HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-17, Page 3;
GODERICII, ONTA1T9, Ti-1-11,JRSi4,Y, JULY 17th; 1941
Business Dire;tory.
• •
Barr ter, Ate. • • .
Offiee--:-CoUrt ouse, Gedericb. -
Telephone 55. • "*" •
VV.M. 1.1
Barrister and Solicitor
First Mortgage
• Urban Loans Available.
th1iee-NQrU t Goderich. Phone 150
„ , • , ..„
m Chartered Accountants
77 Downie Street, Stratford
-Toronto ()flice; 502 Bay ,khreet
S. EL/1101V
• Phone 2043. . • Clinton.
Sales _Attended_ „to an,ywhere and
every, effort made ,to give siaiifactien.
Fanners' sale -notes discounted.
,....A......salisfrtetorY,nenntean.84.fierelee for
, Farm, Propert,y. or Household Sales.
Rates Reasonable.
yoR Tan
Late House Surgeon -Ne W Xork
OPhthalmle and, Aural Hospital, as-
aistant at. Moorefield Eye gorspital and
Golden Square Throat Hospital, Len-
doltir England. • • --
53 . W.aterkio Street S., Stratford.
-Telephone 267. , •
Next visit Bedford Hotel, Gkider,ich,
• Wednesday, Sept. 24th, from 2 • p.m.
• till 5 p.m.
YoUng,Canada ha's taken wings, • To-
day in the. loan/ flying training sehools
Geattered aeress ' the continent .frena
rit"Stlantie ,to yOung men are
WP it
.• those earlier Panadians wbo
pioneered the .Dominion..' The en-
thuslasm;with which they haVe eme
forwardin their thouSands, the keen-
ness with vviiich they have earried out
their training, has demonstrated that
the heart of young ,Canadian manherad
LS as' seUnd as It was When, their
fathers answered the call for the first
Great War. lieweVer, there is a place
Among them for others,, many others.
There Is need for thonsands pore who
believe in th,e 'Canadian way of 111/ing.
•ThejtOyal Canedian Air Force needs
those men.
The, age limit for pilots is eighteen
thiety, inclusive; and for Observers
and wireless Aoperators (air gunners)
eighteeu to thirty-two, inclueive. The
educational ° standard foe pilots and
observers is junior matriculation or its,
'equivalent. The wireless • operators
(air 'gunners) mlist -have successfully
completed two Years' iHigh,School.
There Is also an urgent need for
'tradesmen which ineluee the following
Aero engine niechanies,•-.;air frame
mechanics, Inatrument-inaliera (wa.tch-
makefs), fabric workers (upholeter-
ers), coOks (those experienced and
.those who have the •willingness to' be
trained for this Work), service police,
electricians, clerk accountants, clerk
elepogyapliers, nursing _orderlies, tele-
phone operators, teleprinter operators,
'photographers.' -
The age limit for the tradesnien is
eighteen to :fifty. There IS also
creasing need ter men to serve as -gen-
eral. duties and general duty- guards.
work IS High School entrance, except
where otherwise specified.
All applicants must provide proof of
age and proof of education. Letters
Of reference are no longer required.
Married app1icaats-are:requ1reel7ff, Pro-
videtheir marriage eertifieetesand
proof °Lege of children where applic-
The',11.C,A,F. recruiting• centre for
this district is located th the old post-
effice building On Richmond street,
London, Ont.
• 4' „
Goderich, Phone 341 -
Office hours -10 to 12” a.m., 2 to 5
and 7 to 8' p.m. , Tuesday, Friday and
10 to 12 a.m. enly on. Wednesday,
Monday and Thursday at-Mitehell.---
Mineral fume. baths by appointment
• only.
51 Smith St.
, •
• '
m SURANCE CO.-Farra and iso-
lated tewn property insured. .
Offieerris-Milliam KnIox President,
Londesboro; W. R. 'Axel:Wald, _nee -
President, Seaford' ; M. A. Reid,
Manager and Secretary-Treamrer, Sea -
forth. •
Directors -Wm.' 'Knox, Londesboro;
Alex. BroadfOot, -Seaforth.; Chris.
• Leonhaedt, Dublin; E. J. Trewartha,
Clinton; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth; W.
