HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-31, Page 1Combining The God,erich Signaltand The Godertch Star
MeWhinneY Family
Has Annual Reunion,
Gathering' of 125. Enjoys an
Interesting Dar by
• The third annual IVIeWhinney re-
union as held ,atenarter Park On
Tueaday afternoon, with ari attendance
of about -125. Menibere of the „family
were preSent 'Clinton, Auburn,
Nanton, Dengannon, Pontiac,
Aeheeld, iRrampten, Detroit, St.
Marys and 'Stratford.
Itw,as 1e.4() that jehn one Isabella
AteWhinney came to 'Canada from Ire-
land/ settling at Mice:on-the:farm now
occupied by the Sole sviving member
e_Of the' pioneer family, Richard Mc-
rainney. . .
Sports had to be eancelled owing to
d's:4)0hr of rain. Bowever, the
rain ,did not prevent those present
trona partaking of a 'boinatiful supper.
After the meal iMrs. Riehard McWhin-
ney 4 Crewe, preeident of the family
organization, presided for a brief 'pro-
gram. Mrs. McWhinn.ey in her brief
addrees, graciously thanked all -those
who had co -Operated with her during
the year, and she' also -expressed her
gratitude to those .who had made the
picnic such a decided iucces,s.
CommUnity singing was eejoyed.
The Minutes of last year's picnic :Were
read be Mrs. Jas. McWhinney, and
Mr. Jase-MeWhinney, convener of the
eegietration, .reported that 107 Me-
Whinneys had registered,. also eight
'guests and seven Visitors.
Hugh McWhinney gave the treas-
urer's 'report, and Lorne JohnStoa,
convener of the sports and finances,
gave a leweremarkeee _
, At this point Miss :Stella Johnston
presented the ' prizes. The .prize for
the oldest lady present went"to Mrs. J.
. Laing, R.R. 7, St. Marys, eighty-five
yearS a age. The oldest gentlema,n
- present was Richard koWhinetey,
eiehty-two, of Nile, and the youngest
person present was -DOnald Richard
areWhinney, six-month son of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Mcychinnese eof-
poderieh. The 'prize for the person
coining the greatest distaece was
"laded to. Mrs. Geo, Horsley of
Pontiac, Mich. Urs. Ralph Hoover,
of NIanton, Alta.,•Was asked to accept
this prize, but • declined, as she was
not a member, of the. 341,eWhinney
'Officers for Next Year
• Lo•rne Johnston took the chair
Or the election of officers. The honor-
ary presidents are 'Richard MeWhin-
• ney„ sr., Mrs. S. Dougherty and Mrs.
aria McWhinney; Mrs. Richard 'Me -
Whinney of "Crewe was again, the" lies
animous choice for president. Mrs,
Alexel3ogie was elected first vice-Prege
and nd Mts. Lorne Johnston second
viee-president. The secretary for the
• ensuing year is Miss Marjory Me -
Whinney of Dungannon, and -Hugh Me-
WhhaneY of Ashfield is treaserer. The
•historicel committee iseR. McWhin-
- ney, Igrs. DaVid Johnston,. James Me -
Whinney, Bert McWhinney, John Mc-
Wlinney, Mrs. Bertha Quaid, Mrs, J.
t Dotigherty, Mrs. Maria McWhinness
Richard MeWhinnee, sr., and Jas. Me-
, Keight. The program committee for
• 1942 is Mrs. Jas.° McWhinney, Mrs.
Lorne M
Johnston, rn
s. Geo.•-Collinso,
!Lloyd MeWhinney, Mrs. T:. Woods,
,Mre,.,•51arguerite Bleck, Mrs. Sarah
Ohrystal; 4;, !Scott McKnight. The
refreshment coMmittee includes Mrs.
-Ales. Bogie, MrS. John MeWhisiney,
Mrs. Lloyd McWhinney, Mrs. Harry
Watson, Mts. Owen Moore, Mrs. Witt.
MeKnight, Mrs. Win. McWhinney,
Mrs. John McKnight,- Mrs. John Mc-
Whinney and Mrs. Harold Johrtston.,
The sports committee is Lorne John-
ston, Miss Stella Johneten, Bert Mc-
Whinney, Wm. McKnight, Mrs. Wilbur
Johnston, Miss Mary Bogie, Harold
• Johnston. anti Mrs, Harry Watson. Mr.
.. Jas. MeWhinney was appointed.- con-
vener of the registration ',committee
• with power to ehoose his own com-
AT Tri-E,RAing $01100Te
EqUipnaenb Airieing ffrOM Engliatild and
.ReSag ASetmbled as Buildings Are
0. Ready ' 0
;Progress beingmade At the new
itadio•Itchulcians' School near
Clinton justiftes* early predictione that
there will. be upwards of two ehousafid
airmen houeed there when the sehool Is
enished. The mmum ilumber ie
Placed at fifteen. 'hundred. There will
not Only 'be more buildings than at Vert
Albert, but nearly all are larger and of
two-story conetrU, etien.
