HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-26, Page 5egfirateSdaY, fNE, 2eM
Lakeview Casino
Grand Bend
Cascade Musie
29th. ---4.45 pan,
Repeat performance! Daeleiveed
Brass Band. 'Silver Colleetion.
Numgorfr DANCE
June 2901-------43:05 a.m.
"On ,the Beach"' at the Casino.
Support the Lions' Club Carnival
July 1St •and 2nd-eifternoon •
and Evening. ,
Entire Proceeds for Charity
'Discussed at Annual Meeting Of Hutto
County 'Trustees' and Ratepayers'
ASseelatiOn • .
'''N'ititRobert Shortreed, the President,
in the chair, the annual conventioh.of
the 'Huron County Truetees' and Rate -
Payers'' Association as held in Oxus-
selS'on Thursday last withein interest -
'Mg program. ....0 e ''
se In his presidential Address, Mr,
Shortreed referred to the several fac-
tors contributing w,,,tik, the edneational
system and, IR. j. Bowman, Reeve of
'Bruseele. extended a Welcome to the efforts until-. a Workable organization • soloist at . Kvi:(_)x ,P,3-ited 'church
delegates, follovied by NV, J. Henderson, Was secured, " He -outlined ••peeeletne Pest
in the absence of Warden lames Leiper, efforts for organization such as the on Sunday /iiol:nilig' ,..... ..'
The local branch of the awn .Cross
who 'was unable to be present Grange and. the ITI.F.10: and said that held a quilting in the,•Orange 'Hall on
M. A, Campbell, seeretary-treasiver 1 while these organizations had net Tuesday afternoon, when, four quilts
---efetheeffestaiio'Vrifetees'• and alatepay- proved wholly successful yet much had were quilted. 'Mrs.. 11. C. Wilson read
ers' Association, infroduCea Mission-Hel-been-aecoMPliShed..-The reason. of the_ poem, „entitled 'The Awe," which
DeLa,porte assistant to Dr. iStothers, . partial failure of these organizations -a
was written by Rev. Mr. SteWert of
Toronto. The secretary read a letter
RD 011,6E48'1(m=
Knittere are till urgently needeti.
Will everyone having oerape of yarn
pleaee ewe them and.send to the Red
Crose rooms?, Theeeaee valuable anti
can to sold by, headquattere. ifiven the
odds and ends, ouch ate the bite which
Ue the skeins, wilt be welcome con-
'Al'George Johneton, convener of
°, 1. .
the marathon tea eomm ttee, wishee
to. announce that, the time limit for
holding 'Wee haS been '470ended into
July. There has been a, seareity
ho%teesee during the Marathon, and it
is requested that any ladiee
be :Willing4o entertain give their names
to Mrs. johneton,
• 8. Stothers and Dr. C. Vir: Mac-
Gillivray Address Meeting at Col-
borne Township Hall
.A. meeting of the leolberne unit of
the Federation, of Agriculture was held
in the Townehip Hall, Carlow, on Tues-
day evenleg, with, President -George
Feaesan as chairman. -
Mr. S, 93. 'Stothers, district represent-
ative of 'Wellington eounty„ 'vas the
first Speaker and In opening -his re-
marks, he expressed his great pleasure
in eoming hack where he ilad spent
nine years , district repreSentative
of Huron eounty, 'with splehdid eup-
port from the farmers ofeolborne town-
ship," Opeaking on the formation 4)f the
Federation, he stated that the idea
originated in a study group and was
still in a formative stage and, lie urged
.1.14,11e ••••••••••••••••••••,
AUJAPILN, June Susle Biair England,. thannK thec'Red Cross for
Itevieitinis friends in Minield.
'Mr. anti Mies', le lirue and, ,Wm,
Kruse of Galt and Zr. anti 31v. John
rinlayesse, Seetorth visited on Sun-.
dey with, Mr. anti Mrs. Esiga,r Le,weon.
Mrs. ItAro10.1 Ritehen and oun
daughter, of Venheim, are visiting her
peeerite, Mr. and Mre. Debertson.
