HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-19, Page 10k Ohba,' $111111111, THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. t'SPA:Y, JCINE 19tb, :LtMi CHURCH NOTES Xaenthly Ineeting of ekUreh Ladiefi° At will be held Way. June 2T,' 'at 3 Nureka elaw ot Victoria street ' eburch Vet last week at ibie 'home et M. George Buechler. MM. 'It. «clod -prealdeil over the bus i- ****. Mrs, L Hutchings .was the re- eisdeitt o a.liandkerchicif Shower prior* tit her departure from town.. The boottaa served lunch o.t tb.e close of the Meeting. , Anniver•sary SerViCVS Win be he'd at 4:404lerich. Baptist church on. SundaY‘ June 22nd, at 11 a.m. anti 7 p.m. Tile 'Gospel 1Iund43e1l 'Ringers of Hamilton will be Present at lboth services', and Will assist in the service of Song, There will be speelal music by tbe ehoir."Rev. 4.t_ Milligan. Will preaeb, • Bev, J. 'W. Peach, c•f F•arnia, Ont., Will 1uc tcaWe•ek.end srviee J*Une 20-44, at the Pree Methodist church, corner Victoria and Park etreetS. Friday and 'Saturday at 8 %recce. Still Fights On't g Day AT., 'JUNE 21 ;in aid of the Greek, War Relief Fund Be genereitS—Oreeee deserves and 'needs our help. 1- * -k-APProval," -Of. Pah; Sunday---13unday Selloo1 9.45 C1,411.; Methodist love-feaSt at 1030) preaehing serrvieea at 11 .aan, and 7 pan. Corps Sergeant Major' Williams of Toronto, who is the father of Mi. Salvation ArMY eniee; cenduet the services ki the S.A. hall on :Sunday next. 'Holiness meet - hag, 11 a.m.; salvatton zaeeting, 7 p.m. All are welce e. , • 'ORTWD, June 17. -,-,Mr, Colin •Crozier o LieurY sPeut a day at the home Of his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Crotier, rekently. • • • Muriel Quinn, our Scheel teacher, • had •the misfortune to have a bone in her zaikle broken in a motor accident 4weekago, . She has her foot in a east. Miss Alma Anderson of Dungannon is.-lupplying . for her. We hope she will soon lie able -to resnme ifer duties. Miss Quinn ,bas been re- engaged for the coming year, • .11r. and: Mrs. W. J. 'lleDonald, of the 2n4 eonvession of Kinloss, were gueSts with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Shervvood en Sundas last. Sir. and '3Irs.,!Ewart Taylor and two children, of .1.41.e1noW, vlsited Mr. and 3Irs. Wp-Drennan on Sy. Mr. wm. Reid and Miss Mabel were in Toronto'Mondav and Tuesday of this reek attending, the funeral of ,Mrs. Reid's uncle, Rev. Jas. Wilson, who died on Saturday. .`kuniversarr services are to be con- (TU((l in 'Crewe United ,church on Sun- day, June,22nd, with Rev'. W. A. Bee -- (Tat c Wiugharii United church71n the pulpit. Mrs. Bell, of Kincardine, will --b,c--tite4. soloist -in -the afternoon, •-and LAO. Harry 'Middleton of Port Albert airport in the evening. 