HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-17, Page 8NEWS OF AUBURN
AtattlifiN, uly and Mrs. I grave oral eilrlevf at ttP 433135'.last
t). and son Erie, of 'Bow- Friday. Some fifty ladie0Vere present.
3:4400",liez; are vlting the lady'Ea pare
Oats, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 4,A\SOulth. °
*Ks Alma Mutch of TorontO is visit-
, .
ing her mother, Mrs. Jas. Mutch.
Mrs. 11. Ittige and sdn.illan, of Saska;
toon, are Mr. and. Mrs. J. a:
Wilson, Witt other relitiyes.
.3,Ir; and Ir:. D. V. (3/elittin and
daughter Margaret, ot '11.outreal, and.
visited on. 'Sunday with Mrs.•. Fre
Laweon •ealled owitiliettlreitlents De the
Unaa. • • ".• •
Mrs. Edgar Lawson Dreaded Tor the
Pro'ga , which was put on by the
Auburn ladies. r, Mrs, Jas.; (Woods led
In prayer. Miss Norma Daer favoretl
with a Piano ii2strumental. The, topic on
"British 'Guiana," whicla wo.s. pre-
pared byaMiss 'Dorothy. Boyle of Tor;,'
onto, was introd,uced by Miss Isabel
Rollinson. J.NCliurela Llfe"avas. taktn
by Miss Bernice .Lawson and "Home
Life" by Mrs. W. T. ;Robison. Mns.
il,'Z'IrRradnoel"Vadert)dt solo:aM•ea-
differenf societiea4o,r :a. few renaarks.
and. 3Ifs. Herb Xoung of Harlin-
od,. Atr.„. 4,04,,,Aug„,,la .aszalit,tek. 41,_ , „Till q ,invitatian W 4';aiia. kaided to by
Hr4ntfOrd :were ISinadaY r-v7tsiTirS4-4'itli. ''', Usit1444RAII, ..V4 1 ' Mrs. Scott,
of Belgrave andL. rS", i'le of • Blyth.
Mr. and, INfrs. Harvey McGee. .
Miss 13ettY Asquith H.; • visiting Mr, The meeting' wasTilron ''''t4) a elose by
Mr. and. Mrs. joy.° 0 ssen vs 1,41. sk daint.3• Ion,''tserved by 3(19E4s.
.. 'spent the ,Week-ead. with 31r.and Mrs, Turnbull, and ' .a,,Illy,th ladie,
and Mra,„. Aillaarles.,31c,Nell" at Toronto. relwatipg the ][..;Ord's tiff" Or in unison,
and iSt•ewart Ferguson of `Mount Forest 411 13°)ie, ussiste,057 !xerr',;.'slster, Miss
Death of IflrOtliolut Ferguson.—There
',Ferguson. !., ,
- ;Rev. end ,Mrs.. ;C„ IVilsen„ Ruth and p...ottts diiiay-,),'tfo, her 11Jihla.e. Fridtiy
John "Wilson left 011 TuesdaY for Tober- la'St 'a tighly. •esteeinerd„-iesident, MY*.
'Mary,' -where ithey_will spend a month
-.John ,Ferguson, ist„..ber, eight,r-sevente
Lt their eottage.
gr„,...gardoit -Finnigan underwent' an ! year., The .debeased, Who,114(1, been in
operation in Goderich hospital on Mon- E falling aealfe sass a Assisbss of years,
- day.' _ ' suffered. a stroke eaiii'ly We,dnesdaSs
Morris Melfillan, elder son of Mr.. and 1 morning and passeil s, „i ef II a
s. ' ' ' ''' w ' 'Be last his hearing at this time and
iltra David gervilliva, sras Called to thea two -daYs later- i§be.P., as, a member ,finsling thaS his deafness interfered
`R.C.A.F. hist we,elt, and: reported to 1 of Knox United elsarch'iluil wds keenly with his su•ceess as a foreman ne..re'•
London on Friday. Ilis father has; interested in eloireh atiti,vities•and--in Signed his, position and moved to Kip -
She was pen, , lie had married Jane Young of
'been overseas serving with the active, the work of tcli,e Red 'ti'resS.
i , sick born in Byron,' Illinois, 4,idaughter of Colborne township in Septexnber, 1882;
. forces but is being sent home on
*ave. , .. .. . , ., • - i IJoyal Case and Julia 8)ana, and was and the family consisted of five child-
TheB.Y.P.U. will meet Splidayiaight married .sixtplive years ,,,,ttgo to John ren, three of whom died in infancy.
at 7.30 o'cloOk with Mrs.Win. Haggitt Ferguson, wild predeceaSed, her six Those surviving are Mrs. J. AMOR],
,-°, • , and; Mrs. Annie WalPer ial charge. years.: After their saiirriage' Mr. and Coad (Bertha) and' Mrs. Walker (Car -
Olinton; a!so Trilera°3 tram Clinton, George 'Beadle, William ;Dodd,
I;lyth and Goderiet. , Peter Patterson. The beautiful iloral
Reath of Mende r alexerkatevaaaea tributeo !were carried by ;these men.
old,i,,woom6w8. ana.Mb1v icsteaale(i: Atteuroaettve palibearerl) weirc Rw.
