HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-19, Page 9PAM *GUT OAR PUSHED OFF WITARIF tandil on SeoVi �IBdJy Sosashed QUeetion Is, Who Did It? Who siuslied Milton •Fisher's auto- nrebile,o domowliat aneient vintage, into the harbor late last Thursday night *or eaiiy,Vriday morning? That is the queStion that engaged the pollee for a ** couple a 4ays, but 'it now seems due to be relegated to the unsolved myster- ies }file of Chief Ade, Itor.R% colodernlaed film at the new pollee station, The ten -year-old voupe Was parked opposite the elevater, where the Super- ior and Fort Wildoe were unloadiUg. The }Superior was undergoing repairs and lbehind, t was a scowo•on, which the automobile lantled on its top, forir wheels up, It: was hadlysbasheds. in and shaken up. Mr. Fisher, who is the new boss of the grain-trirainers •at the elevator, succeed- ing Tennant Drennan, retired after many years of faithful Serifieei b1rne$ the job on disgruntled and, Spiteful workmen. On Friday %wasp 410estioned -three suspected iltelT, VillOp, it id reported; satisfactorily eleared themselves. Clearing Auction ,Salle of HOUSE FURNISHINGS We are instrneted by Mrs. Fannie Blaele to s,ello by public auctien 5.tt lier home, St. Patriek dtreet, Goderieln on' TR111(43D,Alt, JULY ard, at 1,30 -p.m. . , sila, the contents, Itneunling toe following ; o Antique walnut sofa Dining table and chairs ,,.. Antique walnut chairs Writing desk Antique what -not ., Dishes .Antique hall rack and tables •Chine, glassware and eutlers Antique sidebdardS (two) Bi.ass candle sticks ,• ' Jardinieres • , Bedroom furniture, ineluding Velour and lace /curtains Simmons single bed, mattress' Electric lamps and spring, to bedroom enites Floor lamps with mattresses and springs, Rugs andlinoletime two. good .wardroliess pilldw, , ' :Scatter rugs andmats beaspreads, sheets, towels,, etc.; Toilet sets Mirrors , streteher and mattress Medicine cabinet Capboard Ii:itelien range and pipes Two steP-ladders. Coal oil stove And ()yen Electric heater; toaster, 'irons -White to kitchen table Dawn mower !Garden tools ' Elect,t•ic cleaner wieth" attachNtehen utensils )31inds inents , 6 and other articles. • ' . • Two ...:.arpet 'sweepers • ' This is a lot of good furnishings that have been well. taken eare of and as Mrs. Black has sold the property, there will be NO RESERVE on anything. TERMS .OAR. • 26 , • T. GUNDRY S.,, SON, Auctioneers. , 111111.11.1114111111111r .4,111/110.14111W soma, auLDREN ARE umritsio The sum a $1,00, eolleeted in the primary room ef Victoria school, has been received at the Signa1-S3tar office to be forwarded to. The Toronto Tele- gram for the British -War ,Victiros' I F'Ind* ENGAGEMENT AMOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Archie MaeLaren, Os - ford street, London,, announce the eft- gagment ofstheiry}:ounger daughter, - •Ruth Marie, to john Gardiner Me- Derraid,oson of Rev. 