HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-10, Page 5THE GODERICH SIGNAL43TAR TO SAIL FOR ArltIOA IN SPITZ OT DANGZR SUPERIOR STORES SPECWS FOR THE WEEK! AsOorted Cream Sandwich BISCUITS lb. 15c CATELI,;I'S Cooked SPAGHETTI 3 14 -oz. tins , 19c ' 1 0 , Free Offer SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER 1.1b. tin 25e - - One 40e bottle 11010rest Vanilla free! IOc TEA BISK Makes Biscuits in Two Mantes Med. pi*. ....19c Le . Pkg. • ...:330 PORK and BEANS, A.ylmer, 2 20-,0z, tin's - FRY'S NOCOA Makes a Delicious Iced Drink tin ...........21c 1-1b.. tin .............31c LUSIIVS JELLY DESSERTS 3:0kgo, 25e KLEENEX 2 boxes ..25e • 200 sheets 17c PASTRY FLOUR 74. bag . : ..25e 24 -lb. bag ....75c ItOYALACiitli ORANGE PEKOE TEA Buy Now and Save ' CANADA MAMMIES 2, 3 boxes 25c Plain or Iodized '17 SALT t. 2 large pkgs. . 15e Blue BOY COrkEE, lb. -.....39e MeLaren's, 16 -oz, Jar NUT CRUSH ...27e Aylmer IRISH STEW, tin Royal York CHEESE, 16 lb. 1.7e KEEN'S MUSTARD 34 lb. 27e. 49e lviTRApidh wilii4 8 -oz. Jar :21e 16 -oz. jar 49e Sunlitht • • -30AP, 4 bars • .'.23c Lux Toilet SOAP, -3 bars ...17c JUL July 8.-4dr. and Mrs. P. G. Neel'iu, o,Seaforth, returned to their cottage in the, village on Thursi day keit. fProfeiSor R. Q. Pemberton anil family, of London, arfi•at their 'cot- tage fOr the,. wagon. Mrs.. J. W. IllOdgins, Miss ,Mabel, 'tile fact that in [September she will _ Dr. Coal *ITU, Modica isibmiOnsfirlif Is the Son of is, Godorleli OM Boy , IJOiNDON, Ont., July crio.--The• sinking of -thei Z,amza..m has brought anxiety to thehearts of many, but has left Mre. Cecil,W 3 Morri4 unalarmed, despite Hedgins and P.rofessor Lloyd Hodgins, 0 'Toronto, arrived last week to, emend .the summer Ztt their Cottage on: Hill Terrace. • - cku<1 Mrs. a Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. T. liennett,. of Detroit, ,spent the week -end with -Mr. and Mos. liarrY • WestOn. Mrte 'Western, who' spent some weeks in; Detivit, returned home , 'them air% .Roy iotl thi4 malt son, Bon. aid, o, Caledonia, ire the' gixestS' of and Mrs. W. R. JoVvett for, a few weeks.' , Mrs.- Win. L. Ferinson is visiting friends" in Steatha;ines this week. Miss Mina Proctor, of Toronto, is visiting her ,atualt„ Mrs. Xing- • Rev.eErie Anderson and f4mily, of tambeth, are the guests °tiler. Har- old 'Curie. !Mrs. 0. Cleave, returned home this Tyeek,, taxing spent some mouths „in Bad Axe,Mich:, with her daughter, Mre. J. Gingerieh. he was accom- panied by her brother, Dr. oCharles Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morley, Barbara and Pat Morley, of Pleasant, Ridge, Mielle were the guests of the Misses Morley over the week -end. Barbara -and, Pat-are-reraainingewiththeir aunts for the balance of the.Summer. iMrs, Thornton' Mustard and daugh- ter, !Mrs. Frank Bureh, and babe, of Toronto, are at their cottage for the summer. CALVIN CUT J. J. McEWEN Phone 116 Phone 46' Miss Jean Autler, of St. Catharines, is visitingher eousyn,- Miss 'Margaret Ferguson, this week. Miss Doris 'Featherston /eft on 'Mon- day to resume Iherenursing duties at Mount Sinai kospital, Torento: e.51. and Mrs. Wm. Speed and dough-. ter spent the 'week -end vath Mrs. %Speed's parent, 1Xr. %mid Mrs. 