HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-17, Page 1Cornbinir07he Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
Many -Picnickers
at liarboi,Park
Three Large Gatherings Enjoy
YestFday ,Afternoon at -
the Lakeffide
'A hot of picntckers,,hevaded Harbor
Park on Wedeesday, vstien+ three gath.er-
inge were held there ---the Straughan
ainflyrennionethe +Orich family gather -
Jig, and the nicnie of Auburn and Herbert Morrison, who as Minister
Of Home 'Securety - is he cheep of
13ettain's civil defence services, hias
issued h. very special call 'for 110.1P -
'Our men and women need knitted
comforts badly. ;' They are working
under:incredible elifficultiee and dangers
te se their ,felloweereenand woolen.
They are lighting ,flres; driVing embul-
anees ; doing reetue work; caeisig for
the injured; digging .out the- victims,
day in and day out. All of them work
ceaselessly. The eivilian men and
women are standing side by, •elele wtth
all of our lighting fes.
4'They need warm clothing. They
need woollen• caps to fit under their
steel helmets; warm Sweaters to help
eight the demp elute -bill. Of letig nights
under bombefire.. They need heavy
stockings and gloves. They need cloth-
ing of all kinds." • •
,Wemenof iGoderich, will you set
aside a definite time each"dayduring
the long summer days and evenings to
krtit or sew for these nen and women
who need so ow& Nyhat -you -eau
send them, • The local. Red Cross risoms
are open every Tuesday and Thursday
from 2 to 5 p.m. Will .your not make
an -effort eto- give inte 'afternoon -a week
te help in making the 'garment e se
badly needed? OoMpetent instr,uttion
_rooms to those who require- aseietance,
and will be given gladly and court-
Mrs. 'Wallace: Campbell, director of
women's war work for the Red:Cross,
in discuesing the pressing need for
wholehearted work how in these sum-
ene'r weeks, deelared reeently :
:We heed Millions Of mittens!, Ask
the women to take their knitting with
-them an their holidays and to work
.harder than ever 'this' etiMmer. "'Ask
them to sew in groups w•herever they
can. If they have nesewiug machine
they ixiake upe•blocks far- quilts.,
Keep at work. There es, no such thing
as a ho1iday7 from OUT ,yVaT work."
Direct from your compassionate fing-
ers, to these whose need is so dee-vet-ate,
Townsend-, Jack Chle; girls 6 -te 9,'
The Marathon :bridge eoninaittee le
deeiroue .ofo having all -scores and Money
'turned in, and has see July 21 as the
deadline for. ereceiV101% tbese. HOSt-
eeSes and PlaYers are requested urgent-
ly eo eomply with thie request, ae incon-
venient% is. being experieneed with ,the
dragging out of the thne,litnit,
Clinton eaptiet Sunday schools.
Straughan Reunion
Alto1it eighty-4We members of the
iStraughan family -were present. from
Auburn, iGoelerich, Myths Bene
Miller and Oraligevilte, Snorts under
the 'direction of IGO, Poevan: were held,
with ,the following remits': BoYs' race
under 5, Clayton, ,ettreughan, •Jack
Hicks; girls under' 5. Betty Lou Fare
oiler ; . boys 6-10, Donald 1Straughan,
Martin-Straughen ; 6-10, Jewel. Mo•
101hichey, 1.4orraine •Iiteks; beYs 14-16;
Billie Newcombe, Bill MeClittehey ; girls
11-16, Doris4Me.Brien, :VIhdred Par-
'quhar ; necktie race, le Dalgleish and
Mrs. Hazel Dalgleish ; bottle race,.
'the men- won, pillow race,- the. women
„ woh; clothespegs On line, Thomas Jar-
dine Mr. Hazel Dalgleishe clothespin
race; Billie , 10bwan, Mrs, ,. Wm.
-Straughau ; ladles' race, Betty IStraugh-
un, Mrs. HazefDaigleish; 'Wheelbarrow
race, Dalgleieh Ind Billie 'Cowan,
s Martin end Benson, Straughan ; men's
race, 101arence Ball, 'Mervin Farquhar.
Other prize award e were as follows:
.. oldest person present, Mrs. Thos.
.Andeirson, 1GOderich; youngest person
present, Janice Dalgleish, daughter of
•Mr. and Ws., L. Dalgleish, of Orange-
eille; person coining greatest distance,
--Alexe-gagleene, ekk4htehreetit
° Okla- The effieers for 1942 are: Presi-
' dent, Mr, Howard 'Sturdy, Goderich ;
secretary, Wm. Straughan, Auburn;
convener of sports, Mr. Clarence pall,
•Stimmerhill; contener of refreshments,
• Mrs. Ed. Farquhar, Clinton.
. After the games, refreshmentssewere
served in „the paellien.
Crich Family Gathering
The ()rich &Scent:lents, numbering
• about .100, came from Toronto, Fern-
dale,' Mich., Detroit, Engle•hart,
ford, Fort France, Seaford).
and the surrounding district. Keenly
centested games were enjoyed, with
results as foltoWs; Boys' race under 6,
Ron ,Hugill; girls, under 6, Mary ,Crich,
Jean Cartwright; boys 6 t•C):- 9,.Bb
. • ••
rain Traffic
Is Still Brisk
Passenger Steamier Georgian
Begins 411er Regular
go the warm elothing and, comforts you
Margaret Cole, 'Leis Crich ; boys
make this summer. Won't you, help --
res Doe Criele George Turner; girls, .•nrote, and more, end more? .
