HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-24, Page 5►► ',JlrXX4t,194' Way S. Bless Inner Spring Mattresse*. .5 -year aarantee, lte i,ar°, $24..50, Sale Price 18.50 THE GGI ERIC I SIGNAL.STAZ • :DGS OF DUNGANNON Dinsr.GANKOIN. kTuly 23.—Mia. A. , 9' Mrs. Everett 14.rington .enjoyeda Alilnet~ and ddanghtiv Risby. o Lozidota, 'two -weeks;;' visit with reflative5 at To spent last weeX-, with the, forme ` onto cited Essex. brother, Mr. W. r. Robb, ,Miss Mary Mr, Abe,.IS•mithy in parer health for Jane Robb returned home with the (several niontii , left 'Monday morning,' for a visit: n for Byron . Sanatoriumf•o -r a week's Mrs. A. Ikentland. and daughters observation. We Shope for good word of ,Margaret and {Glare am spending a two' {his condition. 'weeks' vacation in Northern Ontario, at 'Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Illessof, Surat- t ;ew Liskeard and other places. 'ford, spent Sunday with Mrs. "David Miss Mildred Anderson pis spending 'S>;iroul. They were accompanied home Visitors with Mrs. Minnie Jones and, two weeks' holidays he tit 'two weeks at Kincardine. by Miss Mara {Sproul, who had .s F Rice, Family IRatheriturs, A happy Me1�i11�,.'are Mr. and Mrs. ,R . � ce, i}n- 'of Detroit, and for the week -end were ion oaf David Sprouts familywas Mrs. Hairy" Marsh, of R yal Oak, 'held toss...Saturday, when there was .a 'Mich:, .and Mr, Newt. Davis, and -sisters; gathering •of forty, including, children, 'May and teeth, of {Clinton. ;. a vandchildren and: great-gra:idehildren,• '• and Mrs. miner Silackleton, De. -at thehome, of her dtltighter, Mrs: JRobt. trait,° are visiting his :'another, ,Mrs. Wilson, •Godericli, . Mrs: Wik>son also -Wm. 'Shackleton, • entertained on the Tuesday 'previous` " Mrs. 3. l3a.rkley and daughter, Mrs.{for her mother's eighty4ifth •'birthday, (Fitzgerald, spent -a few days 4he 11,rit, .'Mrs. Arthur Elliott, another daughter, 'of »the week with Mr.. and Mrs. Richard also entertained the family tot her holm Gardner, r iicknow, . • ;on 'Tuesday 'honor of Mr.. Harold fir. and Mrs. Fred Hudson and son -Sproul's birthday., flie is on. vacati:nrt {Garth, 'of London, visited Ur, and Mrs. from''Dazvidson, {Sask.... 'Mrs. Wm(, ' entertained: at .the week-endd, D, A. Fow;ler on Friday, lIc(i14>xre entertai Mr. and Mis, Lorne I'vers visited, Mr. with the members of her family present acid Mrs. Jim Million, Stratford, on NIT. and Mrs, Sam'Widoonibe,•of•Wlnd= {Sunday, Mrs, JOlias x`l1rown accompan- sor, Mr. ,and Mrs. Alfred, 'Hefford and 'led them and • visited,'her sister, Mrs; two .younger children, of Toronto, 'Mrs, 'Nelson 'Couch; and"called on her niece, 10h'as, Durnin and (two Children', of Miss Eileen Fanson, who was recover--' _tGoder ch,, _hill. Mr. (Chas. Miran, of ing • i'rom an operation at the . h:ospital, Parry 'Sound,... , ,Mrs. W.' R. Andrews :firs, . Jim Million and infant„ daughter 'on' 'Tu day' etrentng entertained rela- Patricia returned ;with thein to visit a 'tives and friends in honor of Miss while•Wtth Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivers. Mary Hall, who was celebrating her Miss Jean. 'Stothers has returned to eightyfifth birthday, Te Miss Hall Toronto after spending a week' with LEEBURN the Bnist sisters. ►4 KING$BRIDGE IKl'NiGSBRl'.1XGE, July 22.—Mr. and Mrs. R.,'Howard and son John and Mia. Roy visited Mr, )ind,'Mrs. Tom Sennett of. Gorrie on Stiird»ay. , Mr. Leona»rd • O'Reilly. of . {Cargill visited his wunele, M. 3. 'O'Connor, on -Sunday,. t. Dr. Leo 'Garvey. of 'Guelph spent Sun- day at his home here.. Mr. Jos, Garvev,.,K!C., returned to Toronto» on Monday, having spent last week with his wife and family at the ▪ beach, Kintail., Mrs. J. 