,R. Archibald; Seaforbh; Alex. MeEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregordClinten; Hugh
Alexander, Walton.
Agents -E. A. Yeo, R.R. 1, Goderich;
James Katt; Blyth; John E. Pepper,
It.R. 1, Brucefleld; F. IlleKereher,
B.R. 1, Dublin; J. P. Prtieter, Brod-
Policy-holderis ean make all pay-
ment e and get their cards recelpted at
the Royal Bank,.Clinton; 'Calvin COtt's
• Grocery, Kingston Street, GOderich, or
J. H. Reids General Stare, Hayfield.
Daily 7.30 a.m., 4.25 p.m. -Leaves
Goderieh for Stratford, Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
Tavistock and 'Woodstock. Depats -
Bedford, British and, Royal, Hotels.
Phone hotels or 305 -for Automation.
Charged With Theft
AS SEEN Bit A NEW09114Elt
of Ten Head of Cattle'
— ••„ .me nue sluing morning I set out for
Andrew Bell Elects . Tria by .:,4'
- • 1 •- ,.,..y riirstilvaih in Alederieh with. great instiletion, ,Troning 01,14 Itqcrea: vespers, the dedication 'service of the
..),_ ' , . . Bummer •Sehool was. held, in .. which,
Judge: and Jury- - ' anticipatiOn; haVing heard much praltie lion Pleasantly Mingled In . after a torchlight parade, certificates
7-'•"7-37::::•-•,-.r.i'..:Wimaif..17,,,,11001.14.572.--",-„L„,..........:;- , 111,..J) kfltialt412M111. In 'Cl•In..10-'1,-..4-.••;--.,,,r-,',•,,,,,,-, i-• eves , ifilititior-AmagIVArowiivrtkeittid.t.te,*44,wsisliir&t• for
, • - ' . Letke inurou. .As I mashed espellInf tO :
. 4 ,—...... ,
AWeek at Goderich I Saturday nlorning exeept that of Mr.'
, Inight, who gave us his final talk 'en
Ms experiene0 in China. 'I
Summer School' DediratImi •ServIre
IOn l3aturday everting,. after .:isunset
cyt,coARsg; FOR 'THE PIPE .
J. W Craigie
Get Our Automobile Rates
Phone 24 Goderich
Pleading not guilty (in weekly polieeee the lake I was directed down
• • ,
. the e ourges under the different leaders,
„Slavin in iOctOber, 3,940, Andrew, Bell proacialfig nearer, proved 'to be the he (1 a. he Lai te Ohurch
theft of ten head of eattle from ..eaomas ebauting
,„„ , ,:- ' p4artlet 11)14n:fa r'orb°1ana's giengdg. b8°Ier°:- ogf.11111)soe. rien.' it, .(108bye iloaoleieee. Y.lepillisrYliana‘nsin'erti.S.'e4111-0- (olaenlif17941!)1,,,. 4,Tahn40(1w. elrillvt:flonaciteilii7ne.tillalicis:DtSi:o:tin'ttln:fier,r4chtVHr: eotoruld.atewnitii
hue, whieh, upon my Ap- , 1 is t , i d
grounds north rit 1Goderielf, was under was a one hundred per cen.t.' dedieatl u
cavil) completed, their courses and, 60 IC
'Court last Thursday, to a. eharge -or -
elected trial by *judge and. Jury. The lake. I •was' delighted and animated
stage was all set for the preliminary witK that first view a magnificent, Lake the direction of Rev'. Olareliee E. at this ,gerviee.
- the town me a feelinq akin to that ,i
hearing before Magistrate Makins when
'it was announced that Orovfn witnesses Looking at the lake from the heiglits of dean, and. c„::blarience. W1 -
Huron sparkling in the spring sunshine. Beacom, of Grand 'Bond, president and muOninoSnunwtiansY alobosernriv'neag al! toll'e019.etree.ek 'corn;
eOlen,,agin 4).(f,i' „dosed ,chapel on. the north. side of the
had not been served with summonses -
- • Ali. ow, us ness manager an
forwarded to. Seaforth and adjournMent
Wee taken to July 31 -Bell was given
his liberty on $1,000 bag pending trial.
