HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-26, Page 3bent
Barrister, Etc.
Otieor-Conrt 110114ei Oederich,
Telephone 55,
Virg, A. tsuouatitAD ,
. Barrieter and. Sehleitor •
Fir,st gortgage Security.
P Urban Loans Available:
Oflice--NorthVrOderieh, Phone 759
I; •
01 Oharteredl 'Accountants
DoWnie ,Skreet,Stratford,
Toronte MOO: 302 Bay Street,*
lilt. G. S, ELLIOTT
Phone 203 Clinton.
• , Telephone 119
Salee attended -to anywhere and
every effort made to give satisfaction,
Farmers' sale notes discounted,
Magistra. tea, Say's Huron, County Ilea
, SOMe Gullible People
*Mows of ,isix months in Guelph,
Aieformatory And fines :a $1,000 were
imposed on ileetr.ge Tanson, New Uant-
burg stole salesman, by Magistrate
)dakbas h oUtitYelice Court last
Thursday. IanSeile Fkltddle-agedt
mtua,- had been conficted
'onIhree ehargee ef tailing at private
homes and ,One a illegally trading
Under theeSecurities Frauds Aet, Te
sentences are 'to run conenrrently.
• The eharges •arose Out of the seer.-
. Hughmar Gold Mines tOOk. to nOmer-
ous people in North Iiuron„and,BrOce
• county. One man ,invested $3,500,,,ex-•
changtng Government bonds far the,
gold, stock.
Three •charges of. theft against Ian,
Son, originating at Diingannon, in con,
Motion: with the sale'of the same stock,
• were withdrawn by, Crown Attorney
names, who said that restitution had
been made.. - •.•„,„
"Huron county seems. to be a happy
hunting ground for these fellows," •ob-
served* the 'Magistrate in passing
sentenee.; "Huron. people are honest
and expect everybody to be the same,
but there must still be some very gull-
• ible persons left, for in. my experience
on the bench a lot of 113,,MleY' has been
taken Out Of the county."
A satisfactory, courteous service for'
Farm, Prop4rty or Household Sales.
1eft, Reasonable.
DR. F. .1. R. FOR,STER,, VIA liat`
t NOSE, THROAT • 41.
Late House Suree0 .N,Pw Xork•
Ophthalnde and Aural liOvital,
sistant at: Moorefield Eye kloapittil and
Gotden* Square Throat ,Hospital, Lon-
don,. England.
'• '53 Waterloo Street, $.;' Stratford.
Telephone' 207. .
Next visit Bedford Hettel, Goderich.
Wednesday, . Sept. 24th, from
o tll i 5 p.m: -
Goderieh, Phone 341
Office nours--10 to 12 a.m., 2 to '5
• and• 7 to 8 .p.m., Tuesday, Friday, ,and
10 to 12' a.m. onlY on ,*ednesday,
Monday and Thurada.1 at Mitthell.
-Mineral fume baths by fultpointnaent
• only..
51 South_ •
• SURANCE CO. -Farm and leo-
latedetown property insueed.
Oificees--'W-ilainen Knox, Palesadient,
IDoudesbOro • W. • R-,--Arcilffbald, Vice -
President, 'Seutorth ; • M. A. Reid,-
Vianager and Secretary -Treasurer, Sea -
forth. •,
Directors ---Wm. Knox, Londesbore;
ex, _ _Broadfoot, Seaforth; • Chris.
Leonhardt; Dublin; E. I. 'Tie Wirth%
Clinton; Thos. Moylan,•Seaforth ; W.
R,,, Archibald, Sea.forth; Ales. Mcgwin
Blyth; Frank McGregor, -Clinton; Huh
Alexander, Walton.
