The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-03, Page 7`There IS a whole serraon in thieretter.
feoin a correspandent pirblishedin a
recent issue of The 'Toronto Daily
Star: .
The world sseems to be .divided Into
two,,..types of peoaile--these who like
eats and those who don't the ayes
range in varying degrees from. mild
toleration to adating love, 'While the
,sayS spread beotia Caanal indifference to
positiVehate, !with nip apparent eeillmen
ground on which the twin Duty Meet,
t There L emething so instilictive about
-oureattitticte toward eatsthat argument
Only an$, the flaille ef eentres'ersYS
Those of us lucky enough to be larough.t
up in a family 'that always included as
members in good Standing a eat end
deg or two or three .are tb.„e richer,
know, in memories and experiences than
eatless-doglese life could ever be.
We know "the sheer joy of nursing
The ,oiter day I bad a: note which povver, he bad to e`erve two meStera-
said, 'Why dou't Yon broadcast on the the army and the eapitalisis, It wao
Me a which seem to be growingPQUUCZL ACCINiAltY,:te, hiect tO meke these
two masters onee He alicl so by aeldev-
parte, that Mtler is seme sort of Social- , the
te a greater to -ordination between
't (end therefore not hosale to the German eapitaliem and the army than
interests of Labor and the tomanoe anyone. had Seellted ;before. To the
folk) ?' • ' army be csaid, in effect, "Glee Me power,
I "haVe hoe* people eXpreSS this and I will eo order and vontrel German
view, and eo 1 waat to examine the eaPitalism as to give the army tbeglinS,
foundations of the idea, ant to see how tb.e tanks, the planes, the caniPment
iineh truth, if any, there is in it- The that it Wants." To the capitalists he
idee rests,: I think, upon ,four main sate, "I)o what 1 tell you, and I will
things. Tb,e ilest is ilitiefo proletarian make 'Germau capitalism stronger- than
origiu. The ;sewed is the revoltitionever, for I Will, with, tile armY'S aid,
ary thatacter a the Nazi Movement in give It the whole ot Europe, and maybe
Germany. The third is that Hitler is the whole World, to exploit." :German
said to have "disciplined' ermait eapitalism carried out its Pert of the
capitalism.. And the fourthis the bargain, at first seeretly, and then,
eharakter ef „eonie of 'Hitler's recent openly, by reeettiPPing :the armed
.sPeeehes, in Which he bas attacked the farces of Clem:tatty on a. Scale xxever
*plutocracy' and ehe 'eapitalists' of ,before seen. 'The army is ilow earrying
33rliaineand has endetvioured to exploit out its part of the bargain, by Putting
the eufferinge of the poor, ' atthe disposal of' 'German capitalism
Now there is no doabt that Hitler the resources' of .1German-ecetiPled
was born, if not a the proletariat, it Europe. • . •
least not in wealthy cirellmstances. The Now look .at the fourth paint -the
truth, of 'course, is that a man+S elass use. by Hitler of an anti-CaPitallat
and the ciretunstattees: in' Which he eoeabglary when lie makes speeehes
was born hay° no necessary relation to aboet Britain. To listen to him, you
his political faith. Marx, for example, Would Imagine that his heart bleeds for
was a Middle -elites man' Ragels was al the unemployed add- peor, You
, .
well•to-do manufacturer. Leain etune -would iniagine that he desires nothing
ifrom - a family of minor uobles, • Prince More than to confer.upon us the' bless-
Kropoticin, 'the faMous anarchist, was bilge of .what 1e silys are the "more
of the aristograey, We may,'th,erefore, a'avadeedsocial arrangements' in
. dismiss this point. Germany. It is true that there are
• As regards the second pointe,there
no doubt that Nazism, in its rise to
power, did Present certain '•revolution,
aryfeatures. IBut.what we need to as
ourselves is: Againet what was it k
Blue)* through eickness and dural, reVolutionary? It wes a revolt against
. pain back tolife and galetY. -We
the Weimar Republices It wee reyolu-
tianarY against the SOCiai Democraticthe'blaek 'despair add heartfelt sorrow
Governments erevarions'Oterthen States.