Mr. Slayin,, well-knoWn • Tucker- ththat problems lese, their.
email farmer, -claims that in the spring .„ P(sts°11a1
rece ve a moun ai in mg., 111
/ociring from 034 sunlmit to the beauty dreagyisetlr,aetr.iwrzfb. jevasych,00thol„ owpeitnuedi:rauSyninn-
and magnitude below One feels sueh ,,,,„rge
an infinitesimal , part , of ' some Great '''''''' "of --re'rthiPresbyterY. P. Union,
addressed byi'.N,Ir. .00c1eugh ef Strat-
ford, on the subject,. "ellic.,1Qompensit-
tion of Religion and Youth." ,
of last year he gave'Llell $520 eash to. Since that at morning I have 'seen
the lake hi'manSt mOods-glorified with*
the eerflection Of brilliant *unset; dark
and brboding, or wild in storm ; busy
with little Ashing boats and. large
freighters; captivating with warm sun-
light •and_iaughing bathers. It is al.:
ways beautiful, always different. .
What an ideal location for a town!
Fe* towns have the setting and
natural beauty ' of Groderieh. Do ..old
residents apPreciate- this, or 'do they
become uninterested?- I have been
grieved to find that rubbish of all -kinds
is dumped over the banks of the lake
around town. Can this carelessness
not be reetified? Could centalfiers not
be provided for picnickers to -dump
their 'paper, etc., In_ at the_public.look-
out places and on the bathing 'beach?
It is found that people will take care
of rubbish. if encouraged and, educated
to .the idea of keeping the grounds
clean and attractive for others. It is
ity-to _mar...the „leanty.....otlake...iuld...
town. Can we not give thought ta this'
and keep IGoderich; tire prettiest' and
31eGavin, who is vice-president of the most attractive town in Canada?
Ontario PlowmenAssoeiation, mede (The above was written by a lady
who has reeentl,y. become a resident of
the,Pfp la company- with.the gold and
. Goderich.)
silver medal winners of the interim-
fional plowing match at St. Thomas
last October.
Mr..id ..MeGavin sain Toronto yester-
day that German propaganda to keep
American t oui.ists froni visiting Canada Latter Unobtainable,. and Expekiment
is still 'having considerable effectin to Be Made with Salt
Middle Western ,Sta teS. He said that STRATFORD, July 1.1.-Ufforts to
in nearly every town he was asked if improve the Blue Water highway from.
It Was true that gasoline Was 40 cents ,Goderich, to Port Albert are continuing,
'a gaflon in Canada and that clothes it was,stitted ,by -H. E. Macpherson, of
, were sky-high in price. . Stratford, resident engineer of the On-
tario Department of Highways. Be -
Farmers in Gillette, Iowa, called a
Special meeting 'in honorof the , Can- cause of the sandy qualify of the soil
adian trio, Mr. MeGavia said, and,
,ranehers attended from thirty miles
distant. "We talked from 8 o'clock
until 2 in the morning, exClianginrg
.ardews,". Mr. MCGavin said. "1 never
an9wered so many questions in, my
buy ten head of cattle for 'him. The
purchase was made and the cattle put
on grass. In Oetober of 1940 it is
alleged that, accused took the cattle
from the pasture field and sold them,
retaining the proceeds. Bell is ,de-
fended by 'Frank 'Donnelly.
Thee are the "deg days'" in, police
court circles,as elSewhere, and as a
result there Was a very ,light docket.
There was only one traffic case listed.
Miss Verna Fowler not Only had the
mlefortune to damage a fender in a
minor motor collision, but when police
ear& to investigate she was unable to
produce a 'driver's permit.' The fine
was $10 and costs.
• -
WALTON, • July 15.--Gordnn Mc-
Gavin,haS retimed home after having
comp eTeda0 S JOffiT1 t-rifv-th-rdttgh
Canada and the Middle West. 'Mr.
campus, This, ImPreSsive service, in
the morning stillness, was condueted
the Dean, 'Bev, ,(.1 Beacom.. At II„
o'clock the closingiservice of the' school -
was. taken, by (itc.v. igeo., Mr..