'Mr. and 'Alm lie 4,«JI",%111;ips and. Mr.
and L'$re. T. JokOrt were LQ *UM ,becomingly attired in nay embroiqeK:4
visitors on Monday. sheer 'with white aecessories and a
Loraine Ilancditon of London is visit- eoreage Driareliff reeebnds. After
hig her grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. D. a wedding- trip the couple' reside
II. Hamilton, ' - on, :Mr. Ytingbittee efarne just eget et
Lloyd 'Rutledge a Ottawa epeet the Auburn. • e.s
"week -end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.. .W."51,S. Meets -Mrs John Houston
Robert III.- Rutledge, gave her home .fer the June meeting
. The Jannual decoration service of of the Presbyterian W.M.S; Mrs. Vred
eenaetery will be held on Sunday, Boss was in charge. 'Au. invitation
June 29th, at 2 'pen., on the cemetery. from. Mrs. A. M.: Doyle to hold the
grenade,. The service will be in charge, July meeting at. the manee was ae-
bf the AngliCan -eittirCh and: vvill eePted. airs. George Vaereon gave a
conducted; briterv. R. M. "Weekes. DAPer on the first chapter ef the stUdY
At tlae'•evening service Mark's book. Misses Josephine Weir a.t.id
Anglican ehurch en Sunday last Rev, Norma Deer favored with a, duet, Mrs•.
Ito*. Montan, 'B.A., 13.Th., Ontario Edgar 1,4aviSon read the cecond, and
,field secretary a the 114ordrs Day Al- third chapters of ,the study book. Mrs.
Deuce of 10anada, gave an interesting Houston. gave a piano instrumental. A
address, on the work done • by that reading was -given by Mrs, _Roe's. Mrs,
organizatioe, Jas, Ilowitt closed the 'Meeting with
Reid H. Sheppard, son of Mr. 'and prayer, and a 'dainty luneh was eerVed
Mrs. W. IShOpPard, has secured A by the hostess.'
job on the steamer 'Fort Wildoe and ArmstrongeeCarter.,---A. pretty but
left Goderich. Friday morning. George qnlet 'wedding wab. eoleinized by Rev.
Straughan, 'who has 'been op, this yes -set, 'IL D. at the eaanee of Eno't
since early spring, spent la short.a.time :United chterehe on Wednesday ,after -
at his home while the boat Was being nOon, ll'une 18th; at '3 o'clock, Wheb,
emloa.ded.. •
the boxee Sent to are. tSho ales gave
out the quota for July, AuguSt P.nd
Tungblut-MuOsni..----4 quiet „will -
ding took plaeo ,Saturday md•paing
at the Peesbyterlau. mune,ilyth, when
Rev, A. M. Boyle united marriege
'Mrs. Jenny aIttaliing Mugford and, Mr.
George V, YUneblut. The bride wae
• Elva Jane, daughter of Ur. and Mrs.
Albert iGovier, son of IYAr. and Mrs. John Carter of West Wawanosh, Was
Herb iGovier, has enlisted with the united. in marriage to William, John
Royal Canadian Array !Corps at London. Armstrong, son, of Mr. and Mre. Harry
Mr. Ray elNeill of Parkhill will be Armstrong of East Wawanosh. The
'bride was becomingly attired in a'frock
Of tight blue crepe -with white-news-
sories hod a corsage of roseseandefern.
The attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
George +Gould of 101hiton. A buffet
luncheon was served at the home of the
bride' parents, with only the immediate
relatives present: MT. and Mrs. Arm-
strong left on a motor trip fo Niagara
from Mr. D. D. McMillan, who is in, FalLs and Toronto. •
' (a former Iguronite), inspectoro eux-
illary classes for those requiring special
help owing to some physical or mental
disability: , •
ss 'DeLaperte said.
Mithe aim is to
give every•child an equal opportunity.
was that too much was expected of
them without giving them individual
support. The main need of the farms
ers at present was to present their
Interests intelligently to 'the public and
even to the farmers themselves.
