HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-24, Page 3.•
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Btrusiness . irectory
riuDLIgy B. 110LIES. -
w "' Barrister, /lite, _
Ofilee-c-Court House, Gederieh.
Telephone O.
Barrister and Solicitor
First ' !dortgage SecuritY. .
Urban Loans' Mailable.
Office—North St. Ooderich, rhone 70
AmorNvfnTii 4,nd AloPiri!Ervis,
au Oliiirtered.faccoUlitinits
s 77 Downie Street, StraftOrd
Toronta Otlice: 302 .Bay Street
. VETERIN'ARY StifteriON .
' nton.
Phone 203 OlI
AUC1ION1111111UAG "
',11elephone -119
Sales attended to straNvbere and
every effort made to give satisfaction.
Farmers' -Sale notes discounted.
•0.01.hisTY ,.
Farm, Property or liOusehoId Safes.
.. "'
.. . , ,
1 yt. F. 'J. R. FORSTER, EEEAR,
. ..... _. . _ .
- -NOSE,"T• 0: cAT • ` °
Late .Hotifie' Surge' 0 -NEW- .Yorir
Ophthalutic and A.ural Hospital, as-
alstant at Mooretield JAYP Hospital.. and
Golden Square Throat 'Hospital, Lou-
' don, England. ,
53 Waterloo Street ' S., Stratford.
Telephone 267.
Next: visit Bedford Hotel, Gederich,
Wednesday, Sept. 24th, from 2 ss.m.
till 5 p.m. . •
e4,11.111,0PRAICTOlt , AND DRUGLES
''' . . • THERAPIST '
° Goderich, Plione 341
• Office hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to
•;aiid 7 to 8 p.m., Triegday, Friday and
.10 to 12 #.1:11. Olily on Wedne.sday,
_Monday and Thurglay_at_MitebeiL
Mineral rume-giths -by appointment
• only. •
•. '51,, South St.
-s. . •
IlAcKILLOP 3a.tyrual, FIRE IN
m SURANCE CU.—Parm- and iso-
lated town property insured. .
Officeas—IWillitun Knox, President,
Londesborti; lir.--17-Areldbald; Vice
President, Seaterrh; M. A. Reid,
• Manager and Secretary-T‘reaaurer, Sea
forth. '' .• •
Directors—Wm. Knox; Londesboro;
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; • Cals.
Ikonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartlut,
Clinton.; . Thos„ Moylan, Seaforth ;
R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex. McEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, pliaton ; Hugh
,Alexander; Walton.
Agenta—E. A. Xeo, R.R. 1, Goderich;
James. W,att, Blyth ; John E. Pepper,
E.R. 1Brucefield; R.. F. McKercher,
R.R. 1, Dublin; if. Il. Prueter, Ttd--
... .
hagen. • , _1,, -
Policy-hOlders eau make all pay-
ments and get their cards receipted
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin .Cott's
erocerY; Kingston Street, Goderich,
I. EL Reid's General Store; BaYfields
.• ,. -,_
Daily 7.30 a.na:, 4.35 p.m.—Leaves
" 6.0derich ' for ,Stratford, Toronto,
amilton Buffalo, London, Detroit,
1i '
Tavistockand' WoodStock. Depots —
Bedford, "Britiblic anil itoYal Hotels.
7 PjaOrie hotels Or 305 for information.
ravel Supply InterruPted While Legad
•/tights in pispute
All Is Well again at ‘the• gravser-Vit
the '341aitland itiver Oats at Sanford,
. ,
hich was forced to suspend operatiohs
'two days when10. B. Fleming, L.
