The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-19, Page 6THE GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR
PitUrPMDAY:p Jk.AN'Et 19tb, 1041
Jim...Jo for laat week) iWera to one Who aa a "aon ithord and then in the Sill 1.51er,"e ratterr,
011 first in the F.-.4",th Nova Se(st la Ilighland- CARLOW 1 Jeremiah, 7th chapters -Pro danger and
L 1 Mr. wait Mrs. krauts fl'rehle, Leal-
lratiagr, June al.—Mrs, N, %v. 1, manse" sPent &lane of his bOyhOO4 iitit)Ss Canadian Artilleina 'with wideb (1A-E'll'W, 'flux' W. •11'r ,don, spent the avesisen4.1 with' her par-
Worai waft ia strarsara oa wedatesday Basaeld while hiSi father, Rev. Joim Kissed in France and Ilautlers,• •Fer 3Coung. Tandall tind Jarvis Me- ,onea-a mro, Sin Malian, aid
littileinling the minion Vee gradatatei MtreNeil, War; pastor et 1St. Andrewri the ,Past year he tats been a lieutenant Bride sold their fat cattle to 7,dr.alir-osOx other friends.
errs fawn 'whirls he was invalided tome, sin of baekalitilug.
nun** 44, Stratforsti General Hospital" rresbYwriuti etnrch: 411t cal. came With I in the t,'Ild I'llattallon'tho vamerela IlliglAs 4 viiritim anii delivered theru a xe. ! *51r,o. Ada iStewart, Nile, is visiting
',Oaten ,Ses ' yeiehrating it* Ilftieth an- 1 a suddrameas that througlat balf.forgot. landers of Ottawa, A graduate or.Ihda . ,a- „rasa . - ' . • he . -tater Mrs John Treble for a few
ssaw rta ana a rartv mornina 1 ' '. ' ' ,
stimersary. At the tatit'raral" graduation i ten Iti`rmat NVPir mettaorka: bstek ,into 1, lions* ritTifiversitsa. Mr. MacNeil became -' ' ' '. r• , days., ••
Una Aroods read "the vaiedartoly ad. ; sharp f'oens. Just three weeks ago a teaehter on Ida petura front. overseas, Urs'. Jstines Younp, srs, is quite poorly t
1 'Mr. Frank ANtilson la on Ids rounds
41retge, which be gave in ata9(1. . I John Maexeta paid a farerrell viait to For the past seopen yvArs he was mathe. 'tint' is eonfined to her bed. Mts. Me- . taking the eausus, which is ranch more
_Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. #Clark of St, 1 The Legionary's editoriar oak*, Ise 4, mattes master and Physical trainiag Ix. Walle ik taking ears.' of her, • s i emnplicated than la former 'years. It
rrhonsaa were the Fest* 0•1 Ur. and I WAR leaving the next day for "an East 1 struetor at the Ottawa tGlete Onllegiatei The' refreshing. rain...,. on Friday calor is very difficult for those who have
Mrs,. i0.• Toma over tee week -end. I coast Canadian ptirt" in big native ' frnt owhich he reeeived leave of ahrence ata a great olessneg tind hare benelitted-, not kept any ac -count of income er dia..
`Miss. Islay woods swat she week.. Province to aaitfor Englaral. He spoke 1 -to Soin the eneraeas edueWational staff all crops, gardena and fruit, and filled tairseaaants. .
end ha arensall with oar. and, arra IL of how keenly, he WaR 100hing forward of the 'Canadian Legion str Services. eisterns, many ofaxideb were d.
