The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-26, Page 1Combining The. Goderich' Signal and The GI(lend, ..4.4ar
Finding of Flyer's Suit and
Cushion. Gives Ground for
Gravest Fears
,The four Pert. Albert *Mei who, it
is fiew reasonably presumed, plunged
into the waters of Lake Huron late
Thureday night or early Friday morn-
ing, have been officially poeted. at the
Air Navigation "
'School as "fniSeing,
Although hopes - have dinaaned with
each passing day that, theY will Oyer
be totted alive, or that the •cause and
details of the mishap Will ever • be
known, theeeareli has not been eband-
-' oiled,
no 41as any deadline been eet.
Last evening .Flight -Lieut. • 41
Fletcher, station adjutant, epiked
rum:mg thattlie search officially ended,
at 'the- close of dive days: It will go
on he said, much the eane as It has
already for Seveu day. Only yester-
day "planes again. repeatedly flew over
'the spot where the dying suit was
found last Saturday Morning andothere
cruised the entire ,shere 1ine frdm one
end of Lake Huron to theeether. s
frhe whole affair at this stage is
shrouded in mystery and conjecture.,
- It was Friday noon before news
trickled through to the public that a
'plate from Port Albert had sfailed, to
return from navigational exercises the
night before. In •mid,afternoen the
first official statement Was issued to.
the press as follows ;
Official Statement
"On Jane 19,1941, qtt 9,00 pan., an
Anson aircraft Ibelenging to, No. 31 Air
NaAgation •Schooleat Port Albert took
off en night time exereises. At 10.13'
Asir-, the radio message from the air-
craft showed it to he in the vicinity. of'
, - Port-Dova"Vvh-ter-roettlitiolt-war
fTietitining to-POrt- Alhert. At 1147
e E.S.T: the .aircraft was egain heard
• working its -e•edlo. ISlitce that thne,
however, no (further new has been
heard of the,aircraft or its serew of our
"The fliers •were.all R.AN. personnel
as followe: ,Sergeant J. G. jonee, pilot;
Corpora140, D„-diradbury, Wirelees oper7
ator ; LAO. J. V. IClarksOn. and 1.4.AC. C.
C. S. Evans, ,pupil navigators. •
'Corporal* .Bradbury is a, Canadian,
serving with •theltoYal .Mr Force, and
hie home is In leeebourg, •Ontario. The
other three.znembers of the erew belong
' to .thedinited Kingdom.
"ilis soon as the aircraft was known
- to, be overdue air searches were in-
stituted by aircraft •belonging to Port:
"s* ,Albert. • These were Aiibsequently aug-
raented by assistance• from:Royal Can-
adian .Air :Tepee statiens. So far no
news of the missing aircraft or its oc-
cupants has been received. ‘., The search
. ''' On "Friday and Saturday United
States 'planes from airports bordering
on Lake Erie and. Lake Huron joined
the search.. It is estimated that 150
aircraft, of all kinds were engaged at
one time. ,Port Albert ,fliers flew the
entire coastline from 'Sarnia to Taber-
mory and American. 'planes covered the
_western shore line. It was stated the
,1• entire lake was covered.: '
I Likewise at the eastern end of Lake
' Erie, in the Pert Dover area, where the
missing •bomber was last definitely -
heard from, an intensive search was
conducted on -Friday andeSeturday,, but
without result.
, •
After the finding of a cushion identi-
fied as Ibelonghig to the wireless oper-
ater's seat of the MISsing 'plane late
On 'WedneeelaY, only halt' -a -mile frora
where the flyer'S. suit was found. on
Saturday, dragging operations 'were
resumed early this Morning• and. were
continued ,all day, again without re-
sult. Two hundred and seventy-five
feet of leahler weighted. ,With anchora
etudded' withsteel hooM, Was Stretelled
betweea the "Effie M." and the,"Anna-•
mac." • It is estimated. -that boars cov-
ered ?about thirty miles of lake*bottora,
at a 'slower speed than on !Sunday.
The cushion was found by Norman and
John MeKay, near where they, had
found the suit. officers were
again in eller& of 'today's dragging
operations. ,
Suit Found in Lake
. It was about 7 'o'clock Saturday.
morning,' thirty hours after the 'plane
had, disappeared, that the "Effie•
MdKay Brothers'fishing boat, with
Harvey Johnston as a helper, came
upon ,a flying suit floating in the
f/A,t4nter, The exaetjecation wasgiven as
f; eve and a -half mules West, southwest of
4oderich harbor; The ashermen were
on their way to their nets and on re-
.• turning Norman MoKay took the sheep-
• dkie-lined suit -to -Port Albert. -There
officers 'identified it ,as,an. ELAP. Irvine
flying suit, the' same as Worn by de
• missing airmen. A number stamped.