9. to 12, Ethel 'Cole,. 'Lois iCrich; young
ladies' race, Helen Crich, Evelyn Crich ; • • - '
,4 Col. G. O. Nasinith, former overseas
young men's . race, iLavirence: ()rich, '
commissioner- for the 'Red 'CroSs, skated
Norman Pepper; married, woinen's race,:
recen tly 1 . .
Ales. Elmer II:engin, Mrs. Frank ()rich ; „Yopeare doing one thing that is...of
.. e '
, married men'serate, rOrnie •Orich, iOliveree e
tue utmost importance. That is., help -
!Vole; novelty race, 'Airs: Frank ',Qom- .
Ing to maintain the, -morale of the
likings; birthday gone,. Iona ilugill ; _vie.. .They
eome- fo our centres
kicking elipper, Helen ,Crieh. The 'oldest i'''
dazed,- homeless, with dear ones killed
person preseerwas 'John Edwin Ball, of
or • wounded, and are fed, clothed -and
•• Tuckersmithesthe youngest was Gerald
' -- elionsed until arraegetnentseare arra- er-e-il-
1tobert crich. _Those coming' the great -
to care for diem:"
--ef.:st distatice•epueptesely ..for:_the_pienic_,--• ._‘• . .
- - _........._ ._,.. ..., . - . _ ..
-were • Mr: and. Mrs. Ernest Crich, -of
- Perndele,,Mich, . .
After the games, a brief program was
. preseeted in the pavilion, after which
all present partook of .stipper from a
-heavily-laden table. The gathering
eine-bided . with the National A-nthem.
ltaptist Sunday School
The Aulenerand ClinteirBliptist *Sun-
day school picnic. was well attended.
Sports eonducted by the pastor, Rev.
' A. E. 'Silver, were thoroughly enjoyed
by all. The winners of the -various
races were: 'Beginnere' race, Margaret
Ann Jennings,, Virginia Shearer; boys
11, Bob MeNall, Tom Sheppard; girls
48 -TY, Dolev,Boadle,.Shirley Robertson;
boys 12-15,, Gorden 'Beadle, Geoege
Robertson ; girls 12-15, Betty .• Craig„
Atulrey Grealls; •halloone., race; - Ora"' .menced. With, Graham on her. bads,
.(ereelis, Doris' McKnight; boe"i3. boot without a saddle, the horse started to
and shoe race,. Tom Shepperd, Jack waltz in circles, going every way but
carrick ; .single, larldes' raceesLois Per- the right one.. 1'1111:e -el to ;automobiles
guson, DollyeBeadle; single.enen's races, and crowds of Pcople, it .requiredenuch
1)onuld Roes, 'Bob 'Currie; -ft-Wading- p tting, petting and coaxing •to get
li r on- the iSquare at South street. It
t«di.. ten minutes to make the first two
hitndred feet to Kingston street, 'Gra-,
' ham using everything in his voeilifulary
the meanwhile. , .Stuldenly a spectator
Grain. taint WaS brisk at the be -
'ginning ' the, 'veva, nearly three!
Kluarters Of a Million. buShelS bang re.
Celled at the elevatte 'i'Arrivals ',were ;
:SundaY, .1!dantatioc, With 2624000
bus. wheat; A. A., ,IlinUoit, 25,000 bus.
barley, 41,000-bils, wheat ; Monday, str.
Bricoldep, 04,700 bus. screenings and
182,000 bus. wheat ; TUesday, str. Y.
,Massey, 0,200 bus. barley and 11,000
bus, wheat,
The passenger steamer Ge9rglan
was in on Friday on her way down
the lake and reariained for about seven
boars on account of ',rather rough
Weatber. She carried eboat 250 pas-
sefigers, On Sunday she was in aga.tn,
northbound on the fleet of her regular
runs for the season, and again :had a
good passenger list.
'Several pleasure yachts put in ever
the week -end. One bore, the interest-
ing name Insomhia III. it was from
'Sandusky. -
An unueuai errieallewas. a epaplane,
witieh, set ',itself down in...the harbor
on Tuesday. afternoon anti remained
until elbout won Wednesday. - It 'be-
Ymge to R. kilpatrick, a -Boston lap-
yer, Who With his -wife wee making,
a' flying tour from "Sle.ckinat to
Quebec. • •
An object of interest at theTharbee
on Friday last Was, a 25-11). earp which
_Beet liteeDonald took from the water,
With a pikepole. The -Ate. Georgian
was- in port that day and quite a num
her of the passengers had their picture
etitieen wit h etheebiee-fish -terueeetnreertir-
of thA trip and perhaps to, show theit
friends. at home as evidence -of their
fisfiing ,prowesS, The earp Is not a
very tasty fish, and after this elieel-
hien had been looked over by hundreds
of people during the day it Was taken
a -way and buffed.
The good . old days lof .the. yesteryear
when people had time to think of,
, things. ether then howqo get etch quick
were recalled on Monday oiglit when a
The recruiting centre of the R;C.A.P.