The instructional Staff,' "Which' are
rived on Ally 20, •is now settled down,
to the lessiness of •reaSsembling aluiP-
ment brought from Vngland. This is
being set up as fasts the buildings are
• •,..°
nneiber of airplanecovered with
burlap await the, eorapletion of the
hangar before being assembled. ISerap-
ers are at work on the landingestrip at
the south end of the .fteld. Th ,eihangax
now has a roof, but still lacksi siding
.and doors: Trussesearceenovr •nPfor
the recreation hall.
Hydro gangs have completed most
• of the heavy work, including the erec-
tion "of transformerke
Many. of ..the newly -arrived airmen
have paid visits -to G-oderich and have
met with their felloW-counteymen at
Port Albert. There was -one 'reunion
4 brothers. Squadron Leader War-
rinen the • officer cominanding at
-the- Olinten School.
H.E.P.C. Sob:edule Maintains
Rates .at Present
At the meeting of the Public Utilities
'Commission, on 'Thursday last a sche-
dule of rates advised by the Tlydro-
electrie Pewer Commission of Ontario
was •presented„ The wholesale price
efeleetitre Pewer to, the Town re-
mains unchaeged at -$37.50 per h.p.
Per annum, and !the rates to consumere
are practically the same as, before. •
The 'Commission paseed a motion!
"that. in view -of .the large surpluS on
hand by the local cominisSion and the
uniform geed col:ditto, of the localsystem, theIlydro-electrie Power. Com-
raission of OntariOlie asked for a
lower rate Per h.P., to the Town or
thdt a larger discount `be, allowed to
dernestic consumers.",
.. The H.E.P. GommissieWs hill for.
power supplied to the Town in the
enonth of June was $4,808:13.
, Ipetition from residents a the
Huron road section near the -town
boundary protested against the lbw
water pressure in that part of the
town. The superintendent wee asked
to look 'Into the mattersto see if some
improvement could beeleeteese
Miss Edith Taylor to Be, Acting Field
Secretary a Girl Guides for
.0fitario. •.
el a ughtereofeneve
Dres-Te- Weedlatt --Taylcre. •
Taylor, has been appointed, to' fill the
newly created post 4 acting lield
secretary ef-the !Girl Guides for Or
tario. The creation of this new post
/ins been made possible by the- generous'
bequest a the late Mrs. Rutledge 4
Xeandon, 'Ontario,. who was very active
in establishm.ent of the Girl Guides
in Caneda and was comnaissioner of
the 'Guides for s:Ontario.
Miss Taylor has been associated with
the • Girl !Guist& since' the eitablieh-
ment of the organization in this district
in 1036; she has been the captain of
the 102nd Troop. She will Commence
her eieW, duties early in September by
work in the !Northern Ontario region.
Among the Guides' that she will no
doubt visit are the Dionne quintuplets,
who are fullefiedged members a the
Brownies, thesGuicles' junior affiliation.
The valuable , werr-done by Miss
Taylor in loeal• 'church and 'youth
org-aniza t ion s II be gre a ti e- sssee in
Commission Asks
Lower Power Costs
, • ,
$28 . Belongati7 . ..Thenias
-a-z—Vatirnt—tiotT -on•
. Britannia Road
While ,Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas Ander-
son, !Cambria road, were eitting on the
• verandah saf their teme Thursday
afternoon last w • sneak -thief entered.
Silver., -Not a sound was 'but
foe Stone reason which he himself 'Kays
he cannot explain air. Anderson took. a
look in the pouch after. he entered the
house. preparatory •to 'going about his
business a eelling-coal oil and gaselines
The robbery disclesee, he eonferred
with neighbors arid, _then, with - Pro-
vincial 'Constable Frank Fox. and Chief
of Police As -O. Itosl, Two *youths
were taken tb the polieesstation, one
allegedly making a confession. At
any rate, the money, intact, wasdug
out a the' ground under a tree in a
vacant lot On Britannia road, where an
N. marked the spot. The .youth will
appear an Thursday ,eharged with
theft. A neifth'borWonian, looking out
or a window, is credited with - seme
smart detective eii-ork, • •
An old sign from one a the early
bathing houses at Goderich. -harbor
recalls to old inhabitants memorieS a
over half -a -century ago. The ssigne
weathered by wind and water, is prac-
LIEUT. TWA14LEY LEAVING tically devoid of paint. The lamp
Lieut . -R E'..Twaniley, who ha' been eblack with which the lettering , was
1 originally painted: has *protected- the
stationed at the armories here, leaves,
wood under it so that the letters etend
tomorrOw ,for. a new place a ditty 'at
! out -as- if carved. Erected by the
.present unknown. •• Before joining the
authority a the Council, it warns that
HIS Royal Highnees the Dulre
if , of
gent has arred 'Canada aud is
inSpeeting the operation a the Cern-
monwealth -Air 'Training Plan. There
Is mach- conjecture in these parte as
to.viliether he will Visit any or all of
the air echoOlS in this eOunty. t is
felt that.'he slionkl be especially inter-
ested in the R.A.F., station at Port
Albert, but, if a visit te that station is
cRis Royal :Highness' itinerary, it
is being kept' 4 close secret.