One Of the main difficulties, she said, Mr. Stothers stated that personally be
is the belief thaa
t •all thten are alike was opposed to the .idea of financing the B'AYFISIJD, June 25. -Mr. and Mrsport there. Mrs: Murray had Just re -
in.. ability. Some of the main , causes Federation by taxation ' as seggested, Victor Burt,plasters 'Blister and Buddy ceived a letter from , hzel* telling her
• found toJbe retarding children in mak- either by an .acreage tax or by- a mill
and 'Mary Loa of London are visitin, that he was eomieg home on account of
defective -hearing, de- ..levy, as .It would; tend to make it - ' 1 ' 111 health , before she received the tele -
Mrs. Burtaepaeeeeeente„eMse, add Mrs. F.
teethe vision,-WiaTer-Petrtlittrity-of-enterely- a GoVer-natent---burkau or „gramejuformingeher of .his death. The
metital funetioning,-She-told_of.pecike At least keep,„ it_under 'Gorve.ru, W. Baker. deceased was born in Bayfield on
- case's where, th.e required assistance had merit-,contrea::-. " He "fainied - ' at: Mr.-and-IA.1ra. Fred Vovetie- and -35r. December 27„ -1897;ethe Second on of
been given by this department: teMpting to raise a large bind theanter- le •Fowlie of London spent the week- Mrs. Agnes 'Murray and the late Nell
• , E. C. 'Beacoes, in leading the diScus- et'on-whichshould-heeufficient for the end with Misses Es and F. Fbwlie. Murray, and, his boyhood days were
' sionon the address of Miss DeLaporte, general 'management, while an annual Mr. and Mrs T.A Smith and family, spent here , Tweneyefour years ago he
stated that a survey had.alrendy been f4e Shouldtake eare of the.local_we'rk„. of .London, spent the week -end with, was inarried to Hazel Burnie of Gode-
made in his inspectorate, and that one As to the local Unit's work he suggested- Mrs. a Parker. ., rich.' After spending three year in
such auxiliary class was .doing good the Study" of farmers''problems, support Mrs. 'Grant Turner is m.oving "from •Detroit they returned .;to Bayfield. In
work in Goderich. Ile intimated that a of eo-operetive efforts, solving of local Olinten into, her brother's house in, the 1029)e and his brother built and' oper,
survey Of the rest -of the county would problems,, antl, co -Operation with other village: ,.. ' ated the garage at the eorner of the
be made in the near. futureorganizations whose ,ains wee improve- Mrs, .011ver Rhynas, of Burlington, Illue Water lIghway emir the Bayfield'
James K Kinkead, I.P.S. for North ..reent in conditions for all classes. • was the guest of her sister, Miss Nora conceSsion road ; which they later sold
° Heron, melte' a comprehensive talk en "Dr, U. W. MaeGillivray, principal of Ferguson, for a few days this week. to R. J. Pollock. From 1934 to 1936
,grants, which, he 'intimated!, are based the Ontario 'Veterinary College, was the .Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin returned to he was foreman of th4,1B1uelVater high -
"salary ' of teacher, other speak'er. He outlined the work Seaferth on Satnrday after having way for this district. He operated the
DUINCANNON, June extend
congratulations to (XL:is Masie/eliie
eitesar. Won- viee31 fOnspleted, 'hee
eoUeSe Stratferd Normal liehool anti
having secured the position of teael'er
at Leehaieh; 51iss AI Anderetea
ate- haerbeen euecessful Wiiikteacist
at Port Albert. Idiss Annetta 'Stew-
art, has completed her iiret year .at,
Toronto University and won tilret-
:elaes ehonors in philoSophY.,„ -
The Dungannon echool' held their
annual pienie on TneSday afternoon,
with 'goods atteiatia ce. Mr. J. .11.
Young was for the pressr, am
giv•Ste by the eirildeen.
Visitor with Mr, bud Mrs. Wm. J.
Robb oneoSaturday were Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. 'Robb, Lueknow, Mrs. 'Agee
,Itobb, Auburn, and 31rs. Harrigan
. '
Ilespeler. • .
