HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-07-03, Page 1a trit at Combinint The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star GODERICH ONTARIO, THURSDAY/ JULY 3id, 1‘941: AIR MINISTER ' MOVES QUICILY Mullen -"Missing 40.and Ptesumed Dead Articles Found. .on. Lake Shore Preetuned to 'Befroin - .Loot 'Platte The feur It.A.F. airmen frera Port Albert, amipants of 'Vile Anson train- ing bomber that 'plunged lute Lake OtirOn on the night of 'June 19-20 as It `neared its bean, are now posted as 'missing and ,presumea dead" They are e' Sgt. J. G. Jones,' Cpl.. 0, A. Bradbury, 'LA.C. Clarkson- and LAC. D. O. Evan, a11 of Englaila ex- cept Cpl. Bradbury, whose home is at Oobour,Ont, • Another flying suit, another eushiou, and pieees of wreckage etrewn over Lake Huron'seoastline. freni Rawer- dine,to near Rayfield have been earned in to It:A.Fir"officials at Port Albert since The Signal -Star was last pub- lished, but no official statement has been issued as to whether all or any -• of the 'plane parts or equipment came from the missing aircraft. The second flying suit was found by two body's four miles north of Goderich last Sat- ' urday. Searela by boats and dragging were abandoned last Friday evening after ten hours had been •sPent nalaagling - the area near Where the first flYing suit and tushion were 'found. At that time it was stated that larger boats and heavier equipment would lia:ve to be secured if this work were to be ematinued. UnoTheiallY, it was said this area been' referred To Ottawa, 'Tliere are many !theories, but noth- ing definite, as to the location at whicli. tbe missing 'plane and its crew *went. ' to their doom, .but ,expert opinion ''-------irplavo-rs--ansrsq-r-ea--of. Take mot more than twenty or thirty 'miles from • - Port -Albert ' •• .LOST AT SEA. OPITUARY 4ips. c. cap.A.nolvr, The death occurred oz Wedneedae morningiit the borne if her •(laughter, 31Ies. Fred Toole, ea Margaret Rudolpin Netelow of IQ. W. O. 1Pareill. The de- ceased woman had been: in failing health tor eome thme. IShe was in her eightY-eighth year and Wes a. native Of Waterloo 'county. Seveuty-one years ago she was married to Mr.:Paean), and twenty years ago 'they moved to Gode- rich. 'Her huSband predeceaeed her six yeas. •She was a member of N'orth street 'Jutted church, Surviving are One 'son' and, three daaghters, C.. 0.' Persille'gf gdmontOnv MrS. D. R. Pol- loek, of Drayton, Mr. R..Byers, a E4- 1outon, and Mrs.'Togle o Glotlerlell, 'also one sistereMrs. Wrn. Miller, Fenn- ville, 'Michigan. The funeral will! be field privately ,on 11'rialay afternoon from the Toole home, Elgin avenue, the service to be conductedRev. C. F. Clarke. • Interment will be in"Maitland cemetery- • , MRS. 4100:IN BEADLE The death occurred in Alexandra Hospital. on Monday, June 23, of Mrs. •••••••••,,,•••••••.. I• MOTHER DUCK WITH Twosoova Dumatros John 'Beadle.. Mrs: Beadle had been in poor health since coming east from her home in Saskatoon last Febraary te TiSit her invalid mother, ars. John Mills, who died on March. 4th. e She was fornierly ,Catherine May tbraig, daugh- ter of the late Edward ()raig and Diana Robinson of 'West Wawanosh. She was in her fifty-third year, and went to the West after her marriage some thirty Tears ego. She Ls survived. by her hesband, three sons, Jack of iGoderich, _Russell Of -Itadissena Sask., and Frank of Port Elbin, 11.10.-; also by two bro- thers and two sisters, Ernest Craig, Goderich, • Win. ,Craig, Auburn ;. Mrs. Evexgett Allin, iGoderich, • and Mrs. --itobert--44haintter,--Denny,brooke--Th funeral took place from the Cranston Funeral-Allome-on.-WedifesdayrJune with iRoy. A, J. MacKaee offiejating. interment -w415 in Doiliaybrook cemetery. a Parents an tioderIch TownshipeReeeive Word-of-Their-Hero•SOn. 140DFARtICielaTOWNSCHIleeJline 30. -- The ,seriousness of, the world coliflict. was brought- be foreefullaf laSt 'week whenektrand airs. George -Hopson se- ce.ived ;word that, their eecond son, Robert, had been lost at sea, the result of enemy. action. • • Robeat David ,Hopson, aged twenty- one„ was ,.the :first in the district • to enlist,being accepted in the original 7th Fld. Co'y, 1R.C.E., when warewes first declared.' , Ile' received honor- able discharge because °of 'defective vision, so then joined ethe _drat anti- • aircraft corps to be organiked at Dart- mouth, N.S, 1h February he sailed .,aboare the SiS. Umpire Blanda,etind mord was not received since then, until official notification of the boat's -0 supposedly shortly after sailing, ar- 