-
liament can give Idyl its reply. The
Nazi sy,stem Ilias.lasted for abet -it -eight
years; ?Ind ten. like the 13eitien Par,
the wintertime 'Mother the liament;:a-t-ItaS weathertel the etorsus
two boilers filled with 'water .en top of about eight hundred years, we can
of the stove.. By 'Warne the boilers begin ;to discuss which of, the two will
would be sizzling and tbe tide jump- in 'the •end ehow the greater staying --
Inge The washtub would be placed pewer. Thank tOed for ;Parliament
in the centre 'of the kitchen floor and and the free diSeuesion for whieh it
, the lamp plaend up on the sideboard Stands. It will be a. mein factor Lit
so that no neaterseseould, splash on .winning nins wan Take one example:
• e• the hot. ehimney. ...The women -folks Whs
Mild then. withdraw to the fr nt is the 'United 'States -drawing
parlor' a d the me would begin their
0 nearer and nearer every 'dey to our
An article hi 'Reader's Digest relates w
the resull.of a survey recently made in bathing. By common • agreem ne "rot
merely on aeCount ot care-
ent o' 'Caleulatieles 'of their Iowa eventeal*
• gasoline in cans is prohibited, and the
Attorney-IGenerans improved eontiliner
will have np market.
• *
• "The overthrow. ;of the Nazi;;•power
reconstruction' or :stability anywhere Rather. really .enad •was lier statement_
in the world," observes ‘,The Tot onto "hwheii site recovered, "I 'just .elfw .that -
Aeons thing that looked. ltne a big
Star as the cericlusioe af an article bullfrog jumping around in there 'arid
dealing with the varied .difficulties in I vouldn't stand, th,e' eight." . We boys,
which sothe elasees and many he never had duct uee for the iinpreeed.
-bathing of the old ,log hoUS`e.' -was
diniduals have been precipitated In the
always a. great deal mere pleaeant to
war. This would apply not only to go !bitek to the swimming hole in tIt
the 'purveyors of eeonoinic cure-alls river and -enjoy unharetperedSbathing.
* * -*,
but -to such cases' as that of nie
Satnrclay night • has always
stout, ladies about 'whom Billy Elliott •
wiew. is been
bath night. Right lifter .eupper in
of The Woodstock SentineleRs.
worrying. It .,ems these ladies' now
tuella get silk hO.siery in their sisesr
and all the consolation that Editor
ean-• give them is that they
are ,eeduring. for the sake ot the
the liniteds'States of garages 'and „re- holler of het water TaSsteilse. liked bys eweety, ne,4 •necauee° they have come -
'c'het's Pet inel showing from ;stub
of life of allIree men in all 'antis, awl ServiCe.
, Under .thelteadlng "lOritielsat Jttsti-
4ied," The ircineardine News said 'last
In a lengthy,letter,ttia district weelt-c
ly newopaper, raroono, president
• the'llalue Water lilgitivay ocia
• tion, voices lila Objections to eritinitene
of the rOad,bis mabit eontentioe being
that the rinAl is Mit a "death trap"
as •elaimed by the lpaper published, for
men 'of the Royal Air Pottee at Port
Albert. • '
While reslieeting ir, 1»arson;3' sin-
, cerity and acknowle,dging the valuable
work he has done' dor the Blue ,Nrater
IllgltwUy AssocIat1oI and the tourist
business hi this district, we can; not
• agree •with his.„statement that "these
attacks on the condition of the road
and similarly directed at the dlepart-
ment of Highways as being negligent
of their responsibilities, are entirely
uncalled for. They serve no good par -
pose; itt fact, -they materially defeat
•the efforts of those trying to etattvate
• tra i e over 'the road, " This might
• probably be classed as the work of fifth
columnists whoetake pride In knocking
our Blue Waterloute •
The Toad may IlOe be a "death trail,"
but, to Use other •expressione of the
R,A.V. 'writer, it is a "disgrace" and
•"menace." . -
,.So loog as the people served by the
road sit idly by without complaint,
'highway officials in Toronto will not
be in any hurry to have the road put
Lute suitable eendition for tile. traffic
It- is ealled on -to bears --- • • '
The more criticism there is, the
sooner the road will be paved -and
made ;fit to serve Ifsla traffre artery for
the area of Bruce, Huron and Lembton
counties fronting on Sake Huron.