The Dtsice's tour .of JOanada is being
condueted in informal fashion; so peen,
if lie does favor this countY with a
call there, will be cereniOnial,
.So far, however, 'nobody.' drouud
here seems to keow. 'anything about
the ducal intentions.
Council Discusses Municipality's Illy,
Setrance BeeikeesS at SpeCial
• Meeting'
The Town Council held a, special
meeting on Tuesday night and went
Royal Canadian .Corps !Signals, at-
tached to 'First ' Canadian Armored
A.F., haw at Camp -Borden
Glen a son of Mr. Robert Wilson,
-Cameron street, -GodericAuend 'the, late
Jelin Lodge. For several years he
Bnitters of eewlee are requested, to
east on etitehes loosely. If too tight.
the thread. Je liable to break when
suet:* are Pulled on. ,
Shipment to Torontol beaknarterse
July 24th, 10I1:
Arhay iind Air Ferce cendertte---32
tvvoevay initte; 10 sweatere; 125 sox;
14 rifle mitts; 15 turtleneck eweaters:
12 eearves ; 12 altereetive cape: Wept-
'tal, euppliee's--20 elieete; 100 -fOwels:
Refugee elothing--4 (plata; 2 baby
blankets; 4 beys';,elairte; 5 eten'S 6hirts;
•5 nightgowns; 5 comhinations; 5 two,-
ppieee, underwear ; 1 helmet ; 8. sox ;
baby jaelrets; 1. eweatert
• Mr. Wallaee CamPbell, president of
'the Ontario divieion *of the Ited ,e.'ross
S*6*.eiety, has leatied'the following warn-
ing.to presidents of Ontario branehese
, Salesinen for certain magazines
ila,,eve recently . approached the Red
OrOss braneli executives eneetivoring-
to obtain. lists of Weal men• serving
overseas. They -then' approach relit -
Goderich joys"
Tropical Weather
Temperature Officially .Around.90
for Fiie Days—People
Flock to Lae.
Altheughiliere has been a drote or
ten elegrees'in the lenaperature in the
Peet tveenty-four hOurez With. a. wel,
Wine freshness_ in the air, eitizens Of
,:Ghtlerieli are still sweltering in a,
heat wave; now in its eeeeetie day'.
Fels dayet,---Friday; iSaturday.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday—the
Mercury rose to War ninety, 'with the
hinfaidity verY Showers on Mon.
day and Tuesday .gave scene relief, but
they, were not eear1yee6 heaey as 'irk
ether parts efeWestern Ontatio.
On Saturdak 18;4 An eged lady
'fainted in an optieal parler, but was
soon eevived.Two vietime of heat
prostration the ,bathing 'beach res *
quire(' flrit• aid.
•At the.week-end, on the Arst gaelees
tives or other resulents in that area Sunday; people from all over WeSterst
.Ane elsewhere with a story' that ane!Ontario flocked .to 1Goderiel and other
individual sigUing tip for n-Subserip--.Lfilte--HUronspoints---in -alniosterecord-e
nuinbers. Patrol OftleerS eay the traffic
tion to the publication may nominate
one of tliee Overseas men to receive was yery Goderia waterfront
immediabely. into -committee a. tlie a copy as it is puiiiiishedt, thus in fact bee one ee its biggest days. «rand .
giving bwo Subicriptiens*for An
price Bend could not actemmodete its; trowsl.
'learned- that' the -matter -up for con- An Araeriean tourist last !Sunday, out
_whole." After a • longe,..eessionssit _was
' sideration was the Town insurance. "The Toronto Better Business Bur- eLgaseline and eta. route to ToberMOre's •
The deci.sion was reeched„I0hatesta -- . _
7 ttaeLa. olreleascill'en8,11foromed.oedebyaliniiii•Pnrgety:ense.te it.iitedic abil;rilvirlpw„.taoiogaa,t)-11111,13ePla3rus..10.chorietreels, .,.....„ ,.
eatepoesible,Will be pleged on a three- 11SUA elsesehere, .,because it is not pos- with no better luck. -11eCeinifilaitied he .
