HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-17, Page 6Evev-y 10e
Packet of
I eke Best or all
""'• CA** 1111:111ekt sure,
TJj eheepeeAsk your prete-,
pA see elateeeefecer Or GeueiieiS-
,,e:i,, I Store. - •
eoe essemusrOisi. QNT
WiSTP141.41.1,, July 1;1. -Mr. and ,
Mission. Band Entertabis----On Wed -
Mee Frapk Ilarboure tied babe, 6--1),'nesalaY afternoon the elissios) Bane en -
/Staffed,' NN'ere week -end ' guests at the! tertain0 the ladies of the l%eelee.
home of Mrs. Harbourn's parents, Mr. the basement of the, church. Teere
and Mrs. Wm. Walden. were about forty-five present, I)orothe
Mrs. Earl ,MeKnight and ehildren, of <levier, preeident of the Miselon.Bentl,
, Aubur/Le are *pending a few thlYS With was in char,ge. Winnifred caniPbele
Mresead Mrs. Waite; Cook. who had trailied the childrele. presided
. 'Mr. and 'Mrs, Gordon Walsh Of Blyth,
were Westfield visitors en Sunday.
Mater Jim Silitherpe of Blyth spent
„last week with Air. and Mrs. Wm. ,Mc-
' Mr, and Mrs. Geo. C.00lt and family,
Of Belgrave, were gueete eunday
at the honae of 3Ir. and Mrs. Fred J.
Masters Bobbie and Ronal& Jenning
, -of Windsor are holitlayieg With their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Walden.; .
Mester Douglas :Wilson of Seaforth
- is holidaying with his cousin, Gordon
-,Master John Silattiorpe of .Illyte an
little Barbara Smith of Goderieh spent
last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
4, _L. MeDowell.
-eMlee'elteeeeers: Jelin e.,Batenaren- of
eeTeirtifiteeeettee'Nee&seele14.*: `eisiteee:- on
r11 at ithe fexer•eleaeMr. rarl Wight-
realee farm.QU ehijereini and, ri'dulta
enjoyed. tie.) reertelbeaeete at the beetia.
Seorte ee-ert etteoeed ender tee• leadels-
ehip Of Mr. A. le .Waleia, ,The
seeee %You he the feliewing: Boy e and
gifee ander eve, e-eateleeolinnee 1uc1an4
tee, Lees seezpeell; girls 6 to 0, tellirlee
RadfOid, 'Lorna tillucetuean; ',toes 6 to te
Jelin eVileon; eerie 10 te 12, Ruth
Wileon,,, Janette Se•tel; heys 10 to 12)
Harvey Wightman, Lleydeeealse; girle
13 te 15, I-)(rothy Goyiee,
boys 13 „to 15, Ralela :Rodger, Billie
'Beellanan:. 'young W0111.61t, 1)01'0611 Vila*
Vent, leeru etepowell; youlag. Meese Ray
Vincent, Elvin Wightmati ; glebe el -
legged rave, Janette enell and Ruth
1)oreeti Vineetit and ;May
,Mason; eosee aeegged rase; Roy Buell-
anen and Gordon. elasoe.:1400 Walsh
eioa". Itebbieepeleateinges.,..wheclbanVw"
race, ',Billie Rueltantiii and Jaelt
eleeeiegeseeleeite alte-eeluereeeeeicteeWfaile
shoe rave," Mae .(Itgegoeieeeeee'seliee
race, John Sibthorpe ca r ry I n gebea ns: on
knife, Mrs. Slharlee Smith; I:deli/11e
Pteato, Wm. carter ; neektie, :Mee, •Fred
J. (look, Wm. Carter elaeel au d toe race,
Ruth Wilsop. Picnic lanele wits:served.
leleieets et the- leome of efeeleed Mese
Wm. Aederse.n on Friday were Mr. Doh-
eeeerd-Iel ttereeilleallee sees erfelakeeee-River-
' ll'istrice, Mr. Roy Patterson and Mrs. D.
• Pattereoneof God:ere:le.. e • .
and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Donald
..and Mr: WH. Campbell were Kitch-
ener visitors on:Sunday, They were ac-
companied home by 11r..Keuneth -Clamp-
bell of Teronto, who eetiees on Wednes-
day t�join the army. '
Mr, • and Mrs..- Stanley Silithorpeeef
- Blyth were Westfield visitors Q11 Sail-
. dky. . ' ' . ' . .
Mr. tied Mrs. Wm. MeDowell, Mildred
Thernton,• Mr. and :Mrs e -Norman MC -
Dowell and Children visited on Tuesday
with MTS. Wesly Taylor of Guelph.