,It iS melte coneeivable that the
amount of money spent evil yeen itt
putting the read Into fair conditine at
the start ef the season and on gravel-
ling it .would go far to meet the•cost
of 11 Permanent surfaece treatment.
The longer ant louder the criticism,
the sooner it will be 'heard at Queen's
•Park, and- dochtlese. the dePertment
concerned will 'respond, if for no
other reason than to cause the clamor
PORT EL6D1, TOO --.;*
The Port Elgin -Times of last -week
• American 4tourists and visitors are'
crying. "blue murder" aboet the de -
most tenfold. There were over 15•(/(14/ Aotomobile ;Club 15 now ad•Vising its
onefieere and men. I /ere were 1 55
1 members to avoid it. • e • .
ination, ' landscaping and general
(-f" When' one considers .that •the Pro-
• vince Can spend many thousands of dol-
lars during wartime for night Mune
toittiod Aret-Itahitletiee azneyerfleintifieorninthris41 nsin'tlaethorlf
beautificintion of the ..Queen Elizabeth
'tin' or nnloan to the Royal N'ivv• highway, surely they, can lied a few
BY' this tine next yearthese numbers dollars to .put the main ,artery in this
of men find shine will have1(1 14..e."1.- area in passable condifien.
TY,A,3t mere buntline,• Somebody should wake . up befere
too much damage iselone to our tourist
trade- aird Port Elgin and other local
conimunities __Should • raise such a
"holler" that •its vvill reach -Queens
Park. Whanare the 'Blue Water
way Association and thee Provingial
members felt Brut*, Huron andeLarob-
ton aunties doing? They shoulnn'n
welt for eleetion promises but make
some mere. to get action now.
The only red.ceminn• feature about
•this road is that it makes us immune
from any foreign invasion. No meeb-
anized army could 14nrvive a journey
on it—in fact, a trip over t13is high-
way would have the soldiers so groggy
' that our sehool children with popguns
and slingsb.ots • eould subdue any
invasion.• ,
Phe Bine Water highWay .has_ been
Meted around for year, Why? ,
John W.. Batten, vice-president and
general -manager of the,Michigan Co,n-
solielated ;Gas •Company, Detroit, writes
to The Signal -Star:
"Gen tlemen,—I haves for many years.
• now, made very -frequent use of the
Blue Watee highway ,lietween Sarnia
and Tiverton, and have been very much
pleased to note the general improve-
ment in the roan from -year to year,
though • the promises of paring front
Forest to..Grandqreed, from Bayfield
'pair shops in that country. Two :in- .sthat our system of g•overnment
the men . . . the•'oth r by the women. es see
The hot water would hen I* rationed in mien 'Paoliansent represents the way- .slederbeeinnings.'
restin•ators travelled nearly 10,000:
'miles in a -eptor ear and called ,ut
garages „and serviee steatites- in alli
parts of the eountry. Their experience
is summed, in the statement that
...three. out of five garage men will,
overcharge, be, invent ' unnecessary:
work, or charge for work not (tette,'
for • new parts :not' 'teethe!. for parts,
not installed.- The Vollingwood
Enti-rprise-Thilletin. commenting upon!
thiS revelationcalls attention To an
interesting pointin the report of ,the
survey. to ;wit, that --garagOs in small j
towns were found to lw mach More;
latinest than those in large towns.
Phiees of lens than 10,000 population,.