Wylie in' his gidre,ss made a plea for a
better understanding hetween'the young
The delegates then retired for the, people and the adults -of the eouutry.
first night in eilmp and were wakened l Sunday dinner brought to an end the
1941 school..- During*the afternoon and
evening our•members departed, all feel=
ing that their week at camp ha.d indeed
been an, inspiration, to them for better
living' and had awakened in them a
new .sense Of the Alrpervading presence
of G -6d.
bright and earl'by the whistle calling
them to begin the daz's activities, After
a dip in the lake, morning match. WAS
held, and then breakfast' was in order
In the dining -hall.
Art..9 'O'clock came the group study
period, The _campers 'had a. clfOlee o
the following groups: '1How, the Bible
tree to Be,". led by Rev. G. W. Wylie,
of Oakdale; "Youth and Citizenship,"
by Rev. 'Alex, iRapsoh, of Kirkton;
"The 'Christian View og (Life," by Rev,.
C. L. •Lewis; of Brussels, and '"Youth
He said the Des Moines, Iowa, plow-
men are anxious to have Ontario com- contracts 'undertaken by .the „suppliers.
Petitors at their plowing, match, and Mr. Macpherson stated that it has been
may send men to attend the interna- decided to try salt as a substitute for
tiairal plowing match this year at calcium chloride. The salt will' be• ap-
Peterborough on Oct. 14, 15, 16, 17. -plied.immediately, he said.
May July, 1942, bring us together
again for another week at Goderich
'Summer School.
Camp News
Camp Hiawatha, the boys' camp,
and Dramatics," by Rev. R. 0. Hazle- Opened 'Monday, July 14th. . The camp
wood, of Bemniller.
runs; until July 21st... This year the.
_At 10 &clock each morning there wa seniOr and junior boys have been com-
a twenty -minute recreation period. This blued- in one 'etunP•
with led by Rev. Harry Mahoney, of There is a registration, of about sixty,
Parkview United chureh, Stratford, hors from nine to fifteen, ;years of age.
andillarbara Michie, et Brussels.
From 11 to 11,20 eabla day there was
period-.-ofetree t-ime--an-opportunit-F
for catching up with such matters as
assignments. • -
At 1120L -the sahool, was addressed by
Mr. Nornian Knight, business manager
The camp chief is Rev. Harold Snell pf
Ethel and the business ., manager is
v...Grartlon-Ha21e-wood„.4f--getimillert- •
The, Other leaders are Rev. J. P.
-Cooke and Rev. A. L. mexasre, interest'
Kinature study; Harvey ,Bryans, sports;
grou.. .$411let 1441-1
.1- , ANAL. Ala, ADA.
of . the United Church Hospital at .Arnold Bari, musical director.
WelCamp 'Hiawatha is to be followed; t;...4e
livvelNorth China
, •, who is at pre- ••Ivec,
k of July 21st; by Canip--Nickawa
seat on furlough,. Mr. 'Knight' told, an
(ifor junior girls. The leader Of this
interesting story of, his 'Great Wari ecorps
eanip is
'Mrs. B. G. Hazlewood, . of
periences in the 'Army Medical o
Benmilleto •
his first aseeciation with the Chinese
on a, hospital transport returning coolies
to that eeuntry front France; triad later .
his connection wifh the Mission , A pretty July wedding °of special
pital at WeiliVIrei, and in Tientsia. •
Hy Peintine Woad! -
MonthtY, 4413 214
•41r.st, gad sad 3rd prize 'winners
but 11113.1.Kit- NOSS,' 11.1i01.W, or
write your . entry to Erie
Dray. Atitinission: Adults Ektie,,
401.?. Dancing for ,31'.4,
'hours included int admissiell
price. • •
Willis Tripping mid eakarrie
-Rhythm Orrheetra,
Daud'nig every. night. Free
'adroigsion T11.05., '14/a111r15,, 1111.,
before 9 p.m. • !Orme aIong--We
are haying swell crowds. '
40131. 20th, Afternoon
, and ".evenlog
''''• SURF valor _
Annua!, Gatberinr Hield at
Grand Bend.