'and. Mrs. R. "P. McDermid, }Oakville, (hit, formerlY of • Galeria, the -marriage to take place, early hi July. isimerpimamsouraiiiimiummuir Pictures For Wedding Gifts Showers Graduation and Birthdays Nothi'ing gives as lasting pleasure ° as a good Mame Smith's Artit Gift Store East St. - • ‘„ Phone 1143 411111111111111111111/111111111.11111111111111.111104. A Iteiierve auly 3rd for Arden 14r-67 it Anglican church, Port Albert, Ont. - On Viursday, July 4rd, Ntnio.nenf Wavinp, by, Mrs. an tSmith °doe, of St;atford, at Dralsh. Vxehange /Iota . • The monthly meeting of,the Salttord Vross MU be held at the, home or Mrs. Vovvler*im Tburaday,. July 3rd, at .0;m. . The 'Ladies" Aid .a Zion Amuck and Rea Oros or Taylor's Corner will meet, Wednesday, July 2nd, at 2 p.m., at Rev.. W. Wilding'. holmesville. The roll call will* be answered, by the seriptural use of the word ""IlenorS' A pot-luek supper will beserved: Annual tag day fer Altexcindra Hos- pital and war purpos,es will be held Saturday, July Oth. There will be a house-to-house canvass and the co- operation of . the citizens is earnestly requested, • , 26-7 A lawn social under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid a Icliox church will be held on the chur,a '-'grounds on Friday, July 4, froM 5 to 8 o'clock. Homebaking and candY for Sale. Ad- mission 35e, ehildren • 25c.o 26 Smart haft; for summer in the latest styles. MASS11. R. MacVlICAR, Xing- ston. street, Phone 462. Backrite foy the Itianeri. Camp- bell's. • 3tf Alexandra hospital, Godes rich, on Jim* 910th, 1.041, to gr. and Mrs. Wm. Craig, 44M1 U, a son. AtA*344.-1.--•-•At Alexandra Ilospital, GOde- rich, on June 2i3r1, 1041, to gr. and Mrs.A.Masete, Goilerich, a daughter. M,ILDS.---At St. Mares hospital, Tor- smto, on Jtine Sth, 1941, to Mr, and Mrs. Ted. gills, (ilee Lulu 33ruce).0 of Toronto, a daughter (Joan Ann). NORMAN...--A.t Alexandra hospital, Goderich, on June 1041,, to Mr. and Mrs. herbert Norman, Goderieh, 'a son. • ROUGElt.—At Alexandra hospital, Goderich, Oil June 22nd, 1941, to Mr. )1,(1 Mrs. }Emerson Rodger, •Atiburn, a msoo. TAYLOR. ---At Alexandra hospital, Goderieh, on june 22nd, to Mr. and eotdon Taylor,. Lucknow, a daughter. • • '' DIErs -- • BDADILatl. —At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Monday, Jane 23rd, (Catharine May Craig, wife of John 'Beadle, in her 53rd year. . Ashtield township, on Mondov4une 28rdi James Allen 147 Intyre, only son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Itigha.rd • McIntyre, }Colborne -West Wafvfinosh boundary, in his 8th year. REVIEW • The G.C,I, (Review; published at this time to Mark the schdol centennial, haS been -issued, and copieS may be had from Mr. 'Beaumont of the,G.C.I. Staff. • •iNMJMORUM WILISON.—In laving memory 0, a dear ' husband and father, Allan. 'Wilson, s1a$81 'ec:aw"7" yal..''itgor4aan 2rd,13940 "Sinee .1 cannot see your face ,Or shake pan by Ole land, I send my soul through time and space Falloigry.eet, you, you will understand." —Lovinsly remembered by Wife and 26 NOORE.—dn loving remembrance of my. dear. Alster-in-law, Evelyn. who One sr. daeWtahYeyjug before us, ebon, They are fading like the de; But we knew they're -watching for us— They, the good, the fair, the true. They are waiting for us only Where AO pain can ever MHZ-- Dear one who left us lonely ' Watch us through those gates ajar. —Sadly missed by Verna, Joe and Isabelle. • -26; TO h*NT HOLTSP, 8 rooms, No. 10 Wilson street. J. W. CAMOIll .26x It• IRENT.