'Services, after.' Saddle Horses To Rent M The Golden Gate 'Riding Stable • Cor. Pieton & Victoria Sts. Rear of MeColl.Frontenac Service Station,. REASONAME RATES. ehildren 'attende1 the nurses"' grana tion at "%.tratford last Wednesday. There* wili be no 'church i.ierviee in Ashileld t•resbyterian ehurelt on ;Sun-, y, June 29, on.aecount 0 Ripley an - service. Sunday sehOult vvall meet as usual, at 10 a.115L . IN MEMORIAM nitililiEgkille—In loving memory a -Robert, Mathieson who passed away on June 11th, 1938. ' Remembrance is a golden chat* , Death trieS to break but all .in vain, ' To have; to love and then to part • Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The yetIM May wipe out many. things', But this they wipe out never, The memory of those 'happy dans ,When we were•all together, . —Lovingly remembered, sadly missed ' by-'llis,Wife. '-' • - ,-25 noon 2,30, o'clock, evening 7.30. ASHEIELD ASUPIELD, June 16.—Miss Anne MaeGregin ef Toronto Spent a week- endpat her home here recently. , Frying Officer Donald '31cKaS Is spending a week's., leave with his par- ents, Ur, and' 'Mrs. John McKay. The Mary Hardy Mission Band met last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Earl Howes. There were twenty-two present. ' TheNV.M.S. of Ashfield Presbyterian church met on Wednesday at the home a ..11rs, Hector• MacLean." s, - Mrs. X. Parrish, Miss Sadie Parrish; and jr. and Mrs. Hugh Mackenzie and 16Ving memory of a* dear Wife,. And mother,. Mrs. Hugh Shields,' who passed away 5.. years • ago—June .17th, 1930. To the singing titles of heaven And the light mere Ozer than noon, Somewhere back of the sunset 'Where loveliness never dies, She lives.in the land of glory Wilth the blue and gold of the skies, And we who have known and lpved her, Whose departure has brought sad tears,. Will -cherish her memory alwaYs; To brighten the passing years. —Hver reraerabered by Ilusliand, Sadie and WI1L.°25x FIRE DEMONSTRATION On Wednesday evening neit, at 0.30, there will be a .fire demongtration at Agricultural Park. A representative of the Fyr Fyter Co. will give an ex- hibition of extinguishing a ,fire with a "fog nozzle" rather, than with water. Pkg. 14c ' EVAP. MILK fit 4c PEACHES ,DpssEr -0011/81ViON KETA SOAP SAVINGS lir 10c (SMARM GROWN - FRUIT'. AND VEaETABLES •RUSHED • :DIRECT TO A 8t,l) -STORES DAILY. 3 Itz. 23c H. H..TOMATOES, RADISHES, CUCUMBERS, SPINACH, at-Tgs 29c CAULIFLOWER,-, BEETS, CABBAGES.' STRAWBERRIES.amow A THEIR BEST LOX TOILET. LUX FLAKES „LUX FLAKES SUNLIGNT liEFEDOUY RIATS0 • RINSO, 2 CAKES 9c spat. 9c LARGE PKG. num 10 BARS 49c. 2 CAKES 118,,,,c LARGE PKG. 1611.4' HELP THE JOB Giant: 43c PhK. .11APIPANItS EMPIRE GROWN, Golden Ripe 3 mi. 23. CEINTIILOUPES Calijornia, 'Vine Ripened 2LsItiee 25c , TOMATOES Firm, Ripe, Hand .Selected .., lb. 17c a "r .13c . GRIIPErIIIIIT .Marshseecpess 0111I1'GE5.Calitorriia. Vandal, Extra Large HEAD LETTUCE Ontario Grown, karge Each Dm 35c Sc OLD CHEESE MILD CHEESE Ih 19c PURE LARD, Zibs.15c JEWEL SHORTENING I lb 827c 5 ROSES non 74 lac IVIATCIIES IV 3 Pio4 22c HEINZ FOODS KETCHUP _SOUP Assorted SPAGHETTI INFANT FOODS 715 71 V. 'P11!S' • ... 15 -oz. tins nbatd b11113c, AAP. Toulato Juice, 25 -oz... ..... Pea, Aylmer- sieve for Ile . . lb.s. 15c 2 L°L;: 23c 2 tiff: 35c 2 Itg. 25c 2 litt. 23c 3 'Tins 25c Tin 13c Trty THESE -OVEN „MINH ANNPAGE Bawd) obolli• ' THEY'RE ,D1BLICIOLIS LIELIITILED AULT .Choc. Marshmallow 111, ea• 150 Southern 00:. 23C FRUIT CAKE 1101•1, nESSERT CUPS 2% 10c ANGEL CAKE la 29c NOW eci.19c Tomatoes, AO 9 'Fancy, 28.0z. for ft7e 44, BOUCHNUTS doz. 12c Bals.in.g,Powder,,kkuri . Page, 1-1.b. tin m. SpeciSrBiend Tea.. Peaulit Butter, Ann Page, 24. -oz.