at Landon reoorts the following recruits
from this district :-George ar1e-
Peoderieh; Morris Keith Mc-
Millan, Auburn ; Alan Howard Durniu,
o razAtis "POWER
hOPe 'you get elieugh:water JO
put out the fare* I ea 11 ttq get 'n01.101
Oa take a bath," Shouted a :11urenseoed
resident to passing fireinen en route to
e fire on the Winter, farm hist Mon-
., -
tlay. Seon after the eitizeu had ate
easieu to ternou a tapand water tante,
out of •the faucet 4.1k0 etishot out a a
gun. The pumping station; had short-
cheteited the etatelPiPe, and vvas' pump-
ing"direet into the 'water mains, using
extra power; 'It Wonderful,' what a,
little electricity will do," commented
Me, Citizen. The location of the 'Are
aboUt the irigheet sl?qt InOoderich •
Senate Conservative teader Has Dinner
with. Friends Here in Passing
Through to Kincardine
En route to Kineardine from Sarnie„
Rt. Hon. Arthur 3,1e1ghen, 'Conservative
leader in the :Canadian 'Senate and
fernier (Prime Minieter,-StoPped off in
Goderich last Saturday and had dinner
With a few party stalwarts at the Bed-
ford Hotel. The gathering was quite
informal and non-political, although
.naturally affaire of the day, were
discussed at -the dinner table in off-the-
record fashion. _In the gathering were
H. 4, A.. MacEveue who had advance
eotice from the 'Senate leader of his
Paeeing throtigh, F. R. Darrow, Pre&
dent of the Gsidefich ,Conservative
societion, Rev. A. C. 'Calder and Mr.
and. Mrs. Bruce 'Smith," old friends of
Mr. Howard leraleigh, ex-M.P.P. for
'esemiston and- a former associate efelir:
'Calder's in the Legislature. Senator
Meiglien while, he Kincardine visited
Wiegeleis Ohl. freed., .Col. Hugh Clark,
former M.P.
Under DiscussiOn
People.: Not Satisfied .with .De,
partment Official's
'T,he reply of! R. gq, Snalth, Depiity.
.11inister-Of IlIghWay0,,,for. Ontario, to
the ' eritleal editorial in the current
issue Of: ",ConiliaSs News," the news
Paper Waned by the A.A.F. at 'Port
Albert, on the . tondition of the Mile
Water highway from. Gederich to the,
airdrome; has ,not been favorably re-
eeived loeally by either' the. R.A.,,F.' 4ar
he newspaper referred to the road
as a "'disgrace" and °a "menace and
- said that promises' - to put It -La •shape
had not been kept, Mr. .Smith hae•
".said that to pave this streteh of rea,d.
would mean` a capital expenditure, and
that this year eapital expenditures . for
roads are. taboo. In other word, the
Ontario Government has not the money,
What an Enghieer Says
A former ,an
of the ;Depart-
-went of Highways lit an engineering
•capacity, who canpot. be .quoted for
-obvious:: reasonei after ' -reading,- Mr.
Smith's -explanation told -The Signal-,
Star that if maleteeanee costs of the
teat few years e Were *available they
would show that -much more money has
already been sperte.:•-• Much of it foolishe
le—on upkeep of the road than Would
take to pave it.
Speaking 04 the present "conciltten of
the road, he said that gravelshadebeen
spread in topittus tetiantiti& on ft hard
surface that autOmobile'S' hiel. tilieleS
were now elithering•aroundlike 'a man
_walking on ineteelee. Precaution. had
not beee taken to fill the holes 'before
sTiFeTill-liR7I-e-7gi--rit-V-elmarde TrEr-srns-e-
holee that were in the - ioad were still
there-„:' He said.-fe- was' , iniPessilale lit
stabilize it. die blamed politicians and
gravel canteactors for the whole ,bu.eiL,
ness ane s,a1c.1 it • •was to :bed *North
.. Hur-on: had not a member of its own to •
I • seeWhat was going on. •
RA.F. officers said tersely' they did
not wish to eiater into any controversy
with the Depertment of. ,HiglielVays --
that the • Depart/nee t Wait „fully tisire,
of the heeds and of the attitude of the
camp respecting elle conditidn of the
read. As early as last 41Prit "Compass
.News" had reported that, assure-0es
had been receiyed tilitt the -road would
be paved.
. Road .Men Having 'Their Troubles
II ,*Irway ''Department workers, have Why, she didenot 'say. ,--1 ‘. ,
been • havtng their troubles, toe: In Politely,. but •dreely, Mis.s Yom .. told
early spring trainloads Of crushed rock the newspaperman: "1 have many dear
were brought from near 'Paris, Ont., to friends in Peking and. ledo not think 'it
plug the bog holes and provide -a bottom. Wise, to, talle'? • • • • •
Then came' the gravel frem nearby -. Previously, the. visitor, had explained
gravel pits, then the elay from a neigh- that the Japanese, who now occupy the
hoeing: farm.- et) begin stabilizing oper- big +Chinese pity,. have a remarkably
efficieet. intelligence system .azel that
anything_ehe inighte.sav :for publieation
might get heck to - them and revenge
he -taken on her frieedS, She said the
telt.) from Peking, taken by easy stages
1 1 • ' . , to •IIene Kong ta seo.leranciseb to New
good purpose; in fact, they materially 1 rs ' e -• ',fork and ;Goderith, wa,,,,,, --iiiieVentifule
out that the Orange Order ettme• lute
picture. .' He did not provide the Probably it wale '. -1111eve t 1-"' -for ---a:- . • .._.
defeat -flee efforts of those 'trying to , . , . Wing to establish, and protect civil tind
vultivate traffic over the- road. . •This moisture • It has been*an exeeptionallv lady Wifolias'ti'avelleil o -er many Parts . .