'Robert, who had lived.in this com- munity for several years, was well known and '-liked for his cheery and kind-hearteddispogition, Though his 'death- isea-shoeketo eliamilyeethere is satisfaction in the knowledge .that he gave his rife' unflhichinglk the cause of freedom: (Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hopson, the ;former a veteran of the first 'World War, he is • ;survived by his brothers, Sgt..,Arthur Hopson, 'North Bay, and •Oliver, at rived last week: • • - 'A parte in a ,sroall boat in search of plane wreekage along, Le'ke Huron's ehore line, ,north of here, last Friday. Was- attracted by e moving dark patch On 'the Water a., short daetance Out. On investigation it Was fond to be aaw- bill with no fewer than forty ducklings -arouad het. •The mother duck was on -the alert, all aflutter, on the qui •vtve for attacks fromseagulls, but the ducklings were padtilialefull Steam ahead, looking neither t to the right nor' to the left nor behind. How the ,mother gathered so many ducklings about her is something that students' of wile, bird life perhaps can explain, The, boundless gratitude of the people of Canada shard grout to- the mem- ories of suchaboys as he, who, hearing; the call of their country in its need, tread gallantly the Paths of danger, owing full well that death may be may re*erd on earth. • 1 • CAUGHT UNDER BRIDGE Big Steam Shovel Blocks 'Road Several Hours A peculiar accident happened at the C.P.R. overhead bridge on Dtinlop's -4111....last Friday morning when the roof of the cab of a steam sEovel, • Mounted on a triter, became Nvedged on an 'aerheild St,eel. beam , and no ainount of pushing .or pulling would dislodge it. Traffic wasblocked, for four heurs, during which time Traffic Officer Culp detoured: all vehicles around the 'back Way:' behind- ,Salt - ford., _ Variono ideas were canvaggek,with a . vieW to freeilik. the big machiiier well as lettifig the air tint ofethe hig dual dreg and taking OM' the wheels: Finallyrit was decided toAdismantle the "top'of the eat) and this wasdone. The loose end of a one.4nela steel ,;ctable had 'become (*aught in the wedge and was cut clean in- two, so great Was the paeseitre in trying to work the ma- ehine free ,under its own power. The driyer quite innocently. misjuddthe height ofthe oteel beam: ellis cab and tbat.' crf the Steam shovel had". passed - safely under the first beam but ea:light the second as the interreningegrade ehortened the elearance. coUsiderahle damage was done. The steam shovel Was` being taken from Torolate to Dungannon by the •Boyre Cartage leo. to dismantle the •rock-erushin-g machine- wed in •the, construction of Port Albert airport. . MRS. MARY. JOY •The, death ocenrred on *May -.25th, 1841, of Mrs. Maty Joy, widow. of the late Henry Joy, at the home'of her on, Next Collection' Saturday, Aug. 2 Assistanc�Neededl in Connection with Salirage Campaign "' -Who Will Help? • 'Though several shipments a 'salvage have -14n pade from the Exhibition building, there are still high piles „Of material to be handled 'before more is Tholnas Joy, at Grover, Wisc., where • she made her horae. The late Mrs. Jby was in her eighty-fifth Year. She was- born in. Bedfordshire,. Eng., and •came to Canada at the age of three with her parents. !Forty-nine years ago she went to Peshitgo, Wisc., with her „husbankl. !Survivors are two Sons, Wal- ter and Thomas, of Grdver. two dangh- ters,. Mrs. Mary' Covey,: of -Chicago., 111„ • and Mrs. ',fettle Drennan, of .Luekno*, Ont., and two sitsters,' Mo. John IShields, of • Ashfield,- Ont., and Mrs: Emme ,Walters e of Groderieht 'One. ;alsoF-tO teen grandchildren and ten great-grand- children. The funeral was -held from .her, late residence,oli Wedileday afternoon, May 28th, to Harmony church, where ser- vices were hele,,Rev, Merrill R. Abbey offigiating. The pallbearers were grand- sons of the .deceased, Kenneth Joy, anJ.oyHowardJ4w,Renee neent min, Nsa Weed and Alvin (-Vinson. The beautiful floral array was in charge of the granddaughters, Miss- Audrey Joy, Mrs. Asa -Weed, rs.' Harold Elligson, Mrs. Aubrey tCollins, Mrs. Wally Anderson, Mrs. Chas. Schneider, Mr's. Alvin Collinson and Mrs. Delbert Henquinet. The remains were laid in a steel vault in Riverside cemetery at Peshitgo, Wisc. • ' Thoae attending from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oovey of Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. Wm. Pre'nnan and soli 'Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Collinson of. Luc now, Ont.; Mrs. Harold Elligson..and