HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-17, Page 7,J�RAu � a,ur, # /1:i,.t�4 o U' 411-1i J. A e� 4�•'0 1941
' u
Door TourPOod
Luso You Distress?
The 'impairment of t:a- stomach-hi—
often ytf actrioll5 eonceqflCfl' ;, for
"onlyby properly'dngestcd food 15 the.
graers, :►.gta'!',hesi and sustained.
'Burdock Mood 'Bittcr3 xs• u re -
I .Iilo remedy for stomach. diaord(trea
'„LA as -dyspepsia, indigestion, sour
''storach, belching of l headaches,
It helps to stixnulaat( 'tho secretion
of Saliva1 and gastric juice, tho
1p'd i, factor htdigestioli,,neutraxlizea
acidity, tones up that lining niem-
branes of the stomach, and reatorea
the natuxel, healthy ° laroceas of
digestion. -
Put your stomach tight by takiin
B.B. ' and oeo how quickiy ylu will
tart to enjoy your meal free frond
¶lTho T. 'Milburn Co.. Ltd., Toronto, Apt.
•aailiel: Baugh, 'Daslitt`ood, died on
Saturday, the result of a'hvart attack.:
IIe .was ins his seventy-nihtii Year.
I3esicd6 his Wife, a daughter ancd two
soa1 survive.. o
The death occurred udden1y, at
Wingbam on 1Sunday of Mrs. J irker
Campbell, in her tlndrty+-secend year.
,Surviving, besides finer husband, are
twe young children. '
'MrsAndrew Love' passed away at
The incomplete addressing of mail
intended for soldiers at training centres
in Canada is the pause of numerous
delays • in delivery. Hon.. 9Qihiani P.
Muloek, "'K:CIy, Postmaster -General, to
obviate this situation, again requests
the full. co-operation of the public in
writing ..out in full the correct, au
coMplete •address on all military mail.
° fit is essential that the 'postoffice
place -name should always be included
A in. •the addresses of mail posted to
soldiers still i#) Kaneda, because their
mail is handled by the civil .postoffices
and not by the Army 'Postal ervice.
The' omissionof the
where the soldier 16: located" has .re-
sulted in many such letters andparcels
being forwarded to ,the 'base postoffice,
where it is found that the units named
in the . address are still inCanada.
The resultant delay thus caused, and
--the extra, work thrown upon the man-�
adian postal corps in locating the ad-
dressees of this mail, would be entirely
r ad
t*or est
•Irnated.,if; .rules
clip ,.:�aas l
bye ved,. w
•_.- id.
f deliver in Clanad� show
,12x11 � ,
be addressed with the usual complete
particulars: Ileg
and name, name
and .details : of unit
Ti.e., C'om'pany or Seetidin, -Squad-fall,
- --"Battery; •-H-oldinbGn ter•) -andAlatm
of regiment or branch of the service,
o flies
in full; and the name of the g sto
its located.
;iaii ' for' delivery overseas should
b bear the regimentalnumber, rami and
f name of soldier,. name 'anti 'details of
• -•unit '(i.e,, ,Company; -or Section, Squad-,
ron, Battery, 'Holding Unit, etc.) ,• name
of regiment or branch of the service in
full -,and the words (Canadian Army
.ve'rseas,• but ns-.-Irla'elname should be
During his Western inspection tour Prime Minister. W. L, • Mackenzie King was greeted in ' Regi'+
odd Indian Chiefs of the Piapot Reserve in the (u'Appelle Valley., He is shown heir+
. by two full-blooded G
examining a Great. War decoration proudly worn by Chief *try Ball, who served, with the 195th Be
ment and lost a leg at •Viimy Ridge. Chief ,Abel Wa'teteh (centre) 'wars also a private with the 195th a
• Pined 5. in he:: i ofa
�.i ed t '011iefis in`snn k t 1)eace after inspect
1 1?
Mr, Kin a n the g pipe Bill.7�4 in 9 J
s a
3s- 1;'
�i'th P e
• once froth � ..
the. all -Iridian platy ;of a Regina.regiment. All h ici•uits f nn this platoon come a pot .Ise,;
and are following e Great War .example of their ehie ,
All letters should .be fully prepaid,
and a return 'address shduid 'be given
in 'the upper"left-hand corner.