•on if soon identified the outfit ae be-
longing to one of the four flyers; which
one evae .not announced, but current
report had it th, at it was LAC. Clark-
son, one of the two student navigators.
All Saturdey afternoon R.A.P. 'planes
seerched the waters. in the vicinity of'
the fine. They flew so low. Spectators
on the lake bank abbe° could look down,
on the toPs of the'plane occupants of
which were scanning- the surface for
oil patches .and ,pieeeS of wreckage.
At one time twenty Anson% similar tO
the lost Vane, were engaged la 'the
During the -nightthe search was
more thoroughly- organized and ' early
Sunday morning th.e "Effie M," .w!th
the • McKay brothers, and the "Ana -
mac,'. with Captain Bert _McDonald,.
put aut. Aboard each boat was an
R.A.F. officer. Char.ts, eompasses and
light.and^ heavy grappling irons were'
'taken along. The Signal -Star was told
that an area forty miles square Vas
thoroughly' patrolled ley WO. boats,
while again 'planes emeered a much
.greater expanse of water. The lake
bottinn around •thepoint At. which the`
flyer's suit was foetid Wee dragged but
aliewititent result. There te sixty feet
ollev.eater at this spot Nine hours Were
spent in the ISeniday search, which was
resunied freffi the air on Monday
• morning. 1
ISunday nigh,t it was announced'
that the hunt would be confined to
Lake Miens and that palette all along
holt the Olititrie and Michigan gifere
, %line bad been: notified,' to be en the.
e'eefilooltout for bodies or wreckage washed
Flight-Sergt. Jones
Flight-Sergt, Jones was a top-ranking
pilot at PorteAlbert with' long and wide
experiefice in many parts of the world.
• Ile has told Goderich friends that he
• was in Iran *(formerly Persia), and had
flown in India, Palestine and. 'Egypt
• betel* being recalled teUrigland, arrir-
• ing atJjObdOfl the day after war hrOke
Out. 1Ie bad eince'eeen active service
over England and the laolitinent. Twiee
he was re:Jelled Trent the ereein after his
, obi') had been shot or foreed „down,
ietrangely, he 'enent hiS week -ends here
. et a cottage 011 tIle irtlele bank almost
roitaan aovxmon BOY
Kenneth NornaanaMilibellr forTerlY
of Goderlch, received Ms IDOetor of
cl,fedicine degree. at the annual ccei
Sad Fatality on Nile -Dungannon Road
• on' Monday Afternoon
A sad. and fatal accident occurred on
Monday afternooa; about 5 o'elock,
When the life of seven-year-old Jimmy
McIntyre, only son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard McIntyre, of the Colborne-
Wawanosh boundary, was crushed out.
on the County road between Nile and
Dungannon, about a mile north of Nile.
Jimmy was riding on a wagon loaded
with chop, drawn by si team of horses
in charge of Ivan *Kerr and proceeding
northe,1With on. the Henn wee
alh astattlrTscharchum . 71Eey.
were on and oft theloadeliallielieplay;
and Jiramy had just juMped down from
the wagon and started towards the
other, eid,e of -the road When he was
struek by a passieg loaded gravel
' truek; owned by' YU/1dt Brea:, Stratford,
and -driven. by Arthur Hoffman, coming
from the north. The impact ewung the
boy around, under, the left Oar .dual
wheels and death was instantaneous.
After investigation the driver was
not 'held, Dr. W. F.. Gallow,, coroner,
pronoencing death accidentgl.. •
Besides •the Parents, a sister;iRta
nine years of age, survives. '
. The funeral took place this (Tillers -
'day) afternoon, Rev. G. ---Hazlewood
conducting, service in. the Nile Uaaited
church. • Surials•was in -the Dungannon
•cemetery-. I.
Flying Oillcer-Spring Say's Response Is
"Splendid" on Visit to Goderich
The R.C.A.F. mobile recruiting unit
from the 1Lendon recruiting centre
visited Goderielr on Wednesday of this
week.' The , purpose Of the -visit was
to receive -applications for enlistment
as pilots, observers, Wireless operators
(air gunners), ceoks, service pence,
radio mechanic.s., aero' -engine mechanics,
aero frame trtechanice„ instrument mak-
ers, general duty. gna.rds, and for dis-
ciplinarian and general duties. All
trades may expect early enlistment.