• .religious ' liberty: .'lle ' stated that .
dry summer. So now a motorized water of Asia, Europe and America.
might probably -be elessed: aS the work orangemen -have a ,sacred 'duty , no* - 'n
sprinkler is being sought: ' • . ,, ,. -.Miss Tein'first *.ent to Peking fe)renlie. .
of lifth columnists who take pride in . • e I-- this present tune of stress to utilio
kutAtking our Blue Water route.. After all, as an observer' put "it. you Rockefeller I'oundatiort and for eears
thp'se eaCred-principIes of their. Order. '
e;ttr't blame the, Fond men. Thvy were was receivin.g officer at the big hos-
• - Veteran 3IembeW',
Shartlynfter th.e Blue Water ,In•idgel
oduced the 1(410 W-
.11,1 t 11. ichlit wae previded. '
only follow in,.. inStructions. working pital of that corporation ini the then
our attention that efforts were beinge.
at Point EdWard was opened, it came to capital of . China. For the last few
ing., A-eteran merabers ,who had ' beet -
The eheirman intr
made to divert incoming tourists,. at b Anil ,h}teiii!while ,Huron emility folks e'earS Ste has .leen living. priva.tely, fol-
• conneeted with the aseaciation for up-
s(ll cantil 1 t,:f 10.! life a 1) a nern a te', . profesSion of
' 7
, 1 eomes from to • Wird. Itith ilext<1..{n
..'i ' , 1 I . wards of forty ie 11. William Seott,
atelund by No..7 highway. .i i• in ilesigaing as• 11 hobby: She .h)veil age SO .years, 63. years; a member;
aprossehrem Poet Buree...oteee-Ilme-°4104111, the Queen Elilalleth NVav and other' Peking fon its cosmdpolitan 1)011111:1,(1011, ThortmeAPpleton, Se years-, 55 years an .
TIP-1113flithell t . ilifdlWal':.• 7.2 0 Sr' ' ender --rinn, it.14 'flowers. a lid RS Onist a nil ing 1:1 Illitiea Pe (}filngernan ; Thomas 'Culbert,"386, who •
11 stoltne4 to WY 4 newslettart 'from tui etruetiOlT in Ontario. , • ' beauty, and she still cannot understand,
agent at the (2anadian end ,of 'the ' had missed Only one meeting in. :60
bridge, who was also, gi eing away road INTEND TO PAVE "RLUE • why Getlericle. does'. not do More
lieautify its lake banks, tied summer
. ••
meinber•for 65 years who travelled from -. -
10 years ; Phineae Drake, 87 years, • a ,
Maps' on the back of which' was a Tor-
onto (14 p1 store ad. lifer Tillsehburg to attend the meeting.; Wil-
gkeet- ' WATER ROAD ‘`SOIVIE TIME' ' outing places ; also why 4 'amen:me take
so nmeli pleasure. in riding arbund in
lug! I :isleed 'the newsy which seas tlie • ' e
• • . 11J111 114. l' n` T5 yearsl. 50 Years con-.
best 'way to get to Goderich, to Which ' Comment of Deputv M"mister of High- ilutomobiles on hie pae-ements. at eon- nected with ,t he order_ •Fsiinele...Berihee,
he informeg me 41., W011111 be necessary ways on Complaint In "Compass , siderable , ex1wnse. when so -niuch
85 yearS, , 55 years an Orartgerii-an; 13.
fiesta. eround by Stratford. I thanked natural beautyls evailable for nothing. Handerb4g, .77 yetirs, IS years, and
P( YR( YN ,7re ), - J 111 y 11. --R.M. S in i 1 h, VerhapS•the new gasollue reetrict ions
him and, told him I had ,just einne over , ,Necvs'.!, . . • ' ' , • Vrearge , ea fi tx4 ma ° 65. ye:irs of age, .41
the road from Gaierich a• few hu rs -- will help solve the problem.
yeti rs," 'membership.
, -, Prize Awards
,. •
before and• it wile A-1 then. 'Similarly Deputy elinister Or Ilia'hwttp:. • said
11.4. 11,0tE4 -in The Stratford Beacon- ,.. ' CARNOCHAN—HANDY
While the Spe(ThE'S iyere le progress,
todtteethat paving the Blue 'Water road The marriage of Ifis.e •Eallid. Handy.
.1Ii.rald of July '51-11, under IWO distriet the life, and drum ' bands and %lodges .
•correspoinlenee .it(..ins., that up -bowel -- . • • •
, , between Goderich '' :i'llil Port :Albert ' 111,.j
ht( 4/P lir • , -
. . . and. Mu,. John Handy einnpeted ' for cliSh priea!Sthe firer
American , teurists. found the Blue wonld mean a capital expenditure; and of Landeit, formerly ef .Goderieh, to
atvard .going. to the 'Stratford Fife nnd
e, ie.„les.,. 10 „e„ Ernest,Carnoehan, .:ilso of London, was(
Druth ' liand ; hest dressed , lodge,
Water highway„so bad they stopped or the 44.(wertm)elit --''' '`...' .u'''' ,,,,_4_, .7;`.‘i,, Soleninized by Rev. Dr. '' She lint)ri et
turtle& back at Grand 'Bend.' The.se capital \I}( 11(11(11)4'- done]." ii Amberleye; largest lodge. Woodhana ;
., comnienting on an edit -orbit le the 1:1;.- St. :Luke's ehurele Byron, on Fraley best banner. Innis:kitten *Lodge, Galt re
ence that some ulterior motive actuates '
stunts are. p4'( 111111 and li'ilVe the infer;
ifiehil 114 44 of No, 31- Njiliga 1 ion 1.14',11111g., 1111 11 111. The bride isr Well best dressed ladies' lodgeeKitchener. '
known in Gederich, where 'she lived
theni. Sciniol, 14,.A.F., at Port Albert; which for ,,.„ • The Seafortlebramei of the •Canadian .
of •Ilighways (.6 he the intention to.pave
11th, it is- interne eel by the Ilene rtinen t
In a .11VWS Item froin Toronto .filly
Id the emu -titian tif the highwtiY, for "In"
II -wiry to two of the eatlip'e personnel.