—}FURNISIIIED HOUSE 'from July 5th to August 24th. For information, Phone 730W. •94 FOR RENT. — HOSI4T.A.L equiPPed with all m,odern appli- „,... II . antes. Zed will ibset up wherever and. wUn Pequired. Rite 3 reasonable. APPIY ,,ROPIIIBY'S . VITRNTVIJItE, Phone S20. • 3 - . 24.5 iimelonnolowsimpatifoimaimpeoparmounio • Local A & P Store. Manager Insert, Holiday Store Hours ' , . PORItaBEANS CLARK'S 2120z. isc CHEESE ow th.14c• MILD ib 19c , 0 TOMATOES A & FANCY 2,24x. 23c , PEAS- AYLMER 4 SIEVE - ' !fig'. 9c . ROBINHOOD 'd ' , ,. . Bag Bar. .... t FFLOUR7-1b. 27-( 44-t -87 BLACK TEA. . SPECIAL BLEND- Vat: 30c FWeiner RoII 2Vigt 17c ruit Cake Southern . 00, " h tne prakt% C San' ciwic Re is 2 g' 13— ilaygimuts ttgrelf bok. 10a . vols. 25: Angel take . Sponge Layer - 19. • Dessert Cup 10, •Itaisiti Loaf Miced2irtaff' 13a -Cup Cakes -101K .13a 8RSlieed and II Ann •P•ftge White illiEA ID loz wrappc4 tuag 4 }SAI/19.-1..,1XTRA. • CI -WIVE tsroato, early cabbage, pepper, Brussels 'sprouts, asters, salvia, petunia -and -ether plants; *p•essorlos; 10 exits. ,Caulifiower 15 , cents. - Late cabbage 40' cents per 100. Vigorous .plants •Well rooted and hardened to open air. JAS. OUDEURTt cor. .• Cambria ,aind Elgin avenue, 21-6x Mrs. W.of. „Adams; publisher of The' ft'Wag in - town--fer_a da.y r Iwo _last week, Ac- companied by..her datight,u-s, MRS. Robt. Starling' and Miss:Betty- Adams, and her little granddaughter, Sharon !Starling. Mrs. Adams' husband, now deceased, was forenian at the .Signal office twenty years ago. *" '• Rev. AJ: Lane was at .Blu:evale on, Sunday conducting anniversary ser - *ices. A male choir of twenty merobers from iWingharn 'assistedwith the musical 'portien.- of -the services. ihrets Your Opportunity to make Extra Sayings on Ontario Grown Fruits and Vegetables . . delivered fresh daily, Ontario Grown. Ea. 5C Large, Firm Heads • Ontario Grown ° Firm • . 4 Bunches 1Oc Ontario Grown .19 Large size TOMATOES • • Ontario GLb iown,4 F.rm, Ripe, Hot House C CELEtrillAITS=1.4Wr Taieell.2, for 2,3.s , . :GREEN. ONIONS Ontario Grown rresh, Tender CABBAGE • - - Large, Fresh. Oreen Ontario Grown , BANANAS . umpire Gligt . ORANGES cegi*.liage GRAPEF'RUIT Marstielefgensisa 80's WATERMELONS sweetarnegedsvietters ‘. Top Your Salad' With ANN PAGE Mayonnaise or .Salad Dressing 8.... 5 A s id -os. 2 • aar gh, Jar , WHITE NAV:1MA • - .. Pal; SOAP 5sars 1c CAMAY .SOAP 3 Cakes 13c PIIRE.LAIW. ,2 is- 150 CHEESE-Ingersoll 2 Pkgs. 25c 'sup- MAPLE LEAF • Cake 4c HAM ulizzr 2v4ig.2÷5.0 _ JR' FLAKES Pkg• 21.9 TISSUE Springvale 3, Rolls I4C ., . ... 4SOAP. CHIPS --, . , OLISH O'Cedar, Viz: 2.3c GINGER AILIC 1 4 2"asoz iSc 2.i7at013C FREsiity °ROUND ATTIME OF PURCHASE r,s(SOS'o•"..s, Royal • scored • Botteless __Smoked Ilams - lb. 39c Side Bacon, % ib. cello pkg. * 9 21c Pork Shoulders Picnic Style •Bditeless 1b. 29c 'Priep subieet to marketcHanto ° eitEchatses to gain II weekly reou1reme10. • Tin 23C PRUNES !Ai(' 13c vg: 23c 'S1101ITENING WHITE CLOVER 2uis. 25c PALMOLIVE SOAP 2nt% 11c 3gaiv23c EVAP,;, MILK A&P 4c 3 vitt. 23CIIICKEN , OAKLEAF BONELESS E.;.. 