'Illenrv 0lincheee :LVIaster Billy SPeed and ienn MIcalifielleY, who had been visit sing their orandparents;' returned to De- t Mr. Will Cameron and -.Mr. Donald Cameron and daughter, Uthel,. of De- troit, visited Misses E. and al, ram- -eron over, the week-xind. • Miss Ida Reid, of'Detroit, came on Thursday Tag- to spend the suminer with ter brother and 'sister. HIS eroany friends, will be glad to know" ,tliat Mr. I. H. Reid' is." improvingin health. - Mr. and Mrs. Clayton' Weston, of 'Chicago, are visiting friends in the village. rte. Albert Osmond. of London, spent the week -end with his parents, • Mr. and Mrs. *Wm. Osmond. Mrs. MarY'.Ann Schmidt. of Virden, :Man., is visiting her brother, Mr. S. Huston, ,and MrE3. tHouston., 'Mips Lorna :Westlake, of London, is• spending her vacation ..with her_par-•, outs, Mr. (end ,Mrs. Walter- 'Westlake. Mr.nd Mrs. Harold Weston and small son, of Detroit, :spent the week- end. with Mr. Richard Weston 'and f 11, • Probably po very' waters in which 'this fillip Illet its fate. 'The Wife Of A Medical missiOnarei, Dr. 'Morris, ,now' On the atm Of the Oxen Alexandra Sanatorium, 'Mrs. Morris is calmly =king her arrangements to re-, turn with her itiisband. to Africa: In an interview at her home on Gar- field avenue; 'here, 51r6f. Viorris Said no definite instruction& had cone from their.missien board, but theY are stand- ingebY, ready for the word to lea*, The only .pi)iiat of hideeision facing them is their children: Will they take their four-year7old Estelle with then"; or leave her with relatives. here? 44e is quickly approabiling, school age and educational facilities in the jungle are not adequate; Peklnitely " the two younger ,Children will go ,along—the itwo sons, Walter and Rebertc, But even the thought of taking the shildren into the zone of war does not frighten pretty, blue-eyed Mrs. Mori. "God will take mite of us," she said yesterday with a confident .smile. "We have nothing to "rry about. We feel Ile, wants us to go, go we'll go," • Dr. and Mrs': Morris are associated with the [Sudan .Interior Mission. This is a faith mission with its. headquarters in Tionto and, through."' free-will of- -lei:kik/ aloiie,-SdOper Their -missionaries go abroad with: DO guarantee of salary, but accept what ls sent to them. Three of these workers were on the Zanizam. Where they are now is tine certain. Mrs. Morris caine originally fro; 'Sarnia. She Isthe'former 1,fiss Dorothy Vince, daughter of Mrs. Vince and the late Arthur Vince. While Dr. Morris was still in college they made plans for a married life on the mission field. Their two eldest childreu were born in iNTigeria. r COURRIE'S' CORNERS • CIOURRICIS 'CORNERS, -July S.— 'Mr. and "Mrs. iLo'rne Farrieh and family. visited on Sunday With Me. and Mrs. M. Johnston of IGoderich. Mfgses Reta and 'Grace 10ourtenay, Leurses-feetraining-at iSt-iToSePli's"llos-' pita], Toronto, are spending their vacation at their homes here. Mr. JoeAltan of Goderich is assisting at the home a Mr. David.Little. Gifts for A Navy lgan.