Mrs. 'Murray Dyer and little Chil-
dren, Patsy and Shirley, of itden
have been spending a fortnight
with 'Mrs. Dyer's mother, Mrs. TbOO.
Dielteon, sr, vviao is convalescing from
'Pte. Ernest Durnin,' enlisted . with,
the Active !Service 'Corps, spent the
yveek-eud with relatives on the Oth
concession. 11, bas been tiraiisferred
to Neva,..1Seetia for further training.
Miss Pentland, engaged in
mothereraft nursing in lloronto; is
spending this week vvitheber raolher,
Mree A. B. Pentland. • '
,Mrs. Dan !Fowler, vwhe'''';'Makes ther
tome'"Willi Mr, and Mrs, Victor Er-
rington, is enjoying better° 'health, and
is at !present ViSiting friend's in Gode-
Mr. and Mrs. Win., „)},IcConnell and
•Beth recerved an invitation to attend
'the silver jubilee 'of Rev. Wm. T.
Moran at Ridgetown on June.1.7th•and
later in the Week Father Moran and
Mr.. John Moran of Detroit visited
with. them. •
134r. 'Sydney 'Gibson, sr., Mr., and
Mrs. Sydney Gibson, jr., and ,Xaster
B011by 'Gibson Of iStratfOrd spent 'Sun-
day afternoon 'with the former's ".sis-
ters, Mrs, Wm, ,1V1cConnell and Mrs.
Jas. Finnigan,
In .place of the regular Women's In-
stitute meeting e.last Thursday , the
ladies of the community met at the
parish ball and quilted sIX, quilts for
the Red lOrese. In three weeks' time,
a similar quilting will take place. All
avrel:otinanece. the ladies. ean.. be
'Centennial --,services--are- -expected- to
be quite an. occasion next' iSunday Lit
the Dungannon United church.. Rev.
Mr- Dickinson of 'Toronte_ wilt be -the
speCial .sPeaker.
A Tragic Death. -This community,-
• was plunged in grief over the terrible
.a'ceident on Monday evening which
caused the doath -of. little Jimmy 'Mc-
Intyre, son of Mr. mid 111:Irs. Richard
McIntyre. We •cannot begin td
how sympathetic the people of Dun,
.gannon and the vicinity , are to the
parents and other relatRes- in their
• average 'attendance, . and equipmentof that institution together with the Silent a Nveek at the latter's cottage in Royal" Hotel, Godeeich, from 1936 to grievous' loss. Dearly loved by all
'Miss Wheeler, school"inteeic teacher, .Ontario Research Foundation,. in corn- the village. They are visiting this 1937, after which he returned to Bay- who knew him, Timmy will be sadly
with pupils from three schools, No. 4 bating Bang's disease, or contagious'week at the home of Mr. and,Mrs. John field until the spring -of 1940, W hen he, missed
at the Nile school and in
Morris, No: a Grey, and No. 3 Morris, abortion; "which is prevalent in the MeDewell near Thameeville, who cele- vent sailing on the J. P. Geistman. Ile _ many homes of Abe ' neighborhood.
gave a delightful program, of singing. bovine herds in Canada.. Ile also told hrated their golden wedding annivers- returned home for the winter 'and oji The funeral takes place' on Thursdav
,. .Mr. 13eacom told of how tlxestrans- how the farmers might,receive govern = ary on Wednesday. Mrs. 'Neelie was the 18th of .April joined the ,Oheyenne,
. •• ° -•
, ' N
PortatiOn ierostediehtta lime-solved:in -mental. coo4peration in_this, work, and Mre. 'seepowen,s ihrideSmaid. • on Which he euccumbed to aafternoonwith service in the ilo
, heart at
'inspectorate. • afterhis remarks a resolution waS " Misses Anne and ielice eDrouin and tack -He is survived iby his wife and church
° .-A
, .