Mr. Smith fidtiiitritel ' 44 111 con)-
. e.
band spent the 111'Ck-end here smiling,
on friierds,,, They -will reside in LoptIon.
,, _ .,____ • e -e_
e years, and' she alit" her hne-
of Which go to the British War Victinas'
Legion speresored a •bingst„,.througheut
the day in the arraeriee, the proceeds
plaint:4 lifril reached h1----414. pi
the highwey at sone; tinie 11/1(1 I believe' ' .1 ,, , „ -, " lit HAM-••HAWKINS . 4. .
this Si-seilousie being (�p,14 1(41 a '11`)(hlt "le l'*();1(1' --1 • • Dancing continued during the after- .
! 11'.v.,W..B.•11nwkins and Mrs. Haw-
presee t, bet, after travelling roads .-i 1 "We netenil to pave it sone., &line, but ,
noon and evening In Carilno's Hall.
many mote roads need Di., /lug.. 1111(1 ,int. kins of Forest annoteiee the marriage of
EAstern 1 /11 tal:t 0 reeently, one eat)
readily appreeltife that, from the nute- when this 0114, will_ 110 41 011..{, ii,,ishard Ltilti:g.fril'ii:eatlateelifer," Ma egari4 Elizabeth, to
her of• f ra et u led portions, uladc,•r"ietaiir . •• • • ":I % • •• % 1 ' , 4. ont,. son 'retold Dunham ef Fort Erie,
Mr. II. M. Shaekleton, prinelpal o'f
or not yet started. that' the iGovernment ,
Dunham feMr. and Mrs. Henderson
'GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR f Forest, The ceremony was Central publie sehool, who enlisted..
has its hands -full trying to entie with
the eniblem. There a re • several par-
. „
O.,AIII NAYIGATI N SCROOL •117,11..nawking, in
. . pplorA ed by the bride's father, Rev, some, time, ago with the R.V.A.P.,.lras -
tie. Anglican church, been called' to active service and
thee; between Toronto and Kingston, ne ••
• -............_, - . Forest eie Saltirday. Jfily e. Tile at- leave, town TiftXt week for‘ the Nlanninec; )
a leo ' eu the etteeen Elizabeth , Way„. The a ti time' ties of the Alf' Ne Alga Hen tenilants were Miss Isabel ' Ha wkirt s, d'oel ii t Tomtit°. Mr. Shaekleton will
Where power equipmeie is., tearing up School- at Port Siliert ere looking for a Reg: N.. of Flint, Mich- and K2 J . be greatly missed in Cloth -Tic -le where
the brokt.n4road aid defours are news- gasoline launch to act as a safigy •beati Pattie!: of Condon: Ont. 11r. and ;Ws. lie has been' an esteemed citizen and •
sary. This, compared with, only • one during the trying. hours of the sehool. i Mullein). jr., Ivill' ieside in Fort .Eric., :if)oi.runs:ci,ii);(1.in.!(%f-eliiterlenigis.s,(1)(zono•Lthe pilleitvit
:Maher 'Than P1114 11154 a hoar, the in- knit.. ••• ... • , .
tendon is to make ehartet arrangements , • . ...„
for. a suitable boat with the aequielfe t
. .. . , - . •
. •
7ereW-ei laurel' Of front • twenty to
Ife. and Mrs. John Snider announce
the .engagement of their daughter,
Eleanor May, to Mr. Murray Lawrence
Hetherington, younger son of Mrs.
esaacelietherington and the late Mejor
Iletheringtoe of 1Goderich;• the wed-
dieg to take place quietly in July.
. :
,Goderiele. °Outerio, 'Water bighway,.from941a•Likia to Tober-
• July 14, 1941. morY and I ram' Allenford, -throUgh•
-Editor The Signal -Star. , - • _ Ovven _Sound, Meaford, • Collingwood,
Midland to Orillia, a lefigih of en -
Dear Mr. Editor. -ern reference' to the
proxiniately three hundred inileseeone
raking criticism of Blue Water highway
.. .• of the longe:et highways in •Oetario. a HMIS, 14.4outtett)1:lineetion te:0,11.egavy eolft!.:
e caleitim' eblorlde til inix'
which your japer of the ,10th inst. Thesteat tacks on the conefrion of the ()f °i'l 2.
with the Mar did not -come . Delivery -
copied from Air Na.vigation School No. road and. similarlY, directedn,'s_e_atb,..eit_la! {woe - iei.' et; made, so it -s-y-as oeidef•I
31 iSSue-of-the "Compass," I should like Department of Highwitys. ' "61: to try sell, which requires mois•ture
'negligent of their -rAsponsibilities, 'are to inixine, with 'the clay. Here's
eirelyeancalied foi. Tltey-serve-no
Seaforth Has ig
Orange Celebration
4 ..iTuly 12th. Anniveriarjr Obeervecl
A praetieal demonstration of Can-
adian unity which ,wae the, keynote of
, by Gatb.ering of Twelve
Orange demonstrations. last Sa.turday, to Fifteen. Thousand
July 12th,,wa,s to be been at Sedforth.
SVAVORTEI, JulY, 12. '---,, Today's
IioOking, for a place to. epresol. Small
picnie party, Coity N. W.
Miller, Past tountY roaster of the
,lOrange Ledge* Of 'South iliuron, un-
wittingly chose the lawn of Father
.1,1USseY, iSeaferth's polfular ',14exttlet
ICatholie priest., It was not bong 14010144
the elerie tame to join. the party nod
to welcome his friend Mr. Yirs.