Flying tOffieer P. J. Spring was in
ehafge �f the unit .and was accompanied
by FlyingeOfficer �A. C. Webbeof the
medical branch, with •complete
inent to give full medical examination
to all applicants desirous of serving
with the R.C.A.F. • • , -
"We have had a splendid response;
we have been busy all afternoon and
evening," said F.O. 'Spring. . He said.
he could not give the number or names
of applinants, because pro'spective re-
cruitii still had to undergo an X-ray
chest examination at Lendon, butthere
were "More than. a dozen:"
The usual Dominion, Day program o.f
eolleges of Wayne UnivereitY, Detroit s carried out on the eqUare en the mern- . Work Done Here
Appreciation of Good
mencement exercises ' ofe the raFloue raceS fOr 'the boys and girle will be
DreCarapbell Is second yOUrtge,st , , gi' is well 45' 't" 411.
municipal "UnWersitY, On allue la, ot big oi Julyelst, begienieg at 10 leeieek, ,
the Oleimpla Stadium, DBoys
etroit, In the evening the StratfOrd ', With' belated returns Still - dribbling
3lichigan. the B .. in, 111,trOrt• e oulatY's. total of War loan
e•-• and will give A conet eron the $llbseriPti°nsVer 111°2'
of four -sous of Kate Campbell mad the 'dollars.
Huron's Loan Total
Over Two Million
Organizer Xnowles Expresties
late Kenneth: Cantilbell. Ms parents • SMITIIGOULD•The caMpa gaz In ' u on, :
tiairtY years .before moving to DetrOit. and Frances ! Gould, bote.ef wiegeam, .1Ingo sttecess, 'was exceptionally W" Services,. announeed
resided, in Goderieh for More than. The marriage of John. SmithNational tbis
'Whileattenaling the College of Medi was solemnized at ' the home of eine publicized, as it WaS throughout the morning the aPPointirlent j. ul
ince NV:ayne University*. Dr. Camp- Earl winghata, on Ithunway, Dominion. The grand total for Canada Eflune'' .Ottaw•a: eitimi2:correspondent
Ls now over $824,009,009. The ana.ount,
bell was the recipient of , a vear's june 19th. , The offlelating mieister was pelted was $000,000,000. _
'Rev, j. Lane of Knox chur.e4e At a plenie.of UPwardso dfty Mem-
• hers of the exeeutive committeeein eon-
nection, with the' lean, all of, whore
II,UNT-TAYLOR 'worked throueltout. without reinuneee.
• St Thomas' Anglian churh, ShantS tient hehl.: atfBenmuller Wednesday after -
,Bay,' was the scene a a quiet wedding noon, Major !George' linowleS, chief
on Monday afternoon, June 23rd, when orgaeizer, paid high tribute to: the
Violet IfIvelyk, daughter of Xi% and Mrs. workers. Ile sa1d. it was a pleasure and
William Taylor, Ibeeame •the ° .bride of a. privilege to be associated 'With people
3Vred Hunt, all •of Goderic4. The so •publie-epirited and, so interested in
ceremony was perforated by Rev. T. R. their country's welfare. All hadgiven
ilaughton, eouein of the bride.- After •unstintingly of•their time to.putilurene
' a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. (Hunt will _County In the van of the Dominton rape
reside in Goderichfrom the very start Ile said he knew
that many had suffered personally and
There Was ?much% Gederleh
in the announeement a the aPpoint-
ment'of J. ,Alex. Hume as private scaretary to Hen. J.- T.• Thoreau, the new
Minieter of NationalWarekereieee, and
pleasure was'eipreeeed at this mogul -
tion a the abties a a fOrraer Goele-
rich boy. The Town, Connell -sent. a
laaessage of congratulation: ,
The ?Ottawa -Citizen had the follow..
Jug referee to the appointinent:
e T; Thorson, now 'Minister of
elek.RSNINTIMIelsr,.• CAMPBtLI.e.
'scholarship and lu purs4ncerfealleh-
award was a1ifb�ratarycinkractor in
physialogy.-Mie-.-aleo-e*as engaged In
'research work •at the Alexander Blain
Hospital, Detroit, before serving his
interneshiplu Surgery at theUniversity
alospital, eSein eArborMichigan,
• Dr. Campbell has been appointed an
•assisiant resident in' surgery • at..the
;University Hosesital, Ann Arbor.
and has alreadyassumed lais duties
for the *next year.
Be has 'three brethers, Malcohn,
Dobert and :Donald, the former two of
whom. were horn in ;Goderich.
Dr. sCananbell is the grandsenof the
• late Captain Dan Macritay, of Goderieh
nephew •Sf Norman and lehn MacKay
of town, Robert MacKay -Of Southamp-
ton, ,Mrs. MacDenald of Ripley,
Hector :31a6Kay of Toronto, and, Major
Donald 'MaeKayeef Vancouver, B.C.
Dan Sehwanz Placed in east at Alex-
• andta, Hospital after Unfortunate
. Accident
A fractured spine, ribs .an.d unde-
termined internal injnries were sus-
tained on Monday morning by
Schwanz when he fell ten feet after
walking into a hole from which a
grate covering had been removed. "at the
plant of the Goderieh !Salt Co.- The
attending doctor said his injuries were
serious andthat- he had 'been placed
In a at and would be confined to
Alexandra Hospital for months.