° Grapefruit Juice, -uns48-�Z. tttt weetened ......... ... Sliced or Unsliced• Ann Page yibibe 24 -oz. Wrappefi Loaves , CORNED BEEF TOMATOES Ionct, 'TV:* 11 c 'PEWIT SALAD calitt. 'Er 1413 RAISINS s= n,s 19c PEAS 4 %aye3 23c ' Tips SUPER SIMS P.kg' :19; PRINCESS FLAKES 'Vg 23c PEARL SOAP Bars 1 W1174Engftsh 'tin Tin NO 111111 WAX-. EnTitil. -PRUNE JUICE lion, CIIICELEN got!, wit 1, riOvit IS 7HE TIV?. • FOB .DELICIOUS ICED COFFEE 4511 Inn Page' Loyiney's Salt Water KISSES pkg. Bo ,Assorted TOFFEE pkg. 10c 4AYONNAISE oArel:14: 8Pazi 15c 16.11113g • 244aorz. 22c 'WH EAT Suluayfield Toasted so Pkgs. )6-ot.1 PRUNES 7040 Si" MEATBALLS Hettlunts gb%. FLAKES Gropenuts 2 PIC5'11 PaCkttg0 8 O'CLOCK mu. AND MELLow RED CIRCLE Ib 4 84a (91 RICHardFULt BODIED ?lEANIIT BUTTER it= Briefs A strawberry 'supper under the auspices of the W4. of Korth street 'United church will be held OD the parsOn4e lawn - on-Fr/clay, 'June 2011i, from 5.30 to 8 o'clock. Ad iszion— adults 35c, ehild:a 25e. 2345 . ,Strawberry. festival, Union elturch, Goderieh toWnSiaipWednesday, June 25t1I. 'late play, ''The Return of Asa -Bunker," 'will be presented by the:X.11.U, of Victoria street ehattcla, Gotleriebt. Supper from 0 to 8, ,10. . Adults 40c, children. 20e. ' 2/1.5x • At Wingsbridge Hall, each Monday evening, at 9 P.m. Roy ,McKenzier and his orchestra. .AdvaiSsibn 350. ltitf Reserve July 3r1 for garden Party at -Anglican chureh, rort Albert, Ont: -24 Oh Wednesday, 'June 25th, permanent waving•by Nits, Jean 'Sraith Graice, of •Stratford, at 'Brsh Exchange Hotel. Members of North ,street Evening Auxiliary are invited to a lawn supper Um, C, Holland!s, TueSday, J une 24th, at 6,s6 p.an. Group 2 will have charge of the meeting, Strawberry festival, Taylor's Corner school, Friday evening', 'nine 27th. The play '''!.rwo Days to Marry" 'will be pre- sented by Carlow Community (Nub:, Admission, 40c and 20e. 'rag Day Saturday, June 21st, in aid of the Greek War Relief Fund. 215 The'regular meeting of W4 Goderich Women's ,Ho:spital Auxiliary, will be held at. the IPaolic'Library ,on Monday, J-une 23id,, at 4. o'eloeg Pau'? • Itackrite tor the kidneys. Camp- bell's. ' atf CARDS 0101 THANKS' MR; AND MRS, CLAYTON LAITII-' :WAITE- 'Wit:, this means of ex- pressing.tlaeir sincere appreciation and thanks to all those neighbors and friends and those .a tile district who 'so dilia.sutly helped in any way ! to locate . their young .'son, A...iold Laitn- , waite. . 25 ---- — ., MR. J t »i I S 1tLi,..‘31 EN 'I .3' EXTENDS grateful thanks, to allthese who ' 'Were so kind in his sud '...n bereave - men -, ,an to thos—r-11inr7ientis; sent -s-u ,!n--"Teantiful--flow-,--rs --aind -loaned- ears fur the. funi'l. 25x ,... Axil. AND MRS. ',.4.ARRY POWELL ., .. . ILL - - and family extend grateful thanks to all, those Who were so kind to them in the sudden passing of their daughter and ' sister, Mildred, and also to these who sent dowers and loaned cars for the funeral.' • . ' 25X. For Results A Ciassified A RENT.—T'WO LARGh ,ROOMS ,furnished tor light housekeeping, just redecorated. Large lawn; located convenient to Square and near lake bank. • 105 Lighthouse street ; phone cs24, P.O. 