HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-17, Page 4ersonal Mention
MO Bisset is horse f ram Dunn-
ville on leave. -
Mr. 3anie-5 llune, of Toronto, 19
*riding hol1day4. in town,
Mi. and Mrs. John Ilandy, of Louden,
Are visiting friends in town.
Mrs. N. Dietrich, TOronto, is isiting
clangWr, Mrs. •Gto. Mac's/tear.
Mr. Dxvicl) Green is at Toronto at,
tending the Mtrsozie ',Grand' image. -
..Mrs. 'Graham Robinson, of Welland,
is /lie guest of Miss Lottie RohiMon.
'Mrs, John L. 'MacKe1i4e, ,Ooderich,
Mr J. ''LE.1. Marshall, of' Toronto;
vis4ing his 09,.uglater, MM. Arnold Me -
John 'Kay, of Toronto, was tbe
gueSt of the Missestrang for several
days this week.
Mrs. Athol MeQuarrie, Donald and
Margaret, of Toronto, are visiting at
the home Of Mrs. 0. A. Nairn. , •
Mrs. Robert E. Wilson visited on
Sunday with, her sons Sgra. Glen C.
Lodge, of Camp Borden.
Mrs. A. Moore and Miss Kathleen
Moore -Of WindsOr ,spent A few days
with Mr,. and 'Mrs. A.
Mrs.- M, Galbraith, formerly of Angle -
sea 'street, Goderieh, now of sLondeSboro,
visited friends in town on Tuesday,
Misi Babe Webster has returned to
London after spending her vacation
here 'vvitIr Miss Helen •tMaeR warn.
Mrs. Jim_ geddle, of Ann ,Arbor,
Michigan, is visiting with relatives' in
Goderich and vicinity this week. •
.1kir. Reg Newcombe and Mr. Ralph
Barrett of Hamilton visited Mr. and
-Mrs. W. Newcombe over the week-
end. . •
Miss Kathleen DonaldsonP of Strati,
ford, is holidaying -in town, the guest
of her uncle and, aunt,. Mr. ands MR.'
N. Heitman.
. Misses Helen and Betty Goodwin of
Trossaehs, S'ask., are visiting their
aunt, Mrs.' S. R. MiteMath, , and Mr.
Maeillrath, Vast 'street.
;Mr_ _ Gordon Smiths_ agent,
Mr's. Smith and daughter Barbara Jean
are -on a ten -d -ay motor trip, visiting at
Ottawa and other points.
-earterr-of-The Lawton.
'Free Press, spent several days this week
ssitfith., his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J-;
Carter, South street. .
111Sses 1Gritee-and fRita--Courtney,
. nurses, St. Joseph's 'Hospitals 'Toronto,
are. Spending threes'ewee4 With their
mothe4 Mrs. Josephr'Conitney;
•Miss Mary Risset, vvlio teaches at
Wdoler, Ont., is spending the vacation
at the hOnie, of her ParentMr. and
Mrs. GordOm lsset, Saltford Heights.
Mr. and Mrs. JOIni L. Aiken and
Iv Jean, of Lo and, .0regon7 are
visiting Mrs. .Aiken'S Parents, Mr. anti
Mrs. Siluon:G. MacKay, Cameron Street.
John Holmes, of:New Torii, was
here at the vreek-end on h visit to his
father, Judge t r,kalley RIolnies'late of
Barrie, who is In Alexandra Hospital
here. ,
Mr.' Donald Patterson and,son Don-
ald, ot Grande Prairie, Alberta, are
visiting at the home of Mr. and Ars.
Ro Patterson, Valueron street, Goole:
---:,:se.•-•-• • .
Mrs. James sBrown and her -grandson
Peter.Chureliiii„ of London, are guests
for- this week „witir Mrs.- Fanny -B;
Salkeld in Penrith Cottage, Blue Water
Mr. antIOIrs,'Hugh Skinner and Mr.