ry.1 • a •
to . joining Dr; Chatwin and the Other , 'Cheerful, Modest, taetiul, he vrill be , ,Mrs. Josephine Atanns, of Miami, ! ••, LEEBuRN
40onigatulatiOns 'at,e extended. to Mias ' Legion educational erne -yrs in their if sorelY missed bk. bia 'friends and earn- ' Florida, spent. tia. week with Mr. and i
Betty, Gairdner, who has araduated ' great 'welt among our ,men overseas. 1 rad& and sincere, heartfelt seanPathY • Mrs. W., L. Yowls and other friends. 1
2-tiOn exereises of the faculty oT arta meant leaviug his wife and three.ehild.ral. MacNeil, oft.' Yaueouver, .Doininion i a helpful 'and heartsearehing address, •
of the Vuiver.:ty 0: Tonna:0 ,0.2 Junt,—ren, and a weal-eatablished position. 'A ' R'et,De t a rs of 'the old -0:W.VA., former ; taking for his •test , the word);
, of at rrilsa; Orai!..„..\
5 anti other fea zivit Ls. week Jater the news, comer -111 the • M.P. and now ipmeinicln organizer of - 1 Mr. nohn tuunter, Of the IS,C,,A.F„
•from ,St. IIIIda's !College. dis, R. II. It 'wtts hie sluts*, ha felt, to make his will go out t4' Mrs. MaeiNeil and the Rev. ta. `Afeire,les of Londeshoro I '141RF-4BinitNi June ri•—•Mr• ,art'd Mrs.
Gairdner and 3tis Betty- returned home, tettehing experienav available to his I three children—all :under ten years qtanipied 'Oa; pulpit or the 'united Joe Freeman. and their fawns' spent
on Sunday after attending the graan. Younger comrades, z- even though it of age—and to his brother, Mr. Grant , 'Church on ssundar afternoon, and gave (he weeraend wan the former's relatives
•MrS. Pale Vane of Toronto is visiting langtaige of the Admiralty • the CarFr.'.....knother man who aspent • who has been training at Montreal,
li inother. Mr. J. I'. Parke, it stated that. 122 Passengxrs on' an some of his boyhood ,days in Bayne -id l• visited his home here over ,Sundak.
,Varm,'! this week.
The utan'Y ; frien ". Mr!;' J. II.' acid
will be aorry2 to ka •a• taa: v. Wined.
.0 bed.
Rev. ii:zac,e Watt,. of .J.:Palk and,
1 1 1 ) 1 were " And who was ver,c; knoWn in this ac aohemilisdne st• Mr. Geo, -Freeman returne
ft ndin ten days with
cat- )(nun S cm a at a y amnia's. a Or spe g
as a result, of enema* action." distriet, in the person of John Town -
John MavNeil was one of them. Prom , Sheila, son of the late Mr. -and Mrs.
States neWS $'0111:VeS it was ! Albert Townshend -of iGroderieh town -
later 'learned that the enip Was, the ship, Was lost On the same boat." John
Canon Witt. rows' ata't 1' : 1 11is
,10n 'wvre Nersa. ,of the 1 urnesS-1.$% 10* Line,
aruests of 4-..v. :Ind Mr.: .. (r :ham at and that she went down "nifty-4'1TO miles
0.r the iao-th 'oast of Ireland. 1,1P to . oriouinese of a bad bacIL . •
the rectory laat water, . The etitchest twitches, sma twinges6
Mr. R... S. a rstlii IV -Pt la Fat week for li:tin. the tittle of gong to press nothing had 1 rank .of colonel and reverted to. -Major
Mon,. where he .j, i•,:ed, f.11. fre;,:htt r been released ;Is to whether sne Vas in the Aotive Fo.ree, and reverted 'fur. . ft*e.,bs4 40,kougn It.ncl. cause great eel- i
Vbeyenne. on whi,:b he W i IL ,::1*.i f ,,r the sunk. f)s enenv snionaarine or,,bomber, tht*r to adjutant captain ip an. aatt. . fent' but PAU. of the box:she:err
81131ln:ter. I. )41.1.y. thirty -live passengers were listed a 1reraft hat:4,,•ry, to go on a ,speeial stal ,• ..0 canoe 0 it ' all' $.13 the die,' ,
Mrs. 4 'la trde 'It ' ir • , :Ind little a' survivors, 'a.nd al 1 but eight were miasion overseas. IIe ais - survived_ hy braere44.. hiatteYs • crying out ft warn- 'will .i)r(Anthly he. held 011 .Fridays
asnaudia, 16-110 gi ,,,ti : , : e pug.: Inc:, t II with 1 wolladed. John MaeNeirs cabin ma t'e:,:,,, his vKife, the former Mabel Cr'eh of 'big 'Pm& • the baa.
