HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-03, Page 3Busii)eas Directory UDLEY D. HOLMES Barrister*,tc 011iee-.:41ourt noose; Gederieh. Telephone 56, WM. A. SUTIIIEILL 'AND Barrister and, Salicitor First' Nlortgage -SeCurity. Urban Loans .Awallable. Office—North :at., ,C4oderich. hone 750 MARTEL:Eft ,ACCOUN'TANT MONTEITH aud MONTEITH, Chartered A.ccountanta 77 POWnicv Stzeete Stratford , Toronto Office: 302 Bay Street: ',..seeeeememeeeseeeeseee,„mr. ' VETERINARY SURGEON $. Dx.dAcvivr VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 203 -¶ Clinton. AUCTIONEERING THOMAS GUMMY,' GODEIRICH, "" LIVE STOOK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER • 'Telephone 110 Wee attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisiaetion. Farmers' sale notes discounted. REINSTATEMENT IN 4MPLOV,MENT AFTlii WAR Hon. N.; •,,A. cLartY, Uinister ,Labor, as reported An HansaTC"-June 11, 1041 GORDON" M. GRANT, L,D ICENSE AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTX A satisfactory, courteous eerviee for Farm, Property or 'Household Sale's. Rates BeasOnal)le• 7fIr. ,:,'Veaker, it ''is,felt desira.ble' that all person* who •have lat.exoployment to enlist shotild, in So far as,•possible, ,be aselieved of Worry about their rein- statement on their return. 'The' Gov- ernment accordingly' has apprevetl of the principle of legislatioya to Provide for civil employunent- reinstateMent of those who have enlIsted Ufa Majesty's ferees during the war. When the House reconvenes the 'Government will submit this legislation for the approval of Parliament_ It will pro- vide that employers of those who en- list for serviee in His Majesty's torees shall reinstate the eroployees in em- ployment ,the termination a that Seiwice so far- as.:,Practical, ander conditionnot less favorable tq the emplOyee than 'those which Woilld have been available to him had he not enl ted.' , • nditions will necessarily be con- tained in the bill which will relieve the 'employer, under certain circumetances, of hiS obligation to. re-employ, as, for example if the employee .falls to appri• for such" reinstateinentwithin, a; given period after discharge or demobi1i2; ation, or, having been offered reinstate - meat by ,the employer, the former- em- ployee fails to present 'himself for employment. The legislation will be, generally nindelled on legislation existing in Great Britain afg to its term S ad con- dttions, but will be subject, Of course, to the necessary variation in industrial eOnditions lbetvveen 'ffie two countries. The draft bill has been supported by the Labor Co-ordination Committee, theiNational Labor Supply -Council, and the Tonimittee *Le -employment of ,the, General Advisory ;Committee a De- mobilizatiea and 'Rehabilitation. mytvetw— - nR. F. J. ittystmat„ yno, Emt, H "h. NOSH, TROAT . " Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as- sistant at Ideorefield Eye Hospital and • Golden Square Throat Hospital,- Lon- don, England. _ • EXES TESTED, GLASSES . • • SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., StratfOrd. Telephone 267. ' Next visit Bedford Hotel, Gktderleh. 'Wednesday, Sept. 24th, from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. , DR. UGLESS PRACTITIONER • CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS • THERAPIST - 'Goderlch, Phone 341 , , Office hours -10 to 1.2-a.m., '2 to 6 Ind 7 to 8 p.m„ Tuesday, kriday and Saturday. 