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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-24, Page 6
PA*R Mit ' "'t OUT ° FOR; Buck It i p right now onsitiset.Illutstruttikiii TOW %.r is the largest orgrtn ira yalw. Cady suit Not! tent to your hcakh. It penis, out .~ 0,1. igsst food, pets rid aaf waste, supplies Wmenergy,,' Mips paper tt�aur`ishiuent to reach: �ir When your14-et gets Out el of err • es yew intestines.. Yeu 00i00 VIOSSPited. st iaach Gard ka 1040* rate t p�arptttttlyA Yea feel rattan --headachy, latrbtyr, dragged out all the qhs. Fse ever 4ysa theusa tla hats woo Misfit angst frsap thsse r+oisercws--Muth 1°s +a -lives.. ;Si nee you :new. Try Fruit-e.tiives -you'll be einidy d+Wthted.h.w you`u feel like +a . Mir p.uos, happy and a.ell ego". " , $Oc. IVE Caenadaei « • taeytstSelUtM ' � livatr Tools WESTFIELD 'wiItl'Sg.01FI1.ai). July 22.—:lir, and Mrsp Albert Shackleton and d:a.umhter Mary, •of""Toronto, and Miss Agnes Patterssou, of lherta,`' visited with Mrs. Wnm.A,nderson, Mr. ane, Mrs,.Alva «'Dowell, Murray and 4ov(1were guests oil Sunday at the home of Mr, ;,and Mrs. K. , 'ainleron, Lucknow., '4 ' Mr and Mrs 'Mansel Cook and Child; ren, of eolbor60 township, visited on .Sumiaay with M . and' '�lrs, t1rlamersa.� t Itald r: . ' - .Mwf:ter Pona!d' ri'"a i:5 his sister, Mi:3, ,Arthur Sl>eigelberg of, lei ehatto(w. Mrs. Jaa per; McBrien,erf GOdericli end Master Newton Hurschtaiski of Detaoit spent last lick with the forrner's roister, Mrs. 'Gorlion'Sae11. ' Mr. 1). W. Patterson of Peace River, called on Mr; ^W. IN Campbell on reaaY. :lla. 1.1'onuey of Ay'r ;v. isited with , cher daughter, 'Mrs. Maitland +(,,euro, Mr. acid Mas. 7 ut,.°ne`Dabie-atr ' babe, atf Ottawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobie: Mr. Win Anderson is ti guest at 'the home of itis son, Mr. Thbrnas .,Andertoaa►, Sorel. Que be . . Mr. and JMrs', W, F. Campbell, Miss Winnifred ('nnipbell`mail Mr$, Alice '.ryerman were guests on `\,Vedtiestiay at the•iiome of.gr. r. and Mrs. J. I). Elsley, Molesworth. Misses Dorothy and Norma .Isletlaery of IHamilton visited, with their cousin, hiss 'Phyllis Cook. Miss lochs 'Plowman is spending a few days with: her sister, Mrs..Ddger Howatt. Mr aunt Mrs. Win. Walden, Mr. Rohl. Walden, Bobbie' and Ronald Jentai ii visited on ' Sunddy with ' Mrs. John `i`hempscn'i, Auburn. Cru'sts at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Mei)owell are Mr. and Mrs. John Clark .of ll'or nto, Mrs. \'TacLen= dean ofChicago, Miss Annie Clark of THE +.DEI IGNAL*STAR r!'iII�F t a- iAY. JU17Y 24th,, 1943i Round Tripp Bargain Fares 'AUGUST 1-2 -from GODERICH To ;Stations Oshawa and Ea) t• ,to Cornwall inclusive;..: Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peteiboro, Oampbe2liford, Newmarket, Col'lingwood, Mea- • ford, Midland, North Ray, -Parry Sound► Sudbury, Ca+preol and West to Bea,rdtmore. - TRAINS AUG..1 ALL TRAINS AUG. . • 2 To TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderieh, Guelph, Hamilton, London; Niagnta Falls,',Owen Sound, 6t. Catharines, Sit, Maryls, • Sarnia, Stratford. "tratbroc; Woodstock. -4 • r cont Clete list of destinations._ see Handbills io _of ,- . o...,a For Fares, Return I.imits, Train Information, Tickets, e c.. -Consult-elearest—A Ont:- :. • . :,p-169- A NA . D i�A N. NATIONA- L • GOiERI U TOWNSHIP iaoni tics TaitrwNoiiir, July 21.