HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-10, Page 8AYORICIK July 9.---syis Roy, Barr and
time children, of, 'Detreit. vieited. with
Mr, and Mrs. J. j. Wilson last 'WC-Ok.
'Week -end visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton %add Were, Mr, arsil Mrs. Rich-
ard Meyere awl two 'children, Mrs and,
dtolantl dietliman and three and -
ren and Ura. David MostatO, all of
ErYsten,, Ohio.
atsw. and Urs. g. w.Stietanan of St.
Thomas slient a few days with Xr.
• and Mrs. Earl. kRaitlaby last week.
Mr Id Mrs. jack Bennett, who were
reeentiy married, visited with friends
bere last Week. • •
atoYee Phillips is visiting his aunt,
3.Irs. Guy. Durham, saild Mr. 'Durham
at St 'George,. ,
• Mrs. Carrie A.rnastrong and 'little
geOrge WaYrke Dawon have returned
bonse from a three 'weeks' visit with
David Murray and. daughter
'Olga, Of 'Buffalo, spent the week -end
With Mr. and, Mrs. johirdiusten.
Mr, and Mrs, 'Sandy +Lawlor and
'Florence visited friends IA Norwich on
Entalay; •
Att$0, McFadden and daughter, of Fort
,Wranees, i vialting her Sister, Mrs. Wm.
Dobie, end lkir. -Dabie. •
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Washington of
• Kirkland 'Lake are visiting the( tonner's
Parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. W.'53.1Sheppard, join
and Tommy Sheppard visited with Mr.
- and Mtg. Ralph.4K4ox at :Sarnia on
Jim Houston efilki. nning Po&I, Tor-
onto, Vent' th-e-vireek-end :with his par-
-4sits„,afr. and Mrs. John Houston. -
Mr. and MX'S. Coco. PaterSon of ''rer-
Onto and John, 'Weir of the 11.04.Ves
Oshawa, were Weeksend vtors with
Dis-S0 IC:, Weir .44 ,MiSs josephine
'Weir. •
Mr. and Xrs a1fls Mrs; Hughes,
Miss Eloise Bumstead and Mrs. Buie
stead, of Sault Ste. :Stevie, ,Mich.,
visited with Mr. add Mrs. Alf. Aisquitli
and Mr.' and "Mrss Chas. Asquith as
Week. •
Mrs. 'Eugene Dobie and
young son, of 'Ottawa, are 'vleiting, the
formers parents, ...Ur. and= Airs. Wm,
Mr. 'and Mrs, Percy Gibbs ot Detroit
visfted over the week -end svith" Mr0
and Mrs. Harvey McGee.
,M. ind Mrs. Win, • 'Coates and Mr.
and S. Rebert Stalker'ofFiInt Mipho
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Maitland
Allen. -
Stanley McNei1,. who has been at
Toronto with the IR.C.A.F., has been
teaneferred to Guelph.. •
We are sorry to report that Ur. Alex.
MeKenzie, who went to TOronto last
Thursday, suffered paralytic stroke
,on Friday' and. is in a very eritical
condition at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. A. P., Walker.
• Rev. 11, C. Wilson of Knox 'United
chard' had the "Church of "the Air"
service direr •OWNX, Wingham, on Mon-
day morning: Misses Zeta Munto•and
VivianiStraugban sang a duet and Mrs.
Hilliard• Jefferson a solo. •
, Mr. and Mrs. Ohas.•RosS of Detroit
and Mr. C. M. -Ross of Goderich Visited
aey Saturday with Mrs. 'F. Ross. .
TheestUnited church 'Sunday sdhool
held fair picnic at -Earl Wightinan's
Machinery .
, .
On short notke. Every job
ree.eive's Say personal
• Geo. W. Stokes _
Machinist, ,
East St. - Phone 206J
. The .Federation of Agriculture
Sponsored by East and West
Tkrawanosh, Colborne and
lett Units of the Federation, at
the Auburn Playground, Friday,
July 18th. air. ' V. S. Milburn,
,Secy-Treas." of the Ontario, Fed-
eration of Agriculture, whllbe
the gnest speaker. Program of
.Sports, Indneing, and Slieaking-.
•gatarts • at 1.30 pan. Bring eve-
.-ning lunch. .Admission freer
Rand in attendance.
this (Wednesday) afternoon.