.futurce,all the Towles.' iiisaeceeeosf,gr i - .... ,..„,_ . .
year basis. A further decision ' was eible in any way to check and ensure had not been told that the ban applied /
was on the mechanical staff a The
AigealeStar, and latterly he , was
,associated with his brother Floyd in
conducting the Brophey ,.Funeral
• these contracts aise fulfilled, and to American touristS.
that all policies held by the Town 'must that
,-ong • month in ft one soldier may be nominated On Sunday evening, too, ears were to
be 'placed before Council ac
before date of exPiration. 'Councillor to !receive eopies from five or six be seen on highvvays 'being' pushed 0-r
Hriekins, chairman a the finance coin- towed, but they were comParatively
at Grand Bend
LAC. Harry Beaty of Kirichni4
inthvidivals eseetegoeleekee.e.--prbliceli.0* ty7
mittee; is to consulteH, M. Ford with are, informed this is purely a few. . -
"AeAThlis• wt.no'f' 'ell u'ra7n:'ee."Ta't7.p—re—);e-ii-7!h—e-id''
. girSP**IL;railialrigrrKileStetirtherefPfer k'S*Of•agaSialineaaStj'alltdany..
Prornotioffar sehelniesapenta the -grayest . Local _SerViee stations -report -record', -
such a list to any individual approach-
ing:. them.
that no Red CroSsbrench shall furnish ,its filling„up for. the holiday,
presentation to the Connell at its! next "If any request 'for this information.
LAk6, -Attach
to Clinton
° It was decided to hold next year's
Pienic '6n the.Titesday nearest the first
day a August. The . gathering dis-
persed after; the singing the National
• .7.
, An automobile belong,ing to Nelson
R.R. 4, .1Iderton, was found
on. Thursday night or early 'Friday
anorning. at Meneset„ where it, had"been
abandoned, endatuaged, presuinably by
thieves. Mr. Harris came to Goderichs
for his car Friday evening,
Middlesex -Huron Regiment Lieut.
Twaniley was 'foil five years on. the
staff a Oxierich Collegiate Institute,
*here he gave 'particular attention to
boys' physical training and cadet
work. He leaves with the good wishes
ch nee to -day! The- sign
of the people a Goderich, and especial -I
ly of the boys "0" Coy., for his ht'. at least- fifty years
future success.
Slayor Illr•oeve has peoclaimed Mon-
1ay August 4th e civic holiday:
'The big event of the day will he the
race meet. ••
'any person hathieg• inside the corpor-
ation of the town • ivitheut a proper
bathing suit will he presented." The
requirement a that 'period was
"cover -air from neck to knees.- Whet
d to
.dikiiirA 'BOMBER
' A rather. . interesting feature was
brought to light an Tuesdas7 at the
MeWhinney reuuion. Margaret and
Grace .Cook, daughters of Air. and Mr's:
Wm. 'Cook, of WestI'Wewanash, were
wearing rings made br their uncle,
Herb McQuillan, who is serving over-
seas. The material forsthe rings was
taken from, a Germen bomber downed
over England. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. 'Floody.of Tor-
onto have receiired a cable stating that
their son, Pilot Officer Wellace Floody,
•R.C.A.F., has arrived Safely in Eng-
land. The PilotiOfficer is a grandson
a Mrs. 4...B. -Chant of (Minton and a
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moody, of Close
• The temperaturee for the past week
and fon the carreeponding week laet
year, asofflcially; .'recdrde(l Were as
1941 . 1940 .
" Max, Min. Max. Min.
Thurs.,"July 24 ..84 71, • 83. 70
Pre, July 25 72 01 72
Sat., July 26 '9Q, 68 80 .69
Sun., July 27 88 ••08 ..76 68
Mon.eJtily 11 ,..84 61
Tues., July 29 79 89
Wed., July 30, 70 71 85 71
Flundreds,LiVe in Iluron's Wave
• and Flying Fish Mgkes Tasty Dish
The summer geason in Crederich
,surely reached its peak on Sunday last,
People sought refuge at the lake from
the continued scorchine heat, and the
beach had probably tlie ble,gestecrowd
in Its history. The parking spaces at
the barber were thiek With cars, and
along the heaeh and the adjoining pier',
in the water and out, were hundreds
of bathers of all ages, invaliding (p.nae
gray -headed ones. The two little ex-
cursion boats hummed merrily on their
•trips with leads of people seeking tlie
eool air of the but the boat
with the awning was -decidedly the
inore•popular of the twc4
Tip along the., bank, oVerlooking the
harbor care discharged' many little
picnic Parties, and the tourist camp
*as crowded.