6 ' Officers were re-elected as follows : adopted asking the Ontario Government Miss A. Fernette of Detroit are at their three children : MBaptismal Service large eon-
ae (Ars. John Me-
PresidentS. Robert Shortreed ; . vice- to provide facilities for the culture and cottages in the village. . - Leod, jr.), of Baytheld,1Donna, at hoine,
president, Reuben. Goetz; secretary, distribution of yaceine to immunize Mrs. W: J. Tillman and Peter- Ville and:Jack, 'who is en -the Great Lakes
treasurer, Mrs. •It. Davidson ; coMmit- if PaSsible herds in which this' disease man of 'London are at their cottage this freighter +Captain ,S , D. Secord. 'Ile is
- ,
• fee, Lyle licipper atLd Theodore Haberer. is prevalent. . .
-week. • also esuevieed b_y :his mother, Mrs.
It was decided to hold the next public Mr. R. Larson, who waS'.sailing on the1 Agnes Murray of Baydield, and one
HELP THE RED CROSS - , meeting in a • month, details tithe steamer 'Cheyenne, 1,v:taped home on brother, 'William, in Michigan. The
-. ..
program being left with the.ex utive. Sunday.. ' , funeral, which was largely attended,
, Miss Peg Orr, nurse -in -training. at was held from his mother's residence on
St. Joseph's hospital, 'London, is spend- Monday, afternoon and interment was
ing a few days hem with her parents,' in Ba.vfleld cemetery. The service was
d ',ars 3,1 T Orr before return- in charge of Ite‘e J. i'Graham,•-assisted
Friday, July 4
'Patriotic Street Parade
- at 6.30' p.m.
Floats, Costtimes, ,Military Unit
• with all new games
Valuable Prizes.
Under the stars 9 pm.
.(by kind permission of.
• - Group Ca.ptain
P. D. Robertson, A.M.
Flt. -Lt. Cyril Fletchev• ,
conducting for modern
for square° dancing
• Council,. In4t. OA Jtine 3rd as a Court
of Revision on the assessment roll,*:with
all the members present Wit Coun.
Black. .H.aving been duly constituted
as a court, the 101erk reported that no
appeals of any. nature had been -re-
ceived, 'which Speaks highly of the satis-
faction that has .been given et late
years by the local asseSsor. On motion
of -Ruddy , and Beecroft the 'Court of
Revision was then closed and the
st•eeeSsment roil was adopted 'for the
present year.
.0ouneil resumed and ordinary Town-
ship' business proceeded 'with. Min-
utes of regular and special meetings
• were read and approved. tOommunica,
tions from:the '0.A0., re local drainage,
the Department of 'Health and the Dee
partment of Municipal Affairs were re-
. _
,ceiVed and read.
'Owing to the advance. hi- wages for
"labor the Clerk Was instructed to pre-
pare a by -lave setting the rate •of pay-
ment he future at 25c an lour for men
and. 50&- per hour for man. and team to
work on Township roads. t
The following accounts were paid:
'T. Currie sheep claim, $6 • Reeve
'Currie, slieep.f elaim; ' $4; .Geo.- !Walker,
sheep -valuator, $3; The Advance -Times,
advertising, $2.25; M. McDowell, salary
as assessor and equalizing police village
and sohool sections, $100; Provincial.
treasurer, instilin, 09e;•Pounty Huron,
1 I.
ho'spitiir expenses indigent patient, $41 ; 'pay list, road, $204.79. •
Couneil will hold next meeting 'July
2nd at 7 o'clocie.pen. .
For a thorough Eye Examination
Telephone 91 •
Gla.sees In the!,NeWest Styies at Modetate. Prices,
'Intone 91
ito COLE R.O.
Goderich •
• Mr., an , es
ing to London. Miss Orr has just re, by Rev. D, .T7 -Lane -of •Knox-Presbys
turned from a trie to Vancouyer and
Edmonton. She travelled by plane.