10 to 12 a.m. .only on Wednesday, Monday and Thursday at Mitehell. Mineral fume baths by appointment - only. A -LN. A.T1iINSON 51 South St. — •••••• •Ay•••••• ern: • 0 -HURON COWITIVS FORiMOST WEEKLY THU-14,0AZ JULY 3rd, 1941 ReformatoryTerms I MUST NOT TAKS , VLEAR, ROAD roit GRANTED- for•Wayward Youths Judge Cement' s Conenent in Auto- .• mobile Damage Adieu in Count)? Sequel to a es o naU Court ' Robberies in Huron After kating in a sweltering heat for and Bruce , two days -----Thursday and 'Friday of last 11••••••••••,*•T 'Finis was Wititten in last Thursday's county Pollee Court on, the epidemic of pett'Y robberieS mrhieh broke eut dn. the Lucknow-Kincardine-Wingham • district some weeke ago, when Arthur Rawlston and George Gray, Kincardiae youths, were sen.ten0d tb erormatory -.terms by 'Magistrate, Makins. - Each was given four Months definite amr,' three mouths indeterminate ter robbing the .Armstrong and -Crawford' service stations, at Wingham, the terms to run concurrently with those iniltased At Walkerton for eommitting twelve similar robberleA,In Brdee county. The youths, barely ou.t of kiwi): 'teens, led the police a Merry chase for over a week, 'Stealing etty.s, abandoning them fOr others, exelaanging markers 41nd breaking into garages and service sta- tions and stealing small sums of cash, tires, tubes. etc. —• eREW --CREWE;TJune *pupils and teachers are glad summer holidays are here -once more. Mt. John Rivett and Mr. Wm. 'French are working at the Clinton air school. ' 'We are sorry to kave to report -that Mr. Wilfred Quaid had *the}misfortune to have seine ribs broken la4t Thursday while anloading hay. The trip -rope on the hayfork broke, letting him 'fall baCkwards to the barn floor. At the present time he is a patient in Gode- rich hoSpital, but we hope he will soon be able to resume his work. , The - pupils, teactier and parents held their school picnic on Mr., J. Rivett's *river. fiats last' Friday afternoon.' All report • a fine . time,. although the day was hot. Mr. Jelin Menary has abundance of •'Rawlston, at least; was still arrogant after sentence had been passed. Be ,elaimed some ..considergien Should bp given \to his act of surrendering himself to police: "You gaVe 3/ourself up when the, chase was getting too hot for you," Commented the 'crown Attorney. It wasn't so terribly hot," haughtily replied Rawlston.' • • It will be terribly hot if you ever conie back here again," observed His Worship. ' No Time for Idleness Wentworth Book, a capable -looking IN"SURANCE, McKILLOP 2.1I71.4UAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO.—Farm and iso- lated town property insured. •°ormeam....iwptinin KnoX, PreEMmit, t4ondesboro; W. 'R.Archib' ald, Vice- • President, Seaforth ; i.,4. Reid, Manager and Secretary-1.Nreaanrer, Sea - forth.• . 'Directors—Wm. Knox, Londesboro; Broadfoot, Seaforth; Lemihardt, Dublin; E. J", -Trewarthai °Linton ; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth; W. • R. Archibald, Se'aforth; Alex.-MeEwing, Blyth; Frank•McGregot, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. ' Agents—E. A. Teo, R.R. 1; Godericli; James Watt, 'Blyth; John E, Pepper, R.R. 1, Brucefield-e R. F. McKercher, • R.11. 