Agents -E. A. Teo, 11.1t. 1, Goderich;
James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper,
R.R. 1, Brucetield; R. F.; MeKeecher,
`A.R. 1, Dublin; F. Prueter, -Brod-
hagen. •
Polley -holders can make all pay-
, naents and get their cards receipted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt's
Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or
J. H. Reld's General Store, Baylield.
Daily 7.30 &M., 4.25 -p.m.-Leaves
Goderich • for • Stratford, Toronto,
• Mamilton, Buffalo, London, • Detroit,
Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots -
Redford, British' and Royal Hotels.
tels or 305 for information,
r- , •
DOWT .11rM
41, -
"Ositsum, Sistleissi Fenee
• reed ltlixture" - deeply
penetrating - protects the
vital,groundline prolongs
life of posts far to five times
7....,41st paint 4" abta,ve anel 6• "
below the g7olitai a •
highly concentrated, effective
ths by the Power Companies.
Quart 4, • $1,20 treats 20. 25 posts
- 54,15 ireats430,400,4Kim
"c" COY. NOT
(By .4 Member)
One of the hardest-workini young
non-eommissioned, Willem eCoy.
wae -given recognition of hie etfoite this
week and at ' the same time iven,
wider sphere of ectivitiee and a greater
responeibility When Cpl, Joe O'Brien
was prometed to the rank of acting
sergeant artd to be eecend in eemmand
of 20' plitoen.
The strength ef the comPanY was
decreased Iley two recently when, Pte.
Welter Green of Clinten and Pte.
Charles Osmond of Baylield transferred
from the reserve to the active army.
These two men are now in the Royal
Canadian Artillery • along with ' Pte.
Lloyd 'Stirling, narold Gardner, 'Chester
Neilans m144;1111 MacKay.
There are still vacancies in the trade
,classes which start on July 1. At these
army trade schools a number of driver
mechanics, delver operatefe, lettere and
electriciens will he trained to take their
Places in the '04naditin„ army wherever
they may be most needed. A graduate
of one of these schools is our 'own Bob
Plukhani, -whe was home recently on his
embarkation leave. -
Iu. addition to the above, weed has
been received that it is proposed to
train a, numbere4 mere be the. operation
Of special engineering equipment used
in road c,onstruction, such astractors,
gee Shovels, etc. Previous experience
is desirable but not absolutely neces-
W. Craigie 1
Get Our Automobile Rates
Phone 24 Godericb
Club.CrIetubtro Combine, ilitsinesti With
PleaSure at Victoria Sehool
The- annual plenie a Victoria Home
and Sehool Club Wee held on Thursday
afternoon, June 19thi at the School,
The 'weather Wae ideal, and a 'fine pro'.
gram2of games and. contests was en-
JOYed VS the iteMbers and their friends,
with, Oars, G. ,Scha,efer and 'Mrs. E.
Irwin as prize -Winners.
A. short business session was con-
ducted rbk*the president, Mrs, W. 1,1ac-
donald, ixi whielx it was announced that
clothing for childrefi-from:*one to eight
sears of age, and layettes for Britain,
uroit Old ois 1
IN MIT= nom my 1st
uaj .Piarie
Toronto Entibition Grounds Ocenel
of. Event Enjoy0 by roma
• The annual picnic of the Huron Old
Aesocia,tion of Toronto was held
In area No. 2, lqinttalart iNational Fux-
bibition grounds, .0,11 Wedneeday, Julie
114t1e 'rX"he vi•Vather was all that could
be desired, butthe attendance, owing
are to be the objectives for Home and to war conditions, was smaller than in.
'School members this sunanter. * One former years.. Q ' ••
ball or wool is suMelent to knit a lab' e Tile usual games and *Porte, were run
vest, •or a pair of soaker% and direc- off and god prizes awarded the succes$.
tions will be SuPpliedrrif required,' by •ful competitors. • '
Mrs. .4:Taytlor. If can be arranged, The 'following wereesome Of theee-
all artivles donated •will be on displaY ,PreSent : Mr. and. (Mrs, A., G. Smith;
at the regional conference in September. Ur, II. M. Jackson ;24r J. A. McLaren ;
.„„ Tile best part of the Program halal* Mr. E. Floods; 'Rev. R. 'O. IMODerintd
been saved until the it, a delicious -1-)r, and Mrs. J. V. FrgUson ; and
Plerde suPPer was served by the' eOcial Mrsell, IlodginS ; Dr. and Mie. W. V.
committee under` the convenership . of Bryans; Xtr. andegrs. J., 3100D; gr.