AR Pass Entrance. -,Congratulations
are due Miss -Edith Beacom, teacher
of the public school, on all her entrance
class being successful in passing their
examinations. •They are Ruth Wilson,
• Jean Lawlor, Lucille Keller, Arnold
Phillips, Donald Yungblut and Gra
Riordan. •
Women'sInstitute.-The monthly
• meeting of the Women's Institute will
be the Foresters' gall on Tues-
day, %July 15th.. The topic, “Edaca,tion•,"
is to be -taken bY Miss Dorothy Wilson;
-event-s- to-she-giveu-bys-M1
Sadie 10a_rter ;_denignstration. on table
setting and serving..,by, Mrs. Bradnock
and 1iss Josephine Weir. , Roll call -
Name ,,of • a book' recentry enjoyed.
kIostesses-Miss --3.1argaret •King ; 'Mrs.
WT. Robison, Miss-VilaThompson.
• Reported' Missing. --Word was re-
eelved by ;friends here early Monday
morning that Sergeant Observer
Thi -
•sell Reid was reported missing after a
Royal Air Fore raid over Germany on
• Friday might. Observer Reid, who is
In his twentY•second, year, is a son a
Mrs, 'Dorothy Reid of Toronto and 'a
grandson • of Mr. Ephraim Ball of
Auburn, • and attended Continuation
School here. It is about three months
since he went overseas and' tivo months
previous., he was married to Miss
• Margaret McKinnon et Toronto._
Baptist Ladies' Aid. --The Ladies' Aid
of the Baptist chureh met at the home
of Mrs. Glen 'Raithby with the presi-
dent, MrS, C.A,HeWSOSs 'ellarge.
Te devotional peried Wa$ taken 'by
Mi'-. IL J. Phillips and M. J. W-
Ight. dteadinge we given by Mrs,
Elmer Robertson, MISS ELsio PaiterSOn,
Mrs. Percy Vineent, Mrs. J. Wright
and Mrs. Glen astithby. Mrs. Jas. jails
gave. a, Nam) Seleetion and Mr,
Earl UeKnight and, Miss Amelia Me -
Dwain favored with a duet. The topic
was taken. by Mrs. 'Annie Wainer. Mrs.
A. E. Silver elesed the ineeting with
prayer. • A pot-luek SUPPer WaS served,
Anglican Ladies' OuildeesUrs. D. W.
Hamilton gave her home for the July
meeting of the Ladles' Guild of St.
Mark's ehurch, The president, Mr.
Gordon Taylor, Was In 'charge. Pray-
er:;, were led by Mrs. jereralah Taylor.
The Bible reading was taken by Mrs.
Thos. Haggitt. It was decided to give
§3,5 to the, Queen's Canadian Fend, for
Air Raid Victims. it was decided also
to knit another afghan, for the Red
Cross and a quilt Is to 'be patched for
the IGuild's mission bale. Miss Laura
,Phillips was in charge of the program.
The toPie, in keening with Dominion
Day, on "Salmon Fisheries in British
Coluerbia;',' was given be Miss 'Luella
Johnston. A report ,of the Deanery
Meeting held at 'Myth was given by
'Mrs. 'Gordon TaylOr and Mrs. Lether-
Mr. Harry Gray and daughter Der]
nive, of fgainilitorare remaining for,
a while at the bOnie of Mr. .1Gordeat
Anderson; ,also Miss 'Georgina Wash-
ineston, of Toronto, who is remaining:
tor on, indefinite times '
oi5rgaey,t11,aaremilsventOn and children, ThursdaYri July
Ann and MTS. Jean Smiththee,'of
with relatives in TOronto:ding a' W'hile .wStarvaitIngby
et,BriAslis KichaneT Hotel.
Visitors 'with Mrs. A. B. Pentlai'd , • -25
and Pinny for the week -end were Mr. Ite,ierVe WednesdaYA JUiY 10; for the
001 ' Ntrs. ILa, Verne Pentland aid' garden party at the Port Albert United
Pamela,:isfoDetroie, and ase. Ron. peet- ehureh; Slipper !served from 6 to 8
land and friend, Harold illoWarth, a o'sdock. lAspregram by the R.A.F. will
Metacliewan.1 '
Bay Mouth to Toberniory:
Mr. V. Emery and three children, of
ew York Oity, spent the week -end and
4th pfAils; With his cOuSin, Mrs. Will
'Stewart, at 'Glenn's
• Miss Annetta Stewart left last week
for Toronto, where she has 'taken a
position for the'SUmmer with the IN -
Parturient of Education at the, Parlia-
ment buildings. •
Mr. Harold Sproul, )Irs. Warner
Spronl and Sons RUseel• aid Murrell,
Davidson, ,Sask, arrived here by meter
last Thursday to visit wink Mr. Spreul's
Blather, Mrs. D. sproui, -and:other rela-
tives in these. parts.