1, Dublin; 4. F. Prueter, Brod, hagen. Policy -holders ' can make all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at • the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin,Cutt's Grocery, Kingeten Street, Goderieh, or J. H. Reld's General Stere, Bayfletd. 11110. •••••••••*•.••••••• STRATFORD — OODERICH • COACH . LINES Daily' 7.30 a.m.',4.25 p.m.—Leaves Goderich •for Stratford, Toronto, laaniaton, Buffalo., London, Detroit, ,Tavistock and Woodstock.' Depots Bedford,. British and Royal Hotels. Phone hotels or 305 for information. • 0 •,1 J. W. Craigie, INSURANCE and REAl. ESTATE Get Our Automeibile Rates • Phone 24 Goderieb •111111011.11111=1111•111.111MIMINC.mallilli , Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, *Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE Office:—Cgasonle Temple,. •West Street,. Goderieh _ • • Phone- 230 • GODERICH • week—a County 'apart jury, Imported In the motor damage aetion of iceeleine, Odeon, -Ronnie Qlazier, John IIaw.• 'thorn°, iTeddy Lois Oliariee;Kernie Grant Linington„ Frank. MacDonald, Oarian MacDonald; Mari IYft Cabe, Evelyn IleCaitney, TeddY PUBLIC *SCHOOL PROMOTIONS v.,ga0.00,6,1000, CENTRA.L SCHOOL VICTORIA SCHOOL° ICINDERGAiiiN PROW* GRADE 1 iO-GRADE a iiarry A.ttridge „Baters, Bobby Bell, 'Ruth Bowen, Clara DOW: lifint, Zapf:, township farmer, who sued Elmer of Tuckers:111th, for S350 and eosts, damages allegedly sus- tained' in' a erasll on No. 8 highway just eaet, ,of Clinton, on March 15tn, Nelson, jack Reis, Terry 'Robb, Mae 1930. eounter-'clainaed for Rethereoed„ hIltner S'ehult,z, gelen 4/808.20. ,• Steels, 'Marilyn Turner, Nerxrfa War - Judge %I. W. Clement, however, did nook, IShirley 'Young. not immediately enter judgment. COML. fiel Frank Donnelly and E. G. Thompson, • of Otratford, argued that the jury's answers to questions Sulintitted regard- ing negligence, Were contradictory. reserving Judgment the 'Judge asked that written argument be slibraitted, t another of those,rear-end col- . Jisions. resulting from Parking a, dark.' ened car on a highway after night, but the jury found there was negligence en both sides. It found that Hunt had le'ft his automobile foo far over op. the travelled portion, of the road, but that Hugill. had failed tO slacken his speed when. blinded by the lights, of -aneupe Proitchizig car justibefore the crash. In his charge to the PIO Judge Clement strongly emphasized that no ,motorist was privileged under the law to drive b ndly as.suming that a •JaniesISmithers, Douglas Webster. through high Honor also-xul when a tar had to way. In this case with snow. The jiTry ex GRADE 2. TO GRAM 3 ,‘Lois CaMpbell, William Chase, Betty Dickinlion, Edward -....-Fulford, Margaret 'Glidden; James.910Ya,..0,04' ertHays, Kenneth Hutchins, -William Martin, Williane.Miriam ..10bert Jeri'Y 'Moore, 'Gordon ' deCabe,' MeLeang , MeiLean, DOughisi Pennington, Margaret Powell, tiViola Schmidt, IVIaxine Stewart, Jean War- ner, Doreen Webster, Joan White, Ann Willis, Cynthia, Young. GRADE 3 TO GRADE 4 'Myrtle Bell, Bruce Erskine, Eleanor Glenn, -Donald ,Ilawthernc, Murray Walter Hutton, Ronald Johnston, Alvin 'McGee, Denald Mc- Kay, ...Tames`'Milne, Jack Price, Clare Ruffell,- Ronald Rys,n, Betty Sehultz, ay should be clear. His that there were times parked on a bigh- he road was heavy Hunt's dagesat ,young man in his late twenties, was $230 and foun hlin seventy-ifive per found by County- 'Constable-- --Snell cent, to blame. It fixed Huglirs, dam wandering ,about the. Beifsseis district ages at, $106 and found him twenty-five with no visible means of support. This per cent.