— Mrs. Wm. Joi ri ton •of .& Iatlelcl i, vir its hair at the home of Mr, and Mrs. light. ' $owerby. Mia rbyllir "v cajper visited last week. in Tipperary, at .the lio r+.e of Mr. and: Mrs. Chaas. GikWpet`, Paster Harold °.'Bell a`i4Gioderielic visited' last week with his grandtparents,' .X,ir: and Mrs. Jklrlc lard Oke. 1n last week's. issue.bY mistake It was, mentioned, that tLati reVomporal Baroid, .Gardner- was with ,the °f+lglra Beiitaen, `rom. a letter r eei?Ved this week by your correspondent, it is learned) that Harold is with the Royal Canadian: artillery, Canadian - Army Trades' School, in Hamilton, and. spent the - week -end a at the home of Mir. avid Mrs, Morris .Hicks. We welcome Harold back to the community, any time he. is free to • come. . Miss Madeline Bogie of 'Nile is spend- ing her holidays at the home of Mr:. and Mrs. Harvey fuller. The combined picnic of fiunday school and Dramatic. Blum will be ` held fl 'Friday in (Harbor Park, Goderich, Supper will be served at 6 p.m.. The sympathy Of the . community la eatendedd to Mr. T. 'R„ Rundle in the dealthI of -his father, ,,the late "Philip Ruundle, whose funeral was conducted on 'Sunday afternoon: • Beach „Party.—Thee Social Farmers' ,Club held their July meeting ,at Lewis Bach on 'Tuesday evening„ 'with thirty. four -members present. The first part of the evening was a dip tri the lake. A huger lire was built, around which games were played and lunch served. I'lttns tverg 4);...0,g for theIneet ing, to take te_form of a.weitner-roast at the same piaci': .p • Union Church Notes.—The sacra- ment of the Cord's Supper will be clis- nsj.,at-Uninderlaty Ail mem iters -acid, friends of ,the . congregation are cordially invited to attends . There.evassa small congregation at Un- ion on Sunday, when the pastor, Rev. A. J. McKaye, delivered a splendid ser- mon on '"Road Signs along the High- way:. of Life:" ' Federation Meeting.—The ' Goderich Township. unit ° of the Federation of Agriculture met. in No: _1.0 school -,rouse 'Hang on to your hast, Mc-Ginrnis—I"4e been waiting for a. r•hance like this for yea i s !" Saskatoon and 'Miss ;Celina Clark of St. Catharines. --eht--Sumas=emsn-i•n1-the ju-nior.Pclu tette, Douglas (Campbell, Norman Mc- Dowell, :Lloy ('Walden and /Harvey Me- I)ewe11, with Win'nifred Campte11 as the accompanist, assisted in the service of the 'B.Y.P.l'. at -Auburn. . . At the church service on Sunday Mr. .Clarence Mcclenaglhan of White- church spoke -from St. Matthew 5-16--- '"d;et "oar lightso shine -before men." 'uni:o • tte fav oredr with a _ �he x _Harte _. __.._ _ _ . .._ J q 8 - n ii Iter, ".1 ust'virus td tk Door:"'YYNnaxt°' Sunday 'Rev. W. A. ;Bremner of 'Seaforth _ :WiTr. .'the :;1ieaker ._ Qri Augusf.' .r and 10th, there will be -#to ehureh ser - i -vice at ;Westfield. ' . _; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian, ,Har - old and Mr. andMrs. Duncan McNichol of Walton visited- on- Sunday with Mr. and, :Mrs. Bosman and: Mr. and, Mrs. - Richard !Lloyd; Wingham. Mr. Orval ISaskrider has joined -the army and is now wearing his uniform, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jardine and son spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Jitrdine of Toronto. ., Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Mrs. Jim Bowes of Guelph and Mrs, John Web- ster of .West Waw'anosh visited with Mr.. and- Mrs. Bert Taylor and .other Mrs. Mary Wit Deland . family, �f . aussel,s,-:'visited- on --Sunday- -with-Mr:- and with-Mn:and Mrs. -Wm. Carter. • BREAD CLASSIFIED ADS. di LIN , _ A A -144ATIONAL EMERCENCY Canada it,'s righup against an acute shortage of gasoline and fuel oil. Tankers that normally; supply our country have been commandeered for vitally iraportant'.overseas service. :- r �.... 