--Over seventy people 'gathered at the hall last Eriday evening to honor 41301) °Farriih, second §on of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred, Farrish, kyle) has enlisted 'wit the :navy. Dur- ing the evening LVIss Jean asTetson read a lilting address and Miss Vera Little presented Rob with4 wrist -watch and a pen and pencil set. Bob, in a short speech,* thanked his friends for their t hougb.t4alseSS.. The iem a inder , of the everdug-was spen and danetng. HELP THE RED CROSS .KINTAIL Women's Institute.—Tm July meet- ing ofethe Women's institute was held . - at the home of Mrs. Hugh MacKenele, with the president, Mrs. Robert Scott, in, charge ofethe.meetimee The roll call was answered with "a. hint for picnic lunchee." Thls was ver Y appropriate, as the annual pienic was arranged or Thursday, July 10th, to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay. , Mrs. Neil MacKenzie, Mrs. Ray Dalton and Mrs. Robert Scott were. appointed to secure 'ball teams for the afternoon, Mrs. Neil G. MacKenzie gave an inter- esting paper on Illeintall." Other read- ings ',Are given by Mies Lois MaeKenzie and Miss Jean,Nelson. After the meet - cue a dainty -lunch was served by the hostesses. The August meeting`wilibe held at the home of Mrs.. M. Avery. —Hospital tag_ day, on Saturday last, restilted in the ot about DIT1 5,- • Mr. and Mrs. Te'dOrane, of Detroit, were the guests of' Mrs. J. W. Xe- Leod, nr., over the week -end,. Mr. Harry Ahrens of Detroit spent the Tek -end with his wifeat the Trail Blazer 'Cottage, :both returning HISTOR BAYFIELD Y 07 Intoreetint Talk bi Woo Boma to St. GOOrge Chart* W04104 Gad 'The; cln,ircb WOMe)a's Guild a St. George's, Church met in the Guild room On Wednesday, with a fair attend, once, Mrs.14, 1). Itrown,presiding'. Mrs. 'Marshall read the ISeriptitre leSSon. Arrangements were Made for the' MP nuai garden Part3r. to, bQie1dIn a- ,fevir weeks. , • • •- The prograin wae n charge of Miss BroWi. and took the form -of a talk on the •meaning of the word 4‘guild" and; the growth. 0 these soCieties througlA the centuries. The history of the old 'Was traced fr* . the rise a the, trade$ uflds, Which Upheld al- 'WhYs the highest standard.� workma* ship. to, the formation, Ot the social guilds, assOciatiOns tor the relief of PrisonerS and 0 those injured in fire or flood and shipwreck, and for suc11 good, worligas the repair 0 churches. !Short descriptiens.of the Guild' Hall and Ste Martholomew'e" Church:ha: old Lendoll folloWed, 3flssA3roWn :concluded the, talk with: a few wordson the letters 0 the society's name: G. -for "guided by divine wlsdom"; V. for "united member to mernbe,r ini :peace and. harmony'!; for9uner leyalty to duty"—the special purpose God •giVes to.111S f ful servants to fulfil,. • Dr. :Cecil Morris, a graduate of the .Universityeaf :Western ,Ontario, is a son -of-Johneeel4erriseof &rola, well known. iCiloderich. old boy, and has several aunts in Goderich and licinity. .cAulicH NOTES. ' . BAtneone ta.s..rio*c „The illaptist Sunday school met at Harbor/ Park on Wednesday for their annuarpicnic. Bathing and races_were enjoyed; Miss - Vera .Wilkins . was in charge of the games. The results of the-.Tarious—races• --wefollowst- PriniarYf Kenneth "Geddes, Mary Young; Mr. Mifligan's 'elasS, Leonard •Geddes, Verely Young,•; novelty. jell bean raGe te, Verna •Miller and orge Tollison; Peanut and spoon . race, 13Astell 1,aedaietSrleeclasCsa,nlyrbeissl„lias,Wioirr; tn244,.on George Tollisoa.. Supper with ice creara and candy was served to the seventy -fire present. FUNERAL OF MRS. PARSILL The funeral of the late Mr. W. C. ..Parsill was held. on !Friday afternoon from the 'home of -her-son-in-law, Mr. Fred Tole. The service was conducted by Rev. C. F. Clarke, assisted- by Bev. R:-lf:--Turftbutr,--Ttf-N-orth- streettfinited church. • 'Pallbearers were John New- combe; Fred Rouse, 'Calvin 'Cat, Pmei, son Evans, ,tt; 'O. -Dunlop :and' George Buchanan. Interinent' was in Maitland cemetery. roil's! and Da COMT 11010111 pus. GODERICK Thursday, July 176,1941 under ,nookeo '- Maple Leaf Chapter, ATTRACTIONS' itiaden Treasure Bingo Games of OW Novelty Dances JItZEFOR 1E.' ST COTUNIFS Good Music foi the Dane by B A F. Orcheotra WOIV1EN'S INSTI111* ,-The 'Women's Institute ;net at Mae; Kay Hall on ThtirSday last with aelarge attendance. Miss gills gave an in- struetive address on:4'1'11e Flag." Miss 'Lois MeN'all sang 90 Canada" and "Tbe British Grenadiers," while another little "visitor recited- 054641 -ori "the -die Oen? siderableInerriment was created, by,the iiite elephant". sale. It Was decided tor have• a "50(r and bridge -on; the MacKaS, 'Hall grounds 'on 3uly"..18th for , the members. SERVICE STATION BlURGLAjp174,ED Plant's service station, Victoria street, was ent4:a•ed on Tuesday night and a small safe Ind tobacco eaee were stolen, The safe was found," broken open:, near Dublin, but it had yielded the culprits practically nothing for their trouble. There were some papers inside, but they were not' touehed. The fobacco ease was abandoned at Clinton,. and the small quantity ef tobeccoebad been-taker—No-trace has lieerrIoundef- the • robbers. This is. the second time within recent_ months that this gara:ge has been entered. ' ' HELP THE RED CROSS -On-Sunday,'July 13th, the meetings' of the 'Salvation Army 'will be conducted by MaJtt er ItIdene0 Teroni, who was in charge :of the IGoderich corps. about eight years ago. 'Meetings at 11 a.ne. and 7 p.m. Communion will be _dispensed he North street United church eext 'Sun - clay morning, July 13, and, the. service will 'be conducted by the minister, Rev. R. H. Turnbull, ,IPireparafory service will be held; ou :Friday evening at 8 o'clock. • The Women's Missionary Society of knox Preshviterian ChurCh will meet at the home of Mrsi, -James' Bisset, of Saltford freights, on Tuesday afternoon,: July 15th, The Home Helpers are in- I vited a ttend and cars will. lave the church °at 2:30 o'clock. Miss. porotty: '1111111111orm.111111111111' FrikeLT. FI4ETCLIVIt IN' 110SPITAt The popular 11,A.r. Band* which Us 'been under the capable leaderahlri of Plight -Lieut: 'Fletcher, mil be 41/Jetted for the next few menths by, Mt. Bird., Flight:if...lent. Fletcher has been ad - *miffed tet gueeti, Alexandra Sanatorium*, London, and des not expect to 'return, to bis duties for several months. The new leader has bee soloist with the COA,L• FOR l'UBLIC SCIIOOLSl The Public School Boa.rd at a meet. on Tuesday evening aecepted thl tender of 'Mae. 0. Lee for ty' to sixty' tons of bituminous eoal fo