Mrs. Aubrey Collins of Stratfqrd, that., and Mr. and Mrs.' Peter fBarcher- and for Iluro0 Final Loan Total Is $2248,500 Amount Is 160'per cent. Qupta, • -subscriberg in County „ Number '4.428 - The final bulletin a. the' 'Huron County Vietory 'loan coramitteee iseued early 'ethiS regords that 4428 people in the county parehased 500 worth a rhontls,, or 100'Per eent.'ef the quota a. '41,44o0oo ifixed at' the. commeneement a the earapaign, • For Huron county the final, figures mark another war job well done. All throligh the drive the county was lieted among the first• 'aevexe municipalities ha *Ontario. •• IMie final total is812,200 over 'that • publlehed • in last, vveek's ,Signal -Star. Practieally half of this,. $6,000, eame from Stephen toWnehip, .where 'there has•been an ,infiux of summer visitors. • The final -figures are as follows: TOIWNSIIIPS take e in. An aPpeal.is made for help, and any men who an are asked to meet at the Exhibition building at 7 o'clock neea .Tuveday evening to assist in arranging the material. -Mr. J. E. Huckins,, chairman of • the salvage committee, will be there to assist any •who will •donate their serices to this war measure.' • A quantity oflilial.oillatt:lazien eedTelaute-bateer lesa .it is free from paper. Possibly wiIithg some, women's__Degallieatleee to aseist in'doing this. If ay person; or orgeeization, will; comMuni- cate With Me ,litieltine or A. P. Wilkes (phone 71), arrangements will be xuade to euit the- convenie•nce of those offer- ing their help. .• . 0-1 The next tollection of scrap iron, rags, bones,- cigar glass, rubbers, old tires, Papers andemegazines, will be on Saturday, .-AnguSt PROGRESS AT RADIO SCHOOL iii7ork,Golat Ahead Rapidly -Boom •• Conditions in Clinton Construction of the new 'Radio Tech- nicians Sehool at 'Clinton is going on "full speed ahead," governed only by the arrival of building material and labor available. ;Carpenters and paint - es are still he demand. •Some farmers who. heve been emPloyed on the. Joh have been released temporarilyto help With 'the haying. In an Asolated case or two the hey, so far„has /been' left uncut, just as some 'crops were :left standing in the fields of North Huron last fall .when Port Albert airmlet was being built. • • Already nearly' twenty buildings of an estim a ted- one lurtudred-awl-twen four have been competed, or nearly o. Some have been paintefi. Diffeiting from other aerodroMes, all sleeping barracks are one- and a -half stories, side'd and roofed, with fireproof asphalt shingles. . The -laying of a six-incb water main from the • wells' that supply Clinton; over a distance of approximately two miles, is now under , way. A Hydro gang ie busy building a transformer statidn near the Property end a high- voltage • "inner 'fence" 1s being con- • structed enclosing the buildings which are to house the technical ' equipment, much of which is necessarily of a secret nature. ' Aslefield tOolborne Goderich Grey Hay $ 45,850. 45,350 02,150 „ 66;50'- 71,200 151,400 66,100 42,050 ' 54,900 51,850 82,700 70,300 • 41,850 70,60e) 32,850 • 47,350 • 134,400 333,900 167,650 -Wlngbamere...nee-4 . VILGS,. - Feat Workl Hen. 0. p. rowq,,Min- iSter for Air, wes 'to pay Slty Harbor ,his firsteilisPeetaon visit last Friday Morning at 9.30 -o'clock and the' camp and, ita personnel were all .shinetli Up for the eeetteion. Tile Minister );44 ben at 1st, Thomas and Fingal ea TbIrSday, but hie visit her wee eali- celled at the laet minute, "for unknown eeasons.'' Radioiisteeerein posseesioe of thew fieta7vveretherefore much sur- PriSed to -bear that eon. Mr.. Power was in Lendom. England, and was present at tile Victortorch cereinoPY at +Canada 'House on Dominion Day. Howick Hullett McKillop Morris • 'Stanley Stephen - Tuckeremith Turnberry Usborne • Wawanosh I. Wawandsh W TOWNS Clinton God itch- orth •t1 .4.••43.• '19•20,410 russels°, , 61,900 Exeter Hensel), 152,200 67,500 _ - 4 2,1e,ao .seRiol.A.L NAMES ' • 1• Goeerich TOwn_$ 115,00 ,Seaforth *10,000 •Exeter .• 2,000 Through Banks, 9,100 136,100 .$.2,248,500 • IlaNS' ANNUAL FROLIC Wednesday, August 13, and Friday, • August 15, Are the Dates ' • The Goderich Lions .are making ige- parations for their nineteenth atinu.41 frolie, which will beheld at the West street Arena on two 'nights-Wedtes- day, August 13th, „and Friday; August 15th. In eohnection with. this event wp,r savings certificates will be offered as Defies-, the -first prize 'each night being n $150 certificate.