'Collins, of iu-ffalo,••and • Mr. anti Xrs. M. 'Dean and :Miss Charlotte, of Detroit; spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O"Connor. Mrs. Reynolds, Mr, and Mrs.• Ray .Dalton and little son MI ael visited Stratford on Friday, where Mrs. Reyn- olds remained for a few days visiting with. her 'brother Mr. D. Hanlon Mr. 'Raymond Austin bi T1mm7ns is spending a week at. his {home Here. Miss'',Tuna-Hickey returned to` her homewei' •Cound on {Sunda ,y' • after in 6 �-. ti a 'lone r Repaired ((� , . 'fu On short notice. Every jo .oeives my- personal attention. W. Stokes -Ge-o. - Machinist East St. ` Phone -206j spending huli.days with her „aunt, M Jerry, Dalton.' - - Mrs. Ch'ester1O'Reilly of Detroit spending a week with her sister, M Tim 'Griffin. . rs. i.s rs. \Is. W. R. Andrew and ` Mrs, Abe LEI+1B,'TPRN, J'tily +22.—Mr, and. Mrs. 'Evans spent the week -end with cousins at 'Strathroy, returning on Monday. Parker ;Lyman` and young Son;.ffrom Mrs. Alpert Or'ser is visiting' het Rochester,N.Y., are spending a few ,dadughter, Mrs.' 'Cora Driver, Golden Valley. days with _11r. and Mrs. H, 'Clutton. i' Lois and Beryl 'Freeman are holiday- inr; fah=th'ei'rgrandmother.at- Zion,- Ashfiold township. - - . W.M.S. Meeting. -The July meetin, of 'the W. M. Society' was held at the' home of Mrs. Rod. Bogie on Wednesday last, with a splendid attendance. , Miss Belle 'Shaw was leader. and M'rs. T. Hunter read an article f'roni' •the May - Missionary :Monthly entitled "A Medita- tion on iCommunity Friendship."' Mrs, ''tern _ Cli�tt(in_ led_ in�Rraye.,hee ladies were, sorry to hear Mrs. F. Rising Mins. 'John Richardson and children of Aylmer are visiting her friends, Mrs. • -Annie Cult _ . Mr. and Mrs. Harold »Stewart, Wiar- ton, visited relatives -here recently. ° Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Stewart and Margaret 'visited .'lir. and Mrs. Sam ;Swan, »Belmore, on Tuesday. _, • What might »have been ..a disustrous !fire was Vwoided Tuesday night when "about 10 o'clock • the crackle of (fire was heard in the -partitions 'Of 'Chas. -•---cionfee 'ones :. t�rb eo-m-=a-n•d ti et t -s~-• y a� ts•tore. It :is thought 'defective wiring .was a_pntient m the hospital. w_ a s as..xea.,.cause- .,e nv...Aa �d�of w a. e decided' to send her Ca deeA_ also a bouquet. of. flowers when she returned home. :'Miss Nellie 'Clark gave the chapter in the study book a»nd-Mrs. Jas. Hamilton read an' article on "Chihli.", The meeting - closed with singing andprayer by Miss .Harrietrr%t Horton. A dainty lunch was -served and a social time spent. All were pleased to have Mrs. W. Ruston and 'Mrs. J. {I:I,ami`lton from'Goderieh present at the me^1,,iing, also Miss Annie Walters and others. - • Jlar. Aland (ourtic(', of thai11tsin, 1� iter yist(•r. lirs Rtrbc}ttt : 1:. %"ikon, h n'13.A n MISS Rea J.o nst0 , .,,_has bee.... ': the staff of appointed to 1 -Place - on: s the Orillia -Collegiate Institute for the coming term. Prevented any - gree: dunnage. Mr: `and Mrs. Hugh Stewart, Marg- aret and, Mr. -and Mrs.. Arthur Stewart apd family visited Mr.' and Mr's. Mel- ville Stewart, Clinton. on 'Sunday. 'Miss Marjory Greer. Glamis, spent a weel,.visitlng her cat3sin, ,c1w;en `Steiv9tr't, ,Glenn's Hill. Thursday afternoon .of this weer•has been set by the institute for »the ladies of the conmtinity to come• to the parish and Mrs. 'David Sproul, both of whom 'have just,. passed their eighty -+.fifth birthday;, we say `111appy .birthday and many happy returns of the day." - PORTER'S HILL PORTE'R'S HIM, July 22:?—Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Hunt and little daughter Elizabeth Ann; o> +G•oderich, Were -Suns. day visitors with Mr. and M'rs. G.• G. Newton. The farmers around here were de- lighted on ,Friday When ,much needed PETER PA' " rain fell in .abundance. •On Sunday a very good, number were Out to morning service and Rev. Harold Currie gave a splendid address. k On Monday aternoon about twenty. ratter -the-=lted ; fir meeting,. TWOboxes of knitted articles r o lone.. ..h � lr fo 1� d. one -fort 'e � N. ere pets e ,ia. ,, `fn the navy;;- 'fifteen pairs of, pyjamas were cut and handed oatfor making. Two lovely quilts were quilted, • and yarn was given. rout `for knitting next month's quota. Miss Betty. Barris has gone to • »Holmesville to assist in tije. store of Mrs. (Dr.) '3ean. . • Visitors ,with Mrs.. Ft We4ton at the home of" Mr, and M»rs. Allen Betties -on hall o wilt el•al nil s. No ,c ciai Sunday were. Mr;• and Mrs, Monelaws, .iti. ior, ,•t q t 1 of tit. '1lionlas, and Mr, and Mrs. taco. invitatio ri,-as made but the 1 adios are .NO. 3 9 1.6 -ox,. 'Sieve AI Tiius . Katt KLt E BOY Cdr'EE, lli. » ... , .. :.. , 390 Ay mer Hillcrest . PORK ar d BEANS SHORTl l'*NG• . Tins is 1.c 0 ARNATIO? MILK°' 'RESCAU° , lb. Royal .'York CHEESE %ig17C .a TUX TOILET SOAP, 3 barn .,. , ... • :..170' NARK; ' X Ib. Tin- One 25e Bottle` :Nabob Eland Ei`ee. .. 'l uce6el -1rnl trt,ng, oL expected ,beforehand to keep watch fort 'these afternoons of community quilt - (i, Ing. .Pot -luck au�I�risbrought, andPORTI�ERT a'fine lot of 'needlework is accomplished. Thursday bf next week is the regular i♦Ir..Pherson-Quaid.—Suluiuei; flat. monthly.` meeting day of the n'stitute ers and ferns ,,lade a pretty _setting and the meeting will be held at the 'for. the . s siding at 12.M o'clock 'Satur- I hdme of Mrs. Wm 'McConnell. day of Iilnrietta .Mae, only daughter 3 STAR Iy,EANUT RUTTER, 20 -oz. jar 250 Van Camp's., Fruit Blossoin TOMATOES 25c 1 lb. 19c CE`RTO, bottle 25c. AVY Iii Zl4NC l4IINGrs, • . .� dozen • ::: . • a a 25C NEW PO8 rz. Rag ° Fruit'13-oz.Bag 19„' J' kee Glass Glass 25 Free. • Crown BORN' SVI UP 2Tale . iib. 25 "rib. 55 T>dn , , RUBE , RINGS CROWN JARS dozen.. ................ FA»LVIN •• PHONE 116 J. P1 y�.tr 46 Personal Mention Mr. C. J. Ische of (Seliringville spent -Diiiott `of Arnprior High School staff the week -end, in town. • were ,wek-enti guests of Mrand Mrs. - - _ ' A. It. - S d t, Mrs. J; B: Pomeroy of Kitchener is _ -a �__t r - , ..• • the guest of Mrs. J. F. Thomson. hiss !Bernice Moore, Begs N., of at the home r torn is holidaying • .-•t St a f {lfiss 'May Tye,, of Colborne, is v1�I.- -iag hei.,.gran niket,_;Str•,,,.'v D. �'�e.� of her Parents, Mr. ani. Airs.' J. H. ' Mayor Brown ,and Mrs. Brown . have "l'I"oore'""";`'TiiYon Y�ead.' `" ' ' Dr. Kenneth, and Dr.. Dan - l±i�l' s n'C"�c't �'ttri�tre(i—i'rom'°�:a--from ay-•-- • I� :lrfiasaga, nia -of ° 4Detroit" were • .week -end , .; , De . po Miss Pva King of°Winttsor is spend- guests with the farmer's uncle and ing. her vacation with Miss Hazel P. aunt, Mr. and 11'krs• Norman McKay. • and Mrs.-- John -Chisholm, .Moore, 'Huron •' roaitl. �~ �' . Mr., and Mrs.' E. P. Ohewiiing,"'of daughter Je ie and son nonalcl; of Washington, . D.C.,, are the guests oi, 1£trantf°ord,: " were receflt' weeknd. Mr, and 'Mrs. J. W. 