HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-24, Page 1• County Coimeitors' Eng Lake Breezes eeseer, 4teminis0eneess, Speeehes, GameS and Supper liffaice* an B)1jO3rable Day 4.444.4.11.1444114.44 • There was a large and. eepresenta- tive attendance atthe »nnLaL County oolanell pi1 lield at liarloot4Parlt • Yesterday, !when the 'reeves,and depotsiVeves, ex -wardens and ex-aneinibers, gelnity anti :court eoffateiale,In many eases with their wives and families Or -friends, gathered for, a happy after= noon 4,Ind earl/ eveningof tvVitolosenie furteand;, in the- ease of the, eider pie- .. nickera, remiulaeing. weather wati ideal. - „. . • During the afternooetSa lengthy list of contests and foot' races wits rrun Wit, end ',hundreds enjoyed' he coo, breezes of Lake . Huron with a boat trap on a daarteredlauach, a ..feature that Was partieulaaly' enjoyed by the ehildTen of inland Munielpalities, ond. at ther.eappereheur..two hundred or :more eat* dovvIn to the plenie repast in the pavilion and listened to therspeeete making.. .Patriotism and good.' civic manage- ment were the kepotets of the toas,t list, "presided over. by 'Reeve', R. E. Ternee; of GOderieb, ehairanan of itlae day, Mayor Brown gave the, addreer of welcome, •lesson, .frelii.,an f Practise the sound economy of your predecessors, the 'kind of-eeonomY that put 'Huron county in 'the enviable finataleial shape it is in today," the veteran Owen 'Geiger, an exeitairden, ---adnaanialied_etile-seYOnnOeflatMeis. - • IL.. E. Cardiff, M.P., sitressied the re- sponsibility •Miich had b.eee, placed on ;--aluraisreeyeS rhy,, reason of the . Oar, . diaplayi.ng leadership pairlOtle' en- deavors,and in railer ways. He patitiscl' the County% war 'recortleto- date Ex -Warden J. (NI, Eekert !urged ea eonttinuanee of the Ceunty?6 pay-as-you- go 'policy, ,but ex -Warden 'Robert Bow- man „warned that the 'CO-tiiity's Toadis chid institutions mut not be sacrifiq d, but -kept on the same high level- coil- sistent with reaaonable economy. ' Warden James Leiper "said he was enjoying his terra_otoffir immensely anct tilutt.hee"itever worked with a 'betr• -- ter bunch of boys." Pb ,veteran "Sandy!' Young, of Cel - borne • township; inhis eighty-ninth year, , the oldest. -man at 'tip?, picnic, • .talked of pioneer dayg harkeu. back to the time when HurOn 0ounty , was fore -some years under -a commis- sion formof goverinnent. • Other -.speakers Were ., ex-Wardensi George- Pettya of • liensall, linateke and George Peagan"; , Merritt, of Blyth; Reeve, Pied Watson, of Stanley township; Mrs. P. It. Rect. dill for thepress, and Mrs. . John - ;Jacobs, ..mateon of \the Goinity • To many the reminiscing session of . midafternoon twas the most intereA- :ag. .Ohr-Opponents , Shake -Hands-- highlight ,came'When ,the veterans, Owen Aleiger a-nd George 1.'ett17, oppon- ents for the reeveish.ip of liens:ill for , many years, • on one , occasion •contes',.- log 'the offil.'e three times, in 01111 year • shook •hands and ladled the hatchet. Both are eighty -Six years ot age. Beth achieved their ambition and le,caeoe warden. In typical fitallion, whiltrtikThg a hand-straking• pose :with, ;Mr. l'etty, the , side -whiskered, derhy-tepped Mr. Geiger[ addreSsed his fornter adversary: .."Geerge, we've inid • our times, both good and bad, and i- tone we hoft are spared to enjoy waits more." ' • To the aecompaniment of the laugh- ter unit plaudits of spectators, Mr. ..,l'elty replied that in his considereo 'minion, politically speaking,. -he Still was tops. Both gentlemen are still sprigbityy, Mr. Geiger' is a well-knewn Huron County, figuTe anti alitaagrower and was warden in 1911. • MT. Petty, a butcher by trade, was warden in 1920, the, year the County built the Grand Bend bridge, he recalled. A Signale,atar rePoalter met with scene other personalities. Turner, of iGoderich, for inStance, serving his twelfth year in Comity Couneit and is the (lean 'of that body. -)Saving Gasoline Asked bow he was saving gasoline, L. E. Cardiff, M.P.; a County camtivil- lor fie' eight yearn, saidhe had just got off a horse-drawn blialen to Nene to the Weide, hayingput his traitor • in the driveshed. '• - John Farriale who was Teel -e of '1:a - field in. 1926, 'the year homebitter tar- ent made an equalized a,sessment and ale a good job," said that wheat tbreali- . ale. in Ashfield would consmenee on Priday on George 1)rennan15 • 'farm with Lloyd Stein's new diesel-poCeeriel outfit doing the job. 