The thirteenth annuai-x4uniOn of the
England family was held at 'Grand
Bend On. Wedne.sctly, July .9th, with
an attendance above- the Average. A .
sumptuous dinner, .•,,proyided. by the
ladies, was enjoyed 'at noOn. ihg -
president, Mrs. Ward-Zavitz, being
mistress of geren3,onies. Dinner Over, n
literary program Was presented, during'
which Short addresses were given by .
several members of the family.. A nep3.- ,
'mating eommittee consiating of T. A.
Woods, Of Watford, Delmage,
of eamlachie, and A. Tohttipo`n, of ,
Auburn, Was appointed. In the after- ;
noon a fine program of sports NV:as run '
visiting amongi,: the elder ones helped
to pass a. pleasant afternoon. and all "' • •
_too- soon .it was .time for the evening
Meal - The -rep•O'rr Of the nominating •
..cOnunittee$ wasreceivedand adopted
unanimonsly. The officers for. the -
coming year are as foIlews: Honorary
president, W. H. 'Johnston, Exeter; past '
president Mrs. Mark Zavitz Watford.
president, .-Dr. W. V. Johnston,„Luck--
interest took place at *t. now; lst vice-president, Olmer Moffatt,
paritelee NoVomatmfeiltiftlee; wi:::
Oeq11 gohrtatou, Lucknow . luncheon
Watford ; secretary.treasurer.„..11,
church, Dublin; on_ Saturday morning Watforit Elnier Johnston, Linknovv,. „
when Miss Thsresa • lielaney, deputy John Cavanaugh, Strathroy ; sports
At 12 o'elock the noonday 'm.eal W•as
served by Mrs. Thorneloe and her
assistanta.-in the, 'earap.-kitehen. TJ
ta.bles were looked -after -by helpers
"fags,” eiieh cabin supplying ,the ifags
Fe MeKillop, •was united in. marriage te '
1 ;committee, Horace Delmageo Canilachie,
'sheriff of ifuroli county, fifth daughver
.losephAraTone, son bf ;Nit's. Malone and, -Elmer Woodk,••Watford, Morley John- .
of -Mr. and Mrs. J,ames-"Delaney of '
the late John T. Malane of Makin* s.ton; Auburn; courtesy committee, Mrs. .•
along the'rBlOe Water highway, it has It or one or more -days. ' .
., Rev. Dr,lrfoulkes otticiateit and sang (Dr) W. IL Woods,- .MOunt
been .necessary to mix in play to im- 1 - After dinner, a '-singSong and music
the nuptial mass, .Miss • Mary -.Beale
g iMerabers were_apresent _from Alvin-
.prove the -base. ' This work has been in rappreciation . hour. was conducted by
, Lake .Hilron an •AttrOction- ' presiding at the 'organ. (Rev. Father •
slat6chilie, Eirkxoeittiteti,., Auburn, $FBrusgrs;aLvue,eknCiaolow4-,- , 4„:._.
prOgress Rix. some' time. , A. small R,ev. 'Harry Mahoney and • the Dean
tim ran occupied. a . • • • . -
Sarnia. and . ,Strathroy. Grand Bend. . . ,••
qyantity, of calcium chloride. used to -lay '
ficient --calcium chloride, because et war = was chosen as the, plaee of meeting for '
the duSt,, also has been mixed in, but Frona 1.30 ' :3.00 A. -as a period for -
it has not been possible to obtain suf-2, reading and •ret°st, 'followed. at 3 o'clock i seat in thesauctliark. • The bride';.giren•
1 0•Drowski of St: Coll" I' •
1),i -the afternoon swim in sparklin.r, marriage by' her father, looked at. next year and •the secoad . Wednesday
kractive in a -sheer street -len th . imi yin July as the date. The singing ef the
'writ Ilialte Huron. Even if -.the lama! in
time peat in and near the water. ' . '
i o pink beige with picture hat .aad
g g National Anthem brought this haPpy .
' White accessories and corsage of cram day to a close and the members seemed,
was stony., the campers. all enjoyed the , ,. . _ .
At -1.30 group games were in, order,
roses with delPhinium. . She .was reluctant to leave thelr pleasant -as,
usually softball, and at six beils supper ; ass•s_tid by her sister Mrs Peu• Blonde rcia..tions until this time- next year. •
, 1 gi jigstrag tinisimi_ ottr, regnizr . , ,,,. , , .r, _ .. (etirwtimerrinirosinle,ititie6sers loilttg%grtet.a dwiestaiketThre-, . . .
