HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-03, Page 5TitVI
C 30, 1941
When you nuel. one,
night in a Mild drix,e
and eploy,,,Its smooth
coa is no more.
13A.YVIELID, July, 5). ---Mr„ 'and Mrs.
Harry Cakes, and family of London,
AO. Fred China and A.10. Bd. Smart
of -Port 'Albert visited the former's
patents, Mr. and JAW. r- DalierP
oyer the week;end and. holiday,.
Wir.. and 'Mrs. Herbert and Mr.
Hall, of 'ListoWel, and 'grief:. Herhert,
Wingham, were the guests of Mr,
Miss Vera rease has returned' he*
after having spent a fortnight in Lon -
Mrs. J. 111. Brent and babe, of IVIon-
treal, , are visiting, her ,,parentsi Dr.
and 5irs, J. Tillman, at- their
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McInnis left for
Dublin last Week at the 'Z'Iose of school.
Miss Ddrothy liendethon, who has
resigned as teacher of the junior room
in Baylield public school, has returned
to her home in.,10oderich. .
children, of !Clinton, .ha.ve taken Miss
'Churchill's cottage for the season.
Mrs. Reid and Miss Mary 'Gal-
braith of Seafortit are vlsitine their
brother, Mr. V. 'Galbraith, tilt; week.
Mrs. 'M. Burnside and tyro daughters,
of 'Fast Orange, ,INT are visiting her turned benne with. them.
aunt, Miss Marion Fairbairn, at her
summer home,
Petawawa spent the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. WmelSturgeon.
Miss , I.Margaret Prentice and Mr.
OAALOW, Jay g.—Mr. Howard
M•artin, of is visiting his par-
enbs, Mr. and. Mrs. F. Martin, thiS week.
MI's. MeIlwain and 'Glenna and
Mrs. W, rettman, Nile, visited, with
the latter's father, Mr. $pragge,
Wiarton, over. the week -end,
Mr, and. Mrs. 'Leonard Keit, and
Joan., of Ottawa, are visiting with Mr,
and Mrs. P. Blartin. Dar, Kent leaves
soon for Regina., while'the others will
remain for the auninier:
Postnuptial ,Sholier. Miss Ruby
ber a friends On Wednesday, When
they presented MrSe J'aine4 Parrish,
' formerly MISS VIATICIS Martin, with a
miscellaneous Shower of pretty , -and
useful gifts. 'LAI% Farrish on behalf
of his bride e2gtended ,thanice ;to the
donors for their kindness. Lunch was
served and a pleasant evening pas en-
joyed by all.
Presentation.—No. 1, school section
held a picnic at Harbor Park, God.erich,
on Friday. There was a good turnout
of parenta and -children, who, spent the
races, followed by a sumptuous eupper.
At the close 1V1iss Jean Houston, '0„ho
bag been the teacher for two *years,
and now leaves to go to a school near
Hamilton On friows in the vile
tag° on Tuesday.
'Mr. rani l(lirigle Of T4rente was the
guest of Miss !Petty IGairdner oVer the
Mr. and MrS.1.11, Raner and family, of
AmongSt those wh.0 are at their cot.
tams in the 'village are: Dr. and; MrS,
and Mre. V. JGranger and
Niolly, Mrs. IS. Atkinson and MisS
'Lorraine; of !London; and Mrs.
'Bauer and family; ef :Waterlo0; Mr.
and Mrs. T. W, !Oates, 'Mr. and. Mrtj.