Lake a Great 'Attraction
Maey of 'these people; probably the
great *Majority, were from inland
pointe—people to Whom the lake isean
attraction to a degree hardly under.
.otandahie Ito theee who live alotgsik
It all the year 'ronede It was the
first Sundagy of the gasoline restric-
tions, and COMme3..11 was that theehig
crowd- did not .indicate Much of a
saving in g(0, 'But who eould blame
the dWellers in inland towns and the
tollers on inland farms for escaping
for a few hours from the depreesing,
almost intolerable heat? They can
save gas another day. • •
Not that it was so awfully coal
the lake, either. 'Sunday's temperature
record ' was: Water on bead', 82; water
between piers, 1(1 air, 90 In the -shade.
A Fatal Leap
It tooled off a little bit towards even-
ing, and over in ,Snug Harbor a frisky
bass made a mighty, leap and landed
plunk in Ilerry Watson's rowboat. It
was a Mee big fellow, 17 or 18 inehee in
lengtlie Aasietant Chief lampector Jack
floelaraee, of Sky Harbor airport, was
with Ratty' At the 'time and the litth
was banded over to him and made en
excellent meal, the Sky diarbor man
Aircraftm 4* Harry'
.uly 30.--Leadieg,
eaty, aged thirtYe!,
one, Royai*-1--!Feree of,KirklviedLalt'L
--fanner Queen'e Ueiv
was droseeed in 1
yerde soutli of the.,
hall, this efternool . .
Beaty"; thirtseime years; of agKseybo
had been :'.oversette with_ the .itek•re
returned, in Canade a week ago laet
Surfday and was a 'netted to the Clible'
ton Radio. „Teclani . an Scheel,' Whieh
Is now under 'cone . suction..
' •The. Airman hadibeen'seeiMming 'in
water "about tee - eet deep prior •ito
the drcywning. Hi body' was found
by a gir1.0aather, w 0 summoned otlit'ir
people on'the.beach , No one witneseed
the drowning. ,t • . •
' The LOildon fit'e department wars.
ealied at 5.+0 °Week and arrived .!:(
•Grand Bend at 1,q30L. Artificial r'e
. !
rsity football ste ,
Ice Huron, thi2r
rand Bend dente
is ,receiv.ed by any' member*If r
'No •
exeeutive, kindly advise •this °fate." If Tumors are well fo e'Jleron.
COMNUNITY CARNIVAL eounty will be dotted wit airporbs' a
PROPOSED FOR LABOR 37JAY .TWO BIG NIGHTS various descriptiene from Amberley
it the north, to !Om:arena, in the most
Board of Trade, Lions Club and R.A.F. _ southerly township of the !county. It
• Co-operating on Plans for Big Day ---- is kneveli that this high, level Coun.try
Anew building is in the course of
construetion at Pt Albert airport,
lathe north-east end." It will house e,
earpenters' shop and facilities tar the
repair a all *eerier of equipment, In -
chid ng motor ears.
Prepa,rations are in the making' for along the lakeside 'appeals' to the „
this year and a raovement is afoot to the twO-night fralie to be put on by engineers' of the Air Ministre, and the •
persistent rumors may have Some solid
. int, Aid of British War Victims
!Goderich has not had a celebration
Board a Trade, the Lions Club and the Lions .010 --Wednesday, August
the MAY. co-operating. Tentative 13, and Friday, August 15.. . • froAranKewizaarpedirn.,e.dev:apsatea ftnnoTwuse:sd.ast
hold a big day on Labor Dayewl0 the
pla'ns call for am aquatic meet at.„ the 'The carnival will be held in Court
waterfront ie the, afternoon, With it kinds of amusements for young and &Ripe that a gunnery ad bambini
House Park, where there will be all Ambirley Rumor .Revived
evening, also an R.AJF. variety •shgy old, •Prizes amoneting to ‘500 wet school will be estaiblished in this area •
In the Weet street skating rinte The -sayings certificates are offered in can- as at' ,adjunct to the Air Navigatiori
carnival in Court House Park ;In tile
proposaris ta give the preceed` to an •- oils support of the people of town -and in the announeement. of farmers in
nection with this eveilt,( and the gener- School at Port Albert has been revived
' Ambeiley dis-trict that several of their
Incidentally this would . be Golerieh's white, district is earnestly ineited.
wortlee eause. 'Members tit- the London - tfl,'Z'' keep them ,free fee this big event..
t,SeAs—tigluVsetdja15s, daarid
air raid victime.; fund, to be enained.
first. community endeavor • f 't this ettitie Itletot, a 0 mreatibt,2. ot a liso,t) ApI,gietinsiiemi.3b,earndelrri(1(114
Ar ,TIIE WATERFRON. ' ( ITort s - wore . it 41 ess. • . sistiiig 0 Ashfield township farms. of'
• ' Editor SignaleStar. Stuart and Charles Wiley,. Mathew Mc.-
Denald and -the vaeant Walker:farm+
LaSkier'!—Huk3renotsisr.illtund(r4y1'ifafirtausid'estiltotiet along With portieres •cyf the farms 'fee
John- Ross and David Henderson.