'Craigie. guests of ::11r W., J. • Oh'iipholw God - Miss Elizabeth 'Gliddon of Detroit is eruct'. • Mrs. A. k). I iloms, of Ottawa, and Mrs.. R. H. Tye, of ,Ool(borne, have re- turned to their hones after a visit. with {Mitis. W. D. ; Tiye and Miss . F.d!rie Tye. ' James M. ltedditt, ships write', R.C.N.V.R., left on his return 'to : Hali• fax on 'Monday 'after It two weeks' leave „ivy -la 'witch ibis mother: Ors. 1. R: {Redditti:• Air. and Mrs. (Robert ;Frans and Mr. had •Mrs. Vic. Jeffrey -and Marie, of, Bogmanville, are•spentfng a two weeks' .;vacation tit the home of 'lir. and Miss. A. J'., Kneechaw, Maple street: :Mrs. T. • F. .Thomson spent -several dayti, last \ e k on a visit to her sister, • \kiss {Ruth. Campbell and Miss Lillian Mrs.: , Eugene 'Hicks., at ' Piston; while ALL -TIRES: :F U-L:LY GUARANTEED by GOODRICH 30 x 3./i 8.20 4.75x19 8.60 4:50x20 .25 x18 ,5 x . OTHEK SIZES IN PROPORTION 7.30. .4.50 x 21 11.35 6.60"x 16 1. *Prices • subject to change without notice. ( • USE OUR -.004:cit Pee UDGET PLAN .mast®n St. N USED TIRES Sr iloo } v � Shell:Service Station ,infield Phone 535'' „1. of 4 Mr. and Mrs. Sohn 'Quaid, of the 1? cue Water" highway south of Port Albert, and Mr, John Thomas' 'MdPheri- . son of Teeswater. The bride, given in marriage by her father, entered the drn vin -roc>m to the strains of the 'Bridal Chorus from: Lohengrin, played by the bride's aunt, Mrs. 1. J. Durnin of •Dungannon. The -bride wore, a- be- eonlin ; afternoon ,gown bf rose sheer With white accessories and corsage of ' white roses•»,s-attenrle11,9»y--her Cousin, Miss Ethel McKenzie, as ]►rides maid,.wearing a frock of Queen's blue umiber crepe 111(1 (orsng»e of pink roses. Tile bridegroom was supporte(1 by his brother-, Mr. 'Donald McPherson, as best mall.. The ceremony was performed by Itev. V. P. Newman, of Dungannon, pastor, of• St. Andrew's United church. a1.h»trt. in t1i-' liresei1(e of^about sixteen gu( tS.. i11('liuting inunedia,te 'relatives of the bride and, bridegroom.. After the ceremony n reception. was held, the bride's -mother, wearing al. dress of nary •1►lue Sheer, with navy , and wlrife accessori(•s, and the .bride- grooin's mother gowned in black and white .sheer with white accessories. For the -weddingdinner the bride - cake centred the table, the color thence of whichwas pink -and white.. sifter I dinner 'Mr. and»Mrs. MdPherSon left by motor for a trip north, the 'bride don - Y., ,for - travelling a. dress of navy and white sheer with ;white accessories - and matching' hat.. -.On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm flea r '1('c'swa ter. • TOE Bt MBLE-GEE'S SONG The.following poem was composed by \1 --Ts, h3dltkt M. Tremblay while gather- 'ling ather- I, C'ing flowers in her garden for one Of the many fairs she has attended. The, bumble-lne' c,omes.\rith the morning • dew," a ' .Loade`ti with nectar it1.1 ready to 'brew, linden- with 11l(t•nse so sweet and. so.. rarea , ;tiurely he, dines on the choicest of fare, I:uf what is the song to -day that Ite • sings? Is it Of incense which ciiti;4'6 to his w i ngs ? .. 1.s• it just music right straight , front 111 ` ilea rt ? , • 'Glad thoughts come to hint as sad thoughts depart. IIe sings of his harvest, -alis stares to secure,` 'IIe drones his last now as ••the stars start ^to e1) Then drojksily t 1(1(1)0rtlire to The butterflies waltz to the bumble -bee's chant, ' '1V11ile c•t'i(1:ets tire thrilling their tiler-, riest air, ThSnapdr(lgons open their throats "of gold, ' and bow• to this monarch so royal and • fair. Ilollvhocks pass Mini their greeting and i• • Are you going to mount to our throne to -day? What will' your song to -day bring to ns? 'Nu, for our future •tied jor for our trust? lie .sings today of his heart, deepest tlicttiNltt I'• The 'thence -9f his chant is mat easily read,- ITe is part of the glad w• orld ld o'er brim-1- ming brim-iening with joy, Mr. W. K. Thomson and Miss Barbara 'wenton to Kino+sttta for a- short visit, .Mr. R. W. 