4. The Commionwealth Air Tri Pl _ .,�. . g au, the ,rapid :development of Canada's • mechanized army units'°,and the great work carried on by our corvettes retake the deinctne' for fuel urgent. bur imide oil intake is limited. There is dust one ttiiing to 3o if our fighting forces are to carry on with a "full 'tank". Every Canadian motorist is asked to - cut hiss w,} 'daily gas • consumption in half 1 There are .many way6 ' by which this' 50% saving cants be made. . ways and - means to give you more ° n ilehge per gallon. You can drive slower so that you will use less gasoline. You can go ,fifty-fifty with your neighbours, inviting each other to share cars . for business, and for pleasure. People ,can rehdily , go Id and from work together, using one car instead of four ... using one gallon of gasoline instead of severaL Women as well as mesen, can make these savingsp',, The aniount of gasoline us d in Canada for business, social I and - non-esseritial activities is arnaximgly high 5n proportion to that used '-t by aur fighting ,forces. One look at, the 'figures would convince "you . that this Situation 'mud, , be roverwodi Canada does not ask or request you ,to puf your oar. up.: She merely asks for yottr''help. asks that. -you walk soMe,times.:whert the --distance isn't too great . a, that you take ashorter-driviri- on Sunday afternoon ...that you look after your:caxar and keep it in good condition. .. . that you `say to your neigh tour: "Let's Use my, ar today, Jinni we'll 'use yours totu.orrow:1 • Every day, - in . greater and greater ' quantity, we must relecise gasoline tmd oil by the ,thousands of gallons to our throbbing a munitions plaints ....to our tanks and armoured ,card .- .. to . our fighting planes and bomber . to. our . coryettes and merchant slips that ply the vital sea -lanes . so That the day of -victory may, sooner be at hand. lleasy ways fowanis a M6LINE SAVING (Approved byAut®mobi a 2:xperts) Reduce driving speed from 60 to 40 eu the opott toad. Avoid jack -rabbit Start!. . Avoid useless or non-essential driving. ! Turn motor off v'ihen not in use, do not leave idling. ' Don't race your engine; let,it waraa up slowly. ' v17on't strain your engin; change gears. Keep carburetor deviled and properly adjusted. Tune up motor, lining, etc Reop spark plugs and valy©s clean. Chock cooling system; overheating wastes gasoline. Nlaintainn tires ° `at right pressure. "' Lubricate efficiently; worn engines wasto gasoline. Drive in groups to and from work, using cart alternate days. • - 'For golf, piers and other outings, use one car instead of foul°. • Take those short shoppingtrips trps ON' FOOT and caro parcels borne. .I..>_.