• Miss 'Margaret 11UOU, ,Goderieh, is
spending holidays at the hone ,of her
land.. .Mrs. Taylor favored with a solo. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott.
:Lunch was,servedhy the hoete. ° ' The latter part of her July vacation
will be snenteat Midlands
„ The annual Elliott reunion‘ was held
at 'Harbor - Park, "Goderich, on 'Satur-
day, with ideal weather conditions, An
enjoyable time Was had ;by about 109
persons in attendance. ,There was a
program of. race-s—ind-.79ther„ sports.
Mrs. Maggie Reid, of Varna, was the
oldest of the clan present.
• Visitors with :VII.. and 'Mrs. R. J.
'Durnin for the week -end • were their
son Mr. 'Chester • Divide, •wife and
children, Jimmy, Marjorie and Jane, of
• Pittsburg. Jimmy is remaining for the
holidays. Miss, (Grace 'Crawford,of
ealgarv. also is spending the teacher's
• vacation with her sister, airs. Durnin.
Nfrs. Gordon Kidd and childienf Ryan
and Shiela, of Wingham, are visiting
• her parents, Ur. and Mrs. J. J. Ryan.
• Mr. Kidd, who has been principal of
the Wingham publk sphool,. has ac-
cepted, a similar position at Islington,
Toronto suburb. Mr. Colin 'Crozier has
been -en•gaged to 611 "the. Vacancy at
Wingham. -•
DUNGAN&ON, July 9 -Miss lean
Stoth,ers, Toronto; is spending holidays
at the home of her father, Mr. Thos..
Stothers. Mrs. WalterMishop witli her
daughter dean,' of 'Chicago, also- spent
a week ivith the former's father, re-
turning to their home on Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Mrydges, of Sag-
inaw, Mich., on 'Sunday visited -his want,
Mrs. 'GO., Irwin. They were accom-
panied by friends, air. 'and Mrs. Franees
of Saginaw. •'
rs. D. G. Biekle, of Winir1,4has
n visiting her sister-in-law, • A.
B.•Pentland, and at present is visiting
in Lucknow. •
• A large number gathered on Sunday
afternoon at the Dungannon cemetery
for the annual Decoration Day -service.
Many graves ' were visited by friends
and relatives' who placed on. them
Y.e.i.Ilseruniets. The service was eon-
• ducted -by Rev. &A McDonald aid-tre7
'addresswas, delivered -by, -Rev: -W,.. -X--,
Newman. Margaret Pentland,
A.T.C.M., contributed -a solo.
Mr. and -Mrs. 'Gordon Phillips, Lon-
don, spent •the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Culbert and on Tuesday, the
day was ,•pleasantly sPerif bY both
couples at Southampton.. •• o
Harry and Helen Van boom, of
Charing 'Cross, are spending holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert. ,
Mr. .and Mrs. John Blake enjoyed
a pleasant motor trip north te 'Saint
Ste. Marie and were accompanied home
tby their daughter Bernice-, who has
been teaching at Richard's -Landing on
St. Josephs Islancl. ' Some • of the.
points, of interest were a visit to Cal-
lander to see the quints and a. glimpse
of the large German prisob camp at
• Espanola. The return trip was short-
ened by a ferry boat service from South
._._.,........... 40
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Ontario Orown-,Seleeted. Qn.alitY Ontario Groiva-Fresh--Greeti
r•ovairoics 10.16s. 23: CABBAGE-
'Ontario GroZin-eresh. Crisp,-. Large' Bunch * 'Ontario Grolim-Green or Wax -Tender. Stringless
CELERY ECEABTS 2 for 19c 13E/11111i 2.16s 15c
Ontatio Grown--Outdooil-Selectecl No 1 Quality Ontario Grown-Ncir Crop -No. 1 Orade
TOMATOES 216 25c ONIONS 2, lbs.
