HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-10, Page 7TaitlItADAY, J•UIN 10th, 1.0n s$11**4141( Ida from WHIM Condensed from The Christian CentUrY She 1,5ang hin5.$ when the h'4$3 sOloiit istiflay hysr withRuth woodbury sogwiek ' was away -an octave higher, of ,coUrse c i , -aral soprano When the'soprano soloist . 'toreaerly editor of Stage waS: away. -11er phenomenal. W11,40 awl !KELLOGG'S "What I have heard tediay iS hot sound missicialaship undmibtetily stem „ ,.. , . heard onee,ina,hundred yeara,", Tosco.... P4rtly from that varly training; just as •, IatT -Addllaliff, July a -Wedding bells are ringing in thie community. • Mrs. Clifford 'Orawfard and daughter •Ann visited for a few days' last week • with Mr. and Mrs: Joe McIntyre, Kin - tail. - , • Mrs. Nellie Lee of !Sena. Ste. Mar1e-00 visiting her brother,• 'Mr. Harry 'Haw, kins, and othererelatiVes in ,the come. Sumnity, . S. • Mrs.D. Athill, teacher neer 'Coning - Wood, ie -speeding the, holidays; at. 'the home ef her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lierry th1nor.! • ' • e:e Messrs. ICecil 'McGee, teacher of the , :wheel here,' and Ernest • Orawford, teacher at Paisley; litrvq both resigned schoole. end have joined fWtoyal Canadian. At Force. They ,are at pre- sent working in Toronto waiting for • the call. ' Service in •the United church the • corning Sunday will be held ,in the- eveninse at 7.30. The. service 'Will be -in eharge of Rev. D. J.I4ane6f Knoi church, Goderich. • Members of the it.A.F. choir will supply special music. A glood attendances is requested. A garden party will•be held on Wednesday eyening, with the .R.A,F, members fpr theprogrem following the supper. • Mr., and Mrs. W. 'P. Cane of Lucknotv spent last !Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,, R. Reed. • • Mr. and Miss. ,Sahli and daughter • Eileeneof Kitchener, spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jas. McKenzie. Mies Eileen_ remained for an eXteeded Visit. IMasters 13avid and Jack Dap- Pisch •of Kitchener also. are pending -a 'few weeks -here -With Mrs. McKeneie. -----Mrse-Jesse---Youngesesehoeshaselleonestes. cuperating at Hie home of her sister, Mrs. •Hodgine, at RiPleY, has returned to' her home • accompanied by Mrs. Hodgins, whois making a short :visit Haying is.. nearing completion this' . Week in _this neighborhood , and the •wheat els ripening quickly- op account bag hetet, The Lincoln. She is the first •of the dry ',weather.' ,, --Negro singer ever to be asked to- the' • A large lumber of American tourists •s- passed throughhere last week -end, as well as many --stopping at the cottages Hail said after geriaiesuaeraou?.a sal*. ler peise and ..eomplete lack of plat - burg yeeital in Ataguet 1035. That Owsung - . e O.v4 mu -Airing to large audiences f sically s form nerveis come partly fro Ph Mei the best %limning up a 'the' Ow-. alert people from feetime she was six , ious; voieeef this` American Negro CAP 'Ur. Anderson died when Marian was' 12 and ter the next decade the Ander, tralto, dramatically high,lighted the son earefer became a community pre-' tUrning - Ilpint Of Marian Andersaat'S Pet, • Mrs. Andersontook in ,Iliashing eareer. ' your years earlier she had left and Went gilt to de hellSeWOrk„ Church America in desPair-a gifted singer members". started a fund for "Marian with a phenem'eaal veice, helpless he Andei'non's Pante" Wadi PeW- IV fore barriers, ' itg. racial discriMination eliekele awl dimes.' .Beneifits were gimf, and critical indifference. Fear Months singing teachers Contribitted their "ser. later ,she returned to -America. to bo., yices, Marian earned what she could come an overnight,world wonder after herself ----$5, $7;50 a. recital; later $14 one sensatiOnal concert in New York. an even eyears ,21::.!.. Mrs, Anderson had flu, fivs' after her hukband's The curtains of Town Hall parted on the :evening of December 30. 