Mrs.' G. Schaefer, and the proceedings and airs. 14, M. Prifigle; Mr. and Mrs;
were brought to a close with the singing 11,,,Wickens; Mr. And MrS. W. Me-.
of the National Antbem mu.rt.ciihneodn,m; rItts.r.Wa.nud,',Msprrsin.
° FRUIT GItownilow DUD DAY Mrs. Jas. 'Saul ;. Mr. and ,),Irs. IV. E.
The Huron. Fruit Growers" Associa- ,Hanna, Mrs. G, Vanstone ; )drs. NV,
tion NUL hold ,Its third, animal geld ,day ItleCreath,; A,Irs. B. H. aleCreath ;' Mrs.‘
and picnic at the farm of Geo, Laith- IL a, Cooke, •:Urs. (1'C. ?Loung; Mrs,
waite & Son, No. 8 highway, on Wed- a DeLacey ; Mrs, Lester 'Scott; NUS. O.
nesdaye July Zird. President R. 3: Wilson ; 2Irs.'Lerttelt ; 'Mrs. M. Mauthe;
MdLauchlin of Brussels and his officers Mrs. S. J. Stewart, Mrs. B., Scott ; Arse
1 d E F Stewart Mrs. 3 0 Gu Mks
will be going to camp about the middle 'dresses •by tprofessors J. E. iHowitt and
The Middlesex and Huron Regiment
�f August this -year, and again the GRO7do.n'Is331:11:1111irP, Bs*uni.li.°11gt.Afn'.:*sGbouretls,phi/AcoanAl
'period will be for two weeks. Those lunch, musical numbers, and in the
had to make of our raincapes last year
we evening games and. dancing, the pro -
who remember what frequent use
ceeds to go to
will be hoping and praying for a better war organizations. Over
" we 600 people attended the 1940 geld day
break from the weatherman when
invade Thames Valley canni in AUgust. at Sloancrest fruit farm, and it is
hoped there will be even La larger
Geo: G. MacEwan
Fire,, Accident and Motor Car
Office :--alasonic Temple,
West,_ Street,_ Goderich
• Phone 230 GoDERICH
- 7
Real Mate •ictittl Insurance'
Office, and -Residmice:
11 Trafalgar Street
. „ phone 663
FOR SALE-Ilouses 'of all. kinds,
'cheice bUi.lding lots, husinesi
property.and several good .farffs.
Let-, Me *show you some real
- bargains. BUy now,
v • - 47
•Resof-Tests turnout at this year's event.
On Monday,. ,une the Iong-awaited
1.1hese .E.T. are designed to discover
or is_Inerely putting in Aime while On
Parade. ,•'„ They perfenn the same func-
tion. in' the army ,ag eVamiiiiitiorirdO in
school. Those who ' are successful in
passing these tests then ge on to more
advanced work, while -the remainder
• mast receive further Coaching in the
subjects in whthh they failed: •
With respect to the • infantryman's
best friend, his rifle, 'there ttre nine
different test's and 'On Mon4y night the
N.IC.O.'s and men were examined on,
two of these. In tb flrst, questions
were, aSked concerning the care and
cleaning ofa rifte before and after lir-
ing and before an inspection, and in'
the second the candidates wefe
Ined on the correct method of trigger
• , The names of those who were succesS-
Test --cleaning ' of # rile:, Sgt.
9'Brien,._ Cpl.. Worthy, Cpl. J. eE1n
• non, 12$1. ,WaIterS, -McManus;-
ptes„. H. Williafts, F. Pett, J. B. Jerry,
I. Johnston, J. Nattel, K. Cutt, W.• 4.
Munnings, :R. -Hayden, J. Johnston; F.