190 SALAD OIL ANN PAOE sgt 12°4 lir 23c 11,0111MOOD OATS liELL'OGG'S NENly VARIETY PACKA(E QUAKIlit OR ICELLOGG'S 2 Pkg. 150. NOTICE. pois sswrass•SveralielehltONT modern furnished house; faroace, tellar, skater, 11014 ,Ssewes; *bathing. Or part. 011.A,RDES HEADE, Bennett 1$t., ,Gederich. . 21.•-tf. ......•••••••=m4/414.141111.114.4111."....... —14.0051111f - ANT dirst-elams toodber for 411.1. No. 2, West Wawittioals, SpioarIr Wary. Apply levausfrr rifel161414, No. 2, Auttorn. ELIABLE MAN, BETWEEN 25. and 5 years a age, with car; needed immedfately to hand ont FREIE soap, baking powder . and cocoa ' to established customers in this commun- ity. Farm experience helpful, iSellingex- perience not necessary as -;we train 349u,.—. .ssisisomSssissossissosss.---- POR Id -MEDIATE }SALE OR RENT —Cottage, fUrnished, heautifully situated at Point Olarke, late Dr. iSpence's ; open for oinspectionso Write BOX 48, Oshawa., g5.4 OIST. — A OROW.N INA'Alkat pocketbook containiug about ../.21t and bearing name of owner. finder please return to f434.41NAITsWAS OF. Inkal and twelve reward. -2}8 }MACK liblEATAIOJOIIi3- "" /WIND 40g. Finder Please notify VR. OEL C. FIDSINGOR. ReWard. 24x ' assmaissismosissirsossia.r.rdrassasasissis FOR SALE.—THREE SUM • OF -"` men's clothes ;*practically new. For information refer aRs: R., E. WILSON', 18 Cameron street. 256 • Good -wages ; write 03}0X No. 38, "FOIL 'SALE. ROYAL ENFIELD ISIIG.NAD-IST26 AR. _ VIC•E STA.TION, Huron road. -26. VOu'LL BEI Y* LOSE OUT ' naOtorcycle. :Apply +CURRY'S SEB.- t season's' good 'egg marhets WANIEZD WANTOD.soCOOIS: 3C4}EtNERAL, AT `" once. 14110. 0. MINTER, eorner Nelson and Vietoria streets. -25 AVT.01).-5--'00AUDOS, MAN TitEs FORRET), in quiet home; no ehilds ren ;• centrally located. Write P.O. BOX 650 or, phone 101. 25-6, ViTANTED.,---TO BUY' OD) 11010S • and dead cattle, mut e 001table for mink feed; removed promptly, FRED GILBERT, NA: 2, alfie141 Phone '908 r 22. 'Clinton, CallS paid 18-tf; WANTED. — MA.N WANTED TO ' learn our' business. ,Oala,ry-au eommission tfor 'right Man. :Goad ehanee of promotion, Apply BOX 39, f.,}IGNAusavial OFFICEo * WANalEd)s-,YOTMCG 'WOMAN FOR " light. housework ' In 'adult home. FOR SA—F117E-YAIR-OLD DUR}, }HAM grade villa cow, due to freshen at any time. JocipT ,SIOWEB(BY, phone 42 on 937, ;Goderich. 20^ on SiAL.D.s-IMAN'S- •RICYONFI -IgeotT;slitipe;—Pliene-.-2781,-Gbderich: • —.26.X. because you're short of pullets. Stosio- . Bray started. pullets, Leghorns, 13 R Order stimuter •chicks—last regular hatch middle July. SeeE H SOMER- SWPre R.R. 2i Goderich. 26 MEI% WAl•ITED —.— break for 3-540: 'Ziousands`of f1ks need Familex ;Products and Want them, '- hilt we lia+e not enough repr,eseiltatives. It's your opportunity Tor eaSy S'ales and plenty a repeat bushiess. .If You are willingto work and anibitiOus, get going and yonll not be sorry. For illustrated catalogue.and details:. 570 St. Clennent, Montreal. - FOR ISA -PM -86 ACRES ,O,F "IsAND on tie lake front, 41/2 miles north,of Godericle• formerly owned by the 'ate Wm. Chisholm; including ftfty acresiof mixed hay. The hay will be sold im- raediately. Apply 'JANES,. CEEISHOLM, RR. No. 6, ,Goderich. 