Stenographer's Woes
• Tessie : "I can't understand why I
d i crn't get that job." • ' -- •
Friend: "Well, What did the Qf ce
manager ask you?" •
'He asked me if my -punctuation was
"'And what 'did you say?".
:'I Said I'd, never been late for work
fir my life:;''' ' .
.i es
Tested t
Varieties of cherries are so entirely
different- theymight almost_ besl..lassed
different fruits—white, red, black
in color, with-TH.11T sweet. a—pulpy—or---
�.�.. ,.
Sweet .,Chelcries, white orb lack
' 1
excellent for dessert, especial y far
' c
plc -
flies. 'Sour, red cherries re best a
umer section, on
Marketing Se
dominion Department -of Agri
culture, . •offers : the following sugges-
tions •
Steadied Cherry Pudding
clip shortening
1 cup sugar
tY4 cup milk.
2 eggs
3 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
11/'cups sour cherries 1,
' (Experimental Farms News)
There is probably filo landscape • fea-
ture in.
hO 1n0
are S
Y u
e es •o
he• to
t �. h
" them or oh don .
r� e y
4 �
,A wejl-ca.red-for hedge makes a more
ador' leasing defining' line- than ori u
i or let fence, -says'-": �'I.
adorned w re nis
Meat people fail tobr�gnize the
.The stitches ,twitches, and twinges
ane. bad enough and cause great mif-
fermg, but back of the backache
and the cause' o`t. it all` is the ' dill -
ordered kidneys crying out ax warn -
1 in ,through the back.
A pain in the back is the kidneyes'
cart• for help: `Go to their assistance.
.$i Pills.
Get a lsoz of DOan g cineg
4A. remedy. -for backathe and . sick
Doane ,are put up In an
botoblong grey- with our trade
mark ase Maple • Leif" on the
enbstitutus. Get' c Doaan's.'+
•` dream shortening and sugar. -!.Add
egg yolks. Beat well. . Sift flour with
salt and baking powder. Add niter°
nately , with milk. Beat well.:. 'Add-
stoned'• cherries. Lastly fold in well
'beaten 'egg whites. Turn into a. blit
tere(i moi,k1d, 'Cover and steam, one thereby ;providing protection- for the
hour. Serve •with hard sauce to Which plants. •
pitted_eherries 'have been added. For' a sheared-deehluous hedge it.
Cherry. Pie would be difficult t.o.find a more suit -
4 cups sour cherries able 1il;ant • than, common.. privet. •It
11/.1 cups sugar leafs out early/ holds its 'leaves quite
2x/..tablespoons flout'
%• te4.spoola cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter
Pastry " .
Line a nine -inch pie plate v'itli pastry.
Fill with washed, pitted cherries-. Mix
sugar, ° flour arid' cinnamon. 'Sprinkle
over cherries Dot with butter., 'Cover
with upper crust. Bake at 450° F.
for. 30. minutes. ,Reduce to -350° F.
for 10' minutes. I white spruce, and Norway spruce. 'Red
Dirie�T Cll ei�t res ::• i eedar : i ; occasionally planted, - and
Brie sweet cherries make': an accept- I Japanese -sew. -appears 16. be gaining
able substitute for raisins. .. favor. , `
Wash and remove stems. 'Place -in To have a hedge within a reasonable'
al eollander and dip in hot lye solution, f time it yvotild sae • advisable .to plant
tieing one teaspoon lye to one., gallon f igaiir1y close, :Recommendatialls vary'
oil this question, 'but for most shrubs
, o e ll. •z
• ° F satisfactory, • s
stand one minute Rin -se ac}� gnu ,
water. Let ,i,n
n ctx B.
-IIs 1
. est t B. London
a B [ 'a LO Id n
a " t,e to
"� s
ub �,
I t b ell y lett •c 1 liteeu I11(he~ would lie cau'sed'altirt }ro lea. _
1ve11 • [Remove pita And Spread on trays i �, p, D_ Prescription. (;tcnaeleee.