• Mit,-And Mrs. 'George Black of Paris,
terian church, Goderich:. • Meenbers of
Nb. 24 attended In a body. The
pallbearers were Joseph and Fred Me -
Ont., and Mr; John Marr Black of Ewen,. Charles Berry-, 'Wilmer Blair,
'Strethclair, Mau.,, were the guests of Walter Westlake and Harold .Sthiseri. ,
Mrs. 'W. •J.. rater over the wSiek-end. Flower -bearers, N. W. 'Heard, Lloyd
Misses L. and F. 'Morley Of Detroit Scotchmer,Sbeeeer, Ervine, Jack Castle,
are at their cottage, "Birchcliefe," for Emeeson Heard,' Leslie Elliott and..
the summer. • .• . Louis MeLeode Amiengst those from a
.• Mrs. R. J. 'Watson. and "Master Ed.: distance who were-preeent for the
war& of Fairlight, 'Sask., carne on funeral, were Mr. andMrs. Wm. Murray
Tuesday to spend the ,summer with the
tormer's mother, Mrs. F. A. 'Edwards.
Sudden Death of Donald Murray. -
The eommunity waS shocked Qn Thurs-
day evening on learning of the sudden
death of Donald Thomas Murray, whecli
occurred at Cleveland that day 'on board
the. S.S. Chyee'nne, which had. put into
gregation -attended a speeial setVice
on, ISunday morning at the 11`nited
churele The, church) was lovely with
• The object Of this notik is to draw to the attention of
a all .employers -The Unemployment Insurance Aet will so
into effeet on July 1st, 191, and all employers
should register at owe if they have not already done so.
The Govertunent has drawn to my attention that eux.,
ployers, of smll numbersaof men have been iilOW to register.
This notice is for the benefit of those who perhaps have
not given. the matter proper consideration.
L.' 'CARDIFF , M.P.,. North 'Huron.
early summer flowers and three can-
aries loaned for the occasion eompleted
a note of beattty and cheer. The
prometion of pupilS,, in 4Sunday school
elasses was followed by the loaptiOn
of three „Infants by the pastor, Bef.
W. P. Newman. They ,,were Dorothy
Etta MeNee, etlaughter Of' Mr., and
Ea,ri MdNee; Allan Wayne
Brown, son a Mr, and Wilbur
Brovvn, and Oria Marlene 'Maize,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maize.
Mrs. IHarfY.Vieee a.nd Mrs. D. Auster-
berry visited with the former 's sister
in Toronte the `Do.st week.
The la.test flight under the auspices
ofthe iGoderich Homing Pigott Oub
was from Napanee, a diStance Of 260
.miles. '10,ifty birds. were released At
I km: and the first one reached hen* at •
2.47 ThiS, waSePercee ZohnstOn'S
nirblz-baug,"• whieh, thus made the
uniqtte recortl of three consecutive wins.
• Other birds arrived as follows; NV.
Baker's, 2,P3; IfelCay's, 2.0;
Baker's, 5.26 and 424; P. jOhnston's•
&M._ Only eight of the fifty pigeons
had, arrived by StMday night; the rest
straggled in on Monday.. • •
The following excerpt Is from The Torch, the efficial organ of tile
Oanedien corps Association
on. three things,
LISTEN CANADA . . No political apron strings tie TORCH to anY'
party or lnthvldual TORCH 'believes in no "ISM" except Canadiapism.
TORCH will praise and support anyone or tany party who without greed or
hypocrisy fight valiantly for a tTn1ted41anada a United our war effort,
and when 'Victory is...finally won will carry on the good. 1104 for a WAY or life
that will ensure every citizen Peace., Prosperity .and eeeurity. TORCH ' will
condemn and criticise,.lnthvldiit11y and collectively,. all those who obsequiously
leayeelevish reverence tee party idols and party greed to the disadventage of
Canada and Canadians. -
N •
LISTEN CANADV,‘ . TORCH Is founded on ,the eceicePte that men
proven in fire, suffering and saerifice rn past and present: wars are among-
pendubleeeitizenses-Th'. 4 'Ility.eheatehaveenot-eastedemespa'st--
aettevements esthey -have- fernsedsno-sptir *cl • • rty They have not -askedeof-e -
Canada, they' have freely given. They wer,; s afraid to die . fOr Canada...,
They are not afraid to live for Canade. OA' vast, body Of Soldier eititerte
spreadeuerois the Dominion are now tit the.pealt of their -social stiaLeconovele
influence in their 'communities e Their former companionS-in-aVas And their.