rough hiS soliclotr, 4, B. Dancey,
.C„ secured an injunetion until July,
to prevent Wilfrid iGraham. eon-
actor*, from, taking further gravel
om • Mr. FliOning's properee on the
ast bank of the river,' At that time
raham was supplying gravel to Port
lbert airport for a new road to the
irection-finding.tbuilding and also to
he Town. 'of Goderieh,
Werl?.' was* topped at both the air -
rt, which was described as "urgent'
nd ou town streets beinghardSurfeeed
ith. stone. chips and' tar. Law iiitieters
topped the crusher on Thorsdarehort-
y after the injunction was granted by
udge 'Costello. It rained on Friday
41 Deputy -Reeve W. j, Baker, chair -
an bf the Town's public works corn-
ittee, took a hand in the dispute and
ucceeded in **coring Mr. Fleming's
rmiSsion to hav,e the gravel pit re-
pened under -corporation 4uSilices-
While Mr, Fleming -admitted having
liven Graham an agreement t4a remove
ravel, he maintained in his ..writ of
njunetion that the contraetor had en-
roached on a roadway, only entrance
Lo his -property,"thaliing ik dangerous.
'63:1 Saturday 'Mr. Daneey announced
that the , injunction had been with -
rams. .
An error wassnade in last week's re -
ort or the standing in, thespigeon flight
eries recently conipleted. Percy -John -
ton's name was erroneously omitted
frin third placeThus the standing
hauld.Aelnitettel.e.- tiss&rars.Place,,,,S3
second, KB:Baker ; third, Percy
Johnston; fohrth, IS. G. MacKay; fifth,
W. • ritblado, ,
Irish stories are in fullswing—and if
all of them were true'moat of our lakes
would d•rop 'ten feet.
Farmers Gatherfor I COMPI;AIIIT ISAOKIi1R;ES
Federation rIcilic'Atie,zwt,tcl=tititeblIsse6sedita
V, Millburn Talks of Problems
of AgNiCulture and Row, io
• Meet" 'Thorn
Ces4 ,
A thare asSault eausing actual
bodily harm, which was reduced. to a
Conamon assault. shortly 'after the trial
got under way, bad, an unfavorable
Unfavorable weailier,lesSened the at -
repercussion for the complainant,
itendanee at tile picnic gathering of the
Orvllle,.Durnin, 'Dungannon, .
Colborne, Illullett, 'West Wawanosh and ,
nist Thursday's :„ weekly 4agistrate's
Past likrawanctill units:of the Pedergtion
it Purnin-ilot only failed to prove
'of Agriculture, on Friday afternoon; '()°u
the charge against bis Ashitield neigh -
but about 150 „persons gathered at the bor), Lhorne Omens., but was ordered to
picnic grounds diuburit.- The heavy
/lowers, fell were, indeed, en D atuntatter of $12,25.
t on ettamloOth
'welcomed bv the ferns:, of .July last Ihe wenttoth
was 'farm to eolleet a fear dollar '
debt. Het
ers, and shelter from. the rain words were exchahged afahpurnin was
had. by resorting to the Vresisyterian
church ailed nearby, in the act of leaving,' having reaelied
J . Dale of gallica, !secretary- I his ear at tie gate of the Bunions
farm, when he decided to return and
treasurer of the tounty Unit, acted as
Inform the debtar. Viat_tuiless the
chairman of the gathering. !Soles were
rendered by. 'Harvey MCGossand Miss- n"eY were Paid on, a sPechied date
he would invoke the la*.
Josephine Weir, of Auburn, and
the Lacknow Pipe Band aroused Seat- Witness said, tliat FAMOUS, who was
lying on a couch, suddenlylumPed-
tish hearts with its music. Mr. Harry
SiturdY, President of the East Wawa- and attaeked him', rushkng him dbwn
nosh unit, iptroduced the prineipal 'ths-Ak.eFa.ndah steps to the'. driveway)
Sneaker, Mr. y, :S. *morn, $ecretary. where he struck hims choked.hlin and
treasurer of the Ontario Federation of threw hinito the -ground:. Ile displayed
a scar on his cheek as evidence •that
Agrieullure, Mr. Millburn is a f armer
near Peterbor0', but now has his office he had 'been. atrueks
In Toronto. llis arresting address wao ..Durnin's only witness, a Biteen-year
beard with keen attention. old niece, burst into tears on the
Mr. Millburn's Address witiess7stand and was excu.sed.