Thomas Glazier,, superintendent of
Thirteen -year-old Robi3rt' Ruddock
Loses His Life at Piper's 1:iam
• While attempting his first deep water
swim at Pipes Dam, favorite .svvira-
ling hole of young boys, at 1.30 Satur-
day afternoon, • Robert . :Ruddock,
thirteen -year-old 'son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Ruddock, Goderich, was dro'vened
in twelve .feet of Water.
ei can make it," the youth is said
to have eXelaimed as he struck out
erVer .a eZfurse around the "hole.'.' He
made'eno,exclamation as he sank from.
view a short distance from shore. There
is a fairly swift current at the scene of
the fatality, the first drowning ac-
eident .in Goderiah and. di:Strict. this
At 2.15 p.m. a -call for •assistance
reached !Chief of Police Ross at the
,police •;station.. 'He and Fire -Chief
George Beacom, !Street • Inspector
Poetelethevaite and Nerman McDonald
elrove promptly toe •the scene with
„p•appling irons. A boy had run nearly
a mile to the • neareet -telephone,' at
Jenner's service station, en the Huron
road,' ;to- give the alarm., When the
authorities reaph'ed the scene the body
had been recovered. Dr. W. r: Gal -
low, coroner, was nOtified and released
the body for burial.
It is estimated that the boy was in
the water half an hour before his body
was recovered by two boys, who dived
repeatedly. Miss IGlaslys Terrant,
former iGirl4Guide and Brownie leader,
,worked for .half an hole at resuscita-
tion, she having taken a Ceurse In life-
saving. iShe Worked until nearly ex-
hausted and then gave Instruction to
others; but it wae ;ton° avail.
Besides his parents, the bay leaves
the salt plant, expressing regret at Mr. one sister; Phyllize
.S'chwane's ,accident; said the unfortnia- The funeral was held from the family
ate man en-14st have had a tnomentaty home on Cedar street on Monday after-
lapee ofinemory, for he bed -previously noon-, the eerviee (being conducted by
walke<1 around. the hole in the Ilobr, Adjutant Williams of . the .Salvation
located In the new coarse salt depart- Artily, assisted by (Cors ,Sergt."Mejor
inent, from which the grating. was al -
Rogers of the Salvation Army, Toronto,
way, s removed when in use. • -
father of Mrs. Ituddoelte who spoke
Mr. Schwartz Is in his early 'fifties feelingly of nis -young grandson's un
and lute been an employee of the Salt_ timely death. The interment was in
Company Air {fire or six ear .
• Maitlarsd &meters:, Ile pallbearers
iltfamlfarina,tt shwaiejeti, fi,13111•.?(1r,wjhaictke
0, 0
and Bill Mohring.
No. 24
Jackets for Crew of
Corvette Godesich
council Agrees to, Provide Money
for Material -Women. to
Do the Work
Ili% 11 'D. Brownand 31:rs. F. It.
Redditt appeared be4fore the T..)V471k
ceiotinell at Its ,regular meeting on Ii -
da Y night last and Showed a sample
bomeMade leather- "jerkin," One
of 'which had been, wee/elated by the
to'etteh member of the:
crew of one of -the Canadian. Corvettes,
and suggested that einailar jackets be
presented to 'We ereW Of the 'orvette. ,
'''t(loderieh." •„
* leoteneil agreed •to provide MeneY •
for the purehaee of the 'inateriali
'women ef -Goderieh to do the raalang.'
About forty -live of the "jerkins" will
•M'iay'.addressed the Coun-
eil regarding some things wialch she
thought, needed attention( ineluding
-4.4geroAsholes_ inethe. grasS COUrt
'House Park, the low -hanging bran-
ches of a mulberry tree in the park, ,
and a piece of sidewalk en Kingston
street which needed. repairs. • ..,
' Mayor Brown thanked 'Mrs. Treats
Way for drawing attention to theeP'-'
matters, ,
• All the members of- •Cdouncii iyere.
present except Reeve Turner, and
COuniql passed a• motion -of elinpa.thy
with the +Reeve in Ills .bereavement
by the death of ills -father,
Applications for permits for 11111101!
repairs - and improvements were re--
esterieevealt f"lids.1.)1•4FLII. )D,r:licengeirio-oa,V„tii,etritseecraetriltial*_.