Proved twice as safe for the motorists
as places of greater population. The
moral is to keep out of. the clutches, of
t he big ga rages :in t he la rg,e les, • In 1
a rather long experienee- with Goderich
garage men, we 'hun
ave fod• honesty t
and' modefation in charges' to he the
course gret'
almost 'invariable ride.
• .
out depending on the number of .men
present. Bathing was always more
fue when Father went to bed after
his bath. A wet towel' makes tie ex-
. II t weapctn of either defence- or
the3Cannot stand by without liftin,.
a finger and wafeh us alone in the
world prieeeseing for them. their %lib-
erty as well as our conne -
offing*. Sometimes when the playing
got too Fogel an& the water began to
splash on the wallpaper 11 th
And there has undoubtedly been
au'other 'reason: the Speetaele• of the
(1 obr and the fun would Ix' ()Ver..•
free British.people under fire.' A long
title Of bseever's: MT'. Wendell Willkie,
, er would
sound .a 'earning rap esn 'the kitehen o
* * , Mr. Harry Hopkins, and the corres.
After the menfolks were ewev off po mien ts to the American ...newspapers;
to lied. the womenfolks would "take have sent deseriptions of the ikiriduct
. 4
deal of noise, but Moittn.r a Sunday' men and women and ohildren whieh
• Meir baths. They. neyer made a great under aerial bombardment of ordinary
morning' hreak fast table would •corn.- lilts led the public •- opinion in the
• • • • "We Minot
ment on- the confusion of clothes left I rutted ._; a ts
10 were very •apt , he. found all' 4 tbeen
he eavtih. and we demand to stami
M a adeal of this bas by their sides" If you bave
wowed ans o ria s
'towels . . . teethes 'of ail desetiptimrs allow :such 41 people to be wiped from
behindShirtssockspant, , , s .
manner of places around thekitchen.
botuto 111 bedout of your 'home or exper-
t •• 1' an s
d .ufferings,
. .
Chanired. Over af tune ..1...I .• ifioos but heroic days, awl
they have his -tailed a new •bathroom have eatriett 011, TPst aesured that yoe
with 11 kinde of trimmings. 'T'nele are‘pleying your part in Witmlng this
Ab is a • (little laiyer and although wax as I11,11(41 as if you were on the
he eomplains all the tine. that he•IS battlefield.
In a collection of verse hy William
1-1 johnston of Exeter. a eope of
hoe• reached this office. :are__ find the
folloNlYine: lines ileflileated to Mr. Alex'.
MeR'enz le- of A ulin reeeritly deeeased,
wk() 'was noted far and wide for the
exTellence-of • the 'eollars• he • turned
out of his batnees shell 'Later we
shall 1141VP a further- this
interesting •eolleet ion • of "Rural
Rhymes." as Mr': .Tolmston entitles it:
bite this thine so soon after the deeth
ot "NfeKenSie. seems most appropri-
ate for the pcblitatien of these lines:
in the days that are past
I lefieemet many men _
And founn in Ahem friende' not a
There AvePe many fine workmen,
But few were as good
As the old collar -maker I knew.
not making money he -still manages These are the °reasons for i -Tay 11,4 . • •
to get it from sthnewhere. "mother. Mat• %VP" cad Ipok forward to ,the futrire
. For the -finest :of leather
reason he gave WEIS that When he with Sliber Ninfidenve: but im one
I worried ,haiif hOW 111:4P all theesteweereinforcemente from the United StaAtes
HOW WOMEN MAY HELP lia t rooms. Innele iin t bine thitolitte.rl
(aitriir•i3law..0dIm'igntflire(-LNio"ellr inissvtn
I g•aciget'' they are inetalling
to came for them, thong -h. -11)r he says Should See T . rui or N egetables I 111=onn4r7r Jha:n iflinicf avivic'fre lifada af3 a"
SI7/2- IS OW key, to the war. The 'United
Piloduetion, for the _next fee mon, .