'The crop twas eomparatively lightij Few fields would average forty- Imahela to the acre, lie said. • Dr. J. NV. Shaw, to the Cornbinirig The. GodertehSignd and *T/ie Gqdertch Star GODERICH, ONTARIO,. THURSDAY, JULY 24th, 1941 Orchardists Take a Day Off for Play seases _ During the past week IlearlY 60000 bushels of grain passed into :the GOO- eiehelevator. Areival.s Were: Insatiir- , . day-Str, 'Mantade0,, with 243450 1)Us. •Wheat ; Monclay-Whidoc, 'with I.9kl,000 ha% wheat; iTuesday-413'. V. Massey, With 49,000 bpsoats and'. 72000 ilus/ wheat. . • • Qx 14ursd4ty the atrA ,Selkirk arrived ,from Fort Walla& for salt, leaving tire same day for Montreal. tanker-Petrolite-came in frOm Sarnia on Thursday, Teturniag .to Sarnia •the next day aftee discharging her cargo. The stk. Superior arrived from, Sarnia en onday withPaokage freight, and left early Tiiesday foe Port: William. The steamer Georgian madeher usual calls. She had 150 passengers on her utibound trip on 'Sunday. ,FIRE INVADES APIARY -a George'Leitch suffered a Severe loss on Sunday at noon in the destruction by fire a part of his ardary on the Mill road. It is believed sparks from a paasing C.N.tit. tritin, set fireto the dry grass near the hives, The flames spread to The hives, resulting hi com- plete destruction of efie hive and the loss eef• several hundred- pounds of •hopey. • The bottom boards, of several other hives were burnt, but the honey .. was not afIfected. Some of the bees ie retuierbag to the hives had their wags 'Scorched, anti 'this 'Was a fur- ther loss. The tire brigade w,as called, and. soon quelled' the flames, but the swarming angry bees impeded them in their task. Leitch had no insuranee. -ttiteldeartattks- have, been Idled by town girls, Freida Barbour and Catherine Merray are aFtlee--aRayalr Banks Lorrainealsielmi iinel•TTedia- sSehaefer. havearjobiedeeth ti:tai e of the Bak of Commeree; and Rutli Nicol is at the Bank of 'Montreal. ,.,444X0f4"M.L",•47 AliflU4 Picnic Reid Yesterday at . LaithWaite Parra Drav/4 May The.chief speaker at the anuual. vat-, ing of Pie Huron V.:mit OroWers' As- sociation, lied on Wednesday at the of George Cfraithwitite, No. . highway, ,Glederiell township,, was Mre 'Ciy. J. 'Vatalaarlena, of the Vinelensi. tExperimental Station. .111a. .Wesley ,Joynt of LucknOW was chairman of the gathering. , Mr. \Laithwalte, 'the ,ho4t, peke few word s of 'welcome to those Present, an invited theme to wander about' hio farm at their Will. • in his opening remarks, Mr. Van 'Haarlem eeogratulated Mr, Laithwalte on th.e beautiful appearance of his farine "We have to pay tribute to the proireers," said the speaker, 'Vet:asset they laid the Itaindationrfor our fruit, crop." $1588.74, the residue of the estate, The speaker strongly advocated sod cultivation - in erehards: He warned Bel:Pests oL$25.eaeh to. the Redeems units of James -street and Main street against plantinpotatoes or alfalfa i g n "(Inchurches, Exeter, also are listed the orchard, as these crone coax the n& in the will, which has just been Idled in baffalo tree hopper .and also steal the Surrogate Court for probate with the minerals which are so essential to tree growth and productir. He recom- registrar, Nelson Hill. mended leaving a six -f ot strip of sod around each tree, or cultivating, such a strip on each side of the trees This would Stop- competition from other growths. Timely epraa:ing and pruning. also were aecommenVed. Heavy prun- ingaof young trees should, however, be awoided. , Mr. J. Gordon Blair, of stile Niaghra Brand Spray any, aBeelingten, -pokeehr4eflysaalle--r-emarked-hovaefore tunate 'Canadians are in havilig• a foot over their heads, plenty of clothing and .nourishmentr in calitiast to ,,the condi- faliArfietiPle,fi-4therittarder sea- .31-et4.114=brrlinttinl'Iltlf-a&- dre`gsed .the 'gathering briefly. • Sports eonducted Stewart Middle. ton, and Wesley joyataroused much 'amusement. The results Of the raceS were: Boys and girls. under 5, Apieer lehisholm, Bobby Reid; boys 5-8, Lloyd McDowell, John Middleteur girls 5-8, Barbara Middleton, Lola ,Ginn; boys 8-12, Kenneth iSowerhy, Edward' John- ston; girls 8-12, Isobel Kernighan, Lole, Middlettin'r•-•' young ladies, Dorothy Ghee -Ruth Middleton;" young men, Fraser ,Middleton, Douglas grea.rling; three-legged r0e, kathleen Middleton and Bob Rathwell, Dorothy and Bob (inn; soda biscuit race, Murray Me - 'Dowell, Lorraine Lasse.lbae; ladies' roll- Jeg-pin throw, °Mrs. Benson Sewerby, Lorraine •Lasaaline; married eladieS', apple race, Mrs., !Stewart Middleton; M. T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. A. McDowell ; clothespin race, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shearer: A picnie lunch was served on tables erected on the lawn, and afterWaids the distribution of prizes to the win - of the afternoon% was conducted by Stewart Middleton. Piper