,Oaraeron and son EvanS, Ur. and MrS,
T. Stephenson and farally, of Tor-,
mite ; Mr, and Mrs. IL:Peter. and family,
of -Stratford. *
Mr, and Mrs, !Gilbert Knight and twO
childrens of Toronto', Caine to spend the
Week -end with Mrs. 'Knight's mother',
Mrs. V. O. Gemeinherdt, Mrs; Knight
and ehildren remained for a longer
visit. i Mrs. L)ouglas,!Gaaeihaharlit, who
Well Of Preston are .apencling, their
vacation Nvith 'and Mrs. A. Ma.xWeil,
Fire Danger. ----A. fire of Unknown'
'Stewart ;Clapp, of Toronto, and Mr. serious consequences, had it- not been
David Prentige, of 'Hamilton, were discovered before it had, gained great
week -end, visitors at the home of Mrs. headw'ay, broke out in a brush, pilepest.
Billy„ of ,Toronto, who accompanied
them, remained for a longer visit with
her mother,
Mr. and 'Mrs.- Roy- Kennedy -and two
children,- of Brussels, visited Rev. and
Mrs. J. IGreliam im Dominion Day.
Congratulations are extended to Miss
Dorie MeBeren, who obtained ninety-
one per cents in grade 2, theory of
Dowmanville, -was presented with an music, In the recent examleations of the
overnight bag,. Master Hugh •Feagan conservatory a Toronto,
read the a.ddress, Miss 'Houston thanked Miss Mary Geddes returned to Sea -
teeth on Monday evening after having
spent a week with her Mint, Mrs. jas.
Miss Peggy Balkwill, Reg. N.. Lon -
Miss Margaret Ferguson ef Tecumseh
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards of
Lonclon were with (the latter's mother,
the donors kindly and wished them a
success in the future.
An Old Resident Departs. --There
pulsed away quietly -on 'Sunday` evens
ing, June 29th, at her home at Loyal,
Mrs, Bridget Dalton Young., widow of
„, the late James Young, in her ninety -
home some time ago and hadr since'
„been confined to bed, gradually weaken?.
ins,. until the end came. IShe was born
le Asideld, near Kingsbridge,. daughter
" of the late Mr. and, Mts. John palton,
and came. to the 8th ,coneession of Col-
, borne as -a bride abeut sixty-four years
s ago. Mr, Young predeceased her fifteen
years.. Surviving to -mourn their
mother's passing are four danghters
. and two sons,: Mrs. Herb. ,Lamprey
(Jeanie), Of Gedericli ; Mrs. Terence
Quinlan (Loretto), Mrs. p. Devlin
(Mabel) and Mrs. Wm. Whaling ,SEliz-
abeth) all, of Stratfords James, of
•Gedericheand Ernest, on the homestead.
'The funeral took place on Wedeesday brother, Mr. Godfrey Hall.
morning from 'St. Peter's chatch; !Gode- Miss Betty Elliolt has been suffering
• rich, *1*.ee—requiem high mass wag a great deal from being stineg by a
celebrated -by R.ev. T; 1'. Hussey of Sea- hornet on her hand. The pain was in -
forth, a n,ephew of the deceased, add tense for a few days, and might have
the arternseptIwas theeR.0 eemetety, been more serious.
Oolgorne, The pallbearers 'were six Mr. and Mrs. ;Geo. Brazier and the
' nepheWs; W. L. and, Frank Young, ot latter's• sister, 'airs. Dalby, formerly
Loyal ;John, Joseph, Jerry and Michael Rosa Brazier of Dungannon, now of
Drownsville„ visited on Tuesday 17Vith,,
-Dalton, all of Kingebridge.