when Daddy spaded a hole kte burr the
That is to say, so far, as it was revolu-
sad little 'bundle of fur thet was our's
tionary at all, it was a revolution not of
beloved and intelligent playmate of Onry
Socialism but of Reactien. •
el few moments:Ago. Foreats; like- all
• other titiegs in life, are worth just OW Set us look at the third point-
*batthey Mean to us --no moreheir
the relation between Hitler and German
' . T
In fact, Hitler was never
value is not measured 'brthe length, of earaflusni-
the enemy -()f German 'capitelisms He
their foi. or the amber of their eve but
eaute to P.ower en bapitalist moneY, and
by the devotion And. companionship
with capitalist backing. Why did the
they have giAtensLetheir unquestion'tg
Perman eapitalists beck Hitler? They
faith in us, and our (ran growth n
human kindues$ and gentleness and ba.cked,hira because they needed a party
whieh could uses -the vocabulary of the
sacrifice. -
One een weli 'under/sten/Ithe bitter
Lef 1, while serving the purposes of he
, ` '.
jaess jeteshele Bight,Ifyou look at the title of
upon it wbuilt up. The a..
'wishes luxury on the cat. Ala, life which as. -" N
Metal Soeialiet German Workere:
is.full of these inequalities! The man
next dear spends enough on his tulips Party." The word Nationalwas
to feed a dozen families-itad there is meant to appeal to all tiaose, who felt
first end 'foremost itGersaans, , • wile
a woman across the .road who buys a
resented the lituniliations.0f-defeat and
platinum rinse aura finger wave weak resented
terms- of the. Treaty of -Versailles.
'ly, while heisenaid can -ill Afford tile
The word f4Sacialist" was meant to ap-
price of soap to do her Own 'shampooing.
peal to that lam mass of theughtSin.
But why blame the hanocent-e-even the
gat -for universal ills? Whetean solve Germany to which the word was a
thing te* conjure With. , The word
the problem of peverty and plenty?,
"German" was, meant to appeal. to be -
The alley eat gives grounds for
lievers,in racial purity. "Workers" *as
logical complaint. But taxatiou will
meant to convey to those who think
, never teach old Tom -Tabby,' the pride
onIS in, terms of labels, and not of
of Tilbury Lane, and the compan-
reality, that .somehow the party was
ion of Grandma McQuarry, 'bedridden
an the, vsorkmen4s side, and •not on the*
with artheitie, to pipe down,.wheii; by
side -of the capitalists. You .will see
the light of the moon, he pours farth
that the net was flung very wide indeed.
his passion! for"Golden Lady of Shallott
But -this, is the impertant point -it
. in a soulful rendering of "Because,"
as the Capitalists, the great steel
while behind' every Venetian blind that Weambines, the great armament mann-
backs on to the lane .a. revolution is
factuiers, and the like, who lifotided
brewing. Here, again, the positive cat -
the millions Of pounds which the party
lover will Close a tolerant -ear and sleeP
away on the wave of blissful disregard.
Oats will be cats, ,so why worry? While
the negatives turn and tWist and swear
ami throw boots in furious 'mental
torture.' .
It all comes back to the starting point
of yoer attitude of mind. Hate breeds
intoleisalice andf le reverse, toleranee is
born of hunian kindness- -and • under-
etanding. Perhaps the solution of cat
. problems, a$ of many other neighbor-
hood difficulties, lies in some sort of
reasonable compromise based on friend -
toleration -the 1 give and take of
people who- Work and play, and live
As 1Grandma MeQuarry sake: "I
. won't kick about your radio or the
dust of your car if you won't hurt my
rev go peedas while the 'rich family e s Par Y, Y°11 will 6e -6 -Ur -NI -Ks
STy.-HEDIONIS, June 30, -,Word has
been received here of the death of'Sire
Charles V. .Miller of Melville, Sask.,
on Wednesday, June 25, after several
months' illness, Mr. Willer was a son
of the late Mr. and 'Mrs.. R. K. (Miller
and a !brother .of W. I. 'Stiller and Mrs.