• ...dry. `Walk to and horn the movies. oat owners, too, can help by reducing spiced. Your regular service station man will gladly explain p trite: o and otherivays of saving gasoline. Conniff' him. •1 GO 50,/501WITH OUR FIGHTING FORCES Will 'YOU help-? • It is also vitally important that,you reduce the use eaf domestic and commercial fuel oil„ <;. The Covernsment of ;lite- D► MINION o"1'` CANADA ACTING TIUItOUCHt ryn • Canals `i`fi 1�ONO��bt , D,1'l[0�1r1�,. Itxiraistca'�of' Munitions and Supply , : G. ll. at�C►'ITfiI;LLE, dal Gortrirol lor'C_ haize, vows Cradoe az VICTORY 0 ST SERVICE SE of ACCIDEN ' C• 'feu us lwriiee• your !auto•' mobile andou fare,Iet insurancte, yo;;ut a of .only protect yourself against lac , batt yuuignidaet btyhPeiqtiockRcsery ea ieicewphroervOntarded by , aelnd�bPilt aauniblclaims lap as' !ervicaePlaces*lilt y UnitedoStackstoo. J. We CRAIGME, GODERICII NELSON 110,4., ' GOD t'RI JI G. C, TRELEA.VEN, DUNGANNON A , REPRESENTING' . ,. Writing selected risks in * Automobile, Fire; Plate ' OSP, Burgled,, Pi bLc Israbal><ty, and other generaal insurance: Head Office, Toronto SUNSHINE AN BEAUTY" RS'e all .l.ike,,sunshir3;er and, taken rea- sonably, it IS very -good for us. ' But it, isn't'always -so good for our skin 1 - It has a',tendency to dry out the. skin, draw out .some of the. natural oils that are in the skin, the less of whieh tends to cause • wrinkles.' If you are going sun-bathing,,, use a m-'Thar's hz ' e\ming; ---J rrly 13rd:` "Tlr'e"(fell 1y-" i1 Cn lotiOrr-Thir-41ves-a- :president.opened'.the-meeting_add called oils _Mr. --Colin -,Lawson-to-- adddress--the-. meeting. - Mr. Lawson explained the (,mild -up - and'. purpo,es of the town- ship tu t and held aquestion_ .period. ��rid encie �the ;s�are 1111 Cleanse Mi Lawson has signed up.'S.S. No, 10 your_skin!• regularly with an olive oil 100 'per cent., the Sirst section in the soap;!C2) !(t2) massage the skin at night township to have such a .membership. with a -;three-purpose cream, taking par- Mr,Fred Wataant president of the ticulai care about. the wrinkle' areas (Huron county unit, theta addressed the arttnd -'the eye's;' mouth .And throat, in -feting- on county organization • and -If you are over thirty -dye,. be doubly also held a question period. S.S.. No. careful not to ;gverdri sun -tanning. As 9 offered its school for the August' we grow older, the skin is xnore,liable meeting and the offer was accepted. to dry out and wrinkle, loses some of The meeting is called ,for. 8,30 p.m,, its resilience, and does not . respond' August -'7th., After. thee�National Anthem so quiekly' t'o treatment, •was- sung';the executive -held a Short ' Freckles --are- a -bane -of sun -time ,.easiness. meeting. •All farmers are To eradicate them, try'•�bathing the face cordially .invit•ed to be present at all In buttermilk. If .stronger measures meetings. . - - ° are needed, get this solution made up: Red Cross Meeting. ---The regpl� r Two . ounces of- witch .hazel, : dna'ounce meeting of the North,' 'End.Goderich peroxide, one ounce Oologne water,. -one Township -Breirch of the Red Cross chute glycerine, four ounces rose water. 'Society was held. -cm Tuesday evening 'S'ha'ke well, pat on lightly with elean at the home of Mrs. '.Harwood, 'with aijsorbeait' egttorl.. Allow to dry on -the fifteen present. 