Geo. G. MacEwan
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Office :-'Masonic Temple,
West Street, Goderieh
I, Phone 230 ..plualticii
, P. J. ,RYAN
Real. Estattridid Instirance
Office and Residence:
11 'Trafalgar ,Street
Phone 003 •
FOR SALE -Houses .0204111 kinds,
choice building lots, business
property and several good farms.
,Let me show,. you 'some real
bargains. Buy now.
Now Playing --"BUCK PRIVATES"-Starringi Abbott 86
• Costello.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Judy Canova,, Bob Crosby, 'Chas. Butterworth' ad Jerry ("Walnut
with it east of radio and .eret!ti favorites, presenting a riotous and.
4 • 0
Thursday, Friday and gaturday
GENE AUTRY with Smiley Barnette, Mary Lee at. idllarel Adams.
OUt under the .western ,staro two prairie troubadour o ride through
another melodious adventure..
„ Matinees Wed, Sat; and Holidays at 3 p.m. X
Coming -Ray Milland and Constance,Moore in "f Wanted Wings."
William Brydgs,. Goderidi Old Boy,
1 of Chatham, a recent June bride, who .
Evening vesper services W4.n*V held on ' vith white accessories and corsage of -
expressing regret that they•were unahle
meals, for- the day. .
.ore a; gown of piecioua aqua *crepe
Talisman roses with baby's breath. to attend,
• .1,-,a.
Sunset Point, and as the sun sfowly,
, . . N'eroraca- Moly-
. Is Mayor of the City of Saginaw/ Mich. bietVAI's WIliSneled through the leaCe.s, . .
Mr. Ben Blonde was groomsman Dur-
- -, - i Ave turned Orlr thoughts again r.0 Theang-. 1
... - • *
' '11•-•, 'lake' FIRST IN ASHFIELD
Elbert ..Sanily_wasL the first to ette
lie offer -tor y • lellit 7
la aux -sate, "Ave \lam • Immediatel •
he in Ashfield township this year,
. _ .•,
- • .. Creator of all ye wondrons beauties:
: ,after the 'eerenniny ri. rer' •eption wa3s startin,g on,1:_t!1!_11..
NV 1111 a m Br (1C- to his Old I cate upon . graduation from. Goderich ',of 1111 u
friends.. here -is 41.110 111er 'Grulerich old
boy Nvho has• -come, ro the front.. The
following , from The Saginaw 1 Mich.)
News of • recent date tells -the star., Brisiness College, aceountaut and '114 (4 i • . • - . • ,
Ii : The tables Wem deeortited with while1 ,
r Knig-lit, our ' 1111 1011 spol:e to ' us.,
which ..will •i're of interest to •mahY in Man for Saginaw li(pf 1'o. and Cornwell ' .. , _
'collegiate Institute, took further train- -- ,rh ; fi - held at the bride's home, after which
ing in 1901 and came r0 was on f tl • high
to S.111 -0 -flaw to 1Prhts of the evening' pro4Tam, -• Either.' dInner was• served at tile Royal Hotel, ;
come Y.M..(1,A. physical director in 1902. ,
Successively teacher at Internaponal
, at" or before the lire we 11;1 some sper•ia 1
me,diate reltitives of the two families.
Alitc.l.„.4141.„,khirty-five guests-, im-
ferture Mot day everfir o•
A Rev. IlarrY Mahoney u
delphinium. . Mr. Una Mrs. '..Slalone left
estate, chief ,aecountant 'of Marquette )11 TilPs(111..