'BOX 412. 22-4 • MST. — 1iOSV1TAT ED, equipped) wltlx all modern appli- aneea. flied will ibe set up. whereirer and, when required. Rate reasonable, Apply BRO11-11/Y'‘S FURNITURE. Phone 129. 245 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having any claim ,,against th estate of Ida Annetta Waite, late of the Town Of Goderich in the County of 'Iluron, who died on or about the 18th day •of May, 1941, to send sante to the undersigned, duly- verified, on or before the, 20th of June, 1941, as on and after' that "date' the executors of the Said estateshall proceed to distribute tile 'assets thereof, having regard only to ti claims of which they then have notice. . -Dated ab' Godelieft this 4th day of June, A.D. 1041. , R. C. HAYS, ,Goderich, Ontario, 23-25 Solicitor for the said' Estate. lgilTiC2 TO CREDITORS. 11. All persons having claims against the - Estate of William John Foran, late a the Town of •Goderich, h the County of Huron, who died on or about the 20th day of May, 1941, are notified to send full particulars thereof to the under- signed on or lbefore the 5th day of July, 411, as alter that date the Executors win distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims or which they shall then have notice. . DATED at ,Goderich this 16th 'day of 'June, 'A.D. 1941. FRALkic DONNELLY, Goderich, Ontario-, 25-7 SOlieltor for the Executors. ISALE.—EX'TBA. 01101011 • tomato, early cabbage; , Delver, Brussels sprouts, asters, salvia, petunia and other plants; per doz. 10 tents, Cauliflower 15 cents., Late cabbage 40 cents, per • 100. Vigorous plants *well, rooted and hardened to open air, OUILDERT, cor. 4Cambria. and Elgin avenue: 21-6x SATIF.0---WIArIlEiRFRONT modern furnished house;-,. furnace, cellar, :water, 1104 tsewer, , battling. Or part, (AIARLES 1-IEALE, Bennett St., ,Goderieh. , 21-tt. ''FOR IMMEDIATE SALE OR RENT.. '7' -7-Cottage, furnished, beantifully situated at Point Clarke, late Dr. !Spence's; open' for inspection., Write BOX 48, Oshawa. 25-6 SALESWO. WIEN WANTEDI__ !EATUN WHYPEO.P14-.1 PREFER Familex I'MductS 'vvben' there is a devoted 'woman to serve them and WItY our line is easy to sell. VATA- LOGUE and VITIJI4 INFDIMA.TION UPON at'EQUOST. Clement 'Street, lkION'TREAL. ' 25 1:'OIR. ISIALE.---k3tUILDING, LOT, WITH or without the present !buildings ; , on Lighthouse street opposite the Library; very reasonable. Apply P.O. BOX 84, Clinton. 24-,5x I FOR SAILE,--4HAY, 100 .VORES or; red Clover, timothy and alsike. I 1 JOS. MCMILLAN, Limbo Farm, Kintail. . N.0 TICE: 25x 111)011. 1311.30KWHEAT, silver hull, and standing hay, clover, timothy, and Mixed. L: PENTLAND, phone 17 r 3., Dungannon. • 25x FOR SAL11-1SE0ONIDHA:ND GOO•D WHEELER, 'Hamilton street_ RELIABLE MAN, BETWEEN 25 and ' 55 years of •,age, with car. needed immediately to band out FREE soap; 'balking powder and • cocoa to established customers -in this coraniun- ity. Farm experience helpful. !Selling ex- perience not necessary as we train you. CoMpany representative will be in vicinity to, interview prospects 'shortly. -Apply in first instattee stating qualifica- lions to Mar; J. It. 