States will not swii.p,' over fully from
pfIll'e prOtIlleti011 10 War produetion
for :.zome months • to come. • And re-
member how Anne' 'Chas taken us. Be-
tween riow and then we have ti) 'hold
bathing in the drivi si I ' the fort ourselves. Every ounce of
toil ;111(1 sweat, •in our factories will be
' t'i I this i d If there are any
around his plaee. Someone will .have
. he wouldn't l`cnow a -vitamin if he
saw one.•
.11arriage SeP111.s, to 11:1V4%u settling-
.effeet upon men, and the' 4)ppos.ite
effeet mem gtatisties. • reveal
',. able' amount of money left to her she
- Are Used This Smson
, - remodelled the house end installed
'4) 6 6
, ( rI"P A! WA. , July .8.-- Announcement i 14 eew bathroom. none Zeke is de -
by. the• . Wartime° Prices • and Trade' finitely "agin"- it. He looken in aftint
Boa rd that ta rge stoeks of sugar are 1 it W1144 l'OMPIPtP41..S>pat Ms wail of
I -s-
even:1We for, lireeereing will give Can- i t",a(") into the, washbasin •in a
1 thoughtful way aed decided to stiek to
adian housewifes it definite opportunity
that more. !than twits. Its. manyto • holo in the war effort," MI -s L. C.
''imehelors as ma tried I/14'11." .a re ht. Tepper, consumer serve* section chief,
Agrieultirre Department, said to -day.
Ontario prisons, while married women
"Close to five million dollare,' worth
in prison outnumber theesingle
ceerse, everybody knows that the
, girls a re allowed to get a way NV it h
almost .anything.
• 11 f).; IP( . 111•0 IPll to I o , 1.1
itinr:bn i.elttiitt111141
THE ORILLIAPLAN tni)iosn(naain are
(Sime* ltnformer i •
Orillia hs adopted a Dm, man for mill t31!)i3:e vit3(nit gtolieis;11
ts Weilnedp hal holdyTh••ilremheniias. is1;iiedtoaseertllft
• of Vanadiar) eornmermany canned year (Minn' AWN «1 11 remain ("11 Plnpiogillynt exeltange whether they
fruits. fruit Dellis ond vegetables are
- . •
all the week during. the four sumnier can es any iise 111 ally. form of
being shipped to Great • Lrita n thi monthe and alo "Dejernle.r. and yyjil met.
that no shortages oceur 111 seeing to ,ing the rema in ing seven m on nie of lie I Nowthey are the besIn friends that
year , 111(1 (1:fnadiin womin ran ensure. for
3 half-holiday:4 dor-
it 'ehat frhit and Vegetables go to I , to sum up the ar in a sen-
iritItT (Y"( 'O.( ill this eountry.
"(HIP •Of l'jle (Valhi -es of the- 'i'anadian ,,easeee. 1...;s Nbppin. eoutinieen t•Wo- • ierge tee egmeee beset. eneeTe .
hold hie fongue untlei° great provoea- cartnen produete for the &past rears are 4"141 s11(4)-()wners began with the fall of France over a
tnreat delaying. melon, whieli
po Wing te (surest,:
• I'l• It i 1.
• •'''s I. tenee. Ihe people of th country are
11-jnister ls-that lie is able to men who have ;relied on eonnnere'lally • • _ t •
nlike- to have people eorne to tolvn
fig it lig
In tbe market he bought, '
With the' etrengest of thread it was
And silver -green, straw „
From the rye fields of home
- 1l1d Me very best eollars
•• known. •
Ilis collars were •filled •
With the ereatest of cart*
And beetled AN smooth as a „board
siteh coneugunafe patient* ,
And unerring skill .
trove seldom in collars liven stored.
The labor exhausting,
aeked why it was
lie. made all his tIollars' so true.