Young, L, E. Doak, IC: Edward.
•Test --•-trigger pressure,: Sgt.' • J.
O'Brien, CM !It Truss, 'Cpl. H. Shackle -
•rneinployment itleipaneebecomee an
actuality in Canada from July ,14t. Vie
Plan' is - one .of eo-operation between
the, emPloyer, the employee, and the
•Government. iaeh makes„ contribu-
am based ,(1,0 the weekly wages earned
by the employee.1 To tile amount eon-
IrlOuted by the . employer and the
amount deducted froni the employe4s
wako, • the Government adds ene-ilfth
Of* the teal, and paYe for the egat,of
operation. 'rhe ee contrilintions are
te insuranee peemiunte, and tie -
cumulate against the day when the
worker, either male or fietnale, becomes
leUemPlOYed. Then, in a, verY hort
time the worker begins te receive week.
ly cheques which will %contin.tie for a
'limited period a,maeliployment.
This, briefly, is the uneMployment
insuranee plan Which Ipecomea 4 law of
Canada, duSt as it lia$ •been 4 law
Great Britain: for more than thirty
years. ,Witla the experience of the
British Acees well as the examples of
other countries to draW u '
pon the Un-
employment -insurance Comtniesion ha.s
ereated a plan vvhicia ehonld operate
With the -leaSt. 'inconvenience -to-the
employer. and to the greatest possible
benefit to the *workers. .
i3 A unique and aimPle yStem of
ing contrIbutions to the fund through
the employer purchashigSipecial stamps
Hoffman; Mrs. J. ,Spyagg; Miss tGrace I from, the postohice and affixing them
Stirling; Miss 'IA' yth Smith..; Mrs..E. each week in a book designed &for the
J. Stevenson ; Uernson; MISS purpose, is the record of each, worker s
R. Beck; Miss 'ID. Kerr, Miss C. Kerr; contributiOns, as avell as the einployer'e.
Miss Mary Watson; Miss L. M. Carr, In this way every worker can find out
Miss M. Clarke; &is& G MtIntOsh;
exactly irt • any time where he or she
Miss' Jean Hendry ; ;1111s.st Elia- Beek,
Miss',Lydia, Beck ; Miss E. Hamilton;
Miss L. MdCreath ; Miss R. Proctor); , There are some classes •rof workers.
Jessie-tl'owler - Miss Jessie Gard- • who arler not eligible for unemployment
inSurance, and there are -certain 'cern-
stands in respect to unemployment
insurance. .
tier; Miss L. W. Cooper.; K, Stan -
bury ; IL P,-ISaoan;• M. Scarlett; Hugh
D W Pass; -1G-rant iHoll. eel .MaSion-
others-whose_maMes could.
. .
•.Winneri' th the sports We as fol-
• Children's raee, pine sears and
under -Bon. MeOutcheon, Don. Hunter,
• Dettgps Mantle: '
The 'same, boys won • the race for boys
twelve years and under, in the' same
ton,Col. J. McKinnon, L/Opl. McManus; OrdeL.
• • •
Ptes. IL Williams, R. Henry, F. Pett,'
N. Durst, K. Chisholm, R. Httyden,_J.
Naftel, D. JohntSton, X. Cat,' B,
Jerry, D. G. Grist.
On Monday, June 30the tests will
be on. snapshooting and recognition of
targets. °• • . •
Judge J. D. Swanson; Gode6rich Old Boy;
Retiring after Distinguished Service
Judge John D. Swanson, a native of
GoderiOh and graduate of Go,rich
High Sehodl, is -retiring from the Yale
county (British 'Colunibia) judgeship,
which he has held for more than thirty-
one years; aid his impending retirement
was,' the eubject _oe seferenee.
Mr. Justico Denis Murphy at the open-
ing of the spring sitting of the Assize
Court at Kaneloops, as reported by The
Kamloops Sentinel.