19a5, death and Marian never let her go* out to work again., ••That meaaa t ffunity to diselose:a, tall; handsUrae girl 'Amu],• lug in the eurVe of a- grand piano. Iler to support as well as a tnliSical edited - long white dreSs conceale•d the fact that' ChM to be had. •.• : one of her feet wait In a. east, due to Vntil she 'was.,14 Marian h• ad no sing. Ing lessons at all. Her Ora teacher was a one fracture angered her last "night' on shipboard,. Her manager and friends Mary Saunders Patterion,. who' gave - had urged 1100 postpoue data eruelal ber a acholarsniP; later* she studied with Agnes Reifsnyder. Then her high -concert rather Ulan Undertake it. 'thus handicapped, ,. But Marian Anderson school principal 'arranged, for her to GiusepPe Boghetti, we Merely ,smiled out at her audiengLe. =ether and coach of New York and Then she closed her Oyes and san Philadelphia:, . Maestro lioghetti re - Ave Maria, Der Tod Lind das Madchen,' members Well the &at time' h4 saw 0 Don Fatale, Payne's Oruelfixicm, as Marian • , at the end of a hard day's only she in Mar day can eing them. • teaching when he was, for the moment, Next morning the critics 'were raptur, surfeited with song and singers; etall, ous: "Marian Anderson has returned to cabs girl who sang Deep River in the her native land oneof the great singers twilight•and made him cry. . of our time.. , sheer magnificence of- It iSi to Boghetti that 'Marian An. - voice . . . genuine emotional identilica, derson 'owes the first landmark of .her tiqn with the chore of music . . • ap, e cr. In 1925 he entered her in a plaule seepaed almost a -sacrilege. . . .• singing contest, the winner of which The' Andersen avalanche was under was to appear as soloist with the New way. Today, as a eancert singer who York Philharmonic Orchestra at Lewis - maintains her position without benefit ohn Stadium. •That contest was her of Hollywood or grand opera, she is first major -experience with racial ,dis-, unique. s erinshiation. • Only after threatening -a In 'America Marian Andersen 'carries . scandal was Iioghetti able to get'her a a heavier schedule than any other hearing. • It finally carne at the end of singer -more than 75 concerts a season. 'She is booked two years 'ahead and IS, han August day, when the Judges were ot, bored ,afed in a hurry to get home. whenever and wherever announced, anMarian's ariawas 0 Mb o Fernando alitomatic .sell-out. On Variety's 1939 ' from Donizetti's La Favorita, "Even -bow-office s.cere' she -is topped -only by if -you hear the geng; ges on,'" Roglfetfis .Nelson Eddy of Hollywood and Lily _vons_of_the_metropolitam., , Ireor_fee had told her, "so they cliff hear you thetrilleat-the-endeu---Buteshedtearde average $2500 a concert.' Radio en- " o game After the first bars there Was- gagements average $00 nTwentieth st hush ; then surprise, then -delight On . Century -Fox paid:her $6000 for singing the faces of the -judges. Andat the two songs at the gala' opening of Young end a spontaneens roar of aPplauSe, al - Mr. Lincoln in Springfield„ Illinoi though "absolutely iio' demonstration's when. bitarrely enough, she was not ae- was the ' strict order ef the day. Alt eePted a'Sa guest at Springfield's lead, this was repeated at the second audi- tion, again at the final 'Marian won the prize. The Stadinni• concert itself -White House fora solo performance, was another personal , triimpb,. and It and when the President said, "Qn, looked for a while as if, at 21, Marian ehelICIliss Anderson, You look just like Anderson "had -Stepped "over Jordan" and 'visiting relatives in the vicinity. your pictures, den't your. she had the into, the premised land of success: Several 'complained of the peer „condi- only attack of stage fright of her life Another five years of wandering in tion Of the Blue Water highway. ' • and forgot the speech she had 'learned the wilderness were before her -how - Mie Clara 'Willie left last :Saturday by heart. But when she was invited ever; five Years of hope deferred, which to resume her ,duties at the !Guelph to. the -White House -Reale last June. e often bordered' on despair. Promises Agrieultural !College after spending over to sing for the King and Queen ot were 'made, then breken ; one of New a month with her' parents, • Mr. and England, without previous instruction Yorks top manageeeeput her under con - Mrs. Frank Willis. . in etiqntette -for the ,occasion she 'went trad,1 then nothing happened. Commis- .