McKim of Lucknow with two young.lady danc- "ers entertained, the gattierlag and there were a • few brief speeches. The evening was then givee up to bingo and other games and dancing. BEQUEST TO ASUFIELD Issilat)le 'Leaf Fete PRESBYTERIAN' ORUituli Will Of Late Duman YfaelKay Leaves • Clears ,Over $700 -ogrottowooliutrot;_, All the rest,andreeklue Of My Pre* Carnival and 'Ditte%411 ThuisdlY perti land effects, -after payment --of Nig4t Pept11104 0,4114'SnoceSaul penss, give' aid bequeath to the ROMA debts, funeral and teatimentara ex- Vresaytertan church near Lechalsh, Tlae carnival and dallee in CroUrt Ontario, in the townShip of Ashileld," dicillee Park On ThursdaY night, Spore' KO reads a paragraph 'in the fast w&11 ored by4 the Maple Leaf Chalker, and testament Of Durleall ,MaegaY, wael a gratifying eueeeaa. The forineiat5bh41dfanner and resident perk, was teronged and, t1ie. various of Goderichafamiliarly known to h,und- .reds of Huron coliiitY neoPIe for inanY • •gamea and booths were well patrenized, yearsas Piper MaeKay," because, of 40 IA the latter Part of the eVerlitig the enviable reputatiOn he bad earned the ,dance 20Crr was croWded. Musit during his lifetime as jt liabiper. It fel- the dance was prov,ideclibv the Real -means that, the Aslifieid Presbyterian 'Air Force 1,Band. from Pert- A•lbert, church will receive a gift of about under the leadership a. dr Gerald $2500. A brother, Alan MaeKay, of dierg, 'A,C. The ,net proceede of the Kintail, and a siater, Mrs. Fletcher, of event, ever $700,,#.111 15e devoted to War ,Godetieh; also a beneficiary under the effort and the ." regular .1.0.1).E. will, are exeeutora. Mr, MacKae died activities. on March 25th of this year, First priee for costumes in the child, In the will; of Miss BeSsie Hartnoll, ren's class was awarded to. Katharine of Exeter, ,who 41Ied. on June 20 last, and Margaret MacDonald, dressed .a.S the Queen's teanadian Irund for British little Red Cross nurses; Second prize to Air Raid Victims is left the sum of Peter Sturdy, in •SoittiSh costume; third to Helen 'Wilson, representing a frog, and feurtle JOYee,P•reekow represent- ing a penguin. - In the adult section the prize -winners were Mrs. J. G. B. MacDougall, repre- sentiug an elegant old lady, and Mr. 10harles Cooper, a nineteenth century gentleman. eith 'the R.A.P. here, Flight -Lieut. J. 0. 'Greenwood, from Annual Tebbutt British Columbia helei the lucky stake for the bidden family -Gather . no. treasure; which was a $5 war saviags , IA45 certifleater- ' -" • - • County Home, was at the loot. ing as dapper as ever.' It was his eightiebb birthday .and as he shook 'hands with Warden Leiper lie re- minded hira that he.had• taught hint gt sebooL , • 'One of .the liveliest childten at the picnic was tittle "Miss Huron" who was adopted by the,County six 'years ago, at the age of two. At that time . , she weighed but nine pounds. Today, at the age of eight, she is,..of normal weight for her iheighte.sews and knits, and next 'week she will begin le*ons on the sowing machine and - in. 'cook- ing under the eareful tutorship • ef Mrs. V, Stewart, who .hasthad the child since • her adoption by the .•County. Tfie Sports r • County' Clerk 'Miller, Treasurer Ers- kine and Harry Edwa lead charge of the sports. The results: - - • Girls '4 3 -ears. and -under-Ann Pos- lell, Lois' Webst er, Jean Boys 6 years and under -flat Car- diffi- -Douglas- MeNall; George :Gill' MIAs' 6 years and under -Lorene 'Good, Helen Good, Janis Morritt. lloys 8, years and under----,Sterifinv. Silver.• - • • Girls 8• year and under-Berntee NtriNtill„IsabolI,Wcrd, Isabel Peagan. • Boys 10 years. and under -Bruce ,Erskine, iSterling Sibver, Bobby Culp. • GititS 10 years and aunder-Delores, NioNall,; :June Kennedy., Glenna Maehan. Boys 11 years and. tertderL-Eugeri Prayne, Brave Erskine, §terling Girls 12 years end, under -Betty. Craig Delores Mall, June Kennedy Boys 14 years; and under -Eugene after. hearing more than ten holies of Firayee, Beate ,Daskine,, Jack Ei-skine I ndR.-Kennedy (tied). argument from Prank Donnelly of tona, and E. al Thompson of 'Stratford. ee_ War Demands Call .Sailors from Lakes Tilt& Red 'Crtaritiridge and tea vaara- ilions were eon:eluded thin ..wee.0;t tettil amount realized being $34(1.5.7), eontributed an follows: 'teas, $i24.10,3; five hundred, OUiritt,t; donations, 4$20.60. . • -1.1.1ite highest, 'tame in . the bridge maratiten ware held- ,byMrs. Vnana Ourry, 24,02.0; second, *Ls* Olive 'TiebbOrne; 23,60,01; third, Ma'S. File* .MeArtliur, l40, tourA zA\UUI 24,2O . A. Airs, W. •Itelt,Woil the highest honors in five hunda-ed with a (mere of 11,10., A. Nieol in the funnel: mara- meta 1LOt A.,hig faelgater dela atid- thin], wee xourtn pliece, and turned in land tix. other day short eight or. It' the prize. By a 'citaineidenee, She, re- tad )crew, and ti iudteri.iJ alior !novae tained-her p1au r a few days said iu heat,t big amouat realleed in the fireit 'ere carrier, 44c/w4 •elei'en. of its 'tali marathon Was 440,1.73; and in the first, quota. P.,akiee tile orientate of auvikra.