sons form the back bone of Canada's new ii.rmies, fighting for idsale and
prineipals That, will point to a BETTER Canadian way of life. "
In every prOressfon, in, every trade, in every eemmercial and social underse
taking will. be _Armed these proven citizensgen_ who are not Afraid to face
the future. 'Canada- can depend, on men of this breed. Their proven, :1itteke
ground of Courage and restraint ; of .judgment and 'decision 'fits them to hold.
high the Torch' bf'leadership in this our great Dominion. ,
IDLE HANDS, IDLE PLANTS . CanSa has been, ar long
time awakening to the possibility of having thousands of small, Mann.,
fa,cturing plants mobilized for production of vital war Materiale. -
Any ek-service man' wishing further, particulars, is invited to tesentatt any
-of the local- mem-Bere;.
THE GREATEST RE -UNION in Veteran 'History will be held in Tor -Onto
on July 4-15 and 6. 'Mete is something; to look forward, to. Programmes
available. ,• °
u. R. ooiumat,
4. president.
and spn,-of Detroit ; Mr. and.Mrs. -Wm.
Birdie, Mr. Allan 'MCDonale,IrrseMaud
Brown, Jack Brown, of ,Goderich.; Mr.
and Mrs. ,1)., Cornish, ,Clinton; Mr. and
Mrs. Milton 'Bruce, • Belgrave;
Jonathan •iFisher, •Th
symp`hthy of all iswith those so saaly
'bereaved. • _ - ••
.°NVAFEKING, J'une 25. --Mrs•
. -George
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ian Haggett of Goderich,
and Mr. tW. lir !Hilliard, of Enderby,
B Ir; who is spending a few days. with
Fitzsimmons, Who has been visiting
witiNCr daughter, Mri. Cecil Johnston, ,
returned to her, _home at Arkona on
We.e,Xtend Congiatulations to Mr, and
J leransto (nee Cora Thomp-
rs, er y n - ,
son)', Who were married last _Wed- Rising
: Mrs. 'Gee. Pollock of Siheppardton . APPRECIATION r
spent a few days last week with her , Id" liehalf of his suffering fellow-
coun t rynesn in 'Greere, and nisi) in his
own behalf, Mr. Tom Manjuris extends
'sincere thanks to the people who con-
tributed so freely last Saturday when a
tag' day was bold, with the approval of
the Townautho?ities, in aid .6i, the
Greeks. •• Mr. (Manjurisis. especially
grateftil to Miss Ackerman, Miss Lane,
Miss MONaughton „ Lind Miss Powell,
tour members of the ‘Goderich Collegiate
recent brides. All the 'guests •Nvere Institute staff who, so generously' de-
seAtede.on ,the laWre Lind a: short •pro- et-lourtegvaitiday, at s.wesholethe clos• o a
grain'of community singirigc and a few ex,iicting school term, to assisting the
.contests, eonducted by Misses lean ,11c- To the youege.ladies who
Milian and iiIikla Twaraley,• Were en- spent hourf on, the streets., on one'of the
, joyed. .-Vollowing this, the guests 'of hottest days of the season, Mr. maniuris
honer took their places, And two pret- is equally grateful and expeesses the
• tay decorated baskets. were carried out hop,l ever be in the s(\that inineof those who assisted in
- well laden with many useful and pretty ,wilcoilecting the splendid sum bf 4202.35
"'For They ame , position as
'Are Jolly Good Feelo
.ves.”After the 1 leeted.. He thankiz each and every •
ioosefi:ouw:rgc:Iniin.the money was col-
gift•s. All joinedlin shaping,
gifts' had all been opened and admired, e„..,., _es__ _ es._
his .' their friends for their remem, The Whole --Wotitg
betir girls made suitable rePliee, thank., ,
brances. • Lunch was then served aud Bill kept hens, , Onhe e night had two
brought a pleasant evening to p, elese., ,.stolen. ,The .net night he stayed up
in the ii;ee shed with his friend Joe to
. .
jis niece, Mrs. Hagmtt.