26 TMR SADE.—COZY %touts Iv-1TH suitable buildings on small acreage8 on Huron highways; poultrY, ibeekeep. ingt frill*, vegetables, sayvanAll, "ehop- ping inill,,stor"es, restaurant% large limber- of improved 'farms. WM. PEARCE, Realtor, Exeter. 26,St isALE,,--tswAcuiciAB, nEICIDN LY, overhauled; in good conditio Sacriftee price for cash. R.: BEDARD, Venus Restaurant. 26x Cipspany representative will be in, sicinity to interview prospects shortly. Apply in first" instarice stating qualifica- tions to TUE J. R. WA.TKINS- COM- PANY, 2177 Magian St., Montreal, Que., Dept. O -G-113. 23-26 NOTICE. -See_y_onr_Cockshuttodealer 'in Clinton, Ono, for Cockshatt machinery and repairs. . 24-6x H. OHAIMESWORTI. , NOTICE:1TO CREDITORS NOTICE fro CREDITORS. All persOns having clatms against the Estate of William JohnsForan, late of the Town of ,Goderich, in the County of Huron; who died on or abut the 20th day of May, 1941, are ;notified to send full_particulars thereofsto the utider- signed on or before the oth day of July, 1941, • as after that date the Executors cars. will distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims ot which they. shall then have notice. • ' , DATED at ,Godesich this 16th day Of June, A.D. 1941.. . FRANS DONNELLY, Goderich„ Ontario, 25-7 . - Soileitor for the 'Executors. CARDS OF MANES , AIRS. DOL:sTALUD T. `MIJIgitAY AND family, of Bayiheld, 'wish to thank their many .friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown in their recent sad bereavement,galso for beautiful floral •tributes and cars loaned Special thanks to Rev. J. 1Grahani., o Bayileid rich, and L.O.L. No. 24, Bayfield. 26x TO- }IcrINI) NEaGUBOItg. AND ' friends, to all who Sent' , flora tributes, and loaned 'ears, we sai -Thank Yob.;" MR. and „MRS. JAMES RUDDOCK and ensTge, -peyriurs. 26 1 X Tm rAmmLy OF THE:DATE MRS J. ,Berriard 'Wilson wish to than their many friends and neighbors fo the kindness shown :them tin thei recent sad bemarvement ; for the beauti fol florol tribute_ssoand for the loan NVPICE TO IOREDITORS. All persons having claims against the 'estate, Of" George :Wesley Fielder; late 'of tho Township of Ashfield, who died on the. 23rd day of Aug, 1940, are hereby notified to forward full Particulars of such claims to tlie under- signed ou or befdre the 25th day of July, 1941, :Atter, that date the. ad- ministratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate having' regard only to the claims of which she „, then, has notice. • ;-, ,Dated, at IGoderich this 21st day of •Juno, 1011, by. PRANK 'DONNEILLY;, Goderich,„ Ontario, 'Solicitor for the . AdminiStipatrix. • 26-28 • AUCTION ,SALES Am/1111014 ,SAiDE, • 1. harve'rec-eived. instructions. from Mr.4Harvey teatTt, Bruce street, to sell by .public auction on ,FRIDAX, JULY 401, at 2 o'elock p.m.„ the - following: 1: Jliree-piece mohair ;chesterfield • suite 1 parlor *lamp; 1 parlor table; 1 mahogany buffet and china cabinet, table. and six chairsto mateh, ll ,good; /,--kitchen. table; 1 glass .enpflooard;'. 