Ontario- 'Grown -Outdoor -Giant • - • 011tago Grovn-11oung. Tender
CUCUMBERS rot- 15c BEETS 4 Bch; lec
Ontario 6rostra-Largti-isirrn OntafFso Grown-11r2sh Large Bunches
null) irrieuctic Head .5c CARROTS Bchs. 9c
ee1-3* Loiv Every Day Prices
111111.D COPSE -
• SALMON -lieu, 2
• PLUMS Lomiim
.. FRESHLY GROUND PEANilir...BllnEll kg%
rigerous and-Winey •PORK & BEANS 2Bokar 2111..4.
39c - °Jark'll
Bag •'TOMATOES tat::
22 -oz.
• 23c
'Pkgs. 17c
"BA 19c
1 ,
2 "O. 110
3 itg 23d
• Mild oWl Mellow
8 0' Clock 35c GRAPENOT FLAKES
Rich, Full BO' died
Red Circle jtc
-lb: 19c QUAKER fillIFFETS
Tin 6, cIRCKEN
211210 -of; isc JELLY POWDERS shirriff's
ket 286, EVAP. MILK A P 4C
T4/11132,9! CHICKEN HOME 2 Tins 29e
111C A&P High Quality MEATS
• • 2 tit..
CIark's 2: Tins
• „t2
, Wieners - . 25013. -
Stroked. Picnic
Shouldei27c lb.:
• •
Smoked Beineless
Pierties r- 29-c lb.
Ropl 13rand Ham. • 39e lb. 1,
griaoked *aft. Bacon, 1/201b1, package .
Lemirls, doz. ...... .... :..256
1 .
(II,, ro ri.
pelted' slibloit *0 Oliiitkitt clump, toriefutses. limited to finally weal, reiptiretntittir. ,
' Admissloii. 40e and 25e. 28
St. 'George's Olinkh Wornen'S
will hold their ahnu 1 garden Party on
&Halley, july 25, On the rectory grounds.
During the efterneon .there Will be
cards a "white elephant" isale, fish-
pond...and eandy table ,s Supper 35 cents.
The regular meeting of the W:C.T.U.
will be held at Harbor Park on Tues
day, July 15, at ,3.30 p.m. A good
•attendance is hoped for.
A garden party at St JoSephis
church, Kingsbridge, Is announced for
next Monday, July 1.4, Supper will
be served from •5.30 o'clock and there
will be a program With„leatures of in-
terest, to all, condluding With a dance.
Admiseion; 50c and 25e.
Backrite • for . the • kidneys: .0aMP-
' • 8tf
.01wpAtt .
• A. native of West Wawanosh in the
person of Mrs., .Andrew ,Gla,seow„. died
*early this (TlaursdaY) morning at the
home of her sen4n4aw, Mr., John Boyle,
Victoria street. Mrs. Glaseow was
formerly Mary,Devereaux, daughter et
the late, Patrick Devereauand -Mary
Gallagher. She was in 'her seventy-
sixth year, and spent her whole -life
near •St. Augustine, with the exception
of the last two years, in Which she
has lived in 'Goderich. • Her ihnsband
died sixtee,n years age. • She is survived
by •Vg, ''daughters 'anti two sons:
.Theresa, of St. Augustine, and Mrs.
Boyle, of Goderich;'Frauds jicekeph, of
Prince Albert, 'Sask., and Thomas, of,
St Augustine. She was a member of
the Altar Society and League Of 'the
Sacred Heart The funeral will be
eld-sen-Sa-turclay-smarningstrom, the,
monthly meetingsof -the United eburch Boyle home and thence to the Roman
Wdl.S. was `held on Friday afternoon ,Catholic church at St. Augustinel for
in the y, selmoi rooms. airs. . SundaService at 10 a,.m. In•terment wilbe
Arthur 13111otti _ , ' in the St. Augustine cemetery.