These: farms are en highway 21, a
ehort..distance south 4 Amberiey, and.
about equidistant from Kincardine *and.
Port Albert. . . .
• . .
It is knows); -that the" Government'. •
has several,surveys made in. that area,
"as' well as in 'Stanley, Kincardine and
Huron townships, with a view tp,Pro-
curing, a suitable site to establish .such
a schaol.
III Stephen. Township Too
And last week The Exeter Timee-
Advocate had the. following:
pira t •Seas a d t er ed by Ifat old number •have signed: agreements to sell
their, farealands to the 'GoVermeent•foe.
use. as a 'school. . • '
.P,"“ . • So far,. more than. 500 acres have
deparwilent alSo .0ss,ist(-(1.- Work CCasTo
af 7.34) i'o'elock selien it eyes fouud Atie _ WATER OR THE 'PARR been included in the.se agreements, con-
Three freighters arriVed at Goderich "Dr . -J. G. •PunlOp, Bixeter. Coroner, .•• Hector McLean, Duncan .Thorburn,
-harbor during • the past week, carry- . ,. .
.ing- 035,000. bushels a grain., '
On ThursdaY, the str. .Sood.oe ar-
the sti:kRiverton came in on Sziturday much water? The grass me the park
.rived with 207,000 bushels or wheat ; Air Force authorities.
with 260,000 -bushek of wheat ; )1nd has been allowed to get ,parched 'and
on M crude y . t he s t r. Superior ' arrived, e Beaty' was V,eil known in infer-'
brown for the want of vuter. Haven!t.
-leaving ;313,000 'bushels of oats, 1e 000 collegilife ragby-H4rx-les and had per -
We ' n caretaker and a water systun
baSbels of,wheat and 30,000 bushels -4 I ()I'
f1 (1 in games against the Univcsreity
.g,,s. . mr. with the whole lake behind it It is n
barleS''. All Cargoes were for' the thei41' • ' • • ' '
Weetern One a rio M li st a n
pity te see' °Ur ceetral park, that
Goderich Elevator 0!. - . h ft le welled ta t'llnad.:i. after -serving
1 combat ,oile for :••oun ,nioH.
no shouldbe'gren and pretty, lobking SO
n•nattractite. . -
'Fanelli arradgements nave not oven
was called and Flight Lieutenant -Lt.
'Sai'nmon, M.D„ tf the'Radio
conducted the Investigation for 'Ow
le 'harbor at .the .week -end. •
• [EditOr's Note. - Park als
.-The str. Georgian had a pdssengKEEPIN4, FIREMEN ON ALERT would er be 'bettan as
er a occiona
list a about 150 on her upbd oun,
Another tass fire along the C.N.R. watering.]
A eumber a pleasureyachts were (seeeeetee;
00 Stiedny morning.
Monster RaisesUgly Head---
Sea -Serpent in Lake -11-urind---
Loch Ness Rimster, 011'.Seciet Minion? 1 1:4r571.%).ctsfitliti2Ait
tragic' in the vieInity 'of the Heron road
. ,erossing gave tlhe fire brigade „a run •
on Friday afterneon., With the assiet:
once volitnte0 helpers and the use
4 chemicals ti ee firemen again ex -
I tinguished a miniature -`-'prairie !fire."
;• 4
Pte.' Ernest. Roy Kneeshaws son of
Me, and Mrs. T, Kneeshaw,- Godes
rich,' has joined the Royal Canadian,
Army Service Corps at Lundell.
Albert 'James Shore, son of Mr. and
-While there' is. no official confirm-
. ation, rumors. are rife • to the effect
flail work on the- new airport betWeere
Centralia and Crediton about „to
commerice in. the near future. , The
Work 4 sonstruction on the pew build-
ings at the Radio ifiehool at Clintonsisr
almost completed and the rumors per-
sist that the Pigott Oishstruelion Com- '
puny, who have the'eentract for the
• Clinton schaol, also have the contract
for the ereetion a the buildiegS on
the proposed site in 'Stephen town'ship.