Eamona' gots was different. "He,.
In part he said: Federation work is displayed evidence of the fray,,
growing rapidly. It is goed to get too,
black eye, allegedy the result of a,
togetner like this. It Ls important trs
blow delivered by Duran. "
-the Federation. By knowing one ai-e
I only laid him (town and held, bin
other, we learn to trust one another.
h•ands after he had called\ Me a vile
Farmers haven't associated enough
tuame;" continued tamons, who also
with one another. _ said he had promised to pay Durnin
.Spetiking of the .Federation, Mr. Mill -
the' four dollars 'on a specified. ;date
burn said : The !County !Council sends a
ember-the-onstire9Yoartless-Members-Members 1.-1-1--essill'Ats ----
The defence evideace was corrotror-
from the Ontario board go to Ottawa to
ated part by Mrs. Eamons and 'LoLS
the Federal board,sso;that,therePis a Moore, the maid.. •
bond between Provincial and' Federal
You bad no business going over to
orga.nizatietis. Our origanization.is not, "
that heuse and creating a row,'
semething' altogether new. Too many address -
Magistrate Makins summed...up;
fa.rnarirganizations have gene up with a
e ing Dtirnin. "Then you went _bac'k
bang and come down with a bang. Mr- looking ats.artore. 'You cannot go to,
don't want that to happen this' organ-
izsttion: We' iwefation-- is7inst -
atep.lartiferfin- giving. -the" farmers a
voice In economic development. We
actually, have to thank our pioneers
for our organization. • They , were
really the fransework. Our wholespro,
gres a is by trial and error. For ac-
complishmeut we must' avoid the mis-
takes of the past.
Our Federation has plenty of
(Titles," continued:the speaker, mention-
ing the eas-e of a meeting similar to2the
one at Auteuil at .which Premier Hep-
burn was present unofficially., and rak-
ing eriticism was made- by many who
claimed politics was being Introduced.
"Some people are fearful of the Feder -
on and sabotage it vviienever 'possible.
We mustn't let this happen," said the
spea ker. .
deck of,playinweardsli enesorthes
very few places. *here yoalli-titalsa king
till on top.
Lots of photos taken at bathing
ashes indicate snap judgment.
Fifty-five Boys at
Enjoy a Week of Itecreation and
• Instruction :by the
10.11's- house.0.1`,1•4 4111..t-b&t•le-
, Registered, at •Iliawatbaeposselaress-
!Some fifty -live, boys; whose ' ages
ranged froni- On ,to Met% years, and.
eight adult mea leaders spent one great
week at tbe United chnrell :Summer
School eamp grinds overlooking Lake
(Huron from Monday,: July ,14,( to Mon-
day, July 21. , , ,
The boys were drawn -chiefly from
AUnited_ Ohureh groups in Iluron gounty,
!,tthhoreeughiadTsmilo NIMEi recosented ily
'Blenheim. sent one, and
'aye eam e with, Rev .4 A. W. Brown from
Balfaur street chiirch-in the eity Of
Brantford. -
Bible study; interest group.s that in-
elud'ed storr hour, life -savings tatthp-
craft., making up g Bible .;. and games,
singsongs, dramatie , samts, ...music,
swimming, Sports, eamilfire gatherings
were the daily ,Program.
-The boYs were accommodated in four
cabin.s, each cabin group eompeting.fOr° Force bus been asbed
to supply an
the prize pennant day 'by day for order- additional 500 boy. '
liness, neatness, .'llehaviot,. SPortsand qly enlisting for farm -service; 022
general helping in the dining -hall , and .