- Year'a ,social tacitly:it/es of the 'workroomUQJLxiremen had been '.utiangied tiairtY- comanitteris brought ba, $434:32 fir la cue tinica's, •ttie sada, • weekly hrtidge pdrtieS, etc "IT auy beat Was 'to get into trouble More ladies intend having t!1e. from etreiss of weather en for awn!, but were unable to hold them withjil other reason ,we 'at drown aike lirait set. IT.Phe aineunta, raised by rata, beeause there aren't sufficient these will he ;Credited to the anaratbou experiented araen to laumiltea lifeboat," next fall.' „ _ -one saiptserrsaide The iooal bautateh of the Red Orm Another eajtain °Warred that ut gratefully acknowledges the gift of Western Canada the Government Had $75,50 from the R 1 ectio1l of the thousands of +men on reseilve Of,' the • Maitland Golf Club, and $19.00 Pro- R.C.N.V.ft:, iwaiting to ibOiealled. Ile ceed's of °golf and tennis toarnamenes, eirggeatea that many ef these 'men he respectively, 'held .rerrenibly under alie 0.i'ited at one end, 'plated on Great leadership of •SqUadren Leader W. Lakes thouts, 'where ithev, would not Lyon -Dean, of 'the R.A,P. station It only 'relieve the :acute ehortage of - sailors, •Ibut also receive a valuable EIRAINAGE CASE Eiglity jArtinbers Enjoy rienip A •beautifut British war relief cigarette ease, donated , let Mrs. D. E. - at Harbor 'Park' On aiolmes, was won laY...Ws. J. A. Mac - Tuesday Lean a Winghana 1 ' The' judges were Mrs. -I). H. Downie . an d-NTE7Xfn''It'-fW,-,"--r7----a- - , - On Tuesday afternoon eorae eighty Feature daieing, under the direction membe-rs of the Tebbi4tt fa,May., from of Miss Madeleine Lane, was heantiftav. ,Scour Townships About Godeij,Fli, for Ifyip 'Withoiii Muer' Itesuit • .44.1 Captains of grain boats Oiling, 4 (Gtodit'srieh in recent days •neiated an aente shortage of sailers on the ,,G,reat. ljakren. . („iffieern .of the V. v. Massey scouret AotleilLh, lOolixjrue and 4'h. field townshiPs for be ,While ±u port„ One firenalan 'was' secured. '1e dee left. here :Tuesday morning ;three ..Baisingt.014_,Beasorutpsavtitrboilito___ .4ene•hy groups of Goderich Collegiate - • • , and eplo dancing bY Trffgath%red Flitt#4"'leat Lit.t1FereeAnineantiFeeleiV.larrugeehri4cetifigLhietedtlie ,ut. nual picnic. . spectatOrs. The girls were • The sports were directed by Lewis Dorothy MacDonald, T,.,_orraine Tebbutt and the results of the „keenly 'Mary Gallow, .Joan'Brichanan, -Donna- , . a Drew:a Gralrealltsset: Elviite,Vorthy and contedted races were: •Girls' and boys' 'Pauline Johntton. • race, 4 and under-,,Kerwood *hite, The success of, the carnival was due Nelson Dow, Marlene Jervis; girlSand to the kind ' assietance. df naana in - boys 7 and under -Joan White, a Wis dividuals and organizatiOns and the Tebbutt, 'Gerald Tebleutt; girls, 1 • and generous co-operation -,ef th7e• public,' under ----Madeline Cox, Leola wtibe ; and the ChaPter would like to thank all. boys, 10 and -euildee-ealack Teh utt, who helped lin any' way 'towards the Billie •NleFarlane; girls, 12 and under-Ilareesr of the evening. Mrs. - R. J. Audrey Jervis, Jean Nediger ; .girla 16 Mt -Mellen is regent of the i0hapter and and under -Mary Jervis, Beknice , the 'conveners• Of tire various acom- White; boys, 16 and utider-Jac mittees"'were Mrs. E. C, „Beacom, %Mr. - .1.111, Delmar Potter; time race--4Mrs. J. limes -Crump, 'Mrs. Harr Ford, Mrs. W.M. Merrill, Mrs. Minnie Cole-; boYs' A. H. TaylofeNliss Hazelli rtwell,,Miss , gathered to do honor V°, Mr. II-. NI. 'I three-legged race -e -Carmen. and l yine Aline Wurtele and NlisS lltelie Sau.nders.r earaeltleton. Mr.. Shackleton has' ye. Tebbutt *; girls' three-legged r‘i oe- Alary Jervis, - and . Clara Nethiger.; .PIRLS' tAPIIP A KINTAIL • 1 cloihespin race-sarvine Tebbuttl,:and - .•„ -Violet plumps; soda itiscuit rCe,:•- Walter J.ervis, Boy Patter; er.„kijig: Seventy-flvie Girls la A,OendaiFe from t,si,hei0vieneiniligrAINN:iltib.. , aWiw.ll jai.. ailetupcs.zerlt141Orsc14', .slipper, girls ---Mary Jervis ; 1,-,i.diieg . . ....Many Points he Ontario n et Ili Severitystive girls are:iin .attendanCeat on tieh,,lit of .