Froth, various othee sources vome re-
ports - that would substantiate the
claim ..that the work-. will vomnierice
soon. We understand that the Hydro
gang which has- been doing the work
et Clinton Wive- been advised tereterui,
pending another big job which is
in t reaeriel to be -•the Stephen airport
Tile 'Stephen airport, if it materialieks,
will be -one 4 the largest in this• area,
as one thousand acres 'have been ..sur-
vqed and test wells 1°4 water have
been - put down, 'good results havieg
'been obtained. 80 far, we understand,
the farmers 'owning the land hate had° •
no word, ane way or the other, as to'
what might take plaee."
• I 0. • • Mrs,. Albert Shote, Victoria street, has
enlisted with the Royal ('anadian Air
IForce and will leave for the Mati)Ling
Pool at Pol.-Onto early in September.
Albert has been a member of "0"
,Ces., MiddleSex41uron Regiment.
. ,
(By Foghali—rpur Special Correspondent) 4
About a ,fortnight ago repor4e 'of a the .eontroVerey over the !existence of. r'egetee. f0°raniahdea,boayns
the 4,0en in...SS monster. The suggeS, of, -011r naitna 'eervice What 'the Red
sea -Serpent 'in Lake Huron reached
The Signal -Star.
The startling apparition, seen' by
cottagers about four miles south 4
Goderich, was said to be at least forty
feet long. Aecording- to some observ-
ers the monster dispetted a bead like a
'turtle; others said that it had e,green
and brown color scheme; all were
Positive' that it Wag a anOnSter, no less.
We have attempted to find opt what
'it might have been, in order to present
the 'facts on "the 'Horror of Huron"
to readers a The Signal -Star..
First of all, to get the seaman's view
on the strange "critter," we dripped
down to the harbor to interview 'Bert
Macdonald. He told ui; a schools of
carp, wounded trout flopping around
on the surface, partly bmerged rocks
and. -old bite, a rope all being taken at
various times for -some unnatural
monster. In the present instance ,he
said that if he were inforked of the
next appearance of the e‘Terror of
Huron" he would load hie shot -gun
with etrfeletra heavy, charge and "sift"
down the lake wfth ,the "Artnamae"
under -full Steam. 0 • •
While at the haebor fee eontacted
Mr. John Howrie, the "keeper ofthe
water -level," who greatly relieved mir
mind by informing ,us that ,no great
rise had been paused by the emester's
presence lir the lake, and that it might,
therefore, 'he !safelyassunied that its
disphreement was not more than eighty
tons. •
Venn an R.A.F. source we gathered
the suggestion that the cottagers had
probably seen a pertion of camouflaged
Wing fabrie, bearing green and brown
coloring, from the ill-fated Avro-Anson
bomber feeili No. 13 Air Navigation
'School at Tort Albert. It wee sug-
gested that on a rough du' the fabric
Might present . the appearance or a
giant mammal tossing on the waves.
One of the inoet refreehing ,vieev;
pellits Mit we oneouutered wao t mese
geetion'tbat brought up memoriee of
tion put forward was.tbat the Loch
Ness monster had not been heard of
in, press, reports for Many month, and
like most other .conteinporarV not :11)105
had probably 'abandoned. -monstering"
for the time and was .now' engaged in
wir-work. _An added suggestion NV:1$
that ttas member a Scottish aristoc-
racy might he in •eanada on a .secret
miSsion for. the British Government.
When we read of the secret arrivalsof
the Duke of Kent aaid other notables
this suggestion" doe.s-snot .seem to Ile
entirely Illogical. Maybe some _any
soon, weshall read . in the dailies' the In the navy. It •is estimated- that
streaming headlines. "Ness. Moester• nearly twenty sailors ceiling (',Iroclerich
Doing:His (or Mire part for,,Vietory.", swine 'are now .on. the high sees, or in,
If this.doeS <weer, at least it eanntstebe training for •sea duty. For that rea-
said that The SienaleStat" 'is behind on son is expected there will- be a
Cross does for the men in the army and
air force, is making its first appeal to
Goderich, on Saturday, • August 2nd:
On that day. Citizens will be able to
„help out through a tag day which is
ling managed ,by the ladies of the
Women's Institute.
Navy 'League supplies socks,
mites warm •header4r,.and a hundred
and one things ,w fiieh the G eye rn men t
does not issue -to !the boys in, blue, •
Goderich people are increasingly ,inter-
eeted in its work, bemuse of the in-
creased nuniher •of Goderich Men now
the news. generous response when tpe young
At the present, time the "II.Orror . under -the leadership of Mrs.