- It is. Ifoped the public will give generous suppo-t as in thepast, in order that the Lion5• may have funds to carry on their ehil- dren's welfare -and wa.r *service work. Dominion Dayiu Goderich Was Quiet Many Visitors .Seek Relief from • the 'Heat , the •' •Waterfront lbataing h and n. p aces along beacaray_tewdic Dominion D off quietly in •Goderich, eld ge els visited the the wa,terfroiet.--Tbere were tile usual eliildreu's games at Court House Park in the morning, and in the evening the !Stratford (Boy's' Band provided en ex,- cellent concert in the Park. Phe • day was evithout accident. Lawn bowling and golf tournaments provided interest or devotees of thee sports. Despite the •faet that. there was no celebretien in !Goderiola larger crowds than were expected by eating' places visited here. This was due Probably to he extremely hot meathet prevailing 1111EitAN-hING A quiet earaVer 'wedding took plaee at St. Peter'e rectore On Saturday Mom in, when 1Rev. Father IL' Vailen United biMarriaee Margaeet, datighter of Mr. and Mrs. Itueeell Kiug, AnbUrn. and Mrialierry Phelan,' son el 51ra and Xre. J. +Phelan, eaoderiele, The bride Wore a dressof aeala Aver, with White acceesorieie and a eorsage of roses and \Sweet 'peaee Mae Verne Phelan was laridetataid, 'Wearing brown- chiffon. with white aegesserieS and a corsage 4)f. reeee:, Mrs.Gortion Ryan attended the bridegroome The bride Wore for travei1inz. navy and 'white bolero (fetes With white acceesartes. After a ,short tell) 'Mr. and 31es, phelan reside in CaOde.r.iche • Ci 1 310OREaaelfUNKING 4*. pretty but quiet- wedding 'took place on Satarday afternoon at 3 o'eloelt, at the parsonage ef Londe*. boro United ,chureh, , when Rev. A. Menzies united in. marriage, Helen Fern, dangliter of gr. and Mrs. Har- vey .4iunit1ne .•Haillete township, and William 'Bissett :Moore, son of Mr.- and • Mrs. Wallin% !Moore, ell ereeerien. 'rahe bride looked lovely ill a freek of rose eheer, with navy and whi,te acceseories. Mies aiazel Hun; kin g ttevas her 'ste-if's fbridesmaid, wearing a preateeeseliite dress with NO. X Farewelk3 Said to Retiring Pastor Rev. W. P., Zane Cosies Ministry •of Seven Years at North .13treet United Church "•••••• Sunday last xalitrkii ed„ the eleie Of the Seven aver's' 'inixiistry of :Rev. W.„ Lane in NOrtie etreet United •ehalrele Before delteeriag his, nieeedng Sermon Mr. Lane eXPreSeed to the tengregatien breaPpelatiOn Of tile Many kincineeaeal shown, him dui-114.1de paetorate *lid of the warne friendehips formed., • He sPOke in kindly ;terms et his seeeessere Rev. at., Ttirubtall, and bespoke or- hiih sYmPathe' and eteoPeratien in hie work. Jest. befOre the eleee of the eereiee Reveal lr,-/Clarke ,aseended the pal* platforta and eleeke regretfullY of •the. approachtag departure of Mr. 'Zane. Meeere.3 P 4unee and 3. W. Moore eame forward, and the fonner,addressa lug the minister, :thanked Ulna In the naro,eof••the.congregation, ler the faiths fulness of hie Ministry amiang thena, * and, the, 'tinning toMrs Lane, spoke of her efficient, • willing service in the varioueNirgailizations ot the church. Be asked them to aecept the accompanying gift.ae aelight token of the eStent and, Pink trine -*After the cerernony tae .good-vvill of the con .gregation- Mr - wedding dinner was served at tne Moore then presented to- 'the Paetor 'e home of the bride's parents, immediate purse, which Mr. (Lane accepted and relatives of ,the bridal pair,,beeng pres- handed to Mrs. ILane, • ent. Mrand kin: Moore left on a In resPonse Mr. Lexie said, hnmoa- short wedding trip and on their return °lisle, that if be hadahad any inkling will reside in Goderieh.e., of what was to happen he could havn reserved, the remarks he had made ..... • "Thank you" for the gift and the kind earlier in tlie eeevice and used „them' tin, reply, butit only remained to say words that. accompanied it.. Mrs. ;PAO said feelingly, that :elle too caald only • CORNISIi1-1110MSON A pretty June wedding took place at the inan-ee of Carmel Presbyterian uhurch, Bewail, on Thursday last, when Dorothy E. M. Thomson,' da.ugh- v from_laer_Xeart e_eingereeeeyeleank ve-rethe district., --14-was-hotehe-Gode----tereorearaire-triefeMeseaeltebert Thomson): t you." ' • , • .4 • riche too.. Weatheranan J. E. Mutch. -glee the high- Spot as 88.a' degrees. Bert . MeDenald gave_ the. air-temper- --Ature at the'harbor 'as 285, the beach Wittet teninetature as 78 and ,between. the, piers 74... The met4orologist at Pert Albert Nevigation' School ,bureau. said 87 degrees and at 7 o'elock promised re- lief Om- the. heat, by midnight.. He kePt his