fifty to sixtY school at $8.50 per on, and that of the Sault s Coat Co. for forty. to :torty-tave• tons'of anthracite for Central, school at $1A., The secretary reported that au. teachers on the staff had. Signed con- tracts for another year. _ _ 4. fire :in hayfield en Roward ,S:t-arely's-fainer8tireconeessiOneeteGodee-'-'•--- richetownship„ on Saturday Iast did not -do a gr4af'deal, of damage, but It *AS terred lt-mareht sirtaci to the bush, lead neighbors turned out, and Ieipe1.ex- tinguisit Competitive Prices plus Personal Se'ivi'ce Douglas of Lucknow, a returned • raiS- sionary, will he the guest tspealicr. r THE COUNT COMPLETED • ,.The censns-takers in Goderich have 'practically completed their work, only a few odds and qi r i t ( Al a g o )e to Diet_romit _;.on_ M. ‘ortild:tarty. L_or_Hautitt. therwt iiip Tho,, 11eeng:med ond ml-clusragrd•11,:ire spending n, few in The woek-- retied- it considiTra ) for the funds of the Womea:s Hespital more of a Joh than they had expeeted Auxiliary. da,rs with the former's mother: Mrs. it •tio , Ono of the "inquisitors," • -4- ' Thornton Mustard. afler going baek to limns plat.e.s ihree'r Mr. and airs. .Win. 'Murray. of De - or four Or more times before he found troit, spent the week -end with Mrs... • oniversary July Sale All Prices On Finn LawnfrW Lawn Chairs with Aims Hall Trees, Double Hoek. Leather riassdelc.s . Reg. 3 pe. Chester -Studio Suite; - Looks like $62.00 a. Chesterfield, comfortable as a bed 3 .c. Studio' dou;h: Suite—Studio °ate Reduced $1.00 $1.25 . - $2.50 to $4.50 p Couch and Matching •Chairs, m ais- $72.50 tinctive design • p pc'. 'Chesterfield. Suite, velour cover, $8925 sh.ow wood" fronts 3 pc. Chesterfield Suite, absolutely $94.50 new color anil pattern covering 3 pc. CheAerfield'Suite: Oee.this one $122.50 End Tables, Coffee Tables, Gate-leg Tables, Medicine -;.Cabinets, High Chairs, Baby :Cribs, Oceassional Chairs,. La.,inps, Rugs, Tea Wagons, IVInazine Raclm. All Way Sagless Springs and Inner Spving 1VIattresses, Sale Prim $51.50 $59.00 $75.00 $79.00 $8 , for a real bargain 9 .00 Studio Couches and Chesterfields are guaranteed. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY AT Cransto rniture 1 • .'hone 390 Every caller fee ives a large new picture of our Kitig and (itteen absolutely free.. , '17,Montreal 'St. anyhody' at home, began to think it!! - A. _2duthiy. • , eeedi..take Vhristmas to finish! Death of 5irs. Wilson ArmMrong.-7-; The death -occurred on Tuesday at nis :work., hut this .week he reports he her -home on .the Cohen line. ,Stahlev i prottY ,Ilearl.V.,Iluinigh. The lists' township, . Of Catherine Mselinchey, widow of tire late .Wilson Arinstrong. Wingham, who knts to examine iint0 Mrs. Armstrong,had. been ill for the Itt last three w.ecics- She was hely'llirns. str.f%teititit.liet before '1 11(1114, them on i Sjanley township' seventy-six ea VICTORIA STREET V.M.S. ago. the daughtereor_the-inte William The regular ;monthly meeting of the of.. yietoria street a,' n ted church was held in the schOolroom of the e.hurch 011 Monday afternoon. ftT the business part of the meeting,. the Brrap and Mrs. Rose-ipolLins, of Lon- and ,Nancy .MeClinchey; and fifty - (giggle years ago she WOK Married to Wilson Armstrong,- who ipredecease:1 her 'nine 1Pare). ighe Is 'tirvivecl by nine children'--L-four girls, :.;.Urs. Annie (fon ; Mrs. Marjorie Boyce, of God- erich: and Mrs. 