- to blame. is a strange 4tate of affairs these war • Book pleaded guilty to -vagrancy,. but the-31agistrate remanded _him' to _Sall so that his record might be investigated. An autoniobile with 'its lights in good condition'should pick up an object on the road at night at two hundred feet, and with no. third car invOlved,and straightaway. "Vision there is no excuse for a rear -end collision. So Magietrate Makins ruled in lining GordOnllarrison $5 and costefor careless driving. 'Harrison Pleaded not guilty, .but the cross-examination of Traffic Officer Culp, lone Crown witness, had not pro- ceeded far -when the Magistrate stomted the cae and°. registered a conviction. 00.00•0000,imm••000:dr • P.. J.RYAN Real Estate and Insurance cilhee and Residence: - II Trafalgar Street• • • Phone 663 • FOR SALE----liouses °tall kinds, choice' building lots, btisitiess property and several good farms. Let Me show you, some real bargains: Buy now. • r BUY VICTORY BONDS In his eieserved decision Judge -01ernent---win--maketho--a7 assess costs. Apparently the judgment will be for-»a-veryThe eemmencing on June 6th, vas ,postponed toJune 26th and\consamed three full days. It eosf the county hundreds of dollars. 1r, Plaintifrs.witnesses were J, B. Epps, Edgar Fawm,- Melville Hunt, Ernest Lishman, Nellie ;Hunt, Wesley Hunt and Philip Talton: ' 'Defence witnesses: John Henderson, Robert Riley, Jon- athai Bug111 pnd IEhnerlHugilL GRADE 4 TO GRADE 5 Kenneth Bridge, Beverley •Brown, Raymond Cat, Mary Ann' Erekhie; Isobel Greenslade, Erie !Holmes, Don- ald Helniaes, Joyce- Johnston, Ray • Stoddart, john Walker, Edward4 Jen- kies, Joan Gloyn, Norma boott;'. Ruth -Hoy, Joyce Johnston, Edythe Jenkin; DOnald -MaeEwan, Benson Moor", Verne Porter, Marion Reiss, Lorraine Theimpson: • ?AUX imam PLANNING AND ATIIIIIVICIUNT DAN Koller -Certiliteleet and Fine AWIerded to. Young Women and Okla i0LINTON, Jte 28.—Seventy-AVO yeung women and gitle of Ifuroli Xiotz” ,99-101'21n1 Alli6°111, Counts attended the Vlanning notert Baxter; letty )3(,)vvr4g Lota .and 4tilieveinent 'Day eMY.refsesat the johnston, Mary- Kneehtel, Elean-Or "agrivniturai wows '• /few 'YefiotvrodY.; ,Lauder., Donald Bert 'McAdam,. James Aluse .vlore. Z Ptirnini tome econeettee Auoee fetiAxtl:ur,6 eta:age .Meereight Ron'ald (loam lot*. county, wol Wilwaint %nod enarge,fand tile judges were "OlOrenetl Ovevliolt, Pouglas fkatterson, Oordorx 4i4r4S3Ori or- JUDIOrwer 'Ratthby, :Ruth Revd, Jniue IUeh1VI/mow In.itxtlato branch:, 'Omni), j'arnes. ItutheriVid, Donald Sanderson, and tueien olatKere4er, PuiUn, 4u5uJacqueline See7 e Ralph Sxnitbers,aen - 'economies epaell Ow • 1-0,0/Xerin, rent' Middlesex' and Wellington. The Afternoon Clawl-William 13e1l, Mn1 Aenieveinent Jay was /or Ittirea enee Daer; Behert GauleY, 6flYli girls Ni'EXCIPatt'd 'Wing t° Tyl."