, ladgar Lawson, 11.'s • -s ra
Xe.'ilden;t, of Alfburn, in the Pers°11 ().g John Ilonstoss, J. J. Roberta= and
Alexander MeKenZie, passed away on cams. A',43'suith. At the graveside in
,Ball's cemetery ,the Masonic ,b eial ser-
viee was eoncluctsd by Morn ng Star
bodge, those ethciating being Dr.
,Weir, Frank •MeIlwain, Hugh'Ufll and
tRer. 'IL C. 'Wilson. •
;Walker, Toronto; on July 3rd. The'
next day-, he. slatred 4 further etreke ASUPTELD 011131tralt EISTOtar,
,which left 13 right ,,91..de paralyzed as .
Avvii, 46. ictis sPeech* 'lie.. Iva° in.,* Yis' „Those Were tesot Days, hilt the Early
eighty-sixth year, having.been uorn Settlers Were in Earnest :
et rn,..kx4reit 1850, the' (By w johns-
BOno Denald and ;Caroline Wallis Me-
tKenzie, Later his,. father purehased° '
How frequently we ear .the
iBeeeliwood. loarna near 13taylield and
hereAlexander spent WS early days expresSed that the father a ana,(1m00.1..Pre
,With brothera James and Donald of eighty to ninety years rago -could
and his slater (aroline. 10r, rn• eachin• A.9
see the transforMation that has taken
early inanhood ber„an to learn thtO place, in thiS new liand a Canada. We
harness business in Hayfield under -the
late Mr. Cameron and Jater 'went into think of thein in their straggles to
business fur airuseif. toe 00,0e, acquire(' tculeetairr ftalarrientanclatu-dgrOthWeirenaonuungliairs bfueend,4
a name for the excellence of his work
and his fame as a collar -maker ex. honles. and barns and. -PaY the awful
mortgage that emlumbered almost every,
tended Over all Ontario. After praetis-
, , farm. • ,°
'Saturday last. at TOrmato. Mr. Mc-
genzicasuifered a slight °stroke some
,two weeks ago and was removed to
'the home of Jais daughter, Mrs.
int, his trade wit sucees* inAuburn,
In no way.has theit work been more
.0 :it and liensa.11, he waalisked to take
fralitful than in their efforts to -provide
the position ef foreman in the Beal
'Leather 0o. ', -a tadtOry at Lindsay, where
As an illustratibta Of what we mean
schools; and thurelies for the' people,
he lived; siithaliiS family for Some years.
allow me to eaThattentlon to the Ash-
iteld eireuit. of the: former ilethodiSt
Church, now the United. Otureh•
' It was not.until about -1848 that a
large infiux of settlers came pouring
into the northeasterly .portion of Ash-
tfield township, county of Huron, around
Belfast and Lueknow. Oneief flrat,
settlers Was Jtseph Iluekette Other
members of Ms amily came soon .after
and many others, Altos, Stothers, Gib-
son, McMillan, 'Switzer, Irwin% Mul-
lins, Barkley, McDonagh,. Sheewood,
Andrew, Webister, etc., to build their
cabins and clear a few acretfor susten-
ance. One of the earliest projects was bf the late Dr..4. Reginald Shannon of -
`to build a school house where Hackett's
church now stands, with a Mr. Jackson
as teacher.: We may not lowly who
-the''earliest preaehers—were, -but -ni
1853 and 1.854 Rev, Thomas AdicInsa
New Connexion lliethoditit' minister
from GoderIch, Came' to the settlement
and. organized a class with a Mr.