Skinner's three brothers, -GeorgesDavid
and Elliott Skinner, of Detroit, are
:uespeauedh.iag a iya&ation. atri,Rlue Water
Mrs, Thomas 'McPhee and Mr. 'Peter
Bisset, of 'Saltford tHeights, were at
Hensall en Monday to attend the
funeral of the' formers • sister,3r, irs.
Andre* Love. T, he ,deepaseol lady was
hi her seventy-eighth' Tor.
Mr. and Mrs, Wallysludge (Marie
O=PUrtney) and their three children,
Joey, RILoa. and Niha Louise, of jack -
son, Michigan, are visiting Mrs. Joseph
Courtney, Kintail, for a month. This
is Mrs. Judge's ,first visit Lire since
her marriage seven years atti:
Mr. and Mrs. lildtvarirlIticharnan and
daughter Frances, of -Sault Ste. Marie,
Mich., accompanied by their son and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Buchan-
an, of San Francisco, were week -end
guests, with the former's. sister -In-law
Mrs. A.. Buchanan, Elgin avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. nehatdess iGibbons, ac-
companied* by Mrs, Joseph Chisholm
and children, Rose )ijarie, and .Bud,
are leaving on Saturday' on a week's
.motdr. trip, which will 'include a visit
to Midland and to the quintuplets'
home at
-Mr. Fred Illeddle, son of -Mr. and -Mrs.
James Heddle of Ann Arbor, Michigan,
formerly of ,Goderich, has recently
-gradu ated,froin-t-he-U-nlyesesity-otiMi
••gan, in transportation ,,,,'-ceering,
with a 'Bachelor' of Sci4ance. oegree.
Fred, Went through University on
scholarshims _
Chief Mdtor Mechanic Reg. Williams, -
of the B.C.N.t.B., Was called from
Halifax, N.S., • where he -is stationed,
by the death of his father,- the late
Arthur Williazas, and bent a shoit
time here at the beginning Of the week
g", who Hired is Goderieh befOre-
removal to Toront0 some years ago,
was in the naval serviee in the last
war and is .again serving his country
in similar duty.
The Wolnent'* MisSiOnary 'SoCiety�t
'.KnoX Presbyterian ehureh met, at the
heaUtiful- home of Mrs. JaMes ViasSet,
1,Saltfortfliteiglits, on TUeStlaY afterneell,
with a• la,rge attelaranee, thiS being
the Ile edIelpers' nitNetinss. After the
shightig 'Of a hyinn„ Mrs. J. ThoMs=
read- the -Scripture lesson, the 91st`
Psalin,, 'and Mrs. Albert Ti led 10
Prayer. MISS -Barbara LancaSter fay-
oretl, with a piano sole% Miss Dorothy
Douglas of Lacknow, misSionary recent-
ly returned from Formosa, gave an in-
spiring address about her work there
and about the penple. The population
is half as large as that of tOanada
,and Is half !Chinese and half`JaPhnese,
long and r SO miles wide. ..4"..fter the 'CIO&
of the meeting a delightful lunCh waS.
ellioVed on, the verandah.
The following boys are registered at
the boys' eamp at the David '1.)errie
Memorial Presbyterian Camp, 4intai1:
Bobby Hardy, Harriston; Jack 1.16Y(11
Winghain; Don MacEwall, GOderielv;
Dave House, ttiarristent Brace Glover,
Mount Budges; Walter Bridges,
Wingliam ;. Jahn ,Lee, BranntfOrd,;/, Bob
Exeter; James ',Morrison, P9..r4;
Jirnnlie Reid, .Brantford,; John Lough,
,Kincarditte; Jim Lough, -Kincardine;
,Bill Campbell, n0119411; 1,1111.•Ca11ander,
Brantford; 1Bi11 Mitchell, Pandas; 'Bill
Jack, sSeitforth; Don -Colvin, Molint
,Drydges ; , RayMenct 'Bell, Wingham ;
Dan Knippen, Kincardine ;, Walter
,Burgess, 'Winghana ; Don McItinntln
and Rass Corbett, both of Hensall.
The dean of the camp Ls Rev. Wm.