---"those present. My. slipper, .hoys--,‘Tack Merrill ; most rtace- a tne -iris' 'camp now in prbgress'at the ,Snackleton made a fitting reply. . A, l'ful coupke-•Lewis Tebbutt atitIllras • . '•'' • • • • i ii David l'er rie Nieman:V. -,1 resoYterian dainty lunch was served by the bostoss. Wm. ,Merrill. - . PortAlbert. „. The .werkroom_ comaniliteg• 114ve !IC' nated supplies for lt,he RJA.F. host4tal at various times, and it was in recog- nition of these that the generous gifts Were made. Attention is directed to ..irs. Ertni• litt.Siraffirivrind.057.:WesttnAdref Square, Where may be seen a fine dis- play of saMplea of the artieles,swihich will compose the quota �f566 qirtic1e4 set for July, = August and Septeniber, and made in the local.„Ited Cross rooms_ Tbe following splendid scontribut-0,1 haS'beeni revolved frons the Gode ieb 11(011'sbliip-North Brancie-ofelted 'Oros*, Ofwibiat- E. al kaki-- is • the- prealalenta 5 suits vombi n at ion u n der - 'wear ; 5 snits , eerie'. underwear ; 5 'nien'is work Atilt's, size 1:'i; -5 women's flannelette, night dreske; 4 Beemilier crib blankets; 1 quilt. , PRESENTATION TO MR.. ' . SOAC.KLETON A sodial time Was spent at the Ionic of :alias tMargaret Irlason, Elgin avenhe, TaCalay (arena's& ,When, 'members of the. staffs of Central unki Victoria whorl, - •aitreed the prinelpalship of -Cent Lai 8(.11,001' and is leaving .tals••we.e.k. foi Toront0 to join the itIff.•.A.F. During rguen Heard in Action against Township of Hay -The now. more or less famous Hay township drainage case was again given an airing in County Court on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week? Judge Killogan reserving judgment Girls 14years and undl.er-earl al, • :er,tity Craig. Olive Craig. •Boys alvei:' 14 years -Owen' Geigea Eugene •Prayne, Jack Erskine and R. Kennedy (tied). Girlie over 14 yeart4--Pearl Jane Riley, Alice Boll. Ladies' raceNirs. Thom, - Mrs.*: .1. Alice 'Passmore. County Councillors' rave -P. Mtn - ea Sh add ick. Three-legge,d race -Ivan Hilborreand Donny 'Cowan, It. Shaddiek and Pe Duncan. .. ; •Iiiiheelbirrow race -Ivan Hilborn and Denny Cowan, Shirley Silver and Velena, JackandBruce Ere kine. '- ,Olothe.spin 'race (men) -N. Watson, It. Ratz. • irlotheepin rare (wiimen) Thom, Mrs. E. Kennedy, 'Mrs.. G. Fel gran. Ladies' slaw raceeelletty Craig, neat MOT, Anna' Matz. K icking i ;Tor ( lad i es) -- 11 el en .%.reller, • V Elliet Alive P10- mare. The oldest man present wee Mr Alex. Yorng and the °Meat lady big sister,. Nies-. A. Y. Henderaon, both of Collimate township. The youngest And 'as Frapkie Miller, fonrteen- monithssold eon of County Clerk N. W. Miller. All received prizes. N. W. Trowartta, of Clinton, won the draw prize. • Eggs, Cheese and Milk Unexpected —Luxurieglor Arriyals-from Britai "Can •we have eggs?" (Was) the 'que.s- ,in 1:r'itain ;these war days. tion.of many of the R.A.P. Itiontingent • The train that ;brought the men 'to of radio teelintelans flint arlived at the Cliiittin from an Elietere 'Canadian new, e4hdoi liar Minton on eltuuloy port 'consisted of five eolonist coaehes. Wait after ta long boat land train..t rip a sleeper and flat cars .eartying elosely . from England. , retarded equipment, so lc...tomer guarded PeAnd (-Mese, toe," the ' surprised .thar. 'even 'Clinton's station agent was airraen exclaimed, as, tables were .set, gimped' "and milk!" • • I . . At tifir hew Radio 1.`eelinleians' Mice then aitnton etas has& 131P12 cl:(411001, ,the eonstradtion 'of whieb is more Isandiwtelieg and served more now 'welt under we, everythieg ra.•4 Orem than they 'had for many a d‘iy. readinem for the rteeption of it.he ' The airmen, about .410 in numbev, inen. aaked .for shower baths Lzaid wero tired. and -dirty, but 'forthwith. It was over itwe weeks, not 'to dirty to pile into the ,egg siree they had lad their ishirite off, wiebeg eheePe, 'aVafee cometurdities they said. „ ,Since April, 1940, this ease has taken UI) seven days:elf the ceurt's time, the claims' Involving less than three ,hundred dollars. William I'. Alexander and Duncan Stewart; Hay township farmers, are -the plaintiffs in the action aga his t the Township itf Hay. They were signa- tories to a petition in 1935 aSking that a drain ,be built through their farms and adjacent properties. Although the drain Vas surt..eyed and. considerable engineo-ing costs were incurred, it was hewer built. After passing- the neces- Gsary bylaw the Township, Council pro- ceeded to assess,. the engineering costs to the yarious properties. Alexander refus01 to . pay his share, $96, and ultimately the amount was placed on the 'County tax arrears antl suf- ficient .of AleXaader's chattels were seized and Sold to satisfy the claim. lile° now seeks the return of the $96 a.rid $125 damages for wrongful seizure, Stewart 'paid his 'share, $1 -Al, under protest.' Ike now