- eOlni leitrortbell, Gertrude 'Chase, Clar- eoluitY' Wris, bat ta Allndter of Ortiee ,Giousheri Irene. .tlortoe, Pelloa 110Y, that. Orwe e°1114 ntay nut 21041 an Marion illinekins, Violet alcAdanli, Ae,14,thi.007 Unit, t41:laineF4this1)rt rear 'Yvonne 'Yvonne 0100046e, 'Bruce altealiongh, loui Alex Malleugh, 'Barbara' Agin Miller, airddeliv''s'enWfaer1730,:jotise,rtulagr.8Vyglo.D.preirenalr., 1Cislruytzt 1114: ssp" 4>13Wayne Thiffell, ix Iluar'obb4ereae lofng,04'ioMrsrir111:ttictittiile.441' *3inton a, rt,b"1. Straughan, 'Gwen t .81 Thomas, rred Vin- ce- ulteGteuRAI)73 Willis, lel,11:"17014611)134":7E:72.Bens °MBW±a:e45:elhirle1113*vrt. :10e7;P'LlioLfurlist;7;011N:iiii°V43!::13(jnssel:In' s'Od°:Gs171111.1ilti Bot, Donna lloYte, Richard, Clarke, Lteef net_atv.uso6ny, ;reiii,gbyteeoti; ireievelturoeu, „Tine Audrey erransten, Gerald Orawfordi Grace oak, Barbara Fisher,' •Donald Elliott and • iLeila Agar of Bluevale, Fritzley; • -Robert -.AGardner,---,,:iYlifred Hits Parked Car On the.,night a June 3, at a point a shert distance ealt' of Taylor's. Corner, on highway No. 8, BarriSoU'ran into the rear of a car partly parked on • the highway.. The lights of thecar, ownet and driven by Pilot 'Officer R.A.F., had failed. Deuclos and a fel- low -officer 'jumped to safety before the crash: Both have since *left for Eng- land+ and were unable to 'testify, tlie court -was told. -- • • The brothers Fit2gerald, Joseph and • William, of •Winghatn, were each fined two dollars and costs for fighting out- side of -an hotel. The, charge was dis- Orderly conduct. • Five jueetrile eases, itholving the - theft of bicycles and :other artieleS, were put', over to July 3rd, as as that of •a Clinton • huSband charged with assaulting his wife. :Casting Conyention, Aside In thistrial Judge 'Clement estab- lished something Of a hot weather pre- cedent, doffing his gown inviting law- yers to do the same aid .permitting jurors:to'Shed their coats and roll up their shirt sleeves. Ills Honor com- mented that in hisk opinion itwas only common sense to do so, although he kneiv full well some of his -fellow -jurists woUld not agree With him. • 'He said ,that gowns and wigs were discarded in English 'courts during the long vacation.-.• LIVESTOCK JU'DGING TESTS -• FOR JUNIOR FARMERS Arrogements have been made for •the annifal liVestock judging competi- • don. open to all frniers' sons in Huron county,_to. be -held in the 11.51inton dis- _trict on Tuesday,,July 8th--' Two elasses of the 'following, live- . ' v • horses _company as holiday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Campbell and daughters,' Mrs. Aubrey 'Higgins and son Jackie, of Detroit, 'Mich., and Mrs. Wm. Begley, of Hamilton. Quite a number' froth" here attended the anniversary services in !Dungannon United •church on !Sunday. • The anniversary servimS' of Crewe United church and the garden party, were a deeiiLml success, the proceeds1 rimoanting to about $100. The program at the garden party was put on ,by Bluevale talent. ' CAPITAL T Now Playing—Bing Crosby. iuid *Mary Martin in "Rhythm, on the ,River Monday, T.nezday ad Wednesday Claudette Celhert—Ray Milland—Dennis O'Keefe & Waiter Abel 'A feminine news"corresPondent 511(1 ber*Iilr-minded lover 'present a . gay and 'Npyitely ,cothedy, With Paris as a haekground, "AltISE MY :LOVE" Gary Coe.per—Doris' enport—Walter Brennan and rred Stone 'This "legend *founded on 'Met" chooses Texas esfl latekground fOr a War between cattlemn e" end lloinesteaderg. , • stock will be judged a y beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and swine. • The prize inm.ley for the eyent has been donated by the Huron County Council through the junbar extension grant. 