W1t11 ttventt-four lilche aepLa+1►q"""Il ickiyato aintenme
t0 dry. Dry three hours t
eatterts,. )warty gardener at t11e' Do=
miliion Experimental Station, Harrow,
ie of
•ver t
a be used
. Hedges may
i htl
'off unsightly
n 0 y
r res g
= I+'0 screening purposes.
dews, some of the taller shrubs such
as mock. orange, lilac, S�i'berian pea
and numerous others inay be planted
three or four feet -apart •and pruned
merely enough to keep the., plants
shapely. ' •
The same 'class of material toned
down with such mediunl,,;h ght°•°sh bs.
as bridal 'wreath is ideal for enclosing'
a particularly • desirable ,part of the
garden. ' •
- Other.��uses for ]ledges are as defining
Ji'b'es ibetw n 'flower and tegetal3le .pctr"l: procluct�
gardens- rJ -place of a fence between
¢ - the averai;e; weekly consumption of
two adjoining properties. 11)0• '1`hi:� had, the elect of increasing
'A. hedge is not only an ideal back- the supply for export to Britain, bilt
ground for perennials, 'butt Also, assists: the requirements. which the British
,holding snow on the bed or border, Ministry. desires are iwt .:,ilei met,
consequently, fire iieople -of, Canada are
asked. "to. cor.pl?erafe and eat less pork
It. is. 'expected that by next fan the
matketings of hogs in 'Canada will *be
CANADIANS ASKED+•ti;•,•', h.
OTTA W -'Jul YY.,�+ h� Bacon
h a ed t �e
a 1e
rd as. �... p ..
•I;O..a P”
r PPe ,
,f_ kiada rt
ea >w ,
n G
t ,..
a ad P
n and has I tiring the
includ'inb :f.��e.o m , �
'�on�ths' in '► d r !-that the'
next three; a,m ;n�"d .
-British r 1j:n•-:ba on
for more a d c
-ne+e s m Ga . 1'
' t
stat ent is a� ;o The
� f, 1€
"'recess o p1e of
It win a i, ,�
next, t S
'n the,
Canada, (1,><trl .g .
p�,". ,, . <
lamb, � . '�•
tela Poultry,
to subst substitute , 1>,ee , � ,
r uct
for s
►1 '� nd iso' ..
1 1
ve e .a
din ac hams,
1 kin
4f, '� . .
of all g
ii �
if the'r st. of the Tari 1sh.at,Ministry
Food for nacre Canadair; 'ba on is to
be met, .', .•• • q,,
St the ,present timet1 iaadians are
consuming, ;tile equiValelI? , in pork pro-
ducts4 of about •4,000 h.o s per week:
in March'' and April of his year the
consumption was Up els 11 gh as .54,000
hogs per week, The deer ase of about
10,000 hogs per week was the result of
the action pf, the Bacon Board restrict-
ing,' about five weeks ago, the supply of
to the domestic trade to
acting princ'iPal Of Mixon College, Joon.
(iota. Mi`. and 'Mrh..,j' Teil have 'richt
the recipients Of -Many farewell gifts'
from ' -chart IL organization.S as well is
from individuals.: The new .rector,
Bev. lir, Y. Moore, ` will conduct the
service: .ueNt Sunday.:
Daaihwooci Man
Dies from Gar Leake e •
�Vllllanx Kleinstiver was found dead
en Friday last in a chamber' forinerly
.used as a well in file JQlumpp planing
rfi 1Lherd 'eventy-. mill at +Dashwood Ire had Ibee'(li
ilii year.-- f fila her 11neR Bre + va1F
e in, churt;h and ,Iced Cross wurh.
Pleaves, besides her husband, three
and two daughters,
1Vlis • 'S'ara Mees an, Wingham, has
appointed mto the inspection staff
,t0\141 age pensions, her territory being
lit iay()n
and a portion of •Bruce. The
ivory ,was•'formerly handled .from IStrat-
Eitrd, but Miss MdL.eau may establish.
her Office in Wingham. •
Moors Jong, the Chinese cook in a
ISeatorth hotel lie waSfrepgr ed,recent-
lly,fOas leaving, to return 'to ;China, has
ri ten 'to:.his former employee? at Sea=
r'; that he .'was unable to obtain -
age to China. He said he would
+c in in. Toronto for a while.
e 'body of.Rolston, McLeod, victim
� 14' drowning mishap on Dominion
lja y: when his light sailing vessel turned
r off Kincardine harbor, was re -
red d on 'Saturday, when it was
ted coming, into shore_about two
half miles south' of Kincardine.