tie presidentWas in
the chairitis Margaret Pentland
was pia.nist for the -meeting and also JOHN THOMAS PENNINGTON
rendered. a- solo, ',Grateful, 0 Lord,' am _The death occurred.at r'incher-"Creek,
I." Mrs. Newman led in prayer and Alberta, on June 24th, a John Thomas
• also led in the reipon• ive reading of Pennington, native of Colborne{ town -
a psalm. Mrs. Reid ga e a reading on ship in hissiliftY-sixth year. Deceased
Servie in the Cherch." Mrs. Dan went west _to °iPincher 'Creek in 1909,
Bickk gave a splendid article en herriding there on and off until 1920,
recollections of the first W.M.S. organ- when he went north to the Peace River
ization in this church, and of the first country. He ran a portage tranefer at
meeting, which was held at the h.onie 7 Hudson Rope and trapped inthe winter
of Mrs. 'Wm. •Girvin, now Mrs. J.' and became • wehl kIloWn in that iliaBarkley. • Mrs. Tackle gave other in- trict: He tuffered fe §ome time with
teresting facts end told the ladies .that a lingering illnaSlin •n -May last his
in the various places she had lived she elder brother; Albert,. went -north to
had found that the "cream" of the bring him to his home at Pincher.Creek
• ladies wei-e engaged in W.M.S. Work. to look afterhim. Relatives surviving
She stressed the need for more brother- are his father; Thomas Pennington, of
hood fodays-and-COMduded with the Goderich •, two brothers, Albert, of
ChrisiniaStanessage of King George in Pincher Creek, and C,harles, of Gode-
1639, bidt- ing us to put our hand in rich, ;and three- sisters, -Mrs. (Dr.)*
the, hand,�f Ged. The president closed Freemen, of Goderich ;. Mrs. C. llohring,
the' meeting,' with a patriotic prayer, of Walkerville,• and-' Mrs. -R. -Stamp, of
folio•wed by the National Anthem; Detroit. The funeral took place • on
A Young Mother Taken. -The un- June2itb from 'at. John's phureh,
Pin -her Creek, to the Church of Eng-
land cemetery there. .
expected passing of 'Mrs. Gordon Ander-.
son at Goderieh Hospitat)ast Friday
evening, in -her thirtieth Tear, is an-
other warning that life is veiy un -
pt. rt a in. Her dea th followed an -emer
ency operation. She leaves to mourn
her tintimely death her bereaved- bus -
baud and four children, Madeline, nine,
Reginald, seven, Fredie, six, and
Margaret, three. Mrs. Anderson, forte-
erly Kathleen Washington- was the
eldest daughter of. the late'George and
Elizabeth Washington of Toronto. She
came to these parts about twelve years
ago- and had _since lived in West
Wawanosh, her late homebeingnear
. Glenn's. Hill. Surviving members of
• -
6 keys. Reward, W. G., pummr,
St,- Davirre Dstfeet.
house or few unfurnished' rooms.
BOX do, stifiNALPSTATt.
•- !MONT (three rooms and bath),
verandah,' ,electric stove' and 'lights;
pritate entrance. Plione. Refrigerat-
or, LLOYD RAIITEHBY, :1 26 ,Albert
street. " • 28
E1 -W1) Mt�IIFURN-
IISHED rooms on ground guar; aley
• boerd and room,. J, E. HiARNWE144
Neays St.
HOUSE, colivenientli situated in
Goderich township,' 2% miles from
'town, CO01 comfortable 'house with
Hydro -light and up-to-date ,turnish-
lugs. 'OreedoM of houSe and tarns:
'City people .preferred. Apply Box 0.,
sakitNAp-srpAtu. -27.84)
• Paiiel„ delivery, in 41 condition.
Applj ,P.O.BOX 512, Goderich. 28
, timothy and clever mixed, in -Ben-.
miller, near- the Benmiller church.
Goderieli. • . 28
• conveniences. Apply to FIR.ED
SEERS, Phone 502.1, Goderich.
- boat; seats 6, step 'bottom ; 6 -'cylinder
motor; speed 40 -miles per hour, plus.
J. M. ATilKINSON, Mayfield. • 28-29x
'STRAINER, No. 1 siie,used, only
1 year,like new; also set of. scales in
good copslition. GURS. J. B. iMedIA'PH.
Holmesville, Phone 901 r 11, Cdinton.
27t9x •--- --
modern furnished house; furnace,
• cellar, , 'water, light; SeWer, bathing.
Orspart. OtiA.RLES REALE, Bennett
St., Goderich. 2i-ff.