'WATKINS COM- PANY, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que., Dept. 0 -G -1B. 23-26 NurricE. „ 25' ,,OBSALD.—ONg, Mn WIHALF story • frame house, three-plece bathroom and lights. Real bargain for quick sale. Near Salt Works. P. J. 'RYAN, phone qez. . 25 SeC. your` CackShutt 'dealer in Clinton, Ont.,: for Cockshutt machinery and repairs. 24-0x 1L 01.1ARLDSWORMH. ‘SALE.--,TORIER SUITS OF men's clothes, practically new. For information refer to MRS. .R. WILSON, 18 Cameron street: 25-9, $ou&D BUSESS P0 .A.Nrricl- PATB higher: egg and •poultry prices next season. potiltrykeepers stocking Bray pullets, started, dayolds; Leg - horns, heavy 'breeds, "will benefit. Order July or later chicks novV. See p. 11. .80111EDS,AILL, 1Ut, 2, Goderieb. -25 TENDERS WANTED • liVAN"1100 ANTERD.-0001C ,GIENVANL, „ (Mee,* MIK A. a arlwrun, -corner Nelson and Vietoria';str,eets. -25 WANTDD,—FOR TORONTO HOME, " eapable Cook general', or young:girl_ ,willing to be trained; suitable wages-,; references, Apply at ARMSTRONG% - PARDO4S, Telephone ‘Goderleti 55W. 25x WANTEID.-7-13(.?AiRDER, PEORIXD, IA quiet home; no child- ren; eentrally located. Write P.O. BOX 059,or phone 751. 254 NVANWEP.—TO .131,*iY or.a. - HORSES and dead cattle; zunkit be suitable for mink teedq retrieved- promptly. ,FItED GILBERT, R.R. 2, Baydelgi , Phone 90$ r 22. ClintOn. Calls paid tor. t487,tt, 'TENDERS FOR -CRUSHING AND •!.` DELprERING cat...4371EL.* TOWLNSHIP IOF GOCD,DRICH Tenders will be received by the under- signed until Jtily 5th fer cruShing and delivering approxim,ately.. 3000 yards of gravel, one inch mesh, to be de- livered where theZoad Superintendent direets; -Work to-'Ve completed by October .1st, Council will pay for the gravel, bat the 'contractor 16 prepare the Hach. 'tender friuSt •be aCcOM-• panied by a marked' cheque. for $100, which will be returned' if the tender is not accepted: „The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders cmust • be in not later than:July 5, 19414 - For further- intformation apply to Roy Tyndall, Road -tSuperintendent, R.R. 3, Clinton. •• • , R. G. 'IlIOMPSON, Clerk, 24-25 , MR. 2; Clinton. NW Wolinow - FOR . HOUSE- WORK, able to do plain Cooking, fOnd: ehildren.. ,Write .0110X, 37, ISIGNAL-SITAA ,OPPICE. ' 25- AUCTIONSAS BORN.' GRANGE.—At Alexandra --Hospital, Gloderich, en June .17th, 1941, to Mr. aid MrS. Arthur A. 'Grange, R.R. No. 4, Goderich, a• daughter. HAiLiLA---To 'Mi. and Mrs. Chas. E: Hallam, On .:WedneSday,'June 18th, a son. 7 1 25 Augusta Fleming ' .amiotmces CANADIAN HANDCRAFTS and, " HANDWOVEN, .ARTICLES• , for sale MII,LINERY 'The Scomr6 AUILITION .SALE. I have received instruetions from air.. 'Harvey !Una, Bruce street, `to 'sell. bypublic auction on dflnIDAY,- 'JULY 4th, at 2 o'clock p.m., the following: '1 three-plece, mohair 'chesterfield suite; 1- parlor lamp; 1 parlor table; 1 mahogany buffet and 'china cabinet, 'table and six chairs te match, all good ;' I kitchen table; 1 glass cupboard; 1 oda' cupboard:; a - dressers; 2 ..kedsteads, springs and mattreSses; reeking chair; *eralidah chair; chest of drawers; 1 hand -washer reserve,_ as prop -WV -014 and 'furniture must be disposed et. Terms cash.. JiIt.IIARVEY OUTT,. Proprietor, ,GOODON XI. GRANT, . 