• "Judge Swanson," said Mr., Justice
Murphy, "is known throughout the Pro-
vince for his industry and integrity.
He coninstan the respect of the whole
of the bench and the bar, as well as the
respect of Kamloops and the interior.
"Ile. has done a- very great deal for
the cultural life of British Columbia,"
• continued. Mr; J us tiee Murphy, "We in
this Provihee are, in a very real Sense,
pioneers. We axe very much occupied
with the material things of life, and it
is a very good thing that . we have
leaders. who call our Atention to other
matters whicare very important for.
our hapfyiness and that of the future
Phiying-Madrreleine Caoll la "VIRGINIA"r
7-pietued.0 fuji
. teehrtieolor
IVIonday, Tuesday and•Wednesday •• raf
Robert Young --Randolph Scott -Virginia Gibnore„ and • Dean Jagger.
There is free -swinging action Itind, eolorful romance in this gravid
Teehnicolor presentation of Zane ,0rer3; tainotto story
Thursday,r fi'day and Saturday •
Bing Crosby -Mary Martin -Basil Rathbone=-0Scar Levant and
°sear Slla,W
IA" hand-picked vast vvitif a titlent for entertaining portray.s a me-
lodious adveapure in the jungles of Tin 'Pan -Alley
Matinees 'Wed., Sai, and holidays at $ Pan.
'Parade of 1941" with Emmy Raker and
" Frances Langford 4,4
One pad kills flies all day and. p+veri
day Tor . -A or 3 weeks. 3 -pads in each
packet. No spraying, no stickiness,
no bad odor. Ask your Druggist,.
Grocery or General Store. • f
Wrly PAY TV1011E?
Bowel Complaints
• of Children
During the hot sunnier and: early
\ fall months most children, and
especially 'those teething,are subject'
to diairho3a, dysentery, colic, cholas.
infantum and other bowel eere...
Every mother should keep a bottle
of Dr. Fowler's Extract of via
Strawberry in the home as a pro-
tection against) sudden attach s of •
these troubles., ‘-‘
Don't experiment with new and
lflltrif1(1 remedies. Consider your
child 's health. Get 'Dr. llowler
It has been successfully used by
,lhoustouls of Canadian mothers dur-
ing the ptult Ot years it has been. on .
the market.
Don't accept a substitute. ,.
Get the genuine "Dr.
The tt. ',Moo Om, /A* Tarento, Ont.
generations Judge Swanson is a poet
to a certain extent, and we have IRA
very many of them in British Columbia.
•-I feel a.m expressing the feelings
of• the bench• and bar of BritiSh
Columbia -and certainly my _own -4n.
wishing Judge Swa.nsort and Mrs. Swan,
son Many years of happiness and con -
Zile' He has surely earned them by
his long years• of public eervice,"
trown Prosecutor .T. Reiss A.fehibaid,
Xrirls' lace., 15 years and under -
Edythe Smith, Doris-. ,Greit,. Phyllis
Wickens. •
Boys' race, 20 years and under -
Gilbert 'Breslin,. Ewart Wickens, Bob.
Greig. .
Young ladies' race Dorothy Greig,
Edythe Smith and Evelyn Lindsay.'
Men's open race -Wee. McCutcheon,
Bob. Geeig- end • Dwart Wickens. •
Ladies' shoe kieking race: -Dorothy
Greig, Beth Wickens aud Sirs. Stewart.
Men's shoe race -Bob Greig, Ewart
Wickens and Ralph Carr. •
,Gra..43.fu1 walking racee-Miss-L. Beck,
Mrs. leindsaY and Mrs. Maufhe
.shoe. race 'Phyllis Wickens,
'Doris Greig and Mrs. Mattthe.• '
Paper bag.race (lady driVers and men
blindfolded with paper bags) -Bob. and
°Dorothy Greig, gwarf and Phyllis
Wickens, Mrs. Fewler and Wes. Mod.