>� •tv fish
I•rlsh e ith ,the., .
T,ltil 1111 services were held :� Bun+day;'identifying
f item under +the
�i � forces. he follow'
��;, noon. '� ?dzg
death occurrell suddlenly on July heading, 'ANippon 'Go Bragh" on, the
•t of Thomas Alfred Bowdon, West editorial page of the Dublin paper
`1 r shows . how the, writer nut'. his point
l�;,t�^�iinosh,, He was taking hay firom
'NW »a are brittle' and break etllsily',
ten rtt ,.�,r
�Ii',�aa•""�ly*X''` 1.3:ile., A�i,'(��Iji�,:•',�• • ,�'�1.� ; �w.i(�wrc . 3... � E �:,-
1 w vers e with as. Soail tho 11 r4 it 8U btly- hr
e a� a jai � g
,Maurice IKlumpp, sown of the owner of •olive oil. for' ten . to +ilteen ani>Yut(.
'the 'anilllr' Eve° 'everetm e where he; at- �ChiS helps to 'promote growth. Then,
tempted 'to effect a rescule„'bu"t he.WAS
` viv. �*heaa~ r m t xned'iCa'1 •train Maack the e'utt+�le�.
quickly re ed. • p Q p
attentions was given. As . a ° 'test to * ``I'`m plagued with enlalrged $ e
determine i� gas,had been . responsible Is there any remedly?"'
for 'the feta° ey, a"1ea.t 'was lowered °Into` ' Where is a remedy' for �thi9 ,as tor •m t
fire chamber: ,Ill was quickly over troubles, but it takes •t nue. Look to
come, but survived. Mr, ,ILlelnstwer your diet. A,voul •pa tiles atld rich
1eb;ves a' widow 'two ,scorns:. and two foods. - Eat wore .green vegetables. and`'
daugh'tera. a fruits.. ;Cleanse skin tliorolaghly', s1nge
in lukewarm water! never hot. Next
IRZSH11lI IN TEE ' FIGHTti • rinse in cold..dry and pat On with witch
ews•. T' e 1lgh powder, ap1►liedc •lihkt'ly.
Though in' Eire Newspaper They Have 4� suffer fr(�m .corns: How cant i
• to Be Dis as Jaa;panese' cure them?„ ° ,
•LO .I)Ol�, Ju —A recent issue of Checit on your footwesar; yon re Arab-
The Irish Tines .eaves no doubt about ably wearin g shoes either' too tight or
e .too small, Corns are'caused. ,by preS-
the people- off• Eire retaining their sense � friction. 'Wever huClr at ath�enoa
o . r.
of humor R i h the same tenacity as'they sure>r
rneutir lits. , with a i nife,.or razor; use. a good two -
their a corn plaster instead.. This'instant:
prohibited from way
'� Eire arer bib o
1\ �v ~ en
in re a
e amP
u while -
' 1 ends pain +1>y relieving Ptd xe,
the medicated pad` IOOsens tlie`'eorh.. "s+ --
that it eonies'night out :root and all.
"Hy sister's hair is oily ,and Mine '
dry. Can you suggest a shampoo that
wi11 do for Us both?"
1," was( in his fifty- urcbi , e • ><'
n ss. H Yact a
lou er in f 'Ik
oust Sc to
of . o _
-., � �looking hair Aar d year and lived all- his life on (�-� �-: Brita�u is island to the east., the�'f!atix ly can use it1 dIa10 �shamipo(► ..
of Eire), . mentioned by.. name nine. m
3, lr
,w ha
124. _ av
o S9. &>1a .. le es
A 11.... � a lie
n _•1�1c � 11�. 1 r
_. CSX:
m t
.ls.'�, i
L•tr S< � ,
c ,
r c fe-
od �, a ..,a.�].