Weir, of Hensall. The leaders are Rev.
Ross Adams. of Sarnia; Rev. D. W.
Oswald, of Rrieden; Ater, 4,•S. -Roe, of
Burlington; 'Mr. P. Baird Reid, of
,Brantford, and Miss M. Copelund, R.N.,
of 'Brantford.
-Arrangements for the -holding -of. the
annual County Council picnic on Wecj-
aes(lay,JnIy 23. at lilifilbor Park; "are
under way. Over ,one hundred invita-
' 0W.1,at%-keen.;,..qc-Pksit
their families, ex-menthers and -ex--
wardens Jana to all ,Connty
The committee in charge Of sports' met
nonday,,A1,421,,_st 11 Clerk N. W.
"'Miller, Treasurer
Reeve W J Raker,. Reeve 'Gilbetrt
Frayne, T. 'R. 1Plitterson,.,11.,T. Edwards
and J. B. iReynolds. There is some
on-the Pro,* nr--fo r - a ge s:A.
pleasure boat haS• been chartered 'br
the afternoon. " •
Adding Machines, Cash Regis-
ters and Scales, bought sold and
_repa4red. /room 20, , British
Exchange. •
The program for thesJannual field day.,
and picnie of the Huron -Fruit Growers'
• Asscalation, ro he herd at the Laith-
waite farm; highway No. S; on Wednes-
daytj a -1y 23rd, . includes • addresses. by"
Van Haaelem?ettle Vineland
experimehtaiLf arm. and Gordon Blair,'
of Burlington. ,and sports under the
,.:(firection of -Wes. JOynt. Lucknow ; also
inuSirill Program, to be followed by
games 'and ,dancing. Net .pnoCeeds are
to be war. work. *
Ladies' Dresses
Sheers, Spuns, Crepes. Regular $6.95.
`Mid4Summer Sale . • •
Women's and Misses'. Dresses
, A large selection of Linens, Souris, Crepes. Regular
$3.50. Size 14 to 52. Mid -Summer Sale ..
sses' Dresses
good selection of Summer Dresses, sizes -lel to 20.
'Regular $2.98. Mid-Stuniner Sale
, Women's Dresses
I -
Printed Wash Crepes and' Spun. Featuring 'button- $4 49
down -the -front Style. Mid -Sumner Sale
White Millinery
'Reducekto clear. •
Mid -Summer Sale .
Ladies' Polo Coats
Mrs. 'Roy ,PcfirdilAoltiss -IVIartm Oar
1i Mri 1 Burns, Kitchener;
• Pearl CoPeland,- Mrs.. telt ha
Stroud, Miss Jari,.p Stroud, Kingsville;
Mr. and Mrs.' • Ta pp and serf;
illxeter; Mrs. R.TAlaeGregor, Detroit;
Miss B. F. Ward, Miss M. A. Stone, Clin-
ton; MisS, M. B. Calgary, Alta.;
Mr. and Mrs. Wne Millar, jr„ Windsor ;
Mrs.°Ellen. L. Meyers. Detroit; Mrs.7x.
L. Fordham, Toronto; Miss Reta :Ha ns -
ford, Miss Hansford, London ;
Mrs. -.Ingham and Jane, Detroit ; Mr.
and Mrs. 'H. Clements, • Kingston ;
Mt. and Mrs. X, W. Monnerr Perth;
Mrs, Win,CliiirWs, Toronto; 'Miss L. M.
'Drysdale. Vah(:611Vel, B.V.;" ROT. and
Mrs. 1. M. -Bull; meibuurne, Wing
le-onimander and Mrs. El..F Vielle,
..Port 'Albert Miss R. ('.
TOWIlSile1111, Toronto.