..eueeheene. • _
• Married ladies' ball -throwing contest
Guee 292 eFeglipten a ve..0
eaking, for the bar of Keteloops
Wickens, 35 Deloraine ave., and Sirs.
reiterated Mr. Justice Murphy's views „
(Dee) Ferguson, -16 illobifia ave.
and hinted that Hie bar will take aele ntimber draw, winning
vantage qg an early opportunity to rqui„..
t,t,Lii,244.suciCY-. the
mdonated by -S'wift-Canadian Com-
foral•ly record its '••consciousness of S. L. Scott, a life member
•,:;c .
the. way Judge Swanson has served hf tne .a.is Other prizes were donated by • the fol -
King and country and the County of lowing: . Rol% Greer, druggist, 590 Col -
the thirty-one years he lege street Moyer drug store,. e1230
has been en the 'bench."' College; W.T. T. •Canteion, druggist, 901
Dovercourt; 'IS'anderson's drug store,
In its editorial columns The Kam- 2800 Dundas street; ,Brown's Bread,
loops Sentinel °makes trie• following Western 'Canada VlonieMills, Canadian
-reference : Vinegars, Mrs. Be.swetherick, 50 Dan -
Atter thirty-one years of service • to forth, nye; W. J. Jones, 7j Adelaide
his King.and, the Ooinrnonwealth, Jfls
Honor Judge John De Swanson is to
divest hanself next July 31 of the silk
f the Yale county 'judge:411p. 'Few
have wore'justly earned the sabbatical
year. For' three decades this senior of
His Majesty's county court justices in
British -Nlmiibla has given all .his
thought and energy to his appointed' •
task,' tb his ., key position in the ad- s
ministration of justice. The law Ls -the
rock:411)0-n whichthe freedom of man,
as an inilivid,nat is .founded. „Without
-the lave there Can be no democracy, no
'pufsuit of hapPines,•s," no "government
, of the people, bv the peoplee,fer the
people:". The mw is the . Cernerstone
of .the 'British way of• life, . it remains
the lam cornerstone became ..of. -zine
Audi. as • Judge Swanson; heetimee of
men of rectitude;e:gregt learning and
wide understamimg; :because of men
who, putting.aside personal V 1.e WA and
inclinations. mete on t even ;Ira nded re-
tritnitive (not punitive) justice. .
At his important task Judge Swan=
son has labdred in the courtrooms of.:
Kamloops, Merritt, Vernon, Kelowna,
rrineetone 18 -about thought of self.
Wherever the opporttinity bos offered,.
in the court, in, the elinrch; in the home,
in the public sphere, he .has.giverien-
erensly of bis litany 'relents. With all
the means at. command he • has
servea the cannon weal, and on the
fabric Of this roxfp,•11 and ready eountry-e
side .in the -Mountain's of. the 'Western
Thud his impress ha's stimplated all
goad purposes.,
Mrs. Swanson, elle perfect helpmeet;
has been his strong eighrbower. There
is no goodework. in which her kindly
'band .and heart have not dtPped in
• the moments left free by the calls of
sone and daughter, and, now, grand-
in the forty-thre• e, year that have
passed sieee His Honor an 'Mrs'. Swan.'
son eatkii! to Kamloops-- he a yonng
lawyer, elle n bride --the town has fore
• eaken the open-handedness ef the West
,for the cold dignitv of a city. li,`orty
years ago everyone, in Kamloops knew
everevie else; it is, unhappily, nOt so
But everyone in Kamloops, in-
• •fleeelein dna sector of Britieit Columbia,
knows; the .Rwansons, and their de.
parture from our midst 'wilt loth a
gar, not soon to be Ailed.
An Editorial Tribute
street W. Laura Secord, H. M. Jackson
and S. M. 'NVick.o4
A speciarrece was run between M.