-1,Vailase. Salter of SS'S Helens.
Mr. John J. (Miller of Toronto was
-o visitor last week with his sister, Mrs.
11 J. Thonf, and Mr. Thom, and with
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 'Miller,
MiSSILaurine Miller tas been success-
ful in the reeent examination for regis-
trationi of nurSee. -Miss -Miller is a
member of the Wingham Hosplta I staff.
The death oecurrial on Sunday 'of
Mrs. Archie Hartieressafter an -illness
of over two yeers.,
Presentation.--1Nere was *a • large
t tendanee at the, St -home held iir the
Community nail under the aueplees of,
the Women's Institute oti Thursday
eVenine for patriotic purposezt. 'Special
features of the, meeting.. Were the pre-
sentation to 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl John-
ston. of Bluevale, of aSiookease and two
pictures (Mrs. Johnstmi was formerly
Miss Florence a,nd of
a 'Rolls razor to alr. 'hum. Wilson,
prineipat of Se' Ulelene sehool •
•who repoiete on So turday for service
in the It.C.A.10.. "'Elliott Oarruthers; a
member of the oreliestra, held • the
IUkY tieket for the quilt._ '
leetiee, the eternally distrauchised.
Out beneath them there Still -Lit,
the (lass of oubject allea races. We
need not heeitate to call thew the
modem elaye claas." There Hitter.
Now what is there int.feemtuott be-
tweeu the *art of society which Hitler
peetulate$ here and the Cleeelesa State,
which is the ultimate Objective of
socialism? %%ere. an be only one
anSWer., Wbieliever is riebt and which-
ever is wrong, these two emieeptious
Are at opposite poles of thought. What
'Hitler wants, end whatIo p inve$Ing
• in laermany, is the asid hierarthical,
order of society, less all those checks
and alances, all those safeguard
against injustice and oppreSsion, which
democratic political righte andlabour
rights of organisation provide in
countries like our own. And in ad -
to this destructlon of all safe-
guarde egalust iniustiee, allitler has
reverted at the base of bis, bierarchY
to, the copeeptiOti of ehattel elavery-
a conception which the thought a man
left behind centuries ago.
Bat we 'mast * a bit.further. Social-
ism Is not only an economic theory
involvieg certain social implicatIons,
British SeeialiSM; at any rate, has
always possessed a $trong moral and
ethical' eonteat. In the stream* or
sOcialist thought, from Robert Owen
and Jacob Holyoftite, through` IclugsleY,
and William Sbtorrie, to Edward gar
neater and Keir Hardie, yea will and
tremendous insistenee laid on the fact
„that they- wanted s:aelalism, not for its
• own 'sake, or Merely because they
argued that it was a more effielent and
'other elements in his :speeches, harsh jaat order of society than capitallsra,
and 'minatory' elements. 'Re threatens but becaus4, rightly or, wrongly, they
that he will do- all sorts of dreadful, regarded Vila sort of social organisation
things to us if we do not like the as Providing the eoaditicPns under which
benefits he apparently Wishes to eonfer .alone the individual human spirit mild
upon us. In short, his attitude appears attain to "the fullness of the measure
to beet "Lekee nie or I'll sock you I" of the, stature „humantty, They
Hitler In his -speeelies witi'ad* anY wanted socialismenet merely to abOlish
attitude, make any promise, exploit any slums, t� secure better working condi-
line, • which he thinks will tend to dons, and to solae the economic problem
divide the nation he is fighting, of life; they wanted it "in order. that
Now let Me go on to consider what men could be frIte: in order that they
Socialism is, and what it implies, and could be true, larave and kindly; \and
then to compare it with :what Hitler even kingly. . . s
says and what he does, I am net here Whether the socialist creed be ecote
concerned with the merits of socialism omicaaly sound or not, the socialist