tarip youth is letting Prime Minister
on the grounds. • •
s the food
Olinrchill knew that Here
The popularity of the camp is evineed to finish the job." -'
. Adults who are not
lai some boys! haying been there for engaged in essential war - industry
several eonaeeutive years. One lad should follow -the example set by youth
boasted this was his eighth summerand heed: the farmers' appeal by volOn-
The morning watch and the evening feeling to Work (sne day a week to bell)
Vesper in the "chapel" overlooking,Lake
garuer the lindWdhav crop
illtiron were times of iiniet devotions , . °
The 000 Fhisn SerVice Force boys
which °none missed° and all seemed to and girls...who are doing sock yeoman
appre,ciate. The ministers in turn con-
ducted these dav by day. ' service have made a hit with their
. . . employers, and farmers .who eriginally
terlgsrs,.2vTash. ostrnneeleeetbwellethn thearndtwoodestausagnh-t Were not sold On the idea are now
clamoriag ifor-thene• 'Mr. Maclaren has.
mistress of the dining -hall and served
•Ataweilltensealssstoshears-switatsahee.bo.y simesnaonsnisesk-ssi-datasas-avelisas.-Csols:
applications from 500 farmers that have
Say. legiate boys and girls, Who eau step
'Special mention should ,he made . CA into this 'agrkultural breack ' should
the music appreciation., hour every after- write at once to the Faint Service
noon, when Arnold Earl of Ethel with 1'4:woe, Department of Labor, rarlia-,
piano and other instruments enter-
tained and„ instructed tile hos* in
capital fashion_ .
— •Registritiems -
An, Op/ortuni.ty for Meo oiWiloys to
Olive Mccit-needed Servkt -
T0lcoNero, ;JulyZ.—Nit-4.. farm
Yelpers ffAv and far 'between, Ontario
tarmern are in desperate. aaml kof
mediate ait,1 to salvage the bay erop,
tte 4 Cligelaleen„ ilirector,', Farm
Ltrvoice. Force, OnD
tario epartMent of
'4anada Is committed to laege quanti-
ties of food for Great Britain -112,000,-
00 pounds of cheese tor 1941 and mil;
lions of pounds of bacon, as Well as
vast quantities of, powdered nulk This
means that every wisp of hay must be
Placed in barnSin good eondition. This
cannot be done with the'pitiful amount
'Of man power at present available on
farms and ealls for quielt action on
the part of men who tould: spare at
least one, day, a weell on a " farm in
•fhevilinity Of ills city, toWn or villke.
'Already thousarids High Sch#61
boys have been placed, with, farmers
in various parts of the ,Provfnee, and
the farmers are "so' pleased with the
magnificent respOinie of youth and the
efficiency shown that the Perm Service
Lee/kW en Wide SpeAlina Alfa.
at Beller/ St.
Ilteey Perkins Feell
Cenyenleet te
$1001 SUS II WM
Reible„ SU4
IrrOg le NUM, us!
61•••• t.s ' thip UnivereittA
Maple tesaf Gardena,
*Theatres, • ' li.hoseltate,
Wbeksole fisomee sled
the "fresalonable 'Setoff
Shopping, platelets
As Us POWIILI. Pfutfoosto
_You carried the rigr to -11,401- Tr3e7, dmek-Cardiffi-Bitrevale:4 CflaveneelVirfirgh
J. W. Craigie
Get Dur Autoinobile Rates
Phone 24 Goderieb°
Work for the Federation -
As anexample of the problems which
the FederatiOnsa Agriculture aimed to
,solve. the speaker said that farmera
111 the 'Western Provinces had a surplus
of feeds while in the Eastern Provinces
there were farmers who required feed
..for dairy ead beef cattle. It would
he the' 'aim of the Federation tb have
the awed of the Eastern farmers' stip-
plied from the surplus in the West.
' The question of markets Was most ims
portant. :The war wotrld make vast
changes in marketing and furthers must
he prepared to nieet these changes.
Another great -Problem was the lack of
The speaker held thai. the relief
ss -stem had -proved somewhat' of a
curse. Often farmer e found themselves
unable to offer as wages as much as,
was given hien on relief.
Methods of fluancina the Federation
were diseu.ss;ed by the speaker, who
suggested a .uninieipi/y'y;, Of one 'cent
an acre' on improvedli a, or a tax of
ene-1ifth mull nn Improved land. The
speaker foresaw some opposition to
Such a lvvy among the fartnerS them -
serves, but, he- observed, "If you get
anything, you have to pay for it." .