. • -Mro. Alice Tyerman of litainfngton is
Mrs. Duncan MacLeenan, Miss -Belle Charles Ffiarney pad. family, and also
' Visiting at the •116me of her cousine, •
Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Campbell. the.elatter's mother, all "of Detroit:
Mrs-laradford "end Mre*'Itretvii of ROS'...,7 and Miss .Louise •Meedonald ' of
Down :by the 'Sea. -Mr. and Mrs. •
,Burles Falls, are visiting at the liaise Toronto are visiting friends' heree , e,
a- 1 Robt.. McAllister rec-ently received a ,1 ,
"efilMe. and Mrs. Elwin Teelor end Mr. -7:Mes.. Thomas Bogie .and daughters eisetteie from their sea sP, ter Erie 31 -es BENMILLER, -July .1 5.--lilre. Ed.
and Mr J.. L. McDowell. -. - .Deloees sand Dorethy, of Lambeth, are ' Allister, who has beeu for Some weees
'Mr. Bob Goteer hes jollied tee army gues.ts at the bethe of Neil 'Macdonald. ii; at Sydney, Nova Scotia. The. straw- Cutler 'and. eoe ellen, of Detroit, visited:
end left for London on Menday. eeecently with "Mr. And "Ilm. J. R. Loeg,
Mi' : W. •11. ilampbeil ,.i,s spending a
. few lArTeeliA at the 'helm- of his son, Mr.
Celle Cenipbell. Ottawa. e
at the -piano. The meetipe-opened with
a hymn, after evlech Mrs.Frank
bell led in prayer,- Mrs. Cartel:, Mission
Band superintendent,. 'spoke a few,
words of tveloome to the W.M.Semena-
belle The Scripture ,reading, the 23rd
Peelle, was read by )(leered Carter.
A chores by the band, e"Jewele," was
followed by reediege by :Lorna and
Jim, Buchanan, Gwen Cook and • Ila
Tayler, eolos by Reberta MeNittie and
Kathleen 'Mason, and duets by Violet
and Nora Cook, and Dorothy Govier and
Jenetta Snell. A quartette number was
sung by Violei Cook, Mildred Carter,
:LIOyd 'Walser and Gereon Mason, and
ze, chorus ..ley tbe Band,. "d-ensY jAe
Shine." Mrs. Hugh Wilson of Auburn
and Mrs. J. McGill of Clinton gave Sine
addresses. After the leader, Mrs.
tlartereehade I honked etheseeWho,
part- iiivttte-sttregn.a.M,-4Mission, ELIO eeeeeer. The W.M.S..S
beld- -esimet, meet•ingewith-Mess-Albe
Walsh in charge of the devotional pro-
by MP.- Hugh !Blair. The devetional
lettflet, "The Gift of the Loving Heaet," •
was given .by Mrs. Hugh Blair ; a duet
by Mrs-le:me Walden tine Mrs. Wm.
MeDowell; reeding•s , by • . el -IV -Jack
,Buehanan,.Mrs. Wm: MeVitlie and Mrs.
A. Walsh. After a short business period
lunch was served by the naembers of the
Mission Bend--
ASIIFIDLD, July 15. ----Mr. and Mrs.
John Macetae •are holidaying at cot-
tage neer Midland.
One of the more pleasant jobs for the Men at the Lansdowne Park "Army tearap was ehowing
visitors the use of • the equipment. . R. T. Patterson is seen here instructing an interested visitok on the -
use of a Lee•JEntield rifle.' ., , .
GODERICH TOWNSHIP and sister of Mr. Alex. W. 'Young,
. • Nile, IGertIon Young. eirs. Thomas
- .elaePhee, Mes. Peter Bisset aed Mrs.
GODERIICH TOWNR1111), °Jelly 14 , -
Feed ilwrie..4: Many of ,the relatives
and friends from tele district at-
tended the funeral at Hensall on Mon -
:day. July 14th, Our sympathy is ex:.
tended to the heresy husband and
faintly"- be tWaiesdleage "erg ' and three
sons,. all marled.- .
W.M.S. Meeting. -The W.M.G. held
-01*,-4.14:-Pit,..1,11g-ALLIAt_boroe.of Mrs.
4.9* -q1:04.• Mrs,. \\r ,..,w,,,Nypakm.4 a
ilittite iit't114-Aeve;ifenal part • of ztheprogram. The roll call was anikveree
_Witheci verse about :qcid, the creatorof
birds, fiewers and beautiful colors.