• ' oinz•: 1
resid-ent of Sea -forth, • dict a: on'
o '•'
rSth after an illness of a few days.
Ti but
od ell. went
e g�� as Born in G e ,
`' ftirt!...,,N-vhe -chat ----Ere pwila_-a__
l,' oocl-carver by trade ii -'f4T-"+"
rs was a member of the 33rd Bat
iR ofthe eafor h
and laterS h
Band' a1:.
~' Sand. 'He leaves a widow
lexander Bruce, for' many- years a
e diedo
n July
of Bel rev
•� b
lit the_ home of his son Athol, East
tvanosh. 'Ile was in his :eighty-
t, u(1 year. . A native of East
b1,' anosh, , 11e resided there . until.
;twenty-�11ve years ago, when he retired
O;''illelgrave. ,Ilis wife, predeceased
illi. &i'nd he .is survived by 'five daugh-
to aired. two sons. --
T#ae death. of 31i Agnes :McFarlane,
n'�. rseventy-fourth year, occurred, in
Mitten on . July' '7th. 'Deceased was
..)orti, ..in. Stanley.' township; daughter of
the*,; late Mr. Stanley,
Mrs. James Mc -
Fa -lane. and Moved :to Clinton nearly
'thy t,y years ago. A brother and two,
cls errs survive: John, on the hbnie farm
111 Stanley' ;° Mrs. Edward ' !Glenn, of
lAti(i1ey, and Mrs. Thomas Fraser; of
!Go�deiric'h township:
$e 1ers—Saint ,
1 e enrage of Kati11e0Ii• • ITelen
Itt e Saint, of Wiligham, to. Kenneth.
Sorry of '13luevale was solemnized at
ha loader' ' .when he .. suffered u across,: —a new ehtim�..
y . d , ..: -.,, .: Just,t •a: fo ,. oi' yotr
spell, and - died without regain- .Iu his • broa'deast, Mr. -,-Winston - � �'
Ch 'll th ,British Prime Minister Poo that will suit normal, ally
or dry-
- rs 'o.
._ clI- nde h
` i r `Tl'�. l m>I�
mll�'a d"
• th
.. •• tee' ' ` t . _ a�. � .
a m �
Africa and the Mediterranean.
I append the names and origins ' the:
• : - �._ �•• 11
neral W e
--famous-nine ,��Ge �• r
t.• +eral:..'i, iekie,� Australian • 'Ge eral
Island) n -
i o a eye. (North
1s Japanese , ,,!Gen-
•i r Japanese; n
eral O
.O"Moore ICreagh, ;Japanese ; .. General
T n-
�'Vo>Yth sand lie'
Japanese 4
(North Is
r • Brooke,Japanese 1 d
ealA ),
. J ' d--
nnin ham a a e
Admiral Cu e
mfrai Somerville, `Japanese.
..-•s'ufiicient: to ,t-olume to meet British es- t1n('Tnited church
hate, and can 1x' trimmed to a variety • arsonaa'e; Ethel,
ltort regniretn+ents and",leave,plenty. for
of shapes. alpine. currant is an es- home constinitption ill Canada. • �tny"'R' y_:'II. Snell. ; Mr. and Mrs. Sellers
cellen't hedge. plant for :1 shady location, ails!: e,iclin„ at �'� Ingham.
Japanese barberry 1. an 1(14 ti loyv hedge pe0l e of:•�C. ctlonman Tlijllred
It is felt that thin appeal to �, ,
y •-. "tl hnacla at this . ime of the " •-
plant, and -i" mach 'more attractive if II ii :m:1es Leei V: .1 .--..8ectioninital, .At
m� , year fo :cult ,less pork •of a " kinds, in- i (, l>"ttutn� met With ti ainfiti accident on
only the straggly branches are rcmaved
eluding bacon and ham:, W111 nfit entail I n
than ife `sheared to a trees
length. any hardship, as there arm--aini-.ndaft ,-.14,4 lay. 'Riding n jigger with 'one of
.r evergreen, the +nen of..t;ta.',•4,4.';.(•�tl( lf. !'•all„ works fig at
Amon eycr„reen Hees that May be 1r ri ocl'foocls 13111lalale k c •
aupp11'-' of otj,e j t• ,
r �tl le yt eonstrucltion to revide a turn-
it l following I P
treated as hedge ',plants' the o g Wlaich y�.11l, ,pros very *unable
are most commonly Used : White cedar, #• iIt&''track for ei e I.ondon,Clintim trains; T
th'tt len into an open switch, anilLee
summor fine ntia. �lyy t.i.