- The Misses „ 'Charlotte Crawford, down theft glittering and illustrious re- seurs of music shook their heads won- , Marjorie and !Dthel McKenzie, with ceiving line with the poise of a princess.. deringly Over her gloriouS voice, but eFlerenee 'McKenzie, ii.;N.,, of Kitchener, Europe, even back in 1931, accepted ! muttered about the handicap of race, motored reeently , to North Bay and with . gratitude and amazetnent the i and said, -What can she do with it WhilA An route saw the quintuplets eet singer whore America had ignered. Lon- ! Had her goal been less exalted, her , Callender. don, Vienna, Oslo, Prague called her !problem Would haye been,simpler. The ' Miss, Blaiii•he !Graham Wa$ eontined back for repeat engagements. Six cpn- , middle road of song has been trod. often to led for a few deys of this Week with carts in Seandinavla mtere stretched to! and with conspicuous 'succesS by, her 76. In 1936, three weeks in Russia be - measles.. - People. But the world of greet music Miss Henrietta Quaid hi s lies:igned Came three months. She triumphed fn i was thiskgiris home and she could ac 1i' school at Teeswater, where she Relywhen the Ethiopian incident WaS i VE-vpt no. ether. will take 00 a different occupationsin at Its heieht. Before she came along, . 'h-• -- • e• d I .1 •• the' future. Only 'Rachmaninoff and Kreisler had I " , - • • e .! e . , f • • , , •. . I unlit under Negro auspices. lier fees 'MWr. a ni-1 _qrs., Rectils-tskeesotsThrefito eVer-nolti out the-Parts-Opere House-- ! wer'e better now, $1.0(rusua11y. and some - were recent visitors at the, home of for a solo performance. In Finland, . - . tunes $1.00.. She madesher motherenentLe _CANADIAN- On Mr,o- ,, Will' 'Ora fi W-aal she is one of the vei-y fee who lirrve' , . ! tWo sheers comfortable. But that, wthi , A large 'number attended the Angli- been invited to the hothe of •Sibelius. Peet enough for the eirl Who, at 10, ' COMPANIES ean church garden -party. on Thursday "We will have coffee," the great -man evening- last. After a bennteoussupper the Carlo* young people presented their play. "Two Days to Marry," •which after she had sung for him s a way ont and up. She would stud:y • Iva. enjoyed'hy :ill. `• ,Still she remdins, the-gentlInelY mod- ; ,n , in Berlin and; if she was lucky, give • . (Ihri,t eburch.. Port 4t.lbert, alas est *Arian Anderson of South Philatlel- , few recitals thl Continent.e, doweed 912 to the War VictimeeFunil. phite the e -enter of e. singularly happy . 1 Eight years of 'conquest abroad inter- family,that .has lived in the same little : vened before the spotlighted climax of bidek hoieseefor-25 yeara., Her father , • , her career. That climax came -at Easter * Relieve until his death, sold ice and coal. Her . 1939, when 'Marian Anderson touched a sinkima•Ny • Rev. W. I";•cceroft of :Winghava has been appointed a chaplain in the re - Serve forces, with. the rank of captain. 1.100 Howl& Mutual Insuranee (Com- pany paid out $1,,400 for animalb kifled or injured by lightnilailkin the month of June.