is suing to.' recover this amount. The plaintiffs. also are asking Nista and the legality of, the entire procedure on the part of the Township (*mined in *connt4tion with •the drain is at stake. CAR AND COW IN COLLISION At 2 °Vote: Sunday morning a 'taxi driven, by 'Robert Doak, returning from deliveriffg passengers to Port Albert airport, was in collisipn vatii one o.f William illogie's Durham. eowe.at a point six miles north of Goderich, on the Bide Water highway. The cow, which is said to hai-e emerged from a ditch in the path of the ear, was killed -almost eleatantly by- thee-bnpact, al - 'though the driver swereed to miss, the Animal and Managed to keep big ear on the highway under control. It was .damilged to the extent of otr $200. CALL SUSTAINED • ,ehe etal 01' Brantford Preebyterlan Ann+ •til Rev. Reynolds Pelee, nriais- ter of Aslifielil Prealeeterlau ehurehe Was approved .by Maitland Presbytery at a Meeting, ,1101! in teak:new on !rues - day of • this week; Mr. Iialer will plateveh hie farewell sermon on the la •t Sunder in August. A young men. sery Capable, and piipalar with hie teonarat„ thete Is lintel' regret at WS • catnogrounds KintaiI. The Ivaders,1 The:sIate of officers was presthited (11(1 lit approved. The officela for - -. . e, ' . a, - • ' , Pic:sacs AT it.,%RB,OR l'AgIi: . a, I ,,. "erector, Mrs. la. es. 'Robertson, Strat- . - Miss Hs- 'Iiiirrie. Toronto; firSt aid, itienic's. 011 NA,'saluseadaY ' 1t11 01 Park aceointn,Idated severztl 1942 are: I'resident, Lorne Jervis p.viee- , ford; ascitant director and handiTaft, president, Carmen Tebbutt ; e-ecr.eiary- , afternoon in tTeasurer,' Mrs. Wm. Jervis ; Managing Miss J. Todd, Toronto; raiIsie. Miss M, ,atldition. to the, County Couiwil pith - Potter, lsebel Oke, Mrs: O. Itodg(r:,and M rs. c J . G ihson ; sports comm.ltteeallyVaa: weld,' or ;w,iiiprr,eltt.,•,:ass.,',Ni,...Jttek-son,• .“-.-•, ... COrnish, (11 1(1 Miss E ,smi-th, illyttn. Claud elute -tit iitrought about eying.' Tire -S.up114is 'school pivi..ip, ot one iu . ,...._. . •-• • • . .„ . committee, Howard Trewarthaeaym. ,Ingles, Stratford ; . dramatics, alias M. AL, land sports , and swum lig, . 1:4S 4 . (- ' 1 ... ' I mired member, Pho'se in oharge .Jervis, ituth Potter, Willa 1-ottene, rs. • • i, sa- E ,f tii. -ports were George Cowan, Miss J. Howard and Elwin Merrip. .-, A picnic lunch served in ale jilti'llion. ICruiekslianks, Cornelia ; sivinimillg- and •Allicirta itiehanopel, ,AIrs.' Frank ali,.:tr• banderaft; 11 sS-11.-..-Tkelfrian, Brantford. shall and Mrs. ErspollaThr 7- ---,---, .. concluded the day. , of the ,T011 is are: " WHAT OTTAWA SAYS OTTANVA," ;July head- quarters said today they" had no men available to reliese- aleartage of, alleeseeeethe-aircot .111 the men We have On our listo, with any experience are eanoiarkett for jobs (air niassis' headquarters said. -it is true we have in+431 On the waiting list to* go into training atibiltlYs but these. nie,n are • withont experience and Would be of no. use' for lake steam- Shipabeate.'_!, -• , isiaeuesang, a ..Goderieli •Tiaport,....tralfal &la department eoffieialseicsaitti. -they- , knew of 110 taees of eerious crew " 61.10114%es. only 6.-erioale inhat tilts been brought 10 our ,aittentien was early this season when asheat sailed from. Buffalo to I'Teseett, but itswaS q1Aelosed tate were„unusual attendant elreu•nastancesi" officiate deellared, alf there. tree any dangerous of under-marning our inepeators would' be -glad_ to investi•gate them. A boat, however; e---1-fiagi `r, cettitleated for a crew of 25, and yet without tbreatkina oar regitatrations could.issail with a erew of 22 if it were shown the, safety ...L„ the ship would not, be alereentile 110atS 'werle, suffering,. it. shortage of engineere., transport de,- partment °Mewls a.draitted, nnany of-thenti Dad eigned, up with the. in recent months 'because of the higher pay they 'would receive. . . ' Whose regl, tercel for • the week are : The • 'Et hal Unit ed 'church .'Sunda y A • , • . . . , ' r HETikERINGTON-SNIDE The -,wedelleg took place quie Pridair last. of Eleanor -Mae, da of Mr. and Mrs.. Jobe Snider,. to [Lawrence -Hetherington, son 0 iGeOrgia Se• fTeritIrt004,1-4.te-a Mington : '011001 :t 10 held 11,, a nu 11.1 , pH. 1 ( . y 011 • ." rMarptret Sinelair. Sarnia ; •Eleatior Abont eighly .. were ,present, the ghter • !Reid; Helen Jeff(n•y, Lea m 1 n gt on ; 11 it 1111e:111g ' commit t eZ7 m. a s 11 oy 11111 Patricia Ill:Inc-hard, Brantford.; Dore Mrs.. tlir.i Wardlaw. Mrs. Wm. Brent array othy Mc-ItoblelIele4r Foster, St. Marys; tier a 11,1 Mr.s ,S1:11ilesy Pervia Hetherington and the•late .Majek Iaaac ':itrs- MarionNalarke, London ; Gloria Arnottl, The C.IN.It. p11111 which. 