25-0 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of residential property, household effects -and garden tools, of Mrs. -Harry Mew, 27 'McDonald street, on SATURDAY, JULY 5th, -at 1.30 o'clock. 1 oak extension table ;1 buffet and six chairs; parlor settee; 1 'armchair ; several rockers and small tables; 1 Blatchford organ; good. tapestry rug 10 ft,x 12 ft.,- 'several plecesrotgood lin- oleum ; 5 "Aticket--bottom -chairs; G -kitchen chairs; kitchen tablO ;icebox.: 3 Wooden , 'bedsteads ands, sPringS dresSers and 4comraodes to. match ; day bed; 3 toilet sets; 1 chest of draw - hall . rack-; Princess Beth stove, coal or wood; with waterfront all new ; 1 Quebee. heater.;•coaloil heater; writing desk; 2 small desks; boViccase ; ward- robe; odd chairs ; stools; electric iron; toaster, and electric lamps; pictures, dishes, crocks, two lawn mowers, hose, garden tools and numerous othe; r articles. No reserve. Terms on. chat-' tels easb. There will be offered also at the same time, subject to a reserve bid, the property (a double lot), on which, is situated a seven -room frame house in 'good repair, also garage and. chicken liaise. This property 'is nicely situated, 'being close to -up town and cpnvenient to the --harbor. Possession immediately. Terms on property: 10% 'time ,of sale, balance. at possession or tering ar- ranged. • • MRS. HARRY MEW, Proprietress. ,GORDON M. GRANT,. 25-7 Auctioneer. • ,41 RENT CONTROL IN CANADA Free Booldet containing, information ' respecting rentals, re- newali_of leases, and eviop tions as they are affected .by the :regulations of the Wartime PriCe's and Trak Board. Copies now available from the -office • of the. • COUNTY, COURT CLERK ., Goderleb, OWL • or by -writing Rota's Administrator*. • Ottawa. ilAIIMALADE ardntiZtifigit 31g. 20c 14c ° Vi:.13 it): 12c Va 27c AYlme Crgelied APPLE r `.0111311BD PLUMS JEANSRival c - tia?., trecit. il'IlICOTS cHolFE Wedding Gifts Shower Gifts A Lovely Variety AT JUNKET ice trecumP07.rdere 2 pkg.. 19c CLEANSER `, BIG ,3 for 130 PANCAKE * FLO1M AIL 2 Pkgm 270 'MAPLE SYRUP' 014 Colonyiz 29c JELLY POWDERS os 3 Pkgs. 14c Sinith's Art & Gift Store "The Mine of Good Pictures" East St. *Phone 198 , Now is the time to do outside painting. We handlecla 'full line of 0,1.14 Paints and Varnishes. For a WHITE,. paint that stays white use TRTJ'i91\-t WHITE. -Keeps white houses whiter. ° Agoisemisiummossaimmanx BE PROTECTED AGAI,,NST Fa rm In] dinp: pro t tb",ted for less than Me vent per day. Town 'braidings less nun one' tenth rine cent per day, rrlets sttbAt to market twinges. rttretatsts ittnite4 to totality weekly rttintreniento, - A&P SELF-SERV10E FOOD nt'd and 01 t rat, *TORES of at Aqatttic ifit to a . COAL 'Now is the time to put in your next winter's supply of ooti:'1. The price jA 11.01V at its lowest% We stock4All Cone - Cleaned Anthracite which. is 'free from: slate and clinkers, low in•asli and high in heat unit.. H. M. FORD INSITRANag' 3, Hamilton St, Tek 26$w • Chas. Lee' .14 For Ilardwaxe, Plumbing and teating, give us a oat Phones,Ofilce 22 House 112 At the Haber