PROOR1:88 AT RADIO 801100L
Work Proce1,diut RaplidlY
rersonnel ileginifing te Arrite
Old Vountry- airmen ore 41ready oe-
eupysi4g some of the residences at the
new .Radto „Technielans Sehool of the
conSirtuttion of wbicii
wns eommenced only a fen,' weeks age,
a contingent •fresh from ngland hav-
ing reachedthere on Monday of this
week,. Water, light and telephone ser-
viees pave been Provided and what was
shorttime ago. a Verdant- hundreda
acre fafni is today', one of •the busiest
„spots In tHuron• ebunty. Construction
has ,been, speeded by remarkably tine
.011444„WsTs.sttille 1!}. -rt
r fit t ion business zs utiT1 111
fort* a .nearly itie hundred Ivrea.
This ,2 week work was. begun on the
hangar arid'On t seFare 'disposal plant
at the southwest corner a the airport.
Almost every day -a new building is
started, but the, public Will have to
wait and see what the ultimate set-up
will be.
This week a nauch-neoded newsstand
and tobacco stdre was Started in
ton to meet the particular tastes in
smoking* and reading a the newly -
arrived airmen from overseas. They
seem to be enjoying themselves in their
new environment. -To them one of the
strange clanadinu, customs is jitneY
dancing. Many, never experienced this
bre—never heard of it—but ' they
took to it like a duck to water, the
widespread selection of friendly Can-
adian 'girls as partners being particul-
arly appealing. ,
alittittp9my, „luta' no), :1941.
Tuesd'aY nfght.was,a big night at the
Picton street howting grens. TwellaY-
-two couples 001; Part In vi mixed
1 doubles tournament, the Winners being:
tat, J. Johnston and ,Mi'. Nelson Hill.;
2nd, Thos., Taylor and 1 Mrs. W: J.
II:lodge; 3rd, SI..J. Ainslie and ,Mrs. J. cit.
Wheeler. • . ' • •
After the play the boWlers gathered'
at the club house, where Mr, and Mrs,
'Fred: 'Hunt 'were Made the reelpients of
a presentation' in honor a their recent
marriage. Mr Hunt. has 'ben an active
member Of the' elub for ',Many yearn
AI,P4si-Aa', the 3
„411_,1,1,Leg0,,_ ,„spresifisenty
--Tanot iervicegi
S -were ven dlie'Weogii ..,
. tion in the -address 'read by W. J.
Maker, novv, the clubs president. W. J.
;Hodge presented. to Mr.-Ilunt a' hand-
some..s/ver tray, and MrS, Wheeler, for
the ladles, presented Mrs. Hunt 'with a'
' (bunch if roses. .A.fter seine words of
acknowledgment by Mr. Hunt; sand-
wiches and eoffee were 'served by the
ladles and were much enjoyed.
New .Series..otrigeon. rligkiti. to Begin
August 3rd with Young pirds
The concluding ,flight of the -'series
under the auspices of the Goderich
Homing Pigeon, sOlub was held Over
the week -end. The birds were released
from Montreal Oir'Safirrday at 8.05
a'an.s.-The distance is 420 iiiiles by air.
The ilrst •bird to arrive home was Bill
sliali-rnssait„ 7.3,5am Stinday. S. G.
--aHs.a.k,'S pigeon came In', at 10.30s.a.m.
-Third was W. Pitbladols bird, its ar-
riVal bei.ulg tinied at 12.30; while in:
fourth place was another birdbelonaing
This js the last ',flight', for the 'old
birds, hat the new birds will comitlenee
a series of 'flights on August 3. -
Bud Jerry won' the eup for the series
just completed, with Bill Baker second
and S. G. MacKay' and W. .Pitblado in
third and fourth places respectively.
= '
• The Sandayschools of the 'Meshy-
Perla n r B.r tissek.
are holdinst,e; -unroll. picnic at Harbor
Pa rk this ( Thursd y 1 -a fternoon.;About
One hundred and fifty are present tinder
the supervision of Rev. 'Samuel Kerr of
Melville Presbyterian -ehurch and Rev.
. C.- L. Lewis, of the riffled. Clfurch.
Sphrts Cond•uCted hy Tom Nielradven
Isobel McTavish, ,Mary Helen EcknieY-
er.Frank 'Scott. Lloyd 'Wheeler and
Edna Davidson a r'itused keen c0111pel-1..
thin. A picnie supper with aniple ice
erea.e will conclude the day's eating.