• The anain block of fifelianter Dridge and ;Roller 'Works ,at Kincardine. was deatroyed• bysfire early klaturday morn- ing bat. . ' • • , ' , . . , 'Miss 'Irene Abbott„ language -teacher at"I'dinton (.1olleglate institute the last two Yi.itra,;' has resigned the position.. to Oollegiate. , • , accept one on the staff og. the Paris Roger Rice, Tuelfersmith farmer, dropped dead while -tyorkiog in it hay- field onsahunstlay last lie waS In hy his, wife,' two daughters . and two sons. ' , hie eixtysfourth -year and 'is Survived ,. . Miss Maria .Louitts of Wingham, died stuideoly on 'Thursday laet in eighty7Ifiret. '•fear"'' an& Wa.s• found .deztd by ' a , neigithiir. A• 'native of T.:est WoWanosh, she had been a resident -of Wingham for over forty year. • Jebez Rands, well-known resident of :Clinton, ,died on -Saturday in, his siety• EAST WAWANOSII ninth year. For many fears he carried on a blecksinithing !businese. He lesivee- Councilenet On Jillyeelud, with aII ith - a widow and two sons; jabm E., of - (Minton, and Oliver Ii., of Huntsville. • James Riteklus well-known resideut of Seafortb, died on !Saturday night as . the 'result -of-a' heart iselitire. - tro;--vru- hi hieeseventyeeventh year. Ills •wife died two years ago and! it Son and a danghter survive: !Colonel J. C. 'Rankin -of Lbuisville„ Ky., ,and Mrs. James Hanle of Toronto: . - . The death occurred on Thursday last at . Seaforth hospital of .Samuel Me- Olellan Chesuey, itt the age of seventy -- year's.' statement to June 30th, the same five years.. . Deceased . was born in showing n total; receipts since' January Tuekersmith. and lived. inToronto. Lis- 1st .of 77,54 14 vvith an expenditure in . towel and !Stratford before returning to. the sanx, period trf ‘$319,3.4. leaving' a , Seaforth four years ago. 11 is st.'11*- -.-balallee-oll 178.17d- of -$456000:----Uneol-- kived- by' his 'wife and two daligliter.s.-leeted. ,-taxes exclusive of penalty And. Orainger-Ament ' ' istereat-fers1938;427-3:9, 1+-1-0a9r$'756:54i, ger, youngest son of Williara Grainger, on- 'SatUrday - afternoon, their -Only Mr. and Mrs, William Ament, Seaforth,i daughter, !Helen 'Maggaret, was united in marriage to (Stanley Forrest Grains Res Huh ien jelitetilie olffiateemAitedrs.. Gmrar Triln----tlionie of the brides, parents, .1 ligaeard • wh age sw.nehiP ,on to • Pay, under.,the Live_ -Stoek .Pro - heart caused by ,being chased by dege, Township, the municipality •wsisecalled lees ist a vow due to over-exertion of tpse tection Act, $80 to A. G.. rfescent for the For the first time in the hiStory of the ie unknown. $83 was' tend .1940, $1171.597-0. .total -of $2202,04. Airs, . Grainger will reside in New - also -ordered to be paid Ilareey MeGee, Toronto. .. • • . • ebeceSsion 1, --S t ra S' dogs having c4used Hinton -Jackson .. • :', ,Sit. Thomas' •Anglican ehurch, Sea- and seven ewes, bitting 'the,extent of this the memorial service at Brantion'sn Cern, •: havoc in his flock, tlw death of a lantb sortie was the scene Off Saturd0 after- deprechition: Other a.ccounts 'were paidl eters!, Lteigrave, on Sunday, noon of the wedding of Mary Elizabeth, as foilows: .1., F. McCallum, eheep only ' deughter of Mrs. JuvIsSon and the valuer, $1.50: The linnicipal World,1 Mr. lend .Mrs: Nerman MeDoWell and: late' Louis ,a Jacisson of Seaforth, to , supplies; Sa.,56 : L. ,Buehanaa, repairing: children yisited en Saturday with Mrs. of Cloderiehr's Osbaldestott Sergeant -Pilot Herbert.Hugh,Hinton of '`' ;Maintainer, 3.0t°; Van., -Oil 0o., gasoline, Clainti 'Borden., son of. air. and Mrs. '$.)0.7i5 ; Roofers Supply Co., .cuivert, , Mr. and mrs'..:.'1:Bert• TaYlor..viSited - ' - - performed by- Eerie A. E, $40.418; Illale- -Vinteseteetrerk son .road, with Afte'and Mrs. ill. Stonehouse °ode - rich. on -,Saturday. ' . - Henry W. Hinton of 'Streetsville. The ‘$41.40,; 'Can. Ingot • ilion 106., en.lvert, , ceremon s‘ as . ' $4.75 ; Vali ,Govier: work on road, $1.4.25 Mr .und Mrs. W.. A. •IQeiripbell and . Broola, 'of- Acton, assisted- by Rev, Pr.:$ -1.75; .A.': MeCtillough, Ntork on road, - . • . . , Hurford, reetor. of. Ilfe church. .