Hackett as .elass leader. From that
_tine to theapresent- _services._ have been
'held' in this _place-- _•-•
Named Hackett's appointnlent, it '
L Mrs Fer"uson liveefor some- years at rie) both"of Toronto. 'His wife passed
Inatttute M • g
son presided' for the WOmen's Institute Hylton, then moved to Prosperity and
meeeting held in the Foresters' Halt, later -to Auburn, where they had' since
on Tuesday'. 'Miss Evelyu Plaetzer gave resided. Survivipc"are ten* childpen ;
a i•eatling. The topic "Education," pre- four sons, Arthur of Auburn, bleyd
•'-'pare&byssNliss -Dorothy - Wilsons,„,was of ,c,linton, William a Windsor, 13ay-
-f -frill' and -six--ttattatters a
away in NOverabet, 1)924, and shortly
-afterwards he. moved back to 'Auburn,
wbe,re he spent the 'last years of his-
aife. He. Was a man of, sterislag character
.and had warm. frfends 'in all part S- of
read .by. Mrs. II. Hoge. Miss Betta - , . . -Huron..,- eounty.- --- ilie was an ardent
, ._Asquith_faryored with_a solo, . Current . Mrs. - -Reuben Taylor - (Hattie) " of -Worker ;in Knox Preshyterian church
latisa"rs-a--a-ie-eari-teir---A-danac;' -Sasita—Mrsa-Harry.--Fronlin, beresslilaranallY_YearaiaelVag:krecentor
events Were glier-t-by
NHS's. Vivian Straughan gave a piano (Maud) ,of ,Olinton, Mrs. Guy Da-, in • the old church,. Sunday Seliool
instrumental. The roll call . , was ham (Cora) of St. ,Georee,'Mrs. 41•hester teacher „ and. superintendent, and he
answered with the • name of a books Taklor (Birdie) , of St. Helens,Mrs. was first elected to the session in 1888.
r'recently enjoyed. ' A demonstration onl•Blanche- 'Phillips anti Mae, at liome. sifter the union of 1925 he associated
'Table Setting and Serving': was (riven There ' are tet nine .glrantichildren ,hlinself with the -Unite& Church antik
.s.„sbyss„,,slUss„1.:_yss2,,,,sslhadneelt.• and given
and ten great-grandchIldrei, also • - al',Lwas -elected to the session of the .church
Josephine Weir.- The ..saginr-oritraTsre-e-,----AR•Tz7-'71,ittrib---Valwellaartfferitere-70---1931.--mrd'irtulaserV-ed-falrhpill
- NatiPnal Anthem. brought the meeting Montana. ,•Phe .funeral took Place on I filial that time. Ale- was a 'member of
' • ' -b v• - served misississ. ,the„ service 'being. conductedLthe. Itaseinie..ordertorAver sixty , Yea.rs,
. .
Thompsan. . „ - . , . - . 1 Detroit, -Murray Tayler, Goderichs Ra 3 i vi, .1 conveyed to Auburn, a service Rev„,...VVIIilanymryc-Talled-with-zdal toss-oeciirred lifte..*Weildeiffal. aftertribbifat"
the spread of the Gospel:. It was d1- -
and. Misses 'Margaret *King and' Viola , were six ,grandsons, CarlirAn Fergixsan, ',Lodge,: CarloW: -Before tire' remains -
her home, Mill road,. of sllertlia Marion
.ing hig- pastorate In ..lr annoy-- .
'Steep,' wife of James ;Greeaway. Mrs.
-.POstnuntial -Presentation.';-,-A Passe' O'Neil,' Parkhill; Wm. Werkuson; Clin- f was -held> at.Toroutoobny,•SuRnevdtt.yReovssenin.m2,.
conilaany of friends and neighbors. met . fon, Harold Taylor, St. Helens, Arnold srnd 7 was conducted
4 : . , 4. -"cause' Was begun at zi'or5A-thilth-tel-Greenway was bori. sixtY-fotir years
ago in. •Hullett township, the-datighter
at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Russell , Phillips, Auburn. Nla-ny . beautiful_ A:Sitheron, of Dovercourt road Presb:Y.
... of • Mr. and Mrs. 'George . Steep. She
12th }eoncession, nearly two -miles •far-'
King on Friday evening to honor 'Mr., floral tributes' were Sent_ by. members terian chureh. ' -!The service here was , _
had lived in Goderich .township .for
ther-•north, Haekett't being situated on and Mrs. 'Phalen (isee Margaret King), I of the family -and 'frienils. Interment ',held in the ITnited ehurch . and waS the 0th .coneessiOn. - ,.
fifty-six years. She was a member of
who were recently' 4narrietl. An • ad- , took place in BOWS. cemetery. Those conducted by -Rev. II...C.' Wilson, who xs, ,
1867' the Ashfield-cirenit ' wa.S.
pointments, Hackett's and Zion. Though .