cry foi' help. Go to thejr assistaireb. - , ..--.. -
was principal of the Vollegiate at YOrt 4
d nom° on
• 1 his daughter at iCree. He is feeling
0 ry, or mop soaurhvetatwilsttear..
good attendance
f ... •
) the church ,service on ,fiunday, which
Frances for about •t0i years. • Ile was Most 'people fall to recognize tho was coutinetea by Rev. A. 13). Menzies of.
serving in the (.'anadian with theTJie
Lom t s gno.
ladies of the W.Mkawill not hold
their meeting on Wednesday at Ben -
miller on account of the garden party
'being held. that day. Their meeting
• T v • ) SAIn It ritert.son. of the Vanadian Press Tuokersinitn. three Sons and a (laugh- A in•the b.Vh is the kidneys' .ST. HELENS
. .
sarod- r, , 1r \'*. Dominion Agrieultur, Wr, to whom the sympathy of all Is ex-
Tue.sclaY •A:r . It •1• lit!, • al (''.inunksioner, were tended. Mr. •Ernest -Townshend... of
'Vass M ; f M tny splendid Canadtan lives had been Goderiell, to•wnship, Canon Wm. Town-
Qtntl. siatf of the 'Waterloo ,Nlatuaj out hv lurking Teutonicbarbar- shend of 'London and __ Itro Alv;1.1
Life, was a week -end Visitor al the ianS. -John N. MacNeil 'wlfs-horn forty- Townsheild of Toronto are broilers.
f h 141r and .M rs fiFe years ago in Cape Breton, Nova • .
noziie er parents. . •
Allan 'Maxwell. • a seutia, where his eighty -seven-year-old
A Former Bayfield Boy.—Tho (father is still living, unaware hs yet
ling taken from the , May issue of Thel of his son's fate. 1)ur1t4 the Great ;
War he enlisted twice in
Legionary and written by the editor
-You look, Mr. Shaw, as%though you
were enjoying yourself at thT party."
glad. I do, beeatke his the only
thing I, a m enjoying."
ciet a 'box of Doan'a 1Ci4ney kals.wr. ITELFiNs.i jime 10.--iMr. and,
maneyA* remedy for "bAckaelle and sick * Mrs. Alex. Mairdie of Toronto were
„. visitors wrth Mrs. Wardle's parents,
".Doan's" ,,,_____are. pliLi_t up in an alr.a.rad,Mrs,..11. Woode, • •
OblOalg , gra/ WI Wit"' (Ur ' trade 'rwenty.ilive ladies met at the )iall, on
mark a, I Maple Leaf'," on tho Thursday afternoon, when four quilts,
Refuse substitutes4Get "Dean '19- P. Nwyzeirsesegrilviolctle(blyf oMrr‘st,11,7al:st.e,Gda°uniT,sslirs'Te. Fa:
, •Th* T. =bun' 00,, Ltd., Toronto, 'Onl. 0. Todd, Mrs. McKenzie Webb and 111/1rs.
• ..
2 Anemia
P. .1. Todd, the proeeeilii Amounting to
Dne to the efforts of the teadiers at
'pupils of $t. ifelen'o scheol, over a
truck -load of 41 salmage was sent to
Drumbo. The proceeds wiik go tO the
Youth. of Canada organizatton to help
buy Spitfires.
'Mr.. T. B. Taaior, Hero and Albert
atteraled the IlIaTstson re -union on Sat-
urday at ararhor Park, Goderteh; and
Mrs. Gordon, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.