'Reeve J. W. ,Gamble of Howick is chairman of the wrieultural cam- mittee and together with Warden Jas. Leipe'r will likely be on hind to present the prizes. The compbtition Will' be under -the direction of J. C. Shearer, Agricultural representative. All fahners' sons of Huron are requested to reserve July Sth for'this actirvity. , ,et tielatC, Fred Borten, jeanWdiailin'thun- sner'It el 're°41finoretsb1110-ea'ardenttrut, 'omanPililindg" 11.-vvGLealciadlauidtt:ee,r:ess'.zsa'Do,per.ri:base°JthrnoltayalndAL1.nuttn:lehlitalibeivla::::::0311:avrezvyr we. coucentrty iiocanotesr ceranttiiiierate.s .:4Guivaenouniy 'dred: Smith, 'Clarence. Snaeel, Donald ivil\tfueCriaebei Powell li Clorootlee, AJnannIsa,v`Pidenrdsoenr: hsocnrimor 1::.onusr' WaerBei7ha,rudedio.tooxlitait4rgagdet... GseiroarguxehaSen,gemr,iwWwiill,lavmandSeerbbauergfe,r,Dafbrii: 13one. of BriSselS, Eleanor Taylor ot ner of iSeaforth, Ilona Miller, 'Velma Duncan, Betty Viirrie and DorethY e'Llyolni —.Lillian Elliott Of ,Varna. ._ _ — Belgrave and Agnes Inglis of Walk. . GRADE 2 TO GRADE3 erion. iCiertilleates of achievement . . , Yvonne Anstay, Lionel.,_ Arbour, (0010Pleted two unitfii).7-yehna, Dew , Norma Bea!titie, .Harold ,Bell, Kenneth c.4.11, Elizabeth Bagker,g; Mae Fischer,' Boyce, Frames Brereton, James Margaret Gibson Dorothy Bone, alone , , -sabel Grant, Donald"Hamile-341140;-"Better—011rrier-Brusemlst -4Phyl,-Th,..-.....-.--,.. ton (recommended), John alortox1, lis Bray, (Margaret IScrimgeour, Blyth tispnyfey, Alvt 1 ...Hatetini, Jean Ir- Jean McFarlane,. Edith I.,udner, Sea - win, • Dorothy Langridge-, William forth ; Alice Passinore Hurondale; Larder vAoselthinec .Littledaild, bat,.. Helen Turnbull, '/WitiltZna.; Eleanor otty I:ongmire, Donna' Mitchell; Zeitn TaYlor; inatY. Xralq, mutsi-r-ri.,§w:--ser, Murray, ' 'Michael Murray, .Sherznan, -grave; Alba 1Sheill; Leila Agar, Flora Murray, ibloyd -Oliver,. Douglas ltiehl, AleTavisli, Jean. Elliott, Shirley Deitt- Phylli$ fRudelock, • Edward 1SAllows, Mau, (Marjorie Kerr, • J371-argAret--ttlen- Christine 'Schutz. John.Seers, Reginald' ning, Helen Thompson, Mildred lietir , Silazel-- (recommended), Lillian iSipron ning;' 'Bluevale; Agnes Inples, Norma Marion Vanderburg, Jacolyn Vincent 131liatrychecall, uNtiVoanlk, eArtr;;;:1:1:01vredn,IM;aettreh.,-," Charles WilliaM%-illarion' Wilson. - J16eeann 3Wioew11:oodIty, ,, :Eywhiilee:natmurceOlb.en.aghan, GRADE 3 TO GRADE 4 • C.N.E: Teams Chosen jean tliaeehler, Gloria Bloomfield; . The C• aeadian National Exhibition Joyce Breckow, Helen Bridle, Prance: teams.: are*: Bruce county—Margaret Cook, Lucille Cuthhertson, Lueillae Daer, Barry Doak, -Joyce Dowler, Bill . Nickless,. Lena Reid, LOVA Cameron, Elliott Joan Fitzpatrick Betty Lou . , . . , •W011y‘‘titissett BU1 Beacem,:Eugenia Briktalleyo. Tera Crawford, Ruth. Cutt, Harry elough,- tobbie. Duquette;. Audrey l'Ack- ,erison;• Walter •Fry, Murray Garrick, Vesta- Glazier, Vivian. (41enn, 'Roderick' Graham.1 Evelyn Lyneh, Stanley Mer - lam, Isabel, McLean, , Donald oPatte*, ion, Marion Powell, Billy Ruffel, Nora Willis, Philip Willis, Billie Gree, Kenpeth 'Wilmot; 'Evelyn Shank, Alli - ,son Woodhouse. • GRADE 6 TO' GRADE 7 Elizabeth • -Barnes,. Marjorie Baxter, Verley Bell, Marilyn Botz, Marilyn Butler, Bethie Greig, Helen Inglis, • Mary Lakhwaite, Doris McBrien, Nbreen ,IMeKay, Helen