-', Fred Toll. work on ro-(td, $9.2,1; win.. tgptled the -.me ;. _Donald •end Mi. _ . . .. morial ..service at Dune „se. ' W H. Campbell at- RobArts--Welsh , .,,: - - • Ma 1.4aroict, wife of Fred Mut: holland, in her skx.ty.'ilr5t svar. De- ceased Was borne at Olbson City, Illin- • ois" and lived with )tr. 'Mulholland at 41deago before coming to tiolnae-aville twentkilx years ago, survived by her husband awl one (laughter. Mrs. 'Laura Delleall of ifolmesville." The funeral, took place, to 101inton cemetery. Doubte I'Vedding In East Wm/v.410AI Au interesting mat In 4,.;ast Nirawanosh Wedne§day,. June 25th, a double wading at the home of Adam ,Robertson, Tivo daughters of Mr. .R,obertson and the late Mrs. Itobert- son were married ii)ydtev. John. 'Polloek„ MISS Janet Annie Robertson becanae the bride of Jolul Dawson 'Craig, son of Mr'. and Mrs. john OraigWhitechairela, and Miss MarY Margaret Robertson, R.N., of the Wingham hospital staff1 was wedded to William Jamee Peaepek, son of 3.1r. and Wits. James; Peacock', Illuevale. Mr. andMrs. fOraig will re- sale at Whiteehureh,and Mr. and Mie. Peacock.on the groom's farm at vale, • ' tha lifts you /mod In static no, • mod to wait end wee Mount them with- uot doicati menibers present.' Minutes of previous , meeting were read and `apProved. • (lommunications 'from -the 'Highways •Departinent re-Ma-SW.11W tarreftilid r the Department of Municipal Affairs and the Department of lisa.hor, re unemploy- ment insurance, received and read. ..Thejilyth Agricultural Society asked for it grant as formerly. in aid Of that Society. This &guest •was .over till a future meeting. - Tile treaeurer presented his half, , TIRE AT A ROCK -BOTTOM -PRICE Prices Stitr:!:a't 46t nee this great (30. x., 33i) Terveeerycceer7ellice:lal $6.55 isoors theIllr'O.X11; ROUSE & BELL GOD)RiCH ON'f. of lifr, and :Mrs. iGeo. Cook, JBelgrame,, • Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Walsh .of quelPb. were 'week -end ..uests at_the hotnie of the former, :brother, Mr. A, p. wawa.. , Mr: and Mes. MelyimflOod, and ebild nen, iGoderleh, visited en, SilladaST with Mr. and Ms Wan. 'Govier, ' „Mr, -aka Mrs..' WM. MepOwell and. -Miss Mildied, Thornton. spent Sunday - with Mr.,..and 5Irs. Wesley •Stitekhouse, Brucelfield. ,• A number from tliis'ivicinitY attended T -he wedding took place at the home-1.)iihie, 'mirk on . roadi •$11.7s ; ,R4 Rate -aratinfin eetnetersa' on !Sunday. ' of the ,l)ritle's pirent- Exeter, on .1eis i ills 00. -crushing aud work.. On culvert,1 .The MiesioneCircle held ^ their meet - let, efeleorottry Aluelielle, daughter of , $15; J'ames.MeGee, ettishing anti w,ork I big on Friday evening At the h&nse of ' who led the -de- Air. and Mrs. Wm. E. Welsh, •to Isyle a 'I Su ".$111Tert, '$15 s 'S. NISI3urney, road :. Miss 'Fern flUdDoWell, - - ..! votional: program. Ph Ili, ,Cook Pt•e-' Roberts of ( mia t ham, the ceremony ! sniveleten den t, $62,..s',0.. ; • s:' .oti Tuesday, ..,Ant.. pt.:n(414st 5,t1.7,1eRev-ir, being pellohneil by Rev. nen. Thar. eNesteineetbkg ofi.'(ouncil Will.be held I Slittel at the piano..:•The !Scripture les - After a. trip_ to Muskoka the Ceuple will IA. ),'Illerk. 'imi Was read l''Y Mildred TborntOn. from reside at ,Chathani. • . title -1st Wiflin. - A 'stile -was -sung by WESTFIELD • " . f;t141:rDwo,l'el.1.(d rftlfiee,,.stlicclynlat0„("wOutsil Pryde-Woodall . A -Pretty hense ..essiaing took place 1 taken- by : arrreillton on-Ttine-2Rfif, WIR-91 11a WI • given by Fein McDowell. The st Ruth, (Infighter of Mr.- it nil Alrs. J. T. 1\-'1..' WWI ELD,---seles ee-eeli.,t(Ts. Ilan_ ,, , -weedefor theeetaiseist refl.' rail- wilnle " N'T•iia ;ill, Crediton, became . the ;orale abl (us in inn! Bobbie \*.oles of 111s-th, .S.leace." At - the elose of the meeting of John Pesuee !peyee, • son ef 'Mr. end and -Miele Jean -Kershaw of •Goderich . luni•li was served by',Phyllis CoOk and i bad felt so passionatAy that only the Mrs. TlIpluag 'Pry(le,. Exeter. ,llev, A. smelt els. tow (lays last week • at• •the M'll I.