as against-capitalisin,*th,e 'advantages spirit looks to a world of vast and
of common oWnerS14over private spacious freedom, a world in whieh
Ownership, or the reverse.; I am con- the struggle for material existence has
eerned only to discuss 'What socialism ,given place to battle ou an entirely
.is and to compare it with Hitlerisra. different plane, tlie plane of imips1 and,
Socialism Wit forth of society in which spirit. It cOnceiveS as Abe end •and
the Iandethefaetories, the railways, the object..0f. society _the fall conscioga
mines, an tirvelof-life-generiel , eveloPmentss•-off's!ttle-sPirit7-11m1-7-tim
are- publicly, instead .4- privately, capacities of man. It aooka forward to
ovrnecl,. and in which the Motive power a life -of "responsibility -4n treedona.S'
behind production Is to supply the Hitler's Conception le of a world in
"people with wliSt they need, and not which there is no freedom, a world in
to make prafit for privatesindividuals: which the individual is harnessed tathe
How tar is TlitIelra Socialist in the State,,,a Worldian which the State itself
sense,: of believing in this kind of conceives its -main purpose- to be that
economic organization? Does Hitler of Perpetual War. -
Want to sugstituIe poblie OWnership for Is Hitler a' sodiallet? No, Hitler is
private enterPrise? Dees he want to not a secialisr. He is not primarily a
-substitute "prodtiction for use" (as capitalist either. He is just plain un -
the socialist phrase goes) in place of adulterated thog,:with about* as much
"production for profit"? 'Plainly not. political morals as an adder4t, And
For, if so, he w,ould have done this with. an adder there is only one thing
in Germany, where his power- ie corn, to*do, and it is the same whether you
plete. Has he expropriated the coal are a .Socialist, a Conservative, or a
owners, -the steel magnates, the arma- Liberal. It is to put your heel on its
merit contractors? Not at all. Has he
exorepriated 0;14 land -owners? On the
contiary, he has .provided them „with -n
vast reservoir of Underpaid, labour in
the shape of Pdiish prisoners of war,
and the labour.. 'corps. Has he even
strengthened the posltiansof the work -
spent on its road to power. And when ,man as against the employer? On the
t he' party secured power, it fulfilled its Contrary, he has -destroyed every
bargain with -US financial backers'. It histitution which the German workmen
*deetrayed democracy., it 'burnt - the
iteiChstag, it broke up the trade unions,
it ethifiscated their propertseand funds, Party, and movement.
it imprisoned and murdered their lead- 'So' far from destroying capitalism or
ers, and it restored what it called the hindering it, he has handed the German'
principle ar"leadership"-in the factor - working (-lase body -And soulover to
les,. which meant that nobody -trade the 'German, capitalists.
union branch &Inmate°, shop.4steward, 'But socialiSni is not only aweeonomic,
-or anyone else -possessed any power. theory. It carries,with it certain social
to prevent or mitigate injustices in- . . Its ultimate upshot
Meted upon. the workmen. • ; would be the creation of what Marx
But you say, "Has riot Hitler sines and Lenin called"The .01assles,"--State."
he assume(l power, placed restrictions Noce does Hitler want a elassless state?
on 'German capitalism? Has he not Let ine repeat the definition of the
conipelled *German capitalists to do all social order which he proclaims and
sorts of things they did not want to
do? And -tosIghis' extent is he not, if
, not socialist, -at least ahti-capitalist?"
Well, I will tell you in a sentence or
two what Hitler's anti -capitalism
edittEnrit,N, July 2, /glee Jeans
Hunter, teavher, from Toronte, 13 heaus,
for liofliciaFs ,also Mies Ruth
Mr. Benson ilortou Wilf) 140111e for
a short time on July 14 ,White the.
steamer Priadoe was in illodericit har.