'The `president,' .,,Ed. face. .. �' Sowerby, presided and ' Miss Write for personal advice, enclosing ` meeting with • p Mary four one -cont stamps for ink• helpful The secretary, Tned ` RRundle, e d tie treated Beaut confidentially, -Address: letters are booklet,..Beauty Clare. Ali -letters of the annual meeting. lhg Miss treasurer, Reg. Johnston, ' reported• a Barbara lLy;nnx [Box 75,' Station _ B, balance of .822:08 from the booth held Montreal, Que. on ,June '25,' and a balance of $130.50 from the carnival and dance ori July 8. The secretary .was instructed to write a. letter of. appreciation -to Arthur Curry, baker, O'f Go`cterich, for his .contriliiition toward the booth. Miss rSallkeld had a line display of articles ` including blankets, shirts and clothing ready to forward to headquarters. Same dis- eussion, ensued :Over a salvage collec- tion,• 1►ut no action was taken: It was decided not to hold, any meeting until fall.. The meeting cld'sed •with the Nii-_ tianal• Anthem. smoother -tan -whilst. preventing-alum- ' revenrti•n turn-' e • arid -undute-dryness: Two 'steps" you should take to help protect your skin .against the drying SHEITARDTON ASHF'IELD d — ` AS\H'FIEIUD, July 22.—Mr, and Mrs. Duncan 1Mac'R•ae and, ,childre'n„ 'of Ux- bridge, are visiting at the home of Mr. John MacRae. • . Miss Charlotte Mackenzie of Toronto was hoine- for the. week -end. "'- Miss Annie Mackenzie, of Toronto is a guest of her sister, Mrs. John Meat 1tae. :Masses, nominee and Louise'Mardon-. ald of Toronto spent .,the . week -end with f iyienrds here. •, The 'W.M-S. meetingWassheld on 'Wednesday- at the home of ,Miss Annie 51IID2'Q'AR'IYI`CN,,July com: Mae Macdonald. 'rR .y.--, ,,;T Rhodes of Toronto spent inanity extends deepest' 'sylmpathy' ' lti 'a few dal°ys thiq, week at the home of Mrs. Alex: ,Sillih in the death of her hus- - 'Mrs. M. C.' .Mackenzie. - band, also to Mr. Hart-ey 51111) and Mrs, 4irval Free in the. .loss of,a loving father. - Mr. and Mfk- Wnr. 'Ba'ptis't, 'Mr. and Mrs. Itussel Baptist, ,Ger4r1'ti ;and Wil 1 sari% .of_ CulroS and Mr.. i1;ndt-Mric.- I+:1•ilrllt I r.r, • Melvin and Douglas Of Listowel,; -pent. Sun441j; rr.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,F, ilisin . t- -- Ma rion Fost'er' of Goderich sj►e nt ,a - few dayt at Kitchener last week. Mr., and Mrs. I), B. Xi:A.1s of Kitch- eiit'r spent the week -end with their aunt, 31,x, W. ,E. Foster. • 31i s 1teu.;� -Foster has resigned front: the staff of the !Rank of 't'-omrrierce. in Goderich, intending too haven-IJeri1an- ellt Job 111 the future. • . • lir. and Mrs. 'l'loyd 1.eslie -and faiin- ily, -of d0:1 uiiitgton,- . visited* rec'en'tly sit the home' of the litdy',t, -past-•nts.., 'We are glad to report that 'Mrs. Rig:- lug' is-fur' has -returned .homer from- the hos- pital and is feeling` somewhat better.. We wish her a speedy •reeovery. i3:arve things ,(wen straightener, out ,..for the, prairie,,ltigh selxot,l ntiss who asked, "If it's t'noc'eupied -France, where diel 1114' pcol)le go?" --Detroit News, • .. • Mr.' Donald 'Finlayson. of, Trinidad is visiting with his .father, Mr. „D. son Bowel Complaints of Children , During the hot summer i>siaa tar'l fall months mostehildren, and toepeciaally thoso.,teething, are -sub act - t>e dia>rrhaea, dysentery, colic, eholerts infant= - and other bowel 'tom - plaints. Etcry mother should keep a bottle of Dr. l'oader's Extract of Wild ' Strawberry in. the, lion, as a. pro- 'tection against sudden.