McLean, 14,61 ..Mary pridhem, NILIELY lows, Bealiali iShacklelton, Katherine Snider. Bobbie Allin, Bill Bend, Bruce McDonald, Donald • Mooney, Paul Moon0, Leonard .Pennington; POrlaidi Rivers; • Jim • 'Saunders, Ilowad1 Sehmidt, Ross Sparks, Donald Warren, Ha rola Warren. Promoted condition- ally: Roy Bowen, Kenneth Dickin- son, Leonard Geddes. • - GRADE 7 TO GRADE' 8 'Helen »Aikenhead. Donald Baxter Limitsay» narrows, Church. Jack Erskine, •Mary Graham. - 11111. eleerge Hellatel; Dorothy Holmes, Ramona Jenkin, Winonq Jenkin, Jacki M.a0Donald, (Mara Martin. • Leonard McGee, . Bill ie Newcombe, Rhoda • Porter. Harold •glwarttown, Jack Stod- ilart, Mary JOyee- Strachan, Elizabeth Taylor. Earl Young, Kenneth Prouse, Lloyd Pierce. " An Irishman •about to he married was askedhis name. He replied "Murphy.", "But I mean your Christ- ian name," explained the clergyman. "Pdunno," said the Irishman. -Ye see, yer riverence, lak this. I wa's a -twin, an' on (*min,* hack from the ehristenin' wan av tis died: an lir Pat flied then I'm Miekt; an' if Miek died I'm Pat, but, begorra, 1 (Immo who d Twenty -fire Pounders from French Canada (Left) There is only one plant in North America where cannon are made from scrap to finished gun in the one place—that's at Sorel,P.Q. (Below) The latest in field pieces is this British 25-pouncier equipment e in the heart of French Canada at S�rcl, P.Q. • Fritzley,lSlwley Gruniiiett;Margairet Henry-,-Muiel Horton, Rath Irwin, Eleanor . Jeffery, Violet Laithwalte, -Kathleen -Longinire, June Lynch, Wilma McKinnon, .• Gladys _McLean, Ruby Oliver,. Grace .Pinder, Ruth • Sager • Seers, Jimmy.' Swab:, Carole Zarnke, Irene, Sallows, Jaek Thurlow, Bruce. Rutherford . • • GRADE 4 TO GRADE 5-7 Joan Allison; Gretta Arbour, Marion Boyce, Barbara @base, Audrey °raw: ford, ,catharine Catt, Marion. Duckworth,,, Gildere, 'Ruth AudreytjHorton,- leave Knee- slinw, !Patricia Mohring, 'Marjorie Overholt, Mary SandersOn, ,Sally Sharpe, Ruth Stokes,- Peggy !Stubbing - ton, Betty Taylor, Archie Beattie, Jack Benjamin, Jack Carrick, Gordon Craw- ford, William Freeth, Gene Hamilton, Harold Jeffrey, Norris MeCreight, Don- ald 'MePhail, Gordon Overholt, Gordon Pinder, Wendell iPithlado, DonaP.1 Ralph Leonard Willis. GRADE 5 TO GRADE Joan l'ettechler, Margaret Norene iMallough, Laura • Pit blador Arlyne Rouse, Dawn ubbington. • Rath Thurlow, Warp' ret • Rutherford, Howard Aitken; Ronald Barker, Car- , lyle • Bannister, Harry •Daer, GaIrth Homilton, Gordon Mobring, Robert. Rad dock. .1101111 (''.ornish. Patrick .Murray, Arehle MacDonald, Edwin Elliott, .Sidney GRADE 6 TO GRADE 7 Rio h• Ai1iai, Elea p 61.1 111 garet Bowra, Joyce Baechler, Doh. - why. Bradley, Gertrude Beattie, Ma -- ion 14' Feet 11, _Ka t horine K nees ha w Norecin• /A.e, 'Joan Scott, Colleen 110 m 1)5011 , RA !Ilona . Will lam s, Ha rry Beattie, Allan Daer. Billy Johnston. Donald Langridge, Mare Macdonall,, Eugene Ryan, Ronald Sproul.' Benison ra ligha n, •Dona ld 1,4a ger. • eon. NeviAle„.. 44471.510a LOP. r , ebureli ; Huron eounty-LIMarga4 ret Serimgeour and Wilina Waheon • in demonstration, and Jean Elliott and Jean, !McFarlane in jndging .and ex- , Whits. _ • kalstGSBRIDGE Halloran—Gilmore.—A. 