•bor unloading. Mr. Feer Ilarrisee
alee was here.
Misses Audrey and Irene rforton and
their brother Jack, of Voderich, are
holidaying with their erandparents.
My. and Mrs. Wm, Cluttou and fam-
ily, of Stratford, visited lit 54tintee3
Reach on Tuesday afternoon.
On ,Sunday, July `eith, the eatrament
of theiLard's 'Supper *ill like observed
In ponnection With the morning eervlee
at Leeburn chureh. '
Meetinge-There was a fair
had built Vp*for their protectin-the
trade unions. the Social Democratic
head an crush it until ,the last
remnants of life have fled 'from' it. tised in etnergeucy on account of the
And -that, under ,Providence, Ls what short time required in preparation, for
we will do to Nazism. . such foods as niuffins, biscuits,
---The Listener (Lot -Rion). -
Nearly 4309 has, Welt realized, fe
war puirpowe 'from the sale of salvage
collected at Clinton. "
'Jonathan Pattisen, for over twenty -
Ole years 4 resident of ,Wingleam, died
on June 20th in ble eighty-fourth year.
The illesity Flax Products. iloespauy
Mimited of Toronto hae taken oyer a
factOry at Seeforth, aud le lastailing
modern etteipment for proceSsingi Oar.
attendance ar the xneeting of the WM. - The'death, of iGeorge MeOlinchey of
Societe at the tBeurailler manse OA ;Masan occurred on June ,20th, at the
Thuredee afternoon. Tbe president Seafortb hospital, in his seveetr-fiftli
etrakw°111eadrgien •(ttlitetReibulle"rtelaildging,JitslinErelge: •YelOaro'uncillor: Frank 1Sturdy, Wbigballot
1)1"olutrglatt o7311.4snedietneoldwe,(1nrissaieslikarYislis‘omi)e. 1181 saibeel titIrmaivis )°eialletteclory"atinsple.
on furlough, to address the thank -offer- and has already' assumed itie datiee
ing meeting in ,October. The supply ,
secretary reportedon the bale Of cloth- ,,
Wingitant have no tall fair this
'Ing that was sent away. Prayer was The Town 10ouncil hasbeen nett-
led by Miss Lizzie ,dlortOn.lfs Mrs. ;Yr ,Y'ea
.thaethe Society is through. 'rill*
Salloets and four other meraberaucial difficulty, is the reason for the
After the close of the meeting lunch eallelase a the 'fair. ,
The sehoel at !Roxboro in Meleillop
.blography Jeraes Evans of INTorway
llouse, This. was very interesting.
was servedand a social time was spent.
, School Pienle.-ISphool. sectichi' No. 9
held its pienie on Saturday • -last at
Harbor Perk. Most of the families
were represented and swinexiing games
provided good entertainmetit for the
afternoon, although there was intense
heat. A good supper was prepared bv
the older ones. Just as all were seated
at the table . a,n address was read by
townshipe will be eftiscontiutied, wing
to, the small attendant*. ,It has been
treining young pupils for fifty-two
years. Mis.s Mae IShortreed has been
the tetteher .sinee 1938.
The death of 'William Joseph Heining.
way removed a Well-known resident of
Grey township, at the age of etsety-s
seven years: Sirs. •Hemingway prede-
ceased her husband, who'is surviVed* bY
James, JHOrton, 'trii,Stee,- to the ,011e. daughter San& three sons.
teacher, Miss M. Lockhart, and she was After a lora illness William S. King
presented by Vivian Fisher, on behalf passed away on June 23rd. at hia hcane
of the section, with a beautiful eilver in Turnberry, in his eighty-first year.
flower basket. Miss iLockhart *replied Deceased was assessor ef Turnberry
.in a few well-choeen words. After all tawashiP for eleven years. Besides his
:had finished supper "She's a Jolly 1000 • wife he leaves two sons and. three
'Fellow" and "Auld Lang .Syne" were daughters.