•attacks . of these troules... • 'Don't exlrerititent with new and; untried remedies. • Consider your alliin 9a health. (#et•'f Dr. l',owler 9s 9 r It leas been, successfully used by thousands of Canadian' motlidrs dor-, , iiig.the �rtat 04 y'ea s it Iola been on the intirkct. Don't accept a substitute. *Get the genuine "i». - Fowler 9a. 4' 'U°he '1°.. - Mlillurn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont, 'HE; SLEEPER Breathes there a.,man with soul so dead Who never to 'h'inaself :hath said: niy trade of late, is getting bad, I'll -try another half -pale ax1.", If such there be, go mark him well; For him'no 'banikaccount shall sweilr No- angels watch the goldenstair To welcome hone the millionaire. he man whonever asks for trade, y local line or ad displayed, Cares more for rkst., than worldly gain And patronage but gives him pain. Tread lightly, boys; let 'no rude Found Disturb -his solitude. profound; Here let him live in calm repose. 'Unsought except by men he owes, -'Axid>mw.hen..-he- il`ies p n l Kin clecA,. . That naught may break his dreauless• sleep, • ' Where.no rude -"glamor may dispel The denier that ,he .lov'ed so well. . And. when'•the world may know its loss, Place on his grave a wreath of moss, And on a stone above. `here lies A guy who wouldn't advertise.". In swiminin g season the "water that wasn`'t eeii irltes- die place--•o•.f---the.---_ "gun -.that- wasn't leaded." Lots of „self-made men' forget that their wives bossed the job. BROPHEY'S:. FUNERAL SERVICE (Established 1875) , TRADITIONAL SINCERITY AND EXPERIENCE —0 --- Prompt. Ambulance Service. • MI:11°Lne0D1620E: ' ,rLOYD' Director citntriingtiao. .; P'ro'ne . , • EXETER and SEAFORTII We invite you • to inspect our stock .of Cemetery M01:aorials• All enquiries will be promptly • Utttended to. EXETER Phone 41 DO -YOU TAKE SALTS? 74 Hu'e's a pinch that is as good as a pound Kruschen .Salts, consist .of several important :mineral salts blended- carefully in exactly theright propor- tions. These salts are highly refined • and their' quality is, the highest obtainable anywhere in the world. Maybe 'we sacrifice something:by giving ,; you the,, pure mineral salts witltout'. adding any' - flavouring' in- gredients,but.we believe you'prefer to have your medicine concentrated • - in small, compact and easily absorb- ed doses. That's why ybu only -need- take enough. Kruschen to cover a dime. It's the economical way of takingalts, too. Another thing to remember about ` ' Kruschen—it doesn't achieve its result by irritating or inflaming Ole ' colon. It attracts to the • colon the moisture which • is absolutely es'!_ tial if you wish to avoid constipation and achieve easy evacuation. YOU can get Kruschen from all druggists, 75C. And 25e. ' R. Wheeler Funeral Dir"eetor and Embalmer All ; calls promptly attended to- . day_or° night . t —AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Store 335. tics. 355W. Hamilton Street, Goderith The' Cranston Funeral Home Complete Service at Reasonable • ; Prices PROMPT INVALID CAR SERVICE - ' No extra charge for the use of our modern Funeral Home. 17 Montreal St. Phone 399 Monurents! o those contemplating build- ing h Monument Get my prices before ' buying. Cemetery Levering a specialty, A-11 work guaranteed, • ' JOHN ., GRANT CLINTON' MARBLE GRANORKS Clinton . OntaITErriWo successor to Ball ‘& Zapfe DEAD orQV' DISABLED. ;. tiiaryltl�' iemovecd tri Clean Sanitary truers. Phone collect. „ " 009r r1:2 Clinton 215 Str ,tford or Ingersoll 21. William Stone ions Limited