Miller was' introduced and in the en-
Sning tonvereation it turned ent that
both She and rather tHusseyewere'boKli
in .Ashlielt1 and that they had many
friends hi toramon. An interesting time
was had and many a good laugh enjoyed
as old 'dines were reea.lied.
Father Hussey, rby the • way, pat-
ronized: an. 40rantN bootbr---during the
day, asking for ba dog -with green
miestard. lie was prevailed upon to
take one with yellow mustaed. He also
.sat in - vvith the crowd to hear the
speeehes_durlierthe afternoon.
Miss.Tom Leaves
Beloved Feld])
Ras Decided to Take up Resi-
dence in New York
Back from a live-e-eer stay in Peking,
'China, where she -has spent twenty
. ears. andsensileich place she is wont
to 'refer as her k:beloved, adopted eity,"
'Miss Mabel' Tim is in ,Goderich for the.
vacation Months Visiting with her aged
stepmother, lwidolw of "the late John
Bien Toni, publie *Clime inspector, •at
,the Tom home on Welle.sley ,steeet. ,
Whene,Miss Tom, a social. Service
worker, world traveller ana artist,
laSt visited, her. natiVe ' town in the
sumnaer of 1936 she told a •Signal-iSter
reporteeethat she was going 'hackle;
Pekin'g- toepend the rest of her lifetime.
BUteinank things have happened since
then_ A - world torn with war has
changed her Mind- and on, Tuesday she
161c1 the same reporter tbat after lewv-
ling ,Goderich she would take up per-
menent r,esidenee in `.New York qity
to correct • an -impteesion which has
. . -
been imprOperly; and probably -41-8--7-"eil
eis-trously, etinveyee to the:pliblic.
The road in 'Hie Vicinity Of the -
airport is by no means a "death trap,"
unless to the foolhardy' who maY be
trying to use it as a speedway. I
persimally made a trip over the --road,
from GialeriCh Kintail hnd back, on
the 10th and, found the road well Sur-
faced with ,crushed pit gravel, Well
graded, and tilled.' The road. is 'ex-
ceptioeally wide and with 110 "piles , of
gravel." except off •the 'side,' at points
where it does not encroaeheupon, • or-
obsteuct, the thoroughfare, --True, thew
are a ,few soft spots w.hich Can readily
be • derected, day or night, if the car
driver is normally alert.
Those who had occasion' to use the
road between Dunlop and Kiligsbridge
last fait -well remember that, in, the
rush to .get the airptirt ready before
winter sef in, many heavy vehieles,.such
itS trucks, power -graders. and. shovels,
all Weightea to an extent never antici-
pated when the 'highway waS built,
abused .the read. ,SucceeSive ,rains.
softened and , in some- places . washed
out the road so badly that it could not
be repaired till 'spring. What should
then have been. done (as WaS the le-
teetion of Department of Highways
engineers.) would be to take time to
drain the road before applying a heavy
but, with the insistent urging of
our. !Blew Water Highwde Associatioe
to get the road into safe condition .to
take'eare of Decoration Day, eild Fire.t
11111! 'nut th of July and sttbsequeet
tourist traffic!, tlius to art ievenee to
our .Goyeetunents, the euly expeelivnt,
temporary "remedy was tosneply e gene
e mu:, surfacing of crushed grater: 'Con-
tracts for the delivery and spreading of
the material were allocated promptly.
Then it Was • neeessary to procure
crusliers field trucks. The pre-se:Men
sumaier heat at 'Easter had fraetured
the surfaced roads (tarvia arid con-
crete) be Ventral Ontario to. such an
'extent that egoipment for Blue Water
new •work. Vi:r/1$ 11:01 1V114111S' :aV1111111)k!,
goodly (Towel gathered ..on the Square
to witness a unique display of horse-
manship.. .
It all started from a friendly argu-
-Me-fit over al fah -spirited, 'balky horse -
owned by "'Whim" McManus', who het
-Whiff" Graham five dollars that he,
Graliana, Could not ride, the mare once
around the Square and out to the
MeManus farm in Colborne township,
The money was put up pronto, the
horeeeproduced end the exhibition corn-
. needle, Bill rFerguson and Andrey
Grealise throe -legged race, boys, 'Bill
144ergneeh and Bob.- Currie, 'Sterling
'Silver end ToMmy Grealis ; three-legged
met., girle, .Beadle and Betty
• Craig, lielen Kennedy ad- 0111 Grealist .thought of a chocolate bar and handed
one to Graham, , who feom - his seat
Liebe& the 'siesecl fed his motint bits, of
sweet chocolate.' It ,worked wonders.
Ther•e is -ere 'very few breaks, until:the
Saltford bridge was reached anti ,an
5.(0.'8. went up for another -choeolate
bees The rest of the • jaurney to- the
barn was plain .
• MeMa nus me let a ined the 'horse was
a '''stmiled child" and couldn't be con-
quered, Graham was Out to prove
otherwise and colleeted hist five-spot.
Fred Iropking• lifetime '110-1**/11an from
ITohnesville, was refeeee.
time game, Mrs. Earl •MeKnight, •Mrs.
• Dairid Steep; kicking the slipper, Helen
Kennedy. Mrs. T. AleNtill;•. jelly. bean
rave, Earl ,Raithby and MrSe Geo.
Sturdy, Mtg. Carrick •and Jack Carriek ;
marshmallow, race, 'Stanley Johnston
and Mrs. T. McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Jtaithby ; nail driving race, Mie.