- T.S-S7AlliiirSitilifiWrgawir tiliurt-ttrfls. on
the need and beginning of, :medical
work • for women in India and China
and a demonstration 45f eclay in her
dispensary, assisted by Mrs. (Captain)
Bogie. Another picture was that of a-
missioneryevengellet who had eye girls*
representing Bible woraen ceme tomake
Mr. ' Harvey Cas,saline of London
their reports and receive further in -
Spent the Syeek-end with Mr. and Mrs. t
D.J. Lassaline., structions: from Mrs. Hazlewood, who
based her remarks on: "As my Father
:Clisses- Maxine MeAllister and June
hath sent me) so send I you. " Betty
•Sowerby are holidaying with ler. and
Feagan read a gory of an Indian boy.
Mrs. Ben Feagan, near Nile. •
Miss Thelma Feagan was pianist. At
Recent Visitors with 'relatiees .in the
the close all adjourned to the verandah
commenity were Mr. and :Mrs. Harry
and enjoyed afternoon tea and a social
Moody and sons and Mr. and. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevenson of
Windsor visiteel oth the week-eue With
Mr. and MrseA.'netin Fuller.
Jes,epheeSalkeld has spent three
wonderful weeks at Blue Mountain
OamP, near Oollingwood.
Mr. Harrt- Phillips - underwent an
opera eon. eme ,Sateeraleyefor, ,thee„rereeeta,
; Pte. Harold .Gardner -of the Elgin
iRegiraene-s-pent the week-eud_ atethes
la.ome`of Mr. and etrs:.•'Morris Hicks.
engaged as teacher of S.S. No. 6, to
sueceed' Miss Esther Mellwain. "-
-Miss- Shirley Cooper of Tipperar
N'isited last week with her cousin, Mies
Phyllis Cooper.
Mrs. Mlles and LieY Elliott paid a
:Visit to London hospital last week. .
•Mr. Stewart of Stratford is visiting
at the home of Mr. John McKay.
Misses Mae And Bertha Macliendrick
-of Toronto •are visiting.° friends at
berries are just coming on the market Mr. :Cleve and 'two daughters, of:
.there and haee been sellieg at 35c a Saertia, were visitors with' •Mr. and
box Pte iei" also says they don't • : fi:
taste like te berries grown in Goderich Mr: and Mrs. Hieltman and remits-, of
Toronto, are spending their holidays
By Katharine Baker
111re and lire McKie of Toronto
: with err and Mrs. H. Baer and family.
Mr. W. 1. Campbell la spending a few
deys with eMiehigan friends. •
• -Mr. Jim 'Walsh of Clinton spent
• Sunday under the permed roof.
At the charch service on 'Sunday the
pastor, Rev. le Wilson. spoke from
1st John 4 :21-"Ife that loveth God,
loveth hie brother.' - 4r: Geargo Brans
ton of Toronto Tendered two, tine solos
weld) were enjoyed by an. Next Sun -
(lay the service will be in allege of
Mr. George eleClennep.-an. on July
27th Rev. W. A. Bremner of seaferth
will take the service. . Rev. II. Wil -
eon .will les belidayiee Tehermory.
' S: Picitiiie-eThe Westfield Sunday
Mime plenie wee bele on Friday after -
Your Next Visit to
Located on Wide padina Ave..
• at College St.
Easy Parking Facilities
Convenient to Highways"'
:1,51 to :La
Hues Double : - $1.55 to
Four to Rom, $5.(10 lo.$6.00
- •
close to tire Univursity,
Parliament, Dull/dings,
Wiapl-e L. -eat Gardens,
Tit *etre Hospitals,
'Wholesale Houses, and
the Fashionable Retail
Shopping Dearest.
A. M. POWCLI... PlegativmuT
p.er isher •, last wee .
Lochaish. ' toWnShip. ,The* boys are ' expected to
.... . . .
Mreapd Mr. Donald Martin otepene--move seen, and friends and relatives
don are guests of :the letters parents, will be glad to Wekomeethem again.
Me. and Mrs. D. A. MacLean. A Successful Effort. -Phe eernival
Mrs. J. B. Rhodes- and Miss Anna and dance, sponsored by the North End
Council met on July 7. Tenders were
• received for road insurance; Mr. J.
lioWard `being the lowest, his :tender
was accepted. -
.Percy Paeamereeveeed like a nunieee
of local men to compete at fille inter-
national 'stewing mateh to be 'bele next
year; aspirants, either fettle or tractor,
-to, netifyerhe'renn eillor nearest; •eriattelf:
,&:.;,suille.leint anal -be -1-4v-* vonrpetels.
match will be held ami a good coach
will attend to .help -thein. Councillors
'should -knew be' Aegilerl". - • •
esecieeneeeil • de.ciesee to erect a daeger
sign at Piper's Dam sylere there -tai -e
beep •several drownings. Tenders Were
received froin the 'Sandy -Construction
Co., .`W. :Grahani and Cliff Holland
:for -crpshing •and • delivering" .gravel.