7'. 1' to bz. Hetherington of Goderich. Th„.(,..,c,,ere. Helen Arnott, St. Marys •,• Jean `Sinnel,- 10.1(1. at ilarbor Park last Saturtay ..,Tean Maekenzie, Wateiloo ; Jacqueline was postpoired for a week owing to 1110113'took plaee at ,t, Aildrewts chiirch. ilabkirk;' Barbafit Relesel, Seaforth;- i.1.011(1011, at '.4- p.m.. Tlw bride. Wits the alit rie Niel v i lle. Laurette° Zurbrigg, organist of Knox Presbyterian Oitir.cli, •harbara Reid, Mitzi Moffat, Margaret Goderich, for. two years. '1 114 Hill, Exeter; Gentldine James, Shirley PLACING PHEASANTS Betty Bannerman, Cora 3a1 -,don w ,'Strat- ,' Over eight hundred pleresant ,eggs gaged as an engineer at the Sky • iarbor , groom for the past year has bllen eh- Cox, June walz,, Jaequeline (luthill, Port Albert airports and nu has ere successfully mutated by.""the• '110r and Po - a similar position at punnville,•;,,,where foid ; Je ssie Nlaelntosh.-Marjorie Mac.' on Omuta? Pit,h. and Game Aareekttion he and Mrs. 'Hetherington relit ' make 'Exeter ; • Marjorie Smith,- Ruth smith., mole lir olde will shortly be. pa reed on intost, .Sarnia '; Barbara Harness, this. spring' tand„. the hire's, now tee, their home .- Markin Smith, Joannre ' Valiance. At sptacially selected ltyeat ions fri 4111 parts r., wood; Jean Smith, Elizabeth Cornelius, ef the center.. The dry weather- lets 1 BOSNELL-eyOLLANDr diet ty• Meath, -London ;, Jeall Purdy, helped 1111 t( hi' their rein ring.- ,micisonuniMatti T ng don Jea ; n Itastinge, , Jean EWall. er; At 6. o'elock •Saturd:e. evenin ii uly marian Wark. Tara ; Ruth .Gale, Lon 12th, :i pretty a- be groom's ,j,,,iton a walker, -Maki.. Lon Wallace ' - , . , 4 • DINiSION COURT BAILIF took p1 1(1 at the honeof tF. parents wan le leen, daughter of Mr. Nraliaeeburg ; Violet Coon, Rose Cramer, iaananel R. MacMath, East street, and Mrs, E. volland of Goderich,, he- Edith Gennetto, Gertrude. Gallamore, town, has '11e4.11 appeinted bailiff of the eame the bride of 'LAC. Harry ll'osaell, •EVelyn Stingier, Hamilton; Frances Goderich DitiSion Court and will take It.C.A.F., Wm, of Mr. :led Mrs.f 4'. W. Jainderson, Shirley ,Kneetel, i)orothy over the duties in a few days. 1, Mogan of NOW Westminster, Ii.l.i.i ', The %Welts, Southampton : 'Thiris O'Brien, . 'ceremony was perfo•rmed by filth., Mr. tbelerieli ; ' Edna tareeliree, ' Marion , ' I • . illomas of IIoly Trinity chard. , The ThompSon. Kincardine; Jeanette Lock, "What Ar' e Yout Doirig to Save Gasoline?'.'. iliihle was 1,47owrilid in mid -blue (Tel*, innerkip; ,Graoe - floulteri Wingham; • ,, to • inatele 'the bridesmaid wire 'Miss Kw litteni, -Eva Martin, 'Nle ry Bradely, i , . . May Be Embarrassing Question These Days witli. white coat , batpure n . sad shoes Mrat 'Betty Jonlan, June Kettles'. agre Peggy. cormen, 'Harris:ton ; -Nlargaret 1 Bell, Mary Butterill, Jean Weleb, 1 ..wi, tvill ta v e g‘t soli tie . r a t 10 0 ea‘rds doing to sa ‘ e gas:Ohne?" W.1.1X4 a most Gladys Theobalcr,London ; Ardyss Ink- , , , .. , . einalarrassing one. . .. ley,. Clinton : 'Lean .Little.; Windsor; i ' Wil oil) VW° motitths.7_ 1 Snell wa:,:' 111o .i 111111 of t 'o - • ' Now. , look here. 1 proinist41 raT Ma reltrtg. Colquhoun. Clinton : Agues , 1 1,414,111 1i service 'station operators last nieee wetqt's ago, long before this r. Laing, Doris 1 i1o4. liantipon; Bonnie! night after•three day's' traperienee with line business.: t'. 1. tdliteil of, that. • i'a • .Thl 1111114" NN'iti te. W.-roe:Mar.- Gilecon, Ni_ary, al_eahan,' 1,4_11111 Gileteree,e , ' * i -withal it isliapeci-ecerai a ta I 11 a da ' s ga Si ) - 1101 it ki ye -q, .. Wirt (11 11 a fellow ta le a er , ..„13v4V7 to 7 teeloek rag-nail-U.1ns by' would drive her to •Ganauoque for her . . tire- tiara orable weather., KNOX a.s. PICNIC , Annual Outing Yesterday Afternoon at Jowett's Grove, Bayfiettb,...,.'-e The Sunday school picnic of 11-nox Presbyterian church was held Wednes- day 'tif-ternobp.at Jewett's.oGrovei_ Bay - held, where ithe afternoon's outing was much enjoyed. Winners in • the -sports program were as follows: Girls 5-6, Barbara MeVittiee toys 5-q, Donald Stirkes., Billy Mes Doeald; girls 1%8, Norma- Frances Brereton, Mary 'Me' Donald; boas 7-8,*alroWnie Milaea Bobby', Bell; ,BettyTayloriXiretra Arbotir; boys 9-10, Donald MacalWan, Edwin Monk; girls, 11-12,, iGertrude Beattie, Agnes Witnter; boy's 1 1-12, - Harry . Beattie, Jimmie Saunders; girls (open), Gert rude Beattie, Agnes Witmer; boys (open), Billy Sanderson, Peter . Mao - Ewan; throwing the .ball, Molly Bisset, , Gertrude Beattie;; soda 'biscuit race, Martin Straughan,Fred Stokes; -girls' shoe race, 'Shirley