P ley Johnston, Mese 4. E. 'Silver ; Married
men's; inee, 'Prank 1laithby, Stanley,
Johnston; teachers' antll officers' race,
Frank Raithby, Marjorie Johnston;
sealer and peg race, Betty -Craig ,and
,Jack teirrick. The oldest pers. on. pre-'
sent wee Mrs. John Raithby of Auburn,
• After the •gaines Itepaired to the.'
pavilion .for a picnic Slipper
. •
subscriber:4 te The- Signah.gtar at
Aulm rn and on the' pint' •routes . from
Anburp failed to reeeive their papers
11,S usual last week, and on enquiry it
• was leaned- that the bunclii, had geoe
seamy. It was mailed at tile ,Goderieh
postotrice. but instead of going out by,
,t was despetched by C.N.R. and
after wandering around on that itne.
Was returned to.: the postoffice• here on
.,Moeclay 'and was t hen 'kente 'out to
TIue Atthurn.
ptiltlediere regret the delay, for
vvilleh, however, 118 ;O:kplained, they were
. 1101 resiemsible. ,
Goderich No, 182 marched with'
se.? the 00.deriell .110wmpip lodge, No. '145;
• at the Sea forth ,releitration en Satur-
day, uly 12. Ovving to the busy ceasoir
the turnout, about fifty, 'was not as
large as in some years, many. of. the
membilts being =Ode to get, away for
the (thy. The township lodge Pro -hied
the. hand and fOr Mkt ,firet tide. in
e'''yeare the ;sound of' the fife and drued
wag not heard in iGoderich. on the
• . Ontwienten'i; `big daY.
'An advertiser who had a five -line ail.
in our eolummr last week
announcing, six aeres of hay for sale
writes. this week to disconteue the ad.
:and saying, "Ads*. in yotir paper Cer-
tainly- bring results. I sold my Me-
Satorday evening."
. •,
• MisR Eleanor Snider on Sunday last
cencluded her tertneiee organist and
choir director Of Knox churele, and after
the:evening 'service- Aie Ii1111,1N1
by the choir with a beautiful trilite
lamo in 'recognition of her faithful
and (adept serviei! during the teao
year4 of her engagement here, The
presentation was made "Imr,* Mr. V., W.
Kemp and thelfecompanying address
was read by Mr,o, Revell. Miss; Snider
Is te he married, veif shortly. • '
The 'Hignal4Itar was in error last
Week In. f.,itating that Manager It,
Douglae ,Sity ;Harbor Training School •
end Mrs. ;DlinglaS Were away on Yam-
ition trip to Vancouver. Mr. Douglas
inade the trip on 'busines,s and- lire.
Douglas remained at liomee
Orange demonStration in (Seaforth, wa*
one a the largeSt and most successful.
ever seen in this district. The attend...-
ance was estimated at 12,000,4v 15000;
The districtO of South and iNerth
*erth, North and 'South. 0*fOrd
and Waterloo were Well repreSented by
eighty-one:lodges., •
The highlig4t of the preceedings wa*
a -colO'rfal parade participated, in by
4,000 Members of the 'Orange organizi.
Ulan which took nearly an hour to pass
4 given point. The.tirst tontingents. ar-
rived about the middle a the day and
from then -.until midnight .,there was
something of Mterest for everYone-,
The, parade :formed at 1.30 at the
recreation- grounds "and marched, ta,
Victoria rark, where a large gathering
was held of which County Masterliquir,
Clarke, of • Hensall, was eliairman.
Muer J. 'ant,. en. _When, Or. Abe
Town 0ounell. and citizens, extended a
etvie welcome. .
Failure of Many of the to
register made it difficult to..eleterntine
just how many were present.. Anieng
those noted•iee the procession for their
einart appearance were lodges from
Woodham, Galt, :.irreston, Stretford,
Blyth,' Downie 'township, 113elgrav•e„
Godericb, !Liatowel,
-Kitehener„ Milverton,- West ,Monkton,
.North Perth, West Bruce, ..Amberley,
Carthage garristott • Maple 'Grave.°
West lOulross,, Woodstock, •St. Maps,
Ferdwiche IG•orrie, NeWbridge, Auburn,
Ethel, Diiii-jaiiiiartlipeTC-Irarna,
Winthrop and 'Seaforthe
, The Speeches
Principal 'speaker of the afternoon -
was W. B. Kerr, profeeese at the Uni-
versity of Buffalo atid county master of -
the Welland 'Orange toelge. .
Tracing', the history of Canada, .and
herr Orangenieu hovel steed loyally by
theaide"of their Country at all thnee,
the speaker lookedsin, the future and
pointed out some important Matters
which, he felt the Orengenien shoixid.
advocate. • ,
• "We should advocate that the British
1.Eineire Training „Plan be continued
when this war le' e4er," declared the
epeaker. -Canada should be a central
treinieg ground for England, _because
'Canada.-„ig-tar - enoegh. removed. from
-the Contineel .whielt iS 'breeding
ground for trouble. Theeports of •Cans
ada should be exteeded for the use dt•
the 'British navy and the .fatilities of
Canada should be 'at hated forsthe use
'of the British army." Proteetantism
was praised le- the speaker for its stand
througheut the world against ,Hitleriene
Most Worshipful Brotcher Captain the
Rev. W. L. L. 'Lawreneepfaoron to, paSt.
grend maeter .Ontafio 'West :and paSt •
deputy chaplain of the world, spoke
• fly 4ringethe .1,1Ternot=;puiereing
ee detour On Bine Water, near Amberlev,
hence the delay. in the process
Where a culviee washed. out last fall,
grading the.BIne Water road, especially
is evident* that we are not neglected.
betweve Bayfield and ,Goderiett, and. he
the expert, ii'li.Vier...1111f,tte,,81.:141,i:thi'711t{T"
many otlwr local
the vicinity of Port Albert,
we are better Off than
ment Of mixing in clay and ealcium to
'flee, but agree that'
bond. the gravel 1,1411in., a beneficial
effect and this, with generous applica-
Hots of oil, has provided as safeso road
1.18 coopssayy for sane andecomfort-
able ,driving until something more per-
manent may beehade possible.