Oliff Holland's tender being the lowest;
it was eceepted at 50e. per yard. • ,
Department of relenieleal Affairs; re
unemployeeent insurance, reee and
,crishing, employment at the
- •
(Minton airport 'nay receive cards of
introdu,ctioe from the Clerk. Last year
the Council offered one and one-quartek
'cents per rod to those wishing to keep
their own frontage clean of weeds-; this
offer is •still good., •
Aceepets paide,J. 8. Hoteeeele road
heiii a- $115 ;Reeve a nd' Po quail or s,
eervice.s see road commissioners, $125;
Telephone :System, tediefrary . loan,
ete00; _Superintendent's -pay voucher No.
6, $90`5.8.8. '
Council ,edjourned to meet on Mon-
day, Aneust 4, at' 1.3,0 pee.
I ..*-R". :G. THoMPsON, Clerk.
• fornied, rub .should be aveidecl.
Sending- Mere than 1,000 ehildeele
to private lees, within a redline of
150 'Mike from Toronto ter a ewo
efene' vaeatiOn iian anneal projeet
of the .Nelehborhood "Weireere Aasoela-
theri. TM* ever, aecording to F. N.
tertapleeord, general eeeretary of the
aesociation, the noel Le am urgent tie
ever. Summer camps eannot possible
taccommoeete. all the +teaildren from
eongeeted cityareas' d there are
always many etases whanere lipecial eon.-
tiltions melte it imeeseible for certain
t'exildren to go to tamp. The Only Wee
teese youngetere eau ee aseared a holi-
day away from the eity streete is foe
a generous peravin' the (*entry' te
open hie 'home t�' one or two of them
for a ehort period. The Neighborhood
Worlters eAseoelatiou provides trans-
portation, has ile ehildren medically
examined before they leave toWn, ane
enaWel ellselateangetnepte, for -tee ,ttip
Tile hostess tifilleireTeiesAMIte-f-er
, a bed, good plain. meals----Witla „perhaps
a little extra milk .for the youngsterg
who require fattening up -ane oppor-
timities for plenty of fresh air and
sunshine, .
.A.ny •person willing to essiet can do
so by writing iiihnediately to the
Country. " 'Homes Department, Neige-
borhod Workers Aesoelatiele 22
Wellesley greet, Toronto, statieg holt
many thildeeh,:weat age and, sex be
(or she) prefers, when and where they
will be. met, etc., eneloeing With tee
, invitation a letter from a local clergy -
Poison ivy thrives in places byond-
the reach- ot the plough. Just like
many a holidae makers, it pregrs - a
locale leaet distuelve • 'by 'men in
sequeetered nook. and rocky beauty
spate. At the same -timeit,emay be
found growing under a variety of :con-
ditions, wet or dry. seeded or open, in
all soils from pure sand to stony
ground, and along fence borders in
cultivated land. It has many guises.
ItemayeaPpear aS loW airrliblv patch,
or.as-a more or less- continuoue border,
or as a cluster lifte the ererginiii creeper.
Commonly it is of lo* bush groevth, mad
MeV ihebestelle letettifiect-byettre 'Teethe
'-itnettetifeles'll"ereereeeeelriSefeeete:' arritnged:
in threes after the manner of the straw-
berry.- Unlike straweerry leaves, those
of Poison T. are quite smooth and fittli
...11r-1eafaler.S.,-M1lb. the edgeseeekaerepe„„&
coupe -toothed. In that respect, the
leaves are soniewhat like thoseseffbe
Virgieda creeper, widch, however, are
arranged in lives. .
The active element of poison ivy is
poisonous throughout, and the breaking
or bruising of any pert of tlie plent
liberates the bil an it to come in eontrA
with the exposed skin. Of the pereon
touching it.
_In mild eases of itehlegerseeereeult of
the poison, immediate 6rubbing, witie
strong laundry seep will effect a cure,
if used before the oil has penetrated the
skin • and blisters be'gin to appear.
Treatments without number have been
Peoposed and used, but the treatment
most widely- recommended, is to daub
the affected parte wig' a three per cent.
eilution of potassium permanganate.
The stain left'by the potassiuin wiiU
disappear after.a time or. may be re-'
moved slowly by .sap and water.
Tincture of iodine hasealso been found
-useful but ' it stains more than the
Putasaium. thiTin blisters have been
"When: the attack is eevere, and a
doetor. not available. carp "should-ebe
spent a few days with her, mot her over
the week -end.