'Huston of Peterboro• was a guest f his aunt,' Miss G:,-Wortlty, and his • uncle, Mr. D. Worthy. While here • Mr. 'Huston and Miss 'Wortlly.re• - newed acquaintances in Kincardine aid district. spending holidayswith her 'Mother, Mrs. M. J. 'Gliddon, 'Bruce street. ° Sgt. Harland' Tremblay, of Camp Borden, was a week -end guestwith his mother and brothers. . A1VIr, and Mrs. games 'Sutherland and little daugater, 'Silvia l er, of West- bdo, are holidaying in town. Mrs- Robert Thompson, 1. ashington; 1).C:, is visiting, her sister, Mrs. G. J. iIetherington, Waterloo ..street. Mr. »George »Straehan; who waA visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. William Strachan, has returned to 'Chicago. ' Mr. and Mrs. 'George MaGaw and. Miss Effie . Mc Tvbt, of Detroit, ` visited Goderieb friends at the week -end. Part of the item -'n down here where we tread. �S SERVE EY. CONSERVING -Ho sewives• Asked � toSen that Ni _ Fruit et-, Vegetables "Oo to "Waste • . . OT1IAWA, July 21.•—"'Serve by eon- , 'serv'ing" should ine . the motto of the housewife in.wurtible, declares a joint states ent issued today • by -•the:Agri,• andaWartime cti,litu Department ttth Priv: lrcI Trade Board. ' �C'4 < d'i'ns are asked_to make nye. tila n fruit on vegetables go to ' ante -this summer.beeause they ` are not gathered an d• t+ibuted'.for immediate use or for :..'torin'g. or preserving, the stat enient, eon:tinned. flack of ade- quate rain'fall'has reduced early-rip;n ing :e`.iops, and the 'most efficient u e must be made of the fruits . a,nd» vege- tables coming on the market in :the months. ahead. • Sugar sii;pplic's are 'abundant for alt preserving needs, ,„•points out S. I(. • Noble, sugar adminis'tra'tor under the ' _ . 'Wartime 'Prices and . Trade Board dospi{te the 'wartime dis'rup'tion: t><f .many of the Shipping op Which Can - 41.11. nornl:ally• •depends. • !1008UAr -.4. 1 0145' 25c -49c• LI'Y' SOAP 12 for 11 LIF• II BL'Ot for 11 Wash Cloth .....,... 2» for 9e Vacuum Bottles _ _ 49c • Nail Brushes ...... ......... 9c Emery Boards .... 10c,--1 e---- llathing Caps ........19e, 25e, 29c, 3.9e i'nguentine ., , , ... , , , , .44c FACE CREAMS, 1 Poii`9's Cold Cream • .... :34-59c$1.05 •e0 Pond's Van. Cream . 34c -59e Woodburyys Cold . ...Cream :.25e -49e • Woodbuty's Vanishing Cream .... 25c-49.,• Cashmere Bouquei 2 -Pair pose Cream ....129c -49c Lath' Esttlrr Cream ... i9c-55e-98c PILLS AND TABLETS I)odd's Kidney Pills .. 3 3c ''Carter's Liver Pills 33c-6:le ,.%lopher Pills 100's Bile leans ° .. 41r Chase's ,K. & L. Pills, 29e • FREE • DEVELO?fl G With • Prints at Ilegntar 'Prices Rolls size, 127, 120, 620, 616, 116; developed 'and 8 ,prints for32c ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL 336 x 51-6 enlargerateiKs in folder 2Oot'25c DISINFECTANTS an- ANTISEPTICS nANTISEPTICS LISterit ie .......29i -49e -89e I'eltso(1(ntr.... t . , 299.49e -89c L:it•oriti I.O~sol 35e-6 5e -S .2» Zonite . , .. • ..29e -49e -89e Peroxide .15c -25e -39e 1)ettol . 49e-$1.49 lleittg easy'to do keeps youfronl being wa 1140410, • v a TONICS . Idaplios .$1.00 Burdock illord Bitters Reef, Iron aijd 'biline • ...69e' Syrup Ilypophosites .. , , .... ' 98e Ionaphos ...., ........ 1.00 Pii 'sham's ('ornpomiil ......:.'.91 ' Waait,pole's Cote Liv,(', 011 Neochemicatl Food 51.15, Sb. DEODORANTS Odorono Liquid ...39c-6ae Odorono ' *('rein ..•. , 39e Odorono » let ......... :. 39e Anao)Metl C'i'k°,'liil ,33e -59e. Nium 33e -59e n•