` Th .• ' . LIMITED 641- 4 . E. 'Aldworth .of Stan ofhciated. ' The •1°°ngcouple Will -reside hpflxvter. Ruby-Sreenan - 'At .St. Peter's IRS'. church, Drysdale, s• the marriage Was •eolemnised of yenta . V retie 'Sreen a n, !de tighter of ,Mr. ' and • said when she came in. "NeA coffee, . best would do where music was con - champagne I" he shouted to his butler cerned. So she decided on Europe as $1.-eSCr atChIll Itch e„ortifonqBati school -teacher. te, w g s rugs t o op I, against intolerience. For that Easter •,,•'• For quick relief front itching of «mettle, pimples, tab, Marian, Wee possessed by music al- es ! concert, on the steps. of Lincoln Mem- ststdalsotsix-astescabiPteresbesAndothcesstsrdelle ways,- and deve.16ped earlY n A -S- --n6"1 Waehingtoe becameenot _only 4.1 caused skin troubles, use fast -acting, cooling, anti- • septic,- liquid. D. D. 11.1: , Prescription. Greaseless; • otainlesa. Sonthes irritation and quickly stops intense • Itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ark your druggist today for D. D.D. PftESCIII.PTION. Dowell. honks of Mr. -and Mrs. Marvin Me- . Mrs. John Freeman and children, of , , , Mr. ami Wis. Gordon !Smith and Iroquois are 'Visiting her -sister, Mrs. Howard 0=0011. Barbara, of, Goderivll.• Were Visitors On . . .• Stirdity:- it t he' home of Air. :1'41' Mrs. .J.L. AlcDowell. • - !• MrS.. Arthur L. ..Sreenan, flea r Blake, • Mr. Albert 'Campbell and. Donald were and-titohert Lee',Ituby of 'Detroit. Rev. Goderii-ll ViSito& -on . Monday. • •, Father Martin.ofileinted. ('','Ilests were Mr. and Mrs: • Beg. Jemling, A toblde Fast mother, before her marriage, was a ,. hi h ' tl t 1 f s • ' • d) i I Pi ,r) Mi 1 and Ronald if Wit ls were - yi • *1 nal iti the lofty standards which sustain her ; maimed ssue but perhape the moetim. vat e life of Morian Andersou art today. When she was 10 her father.1 Pressive- event in the milsical history tically nonexiste nt. • toolt her' to -a pawnshop to buy the • of Amerleal • Married, although she hopes and almost 'in) socia3 life.' 'lie slay. She permits herself fee violin she had been begging for (it cost: The controSenely started 'when !Miss • to some Coulter. TUrnberry, on June 28111, their ,gtave 'more visitors., here on Sunday.: PI Vs4-‘11t. fl om el ro t anc es le . Qr. NN,PE Louden, North Woodslee and Goderich. (eel guests at the home of Mra rid.Mrie is eriu:-' Meffat-roulter , • ,Wni. Walden. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mr. a mi Mr 145110 Vineefil of Bel- f (1 a tri g‘11 tv:r, Jelku Fk, Rog:. N., was. .:N!ra lid Ere(' J„•'ool: a nil fa • friendsc111 milrriage 'to !George Cedril Moffat, HY Were, gn:El.g.ts, 4h -Sunday at' the home re is • e•sssems""osee $4, which was saved up a penny at a Anderson's 'manager seeking a 'Wash- . time), and she asked the pawnbroker le•; ' nothing a thv,Avillo-n6* div"imut n auditorium for April 8, 9 or 10, Few peeple, especially children, escape an attaels of summer com- plaint during the hot svehtliert Summer coMplaint • begins with, a • profuse diarrhsea, very ,often. accom- panied by vomiting and purging. • The matter excreted from the stomach has a bilious appearance, ' and thet. front' the bowels watery, whit even Odorless. When the children silo* any sign of looseness of the,bowels the mother _should:administer a. few doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry so as to bring quick relief. This medicine has been on the market for the past 94 years. Re- flese substitutes: •• They may be , dangerous. JJ3, the Daughters .of the American Re- her : she is diseiplined, amiable, nos- ! , over and over, "Is it the best, the -very ! was told that-ConstitutIon Hall, Owned ' volution, was "not aveilable for a con- seseed of rare common. senee. She likes best? It. must be the eerie -best." Her scriging. 