,l41 .Afabia, * when a man Mis eaten takento localize hifection by painting
iodine around the edges of the sorts or
.using compresses soaked in .a ',two
per cent, solution 'ef aluminium ,acetate
'1111, ner man's salt, he is morally bound
no: to harm his host. In this country
. •
e vs , ne 3
Mackenzie of Toronto are visiting their Goderich Townehip Red OroA M
ise•:Society, Oonday ecei
eliss It. Maedel rved
mother, Mrs. M. :C. Mackenzie- , - • held en Tuesdhe ay evening of last Week tsad . neWS of the death of her Tt te e. to Res 0e eaainilled cake flour, sugar,' eggs apd,ealt,
• ,TheeWomeeee Institute held their an at Maple Leaf Farm,- the home 'of Mr. nephew Mr. 'Harold Maedel of Detreittoo, of course, and- Make .thein into a
nualeeeenic at. tee 'home of Mr. John and Mrs. :George " Laithwaite, was. a Interment eill iv in :Celberne 'cemetery grand spice•eake, w111:511 is, guaranteell
S. A
mcKay last Thursday. • - eomplete succese. The spacious lawns on Wednesday, Rev. It. G. 11:12;lewood to ensure your afetynone who
were welllighted and presented a pretty officiatingat the graveside. .
seeee. Binge and the wheel of fortune, A number froth around here aftended
conducted by memb:ers of the Goderieh
. tee Straughan picnic ie Goderich. .
The W.M.S. wall meet next Wednes-
t dayeat the home *or Mrs. James Mac-
donald. There will be a special speaker.
Rev. Wm. Weir oe Heusall is in
partakes of this spice cake in your home
1\111 he bound to everlasting peace with
•Note When the fragrant aroma of.spice
Ieons :Clue, were .well patronized, as Rev. R. G. naziewood is one of 1 114., .ea lie t'OMeS floating- out of your oeela-
charge of the boys' camp et Kintail, was also the booth conducted by the instructors at the boys' eamp being ' . .
Messrs. Ii,....D. MacLennan and r James ladiee.' Tieket,ewere.sole On :11-, luncheon held Ulla, week at the Summer :School
Fareish escaped heinty when their cars ejoth. donatedeev • Miss Alma Jennings, s
collided at Mr. Neil . G. llackenzie's ainounting to $13,70. 'The lucky ticket grounde.,
eke:0e :the llusy time, a good crowd
expres,ions to that effect. - .• .,,,
corner on the 12111 coneession on -Sat- Wee , peg .by little DOTis ',Sowerby. A
and everyon--e :attended- the Sundayechoel picnic at
• "Spice Cake
urday night. - . • ,dance or was erected
2 cups:,sifted cake, flour
' Rev, J. B. Rieelea of Toronto spent efij.Ned denting 'lb nursic eepplied• by
• IIarboe. Peri; Goeerich, en Thursday.
2 teaspoons (louble;acting .41i...ing,
Sunda's. at the hoine'• of :Mrs.
.s. m. 4,7. CKNX Melody Mixers. Over $170 was Races' of all kinde,*for old and -young.,
• powdet:
mallcenzie. realized from the evening. • . were run off, and last but not least was 1
3; teaspoon ,Saltt
.NIr. Murdoch.' ela(e./ViRl. Was ordained Union Church Not‘. -'r he Julmeetlel epjey.„1.
the picnic supivr and ice crettm, which r
1 1{,,,,p00..!,innainvri
as elder in Ashlield• -Pee:141)y terian in. of tie: W.M.Se watsheld on Wednes
1). teaspoon cloves , T
i•hureh hist 'Sunday. • dae afterneen at thee home of Xl-rs.---. --.A---.. The ball gtnne played here on Monday
1 i teaspoon nutme„1-
Retiring Tearher Honored. - Mr. TiChborpc., 'with ten members present. ii.iglit resulted in a seure in favQ1. Of
. Benmiller. They were also the Win -
you wee knew you have something lit
for a Sleek, not to mention your- own.
family.- And 'Mien you serve it, people
will murmur --Allah be praised :" or.
i '
11unctor'llacKay, who has been teacher 'Mrs. G. Falconer had charge of the
- tiers with Londeshoro
"ling 1)4101)00 • Pteaspoon mace
"1' cup biseen sugar, liraily Pa(.ked
in s.S. Ne. 3 and who has resigned lieVotional period, the theme of which
last leesdayteaspoon allspice
et order to take servitv with the Rya
ol was,'"Demonstrating the Way of Life C
Wee. •
ongratulations are exteieled B
to en-
2 1 4:;,14.17,,zekll !beaten
children of the Seetion at bis home- on
Canadian A.ir Force. elltertaitied the 'through Brotherhood,e - and which
op:ened with the leader reading-'-th-e -mine". entran(a. pupils mid to Miss
Mciewenetheir teacher, six having leen
,i. cup light cream
1 •
the- lake shore, where an afternoon' of! Litany (of •:Praise and an editorial en successful.