dress was read by Miss Evelyn I lactssi, , . ,
and Mrs. Earl McKnight and Nliss - liam Ferguson, Windsor, Carman.Fer- the, bereaved-, taking for ,his text the •
Madeline Yunglaut presented Mr: antl. gtnson, Detroit, Mr. and Mr.s. Frank words of teelesiastes s12 :6. - Mrs Wil- the membership was *fairly large, yet
. Mrs. Phalen with a Chesterfield table , Wright; .Brautford, . Mr: and Mrs: M. limn Anderson, senior'member a 'tits the people had little cash but they kept
. and a 'magazine. Mr. Phalen in a few I Huater, Toronto, Nints. 'Gay Diirhain, 'Session, spOke a few words., mention
to pay him a salary in the ,neighbo'r-
big. a minister and paid hirasor rather- tried
. Well-chosen woisis thanked the •friends '1St. ;George, Mr, and MrS. -Chester Tay- I the various. offices NIT. McKenzie had
tor thejr, gifts.' Candy. aria wedding lor and family.eSt. HelenS, Mrs. Harry ' held' in the elsureh.' Burins. the service
4111)113 Y, JIY14Y 17tb, 1041
For Results— A Claisitied Ad
Timothy, 40)Y 24th1 rennalvolt Los% suoniAN. ifyirmxN6,
waving by Mrs. Jean Smith r oe, 0
Stratford, at Brfti'dla Exchange Hotel.'
Special reductionS on an spring
raillinery. MaeVICAR'S MILLINFItY,
Kingston stteet. "••29
The Claureit Wonava's ;Guild will hold
their annual garden party an Friday,
15"---25*Vongibareeetora'atirgtwase --Ad-
mission 35 °cents, • . 29
Itenaember Hohnesville ehureh baking'
Pale Maturday, July 201,11 to 6, at 'R.
stote. ' 29-30x
'illanday evening at ,Kingsbridge Hall,
MoCharles orchestra.: Admission!, 35e.
, St. ,Geores 'Church Women's. Guild,
will hold:their annual garden party on
Friday, July 25, on the rectory, 'ground.
Duringaihe_ a,fterneen there .11 be
ea.rds, a "white elephant" sale, fish -
Pend and candy table, -Supper 35 tents.
Oome to the IBlne Bird Tea Shop at
Mitre Water Bedell, on 'the ;bank of
.11./alte 'Huron. Follow highway No. 21
smith of ,Gederich or two miles; turn.,
;Tight at crossreads where there Is latge.
gravel pile and signs.,
Baekrite for the kidneys. -Camp-
bell's. 3t1
44- - 31311,S. J. R. SHANNON
Tixe.death *centred) early Wednesday
morning at her hOme; 455 Avenue road,
Toronto, of Agnes Matilda noSs, ;Widow
iGioderith, , and daughter off the- late
!Hon. A. M.. Ross, formerly M.P.P. fOr
Wet 'Huron and' Provineial Treasurer
rartfore-Inol bena'
resident of Toronto for many years.
The funeral service was held in St.
Thomas' church, Toronto, this (Thurs-
day morning, and the interment takes
place in Nlaitland cerne:ery this after-'
formedthe nucleneof religious serviceS
.a...past.masttLCIA9-111.111g.,§tar.„Dar...antendeacarea„,,Attittigasame, fternvilt.rgexing illsess the death
-by the-host-esse-s. 'NW 'I': ltoinson-rtrs..7.1tee,111.--4a;,,awatialaa,,Te.a.,..pullee..aveaaleme. was,
tttenIt. cr f --tlist.inCe were brought words of cheer and comfort to established, Consisting of the two Victoria street United -church. Suryiv-
ase.•her husbfind and' One sister,
Mrs. Win, Carey, of Goderich: The
feral will -take place Friday after-
nop to Maitland,cemetery,
, ,,,_. t' ' hood of $350 a yea:r, though there were
' -Cake Were passed_ ' 1 Fremlin, li-Tinton, "41r. and N1rs. Ray 'Misses Josephine Weir and Sadie Carter, at • •
• s Sueficits in many of the lean yeats.
, WAIS. Inee,thig•--'Mrs• A- M. -Boyle O'Neil, Parkhill, Mrs. Charles Lave, -sang very beautifully "Saved by Grace."' T However, we should raention that these
of Blyth"entertained Women's mis,lon- Miura:' and 'Vera Taylor; Grotlericis ' Thts,honorary polthearers were Jas. W. pastors of the early days were often
ary iSocieties of Aulatrn. Myth, Bel- Mr. Lloyd Ferguson fam.-41gda, Ephraitii Ball, John McKnight, presented with a bag of oats for their
.,.............. horse by some of their supgorters. One
-of these good men, Robert Cranston
141111115 AND
' IMAM BISceecti.vutsu . • .
CUCUMBERS. °.strja Yetitr 2 for 9c
?M.MUS. - _cria. i° :Zvi 1
.0 Lbs. 23c
,I1EAD 111111GE °I,Vest Winwil Head 6c
California --, sta i 5 c
GRAPEFRUIT' wiapghseedi.e. 80 s , cn
MMUS Tie= Lego-size-Doz.