'Margaret Boyce, of Stanley township: and five sons, 'Wil- liam Robert i and John at WM?. SInd James and •Ranie, of Saskatchewan. gaveon "A 'Wedding in Trill', M ! rs. Armstrong eifine of a pioneer farn- .a reading dad.' The guide poets. WPM then placed1 ' 11s -'and was well known in this dig- on the "highway of friendship" by the triet. IShe waS, an Anglican in re. Mission Band, members, which was part ligion. The funeral took ° placeon of .the studybook for the past year. 1 Thursday afternoon from her late The meeting elased wsinging the 'sinning; residence, with interment in Bayfield of tue. National Anthem. •1. da - inty : . . :cemetery. t Mission :Band took over' the meeting. I Joan • Baechler satn; a hymn. s,iptutte was reM ad by arg,aret'IC*trig. A hymn was sung ..by the members. oft the MissiOn *Band. Mrs. W. Elwoodt. DRUG STORES 'Value's forikURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY .We Reserve the Right to 'LULA Quantities BRIEFLY . . . HERE'S WHAT "ID A" MEANS "LDA." stands for Independent Druggists' -Alliance, a group of over 260 independent stores throughout Ontario, who buy together to get the lowest quantity price on purchases. The sayings thue made are passed, on by c.tich individual LD.A. member to his customers, in the form of lower -everyday priees as well as bargains for week -end shopping. '4' Carn-pbell's1 D t --Dirti---g-qtifore this week-end-and:see for yourself the vallies offered. SUN GLASSES . Prat ect eyes from sun and, glare. 15e ' '25c . 1-50c JUNIOR FARMERS COMPETE ° IN LIVESTOCK JUDGING Tn the livestOck 'Judging eompaition for Junior farmers of Huron countye held et Clinton on Tttesddy, ai,varde were made in four sections. * In the Junior section the Nen' high - e4 were Murray Matheson, Grey town 'hip; Mervyn Falconer, Stanley; Hugh Rutherford, West WlawanoSh; Allan Walper, Stephen. Senior, Section Avi}p- „,ue„ra,„eyere Robert Henry,* Bast Wa- wanoshl P1 t4 Garrott, TrCkerstnith-: W. S. Turnbull, Grey Wilfred Short. reed. MItrrig township, Wiener., In seetion 1, lpb members. were Roy MVitti, Ea s' t N'S Iowan° si Henry, East 1,Sns anoo i: u Colborne; Willis Gill, Stephen. See - tion 4 was open to short 'course stu dents of last December. , 'Here the awurdi WPIlt to A.11011, Zurich: Dean Aldwinkte, Vafila Har- old Peek, Zark,h; Harry .Reid, Varna. • NOUTH FfleftEEt W.M.S. good att4n41ahee and an interesting ,program featured the meeting of the W.MA. of North street Milted ehurch on 'Monday. afternoon. Mrs. C. F. (Marko presided and condected the business. Mrs. Straelian was in eharge ctf the dkwotiotial period, the theine of 'which was "Living the Christian Life." 3,Irs. A. Buchanan read: a psalm and the • lvyintig were ehosen by sintt-in members. Prayers wet* offered' by \‚fr4 1 Hetherington ' and.'Mrs. Cantelon. jas. Ham. lunch was then served: • . . . .