Little Jerre Anderson of 'Goderich
spent last week with his grandmother,
Mrs, A. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs.. •R(4e. 'Rising, 'Shirley
and Kenneth, of Windsor, are visiting
with the former's brother, Mr. F.
daughter, Mrs. Clifford Kilpatrick, and
Mr. Kilpatrick,'
A young son arrived at the home
of Mr: and, Mrs. IChas. "Haliara last -
"week. 'Congratulations. "
A number attended anniversary ser-
vices ,Orewe last eleindaY.
Iiir•ifored.-Ost Thursday
evening if large tnin,ibertef ladles on the
*line gathered at • the home of •Mrs„.
Thos. 'Blake to honor, Mrs." Harold,
'Hackett (nee Mary 'Cranston) and ctirs.
Reg ,Btoome ,(nee, 'Freda )Sauntiers).
----- ' wait -for the thievee. After they had
SHEPPARDTON • ,been vvaiting a short time 41,sterm blew
• up and the shed started swaying lei
RI-1101ePARDTON,9June Land the breeze.
Mrs. Wm. Valson, Ifrs.,,Itond•mon and „After an hour's waiting .The, fed up,'
Billy and Mrs. Geo. Logan of Midland announeed that he was • going home,
spent the weekeendewith Mr„ and Ws, saying: °They'll not come tonight,
Thos. •Bogle. BIM"'
• '
•Thitors on 12-iunday with Mr. and %Its. T1tqtepped out a the'Aied and found
Mr. and 'Mrs. Cleo. Igrouse of gitchener,
Geo,, Haggitt were Mr. `Elmer Hilliard;
Mr. Cart ICrouse of Miami, °I.derida,
himself on a motor lorry inovikg.slowly
along a country lane.
'They were „taking the. sited, too.
Your original I.D.A. Store
Plume 45
Writing Pads 9c
3 sizes to choose from
(:!..ie-(14quid D•eutrice
•15e, 29c, 49e
Fly 'Mx
Dodd's Pills
• 39e e
Cream • 35e
• • 24e, 43c, 79c '
Tox 290, 48e, 89e
1,4y4)1 35e,,, 65e, $1.25
- Special Prices on Guaranteed
Reg. 39c Cocoanut OileShampod
24e ,
'Reg 25e Milk of 'Siegnesia
Tablets e • .1.7e
Reg. 79c Minard Oil, 40 oz. • 59e
Castor •,011., . . ..17c
Lavender Shaving, Cream
Cleanin Fluid • ,,19C
Deltol 56e, $1.50 le Lavender ShiVing Lotion 33e
Delta,ymond Colognes--60c--95c-$1.50
All Taxes Paid'
Pond's Cold 'Cream
34e, 59e, $1.05
Pond's Vanishing iOreara 34e, 59c
WOodbury's Cold •Creare. 25e, 49e,„
Woodbury's Vanishing 25ce 49e
D&R Cold Cream, 29e, 55e, 89e-
. DaLR. Vanishing Creamee29e, 55c •
Nowina rt61d, Cream „e,. •54c
(adinc-re Bouquet Vold rireara
Ca S hmere Dollen t --purpose
29ce 490
$1.00 Jae, Veld Cream, Theatri-
cal 59c
Lovely new Apple Blossom Soap
A fine, milled, white Toilet ,Soap, delightfully .perfumed, with tthe lovely
•Fragrance -gives a beautiful lather -a really—fine soap. • Smial
'5 Cakes for 2c
Apple • Blossom
Tilins -*developed FREE with
prints at regular prices. '
127 'size ,
4e ea.
IS -620 size ..4. 4e ea.
116-616 " ,4e ea.
'118424 " • 5e ea..
122 • " 6e 'ea.
Including the new Butterscotch
Cafi4mere Bouquet PACO
oruoi,e1V.de,,r1 •29e, '43e
Lipstick g,80e
Now served at our e.tero.
All the popular brands.
Formerly $1.10 size. .
Speeial, 89e
Lge 11irnVs Hotie3t &,Almoud
(Irma—reg. 85e
• For 49e