Goderiett, where the Brydges
• 1
on a ioneymorm trip to -Northern On --1
fathily grotip games and general recreation,. ,
• ll ot or Co./ assistant nurna•rer 'of ilelt. 1 tarip and. on: their return Will reside on $,
! on NN'ednesd'ay 'night Rey. W. A.
liNa.d•for some years., ahtl in Dungannen, sT111-,r itureit-Wileox co . puirlieacco‘unt- ! the bridegroom."s farm in $McKilhip $
Bremner, of Seaforth, spoke on behalf
where 11111y" was...bora..., Tw() sisters ma,' auditor 11 1 ChevrOlet • .Nlotor Co. in ' i
1,9f the untario Temperarice.F.ederation. I(Avn'shiP• ' ' * ' •
live ttt. Nauton, Alberta, -.and a ,brother,. Flint, s-turien t iril New ',York, - tea -eller in- I
1 Thur.sday s iSrog-ram was presented by , - .. r, --, •
•,Itov at iSagimiw : . • • • Saguia w II i-,(4•11 School, heas continuing ! 'A STUBBORN BIA7E
the dramatics group, under the diree- , 1
Mayor of Saginaw and active in his, own.' voice school ;Ind ' 1111 1114 1 , - 1
; tion of Roe. Gordon ilaz.b.w1.. They Firemen Inv;11 with a stubborn blaze!,
business, „eductit tonal .,and civic circles, nertvIty., ,, . . .
pre:,ented svA.4.rttl humOrous acts.. and., on Monday' afternoon WilPil • spark.s1
William J. Itrydges 'Was elecfed to the ••Ecolionty.. .trurl effiCiency a r,}x...rlition '
then --a 'Sacrod (11 1331 ow; „the, life-..o‘f - •
eitY council in 1030, became mayor 'this of both eity .ariti--count- ,are Song/a 11's ' .• from a passing •C.N,R.. train are thou. -lit 1
. . St. Paul. ..
year and 14 1)1 the City on the Budges. wh-3 believes. that "expenses 1 r 10 hirve.,set. tir•e 'to dry*grass on cl'ear4.41
1.f -ter the campfire, 11114 14 groulki
.Saginaw. 'county' board a supervisim,.. should be properly met, that funds 1 ' 1-1 ha4_.. InAshland owned by ho,e.rt- Winter. It 1
Seventh ward election committee nuqn- should not- ar•cumulate but he in. iilsr..0(4,41:).; ,, giii(Intitir.(..•rerrillItri,(tri.1;rroftiliiip4.,,S, '11:1('IrSi,,f%.otr4,Fe
hi.m.h. , was -feared for -a . while that some of
her and chiiirrrulli, he eame4ap through • t.io'n so that full use mar he
the politcial ranks.• 'fle..mOiv-•-teaches 111 .111ithige 1[10%4 (1 ''/ never n.111.4s ,:lnA ; ing study leaders. discussed matterst'irbfl,1
1 : 11lilisin(1.),:u.ilriti,;„!:•ii•ing71011)1,1.1(11.141t,1„,(l.•„rper14;(3,;(1 ,tcoo'nt(Iiiic: $
voice and is seeretar3,•-treasurer of the • opportunity to vote." - he savs. ,,,,s ! current interet, ,, i.11! h. as "Sunday
Hon Of the t.rxttss, the tire spread rapid-
Ai' '..servance," -Youth and the Church,"
Sagihaw Me.,f al Products -100. '
. lodge and club affiliations are .Nfasr.atic _ , ly. ..Stunws burst into flames and sontel
rim other topies"., .
f4 11(111. as dalna, Irreltlell were
1..Iducated publie school in Dun- Lodge 77,Whapter 31, Ctinntiandery 1(1,1 „open Night" Prograiu
genital!, oat., where he was borw4urre Khurrifeh Shrine. AR.rlin Grot.fir, , sonleWhar hampered in thely light 'by I
111(1 I% was open night at the school,
11 1Ss2, and in..1Iolsiein and lirnssels,4 itottr.y 1'1,111T atid-Sagitiatv Valley Tgru.11
and parents and friends of the camper,s the gfeat distance ..from a hydrant. .A r•
Ont:. lie 4111441 111'ife' teacher's certili- V1111). $ volunteer brig:1(14,1 did excellent work.
progrant, 111011,..N.turned halite thinking they !!
; gathered to see and h4(ar our eveningi „
game, had thoroughly' extinguished the flames, I
A Huron I'resbyteo• softhall
betwi.en Nile and \\ 111±4 w•,11•4. the but t,i"'3" r4".1"-51- -11 1""tt. 9 aml•
Nese:1y to voila. out ag,ain. New Iireq
lin4 event. lit's.' was won by White -
• Howell ;iftei a lively' and Interesting started, but: a ft4.,r a still' resis,tattee •
they were put 011 1.