"Mese into my eollerS
I want to put soul,"
Se id • the old collet r -m a he r
Of us who are jleft
llitty it some. tithe be gala. '
When .eur days upon • ("firth are. but
That i If let 7) our eervire
We alwnys put soul.
LIN. -the old eollarenaltne I knew
Hon, espeeially when , he knows that this -year suppilemetitinOsthis-sturce of," ' year ago, and ;will continue nto nex
p • net 114
te:liri'lt Pa qs11111.' thr°11,111'ii;:i'llitrt;tioif(uirt t;iellareli.s.ig()14114.(;114(7niltilltrti(411:(;:(1"iltt
the, pa.„1,4aitti„, of time and r e supply, liy doing their (4E1)re:serving. "And what did inamina's' itaby
"11 "By using glass jars, women are 'ZITIelefInVe
learn in school today?" "I learned teto
•NNednesday afternoon a • nti • I e
of all the 4'1 reningtances will vindicate • 4)11 heath's., and I IP 11114 1, 011,1 4 kids. bigger'n am never to eall
bia helping to releaseethe metitl ti.eed in tin 'few weeks ago Was greatly disappoint. -
pointy." ',This is a notabfiternelmis-; tans for trinnifions industry. tire at (incline the sheps elosed. In tint
ietice of the. British people are endure
netAna's little baby again." •
ie their eellane which. they large. Ile mfl Y he that' Orillin'e ex.
would ii-tive rheo'h anee, good humor. toughnes'es and stay -
Pion from Tige'Fortinto Glebe and Mail,' 11.0"1"413' many women have a surplus POSP her; pureha
will not 1140 this, year: At the Same umpie w01 he followed all over In'anada. iiillresPn6(‘I(1711:i4:1 irrill(1)13;7 in;(r!:)iiiteliPilavve7s11(11(1).1:%1.1:1
one of the eouret of the "great of
provoeatifie which time ltf tor time time, many todai.
failed' to divert Mr. King frinn '111114" littIP 01' no preserving equipment. we still baVe 4111111itiOS
newly -married eouples may
touree.'n ,maealvage eommitteesselned eros,
*a• or other war '54.ervice Units eeuld aesist
The report of the etoppaeee of pro. in this food eonservainon effort by
helping to see that surpltie eupplies
shaetion he a big aluminum plant in of •sealere in Paeli eonamunity are dig -
Quebec 13 4.11i4tUriling. Thrf, Shutdown, trilnited to honeeholders who weuld
apparently tln8 'renult, of a plot among make the beet possible use of then)."
Nilee Pepper also efriphasiZed that
. C.4.()Ine of 1134' vv°ricilu'll' 1144d 11° ()Per - zine se.aten 'lege which imee lost their
atiow, for ,geveral days and will mean neefulneese are being eolleeted by local
tith' logfi Of three wt,ek.4*. time in the satvage,committeee. •
reanufaeturing .preeenqft isto bet •- "Not all fruits and vegetables ape
- hoped that the,ringleador4:-.; will be moc'et' c-eonomieall:v and nafelY ' Pre -
„e rved• . a t ,horn” cautioned !Miss
PcPPer, "and a li.qt of the .inost
nutritive fruitn and vegetables for
home earning togethef' with ilielfKkg ran
I* obtained by writing to the PublieitY
and Ii.14erision bleiqion, Aarleulture
I)epartment, Ottawa." .
ferreted out .and .sternier punisheil.
Though, it was na 'a labor union din,
turbano.. and there 'wan no digpute
over warn—the `eireurastau43 point-
ing rather to the work of saboteum..---
gixid long term at. hard labor; with,
oat any wage's'vouId teach thevlotter% • THE low •cgoss
Doetor: Yell need a rest. What in
your • neenpation? Patient: I'm an
nnarehist. Doetor: Well, don't throw
any bombe for at least• a month.