. ;-.1f; 1.„))1E- ()nee, mea,sure
In the eVeiling t here 'was
-baseball, races anti lutieh was' enjoyed; conditions in China. Tla" ' Sceipeure
a mareli- lesson ( l'salin 121 and the , Lead 8 al Mir; is 1 ‘;:(1)1111,14.1. erele. of mifirtA'°I•vi'ilvd Powder.' •,.11,, and sph.es, and sift 10 -
°Vet' the Week -01111. • get 11Pr t 11 ree times. gift sugar and add
- " t , add baking
metilow roast on the ileach for the•ehilie Prayer were repeated_ In unison. A eles, lIng-li Hill had the miefortnne
gFad tutlly to f'grzs, beating* teeth Coin-
, ren 111(1their parents, awl advantage Paper , -The Mettning 'Of :Christian) to br,,,, 11 both wrists in a fall while bale milli end create. Add flour, alter
taken 4>f the seeeision ,for tile pre..:' Stewardship." Was: Tead bv km. Jas. Wcking cherrie*S-ht .11e2 home. • nately with liquid, a small amount at a
eentation of a farewell gift to Mr. Horton of Iseeburn, Rev. A. J. Mekaye Mr. and Mrs.' At11,41r Gibson have
\1 1) in behalf of the seetion. Whik. gitVe en. interesting talk on Christian, returned to Ib e,H•olt after spending part tithe. le:.11 after eaele addition- until,
. .
a (eels:bag was' presented by -William brotherhood. Tlw lneettm...; closed •with of eel week with their aunt, eliss le .‘4111("411.- It'lke' •111 greased Pan, -gxex2-
. . • inches, in moderate (nen (0° F.)
, fifty numites, or mite done. Cool.
Spread t(1r) with rakin nut 'filling.'
Raisin Nut Filth%
UT 1;) read an ad- a hymn awl the, belle( tenon. 'Lunt ljacao.
, at
(11•4”, expreseing the regrei' .if•the people I was served by the hostess Only a
the section that M. MacKay was small vongregation
leathig them, and wishing him success Union ehurch oSwas present 1
on Sunday, - when the
Iin: his patriolic teazel in joining the Pastor,. Rev.. A.* .L. SkleKieve, delivered. a
• I repl,1, and was again honore 'by tee
heItety singing, oof "For he's a jolly
, ;good fellow. -
eup brown sligare firmly peace
s ,
Air eir. Mackay made a fitting fine sermon from the text Romang 12:1. BELFAST. , Jelly 15.- Mra. , Will 2 tableepoonbutter
Hunter. Mrs. Jaeol) Hunter and Mrs.- 14 ere) •water
Albert Helm, near Zion, spent ',..:•41.thitte.: • 1,e) cup wahnit meafe. ?waken and
evening with Mrs. 'Nelson - and Mrs. ! t Ousted
1 eup seeded roialns, ent 111 pieees
CARLOW. 'July 14s- - elree „Miss -Hilda Lane, nue:even-training ! . 10er:spoons (14 1111 or rive milk
PORTER'S IIILL nr. and Mrs.. eleinoirial 'Hospital, is I (about) ,
croolueli. all of.11.Amelt(„Pa visited spending ,svtwics holidays with Hee t sugar, 101 leer, and wa at in
"Inr 1 'Hi,' - . • • - 04' over t he Weelr 4.1111 With 11r. aninh
iii4: er parents', 1 a
1r. nd MI:K. Ge017ge Lane. skillet, and cook until mixture forms a
11(14 14
t., remember the Fronk :Meglwain. 'efts Reviler(' Reed' Port %111( 11 spent 1 soft ball in cold: water (2e6° F. Re -
Red t'r,ez•,: itt Monaoy after- Mies Josephine Weir, Auburn, spent Feiday with her sister, Mrs. 'toy Alton. 1 move frofn .111e add nuts and rais:Ans.
11 4011 s.,,I. /n l'oe''',..01 1:•11 1, 11 seVeral days With her eougin, Mies E. 011 'Sundae nee'. Xt,_ e. Howse Preached:, Add cream until of right consiatencT
Jul'.i *.,, ., ,J. , •.,! , ,
Chrierine Rehertson, and on Sunday. his filet sernums after hie induction i11! te spread._ '
Nliss Robertson retlitned to Whitby the three charges of the As•lifieel Milted l:
:Qr. .kietn Betties has bis new barn Hospital. ' (entree, In the morniire at Z1(111, after- ,
"eempleed and hie hay crop in. It hae Mr. :eel Mrs. Wm. Marsh visited, in no0i1 at ifacitett's, evening at Iiiiike'sd
meant a let of hard work, hitt will be I'rarn e )11 last week Mrs. Hewse, two datightere, 0110 son and i
.: 1/'.4.11s11 fe' 110W that it iS finished. Mr, and Mrs. W. T. SalloWs one, Mr. a ceirein aceempaiiiee eine
r.' . . 1
Quite a number from tiii-4 eistriet at- awl Me,i: liareee lioxfor siront the ( el Tneeday evening air entertainment
t•1 meld the orange i•elobration in s.pa. 15(41411(1 11 •.Niiiirttrt,:t Falls. is to be bold nA-Ilackett's church, and i.