'pretty wed- , ding took place in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church, Kingsbridge, on Satur- day lporning at 9.30 o'clock, • when Rev. j. -R. Quigley united in marriage Marg- aret ..Lo-retta, -daughter og.Sir. and Mrs. R. E. ;Gilmore' of Lucknow, ' and George Roland 'Flalloran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Halloran of 214 Park ave., Buffalo; N.Y. The bride entered .the -Church' on the arm' of her father to the strains of the :wedding march., She ,was becom- ingly gowned - hi a white • silk crepe street -length dress, with white, acces- sories, and wore a corsage of American, Beauty roses, and carried an, ivory- prayerbook, with white streamers knot- ted with lilies of the *valley. She Were - an heirloom of the family-, a gold locket worn by her mother on her wed- ding day, and also. the groom's gift, a gold ;bracelet. !She Was attended . by her sister, Mis»s» Frances ;Gilmore of London, as bridesmaid, who was becom- ingly gowned in a sky blue triple sheer with white accessories, With a corsage of Talisman roses. The g -room was at- tended by Mr. 'Prances MoCann 0± et. Catharines. At the offertory, the *We's sister, Mrs. c. Kreet of ,I,Iamilton, sting "(MI Lord. I Am Not Worthy," and ',at the signing of the register she sang the Maria," aecompanied by Mrs., Jas. Garvey of Kingsbridge at the organ. The- wedding bieakfast was served at• the home of the bride's parents, where' Mil, 'tWVItty-IiV.ei guests were, present. Later the happy young cpuple left for their honeymoon 011 a trip. to Eastern cahada. For travelling the bride chose La navy, tailored suit with navy aeees- GRADE 7 TO GRADE 8 I Narks. and a corsage of roses. On their Ronald Beattie, •Thelma Ben11ett,1 return Mr. and Mrs. Halloran will make 'Virginia Chase, 3.1arilyii Culp, Wand,' • t.he'a Immo at *Buffalo, N.ow York. I MR -kw o.rt h. June Frit eley, 'Jape (1a rick. Paul Gillespie, Harold 'Harvey,' — Barbara ' dory Johnston, 1 Alan•AlarKaye-,- Elednor 'Martin, . Vild:1 McCreight, Jack Needham. Brent Nel- son. I'etc.r Patterson, John tivliat.ft.:', Schwalm, Donald)Seott, Donald Sproul, Fred NI. eke . s. 111 m V ieker: • Biecom wended-, Elgin . Boyce, I,10-41 Bradley, Jack Whitten. • ' "Y o 11 say this Woalati 51101 lug' 11115- Itatiilt'Withtills 'pistol, and at (-10,,e1 rangeI asked the coroner ofthe oe • V t 11VS0 t II(. (0)1(/1e31 tragedy. , " sSii ." • -Were there powder mark, 4111 11 i fa eq',$.0'' -"Y1lee1111. Nee: why 511 0 shot -him." 4 A., (list riet garagentan was ‘z -o lip" 'with it ra yellers ha he TuNtiql sign: "We shoot every tenth travel- ler. There have hp.*:ll. nine her' ;t11(531 -a Of you:" • • .0 )4CtIr COARSE FOR MIE PIPE CIITTINE OR- ' CIGARETTES FLY PADS \WILL KILL MOPE FLIES THAN SEVERAL DOLLARSIWORTH ' OF ANY OTHER FLY KILLER Matinees Wed., SUL and holidays at 8 P.M. Coming 11"rances Langford and Kenny Raker hi "The Hit Parade of 1941" ".41.17.oaalavoals STOPPED kJ it din* or Money Back For quiekreli ef frG itchingoteczeina.p'naPlca. rah ktea foot, ecalea, (,5 i4,1flhiC3 tlal other ex ternally oanaed akin Itonbtea,stet ratt.acting, cooling, anti. etptie„ liquid D. D. D. Precetivinn. Gm:melee& 6thiraC08.1,lootheatrritatianAntlquIckly nova karma tching. tat trial bottle proves it, or tuonev bac k. pout druggist today fur)113,33. PEISCIZIPIrtoN °1 OC• Best of till fly killers. Clean, quick, sure, WHY eheap. Ask your Drut. • P A ,,,47 Ostt Croter or General •Evik • it Store. ;wimp, Tut WILSON irt,Y PAD co.) HAMILTON ONT4