The Nlowiag' pupils of Miss glealior
Snider. A.T.C.11.. were successful, in
passing:, the midsummer examinations
of the 'Po roffro, se'ainzer va tory of Music'r
. Piano Examinations Grade IX,
Eileen-,Bot?,ie (first-class honors). Grade
vin, Barbara eutt (first-elass honors) ;
Xenia (honors). grade .VII,
Ila rba ta Latica te r ( hobors . ;rade
FIE. En n ice Mil ne Won ors .
Theory Examina tin -- Grade III
harmony. Violin 11 honors). Grade
LI theory, Barbara Cut( (first-stass
• honors) ; Eileen Bogie (tirst-class
Made of Imported English . 'Velour 100%4 Pure Wooi. fihades,
'%Vhite and Egshell. !regular $12.95. $10.95 .
:WM:Summer Sale ......
Men's Sport Trousers
Smart Tropical Sport Trousers in shades of Blue and
Green. - 5lid-Summer Sale ---.. . ;
T110 regu 1 r Illf,Pting* of the -WP.T..p
was bold on Tuesday at Harbor Park.
Mrs. Phillips wa ill eh a rge. The 'Scrip-
tifreL.les§on,-,, 1 Cor. 13, was yawl and
var,ions othr readingsc, Witte given by
members. Prayer was offered by, Mrs.
and Mrs.
meefring oHowee.l,l, su/Appfeterr wthae
a lvely icnic
enj(Sod by the ti1i14111 their
friends. s
Results of exami▪ nations eandueted by
the 1Vestern Ontario _Conservatory 'of
Nfusic. London, are ainioneced and 'in'
the lists are MP MUM'S of 'the follow-
ing; GOOPrieh .411(telliN in pitrniii.; •
Grade V senior- Teresa Roth. .
Gra de I son to r- a ri ra 11100 ry.
Grade III jimior- •MoVonald.
•Mary Pridham,
Grade I Junior—Mary Laithwaite.
shit:Ina. grade I. jusajor - Clara
3,1a rt in.
, Donald Mason, ,son of Mr. and Mrs.
Mason. Elea avenue, has 1)0011
I11)p0lD1141 instrnetor A t Stan-
ley. N.i4. Doa,bas been taking an in-
structor's ewrse at Toronto and Trot'-
. ,ton for alunit roar. . attended
Gotferich Collegiate- Institute prior to
engaging In military life.
All pupili of Elizabeth Mills, Blytir,
, •
trying piano examinations in connection
;Vitt the Toronto 'Conservatory'. of Music
were again ' successful with hodors
;Grade I --Joan ,Killough ; Grade II—
Marie Raithby ;. ,Grade — Lois
Grasb-3:, Fine 'Pollard; Grade V—
Laurel Laughlin.
. Work was 'citinmenced last week on
the inStallathin of an automatic fire
alit= system at. the County Home at
Clinton, authorization for which, at a
cost of 81885, was -given at the June
session. of County 10ounci1..
,MajOr D:,,11, Nairn, Goderich barrister
with- tile Elgin Regiment.. Is one of
twelve Vaaadian officers who` have been
chosen . to go to England for special
Librity there. ,HiS regiment for thc-±pre-
‘setit is 15einaining•
Men's Sport Tweed Suits
. • ;.
In Grey and Brown` Sizp• 36 to 39. _Whim]
to ,dear e Mid -Summer Sale •
In the - It a n tarn IiPt1 op baseball -
series the game 011 Friday fietweifn the
o Pirates and the Tigeis had to lie ine
poned o,d-
wino r
g to tibi Monday
Reds won all 4..fwy vhp,toll• over the
Pirates, the seore', being 9-1.
..i,, ruling has been established to the
effect iltd t who'll 11<11111 (1(04 001 appear
on thne for, -a gaine the game will N.
forfeited to the other team.