A Ciassilied Ad °
• Witastrito
lakitEltAICER FOlt, '
Oollierne ;Cemetery. Duties' to:
comraenee at . onCe„ All- applications
reeeiVed, hy the undereigned Up, toe
WednestlaS, Jelly 10th, 1941. •
iSALLOWS,- Township *Clerls;.4,
R.R. 5,- Goderlith. • •„2T -S
.laiN'TE1).-x0IBIL, FOL OVNOEUT.,.
housewerk and to assist in eeoks
ipg”; fathily of twO. ;write aox 0,,
pod6rier 28
and dead cattle; must be auitabha
for mink reed; removed promptly,
FRED 0,11.,BST, R.R. 2,- Baydlelo.
Phone 908 r 22. Clinton. Calls Paid
for. • 18-tt.,
" Elltecvalited in rural schoolSDuties
to begin in •eptemebr,_ 1941. MININO S. •
-Stereterystreaseirer, phone
fleneall 9843. 27-8
-your own *business -plenty of eoe,
operation -e -repeat businesss-a isIg
orfa,st selling household necessities -
write for • free details .and catalogue at
• once it you are willing to make • a
change.. 'FAMILEX,. 570 'St Clement
, Street, 31ONTREA1• • ' 28
For i850 tens of oil treated- Stoker
Coal, inch by one-quarter (1" x
Analysis aid trade name of coal inust
be submitted with tender& Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted and
all tenders must be submitted by 12
noon, July 15, 1941, to W. L. Whyte, •
i,lecretary-Treasurer of Huron -County
Flying' Training School Ltd., tioderieh,
Ontario. • •• 27-8
. Bridge tenders wanted. for the con-
struction of a 20 -ft. span concrete -
bridge on concession 2, E.D. Tenders
to be opened July 14Th at 3 • pan.
Plans and specifications may ie seas
With the road- superintendent,
C. ieURRA,N, Lucknow 7.
A marked cheque ,for ten per cent. - -
to acconipany fenders .
27-8 •C. E. McDONAGH; Clerk.
suitable b_uildings on small aereages
on Baron' highways; poultrY,. beekeep-
ing, fruitsl. vegetables, sawmill, phop-
pieg muh1,s stores, restaurant; large
nuniber of improved farms.' WIM.
PEsi:ROE, Realtor, Esceter. 2.6-8x
Dungannen, • extends grateful
thanks to all those neighbera iirid others
who showed him so many kindnesses
in the less •of his -wife; also to thoSe•who.
sent „flowers or loaned cats for the
The death occurred at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. G. M. Elliott, Tsir-
Farm buildings- protected for
less than one cent per day,,
Town buildings less than one
tenth of one ivnt per day.
ll M. FQRD
3 Ifamilton St. Tel. 268w
• Whereas the Fire Insurance now in
force on the 'Huron 'County goalie and
outbuildings expires on the int day of
• September, 1941; and whereas there is
nOW matter construction at the said
'Home it fire alarm systein which will
•be completed within a few weeks f there -
lore the Connty . Home 7Committee are
'requesting Insurance agents -within the
County of Huron to submit tenders for
this insurance, to the undersigned, on ,
or 'before 12 o'clock noon Saturday,
'August 9th, 1941. The lowest Or any
tender not 'necessarily accepted. s.
Information regarding MIS' insurance
may he had at the County :Clerk's Of-
fice, *Court House, IGoderich, Ont.
28-6 • • • 'County -Clerk.
Jas. Young, sr., wish t� thank their
neighbors and friends for all the kind-
ness extended to them during the recent
'illness and subsequent death of their
mother"; for the cards and 'flowers, and •
those who loaned cars for the funeral.
28 •
onto, on Friday, July 4th, of Margaret
Elizabeth 'Stewart, 'widow of William
Glen, formerly of'Stanley township and
Clinton. altrs. Glen had not been in
good health for the last four 'monthe
end- her death was due to ,a paralytic
stroke. She was born on the 5th con-
cession of Stank,- township in August,
1859, a daughter of the late Mr. and
-.M"iis„-- • Whir Stewart; a-nd- -after. her
ma;riag-e to Mr. Glen continued to live
in Stanley until their retirement. to
Clinton. Where Mr. 'Glen died In 1617.
She had sinee lived with members a
her family, for some time in •Goderich
her family are ' Irene, Georgina,
Dorothy, Madeline, Albert, Lillian, Wm.