1-b• 1 9.
GithpEs -California seedless
Sweet, LusciOns
-Tea Risk. .
-nukes Crapertuts
12 -az.
yttESIliat GB,OliNB
Red Circle,
Old Cheese -
Bemis Libbo.,
catsup Libby's
P&C Soap
Heinz Soups
Jewel Shortening
Peaches Dessert
Lombard Pinks
Tissue springvcde
Ginger Ale Texteozb
Juice srpsAt
Evali. Milk A teig P B4Pil
Mayonnaise *
Lobster canalgOraild
39c Red apse Tem Ati
35c POrkri.& 11 „weans Catelli
31c 1,1'. Spaghetti, catem
AAP Prunes
Loaf grzen.ds
Beans l'ilbbY0 gaga
Win 19C
2'kg. ;lc
'Ate EA. 23°
-Angel Cake -,pubOtatt.-29c.
Doughnuts 00, 120
13111Cillir Ann Pa acciftz
2, -witz is
tiOftireS.' -
111011 QUALITY
• - .•;/'
3 Viv. 25c
14c12 -oz.
5 Bars 19c
2' 25c
Zs 13c
1.c. -43c
3 nub. 14c
2 30 -oz,
Btl. 19c
20 -oz.
Tins 27(
16. 2.3g.
3 g
3 2r1:.° 25c
et. irns. 12c
wixmiRs, .25e
smoked, lb. •
%-lb. cellophane paokage • ""
style; shanklEss. Royal brand, lb.7c
picric style, borielecs, 11).
Rwitili BRAND
ztarg, lb.
SV,TIPT'S SID3 BACON, rindless. 25c
M -lb. cellophane" paokage
rp.:013.7FAsir STY,P,1.4 SAUSAGE, lb.
Mrs. James McLean, an esteemed
resident "Of &Word', died at her home
:in the village early on Wednesday, at
the age of seventy-eight years. Form-
erly Margaret, MCOabe, she was born
iGoderich -township, daughter of the
. •
late Mi. and -Mrs. illiam McCabe, and
• by name, told me that for several years
lad lived Sallford for sikty years.
he always took the minister a load of
She was' a 'member Vietbria street
hay and- from the tittle he began this .
United church. Her husband died,
good work he neVer a"Shortage of
thirty-two yelirs ago, and surviving*are
hay for the needs.,44Jsig stock.
thrt e sons and -two daughters : William
Conspicuous among the ministers of
• July 13th, ,by an 'airman; a geld
wrist-wateh, between MaeKay and
13/1eManus milk bar. dtighly prIzed
a keepsake. Reward On leaving at
,SIGNAIL4STAtit, " 29x
WA1 •s111150
ANTED'. — TWO. 114DSPE011ailitla
, -gentlemen Totiardera, in comfort -able
home. DOX 45091931.A.STAlt. 49,
WANTED '110 1110110.—lifY LADY'
" With. no 'cliildrena-astaall house dr
two or three unfurnished rooms. ROX
44, SIIGNAL-STAR. • 20x
• aaaaaaaaaaw
ITURE of all, kinds. Phone 71,.
age 21117,434Oott-OfratinaV,Iiatr
knowledge of machine sewing. PleaS-
ant Work substantial earnings for
,r1ght person, Write P.0, BOX 249 for
1117Q•PIvIllieRwl; (;F S' I-1. WIIIILIANIS
A hOW to get *10,00 -cleaning demothing
Job done free of charge on your 'piano.
Further information write BOX 47,
rut. /4‘. /11, (at Atittefie & Pacific Tca Co. Ltd.
that °jilt6limit*Itott4 to bona, weekly rqnIremeAss.
141a-m111111)NT booth priirileges -for
the Ooderieli Itaee Meet on Monday,
August 4 (10Ivic Holiday), A minimum
charge of $1o.0) up, to° a 10 -ft, frontage
will be charged and$1.00 per ft, front.;
age after that, the longest frontae
OSWALD, GINN, Secretary,
29-30 Phone 458, Gioderid, ,Ont.
TO T '
F0,11 RENT.--F.ART oi;
HOUSE, conveniently -Situated in
Goderich township; '2% miles from
town.. Cool, tOmfortable- libuse with
Hydro light' aid -up-to-date furnish-
ings. Freedom of hoUse and farm.
Oity people preferred. Apply Box 41,
SIGNAL -ST" • • >. 27-8-9
Williams wish to thank neighbors
and friends for kindness and sympathY
extended in their bereavement. 29x
AILUSON.—At - -Alexandra (Hospital,
Goderi011, on July 15,. to *r. and Mrs.