'She was_ Mit quite three end ! eclothes and Inc dressed by 'Chanel for the firsi memory,. ft it should be, Is nf er concert platform. I I•mal-es herself for seWing Most of her other cert for Miss Anderson." The manager he', oral et al eft-her-ttlone---i- i,wits thee refused the use of Central .1 1 dining 'rem) where the wallpaper had 1 a red rose border 'at the tep. Iiigh Scheel auditorinni. By this time She ' feeling, was runnihg high aeross the I.began to sing to herself and, as she I 1 presses of Anierice. Petitions were I sang, the flower 'border Opened like a 4 signed, proilounceineutS mentioning' tile I•lattice and Smiling,, friendly people i mil of Righte,the Coustitution and the !•looked out and sang with her. They • are .very real to her still that first Get Dr. Fowler'ii" and feel safe. - Tie T, IjIllburn Co., Ltd.,. Tpronlo, Opt. •I merits of the liberal ideal were Sent audienee of hers, Perhaps they have -something -to do with the light fleet al- ways touches her faee when' she closes her eyes to sing. !Marian joined, the junior choir of the Union ;Baptist elmreli when, 1411A, WAS 81X. It •was then that *she made her first peblie appearance, 'singing The Lord Is My Shepherd. The Suaday sehool superintendent asked if she would sing again. And so a eareer was launched,: • '42Ct 13 Marian joined the senior choir • * Of course not — but some • motorists do— and somebody'• pays. We offer sound insurance advice; quick, helpful service. J. W. CRAIGIE, GoognicH • NELSOIsi HILL, GODERICII - G. C. TRELEAVEN, DUNG4NSKON REPRESENTING ' seteetid risks in—Automobile, Eire, Plate Burglary, PUMA Liability,. vitt other general intttrettet. °Mee,' Toronto. t S , is 11(.1* only relaxation. She has'neither a maid, nor seeretery,; she prefers to look after herself. :When she tours e the Unit:ekStates she:usually stay's • at the 11onic'4 of Meitibers of her own vFor yetieS, ..11o1'eVe1'; she went , to the ilarieni". V.C.A. hen she (lune to New - York.' The only concession she makee to the .nagging counterpoip t. of nice diserimination: which tilway;i•rtins below the harmoniotie leitmotif Of, her life, is, that she spends her short' and Infrequent vacations In En rope, - usually on the 'Riviera., Este' there she works, roe:chins _and program -making for her eext season, Today ehe Riess in eine jnng• ; FA' though it is nnlikelv that the doors of, grand opera Willey -0i: be. oPened to, 110, 'the hOrizini.therore her is wide, At the foundation of Marian Ander- son s life and aet 18 religion. No eothlt abstraction, ornate. with dogma ; primitive frenzy, shot throtigh ,seith -jungle rhythms; rather flip C011seerft- lion and light. ef The Ode to ,Toy.. Bee- thoven this "Child ,of the King," .1051as another great remeter in our :own vk d la% e, 1 ler- .° 1 t everywhereeepar , hers of the 0.A.R. Telegrams of peotest ' poured in -from !Mayor CA' Guardia, LWatter Dann:esele tine entire Philadel- i'phiti1Ofeheetra. • - -On.--Fabraiiry Anderkon's inti-nager anhouneed •"a free Open -a ir colicert for till miac lovers .• hint , hel ieve es in. true el enuicra ey to the given within earshot of Constitution Hall."' And- lieeruary 26 Mr*. , . . . Roosevelt resigned ...from t amid the editorial itheOrs of the nation ; cheers for a "First; Lady who. heel the • courage 141 !fight group *prejudice and group intolerance." • The Federal GoVernment, through tee coertesy of Secretary Ickes, WaFe'host ; the ,spousnrs were Calififet 'itemisers, SesinitorS, 'Congressmen, national etde, tirities headed bv "Mrs. Roesevelt and Chief justiee and' Mre, Hughes. After so seesational a build-up it seemed that, only .11 ,thirtiele could save the coneert from being an antielimax. Those lucky enough to be there will never forget that day f Bellhops. all over town praying, "Please don't let ft rain, • (bode for the I),A.R.'s Will think You're • on their side."' -The ettowd of 75,000, she greatest sinee Lindbergh's 'arrival 1927:- The haunting symbol's:an-The • tall, grav, he e, girl with ttowering marble Lincoln !brooding .8 hove her, „shoulder, The look of wonder when' she saw that uplifted sea of faces, white man and Negro, shoulder to shoUlder. The hush. , The inconipar- able volt*, deeper, more passionately moving, perhaps, than it had ever been before -My Country. 