promise.. ' -Caught 'in the Squall e - A sudden. squall: 'about .8.30 in the evening treated some concern.for small craft still out on the lake. Nearing Midnight an alaem wee sent out for, an airman and his. companion; .a Goderich .yotuag lady, who started. from Bayfield about- 6 o'clock' in, evening in a skiff with outboard motor to return to Goderich.. Luckily the Wind was on -shore and drove the small craft on the beach, where the couple remained ;wail the blew wq.s ere; reaching Goderich shortly after mid- night. - • . The Children's Games Results of the children's sports.; in the marntilg were . as follows: BOYS Running ince; 4 years And .ninier- Billie McDonald,. Jack 'Moo, Gordon Walters, Kerwood 'White, Ray Mitchell. aelemining and Freeth,I'ack Reis-, Bobby. Gard- iner, Donaid:_lbarler, 'Donald Sallows. 'Manning race, 8, years and. ander- Barrie " Grist, ,Bobbie .• Bell, Jimmie.. Ieeh,. Morley 'McLean, John Haw- th'rornte. Running race, 10 years and tinder - Gordon. ,Overholt, Dollard MacKwan, Billie Bond. • Running race, 12 years and under -- Entry Beattie, Jack McDonald, Jim Saunders: • °9. Running 15 years and under - john. Holmes, Beittautttn.il'ecn'i Srace, race,ee,.jack Bans, Harry • ..•ears and milder -Mar - ray Holland, Frank Motelinalde McLean. ' !Sack race, 15 years aud under -Philip McKay, Harry Beattie. Rabbit race, 10 years and under - Bruce Rutherford:Bill Bond,' Charles Hawthorne. •• Rabbit race, 13 years .and under -- Kenneth Prouse, Philip Willis, Harry Beattie. 'Bicycle rave, 1e years eed under-, apek McDonald, Philip Wiliis,*Gerdon Thomas. • • Bicycle rtup, 15 years and under - John Holmes, Ronald. Welikter, 'Prank lineeshaw. diniLs Running race, 4 'r•ears and under -- Agnes PhislipIm, Janet MeWhinney, Margaret Einerson, Ruth Allen, Pauline Mohring. - • Itunnirlit• race, 6 years and under- .410an White, Mary MeDonald, • Varol. Sander•son, Jean Laithwaite, • Gladys Hutton. ,son of Oshkosh, Wiac. . At present -there areaheat 450 men „ • . at work at the new air school and , ,GrLEs RIM ilq NI Sp , , f . . . scores of Clinton homes are now tem• - After an illness of about four weeks, porary boarding hoesee. An hotel has Giles Jenkins of Pieten street, Goderich, been obliged to add an extra dining - 'passed peacefully aWay on Friday last room.. In short, there ia a mild boom in his ninetieth year. Deceasedwas in , progress_ in. iClinton ane vicinity, born Noiember 9, 1851, near Toronto, with an 'extra $13:000 to $20,000 per his parents having . come to Canada week in circulation. . from Devonshire, England, and settled at Pickering, Ont., A man of pleasing 3. H. KINKsEAD IS personality and -sterling character, Mr. . LIONS PRESIDENT Jenkins was the last surviving inember . •af the family .af seven of the late Mr. • PRESENTATION TO MISS PARK • Teaehers' on the 'Collegiate' Institute • staff. are holidaying at their Various homes: Mis's Mabel Powell •a,t Pr•escOtt, Mergaret Aekerzrian et 'Campbell - ford, Aiss Evelyn ateNatighton at Methane Wee ,reathryn irark,at Lan, Miss Audrey Charbonneau at Toeonto and Mr. Alvin •Simpson at Iliarniltoe. ,Shortly before the holidays,‘ In eta predation of her nine yearsa.work here, 'Miss Park was pre4ented 'with, a. beauti- • ful silVer bread tra.y, ant vhornioe made the preaentation, and Iliss Park • graeiously Site has resifnied from the staff and 0,ilz49 Iielen Bisect iias tb-e,en appointed in her place. WAEREItTON ON SATURDAY Walkerton will be here for a game - he the Bruce ilaseball Teague on Satur- day, July Wit at the Ageleulteral Park., "Game called for 0 pan. .......-.__. and Mrs. "William ,tenkins, except one Presentation to Retiring District PIMP'', Mary, ' Mrs, Frank Gorrell, of Deputy Governor Hill Oxbon,,,Sask. ,lle was the oldest of the Goderieli Lions elected their 1941-42 family. The late William Jenkins and bilkers at the: semi-monthly luncheon Mrs. Harriet Lavis, both of Clinton, held at the Bedforp, Hotel hist Friday wre brother and sister of the &reds -ed. illght• J. H. Kittiteada public school On May 24, 1877, Mr. Jenkins niarried inspector, succeeds A. II. LIrskine as Miss Anna Jenkins of Clinton, Ont., president. Q ,(Other officers are: First Who predecased him in "Xliiell, 1929. vice-president, T.,R. Patterson a' second After their marriage they lived en vice -pi i s'dent, E. E. Cranston ; third their farm neardtlyth until 1913, when viee-president, b. D. alooneY- secretary, they moved.to iGoderich. In 1027 they A. H. Erskine; treasurer, J. F. 011 - celebrated "their golden wedding an- lespie; Lion -tamer, Frank Curry; tail- niversary. 