it 401 Ballarday. . The Iiadivq" Aid of tee Vri,s,loyterian- otr:Freloc. afebrnoon the 41211(1 1'. school ;
Revell; • visitors with tile Lockharts congregation :ilong with the Anhitrn •Win 110141 their annualpienie at :
••,-i-c.4...,3,4 1.. ,,,p,1 :are eaessoe Lockhart and AN .M.S. were auest. of Nfrs. (1,ev.) AL (oIeric 11• . .
,,,I.ii.itiliAnttly 4,f itivai ft.rik. ;dim/. ; -M'it,.i. • 11. ••11t,1,1,14., 44141, 401---T1111tAtly. afterr,i ' The iniying 1. :tee oyee How. and /44..1
nub* in Minard'aIin' iment generougy,• -
ar4; welcome.
or any other cooling Substance like
$oda or tioracic Med. applicatioe
should be nitide when the sores are
oozing because they may see' over and
aggravate conditions. '
emetimee it •does not seem as If the
Canadian, people realized what iS• hap-
peninge in those: countries of Europe
whieh the Nazis have occupied. We -
seem to avoid reading the harrowing
tales. The roles, for exaemple,, are,
being merceessly exterminated by. the
Germans. Here is an , official report
which gives' but an example of what is
going on:
Nazis are -driving panic-stricken Poke
from their him 111 Polish territories
now ineorporated the,Geresan
Tee eleportiatens affected all districts,
fie a sa fe'd riven out. Five hu nd redeper-
era have been expropriated, landpess
all mas:Ts of people. In the districts1
of Gostynin anti Kutno small landown-
Th1110, Nervous
"iiVert7 ever lottsinale or lenIseeele
atuteee Wadden vitae]; the Itti9aria
Vest for pleasure, tho fooliph, at -
Unapt tO pub 5 I'VeCk a normal life
into twenty-four hours, ieverish ac-
tivity, the demand for seniiatlo*
literature aro all conducive tiO the
aggravation of wear and, tear on. tho
t nervous system..If 11'
you. aro tired, natlefee neryoule,
tinkwortiedi why not give NCilbuni,,a
Iteidth. and. Nerve Pills a chance to
help put you. on. your fcet
Op Oft 10.4411, 014 10., 14760.110$ this.
.sons, Polish businesi4 nien and" lner-
Chants, wereeexpropriated leute.O in:
farl'ioem 41titellite..'pla°rIleinkitsellhd.wtearlecens, elPnatorat,t
Reich. .
Throughout the most. severe part ofa
Pomorm provinces of Lodz and;I'emati
last winter, deportation fris:ttnakriecatthoteot.
eKmoisteiniairly: 80Foropemas,thaenr waellree
tbe iGeneral Governmeet cattle
titic,ks. Their jOurriey to„Zainoee lasted •
&es -weeks dering which they i received -
no cooked food. and remained: endless
periods at wayside stations where forty
children died.
Out of one single transpiiirt of 1,200
Poles from tee west to Piotrkow, 229:
children died, besides several adults:.
Only •seventeen ceildren survived the
journey. ,
A forlornslooeing recruit, on his first
leave froth -camp, walked into a
restaurant and ordered a meal. "Bring
ene,". he :gild to the waitreA, 'sone cold
porridge, and ..burn ene some, toaet .to' a
cinder. Fry me two bad eggs and make •
some coffee that tastes like_mud. Put
it in a cracked cup ea that when I drink
Trineillelereettowireetayeelrin."----e• -
that all, sir?" see aelted. „ -
"No," be replied, "sit down beside ale
and peg me. -I feel homesick." _
, • .
—.7-- -7
Patient -1V Vailllg
:For his gallantry a --Scettlet Seidler
was elyen a decoration. A week or
so latera pal asked elm:
"And what does -the wife :think ef
your needle, Sandy?"
*. "See•deesnit ken yet," was the reply.
-gee no ink turn to write."---"-Tit-Bits..,,
• (Established 1375)
__.0..... -
Prompt e.
• Ambulahce• Service
. 4 phone 12b
FLOYD ^LODGE, Direetdr
Cho -Discharges
From Bowls -
Bowel troubles, although happen-
ing) at any time , of -the year, are
Mete prevalent during the hot sum-
mer and early fall months.