Bradford and Arthur Bradford,. -all, of
!Toronto. The service Wan condueteda
her late home by Rev. W. P. Newman
mi Monday afternoon, with interment
in Dungannon cemetery. The Ssall-
bearers were 'Billy Cook; {Harvey Mole,
Bill Wiggins, Jahn thirnin, Victor Er-
rington and Carl Anderson. We ex-
tend our sincere sympathyto the
' 0, W. C. Parsill wish to thank the
many friends and neighbors for the
kindness and sympathy extended in
their-reeent sad bereavement4 and also
those who kindly offered and loaned
ears. • . ,
BORS who came to my assistance on
Sat,prday to extinguish the lire IA ray
hayfield 'and prevent itsbecoming
dangerous. HOWARD 'STURDY. • ,
withrher daughter Mrs. W. F. Se:tinders.
iStirviving are one son, Edward 0.
Glen of Stanleystovviaship, living on th.e
homestead, and three daughters, Mrs.
Gabriet Elhhlott (Maty), , of Toronto;
'Mrs. Frank W. How (Bessie), • 6f, Tor-
onto, and Mrs. W. Frank Saunders
' (Abigail), of Goderich; two brothers,
Charles, of, Olaresholmi Alberta, and
Adam, of 'Stanley tewuship, and one
sister, Mrs. J. L. Parke, of Hughenden,
Alberta. There are seven grandchildren.
The remains° were brought to Clinton
Red the funeral, took plaee on 'Sunday
afternoon; service being conducted at
.'Wesles1WI1lis United church by Rev.
Andrew Lane. The seven grandchild-
ren were fiowerbearers. The pallibeare
ors were the three sonS-In-law; Gabriel
'Elliott, Frank How and W'. Saunders,
.end three nephews, 'William Stewart,
Donald Glen and Clifford Stewart.
• Interment was in ainton cepsetoey.
y lIarrY s.eciris tsoshappy over theiesswhen the; announeer saht
'would • yen like to say a ofew words to the little ssoinan baek home--
hejust.laugliql and laughed -w ,
'NOTICE TO cwortoRs-
montot TO 0itrdnvr0iis.
All persons ha-v-ing elaims against
'the, estate' a George Wesley Fielder,
late of the Township of Ashffeld, who
died on the 23rd day of A.pril,
are •hereby notified to forward full
•nartieulars of such-elaims to the under-
signed, on or before the 25th day of
July, 1941, after' that date The ad-
miniStratrix will proteed to cilitribute
the assets of the estate havinge regard
only to the claims of which, she then
has anotice.
Dated at Goderie6 this 21st day of
June, 1041, by PRANK „DONNELLY,
,Goderieh, Ontario, ISollcifor 'lot the
Administratrix. . ,• 26-28
BELL. -At Alexandra Hospital, Gode-
rich, on July 8, to Mr. and,Mrs. Fred
,OEkll, R.R. No. 2, Goderich, a idaughter•,.
,LODGE. -At 'Marton,' on June 80, to
• Mr. and Mrs. Harland Lodge, of
• -Marton, a son (Joke Fairbairn,). .
'VANSTONI).-At Alexandra Hospital,
• Goderich, on July '8, to Mr. and Mrs.
• Albeit Vattstone, Newgate street,
Goderich, a datighter.
:VfOSS.-At Lucan, onJune 28th, 1941,1
to Mr. and Mrs. jack Moss (nee Alice
Johneton).„, a son,
.1.'re1ate, General Hospital
on Friday, June 20, to Mr. and Urs.
Gordon- Smith (nee Elhel Tabb) of
Lemsford, 'Sask., a daughter,°Marilyn •
Ann. •„ •
I ,
Now is the.time•to do outside minting. • We handle a
full line of C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes. Poi: • a WHITE ,
paint that stays, whit6-nse CIL. 711,1.1TONE WHITE. Kpeps
white houses whiter. •. .
1 .
Now is the. time fo putin your next winter's supply of
• coal. The price is now at its'lowest, 'iAl'stock D&II Cone.'
Clealied Anthracite which is free from slate and clinkers,
low in ash and high in heat urtits.,..„
'Chas C. ' Lee
• For liardwaxe,,Plumbing and Heating, give us a ea%
Vhones------Oillee ,22 House 112 At the:Harbor