'rho 'Lions vtuty wiii award a trophy
at the ends of rho i4eagou to the ehamplan
tenni. . • ,,
A picked teals of aantains goes to
London today, ford.a game 'them
. miss Kathleen IIolmes has,..been•suc-
ceSsful in -passing- with honors the
grade. IV. piano -examination held re -
(('11113 in connection with the Toronto
Conservatory „of Kathleen is
a pupil of Mrs. Ilert Boyes„
According to a, -dispatch from tntawa,
Thanksgiving. Day this year- Will- be
Monday. oet,oher 13th. A prtwlanin ion
to this effect will be issued Shortly.
• GQ.I.F
Results of the local tournaments of
the week : • • •
, •Friday,july 11 -1st, IR. Sanderson
and Geo. XacVicar; 20d, 4. Johnston
and Albert Kitton. •
3fonday—lst, Bert Sanderson and
'Geo. MaoVicar;.?,11(1, W. Heitman. and
A, Kitton, "
Wednesday—P.:. Bisset and A. Kittou.
Juniors Take ..Wednesdays Bruce
-League Game with Cliesley
On, Wednesday evening the lGoderich
@core in the -Bruce Baseball League
eries hy det6ating.qheiley on the lionie
.Chesley went to bat first and' chalked
up one run in their ,half of the inning's.
The locals came right back and evened.
• the score, and. added, two-more-rtms in
the second *innings and, three in the
.fifth. With the tallY 6-1 it Jooked
-Tsafe-thlifeler the locals!, .hut • When
the visitOrs.
sixth, and twiCeitgain in, the -seventh it
didn't look ,quite so 'sure. -.That ended
the scoring for Chesley, bowever, and
the—ltiffalir-added oiwUinir
count, making the final tally 7-5.
Score by innings: .
ChesleY.- 0 0- 0 -0 2 .2--0--9--5-
'CI-Aerial, 1 2' 0 0 3 0 0 r
The teams: • ,
Oliesley--Trimble, ; 'Redinondy ;
R. Gallinger, c ; .:Thopapson, p; Me,
'Crory, ; .Fenton, ss. ; Leeson, if; G.
2b and- p; S. , Gallinger, rf. •
Goderreh—B. Worseli, If ; Paulson,
3b; Young, 2b; Oraig,.p; Bisset, ef ;
!Worsen, lb, se;. Johnston., rf ;
EedY, c, (Westbrook, lb; Mcintyre,
Umpires FIetherington • t Otesley )
and Bud Worthy' (IGoderich).
The Juniors play at .Ripley tomorrow
( Friday ) andKincartline. will „be Imre.
on Monday net. These games yill
conclude tilt.sehedule so, far as Goths
rieltis, concerned, with the exception
• . .
of the postponed games., as to 'which
no fixtures have so far been made.
PlaYing' for the' rose howl by the'
• • •
ladies at the Maitland golf course is
now in nrogress, „the draw for the
first-round being as follows:
Nora Costello y Mrs. -Stewart Henry
Marjorie MaeFle v Mrs. Frank ewrry
Jean Lumby ..c•• Doris Plante
Mrs. Paul ,Robarts v Ruth INTMI
Audrey Wieland y Mrs. Conithurst
Mrs. liockley v Mrs. II. IC. Williams
Mrs. • L. Dva,ii N.: Evelyn 'Owner
Margaret Nicol T JOSie Sa tinders
Mrs. N.' c. Jackson v Agues Coembe •
Mrs. Little v "Mrs. Itmes-rnmp °.
Mrs. Brorfgh Mrs..;
Beth Midi) v Mrs. Nicol
Mrs. Cohen y MrS. Mooney
Pauline Johnston v Mrs. Costello
'ONTO Johngton" V. O. 'MOO?
111,S..G. !Stift V MTS. (tee. Bruce "
The raufid la to be. '6ompletetl by
July '23rd. Players wishing to default
-are asked tO notify the pro; .Mr.
\Vhlte, as soon- as possible.