' $lsa, thrown from- the jig„;er'and suf-
foi3 d btol,en 1tone:, of tht' left 11an(1,
STOPPED► 1►1'*;il(:ec� hip and shclulticr. aii.cl a gash
(IVI'I 11Te right eye. requiringstitches.
. fir a Jfff�l '1 •
" r a -op Money Back IIb :injuries,are being treated at Clinton '
quick re; cf jrom itrhinF nfec�emn•PintPlee:nth• 11 j1?_ltal. _
lete'a foot, !l. IL O'Neil "
leg,geabiee,rasi,Caandotberesten,ull► v.+-
a .
ly saves
clean er
radiantly n
ra yy;
*time i • "
;,Write mei' about your personal beauty
ne- n
worries; . arid, • enclose four o ce t
stamps or`aff'.booklet on Beauty iC res
Ir'-, ,O r Beta- e(11 aut fyi. d : ---
fir BarbaraL Box
sir s ss
vice. dm
7.;, Stationd3„ Montreal, Que.
who' claim c7 e h a that
M b lx � 1
most t.e
nt.print all"
a r does t
the home � Cr•11vzt
# paper
the news board 'be glad' it doesn't." ' •
110 .,a� eLainle®B. So(rtktee;"T"tatu,nnndgq h •
Hien rause tetllperatare slowly to 150° F,' between indst evergreens. W 11411 ,clip- Rt nIe 35ctris116ott1eprnvenit,ormoncyback.AA1.
They should clry. 1hiirouglily in four nlng.a hed1gge all atteliln�t should he made I• your druggiiltoday for l).s�lr.PItEsc: a1PTr()N
Lifeguards fit any make
of tine -and in The long .
run they cost no more
than ordinary tubes
to . the-
top narrower than, the x
-hours. If juice drains out during dry= keep l
ing, drain off and reserve for fruit bottom, This exposes more leaf area
drinks. •
Cherries Canned for Pies
Wash, stem and pit cherries, taking
care notto lose juice. 'Meat very
slowly until juice is extracted. Bring
to 'boiling.. 'Cook five minutes. Pour
into hot sterilized jars. 'Partially. seal.
Sterilise inthe oven five minutes at
275° F. Seal. bnvert to cool. MAIFI+1KINIG,:Julr 15;--•IMr. and \.firs
Pickled Cherries : , ' • 10eoil Johnston spent the week -end
Seleet and wash firm ripe cherries. friends at ,Sarnia. -
Pack tlnpitted and -with stems attached•
in sterilized jars. 'Cover with cold The annual SM. ' picnic will he held
vinegar mixture made of one teaspoon Wednesday afternoon of this week,
salt, one cup cold water, one cup cider down by tike river. ; ,
vinegar, three tablespoons brown sugar,
one-quarter oz. stick • cinnamon, two
tablespoons whole elopes ,
Tie spices in''cheesecloth. Put• all in
a Sit u(IT aai'and boil five minute's.' Cool
to sunlight and helps to keep.the hedge
healthy. . .
IIlirther information on' Hedges .may
be obtained from the nearest Dominion
Experimental Farm.
rifiec. A. IP.• O'Neil Preached farewell •
sermons in 'St. Paul's Anglican church,
Clinton, on Sunday and leas -es this
week to enter upon his new ditties as
VERY $14OR' ;+B011,—For jam you '
need ordy•is-'•. one -minute to .two -minute
full,rolling boil -for jelly a aib.,alf-minute
to a -minute)' ..
ECONOMICAL—Very little juice rhes
time to boil away, so you average one
half more jam or jelly from an equal
amountof fruit.
The short faerto'boiil'does.net affect the'''•-• '
fresh fruit; taste or spoil the natural
colour+ .