sung by all. Ice cream, was served, Fanny Laels, one of ten Clinton 4o1
snaps were taken Of the gathering and legiate Inatitute girls who left at the
all returned to their homes. Ilea beginning of •last week to help in the
regret is felt that -the school will be Niagara fruit district, had the mis-
closed for the coming year. Miss Lock. fortune to have her leg :broken in a
hart has eCured a •school for the cora-
sing ,vearefive miles•from her home in
Blyth. f
fall when she had beenthere only a
few days. She was taken to the hos-
pital- at Niagara Falls to have the limb
set. e„
otief-deetrgatl-Mttrdotthedied at itis
bethe tie artioefield on Jul* 2 ila Ida
seveutrenutit rear, iluJuriet reeitived
iu fit ruaawity aceideet best Olt *re bet
lieved to 'intve intsteaed his end, Bora
In ,tticetland, he citme thie touatry
,10885 and lived for some tin* at oltay-
field before making his home at Brno..
field, Ile wee widely kuowst es a
taliedesdale horemitn, 411e wife pre.
deceased hint aud 1* aurvieed by two
daughtera and one ean.
Observo 14th
,Wedding Amilitworsory
, awl Mrs. 41 Vett; a nenosat
,liunder observed' ties eixtY-fourth
anuivereary et their Wedding. Both
enjoy fairly good health. Mr. Petty. is
a large prOperty-aWneZ40. lieMcall 'and
bee 'takee an active part it), municipal
affairs, having been couneillor Atud
reeve at eteriou$ times. iCif their femily '
of seven, tour daughters survive. Their
exey son, eeansont. lost his .life irtethe
first Great War..
Leaving ,for Chin
Prior to leaving for hie home in,
China, Moors Ponge who lute bee% em-
ployed; as a cook in the 10rommercial
Hotel at •Seaforth for number of
years, 'was Presented a gift by a.
number a friends who gathered at the
hotel to take leave of, Pone and eeirvey
their best wishes for a safe Journey:
and • succesa. It is thirty-two years
since Tong left his wife,and UMW' in
Ottina, but motil two years no wo
in regular comMunication with them,
Sinee‘that time hie letters halve all been
returned. To relieve his anxiety he
decided to return. to his nattee eonntry,
The Marriage of Tena Elizabeth Reid,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex: Reid'?
Wingham, to Bev, 'John Crossley'
Teompsouenf A.ran; tfield, Que., .60of ,
Mr. and Mes. Gorden Thoxisnoen,
Toronto, -Was solenmized. ThursdaY
lest at the United chtirch,Wlngluun
Three minister officia,ted: Rev;
Reecrof ‘Winghara elteer. J. Ander
sen, Sarnia, and Iteve E. -Crosaley, -
Hunter, Hamilton. The 'bride befere
her mars; riage wad organ''
Visited ehurch an'44istriet usic Eel r-
eiPre--After-aefr • n.sko ,
trict, the couple will reside at A,rutfield,
Clue- ,
Lost at Sea -
Mrs, G. Hopson, of near Bayfield has
receieedetheend news that her on
D. Hol)scuCt"'w11.0 Signed 'oil the 15.e.iS
..EmPireAllanda.leet FebruarY, harlieen
lost at sea .- 'The- vessel was reported to •
have left 'Halifax on the. 61h of Febrtf-
ar3r and no word' at all busbeen.'
.e.eived: of her, and owing to the time
that has now elapsed it is presumed--
that she ,Was lost enemy aetion.
Further, as there has been. no word
of any. survivors it is eirestimed that.
the complete Crew Were lost nod those
next-of-kin that eoeld be trtiCed through
the prew list were eoteked to that effeet
on the 1.1.)th of s'Marchs 3fts. fliopsotee
.name had not been given' to the- steam,'
ship company, .;otherwise she would
have received- eeletter. --elliettin News.