Grummitt, Nferilyn. Butler; boys' wheelbarrow race, Edwin. • Monk ond Buddy Yates, Peter Mae- ' ralewan and Billy Sanderson.; three -leg: g -ed race, -Molly Bisset and .Mary Joys*. , Strachan, June SParks and .Buniee Milne; ladies* race, Mrs. Arbour, Mrs., Bell; girls' kick the slipper, Apure • Witmer, Molly . Bisset; 'kick the Slipper, Mrs, Meriam, Mrs. MacDonald. Sipper brought the annual picnic to an end. • Ibilion Macan an.) the groom WdS ported by Mr. Art. (ainninp.t,hata.:.The aptly .couple wi'l make their hone at resholm, tallgary, where theegeot is now stationed. .1 MeLEAN-ELLIOTT ., A quiet wedding took plaet, ,in the Yeatry of Knox Presbytekianr ehurch on Prides. when Miss 1(1:1 ElliottslaN., daughter of Mrs. E. Elliott, hey:title. the , 4;e0. V. Henry, Toronto; Mr. and bride of Mr. Jaelt NII4Lean, sole'Sf Mr. Mrs., I,. Barns, Detroit ; Mr,,,,,,, and Mrs.' ... A r"1")!"'111' and, m M. IN. .NIOLean.A of Smirk ?won. Ja Nagle; \V ‚.11 'Nfr-.-' and Mrs. 4 , .. e ,,,,,,,,, 4,,,,,,, i, er ie, Rev. I). J. Lane 011(.10.44. *T1, tibride 'Peter Claodstr, Marjorie and Margaret' ' L'ar ' Well "" • "-" ' " ' " ' '. ..' '''''''s .--. 5 wore e tiirquoise triple sheer nil lagote, Utiea, 'Miele ; Mise A. Goodsir, Wind: Vail, NVindsor; Mr. ing '-1 1110)1 tAll aahl there Weill se -me rei:o,V :filled. a fie e -gallon IN1 n made a tour of the yetel- 'feat iNlenv it street-Iength, with white 1(54 O1 sor ; Mrs. Doriq C. eith. ea -wilily on Stinday, the day be - .11" 74(111 iiit4 and a corsage of pink ros?4,', and and Mrs.' Geo. Fite:lisle Toronto; Mr. fol 1 ' (1 ' . r, 41-sio-i, ovi.,.- J., and mr,._. shoppar,,,L ;It,wi,„;1,40.on. isfigit.: of the cers caery theee an and some Mrs. R.' Fr Mannin bouvardia. 'Thor tinlY nada; wearina a rose -silk jers ';:..froek Chowen. Mre. B. aa. HtarNrrli,m1Mjsia(-1-fit'Ufb. 111'1111111(It'llil!Tr;'11:1'%.1(1.1(4)1n111):17-till'ill(1.'11'181:1(1kus: 10 rd Of iKincardine, Was thei' 'brides- l'il „ . • . - of •Latitarienge, 'Ill., are spending the ftt.t.urx....IVitliatssttioinn: !it tandant sa id. . with white aettessories and. a ;,',( Osage ,!rf::,rairmat,0,(;i1Niinitst; ,Ilkil.rsli. of pink carnatiOs. Mr. Victor' 'Alton, S':11(1 naiither: "Mote and more are greomem a n . - After a 811(1rt hen. Pnatan, Mrs. J. A. Ilarrty, trarolyn fIlla Mit 1i1 61 11111 i 111)71,(:: ; .NV 0 til I a nl(i''f'11'111g.'1111'{ ("":Ifi(l'1114111."!':;t:' of town, brother of the bri was •St, Thames; 'Wm. A.' Kelly, Toronto. Prior ttil , leer marriaga,..a. latat 'mini- suntiner at the "Park 'House. . A tal stilt ' another : "Ever:0)1)4' o. the couple will reside in Hand .0p. , ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCE'D to Min' tilbollt saving tetsolinti, ;[ ei.1%% are it hinkititre about if , but few are 'her of, the bride's Meade .gaMziVil at Mr. and Mrs. William Vrooman, IY`art praetieing if. ' Thee sales on slimulas. the hospital mimes' residenc'e for it • erastal and rolseellaneolk, shower in !Vales -day and 1,%;eilm,..-•,day „Were 11D fp her honor. The bride' had 11(40%1 position Albert. antionnce the engage -Meta af a'Verl:Ige. $0, fur naluely line 1100a -red an the staff ef the hosPital for the last their only daughter, 'Mary VIlizalletb, 11,4 Tor fv:i g4li inv. (easing . restrieted. thrti Years': About forty gue..-.41s. were to Donald -Thomas. Only sett of Mr. and limits." , present, and during the evening the lire...elliyer Afolinstom, Goderiele -The ' A 40e)ss-stathil" OP motorists NV404. gues,t of honor vvas presented With 101113' ,Awetigistit.g. will- take place early in ,,anvas..-,;ed and ',the reportem ikarte 1 ,.. beautiful gifth. that the question,: ''Wkat are 31)1: 1.11t. 0011-autiption materially The 1.4 gu- ea,e of that kind ?ea dentici roped% - AT THE' PARK IIOUSE Pition,4 went into effect on Mentday. "I OM now walking- to the offiee On Saturday morninge after reatithine the clay froin it week's 'trip." dna:et...red a 0 minsercial traveller. 'I met slaty -two, trailepor't tine between Kitchener and Stratford arida 1,10tning. There ere too wetter. of 411iicV • I ,•110 rept led anoller, A business Than „ roa. :from his, '1.3{111 liebaited whether or not to ive de for the mail, avealieual, drove liiserato mobile Ito the, post ()Mee, and volt -- tingly 'walked hack. 'Two hones. Iterttr, 111igAIng the ear *OM ill T1'4)111°' or Uhl 114111(1'i of imehrese,lx beean to eve relia:. and formal 41 it the Don ()filet,. "T2a5s gettim: down,." he tiAa 'a 1' 11(1111 pa!-:gbig. \T 1114 peopie, INt1,1117.er, .ore it realty Miwere ed7foit to vave, 450 Pomo nre mlidur: real .c.-atilfive2, tont alt c.-Apein .40 be eteretall that .the paving tbli far tlfeA-ted will 1aI fnn? vliort of .1)e1ngc enou0 • 4