'TIS of •Thee, Ave Maria, Nobody Knows the TrouT Trouble Marin, Seen. '11110 tears, Thev The eheers. Net hada. greater inirden been put on the •,shoilidera assingle artist. Thit the great gift and ,soul of 'Starian AMitereol W Mtae; WOtto it, • • • AS With othor fireat artist% the pet- son _"%l 1'. and Mrs. .12..1. A I tt, .11. of Turnlierry. The Ceremony w.o. per- formed be Rev.' John Polloek. • The •young couple will reside 'int the bride- , grooin's farni in To ro iTrry. Willianis-Freeman ii 1. reerory., On '.111ne'.2sth'..ltev. A. !11,, iwrfornied the marriage. evrenoMy uniting Theda Lorraine, elder daughteri; of Air. asst Mrs. J. II. ryeenian. IthIlett 'township, and _Frank Albert Williams, • Tillson- bierg, Oiler soil of Mr.- and iMrs. W. D. Will m s, 101in tin'. The - yonn it couple will reside at Tillsonburg. . Kincardine Man. . , Drowns in Lake Huron • Itokton 'Mweiieori,,,Rine4r(iime• young man. vvas 41rowned ift Lake Iinron on June :Intb. 'With a companion, Kenneth 15 son. 015(1 K Inca rd Mellietal way; sailing a dinglw when it was cap- sized by a sudden, squall. _Both men Clung to the overturned boat, but Mae - 1(coil became exhauste0 and slipped into the water. 1 vison reached shore safety. .MacCeml -was ft son of Mr. and Mr. Allan Aleeleeel, Kineardites Iteatit of Mt 's. 3ls..• • Fred • Tbe (lentil. occurred -:mblettly 0 I.Iolmcsville oil Monday;June :Ipth, of atood . time has -loved andeanderstood her. It StubbornCases .." of. Cptistipatuoi WAS jtql11 • Sibelius who dedicated to her his song 'Solitude, who said to her at parting, "The reef of my house is tooelow for You." Sandy was very- 111. and a rested hinr were grouped) imenbers of his faintly, awaiting the end. 11144 lips ,Ivere seen te move, and Mary, hie wife, bent for- ward' fo eateh lii Worde. "Wife," he whispered,- -is everybody • present ?" 1 . "'e-t,dear, •we IV :1 11 here," sohhea 'May. • "Are you 'ortite ,lire? is,lock here? and Flora and little Mae?" "Yes" sdbiaal Mary, "we are all here." "Just as 1 thought," mental else old Seot aS' he turned 1iL filet% to the walk.• , °Tin "lot dead yef, and .alreitiWthey) haVe begun to neglect, the shop." Men. 40,50 --- PEP, VIM, VIGOR, , Subnormal?, Want normal pep., vim, 41gor, 'vitality? • •Try astrex 'Tonle Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements- •eMs to normal pep after 30, 40 or 50. Get a special introductozy.size for only •. 35e. Try this aid.,,to normal Pbp andvirn today. For sale at all 'good. drotores. Those wile keep' a Al= of • impurity pont tip 171 their bOalesi elay after day, instead of having it removed as nature' intended, et lelost ' once in every twenty-four hoturs, in- variably suffer from eonstipation. - The use of eh6ap, harsh purgative , will never,get you any'where as they ' -Only, aggravate the troublo and in- 'jure the deliege mu000s.liningof04. i bowels, anl are very halo to time ' , piles. i Ti ebnatipatcd .take iMbeint-ts .• 41...asn-Liver Pills and have a Wars/ , movement of the bowels. They at , not gripe,weaken and sielren as ' way laxatives de, 1 Everything in this gi`eat tire is new and different:- , New Safety; -Lock cords have 35% greater hat protection; tread and'hddy ?have a 21% stronger • bond between them; beads are rust. -proofed and, :tied in and the'nei;r. Gear Grip tread ha.C11iro more nonskid mileage. With all these new 'features firestone Champion tires do not Cost one Cent more. - • Drive in fatr end put .Chiantsions on yo ive cite , ar4ner,. .Victoria St., Phone 234