A miirf liberal- use of wheat irom
Canada's abundant supply would not
only be a patriotic gestnre on the part
of the homemaker, hat' would add
nutritive yalue and interest to the
daily mein. ° •
The 'terra euiek breads la used to
desienete.the- type of product :u which
baking powder or soda- is used as a
leavening agent and to differentiate
between it and the longer rising yeast
bread. These quick breads are largely
His Broadcast
As. the ()Id farmer stood at his -garden
gate a travelling- salesman in Wireless
pulled up his car.'
Vocel-morning, sir?" he began bright -
Overs, scones and other cereal iikixttires.
The following recipess .for' quick
breads are •recommended byl the Cone
sumer S.eetion, Marketing Service, Do-
minion Department of Agriculture:
For these recipes, either whole wheat
or white flour may be used. • •
Baking Powder Biscuit
ly. -Can 1 iuterest you in Basic Bealpe)
2 (-tips flour
-Dh?" said the fiirmer. ''I can't 'ear •
4 teat-zpoons baking pow -der
, -4-- eablesepoonsesliorteninge, _
you interesaql 111 radior asked . ;SeeeSe mink
the salesman,' louder. - • 1 teitspoon salt
Speukup, man- _ inspect. our new Mix •and sift dry ingredient: -1. Cut
in the shortening until the mixture
wireless mofiel?" ''-reamed the sales- resembles tine bread crumbs. Add milk
man. sliiwly to forma soft d ough • I
thenk 'ets- said 1 -he old 111 111 _
'We gota artnonyum."
A eounts:' paper .in Iowa, with, a
•. '
Pour mileS...farther on he came to a pasSion for exclusive news stories,
(-wage, Mid .nocked at the door. carried this editorial native.: "We Were
which lie wants: "There Will be. (he.
'Pardon in.e, madam," he began. "1 the first in the state to announce, on
says) a (i.e. a master •
the 1 It 11 instant;the news of the destrtic-
cLassl.,. tempered:by battle and welded ut"..4 "efe-
"Not interetef . napped t in 1)t', Moines by fire of the math -
from the naost,' varied elements., There
will be a great hierarchy of 'party mem- woman. "Besides. I ' the first moth paint establishment of Jenkins
amounts- to. Hitler came from, the,. hers. They .will..bse the 'new midge -
army.. He beganshis adult etvlliall life Mass. And there will be the great niese
in Munich as en army spy. To secure of the anonymonS, the serving col-
. i
Bros.' We are now the first to inform
our readers that the report .Was
hsolu My without foundation."'
With suamer here, , that bane of
Many evonten, superfluous hair, will
become an inereaSing problem,. for
warm weather increases its growth;
even with Some minim not' normally
subject, to it. . _ .
et is iraportaat to remember first,
never use a razor to remove Unwanted
-hair -from- 'elle face. Amd, :secondly,
don't imagine 'that 'peroxide will r
move superfluous hair. It won't; itis
simply- a bleach. • • '
If .you have onlY a .sdiglit growth, 01
your . face, a bleach o hide
ittemporarily, so try this one:
three tablespoons of peroxide with siT.
drops of ammonia. If your • skin is
very tender, add another. tablespoon
of peroxide. 'Apply With a. clean .piee'e
of absorbent eotton and • allow to dry
on the 'Mee. ,
Corrospondents often ask about
efeettiflysis: .This Method is'quite ex-
pensive and .often proves discourag-
ing: and unless it is carried_ont by a
very' competent operator. there is the
danger of scars. There is 'a new wax
that , seems to me to he a most 'effec-
tive treatment. It is a slower iirocess'
but can bi3 used quite. simply and
safely in *one's own home. •
. I shall be' glad totell you about
in confidence. if you will write to me.