Huron" .(poSSible alias the Imeh Ness (11, ter l'olinston, peesitheit of the
Monster) •seetn8 to have wee) into Women's Institnto. "make their call
is conaid-
tempeirau retirement from the 'public Por funds It
on • aturday. .
gaze. This fact, hears Out, in our ered that the town will be inereasingly
opinion, the suggestion that the navy -minded with a,ship, the eorvette
"Hotter" (alias the Monster) is here Goderiele now being fitted out for
on a secret mission, having no doubt
been towed across the Atlantic. hy -one
of his 'Majesty's sifilmarines, for 'the
' poseible purpose of snying, on Greet
Lakes fishermen to see that theyy lere
keeping the Great ,Lakes fish doing
thir utmost for Canada's war effort.
Thissis only our theory. ho.wever. and
onle time willprove if our eonjecturee
are eorreet., - •
Meanwhile we await further iiewe
of the ','Horror," which was reported,
when last seen, to 'be' heading„In thie.
direetion of Goderich, se that we may -
pass it on to our readers: If the
"Horror" is definitely located, we will
negotiate 4witIr "Ab" ,Leonard for the
,use of hi diving suit in order that
we may bring you en exclusive' Inter-
vIeW onsthe "Horroea" ideetitY.
sioti mad ,opinionon world affable •
Ile sere to read .the !Signal404We
net edition° for more news on the
tIIderor on?,
melee .serviee. This ship, it will he
recalled, some weeks ago was christ-
011(41 by Mrs. E. Douglas Briewn, wife
of the Town's chief ,magiStrete.
T114 °Navy teRglie has' never asked to
be included in any of the national
drives for money wheel have been
Put on from fling, to time, it-beingan
old sinktitution whieh had long' since
developed its own eirele a supporters.
Now, Jueveever, with the greatly in-
creased work being earried (>11 th a
greatly enlarged naval serviee, it has
become neceesary to secure more funds.
The fag day method of securing thee*
was decided on as one least iik1y to
bear heavily an anyone and one which
should eeciire ainple money for the
• Leaguese requiremente.
The day is speneered by the Vitizene"
Wartime Oammittee and ban the hearty
approval of the Towle Council. it is
bow, there will be a genent.9
• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker, Brus-
sels, announce the engagement a their
daughter, -A..:latharine' lIallidaY (Tod-
d(), to 'Hugh JOhn Middleton, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Middleton,
Clinton, the marriage to take plac0.
the middle of August.
The engagement 15 announced of
new Agues, youngest daughter.of Mrs.
Foster • .and the late 'Bert Foster' of
Klepper -at -ore to the Reverend James
Angustus t tOn, BA, L,Th., of
'Merlin, elder son a Mrs. wattoo and
the late George Watton- of SautliamIls
ton.. The Wedding is te, take place1110
middle of August. t
Retired School Teacher Turns Poet—
. o
W. 11. Johnston Issues Colyction of Verge
William 11. Johnston, of Exeter, Ont.,
retired ;Weller, with yeare of honored
service to his= credit in Ashfield, nay
nnd Stanley townshiPS: is known to
many as the writers. of interesting
reininismet historical sketehee which
have scppeaNel in The Signal -Star and,
other papers, but during the years he
„has leen exercising his Poetic gift,
as 41 recreation. dealing with the ex-
periem,eesef his long life.
tie liasilow arranged and published
in a neat bonklet a eollection of his
sketehes, under thetitle "laurel
Rhymee of !time' and Prienciehip.".
The dedivation, written 27th 'ALay,
1041 Ilk eighty-third birthday, hone
or his parents, Henry and Mary Ser -
son Johnston, -p14neer's of- Ashfield
township, and his wife, Sarah M.
Blake. • lately deeeased,. and' ',makes
touching, reference to the old Nan-
panione.of eaciy and' lateiedays, and to
the hundreds of old pupila whom lie
eoeght to teaeb and iTalpire intheir
preparation for life. -
Ale appreelation;Joubliehed IiI tle3
book froth his Oil -friend, John Elliott,
02 Lombin, who was a fellow
1)111)110 sehpol teacher in Ashfield town-
ship long ago, gives an estimate 4 the
little whew:
"I havebeen reading with great
interest this collection of Rural
ilthymes written in hours of recreation
by my old sehool-maeter friend, Wm. '
"They are simple and homely, with
Personal touches and refeeenees tf
school and rural 'lite that will ineke
apie,a1 to thoee familiar with countre
"Their moral tone .is pleasant and
wholesomeand they will be liceet -
understotel by the friends !Di' Mr. Joh
ston who recognize the local' coloring
and are familiar with the peesons‘and'
places referred to."
There is. in the heals w goed. pleturee
or the author, and 11 well-written
ketch of hie life by J. M. Southeott
The Eseeer Timee-Advoeate. wile bee
done a ereditable piece a w0rti as
publisher or the volume. 1.