Mr. 'Robe Durnin and Mr, RAS Moore
Way down. jhe bank from. jowettra
Grove to the north pier ten Monday
night. Men at, the dance „pavilion and
from the viRage and neighborhood re-
sponded to the ,eall for lielptind soon'
ol with. tire ex -
grove and the
pavilion would have. been .seriouSly
the lake bank. The flames -and sparks
Were fanned so high 'by the windsthet
at one time watchers on the south pier
said it looked ifs ff.the whole ,bluff were
on fire. 'Caution in throwing away
matches' and cigarette stubs eannof
be over -em rdi asized-inthis.drysweathere
three children, who are at their suminer
IsoraWInorste*O.,.......asialted 'Mrs
Crosby's mother, Mrs. G. W. Woods,
had it under eon
tinguisbers and by
to it. Had it re
cedars, not only th
u ven Us our Confidence
We have been servin'g the motorists of Goderich for several years, and last year expanded onr tire and battery depart. „
ment.by the addition of new, modern equipment, and the Goodrich Budget Plan. This plan met with immediate success, and right
from the opening day business has been. better than we ever anticipate& ,
When new tirps, batteries, radios and accessories were required, dui old friends, as well as many new 'ones, have given
:IA the opportimity.to serve them. In addition, they have entrusted to us their tire repair -and battery chargin&equirements.
• will take advantage of the Special values which we Erre mahingavailable for this sccasion.
DUNIGAINNION, July 2.—Mrs. Win. on Tuesday -evening., After the supper
Kelly, 'Walton, visited on S,unday with a three -act ,pay , "Eyes ol Love," was,
presented by the young people of 'Crewe
her parente, s Mr. " and Mrs. Jes. A. church.. There was also a muSical pro-
gram. The praceeds of the jtibliee total
Miss Celery -Hall, ,Brahtford, has ar- in the neighborhood of $500, and be-
rir;ed at the home af Mrs. W. R. sides being a ;financial success the oc-
Andrew tosspe.nt the summer with her ,casion was one of ;fine spiritual fellow-
ship through the homecoming of many
formee 'members of the congregation.
Bradley —Stothers.— Orange blos-
and renewed other ateufaintances.
• Mr. and MrSe 'IL A. MeCauley of
, Flesherton visited Mr. and 'Mrs. -D. A.
ASIIIFIELD, July 2. ---Miss Charlotte Fowler on Saturday: *'
' Mackenzie ofs Toronto was home for .
" I the week -end. °- , " , Quaid last Th E. When he was strains of the 'Bridal-10'16ms played, bv
- Miss Anne.eMadGregor of Toronto- -pulling-a hayfork rope en -it Riad Orliay, her COUSin, Miss BettY Taylor, tuck-
spe'nf the, week -end with . her pare s, theerope gaVe Wn-Y, and he fell off the now. 'The bride looked charming 'la a
Mr: and Mrs. Colin MaeGregoe. ,. load, suffering four- broken ribe. He
.The -ISunday school picnic. was, held is in, Goderich 'Hospital. A coinditlence
at Kintail Cesiap on Saturday: was that at about the -same time that
prettily arranged around" the ,,,eliancel,
made a pleasing setting for the wedding
in Erskine' ;Presbyterian chureh at 3
o'clock Wednesday afternoon. June
25th,' of Miss Eliza ' Ldnore eStothers,
Reg, N., elder daughter 'of 'kr. and
Mrs. S. Stothers Aslifield, sand
Mr. 'Henry George Bradley, *eldegt son
of mr. and Mrs. Henry Bradley, 1Gode-
rich. The bride, given in marriage by
her father; entered the church to the
Miss Ethel -Mackenzie of Toronto is „ L
afternoon Mr. Jacob Reed, living near- white carnations and •white satin rib -
visiting het mother, Mrs, R. ;Mackenzie. lev, had the same. kinds of fall, but was °bon. She careied the white satin Bible
Miss Lais !Mackenzie of Toronte ig lucky to* escape injury , other than a which' waS carried by her mother at
+ iler wedding twenty.five years ago, June
mr...and Mrs,. Archibald Macasurcny A decoration. ana memorial service 21st, Attending hey eister as 'brides:
of Detroit are visiting the former's . will be held 'Sunday afternoon, july maid was Miss Helen Stothere, wear -
sister, Mrs. 'Wilfred Francey. • .6th, at 4 p.m., at -Dungannon ceineteryS ing a floor -length dress of white point
. Anniversary services will be held on ; Rev. W. P. Newman will deliver the d'esprit with rhifles over White satin'
Sunday, July 6, in Ailifteld Presbyterian sertn(M. and otheielocal clergemen will and a .dainty white turban with pink
church, at 11 a.m, and 7.30° p.m. Rev. assist in the eervic,e.- A union -choir is flowers foriiiing the crown. She carried
-Wm. -Weir ail -Instal will be in charge. expected to sing as on othee ()Mr:sloes. a nosegay of sweet peas. The bride -
School Picnic.—Kintail sehriol Picnic Accident Victim Buried. --The re- groom was stipported 'by his brother,
was held at the 'eke, on ,Mr. Jahn Me- mains of little Jimmy McIntyre, seven- 'William 13radleye, in training at Nita -
Kay's farm, on Friday afternooe, with eear-old s,on of Mr. • and Mrs. Richard ener. Thereeremoiay was performed by
the *•Tenth school"' and 'Weir teacher, McIntyre' • 1* lei(' to rest in Dungan- Rev. C.- H. MacDonald., in the presence
Mr. Mac'Nall, es their ghests. Swim- ,
non cemetery last Thursdev, after "a _of about twenty gmests, all- immediate
ming in, the lake was folloWed by races.. largely attended service,•in 'Mb? church. relatives, and the nfirsee of the bride's
Then afteeslunch and ice cream bars
,gifrue ive,,1 The little lad had met' his,death, as re- :gradtfating class, with Miss Mettorkin- f
had 'been devoured, a balls, ported lest week, by being run over.by dale, the superintendent of Alexandra ;
I ersyei truck on ehe Monday evening 'Hospital, Godericlesof which the bride ;
winning 21-18. ' •Int the evening the ' riteerfee The griefstrieken 'parents was a graduate." 'The ushers were Mr.;
ratepayers of the sectIon,tteriVed, and L':— —'14'
and little sister have the sineere eyrie. Billy Tigert and Mr. Keith Hackett, '
a handsome club -bag was: presented to etathy of this commenity and Rey. G. cousins of the bride: ..Dhring the.sign-;
.Mr. Duncan McKay, Who has resigned, • Hazlewood in -his address. spoke feel; Ng bf the register, MiSs Peggy .Mac- '
is) the, ingly of the sudden and grievous loss Donald sang '4Because." After the'
front this school to join the R.C.A.P. '
Then the hares crowd went t Y had suffered. The pellbearera ceremony a reception Was held' at the ,
heaeh to oast. marshmallows °Vet a ct•ii'le se:hool aunts, • Gordon Sproule, hoMe of the bride's parentS, the bride's '
j Gordon Mathews, Percy 'Willman, mother receiving in -a gown of figueed ;
' Stanley -MePhee. Gordbie Watson and blue sheer„, with large white bat. Tile.
.1 im my 's ttousin ,Ronald Dickson. •Other bridegroom's motlier was ' unable_ to ,
floor -length gown of ;vehite crepe sheer
amide on. 'French lines, With ;fingertip
Veir of vyhite silk net and ,headdress of
huge bonfire,.
' teseneql boys and girls carried the lovely attend owing to illness. A wedding
flaw:situ:pit, July 1. ---Mrs. Grange '* floral tribetes.
• dinner ;was served from a -table set hi
and babe retnrned home from Goderich !, A Notable Anniversary Occa'Sion.— "T" shane, the eolor' seheme being pink
Hospital on Sunday. Her aunt, miss services, commemerating ninety- and white, with pink roses and pink
J. Morrisb, is with her for a while. ! five years of religiOlIS SerVieeS he Dun- eandles in silver hoidens Assisting in ;
Mrs. Fred ;Mark' and children, of gennon ihe Methodist (now 'United) serving were two"Sousitis of the 'bride,
Atwoed, are spending some time with , congregation. were held on 'Sunday in
her sister. Mrs. Fleteher risliSr. • . the • present fine ehurch edifiee. The
The ball game played on Monday , cohgre,gation - 'was fortunate in having
night between lienmiller and..Auburn the speaker of the day !Rey. O. II.