`BLAKE.s-saissaids-Niii -Blake
. are happy to 'announce the birth of a
' daughter, Lindy II -Jou, Goderieh,
Ontario, .tuly MIL 1941: • s
,LEE. --At Alexandra Hospital, ;Gode-
rich, on July 14,1.0 Plying °Meer and
Nir,s, H. Lee, a SOn. '
MeKENZ1E.—At Alexandasa Hospitals
-Goderich, or July 10, to Mr. and Mrs.
• t Donald' McKenzie, Bayfield, a Son.
GREENWAY.—Jn 0oderich, on Tues -
slay, July 15t11, 1941, 'Bertha Nlarian
Steep,. wife of James iGreenWay, in
her 65th year,, °
MANDEL.—At Detroit; Mieh.,,,on Mon-
day, July 14th, 1941, Harold W.
.Maedel, son of the late Wm. and
Margaret Maedel.
CROU.S'Es,.--To Mr. and Mrs. -Ernest
'Rouse, .of Norwich (nee Marie Bell),
, on Saturday, July 12, 1941, at, Wood-
stock General Hospital, a son, Donald
Erp!st.. - •
, •
qf :;'0. tford ; Bert rand Roy, of London ;
f ,• -,---- —
the early 70's were- 's Revs. James
• ' ', • . , d , ' Envoy. Chittendon of London will be
. , I Mr-. S. Wedlock ---(Ella), lind Mrs. John
Thomas Jackson, men who held prayer i Adams (Alice), both of Toisinto ; alsto the 'speaker at the Sfaltation Army on
four brothers ands two sisters; James 'Sunday, at 11 a,m. and 7 p.m.
meetings to the south on the 8th emi-
t I-1 • 1 • fon d ' anti William MeC'sibe, of Goderiels town- ',rife regular al -leerily' of the Eureka
for the opening of au appointment at 1 1,11);
. . , George McCabe; of • Goderich ; Class of Victoria Rtreet church took
„ ->
Miss Geo. Abel, of Port Colborne. The place at Harbor park in the form of a
RI,,,e4 McCabe."Zi-Colborne township;
Blake's. In 1878, the Ashfield circuit
Miss Rebecca McCabe, of Goderich, and
' consisted of four appointments, Blake's picnic.- Mrs, .J. E. ,Mutch took charge ,
on the eighth eoncession. 'Hackett's on of the sports. 'The president, Mrs. R. t
the TOth, Zion on the. 12th and Hope I fti'aeral will talcs place from the resi- Good, held a shaft business session 1
on the 13th,, about two miles apart 'in Friday afternoon afteiwards.' -Lunch was sersed• and ill
at nee in- Sanford', on -1
and clad' cattle ;°, must be suitabla •
for mink teed; removed promptly.
FRED 'GILBERT, R.R. 2, 13aytielo
Phone 908 r 22. Clinton. calls paid,
TURN ).-vpit: iNro t)+04.T;448,
Foxiilek PrOdluctii in Your
(immunity, It's your oPPbrtunity for ,
easar and ,repeat sales,' No experience
needed. Begin with a few 4..5.1Iats aad.
own ayouy hasiness. MONF/Y .43A0M-
cattilogue and details ' request:
11111S•S G. GEOtRIGH, 070 Si, Olementra
Montreal. • 2%34
uild.ings expires on thejst day of
Whereas the Fire Insuranee now in
fo ce on the Huron County Hpme and
ember, 1941; and whereas there is •
tinder *constructioa , at the said
a Ore alarm ,system 'which will
pleted with,,npInf,r pow9r41‘e.thearte- •
• ,
rogues ng insurance agents within-ifie
County f Aluron to submit tenders for
this Insu ance, to the undersigned, on
or befor 12 o'clock noon ISaturday,
August 9t. , 1941. The lowest or any''
tender not necessarily accepted.
7—Tatorffetaii -regarding' this -insurance
may be had at the County fOlerk's Of-
COU(ristigwiiszemse,w9. odure.,rmiciho, rieROnt.,
28:9' 'bounty._
be co
s bed; equipped with all mocin eons
WenienceS. >Apply 'BROPHY'S' FITRNI-
TORE„ • 29'
. ,
ING-illOONI suite, secondhand pram:
J. R.' WI,HEELDR. , -29
. boat, seats 6, stepbottom ;I'd -cylinder
Motor, speed 40 Miles per, h8ur,
J. M. ATKlistSON, Bayfield. , 28-29x
haniz;ekeeping. (-army),will sell
nearly BON' washing machine' (under
guarantee) fot balance -ot payments,
$6.00 per smonth. ° Write BOX 46,
'STRAINER, -No. 1 . size, used tails
1 year, like new; ails°, set of scales in
good condition. IMIRS. J. B. INIsINIATH.
phene 901 r
lots. Mrs. Mew's property on Me-
.Donale ,etreet. -WO _ part lentil rsi
.1 • a 1 - t th s . b .1 We w i:h in te rm eitt in Colborne ceinetery.. 1 pleasant evening was spent. • . 31 'McDonald street. ,
A RTII nIt A. W ILIA ANIS I Brantford, has extended' a Call to Rev.