„ . LADIES' AID PICNIC A lovely time wa.: spent on Wednes- 1 day afternoon •when members of. Wei r, Ladies' Aid of Keox Presbyterian ' giree„ church gathered at Jowett's Grove. Bay- , '"' /- field, for their annual picnic.. About sixty WQre present'. Mrs. Georg ' San- 4 kl derson and Mrs. A. Wilkin had charg,e ef games, after with:41 . supper was ;served . , 4,, P SWIMCAPS il ,Smarf and Comfort-. able.- i9e 25e 39e,--ete. For that hot, tired feeling I.D.A. HEALTH SALTS English Style Cooling ---- Refreshing '• .390' tqALTHit, I SALTS tNGeig„ Veivet(a • SUNBURN vREArit Protects from' sun .390. WHITE -SHOE CLEANERS • that won't ruly off: ...,...— .15e, 25c "Palm Beach? ..,25c LUX FLAKES' 2 for 19c 23c •141,1111414141•411111011111114•111114141.111 BON. AMI cake or powder 12e, 2 for 23c mnimmobramorairoliiimpill, CLEANING SPONGE 27c 'PRINCESS FLARES 2 for 25e PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compoun7d 91c WASH CLOTHS, assorted patterns 40 LYSOL SOAP, bargain prie 3 for 100 WAX PAPER, heavy 100 -ft. roll 23c IODINE, I.D.A. brand:- keg. 15c 11e PABISAL, Papain and Bile.tablets; 100 for 47c Stprilized . GAIrZE 5 -yd. roll 23c FIRST-AID KITS - 35c to $2.25 impummnimeimpraimiimi FLY SWATTERS 10e TOILET TISSUE -650-ibeet 4 for 25e ..ASHFIELD --- A KIWI MA). July,9.—Mrs. Aul Striitford visiting,. N her mother; Mrs. W1.11 Drennan. Members tif-t144 eari,i6k family, e Nitta Boyd. Mrs. Mary' Jblinston, daughter and Mks Tena l'arriek irey vith irs. and, of Duluth, and their Miss Dorothy Douglas of Formo,a and Mrs. Leish- man of :Kitchener, etilled on their old . friends in this neighborhood. 'Word has j)-(4'.11 received here of the death of Mr. Ewen Simpson, who died nt Ineisfaih :Alberta. Ile was a bra- ttier ,of the late Dr. leitnpson of this plaee and had gone west several years far, - Vongratal a t i oh s- "are dile Mary Pi OlK"oefe, who passs%ed her music e -- albino thin held at" ('.1 in ton eeeently. Mary is a popil of Professor -A: -W. Anclerton, ,The boys' brignile"eamp under the leadership of Ilev. Dr..Maraillivray of Sarnia and Rev. Mr. 'Sutherland of ilfamington spent an enjoyable week at Clamp Kintab. The, 'Presbyterian boyso Won ave are ocetipying the eamp this week. . , • . filton read' A paper on the study book, Mr. Soo zmtemillaii has one hundred 1 "Amgties a the Outports," in which she acres 41)1011411(1 hay and is busy' this . reviewed the life of ''llev. Oliver Jaek- week in'ving it gathered' in. ' He is ,son, mipaionary , in Newfoundland • for fortunate in havilig such a good erop in twenty yearDJ ' 00 dry a season,: ' PRESERVING - NEEDS Certo 25e Parowax; lbs. 14e, 2 for 27e Memba Seals, ptg 2 i'or 19e .'31emba, Powdered Pectin Jar Rings....12 ior lie • Spe‘eial VaIue— $100 HIND'S' CREAM !pi reeetla; 11 -oz. (e'onomy bottb. Only 46e . REMEDIES 4 SIENNEN.. ANTISEPTIC Sure Death to Flys and. Mosquitoes SHEIL-TOX Insect Spkay I0 -oz. tin 29e . 20 -oz. 49e '40 -oz. pp Sprayers ..15e, 50r Rorat4•41 Powder Free ,!'sainple sie ) With Mennen - Antiseptie 011 mtlq, ftil• Allca,Seitzer,. 2 sizes 29e, 51c Turns 3 for 25e gidney Pills, box 33e Sal He,patka, 30e, 59e, $1-15 Antacid Stomach Powder, 3 -or. ....496 59e I.1).A. MEMBER • 'WILLIA1121S. FRElk OMIT (hie Paelfar,,e of 5 Wiillianifi/11111a(les' flree . with ,each 3-0Z. siek, AQUA VELV,,i. at 49e Ciaingstpell's Drug. Your 1. D. A. Store tore. Go etich