Geo. Mathiesbn, East street. ,
An application Trona thee Royall
Hotel for permission to ,ereet a new
sign at the front of,,,the hotel was Sent
to the public works committee, M was
,also one front V a.rrison (ter pore'
mission • to ereee a pole at his battier
Shop: • ,
COOK-SHIURDOWN a business sense, but they had the
* satisertion of knowine that having
•PmttY summer -wedding-took place ,been given a job to do thlyse tout witb
1§aturday, June 21, in North street a,._will and determination to accomplish
bheardown, daughter of Mr. 'laud Mrs. found .)Huron people -most hospit-
. able and if I -should be asked to do this
Elmer 'Sbeardown of Goderreh, beutnie job again during this war 1 should take
the 'bride of Harry 'Charles Cook, son neat pleasure in coining, back.'" •,
of I'Mr. and Mre. William* Ceek of t' The largest single subscription was
eloderieh. Orange blossoms, peonies $60,000 ,and there were „several fer
and roses formed the decorations and $25,4300-.- 74c1illop Lqutual Fire Insur-
Rev. W. IP. Lan4Loffic1atO, Mr. Mer- ance Company subscribed $10,000 and
vitteSnyder wa.seatethe-eirgene-andethe-Weet-W-awanosirlfuttfatit000.---As- •
soloist, elir. Ralphe-Ilendersone sang -new -known 1Goderich Pliblic Utillties
"Because." The bride, given- lin mar- took $20,000 anti 'Huron. County Flying
-mage by her father, -was lovely in a- Training 4Scho61 15;000. 'On -Monday
'gown of white ehiffon, with Peter Pan at the new ItAdiarTeChtrician es'eSehool at
long full- sleeves • with eltight 'CMinton, where °Vex four hundred men
cuffs, and full skirt ending in a slight are 310W engaged in construction, work -
train. ,Her tingerstip veil of tulle was • men eubscribed for ever $S000
eetught. with orange' blossoms and she Figures be municipelities
carried calla. lilies. Mrs. Douglas .„ Amount No. of
United charele when Isobel it,
Meth•eson,• of iSt. Catharines, sister (.) • Sub- Applica- • of
the bride; as matron of honor, was be- Townships, scribed tions Quota Quota
conaingly gowned. in turquoise chiffon Ashfield $ 45,850 03 $ 56,200 82
- ,2- 124
with, „ SWeetheart neck44,1850 39 36 00 line, long full 001horne -
sleeves, fuli. skirt mod hale of tur- God.eeich .
62,100 109 41,250 151
quOise, and carried a bouvet of Grey66,500 127 01)850107
71,200 107 ,71,740 99
150,550 231 86,150.176
66,100 7 44,400 145
42,050 123 0,100 82
SOO 139 50,250 110
n ey 98 000
a .....,.51,850 46 141
Hill roses. Thegroom was attended ,
pink, and carried a bouquet of Johanna Stephen 76,700 :107 71;450 107
by Wateon She.ardown, of t. Cath-
Tnekerstailthe. .76,300 250 46,500 1
, S ' 37 11
arines, brother Of the -brides DouglasTurnberry 41,850 72 700
' Ueborne .74100 -235 • 49,300 142
liam Forrest of Seaforth aeted es
Matheson of SL Catharnaes ,and Wil- Wawanosh IE. 32,850 111 29,750 111
'. ,,
.ushers. - After the ' leere1110,117,.? A . re.- Towns •
Wawanosh W 17 350 127 38 550 1,23
, ception and 'bnffet luncheon was given Clinton- es,• a2.2,700 180 .65,750 196
The mother of the briee reeeived 11
at the 'home of the 'brides parents. Goderich• :..,333,900 24$ 159,0.00• 210
a turquoise flowered silk with
-white' 'wineham • 159 450 218 77,150 203
Sleaforth ...... 407,6501168 62,090 271
, ,
Johanna Hill rows. , Miss - Helen Hay
Sheardown, of Godbrieh, as her Howick
ter's bridesmaid, wore a gown of pink'n'alle'tt•
chiffon, with Peter • Pan • collar, lone MoBillop
full sleeves, full skirt and halo eMc'rris
The cumnaer seaSon is in. Tull swing
at the bathing beach. The aides are
la the water, the bathing beauties (and
some, of the male peratiasioni, not so
beautiful) are disporting themseiVes
lil the-watet2.,the beaeli and (between
the piers, t youngsters are dividing
their. tinie between the, beach and 'Bert
.:Slactionald'S- ice 'cream stand, and the
Annatnac isstm liand to take Out Plea -
save parties at ten cents per. 'Oh! and
the town fathers have •had a „job of
Paintine.- done on the, bath-housse ver -
;titian and- the beach pavilion.