The death on Friday last of ArthueJ. Reynolds' Esler, 'Minister -of, /he Ash-
Acland, William at the home of *his: afield and -Ripley Presbyterian congrega-
,4on Iliirry,., in Saltford, risnovest a! Along, . and Maitland Presbytery` will
member ef a well-known Colberne arneet on July 22nd to consider the call.'
tOWIlsillp flintily, a graMiSbil of Sheriff , Rev. W. P. Newman, of Dungannon,
Hyminnin, first sheriff at Huroa.', oecuined the pulpit of Knox Presby -
,Born at Strittford, May 19th, Di69, •the' terian ehurch on Sunday et•ening. Rey.
'still of Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Raby Williams t ,D, J, Lane' -Was conducting the an
deseased moved to Colborne. townshii,1 niversarY service of the Port Albert
with iris parentS 'When a child 4)1.11 rnited . Church.
farmed for many ye4Irs • on the Lake . _.
'of • town for seven years and of To-, eagerly aWaiting word that their chance
Shore road. Later he was a resident have their applicationsin and are now
nonto for a time, returning a few I has come.
, . ..
months ago to live with 111c4 8011 .111
KaitfOrit IIis wife, the Muller Clem- ' All interested.in evacuating. studs and
patina Spence, died tWelve years ago, Pinion gears will be glad to know that
, anti' be .k .4nryived by two sons, Iteg.4 a eaurse in-mechani& is• to he given at
. of Torosto... at, *present with ow i No. 11 A.T.C.,- Woodstoek. :Candidates
• , '
,eas i casts. m 3e - e t c ills les re
well filled and their ministers well , •
provided for. It was an absolutely
, rural eirceit, •Wi'th the parsonage_in
the village of Lneknow.. .
• With two preaehing services at
Blake's and one at -each of the other
three every Sabbath; five sermons had
to be provided, and thus a number of
`local, preachers" were pressed into,the
work. iSome of these later heeame fun -
fledged ministers, .as Rev, N. Miller, 'of
the British' 'Columbia Confereace, andl
Revs. Dr. R. Barnby and J. A.. Agnew, I
of London, besides John Elliott. Of 6a2i
William street, a leading layman of the .
'United Church, and 'Rev. I. IV. Kii- !
patrick, of Stralliroy. Among the other I
local preachers the folloiving "inaY . be I
mentioned : David .AgneW, John Taylor, I
James Taylor, R. E: Brown, R. Mur-
dock, Witham Gardiner, sr., .Iames
'Hunter, 'William Johnston, Samuel R.( .N:N.h.‘.. at 1 lalltax,_ and ,Ilttii. 0
Sherwood, Allan -Bowles,, Ernest 'Sher- Saltford., sad one daughter, Mrs. A. C. ex-('pl. II. Shaekleton. . .
W00(1 , John F.- Andrew, in, and.D. 'A, 'Hines 1 fi',.1 ), of Toronto; also 4 two
I 'Andrew. • ' . , . The -following. passed their test on
iss -
' 5 ' - brother< :4t. (Neuf in and Patriek.
.71 -rWpfulhauri
ti.a school for the training of both Of Pttoskey_Nthh
, .. There "the. care . and cleaning at a rifle"
p :
was this. Ashfield , eircult ! , eight grandehildren. LAM. Miller,. Pte. Bob ,Henry,
Youilg_men could do creditable work in ; dulled -by itey. It 3 . Lane.
' Not' oxily for pi 1( but for general 1 The fmo,ral took place 'on Sunday
. publie speakinit. anywhere , -,but, best of I was, itr- Naitl
all, their work resulted in fine sPiritna/ belt reiss 1 lei n g n(11*(11aritTitti?I's'N'it‘isi•e; 'Aplat!xli
public .service. AInibst all of these I afternoon,. the se0 ice:, U 111,.., (011
growth for themselves and the emigre- Wtatson. M. 3. Tobin, Ierrs'i hinklfftv",
gations of the cirettit. .
Anhtner distinctive' featfire 'in the
. Interment j
tIlltiriw Sheardown, Einmerson Ed-
' tliought we °were .going to have a
wards, Gladstone Elyidge, Don. Lynn.