31r. Jenkins was a devoted 'twister, George:Jen/1er ; one-year direct - land honored member of North .street ors, A. B. 'Hockley, IIarry Vord ; dues United church, and had been an elder of secretary, Bruce Tennant. ' the 'church for many years. ;He was a At this meeting Lioh Nelson nil], genial and likeable man, of the most •vvho hits just completed his term as kindly and friendly disposition. Of dattrict deputy governor, was presented home -loving habits, he took great de- with a silver sugar .and cream Service. light in his garden, which was, a modelThe preeentation was in re -cognition of neatness and meticulous care. 'also of the twentyafiath anniversary of Sheriff and Mrs. Hill's, marriage. ° The children left to mourn his pass- ing are William T. of 'Myth; Mee Wra. ,Snell and Mrs. 'Wan. 'Webster! 4 of • Tiullett, near Oaiondesboro, Mrs. Chas. Barker and Mise Addle of Goderieb. A daughter, Laura, died at tile age of thirteen. There are ten grandchildren and three greategrantlehildren. The funeral serviee al the honie on 'Monday was conducted fby-Rev. wt. P. Lane, pastor of North Street United elturch, assisted by Rea'. 0. F. Clarke and Rev. Albert Allis. Mr. Mervin Snyder presided at the piano, using one of Mr. Jenkins' favorite hymns, "Mato the hills around do I lift up,my eyes." Mr. aLane offieiated also at the grave, side• in •Myth Union cemetery. The pallbearers were ntembere of the se,q- sion of North street Unitea church : ,lressrs., 3. E. IIttrnwell,,Wititer Ilene 3. '1". Hanle, T. $11. Wallite.Roy Stone- hothae and Wesley lloore.„ Among the • many beautiful floral 'tributes were tokens from the grandchildren, eOusinSt niecea, neighbors and friends. BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE PICNIC The Baptist Young People's rnions of •Croderiell, Clinton, - Anburn an.1 Wingham held a piteniep at the 13lup Water Beaeh on'• Dominion lkay. About sisvent:V-Ave wore present. Rey. A. J. Milligan of, Goderich was ir charge of the races and games, with the assistanee of Rev. A. E. Sliver of Clinton and Rev. E. M. +Loney of Wing - ham. After supper the rTarious groteae gathered around 5 bonfire and com- munity singing and story -telling were enjoye•il. Addad pleasure was the roastint: of marshmallows. •-JOINS Tlig-•AIR FORCE The eall to arms has been answered by anpther local- youth, in the person of Billie Joe Johnston, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston, Stan- ley street. Billie Joe Joined the R.C.A. F. a. week aga,..and is at present sta- tioned at the Manning Pool, Toronto. He is taking en _aerial engine machine course. Tle had attended a technical school in Toronto during the past year, and had been extremely successful, passing in all his subjects on his year's Work. Mr.. and. Mrs. Johnston have another „eon, Kelso J., in . -the array., He is etaffesergeant of the -Gzney and Simcoe Foresters, stationed ' at Mal - grave, Nova Scotia. . AN OLD SUBSCRIBER ,Mr. W. la Hick 011 P0)0\17111,4 .111.4 failbsCti" ion to The Signal -Star week observed that The Signal had been taken 111 bis father'' and his' 0W11 home e+'01' ailleecite multi remember awl probably from the time the paper' was • fir4 publadied, Over ninety years age. THE CALL TORMS A brief but impressive ceremony took place this (Thursday) afternoon at the Court Houae Steps, where Ills Worship Mayor Broivn accepted the prot4ama- tion of the "call to arms" from the hands of Lie,ut. H. C. Dagson. The 69th Battery, from Woodstock was present, in command of Lieut. Lawson, and made a very smart appearance. On receipt uf the proclamation, Mayor Brown spoke briefly, urging that all able-bodied young men take -Tim the fight against Nazi tyranny. The soldiers were served lunch at the Empire rooms, MacKay' HalL, BEGINS 8511i YEAR (Congratulations Are extended to Mr. I'. J. Cantelon;-.>who on :Saturday "last, June 28th, was Ith!e to look back ' on eighty4our years of life. Mr. fele- telon eertainl doesn't look la is age, and he says he doesn't feel" It. lAing may he continue to celebrate birth- days I 1, :AT T. HE WATERFRONT The bettor Wjta the scene of Much AertivitY Over the week -end, five -freighters arriving with about 1,370,000 bushels of grain. • The -St. Eteliers, lighthouse supply boat, arrived Friday afternoon and left early on. Monday.. vie Georgian arrived Sunday -morn- ing at 7 °seta& with 175 paasengere and cottimted upahe lake at 11 aen. bn Sunday the str. Berryton aerived with 338,000 bushels of wheat, and on the same day the str. 