• On,, short notice. Iiivery job
•reeeiVes ray pers6nal
Geo. W. Stokes
• amt-Otw ...,Plitoritti 2061
Show !them 'fOr: a few months more.
Hold on'. .Aiul the end is sure.
• --The 'Listener (England).
itird;, editor' of 'The Winnipeg
Tribune, deeeribed a "strip" which.
pr tea 11101.14' than one thousand miles
away from the (wean.' "Pin not •re-
intl./ilk to •a lehipeon the Grreat IJaken,"
Ile said. ',I'm taming alvout ttProsaie-
loolting, grey frame building on Epic*
aventle 15 •Winnipens vents% in' run k-
aetly like a. 4ilp, right • out there on
the ("anadlanprairi, Tifh.)• 15 the
barraeleli. of the ',Loyal enanadian; Naval
Iteseeve, Winnipeg.. Over • here. you
'may be quite ustul to tin' idea of ).un:
ifitv everything ohintwine. \at a ne.val
(-,...thool. but .„1,-;ott t'oan,
that It ',,,rreat*o oOlne ttotoniAment. in
')irrtirie eity. An t well-known Qa-
nadian onee Teniarked, the only
*mt.. of the 8eamen in Winnipeg have
1, All Tired Out
Before ,Day Half -tree,
Women who should be.strong it&.
healthy,become.wee,k, tun down, end -
_mini our, and are unable to attend
to their, household duties. They get
upit the morning dreading the
day's milt ahead of them.
•Some disease or constitutional die,
turbaiiteehas left its mark in the
form of shattered nerve, inippeer-;
bilked blood, and an.,exhauisted: eon%
dition 'of the entire esystem.
Women' will ilia bit itilbetres
Ilealth and Nerve rills the remedy
they need to suPply food foie the
inhausted nerve for, tta, entS tha4
will help them betek oauha, paths*
Itettltk tsgoani 4 1, •
Alhert MeQuoid Visits kthe patifie
, Coast for the First Time
Mr. Albert MeQuOld, Lueknow, ilas
returned from a two months! vacation
• trip to Vancouver and points en' route;
He left OA May 24th and returned
Thursday' last, July 24th.
It was •his trin to the Pacific
Coast, •although he had made seven
previous trips to the West. Turner
Valley, he says, imOresSed him. ;very
much, as did' the mountains. 'Manitoba
and Alberta had considerable rain this
season, but in Saskatchewan it was
dry and very hot. .
In Winnipeg he visited his sister,
Mrs. Amelia I7zeile; at Summerberre,
effete: lee sister-in-law; at Saskatoon
1115 brotn,er-in-law, Mr. Charles Agar,
and at Calgary his cousin, Miss Annie
1.1r. IleQuoid has noted the latest
mode of getting pout, and says that
he will make his next trip by'airplane.
Qpick Adif2g.
• • Come ro, jaspert biggest
National Park on, the Con.
tinent! See all the Rockies• -.
—with Jas per park Lodge as •
your headquarters. There's'
• plenty to do. Come via the
• smarj, air-contlitioned Con-
tinental Limited.
Low' Summer Rail Fares.
YourlocalAgent will gladly furnish
you with descriptive booklets and.full
information as to fares,. limits, to.
. 4•14.1 •
r. • • ;4. • af
Repl9ce old worn tires
with safe new
Ai You'll probably do lot of
driving on, the holiday': . . et/
check your tires now. If they're
worn and smooth they'll punc-
ture easily, or may even blow .
. . fail you just When you
needthem most! ,'t
Make certain that your holioaY
week -end won't. be spoiled.
Replace un&afe tiros with
new, big-xnileage, 'money -saving
Goodyear. In Goodyears you get
more rubber for longer, low-cost
service ..-. non-skid centre -trac-
tion for greater safety . . . new:,
8upertwist cord r islowout pro-
tection. !.We have leven different
Goodyearso for cat at different
priceS. See us today for the
-Goodyear you need, AT T111