WANTD14,---The name of. 'the Man Who
-"4.!'" 4'oy. ptirtides, are held on Mon -
beach party next Thursday night,
,Thusi,NsdOiiTyifolfE.(„'a• a , week at
' si
Ashlield circuit's work was the bolding Hanes l'ItiLton and ;SParr Shaw,. ' '
' day and
,Iy Until f •the foarsappoititments i% re ,
1"C" COY 'NOTES '. 8 P -m• -
. ..
02 3111 annual Sunday sehool convention ' -.
for the whole cir(mit: but changed year- • .
eircuit, whose membership with one or (By a Member of the Company)
, two exceptions heron& up of farmers I;(niT.—somes.vhere hetWeen the (lode -
Toddy, after iiinaoSt ninety years of
Ohl theiy families; it is a mueh aliN,..e or- r4elt arMory and galtfcrit, fitse potinils
ganNatibn and apPearS. to be good for of excess weight aml one love fer
possibly :inotber century. ' forced marches. Finder get in touch
with, Si Gibson.
..Look .here, sl1roy you. eawt Teruse ::::r4everance does bring- sUCeess. If
to lend me seine money? ken had been turned down twice for
• . Teo ,One-Sidedl
should Aiwa ys be ready to help another, aetive s.erv,i,ce would you 'Wel) 011' tr3"
Pte.'Morris, MeMilIan did, and Oa
you know..„, , , . 7,11° fr.lend Thtirsday, July 10,, he,-eonVin.eed. the
-Yes, 1 Ilf S011 always want to he tile Iml••ay . v • • .
other..._vtontreal „141,1r.. .• - recruiting ()Meer that he was just .the
. ..., - ' man, the .Air Foroe ‘11/1V4 141()killr, for, and
torrts is wearing •the badge e
• the lt.e.A.V. Incidentally his father
ss David McMillan, k now serving over
s;eas with the ',Royal ('1111111.111
Apparently the -bile was contagious
On 'Saturday; Mr. Shackletote; who ha
been With 114 , for exnetly 0110, 'pear
Valli& in ilo lets usi know. UM t the Cal
,02 the aeroPlane motors bad become to
strong to ..be resisted. ' And now M
Shackletaii--will soon lie Pilot Office
, Riittekieton.
This brings to a total of . t welse th
number of -(c" l'aev. men who- have ei
listed in -the ;11.41.A.1 Thia inehule
BHP Iloggarth, 1111.11 Meinnis, Willar
Legg, Thornton lIedy, Charlea Mattel
Jim Gibson, Phil carter, jolie Itaxte,
Arthur Kirkew and 11)1elt Vki raton. -11'
Adak& tO Ilk,* at leaot, 11 e otfier
Alexandria Presbyterian. • ehurch, .
far this school Slicitiid' get•in touch with
Faro) buildings protected for
less than !0114.,.„, !011t, ' per 'day.
Towle. building4 bias 'that) one,„
tenth of. Leoe‘'' -cent' -Par dry' •
FOR . TALE..-wisamityno:s-fr
modern. furnished . house;- furnase,
cellar; 'wafer,- . seiv6r; bathing.
Or part. C'HARLE'SIltALE, Bennett
St., Guide -tin'. . 21-t f.
— SET OF 11114,7R.
-/natched lawn liowls. for howling;
massive, antienes solid walnut living-
roons table. Apply VanPATTER,
PortAlbert. ° 29
• Two sailors were marooned t,oi a
desert island, and had eaten their last -
scrap•of food. '
"Can you -pray' asked one.
said the other.
'Tan you sing a hymn r
o'No," replied his mate.
"VW, we'll have to do soniethinv, of
the • sort," 'remarked the ,first sailor
'glOOmilyt 'Let's take a collect:ion."
Hitler's "secret weapon" Was being
".My fri6nds, at' the . War pilice,"
clahned Lanceleorpoyal ‘ISmith,'".•"told
me all about it."
Bis hearers were duly impressed.
"It's like this;"-Untinud Smith,
"Tee Fuehrer's going to sign a paet—
and.then he's 'going to keep his ward --
and paralyze the enefny front ghoek r
L. ..
- 4
`.t. •
Now is the time to do outside painting. We handle a
full line of C.I.E. Paints and Varnishes. For a WHITE
lied& that stays' white use CIL. TRUTONE WHITE. Keeps
white licuses whiter, . .
- .
, •
' . .
.• r ' '
, Now is the time to put in your next winter's supply of
coal. The price is now at its lowest. We stkl.c, DWI Cone-
Cleaned Anthracite which is free, from slate and clinkers,
low iii ash and high in heat units.
• .
Chas.. Cs. - Lee
For,..Hardwoxo; Plumbing and. Heating, give us a Galt
P ones—Oillee 22 • Howe 112 At the Harbor '•
, . ___. -