' game. -
Of t, 0
After taking Up' the position allotted them end eamOtiflaging tlir4r
"it Min, 11-r.r4m,v of a ,Wtzatein ('8111(1 a att 11-ttt111t regiment ehe,r*k rin
(their position on the Map daring reeent manoeuvres., of the 2ial 1)z i.ion
1,gga, Harry margan,4m, 'of chlgary, /mints out tin. spot to Guimaia Geomo
(Ignite, o& Aerne, Alberta ; Norman Withey. Mackie, Alherta ;
Siveell, of Manfred, and 1tin1 iSmitton, of Weabourne, Wan.
Later, an 011t(100r,collOort was pre -
sent4,(1 berifile the linin. hill r-s•ith our ;
geeial I)eati ectine as roaster
(11' (Pre- Tirda
11:1111. 1-1,t:)1::
m)nies. High lights of thisn
cocert sa
were ;l singsong' 10(1 1),;t• Pori Albert. The riPou inail byrnight
Itev. Gordon NVeir, missionary"ti`t the' 11 1,111 :I cheque for $2:3' from the Cittitou
1 skits presehted by each leader's group: 1‘%-o pigs Vt II:14 Wtiti ill tilP
1111 1111)1114i'': 1:(111:111)ini)11:::::::11sbfar:Cnviitittii;'11:-ar'IrvOl''::
Indians of Walpole Island ;1,1011
.4 and the "'Forel' and. Scoreli." tlo, camp'
Impel...edited by -.1,..larion :Silk ttild .read 114,1(1 recently. 1114. lii.kyt 4.0.4 him
by• Glen 44.111 well.
One -Of • "31315
our s-isitors from (lerieli .
' rldscot ored. after. the convertt ha his i
car would not starf it sviblnr.1 V4^1..3
14,111r•to 11 to lea Vio our pleasallt
T113151 iga firm revva led 1 ha 1 the battery
was mi,sing. A coarch of Hui driv4,-;
way disclosed th-rt 1' 1114' • 1)11 tery har1 I
fallen out ott tile way in. and 111'0Itell.1
• into sfr'reral 1107411 Sa ()Ur good
friend and. his carload of gills, had to
• return to ,Godetich in another :1 lito
Later. .soine 4, 17 the more exuberant
spirits *immix staff rtiatl stinli(litq staged
an impromptu war -dance and ,er4,1111de
ott tlu, eamints. (Inlet finally reigned,
11 1141 1181 Pant 11 114•11.(1 08 00(11113'.
Some of the more a31l1)it1on:4-4 oUr
campore arose. •carlv the tient morning
and were talein totir of .the
roun{1111g Woods and ',fields, Whore, 'Under
the ifireetion of Rev. :Gordon 'Weir, /a
lzeen naturalist, they stii'died 544810 01
the plants Of the distriet. Among the
• sPbeimens 1 brought .., back were tho
.0.1irlpthiaiCfern, bloodroot and Indian
There wer-•e,. no regular periods on
114 114E CM4PLDIP.14 110CSAS
SVRIVItat Of 'la tWilltekt
411 Come to Jasper, biggest
National Park on the•Con
tinetiti See all the Rockies,
-with Jasper Park Lodge as
your headquarters.. There's
plenty to do. Come via the
smart, air-conditioned Con.
' tinental Limited. • • P
Low, Simmer. Rail Fares.
Your localAgent will gladly furnish
you with descriptive bookleta and lull
information as to fareo, limits, etc.
, 4 •
Under the Auspices 0(1 1110
A Sacred Concert
is beihe gilen on fie. !avail of Dr. anill Mrs. I410411 •31offeill,
°east of Varna, on
Sunday Evening at 8.15, July 20th
D.,p. HUGH fl( h 01 SEAFOR111, WILL friP13.1.1ti, j10 T�!
mu* will he D;roOded by IL II. lkGee and liEs 'Weir, 40e
Auburn; Miss il'elbiaisoit, of Scafortlx; .16b. Chas. lleallips, 4)1
Goderich, and the Ikfale Quartette of Hohnesville.
At Collection Will be Received at tile Gate