resulted in favor of Auburn, 16,9. • (Dickinson. B.A„ ;11.D., 'United 'Church
Misses Dorothy Tigert and Doris;
Taylor, and two, aunts, Mrs. Flwarti
Taylor and Mrs. 'Harold Tigert. Mr, ,
and Mre. Rradley left by motor -f•or
honeymoon to be spent in Muskoka, the '
;nee% R. G. and Mrs. Haziewdod at- book steward. oronto, a &miler Pastor bride donning for travelling a' smart
fended the, Hazlewood relation at Kirk- , on the 'Ashiield circuit. ' The large Mak tailored mannish serge suit with
eerie (En July lst. ; gathering's. 'Whirl) aasembled in the pin stripes, blatet Mexiean style hat
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Teagan, Lamm and church Wer0 meeh inteeltssea wah els with white trine and black gabardine ,
Joy spent, the week -end In Hamilton. addresses. Speeial music was given by shoes tipped with white kid. Her ac-
Mrs.- Lorne Moore and Lorna, of the choir and solqs 1)5 two young men cessories were :white. The young.
Montreal, are 'visiting with • Mr. and y'of the Royal Air Force from Port Al- "'couple will reside in ,Goderiele
• The sacrament of the' Lord's' Stipper
Will .11-0 administered , Detimiller
United church on !Sunday; July The
quarterly board willi..meet On,,Monday
Miss ,Grape___tfrpniner is home from gratulation were read -from several
Alma 'College for the holiddy.. former pastors and, memhersi• of the eon:
,Mr, and ales. J. Feagan of Nile spent gregation. The jubilee wee voneluded
ated with ferns, roses, peonies. and other
flowers, rinds lovely floral tributes In
Earninos in 1941
R. E. Willis, ,Detroit,•and Mrs. Frank
Johnston, Oshawa. Letters' of eon-
, First Six Months Show
• Sales Ready
oodyear Maintains
•SendaY with air. and Mrs. 'S.. AranStOn0. With a garden party on the eltureit lawn
'With lett e• to ir 4tole e• Ifrd
A. G. Partridge gtil red :
completed reports for Nei
first, sie, months of this- year are nod
period' a 1949.. Oil* response of the,
preferred shareholdere in tendering:
lia6- made, it imneeeseary, at this zt
to TIMM', the eall for redemption.' s7
'''Phats.4 a ,lovely hat you have on, I
dear. now mueh did if ewt you?"
"Three good tantrumg."
A bigger. • -huskier tire
that will give extra leng;
trouble-free milesge
with - stopping sure-
traetion tread..
'First line quality at Mail
Order prices.
Canadas outstanding tire
value 41ea taring .
Skids tread aud heasvy
double cord "breaker. This
tire is unequalled in—per-
formanee in its-- price
1. Durantin for etra
Mug m ilea se.
2. Safety - Weld for
Moe -trout proteetione
2, Life -Saver teeade for
-4- skid-•proteetioh.
,At no extra cost.
CO Ate W`t-
Low t
$3.69 down
For those who prefer a
a Minimum of tire noise .,.
--eombined with ;Safety -
Weld Plies and Duramin.
Premium quality, but
regular ;prices.
Guaranteed R. F.
Goodrich quality pricec31,
cent: less than many
popular makes
• Itoitte
, at yorrr fingertips with
one sof these ea.sily inoired
Baignee In Small
weekly payments.
Throws a Wide
Weeping beam Id
drirer to 'see and hp
55e weeic.
'TUBE by GoodriCh
tear resisting
non.cliafing gold
Special Bgrgains Siat up "USED SI up Speciai IS'argains
Tire Repairs
Battery Service and Recharging
'6111E1LL .SENVICE .sitAintos