1- odd .cupboard; 3 dressers ; 2 bedsteads, springs and 'mattresses; rocking chair; verandah chair; the.st of drawers; .1 hand -washer - with wringer.. , s ' No reserve, as property- is •solol- and furniture must be disposed of".- Terras cash. • ' MM. HARVEY OUTT, Proprietor, • C.SCODON, M. GRANT, 25-6 „Auctioneer. The Women's Institute will boldsits regtilar meeting in ;MacKay Hall, on Thtirsday afternoon, ' July 3rd. Miss Mills will discuss and explain "The Union Jack." • There will also be patrioticmusic and a "white elephant" sale. MOW irrarsvomeigmernommimoinc,•••••.lit.w ,e4,4 - Augu3ta- Fleming • announces CANADIAN HANDCRAFTS and H'. DWOVEN ANARTICLES „ for. 40 e itt' keitiimoN's vaLtaNtity • . The Square AUCTION SAME ()f residential property, lionsehold effect's and garden tools, of Mrs. Harry Mew, 27 McDonaldLstreet, on ;SATURDAY; JULY 5th, at 1.30 b'clocki. 1 Oak extension :table; 1 btiffet and Six chairs;. parlor, settee; 1 armchair; Several rockers and "small tables; 1 Blatchford organ ;" good tapestry rug , -10 ft x.1-2 ft,-;--seVeral:piecesof petilin-,; cleum; 5 wieker-bottom ' chairs: 6 kitchen chairs.. 1 kitchen. table ;icebOi ; , 8 wooden '11)&ist;eads and springs; dressers and Commodes to: match; 1 -daybed; 3 tone, sets; 1 chest of draw- ers; hall rack; Princess Beth stove, coal or wood, with,waterfront all new; 1 QuebecAeater oaloil heater; writing desk; 2. ,small desks.; bookcase; ward- robe; odd chairs; stools; electric iron; toaster, and electric lamps; pictures, dishes, crocks, two lawn mowers, hose, garden tools and numerous other articles. No reserve,: Terms on chat- tels cash. .Thereowill be offered also at the same' time, sUbject•lo a reserve bid, •,the property (a double lot), ion which is situated a seven -xoom frame house in good repair, also garage and chicken house. This property is nicely situated, being close to up tolwn and epovenient to the harbor. Possession . immediately. Terms on property: 10% time .of sale, balance- at possession • or terms 'aro ranged. 1 MRS-. TIMMY MEW, .' • Proprietress: - GORDON .V. GRANT, " 25-7 • Auctioneer. . „ PLAY TENNIS J- on the • :�.O. CotitT 'Gloucester Terrace—oily lighted' Court in Goderich. TOURNAMENT FRIDAY, JUNE 27th, at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome.. For information phone 153 or 304.• 11111.0.11,0M.M.0.0111.1011.6. puRE jam 0.1).....,Es STRAW. or RASP. IRISH STEW"i CLARK S A&P SELFSERVICE FOOD STORE'' (Ju fled Opt r,ac,1 hv rho Great 4f/untie & Pociti( Tea Co. Ltd. •BE P,ICOTECTED - AGAINST WINDSTOPIS 4)1111dillgg. Ill'O.tVet0(1 11,SS tliafl otIP (Plitv:: per Town 1)u11ding,4 than teilth of 0110 coif per Now is the time to do outside painting. We handle a „full line of C.I.L. Paints -and Varnishes. c-fror a WHITE paint that stays white use CIL. TRIT1'40N1 WHITE. . Keeps white houses ,whiter. , 4 FORD pipURANCt ,3 Hamilton St. Tel 208w COAL No* is the.tioe to put in your next winter's Supply. Of coal. The price is now at its lowest. We stoels DOI Cone. Cleaned Anthracite which is free fronx slate and Clinkers, lovi in 'ash an'd high,in heat units. Lee Por Hardware, Plumbing and liteatingo giVe 041, Phones—Office 22 Rouse 112 A,t the Ifellior •