It's the 'good old summertime, all
right, all right,
itIy opposite the spot where his
'plane in thought' to have dived into
Lake IInron. S'ome of his pereonai
'effeets .are still at tliat"cottage. One of
thc It.A.P. flyers most actively engaged
In the search war,,, Ids Constant corn.
vanion (luring leave
The str. A.A. !Hudson .ma Saturday
loeught in a cargo ,of 40,00016ns. oats,
20,000 inis. hltley; 45,000- bus. wheat
and '24500 bus. ser.eenings. On Sunday
the Superior arrived from Pelee Island
With 22,000 buscorn., and this morning
the V. V. !Massey arrived with 80,000
• bus, wheat and 40,000 bus. *ate. All
cargoes Were for the ?Gederiehellleva.tor
,Comparty. e „
e The stie 4yburn .arrived from the
head of the Lakes, this, morning alid
after taking on 'ttoderieli salt, cleared
• at:noon for 'Montreal. •
The str. !Superior had repairs made
to her propeller while in port, last week.
The Dominion Road Machinery Coehaft
the job.
The. pleaegre 'yaeht •Sieter IT, from
Groese Point, was in pert Yesterday,
and the T.ofalbob 11, frOm ;SainlaSky,
- •
Was hi today.,
aceessories and corsage of white ear- Villages
natiens. -Mrs. Cook, mother- •.of the myth
groom, received in a nave: 'and white
Sheer redingote With navy anti- white
accessories and toesage of white eai;
nations. Mr. and Mrs. Cook left on 41
motor trip to -enorthernpoluts, tbe
bride travelling ha a mauve redingote
dress, ehle white hat and -white ace
eessories. On •their return they wi
reside In Codeeich.
An eirent Of much interest .took
place on Wednesday afternoon, .at 4
o'clock, when the marriage if Gladys
Lucy, only _daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Albert !Shore, Victoria street, Gederich,
to Robert Fred,erick Nicholson, sop of
Mr: and 'Mrs. A. 11 Nicholson, . St.
Catharines, was solemnized at St.
George's ehurch by the rector, Rev.
C. Calder. The wedding 311.11Sie w
played by Mr.t.A.. W. Anderton 'arga.nist
of the church. (Pink peonieS, blue
delphiniums and orange blossoms,
decorating the ' altar and chancel,
formed a lovely background for the
'ceremony," The, bride, Oxen in mar-
riage by her father, was gowned in
ivery satin, fashioned with fitted bodice
buttoned from the neck to the 'waist,
and sweetheart neckline, long fitted
sleeves, pointed over the hand, the tull
skirt of embroidered net for.miug a
train. Her floor -length veil fell from A
halo of satin and net with embroidered
rrosebuds. Her slippers were w.hite
satin and she wore a three -stringed
necklace of filly pearls, the gift of the
bridegroom, and carried 'a bouquet ef
• Johanna Hill roees, The maid of
honor, -MISS Verna Barbour, wore pale
pink -net. With full skiet, fitted bodice,
with 'bolero o -f the same material
fastened at the neck. 'lei'. large pink
mohair hat was trimmed with turqnoise
•flowers and ,velvet ribbon • and her
gloves were pink net. Her flowers were
Briarcliff roses. The be man was
Mr. Albert ?Shore, brother of the britie,
and the ushers were Mr. Herold W.
Shore' and Mr. William 10, alley, brother
and cousin, respectively; of the bride.
The bridegroom's gift to thelirideemaid
wag a silver eoinpact, and to the hett
man and ushers' silver cigarette eases.
• At the Deception held at •Hotel Sunset,
Mr -se Shore, the bride's mother, received
the fifty. gaekS weliting 'a rose door -
length gown • with Ald-enebroidered
jacket, white' aceesiorles end corsage
of White. catnatiolis, Mrs. Nicholson,
the 'bridegroom's mother, was gowned
in powder blue Mee with corsage of
pink roses and white acceesories: Later
3,1r. and Odes. Nieholson left for a motor
• trip to points, on the 'St. Lawrence
River.- The ?bride wdre for travelling
ttegaiety blue ehltfon gown with pleated
• jacket, blue felt hat and white accessor-
ies. On their return, they will reside
at St. Catharines.
The popular bride was the eeetre of
several pre -nuptial functions. 'She was
the miest of° honor at presentation
parties of the ItobAtalt Lodge, theehoir
o'f St George's churell, and' the ladies'
lawn bowling elub, of all of which she
Was a Weber, and also at a shower at
the home of Mise Verna Itarbour.
25,000 51 18,400 169
61,900 62 22,750 272
,150.,„._200 184.• 57,900 250 ,
.6.7,500 71 19,650 3421 Heis an alumnus ,and gold medalist
of Pietad Acadenny,, Pictou,
in the years before the turn of the
century was a distinct honor.. • He
aritaeasei teleyeeRreeet !Gallery, as
itis pirate -.secretary,
Mr. iHuttie has had twenty Yearsc
perience as a neWspaperman, covering
two and 'a half. -years with The Signal
at ?Godericle Ont.; fol.= .and a _half
years with pee AdvertiSer at London,
Orite and since December, 1928, with
The Citizen. • .