'Prescott brought In 305,000 bushels of wheat. 4 On Monday the str. Printlec brought in a cargo .of 146,000 bushels of wheat. On Tuesday the A. A. nucleon, the B. E. Johnson and the barge Ethel J. arrived,. the A. A. Hudson With 53,000 bushels of wheat, 60,000 'bushels of oats, 0,0011 'bushels of sereeninge and 80A0 bushels of mixed 'rain: the Ethel 3. with 210,000 iniehels-of Wheat and the Jolinaoti with 190,600-aa1she1s wheat. , - • A number of pleasure yaelits were in pert over the week -end. „Kippen, ,a graduate. of .the University a _western: Olitar 1.0„, becarae the bride of gr.. Ricbara Hepernish ef soir of Mee Cornish,:Eeter, and the late John •Coenialirsei'Mr. Cornish is on thestar. of No. 12 Elemelatare' Flying -Training School, • Goderich, Rev. William -W. 'Weir officitite,d. The bride wore 'a •street-lenertli, dress. of *white crepe with 'white aceessNeries, trimmed With blue, and tarried Tails- manroses and beuvardie: She was attended loy her sister, Miss Blanche Thomson, -.who' wore a White dress with pink accestories. The bride- groom, who wore his air .sehool .uni- •. „ form, was attended-bY Sr. Hilliard Tremblay • Of' Goderich, After the eeremeny' a reception. was held at the horne of the bfide's patents. • Mr. and Mrs., (Cornish. -reside, in Goderich .alter . a 'Wedding tri U to oronto and *pciinte east, e-er:•--,70 riL .STEWART-EAGLES The marriage of ;311.se Doris Blanche Eagles, daughter of Dr. and -Mrs. Allan 8. ljagles of Meaford, to Mr. Robert Ian Orde Stewart, Goderich,son of Mr and Mrs. John L. Stewart of Toronto, took 'piece on !Saturday in Christ -churen,-Meaford, yard officiated, and Miss Marjorie a1c-. Kim was at the organ. Mrs...E. Newton Cooper sang. Given in marriage 1}37 her father, the bride wore a graceful gown a white lace and net, in bouffant style. Her heirloora veil was, canght with a Wary Stnart headdrest, andshe carried a white bouquet. Mrs. Arthur Marron was matron of honor for her sister, wearing aqua net with large matching hat of taffeta. Mr, Joan L. Stewart jr., was groomsman for his brother, and, 'the, ushers Were Mr. Murray Eagles, Mr: A. Gordon Burton, Toronto, and Mr. Robert W. Mitchell of. 'London. After the feceptien at home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'Stewart left for .MuskOka, and will live-in Goderich. a " ftunning raee, 8 years and Onder-- MargaretIllewittOynthia Youv ;.4., Joan Baeehler, 'Betty Webb. ' Runtang race, 10 .years and under -- Gladys Mi41Atan, (Betty Taylor. Joan Baechler. „•- 'Running race, 12 years lerul under,-,- elara 'Martin, Mary Joyce tStrachan, Initothy Holmes. . Runningepee, 15 ,years and under-. Bernice:White, 'Patricia elinrelL Agiles •Thinakerchief race, 8 i -ears and under --Jen n welder, ° -Norma Beatty, Frances, Brereton. " ,llandlterehlef race, 15 year and tuIder-Gorrraine ilen, .11erniee Doris 3farien. • Nest and, toe rare. 9 years and under --Gladys litateati. Gloria Bloomfield, Marjorie Overholt. •' 9 Sluio rftee, "10 years and under -Rita Gretta 'Arbour, Elizabeth Shoe race, 14 years and under --.--- IMO Merean, Norma Good, 'Marion Freetha ; Itticycle rae, 14 years and ender-- ltaeeritmliesee: White, June Itaeehler, Dorothy ° EriGits:GMEN'T ANNOUNCED • 'Mrs. R. A. ailiott annoinaeee the;en: gagement of her daughttfie Ida Eliza - heel, to John Murdoek MOLean. Meal- toh, eon of Mr: ant'VMrs, liakan, Southampton; the marriage take place in Jule,. Durieg recent daYe'sonie-of the wo- men's organizations -to which -Mrs. Lane- - has leatehee able -assistance held gale- • erings in her lienor. The girls of, her Sunday school -class presented het wita, a pair of _book -ends': the'Evening'Aux-. Mary, at a ,„earden-tea held at Mrs. Holland's, gafe a handsome cameepin, and the Book Club, whose - efficient' secretary Mrs. Lane had been, presented . a -copy (if -The ISodaig Sisters." " Mr. Lane wasthe recipient 0.4 handeoane gene from the YoUng 'People's Union. . Mr. and airs. Lane have left to 'take up theer residence in Toronto. McKAY-:-WEBS'I'ER • TORoNTO.