As evidence that reau1t4 were being
obtained; 'Air. Millburn said : "11 It
hadn't been for the Federation of Agri-
eillture the pegged prise of butter would
;have been twenty-nine cents, not thirty-
' „
Importanee! of Agriculture-. •
• in eOnclUsion he said, "You people
ha've,1 real responsibility, a national
job. Agrieulture is most important in
this critical stage of the gaine. Food
Is an absolute essential. We are far-
ing a new set of problems today. There
may lw and likely will he further
regimentation. I'Ve must 'sacrifice,
That is part of the Federation of
c, r. GrfS' Kin:than, of West Wa wanosh
kvotse, a thank' to the speaker,
nd r. !Bert Irwin (4 atoll et t e.4,otided
the motion.,
A progran, of sports W:18 :carried out,
atul tlut proeeedingS Of the 'day were
(()I1 (1(1(1(1 with a (1;! 11(O in the Foresters'
Hall, Atisie helng prOvided by Arthur's
Fire, Accident • and Motor* Car
Officey---Masonic Temple,
'West Street, Godeileh '
iPhone 230, ' GODERICH
Real Estate- and! Insurance
•• - -
(ktfice and Residence:
11 Trafalgar Street.,
Phone - 603
FOR BALE—Houses of all kinds,
eholee building lot, business
property and several good' farms.
Let -me show you some real
bargains. Buy now.
‘Now Praying—Gene Autry and Smiley.Burnette in ".RIDIN`
, ,ON A RAINBOW.," .
Monday, 'Tuesday and Wednesday .
.....Deatma Durbin, Franehot Tone; Walter Brennan, Bob Stack and
,' Robert Benchley . . ..
A ova of top-ranking favorrites icovollane to 'prtoduce 0 :Tritely and
,whimAlleal musieal romithre, . ° -
Thursday, FridaY, and Saturday
Bay Midland; Wayne Morris, Constance Moore, William, Holden and
Harry Davenport
An adventurous ,gtory, gityibigh In iti!,1 Millis+ and well inteysperced
,-. with Inunorous s1tu:01mm
.charge, -is Aismisg:edf. • witit- -Costs." Robins04, Don wilson,„
M• urray ' 'Holland, Fordwich; Malcolm
Wilaon, 41ar1ow John Westbrook, Gode-
rich; Sack Eedy., Don Squires, Pungan,
uon;_i Frank Fingland, Don. kladsly,
!Olinton; Don ,Soutlyott, Exeter; Win.
Blenheim; Dawson. Goulding,'
Don Davis., Rosagnight, Exeter; James
.rh--,-11111-.1-1eNaught, Bruce I.14,4..ean,
West 31-onktOn.; Kam Allen, • Ben -
miller; Harry .Montgomery, !Goderich;
Delbert .Smith, Ronald Sauvage, Sen -
;forth; Stan 'Freeman; Gordon Oyerhiyit,
.Allap.Megaye, Jack'Schwa.Anlz, Alien,
.Johnaton, Bob ie
ard McGee; _Alvin McGee, Goderich
Catalersdn, Bob Jewel, James Jewel,
Billy Rana; BytisSels ; Hukh Taylor,
TOronto ; tuck Lake, Reg. 'Sullivan,
Ofiaries Thomas, 'Brussels ; Donald_
llritnell, Neil Johnston, Exeter; John
Me.KeriZie, Dtha.ald-31eKenzie, Tor-
onto; George Tanton, Roy Willard,
Exeter ; . Edgar Pridharn, Goderich
Jack Cooye, Milverton;....James 'Hall,
Wingham ; Ralph -.Ward, Elmer .Mes-,
seear, Billy White. Eddie Yarvina, Bob
Melormick, Brantford.
leader,a-4Rev 11. Snell, Ethel;
Rev R. G. Hazlewood, Benthiller ;,Rev:
Durnin protested that he only .went
•to. 'collect money owing -him. , • •
There are right and wrong ways
of collecting debts and. you 'know it,"
retorted: the Magistrate.