• Shortly) after joining the Citizen staff
Mr. RU1114 began doing perliamentarY,
work aSsistant •to Charles Biehop,
head of the Southern bureau 'in the
Press Gallery. Aboatsu year ago he
was flamed full-thne parliaraentary cer-
respondent for The Citizen.,
Mr, HuMe was secretary of the Press
Gallery last .year and. has beea vice-
president of that:body this year. 'He is.
the youngeSt Seri of j; P. HumeB.A.,
, retired printipaleof the iGoderich Col-
legiate Institute; and the late ' Mrs.
Hume. '
alONTREAL, June 19.-Amongthose
officially retiring from • the active'
ministry; of the Presbyterian Church hi,
Canada at the meeting of the General
Assembly is Rev. George E. Ross, DD.
Dr. Ross is one of the best known a
the Presbyterian clergy, and has com-
pleted ,fortyefive years of active and
'centinuous service ins the ministry.
$2,100,200 3198 $1,300,000
There was disappointment on Sunday
ev.ening when the Royal Air Force Band
did trot give the promised eoncert in
Court • House Parke The reason, of
course; was the .anxiety overethe dis-
appearance of an airplaneand its crew
and the fact that methbers of the band
were engaged in the search, 'for,the
lost in -en.
graduated' from Dalhousie University
in 1893, and from Inneaill Theological
College, Halifai.,,N.S., in 1896, with the
degree of •BachelOr of Divinity. • ••
After h short ministry in the con-
gregation at North West Ann and
Roelkingbam, Suburbs •of 'Halifax, he
served ind.the pioneer . days: Of the
church's mission to the East Indians, in
British Guiana South America; and on'
i his return was minister in 1St. David's
•• church, 'Maitland, N.'S., and later in
Zion, chnrch, 'Charlottetown, P.E:I.
From the Island he• was .called to
Knox church, Goderich; Ont., and six
years later he ebeepted a tall et) St.
Matthew's Presbyterlen church, Mon -
treat Here he labored for ten years,
enjoying A strenuous and successful
Masons of !Goderich and district wi11
attend the •esVenie service at St
George's Anglican church on Sunday
next, to he addressed by Bishop C. A.
. •
The •coming 'week is .Horne -coming
Week throughout ,Optario, • and al-
though :no definite program 'Of eatertain-
pient has been arranged in, Goderich 11
is hotted. that .many former residents
will take, adieintage of the Canadian-
and- United States national holidays --
one on Tuesday( the other on Prides's.-
to eome back to the old ton and renew
acquaintance. . fee •
The •attentien of our friends across.
the border is drawn- to . the following
points.: ,.
1..No Passports or Rirth Certificates are
Required. •
American eitizens need only show
some 'simple form of, identitleation-
earlicense, driver's • permit.; socinl
'Security care. or voters cettificateeein
.order -to enter and leave:Canada.
2. Thom Is No Restriction on'Gasoline.
• You. know this, blinany of your
friceids in the •Ueited States have been
told the t it cS rationed. . (Point out j
that our gallon is one-fifth •again. As '
in rge as their own.)
• 3. Pets May Be Brought AloUg,'
On bringing pets into' ,Ontario, all
that' is needed is a eertificate from an
aeeredited veterinary • showing the,,,
animal to be in good health,
• 4. Cameme are,AVeloonted; .
The, Ontario Travel ittul•• PnblieitY
Bureau is offering, $000 in prim, for
• thelA4 pictures taken by Anterieer in,
Outario-thie etunmer.
5. Fishing Will Re in Pull Swing,
'There Is line .fishing • 'to be lid
throughout Ontario. new, special
short-term license PO.q,ft, only $2 and the
Ontario 'Government is 'offering priks
totalling.400 for the biggest ffish eaug,ht
this year 'by non-residents.
o. AMerican Money Goes Further..
The *Mani rate of exchange of ten
per eent. is paid throndliont all of
Ontario. Woollens, China, ete., are as
Plentifol as ever.-- Rurehases upqo $100
pee.Poreon may he taken back to the
United States without duty v ,
ministry, which he left in 1925 t� build
churches at Lachine and •Montreal
West. This accomplished, •Dr. Ross Ac-
cepted acall to Erskine church, Ot-
tawa, and six Years later to Saint
• Andrew's Pregbyterian 'church in,Fred-
erieton, • N..rt, • -
Doring his minietey in +Chariot tetoWn
Dr. Ross founded the ()frier Of Re -
'emits for the Ministry, in which it
large nun'iber of men now in the
ministry found ways and means as
well as inspiration to attain their
desire to be iereacherg .of the Word of
Gode , •.