W ,
.ENDS G UESS WO RK ---With Certo
you get tasted, easy -to -follow recipes.
•Follow them exactly and you'll never
t :have failures.•
Mils. I'rtinest ICri.�•pin-and two sons,
George and John, tlf-Ogema,• Sask., are
holidaying •at- the home of .her siter,
Mrs. Henry Horton. Other week -end
vi.s'itors at the 'Horton home were Mr:
and' remove s1)ice. Pour mien ,.over and Mrs. Carman Stoners and 'de net -
cherries and seal, using -sterile rubbers ter Mary. Fran"c Cs, of Toronto, and Mrs.
and lids. J. C. Stothers and' Donald, of London,
Cherry Relish 'who are .at present holidaying at
3 ('111)8 pitted, cherries Kineardinc.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Helni and t3so
children, of Zion, were Stillday visitors
With :lir. and sirs. George Sininr ers.
Master Keith-Jloffatt of Watford is
bol iii ay ing at the. Mime of Mr. 'and Mrs.
C'ei;i]..:J o h'ti sten'. -
a Mrs. Wesley 1w:11111(1. of Woodstock,
1 orange (rind and pulp)
1 apple (("cased• 't►tt t art peeled)
3 cups sugar 4
Pitt ftiiit'throUgh chopper.' +31ix with
sugar. Mix well. Let stand twenty-
four hours. Bottle in sterilized air-
tight ('onta[tiers. Will keep a month in
the ref riaorator.
Ten years from now—if I am here--?
- I'll bring thea' out and ,easy
"I bought, them in a troubled year
Agalinst. an evil day.
"There Was: a time the air •war:, t0Ii 4
With doubt and bitter- dread ; •
Anil" -so- in liberty+'. defence•
These 'bnds of faith were spread
- visited, _last` weed: with Mr. Aid Mrs.
, II Wallace 'Peva Riley and Mr: anti, Mrs.
I, MT.. Kilpatrick. •
Mrs. and 1.‘1*. Wallace'Pwbmley and
fanlily spentiSiinclay afternoon with Mr. •
atter Mrs, I+.1ilon Turamley'. at their Vot-
I age a t; Port ,Albert,`
Mr. and Mrs .Terry Cranston, newly-
weds',. .were honored last 'Tuesday even-
ing at the Borne of Miss Anna • Irvin.
They we' -re the recipients oft anoc-
` ,e sfnnal ('hair present trill .bt' Mr, Jallnes
Phillips* and gat address"read by 'Miss
.,Thonglic lo3 •yoli cannot •know 11 o 4`�'rna ICilltatrick on behalf of the Wake.
near • ('(►nllntlnity',
'iltlt(r tint• shore thewcftine+ �.R_ i•artelal aftertio(in of till's weed: there
There was a trine we lived in ,/fear was ' another path 'rhn, when 'Mrs:
()f _tyranny and '1110tne.. Itieliard 'Kilpatrick held a shower at
"'h#�re yvlr(.:l day We dreaded all ''her -home in honor of her „eott:�in• ant
, e
So strongJew Anderson, bride -to -1w..
S t the force of hate
That freedoln's starry flag might fall
Since we •i1ad armed ° too late.
- "Mit, now the tyrant threats no More,
And freedeinl'a wails have stood
Our flag &till flies from :chore to shore,
And alt Its.botl(1:8 are good."
dgar Gnetit. 1
Bubble Bursts
°" (s," saki the great 'man, 1 woke
nit One morning , •1tii1- -found, myself
•famous " - •
"It was M Iiglltly different with toe,"
sighed the other. ink"self
fainai§—'anti then I woke up."--LOrit•,
♦1 '
That is a reIliiU'k often made i11Pr(1iatlfs who ar'
content to jog a1lon "the way -their fathers ;jogged.-
No doubt about it, 11 lot of' 1)0011le 'do know, where ymir
store is, lint (10 they ever enter it? -
Systematic i'1(1v('+tising in
would hell) to nt•ei`'('0tnc soiric of the 11P;italtinll flint 1)401)10
feel ,Mout entering a Stot ( that i
• �� does 11()t• a1(�'4(�1'tla+'