'I. may explain that the Blue Water
Highway Assodetten is purely an ad-
esert ising • organization which- hag •noele.
Mg, to do *th road building, -Other
than to use ite iolithence with the Pro-
virtee and Lake Huron and Georgiae
Bay counties to provide wife and com-
fortable ,roade, for touriets; mer-
chants, hotels, tonrisreaps;-krolf dabs,
and other caterers, who by suliseription
provide the funds to eirculate 20400 of
the V.-8gpage illustrated and descriptive
laud:lets, constittfte our Aesociation and
elect, its thirty or more clirectere. Na-
turally the peOple of the Counties of
•Lambton, Huron, Bruce ,Grey and
rginicee ere vitally interested In the
result of our efforts. Tile Aqflomattoieki
activitlea cover a long stretch of Mae
raduates of Sky Harbor School
thirty ftlef With ai erew of not less than *
two, ilicliultne, the, engineer There
a' hard-surfaCefi road t`eonerete or would have to he covered, ceomm(1a
nitileli) 41111 of vast advantage tio the tioa of a !aimple kind for sa •-wirekele
industrial, mercantfle aml tourist con- operator and his equipment, and the
cents, Oneg and adjacent to this Me- sexed. reqnirement Is twenty knots. The
lannH1 will normally be stationed •at
Goderleh haelier.
mile ttreteh of scone, heattli-invigorat-
fug, end highly interesting waterfront
high IV4IY• MI1St app rec la tee that
already 11 grat 410111 11114 184111 &tussle- Nether partieulare ie invited 4'11( ifire
of Mr. A. I. Troymyy, sycf-ytary Id thy
Goderich Boatel of Trade..
Any pereon Intel -vete(' Wlio l•tisirees
widening, ballasting and draining the
road and that, with eleteel„ readily
aVallaide at •conv•kietil locations, 4t
would he cote peel ti veTy cheap to pave
the few tutheished portions hest ae
soon as the Provineial Government inqy
eee 1(13, way elear.
Meanwhile, lere avoid destruetive
critichhe unlees Wd have something of
eonetruetive elate to contribute.
Thauking you for yonr kind in-
dulgence and space,
Sincerely yoera;
11 1. P$RSON14,
PWRI011t• .13111,6 WOO' nigjIW:ly
DUNCAN °MaeltiN JOINSellte.A.F.
Kg, No, 3, A:Afield' (Kintail ), has
-engaged' James MeNall, of 110414', 1.4W1C-
114144', ae teaeher for the forthcoming
term. He epeeeede Dan -Pall ,.,%faer,C,Ily of
'Kittle I), who is on cair AVith the Ite'.4.V.
Mr. MaeXav will take a course as ID -
Write -tor of a link -trainer.. Ille brother.
'Pilot Officer Doe:lilt MaeKaYqine
theeinee tho'bealmaing,
ofthe war and is now .eerving as 11 V111g
instruetor. They 441'd SOWN a Mr, and
Mrs. John IlacKey of Kintall.
Are iii ,t e Fight Across the- Water
A'Isew eines of 'R.V.A.F, pilot students two easualtieS among them: although
began tie* flying eareere at Sky, liar- 14 (01 of this kind are not kept h4 re.
bor on Monday moreing, the group Chat Regulations do notepermit the publica-
had been here . for the paste „sevett tion nt. (1111 time of the "nuiether of
WOO ks having departed at, the week-eitit etudents that 11114e 10 far trnliied at,
fot.;ervice echoole tiecontinue ,their' Sky Iltirlene, or their diepoeition, but
training.. Last Friday evening a fare- it 14 a source of setisfaetion td, know
is -ell (raneeand eupper was; tendered that graciliatee of the sehool 111e 110W
014' 414,1):Ming' airmen, .11 real lieelY ,into. the fitiek of the fight acroes the
bunch of typieal klantidian and Ain- Atlantic%
lrtgall:7nths. the new
ekiiosnsjnier34mlt'1' i'. Claremont has ettecesecred George
(41011(1 1154 per vent. are front the elloN:111 am "guard et*Sky ILtrboi, -The
istates, the Jargest 'pereentage of Am- energetie ek-reeee ofelf3Ipth, a veteran
erieans to come to Sky Ilarbor in 11144, ;of the 1014-18 War, after ewo 11111311e12
nine months the eehool 11,AS 1)(4% in ifettilliitaratealli,e,tiale-cpa,iltglitici;etseitt (fter161'111
111111 Is
4)18(;)itti•r;; minilier" of the lads who' 14t. with t1ie4Vanad1a11 Army flgorps at,
ceived their elementary training in iillamiIton,.„, Nearing filty 114 ctilIntope
aderich are now in Englaml and some- annind Me' the ProoimbiaI iNantait
11114F0 S0011 seivice over Prance and rooste1. tinif"la greatly 1)141441 ra again
Germany. Tb'elm have been at leallt Thinifiiig the ,Kbag's uniform-,