--Rev. William Johnston officiated at the marriage on gaturday DIES IN WEST AFRICA Lewis Elliott Succumbs to Illness in. • Distant Land • - Thainas Elliott reeeiVed. weed Tarsday 'that his son Lewis. second - engin,eer on the ill-fated steatite Poeta- doc„ had died IA pneumonia in French :Guinea, West. Africa., where he had been 'interned since the sinking of his hotd by. a •Germanaraider-Off the African coast, five hundred miles „eolith, of Dakar, on April 9th last. • The news came from Mks. Elliott, Wife of the • degeased, at Port ,Colbonie, she havanebeen advised by the Deparement of-Nerval-Affa4rs at Ottawa. • • The letter. .stated that mSecond Engineer Elliott had been Ibuled with full military honors on May 25th, bis fortieth birthdae. His fatal illness' is believed to haw been caused' by ex- posure at sea. Lsfather states that his son had twice survived pneumonia 'attacks during his lifetime. Born in Dungannon and educated there and-in-Coderich after the family moved here, ttiewis' ("Smoky") Elliott had been Sailing on and off since he was sixteen years of age.. Always an adventurer, 'even as a boy, when the Dominion' Government, took over -the- Portadoc-for ocean service early this year he joined as sedond engineer. In January he. visited relatives twee ,and renewed adquaintance with scores a school. chums in Goderich and in.Dun- ganaion, Surviving are his wife, the former In Eglinten United ehurch of Zylda iVinniffed Hackett of Aehfield, and Elaine Webster, telarendou are., (laugh- seven children; hie fathef and mother,. the latter at present a patient in a . Fort William! hospital, and sie-brothers and ,sisters, Mrs. Albert, Pruder and Percy Elliott, of Port Co-lborne ; Harry, ' on Atte -Great Libks 1tvcrett,Mr, phinifim decorated _the church. and Mrs. Annieileui °and Miss Lottie, of .Goderich, Mitten played the wedding Musk, Dee. Ing the signing or the register Miss CLARK-LAWSON .REUNION Glada-s Reynolds sang. The bride was ter of Mrs. Webgter anti the late Jelin Webster of ILucknow, Ont., to Claude Edward McKay, 'son -of ,Mrs. 'McKay and the late Edward McKay. Tall standerds of pink peonies: and del- givethin marriage by Edward Smith and Dominfat Day Gatherin 1e1d -- wore A frock of ;Rothanee rose faconnc r4c e . - sheer with a large, picture hat and Harbor Park The .tifth annual Clark•lLawsori fam- carried a shower bouquet of rose,4 and.• ay reunion brought about aeventaefive delphiniuM. 'Miss A. Iiorine Webster .persoqs. to :Harbor Park 'oft Delnition Wes her sister's only atteildant , and y were frem Londe9oro, 1AiTheturn, Clinton, Toronto, Braufpton, a matching halo hat and. earried pink wore a gown of heaved bine Sheer with SStratford, Kitchener and Weet twee' and forget-me-nots.. • Ross L'41(1)edkeirTicIliv: • ;Specially honored members MoKay was best , man. The ushers 'of the. gathering were Mil.4. Jane teach were Douglas JCooPer and -Arthur of",s9mton, oldest member in the Law - Barber. A reception Was,held in the sty). grolip, and ‘Oliver Clark of Grode- , cherch parlors, where, the bride's ino- nein eldest 'ofethe Olarl? breech. tiler received ,wearing' a dress of black Officers for next Tear's reunion, to of white carnations: - and White prin ted erepe w,rritheh,zc_rozaml 13; [ThompsonAuburm li.eld at .A,uhurte en July ' lst, are mother, who also received, wore a gown 1.-re"lq't, Wm- ; of blue and white printed sheer with 'a corsage or white sweet pas. %Aftee a wedding trip, to the 'Laurentiane, the mut& wille reside in Toronto. For travelling the bride ' donned ° a French blue sit with blue fox trim, and lilac •aceessories. - --- - FIRE ON MAITLAND BRIDGla The fire brigade was called out on the afternoon of Dominion Day for •t Man lire on the g, bridge spannintthe sMaitland River. Evidently ° someone had thrown away a liv,hted cigarette which set tire • to a tarry plank ond 4401e a few inihos wide- was hurtled. rvinen appl 11,0 e1.1 i To and litth damage was done.; MANY U.S. 'VISITORS The toivtt swarmed'. ;with rnitcd, States visitors over the week -end. Mieb igzl 11 Aras particularly well repre- sented, while tOrtrists (t111( also ifrom Pennsylvania, Ohlo„ Illinois and New Yorle. Iterbot 'raft was a little Aanerfatt, colon 'in ,WOC, secretary-treasueer, Mrs. Edgar Law- son, Auburn. • • BISHOP SEAGER TO MASONS • salemiters MaitLend .Lodge, No. .13, A.,„ la mit]: A.g., to the number of - •almittone hundred, paraded to George's Church on 'Sunday evening and were addreesed by. let. Itev. (e. A. Seager, Bishop of Huron. Rio Lord - ,ship spoke impressively Of ma1i'6 de- pendence pilon God. The root of the world's, ticitildes, ie .sai41, is the ten (1011(9 'of men to .tt.y. to maws' diffient; ties without referente to Mee - • STAMP, AND 4C0IN1004.ECT0R .Qtwea Alexandra ISthfatorium, • ' London, June 'Mile Dear31r. Editor, -I came here from the 8.(1.A.F., and have been sm bed for over a year. • aty chief diyetnion is c Meeting etampe and coins. Do you think that etene of your many readers would like to help ,my ,collecting?. Thank you very eauCh. , le W. ORAWIPORD., 9'1.„