Mueh interest is being taken in the
R.A.F. tournament to be played on
gatji rd a y next for the benefit of t he
Canadiati Cross. and keen 00m,
ptOitions in -the tit -firms events, are in
'prospeet. ,
'Ladies' Field Days
WilI114.6 the .fiel<1 daY held
yesterday at the, Nfaitland golf eourse
Wert.; LOW grog, IS' holes, Miss Norah
Costello; net, -18 :holes, Mrs, F.,
Ctirry: low not. 9 holes, Miss T.
virlsoll. •
In last week's field day, held July
910, Miss Ronfirta Johnston was Winner
of'low gross, 18 holes; Mrs. A. A.
.Nieol of low net, IS holes ; Mrs. Robaris,
.Wi!.dsor, of low net, 9- holes..
Thu. 101:0,4 .*111 hold their next field
esiy on. Friday, Jilly s25. when there
will be a two -ball f ciarsonw 'a t 9.30 a.m.
A softball' game ' between the
.and Baxter's Dairy bn Wed-
nesday night -resulted in a score of
23-17 in favor ( • • -
line-up for the. "Pinches- 1VaS Webb
(*howen, Yinvic law Tanner. Jackson,
Armstrong,, Rogeis, Gignae, O'Keefe.;
for the Dairy, Larder, Scrimgeow,
Stoddart; -I.:Niter, Rloomfield,
Bowra, B. Bloomfield, Barlow.
BANTER'S 19— "C" COY. _12 .
Company of the Middlesex-Huroe
Regiment suffered an reverse on
Friday night in their game of softball
with Baxter's Dairy. "10" Companv
held the lead, until the fourth innings,
when .Baxter's 'Dairy scored six .runs.
The final ,seme was 19-12. The line-up
for, Baxter's. "- Dairy was Larder,
S (.1.1111g:eon ,Sto&liart, F Barlow,
Bloomfield, Doak, Bowra and McLean,
while the "(1- •Company 'Was
,11. Jerry, Garrick,,'•Worthy, Campeau,
P o MeKin non. *Westbrook, Rio 0111-
liPld and Worsell. °
Reautity. your home with Venetian
blinds. Kii,sli-new steel slat blinds are
more practical, durable _and Permit
greater light control.-- Schaefer's have
,the Kirsh agency, let ns, quote you, on
your requirements. tf
paid your subsoil)
he Sipa
By Katharine Baker _-
, TOO many women hesitate to try neW
dishes 'either 'because they 'seem- cOm-
plicated•or ,because the names .sound
too grand., .Souffles;, for instance,- sound,
like something that ;on' wonld eat only
when you are -dining out---andthen it
would have to be in ayery .good- restaur-
ant or hOtel. Once you have made .a
souffle, , however, you will •tealite that
you've been missing a grand dish all
along:Of course women , can't lie,
blamed -for not trying them when they
were made the..old-fashioned --way and
' would flo,pthe minute they left _ the
Butmodern 'cooks -have no fear;
they.havesdiseoveredthe" secret of using
tidy, alinost-powdery 'grains act amaz-
ingly as holder -upper and in no way.
affeet the .flaver of the, dish.- Your
souffle Can be out of the oven for a
long -time and still stand up.proudly.
A p in or. cheese souffle isattra.ctiVe
for . a light luncheon, but her is the
.recipe tor something really (feStite„ A
chocolate souffle for dessert. , It is
especially welcome after a heavy meal,
because it is light and nutritious.
. Chocolate:'Cocoriut Souffle
i 1 /3 eupsquick-cook ing tapioca
• .1.44 cup sugar
teaspoon salt ,
21/2 squareunsweetened -chocolate,-
Onick.eooking tapibea in souffles. Tliesi
• 2 tablespoons butter- ,
ean 'southern style cor.onot,
: chopped
3 ege_•yolks, beaten until thick and
3 egg whites, shifty,- beaten
Combinenuick-cooking taplora, sugar.
salt,.—choeolate, and milk in top of
double boiler. Place over rapidly boil-
ing water and bring to scalding point,
(allow flee to seven minutes), and cook
five 'minutes, stirring frequently. Re-
move from boiling water and-,adif but-
ter and coconut ; -cool 'slightly while
heating eggs. :Add egg3n01-11.-g and mix
well. Fold. in .egg' whites. Turn into
greased baking dish, Place in panof
het .water and bake in moderate oven
(150° F:) Sixty to seventy minutes,- or
until -souffle. is firm. .Serve hot with
Plain -or whipped eream'. Serves eight.