Summer "‘1u• is one of the worst
° troubles, but diarrhea., dybentery,
colic, cramps and pains in the in-
testInes, or 'any -looseness of • the '
bnwela Alhould ,have inurtediate
Tee3metion-ef Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild SUawberry is pleasant,
rapid, reliable and effectual in help'.
leg to check the mmetural dia-
It has been on. the rharket for to -
past 94 -years, so why ,experiment --r
with new and nettled remedies:
Get Dr. Fowler's" and feel safe.
T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto,. Ont.
I Funeral Director,and:, E.mbalmer
All calls promptly attended to
' day or night
Phones: Store 335. Res. 355W.
Hamilton Styta, Goderich
. I
Cranston Funeral
Complete Service at Rdasonable
Prices • '
No nth charge fer the use, of
eur modern Funeral Ilenie.
17 Montreal St. Phone -399
11 D. 4"o 1)44 p4 C C.O.! co: Nit. ond 110011. 'Airs. E. L:iw-4on %ills414chargo 00 wheat is ready to rut. kveryteing is
! and feel the relief steal over the aehint,
1ll,11"is•'. -of S".14 1oW•11,1iP. the nePthlia. .At the elose wae, ripening fast on .1141,4011a of the long rauCclee and joints. ror all tamale and
mr'T-anT., a rtteie me,el,eroselees.e., served.. f.n), 1110*1 t wn and a sfiei:i I lioiir dry epell. Pasauree are burnt 1114 i4 j
1)1 4)11 ' gromL leaf to he STell ill the fielkl, iki°,alitlateT,irnt:'inoteelidealaill4jat_iffiyinetri3as ri3dPir13.aintiedo
eest. eeeeestene ses meet al,r1," nosing , • tom' The. rassipherrios will be ft failure, too.. been. famous for over 60 year. Good
II as ii0 II...et a 110,11,4- , !Tall Wix at iq 1,4
• :k1 1..,': of the farii .rs4 :11 th:..., iiistrivt ' hard I 0 get and the ei)iiiltils, %III lai Iteena-ering in hospital from a bad
raths.r 3; ,c)t-thls year. °wily, to leek of ill! Mr. Frank 'Clark. MfA.'..TO1111 Vlarir, Shank the elateenee, ..;
Ilei,1!-'-'0f fall s.V114°:1.f are 410%, in stook. 11 111 141111ed the funeral ofo Moir :cousin, miu.b.lito coughed nervout4ly. "Ws,
, • A
, in1,(,.:11ta' otilio,r nu camp harbor): , Relative lEte , at Dlent.,,A - Ttio• Fooling his courage "ebbing away, lie
..i; di •ita VI, nat, wow ,,,.(fiti.n. ovil woo' i 11,, o,,,,,,i li only!, wira, of Mr, .%milrew 1 watitPd-Pr- to tell yott - " Then;
" lp h fol. , P" ( '''' 1. 'I ' V' tla-terd dilinqdf no for a oreat effort
...11.4' 1!1.1i 14!O% lilie 11., lot Of 1110111WVS ..1 at 11 1 1 1' 11 1°4'1'7' "" <14 4. ' - ' - ..-' 'I- 1-' . ' - .
1 I eaMin' Hailier: ."1., was a coartriinnicr 1 l' -'''t'4'. IielN gi, Iliqesit,t,,r of ,1.14e late in desperation : "If ever there was a
1 at Me Mlart'erlfr i31),..” '" • elle teeelon 1 olfue, rOk..4/11.14, LOW)11.)hilf, fallen angel, yoU're one it"
for dandruff and slcita dicorders, tool
Get a bottle today; keep it iftgli
4 Vtti 410 hayirnr. Tee found 1141Ip.4015.4.' tee, probtina, doso of 'flu, the young, soldier tried to heady:
lo ,1111 4..veral young, ttto1 SItfq. '11(toti-.,rsori just wanted to say how
Air • Vet: 11''m , I- -You kuow.----bow
We invite you to inspect our
Meek of
Cemetery Memorials
All enquiries will be -Kom"ptly
.attended to. -,„,
EXETER -Phone 41
• To these contemplating build-
ing a Mee:mete . Get my
prices, before beYing. Cemetere
Lettering a speqalty.
* • All work guaranteed.
& GRAMM 1/1/111114S
Clintiin • Ontario
Successor to Ball & Zapf°
N, S BL.1/21:ip'
(1 rOrdovea in ,Clean Sanitarr trukss. Phone:' coiled.
909r ikelinton,,215,;,ptratiford or Ingorpoll
Stojne 'Solis Limited'