Because Charles Wililam Connolly,
'(lillutori airport worker, had spent four
days in .jail•on a drunk .aoa.d:isorder-l-
ch-a-r,ge*., Magistrate 11/Latins 'suspended
sentence upon payment of 89.00 costs.
He was arrested on July 13 by '.Chief
.of Pollee 'Bert Fremlinsof 1Clinton, who.
said the'man was drunk and swore On
a. public highway. _
County .Sued by
Stephen Farmer
Corn -grower, Claims Damage
' Done to His bilip by
Weed Sprayer
A teat ••caae •of interest to Huron
county farmers was aired, in Division
ourt on Monday before Judge T. M.
meat'Buildings, Toronto. Their_ help
will aid Ontarib--•142---gO1ng over the
agricultural top in providing Britain
with the, food., steseaartm, te help
(finish the, joh. "ley -also
•S-Jrve feed`the-Enipirei
(lostello.- 'D. j, Coughlin, .Stephen tOwn-- A. .1. Mci<a ye, ,Goderieh ; Rev.' .1. P.
ship -farmer, Sued the 'County of Huron 4`•04,k. AliiVertmrs, Rev. A. W. Brown;
.; . . Hall, ;
for er$12k) damages allegedly caused to antfordlirSWingliam'
Mr. Arnold- Earl, :Ethel ; Mr. Harvey
Mr. 't'Aou•rhlin's 1940 crQp Of hybrid -seed-
, d IT v ans. -W t on .
corn by liquid Cliehileal - from the
County weed, sprayer.- carried into the
cornfield by- the wind as the sprayer
passed.. -
• After four hTniTs of evidence the
trial judge reserved judgment for a
few days. Frank Donnelly .represeuted
the plaintiff and R. -C. Hays, 1)- The family is well known in -Goderieh :
peared for the corporation..-- ••• • F. Jecci.ell. has:: taken over ra
Mr. Coughlin resides on the boundary job at Depattment Mithitious and
line between Huron and . Middlesex 6 Supply. 111.4 responsibility will b to
counties, in ;Stephen, althOneh the eorn , co-ordinate the iwwly-diedged 7hIts and
Was twitted in McGillivray township, inl-pieces" program. Umier 'this -the Gov
Sweeta,loving Bear .Makes Midnight
Visit and Helps Himself
Mrs. Campbell is in receipt of a
letter from her father, Alfred Nichol-
son, of Stoney ()reek, telling of a thrill-
ing, experienee he awl others of his fam-
ily had while camping at Dorset, in the
Muskoka district.
. .
The experience was not only thrilling
but amusing, though the amusing side
was,not • apparent at .the time. - On -a
reeent 'might . the -household _ •was
awakened by a noise in the hoe*. AI -
moat simultaneously cries of *.:Who's
there'?" came from three.bedreoms. 'No
answer.. -• Doors opened and there was
mtreh tiptoeing. 'Soon three •flashlights
played _4:n. -a -big Idatk bear in the •act of
helping himself to the sweets' in the
.Then came 'ale retreat, conducted as
swiftly and skilfully as Soldiers seeking
safety from Machine-gunning air-
plane. Doors: were, closed_ ;Ind loeked
and not a sound was. heard until Mr.
Bear, licking hi S; Chops, made his exit
through the - slur porch netting - by
which .he had entered- ,,Ter at, hour,
, .
Three littleboys were boasting of
the abilities. of then. restwetive fathers.
,Said one: Tlly father's- a musician,.
and when -he fOmposes a song he gets
'five dollars for it." s•
."'1"hars' nothing,- said the sevend.
"My fa tiler's' an • a tit 11 -0 -r, -,if Tie
writes an article he gets ten dollars
for it." •• •
siaid, • the third .."my
fathr's a Minister, tied when he
preaches a sermon it takes six men , to
parry the«anoney up to him."