Don't he,itale to tell- me about Tom*
personal beauty problems.. 1 shalt -be
very' happy to .advise you, by moil 'an!)
to send you my interesting. booklet on
Beauty:. Care. which gives you '1:0114N
r.;.r helpfill hints' oh self-beatftifyitm
Please enelose foul' orieW•ent stamr-1
for po,t'n A(P1,11.-s,. Mks KtrI±:1
I Alin. • Box .75: Station B. M9ntren 1,t
oval)The eaniera couldn't quite catch
.:the" hammer dedeemling oultp the soft
hot metal of thfs gun barrel forging,at
cannon factory of Sorel Induatries
If yon are suddenly attacked' with
aim:rine% dysentery, colic, cramps or
pains in the stomach or bowels, or
any- loOsenesa of the bowels de not
Va.gte Valuable tin:10, but at (Mee, pro
euro a bottle of 1)r. Fowler's. Eli -
tract of Wild Strewberry and see
bow 'Illicitly it will give you relief.,
When yoU use rowler'e" •
you aro not experinaeatieg with somo
new and name remedy, bit ono
that hacl atood the tedt of time; one
that 'Lae been on the market for tlib
past 94 years. Beware of nubsti-
tutes, They may be daneeroue to
your heath. „
Get (tar. Fowler IP" sad feersafe.
(Above) Gun barrels have to be beatetreated •
irt thesetelettriefurnacce tO Make Merl tough
to meet the Job. Big batteriee of thene knee:aces
are found in the ettnnOti• factory -of Sorel
Induatrics Limited at Sorel, PA).
(Left) 25-poonder guile and carriages are
coMing off the assernbly line at Sorel Industries
itt quaittitiCit. Here are liner, easing and
- breech itt course of assembly.
Every year es, faee an 'invasion -
Nagging, Dragging
Pains„In-the Back
, limy women nave to dotheir own-
housework,_and the constant ' bend-
ing ratbking beds,
weeping, ironing, sewing, so news-
_erbrni their lousehold.
u es puts a heavy strain on. the
_back and kidneys, and if there were
no kidney weakness the back"Would.-
be strong.and -
Doan's Kidney PHIS help to give
relief to weak, backache, kidney
tering women.
Doan' s Kidney Pills are put. ni)
inAin oblong grey box with our*di
nark a "Maple Leaf” on the'
Wrapper. -
-Don't accept a substitute.' Bo
Imre 'and get 'Doan's."
The T htilleare co..,Lta... Toren* :-
a 11 enemy 'who strikes right into .our
eery tennee and is responsible • for
Oa using More :4erious allmehts and even
, cleat hs than 'we ever iniagine. This 11
enemy a rriVes reZilhirl, every year with
th'e first 'Farm d03s., Itis our duty ,
to stamp out this Menace 1,0 health and ,
to life itself just a4 quickly as IIQ ap-
pears:--- from tho manure heaps and
rotting garbotto where he this- bis i')?yea- ,
jilil piaves. His mime is iztiown to us
ill -1114' -common bonseily!
dTvphhl fever, the d is t ressing I
summer diarrhoea of, infants. and (,yo
diseases .ate Just a few of the InanY
dangerons infections which thi' coin -
mon hous.,eily may spread throughout I
your conunnnity. Its hairy body may
rry as 1110111' Os five m ill 14;t1 lbacteria.°:
and a female fly's; offspring will
nitertypis 1)y the million in an amazingly !
short space of time if alloWed to breed.
This enemy is too dangeroits to risk
Usin methods of 'exterminating him
o whieh are not (s)1npletely certain. (12
the several methods used some are 4111
temp)rarily effective, as they Merely
"lainek"„ him out for the time being.
40ther inethods prolong his agony, :le-
vontliatiled by unpIeas'ant buzzing anti '
dist:Istefut 14truggles.
We must destroy our enenrs.„lait let's
tlestrey Wmbimiaboly as, well as ef-
lhi4!8113. Wilson's Fly Pads present
t 'filled solution to . the probletn.
They're efficient, lin in a Dp, a no a *cagy to
handle. ' •
In!videntally N'IrWott',9 ,Fisr Patio will
hill whole colonies ef ants, too. The
temple tileectioes 'are joie Halo package.
• -
A LONG-Wfmtplp