'Quick-rooking tapioca added to a
sonffle, holds and absoriesmoisture dur-
souffle holds and abSairbs ihtiisture dur-
fluffy, and light, and° helps, it stay high
•(luring serving.
Housewives get lin:to-She habit df '
serving the same. dishes 6. Ver• and over
again. No one doubts- that there 15
‘anything hetter'fot a 'growing faMily-
than good pliiin food; but 'the - trouble
with it is that it lacks surprise. Sub-
stantial, healthful" desserts, for .in-
stance, can, with Slight ehangeS; seem
'like company fare. Instead of that
chocolate pudding- you were going to,
have for dessert, how about , whipping ,.
U1) a crust and making chocolate tarts?
These stunningdittle tartlets with their -
_dark „fillings hidden under whipped -P
Cream are really delicious and contain
allthe nutrition found.. in a plain
Pudding. They look 'very httractive
too, when sprinkled with shavings (Yr
shreds of grated chocolate. • "
• •, • . Cliacolate Tartlets '
3 - sq u a res , un s wee tened eh oeola t e
2 eups milk „.
° f 1 ciip Sugar ...,
, 4 table.spoons eornstareh.
1,1 -teaspoon salt
2 egg yolks, -well beaten
' 1 t a I despoon . bu t ter
-1/ (11:,:_:11:S, raisins
s baked tart .-hells-
Add clioeolate to Inn And heat in
doable honer. When chocolate il
melted. 114 -at with rotary egg bea ter
until blended. Combine suirar, corn-
st a re h and • salt ; add gra dlia 1 ly" t.)
cliocidate nirmture and cook until thick-
(a111;y4.1 . A'itli,dr:.•111•4: yolks, u:(11 s,ts:itlijit11;31.;) g "%;:lt'i(1111:11:::
cooking lo minutes, stirring oceasion-
ly and ci,ok 2 minutes Inferer Add
butter, raisio'S, nuts,.and Vanilla. Cool
slightly: turn into tart shells. 'filhill.
Cover with ‘vhipped erea nd grs t.'.
ehooThrte on top, if desired ; ' r top witl
a inerinwhites until foamy. Add four table-
, e•ne. Makes, 8 L.It
1(iiiii1,-,t(1,1;-:(1,1, ,(11,;:isr,,n,ertt,.., In.ak._eit1 ,attractIve
To make meringue, heat two egg
! spoons' sugar," adding two tables:1)0001
Iat a. time, and heating thoroughly. Con-
! tinue beating until ,mixture stands in
1 ' peaks. Pile . lightly mi filled . hirts.
fillfit44,,:n .1111iliniinace(sle. ,rate niten 4 A514' F.)
1 - .
, .
Aylm Peacties, 2 15 -oz. tins 23c
Libby's 'jot- k and -Beans, 2 20 -oz. tins nre
Snowflake Ammonia, pkg. 5c
48 -oz. tin 250
2 tins 19c
Nrial Catups Chailipion
Ellmarr Vanilla Extract, lgei. &doz. bot. 15c
I .
• 6•43z. bag 10c '
16 -oz. bag 25c
Hillcrest Habitant;
.3 Ms. 25c 28 -oz, tin 1.1c-
Shairtening, ffillerest, 2 lbs.
.00111 Starch, Canada,-pkg.
•With Relihh Dish
Both for 25c
1 -lb.' -bag 39c
' 190 lb.
wth, pkg. 39c
2 I.6 -oz, tins 25c
, 'coa
Oral Yotk choes.e;.. ,pkg.
1,1 MoE EN