ToavoNT13, July 18. — Here are
seventeen ways in ,Which gasoline and
'oil can be saVed, as offered by advisers, .
of the oil controller, Cottrelle
1. ileduce driving speed film Sixty
r6f7ty mule a per hc•ur on the open.
2. Avoid ."jackrabbit"starts.
usele.ss or non-essential ,
4. Turn off the motor' of your car
when not in -use; do not
5, Don't- raee your _engine; let it
warm up slowly.
01. Don't:firain your engine; change
gears. _
perly adjusted. , ,•
• 8. Tillie ap motor, .timing, etc.
9.iiKeep'spark pugnrand valves
clean. T
-10. Oheck cooling system-soverheats "s,
in,' Wastes', gasoline °
• 11. ,Maintain tires at right pre.ssure. •
12.--,17nbricate•-effielently=wobil-en-r--;-• - .
waSte•-gasolincr. -
. 13, Dileet in groups to and front Work, ,
using cars aiternate..days. • • •
14. For golf, picuics, and other out-
ings, use one CA. instead f several.
15. Take shdrt shopping trips en;f0Ot
and earry parcels home. ,
10. 'Walk to and froth theraovies,
17.Boat owners snould • reduee .speed
on •sleasure !trips.
' "What part' of .a,:motor-car causes the
most aecIdents.r• 1 \ 1
"1" 11 •
'The mit that holds' the wheel,"" '
The young -man referted to in the
following, from tite latest issue of The
Financial ',Post Is the son Of Mr. Allen
Jeckell, m, Exeter old hby Tho' has
spent Most of his life in the YuktA.
'Middlesex. He owns land On both sides , eminent plans farming ont new and ex
of the road. -The farm is 'located one istin, iNar orders'ainong sinaffer shops . • . Recke
and • a -quarter- miles east of .M.oulnttand plants throtighout the •Dominian in Silik:/ cra
l'arineL - 1 older to speed production
The court , was 'told by' Mr. roirglinfl7T---1, Mr. Jed:ell %\'0p born City;
who was. oil the wititess staild'-nearliy4."S;ukon. Ills father. now flomniii;-
t WO boll rs, 2111 t Ile had, sPeCia 1 ; stoner for t hat ti4Titory. lie a! tended
-hybrid seed Corn for five yea as, '-eon- seltool both. 111 Victoria and Toren to.•
dueting a deinonstration plot. in co- f, After a few' .nianths atmliversity, how-.
operation with -tiu• 1 iepartivont of Agri- eV4.1%, his formal education earne to an
corn waStive to six feet high. the .1 Inron for a limkerage -then. for. the
County weed si,ra yet' passed on' its 1 accounting, 'firm of Oscar. • Hudson in
mission .of destroying tlw ri'mdside Toronto. Ile then linked up . with
weeds. Ile claimed' that. two rows of Hardy and Midden. Trade Association
his corn paralleling the fence for specialists. When. the War broke. out
fifty 'rods turned .yellow and- had to be he was lila It ager of the: cOmpany's°
cut doWn. aird, that flinch of the balance 'Montreal offim,'
of the (Top waS mottled by the poi...soil- to AO 11 IS llif 1 ti 51111a. cap:1„
OIL!: elainied that his city, he- (41(.101 .his services to the Gov -
corn was s'o a ffeeted that he was form& eminent. in .1n3e, The first job.
to clinvel his annual demonstration. He lie Was gipven- was the treasurership of
claimed, too. that 1115 reputation'. as a .1ilederal ,Alrera ft, then in charge-. of
grower of hybrid seed -Corn bad been Ralph Bell.: ViThen Bell moved t °Ottawa
damaged. and Well deePly into the as director-g•encral 'of aircraft prO•
kvienve nollenizing seed,corn by, the durtion Ire took Mr. Jeckell with him as
1)1:111ting' id a Tow foie in five, or ,::Ce4 I his executIVe 111415t12 at.