J. A. McLaren and Mrs. Win.. McCreath,
Enjoy its delicious genuine
„.• PePPerad.nt flavor after every
meal . relieves that *tuft
, helps keep teat
clean, britt and attractive:,
,breathpl sant.
claims wilitch•afteet all workers. BOtb
employers and •,emPloyees should fam-
iliarize themselves with the terms, of
the .plan,''which will be made available
y t se pos mas
which they live.
PV.r.t-O,f_ tho_plat}._is. Che io*LiIng. of
employment offices throughout Canada
here. rkers k j�3s and eni-
ployers •can seek workers.These of-
fices will be opened as rapidly as pos-
sible to facilitate the root effective
UtiliZatien of ,Canada's laboretPree -dur-
ing the war and in preparation for the •
return of. 'workers to , peaCetinle em-
ployment after war. work has teased.
• • c."
with the young ninety-two-year7old,yrin-
ning- - ark: Maafen-proved a good
loser, coming in several len qhs behind
but first to F01141'itallate MT& Ait9reart.h.
.PreSident A. G. Smith is, a real
hustler,- makes -an ideal president., His
former experience as school :teacher;
Mayor of Wingham and newspaper
editor now stand him in good stead and
fit in with the position, and Mrs. 'Smith
is a capable assistant
The news of the sudden rie-alth
Mrs. Nettie Rance east a •gloom over
the members and there were many
evidences of sympathy. Hon. ,Secretary
eloody was sent de apcia1 messenger,
to attend the funeral services at Mat-
thelis' funeral parlors, whieh were being
held at the Aaine time, and, President
Smith forwarded' a, letter of condolence*
to Dr. and Airs. Belden..
The members were all pleased ..to
see Mrs. Grace Vanstone, wife of a
former President, and she' received a
royal Welcome. •- 4
Mrs: .Lester -Scott made' the lucky
draw tor the hem, donated by a whole-
sale firm.. •Q
• , Ll1.M.,Jackson ch'airman_of.L.the_pro-
games com.mitteei deserves
spe. cial credit for the .eficcess of the
picnic. • e
Hon. 'Secretary 1Floedy told' Of the
old days in 1900, when the first-excur-
Von was, run to Goderich with the
Highlanders Band and pipers and ten
carloads of passengers. •
• Mr. M. Searlett told of the old day; in
MeKillop when his father was county
master of the Orange order.
ee'emeeeteryans told of the old days in 1
• Grey township when •Bryans was Reeve
and Warden.
1 John Moon told of the old days in
ilullett When Tom :goon was the big
nian of the township. — • .
• Come to Jasper, biggest
„National Paik' on the, Con.: '
tinent! See alt the Rockies
-with-jasper Park Lodge,as
your headquarters. There's
plenty' to dptome via the
smart, air-coodiiioned Cott-
- fineotal Limited. '
Low Summer Rail Fares._
local Agent will gladly fumble- -
• you with descriptive booklets and foil
information as to fares, limits, etc.
Bargain Prices alF
ow ond'Save
ASSOKied Sail4Wigh e
'BISCUITS .1b. 19e
Blue Boy
'COFFEE , lb. 37C
Lynn Valley
PEARS 15 -oz. tin 10s
Eddy's Red Bird
MATCHES . .8 boxes 29e
Newport ,
FLUFFS . .8 -oz. bag 19c
s' Beehive
24b. tin 54b. till
Lge 'fin 8c
.3 'bars ,
Orange Pekoe
- TEA •
RI lb. rig; 37c
Sweet Mixed
tigg 2'7 -oz o jar 25c
16 -oz. Tins
19c r
Royal' York•':
CHEESE.......1/2-fl. pkg. no
'Libby' S- Cooked • LI -oz.
SkAGHETTI .2 tins Igo
Van ('amp's 48 -oz.
'TOM. JUICE ,tin 230
Golden Net
SALMON. . .1/2. size tin 17c
Med River
• Maga
4 -oz. tin. ...10c
8.:oz, tin 4...18o
10;oz. tin, ..30c