Miller and 'Anne Todd, Mr. and 'Mrs. T.
J. S'alkeld, Helen and Lawtenest., Mr.
and Mrs. W. A.• Miller, Allan and Rus-
sel' Webb were In attendance at the
Salkeld re:•unton -held there tthe same
dak. . •
Mr. Thos. Wilsen of• Whitechurcli,
whca has been principal et pie st.
Helon'a school for the last two years,
report s Ter duty in the B„C.A.F. on
June 28. rite: senior room is being
closed, owing ta the decreased enrells
silent, and Miss Ileatrlee MeQuillin;
who has had ebarge of tbe junior room
for the Past eleven years, has peen, ,re-
engaged'and will have full charge.' s
For War Purposes.—Miss Ethel Me-
Keazie and her pupils of 8.5. No, 3
entertained- the raeifibers of the section
on Wedliesday evening. Court Wfdst
.(Established 1875)
Ambulance Service
Phone 120
FLOYr) M. LODGE, Director
Cunningham -Si
Pryde 0,
-you tly itaiRstr-oi
stock of
Cemetery, ,Memorials
All.enquiries- will he protnptly
attended to.
EXETER—Phone 41
wae played, high honors going to Mr,
and irs, Wm. radon. Consolation
prizo9 wore won by Airs. Joe. Wi14on for
ladies and Gordon reran for gentlemen,
A. draw was •Made by Reeve Thos.
Webster for the quilt made -by ladies ot
the eonununity. iirs 'Sam Reid of
Zion was the winner. Troteedit
amounted, to over $20, which will bei
used to purehase material for quilts for
war ptitrpow, •
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and Embahaer
All calls proniptly attended to
dak -or night*
?hones: Store 335. Res, 355W,
Hamilton 'Street, Goderich
ranstoii Funeral
Complete Service at Reasonable
No extra charge for tharuse o't
opr modern Funeral. Home.:
17 Montreal St. Phone 399
To those eonteriiplating build-
inaMonument . . Get my
prices before baying. Cemetery
Lettering a spee4a1ty. •
Clinton - Ontario
.Spccessor to Ball St- Zapf°
Our prices have not Advanced from last year.
Large -stock of Foreign' and iCanadian Granites to ehoose from.
Williams & Son Granitellforks
147 St. Patrick St.
Phone 1955
-The March of. Science ,
Urge Your• Menfolk to Buy
Victory,Bonds NOW
You can no longer •depettd upon the Atlantic Ocean for protection: Any day
between bieakfast time and noon,. a bombing plane canfly from Greenland tour
own Maritimes and Quebec—a mere matter of 5 hours; to Winnipeg in less th'ari
9 hours,. to Vancouver in 10Y2 hours. From Gerroan-occupied Franc, bomb- •
laden planes t an carry destruction to Toronto, Niagara, Ottawa and Montreal
in less than 10 hours. Night and day, in the British Isles and on the seq., in and
out of uniform, men defend your home fromt attack as surely as though they
• ste;od and fought at your own doorstep: Will youlielp to supply them with
tools to carry on the fight—lour fight? Will you help to make certain that there
shall never be an "occupied"C. artada? •
Your Governinent needs some of your savings tco buy nib& ships, planes and
tanks—munitioins of war that Will hurry the return of our men to their homes,
INsTAtrams insure our way of,life. Lend your money:by buying Vittory Bonds NOVI •
Yon eau buy ‘your Victory
The money you invest in Victory* Bonds ivill, tome back to fou with interest:
Bands asaanataimantsaaten Lend your money. We must win this war. Lend to preserve the things that
14'r vent down; the rest on unioney cannot buy. Urge your menfolk teeprotect your home by investing
fa. y term, over six Victory Bonds now. All that you hold dear is threatened.
months. Pledge your er
dit and buy all the- 'Vie •
tory Tiouli.$ you can, on
the ittsta ltnent plan,.