corn imported from Wiiseonsin at a vost This Is •the job be ha (i 1114.11 !hag
of $35 a bushel. This, he :4aid. pre- for over a :year until 'he' attratrted -the
',Weed seed Whieli tirrn yielded double ,giteti4;(nrt;i171!,:,rf
( 1! irrs "fl 1111(1111 1 (11r( tor
:1*(nhIlllltlotI4, who. I,- r4'spon-
11t)SN's;:v.4 revealed in the cross-examin- slide for initiating the "bits and pieees"
ation of Mr. Hay4' that neg7ottations pw4111011 will he 1.0 act
het wept) ' )t lott atilt] .°111id the , ° 05
Huron I 'Minty road commission' to settle liaison officer for a- corps of ZOT14-i fit
r4ftlrts' had failed.
the elaini without resor,tinf,•t- to .:2,11.e seattered throughont
4110 1)oiniqion.
Norman McKenzie. an inspector for
the • I tepa r t men t of Agrieultnre, gave •
expert evidenee ,for the plaintiff.
For the ennuis'. of.11nron T. R. Pat- •
tersoti. engineer. testified, that grain
and other erops damaged. by the (item -
feel weed spray usually made good
reeovery if giVell i•hanee to revive, but
that Mr. Coughlin had not given the tWo.
rows next to the road in ettestion that
elninee. Ite" had insneeted the balanee
If th'e eroe and had failed to
see that m Ile11-41:1111 ge, 1 811 3, had been
Ress Sparks, operator of the weed
sprayer, Was another defense witness.
Another Bad Night
Couild Get No Rest
To the thensanclo who toss, night
sfter night, on sleeploos boas and to
▪ whoso eyes slumber will Aot wine.
To those who sloop in s hind of
Way, but whoeo root. is, broken by,
bad dreams and hightmaires.
To time who wake. up In the
moraine as tired as on going tolsofi,
yte offer in Milbutu's itealth and
, Nerve Pills a remedy to help goo*
and calm the nerves ond,,bring"them
back to a perfeet &maiden,and
• whoa this is done there EillOrild bo no
' mime eleeliless tiiglke due to shaft.
tered nerves,
•11* T. Matra 064 144.,, Ugrautei Oat
, • .
Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Holidays a ,a put.
Coming—PThe (,teat American iroztleast," an 'entertaining special
culturl 1 91e 111 1 nis', 1 94(); when 411e i.abrupt end, ,ind he Wen t to Work first
111111 Iti'h fast
II Near Moneyank
Foiquie:k relief from itchingof eczema, pirn Wee, atli
!iete's foot, scales, scabies, raoheo and other externall,
enured skin trouble, usequot-acting, cooling, runt
septic, liq.nid 1)..1), I), Prescription. GreSseleAS.
itaiplesa, otheo srrittgiOn and quickly stops intense
Itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or mei+ bark. A nk
(four druggist today forD.D.D. PRESCRIP'flON.
In love 10181 marks, the
-..spoit where .the Man falls.
jasper Park Lodge
and nature's greatest
Alpine Show avvaie
• you at Jasper, big-
gest. National Park
on this Continent.
See all the Rockies.
Come via the smart,
air conditioned.
Continental Limited.
tow Sunimer Rail
Your local Agent will gladly furzash
yieu with descriptive booklets and full
information as to fares, limits, etc.
Relieve Asthma
and Hay knit
Quickly with
' Testedlteeipes
under Lobel
4 1.??ve,7y,
SUCH A SHORT BOIL!—With Certo you need give
only a one minute to twominute full, rolling boil for
jam -for jelly only a half -minute to a minute.
•ECONOMICAL,, 7001—in this. short boil very litde
juice Nat boil away. Yon average.one half more jam or
jelly from an equal amount of fruit.
NATURAL TASTE AND COLOUR--toi3tead of going
off in steam, all the fresh, natural flavour stays right in
the fruit. The colour, too, is never darkened or spoiled.
NO UNCERTAINTY—Thereti no guesswork with
Certorollow exuelipthe Certo recipe for the particular
fruit yeia are using Ife&you'll have firm, luseious jams
and jellies every time.