In 1922 Pine Hill Theological ',Col-
lege conferred upon Di,. Itoss the hon.%
orary deem' of doctor of divinity, hon-
oring in particular his sueeessful effort
hi securing young men for the ministry
of the church., a well as faithful se ice
-he all phases of congregational w rk.
Anadvertising • PrePesition from -
Canadian Editorial "Digest, ISIontreali
wasreferred to the *eclat -eommittee.
The Wieptimgrice.s. And Trade
Board, Ottawa, notified Abe Council,
the application of rent control In. •
GoAclerbuicihie-. tin
from the. Depart'in-e; t3, t)
the Attorney -General of Ontario, act•
vised that "blackouts" ehould not tet
held without' ofileial authorization. •
4 -Committee Reports t
Tliet finattee committee- r econemended
payment of a large'' nuanher „ot ac- r
counts. -
ineTnladeedputbblaiet Corrnirwraelekttee4erecovamii
for. _the 'cleaning of the TOwn offices;
that t•he chairman look over prices on
•a three -ten_ truek and prepare:dpeei-
fications elle bring in -prices and •re-
port ; that the matter of repairiza.g the-
anchOr at the corner of Cobourg' and
Lighthouse streets',' be *9:eft . With •the
chairman with power to slet. • .
The -special committee re•Cominersled
that no action be taken on the, adver-
tising' proposition front Abe Village 'of
Point Edward.; that the matter oga.ny
resolutions' to be placed be.for ethe
Ontario Municipal, Association at its.
• anneal meeting be left with the' ehair-
man of this cominittee;• that the ehlef
• of pOlice and the -police sergeant each
.1„fe,given $100 car allOwance for the
year. and that •Sergeant Jennings be
allowed. $35 for •a new uniform; t,latit
the 'matter of arranging •falr a hand
ooncert on the evening of July 1st be
left with Copneillors Ryan and Ruck-
The cemetery and parks committee
• recommended that tWe six-foot ,Unioii
leeks be purchased -one for the•Town
Hall and one for the soldiers' plot
4n 'Maitland eemetery.
The 'fire committeerecommended
that the fire -fighting demonstration at
the Agricultural Park On June7.25th
be at the discretion of the ehairnian
• of this committee, and that the chair-
man have plank flooring mit in the
fire -pump heuse on the river break-
water. •
'These reports were adopted wt
ou t dieertssion. •'
eouneil then 'went...into committee
• of *the whole and agreed to rent, the
'Town rook-erns:her and equipment „ to
Graltatn at, 10 eente per., elite&
yard ernehed, he to inalie any needed
repairs. pay all posts of upkeep,and
retern the equipment In good eon-
• '
Tt was dee-filed also to give • the
freight elieds at the harbor a Coat '
roofing material. end the ()Tier of
Allaire and Weston'Io work
was neeepted.
Goderich N.len Overseas SendAThanks ,
for Gift ParceJs Sent to Them
Goderieh's overseas pareels' commit- you sent rai husband no; serVitig lit
tee is in • receipt of further acknow- R.05,t(1. ',overseas. •You,: (really' don't
ledgments of the gifts sent to •the men knoWn how those soldiera appreciate
i11 active service. in Britain, and all your kindness. I • received a letter
express pleasure and appreciation-- from him -telling me about the. parcel.
.One writes: "Oigaretteg reeeived in Ile said it was like a gift from. /leaven."'
good order &and appreciated to the Ext,raets from other letters or eards:
fullest possible extent, while doing "1 uulte rtssure you people . we apeos
night duty on a wireless set. They prediate' your efforts in making many
settle one's nerves 'in these trying pleasant hours for us boys of the town
times. We, all thank our ,many friends of Goderiels'
and lortsi Imes in Canada for kind: "just a line or two to:express my
" thanks for the taiee parcel 'you sent me.
Asgaeo5st1rrwitwrttlu1esf:''The salted peanuts Little 'comforts" like °chocolate and
'were a real treat, beeause one can't eigarettes and eanned fruit are really
get good peanuts over here in khagland,' appreeinted,v But what wl ary,
Iverything your .,eonnnittee and the give far a great big nn
people of our home town are doing for • "I am Very much in debt* to .your
u4' is very mueli Appreciated-. . We committee and don't think that Pli
get the news-Trom each otherelvery,thne ever beNible. to"express 'writing just
;Canadian mail. arrives' antlethe iGtade- how happy your gift has made me."
rieh papers whiela The Goderich ,Signal. KSniokes are rot only expensive but
/Star sends to us are an exeellent gift." Very hardto get o.ver here and, your
The wife (living In'Vanada) of one Mindy parcel came when I could ap-
of the men writes,: "Just it note to predate It, most."
say 'Thank Yon' for ttie lovely parcel • And many' similar equ'essions.