/ \Viten you have paid for
thorn, your dollars win he
rn in'g a good r,ttft1 re t
ri urn. Your canv44s:4er..
h :nit, trust company iir
Viatory Loon headquarters
will explain and take
eirl orders •
Give your order to the canvasser who calls on you. Or place it in the hands
of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trlist company. Or send it to
your local Victory Loan Headquarters. Bonds may be bought in denomina-
tions of $50, $100, $500,41000 and larger. Canvasser, bank, trust company
or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you every
assistance in. making out your order form.
NotiOnal Committee, liattory Loon 1941, OttOwo, Canada
On several occasions, not long
ago, Herr Goebbels' propaganda
broadcasts ' became jammed, the
sweetest' symphony programs
sounded like jitterbug jams,
trans -atlantic cable and wireless
channels were silenced, -telegraph
machines wouldn't send anything
except the letter V, and some
long distance telephone calls were
held up for hours.' .
The cause Of alrthis disturb-
, .ance has been traced to tornadoes
92,830,000 miles away -- on the
surface of the sun! Old Sol sud-
denly becomes more apopletie than
usual. The streamers of his
corona, flare angrily into space.
Colossal whirlwinds whip the
flames to incredibly high tem-
peratures. Huge spots, each about
30,000 miles in circumference,
erupt ,like boils on his pudgy
cheeks'. •
Like a 'gargantuan' garden
spray, the rotating sun rains
electricity upon the planets. The
ea-rth's magnetic poles in the
• Arctic and Antarctic regions at-
tra-at this tremendous flow of.
energy, creatinq magnetic,storms.
Enornsious sheetsa of electric cur-
rent race 'back and forth in the
earth's cruat. The Northern
Lights radiate more brilliantly
than ever. Corhpass needles twirl
-crazily. Electric communications
suffer a "black out" while the
bombardment is at it height. .
- Naturally, telephone engineers
ar'e very much interested in sun
4..tath. Among their pstrobotnical
• Naves is a glass ball that Pe-
t. Tilos a Inagielan's crystal. This
globe is rotated by clockwork
onee in about 27 days,the period
°et rotation i
of the sun tself. Each
do, photographs are taken of
the atm at noon, and the sun
spots disclosed are marked on the
globe in ink. Around the base of
the -globe . are, two circlets of
coloured pins. Each day, a pin is
selected with a head coloured to
indicate the intensity of radio.
disturbances that day. This pin
is inserted in the outer avow op-
posite a fixed line that represents
the present day. The pin that
was in thhole, representing the
intensity df radio disturbances 2'1'
days ago, is moved .back to the
inner row. -In this way, one can
see at. a glnce what relation sun
spots have had to radio disturb-
ances during the past 54 days.
Eventually, enough data may be
secured to enable accurate pre- 0
diction .of serious sun storms.
Furthermore, continued efforts
are being made' to discover thd
exact source of the disturbance.
For this purpose, 13e11 Telephone
Laboratories have for some time
beali using the Coronaviser, a
means of studying the solar
corona by viewing it through an
apparatus similar to television
it is known that long wave
radio is not ,o' strongly affected
by solar disturbances as short
wave, and that increasing the
power of the 'radio gbannels by
concentrating them into a nariativa
beam reduces the static to one-
fourth the former volume. if,
accurate prediction of the dis-
turbances can be achieved,. these
preeautions can be taken in ad -
'value of a serious storm. The
radio and telOphone.channels ean
be kept in operation" let Old Sol
rage the may.
"This eotnbat with such a re-
mot#3 and seemingly, irrelevant
foe as solar storms illUstrate,5
the very wide front of Bell Tele-
phone operations and research—
all with a view to Protecting and
improving your telephone service.
(7 rNo. 6.of a getter prepared by II. 6. Owen,'L
7, ell relephooe Catapaoy of Caaada.