HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-19, Page 59.110T•BASD4tY, RINE 1061, 1011, Finn, Sparkling Jams and Jellies Without Fuss or Failure SHORT BOIL 4 j4n1 you need give only‘ii one -minute to two. minute full, rolling boil - for jellies only a las/1.1 minute to a miuute. , THRIFTY . As practically no juice bag time to boil 14Wily you get up to ..one IOU more jam -or jelly from the same -amount of Mat, NATURAL TASTE The boil is so short it can. ' not affect the freshmatural taste er darken the colour. SURE RESULTS Follow exactly the tested 'recipes given free with Certo and you'll have lovely jams and jellies.' 11,41 13.o9k of 7E Tested Recipes under the label o/ every CERT botile. cERro gives SURE RESULTS thiM atm VELLY MA/(/N6 TEE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR Action Urged to Prevent Interruptions of Munitions Prpduction Through Strikes and Other Disturbances 41td to Avoid Rise in Prices as a Result of Unjustifiable Increases in Wages. 'Extract from tlie 4rinti4 Address of Harold Crabtree,. Presidatt, Canadian fifsamfacturers' elation, at.the 10th Annual Ceneral Meeting, glowniory 010, , Quebec, Juno 9, 1941, • r. Cecil Oolclough, --from- Niagara' allg, spent last week in town withiltis- Parents, Mr... and Mrs, IN. Colclough, trghthouse street. • Miss Retta Ciark of Toledo' and Zif-rs. -Robert ;Clark of ;Detroit made a brief visit in town yesterday, irheY". are holi- daying at Bright's 'Grove. ' 4111111.1maillr .11111111111111111111111111111111111116 YOU11 EYES DESERVE THEIEST ett4,01,0 tats. For. a thorough Eye Examination Telephone 91 . f Glasses In the Newest Styles at Moderate Prices.- IF IN NEED OF EYE SERVICE C61SULT Phone 91 L. COI.E R.O. • • OPTOMETRIST AND. OPTICIAN . - Goderi'eh 1 _ -Profits have been reduced to a minimum lig goyernment taxatibra. Tiffany companies ,are working for the 'Government for sinall raanage- ment fees. It is obvious, :therefore, that In-,. creased costs can only he paid for by increased prices. Wagee and salarieS constitute the chief part:of industri'41 costs, At the beginning of the war, the Oavern-- ment was facedwith, the dreadful spiral of in creased Pyices, followed by increase., costs,, fol-, lowed. by°inereased wages, these in turn followed by increased prices, and so on, every twist of the , spiral sharply upvirard, ,Experience has shown, many times that this spiral. .bears most heavily on'th.ose with the lowest incomes, which never overtake rapidly• increasing prices. Prompt action was taken by the Dorainion Gov- ernment„ through the establishment of the ,War- time 'Prices and Airade-ABoard., the 'oreign •Ex- change ContrOl loard., and other inethods of control. These were successful to a gratifying elOent as proved by the fact that, afterc, a year and a half of war, the cost of living, according to Government figures, had risen only about 7 per Cent, Until a few months ago,. relations between employers and. employees n regard to wages an factory Opportunities for work increased rap- , idly and in many eases raost of the- adult , mem- bers of families found employment. The Gov- ernment endeavored. to pro -Nide for reasonable rises imwages to keep pace with, the very moder- ate 'rise in the cost of living by suggesting that there should be taken as a- fair, standard the wage level of 1926-1929 (a'ajristed 'upward in -cases lalmr_e_that-- le'vel was for special reasons Unduly depressed), or higher wages paid•-sin,ce then, and that Inter -and -above thati standard, Lzkete should___be a -cost of living bonus payable as `annfen tlfe-eiiltorliViiiMer-Ticthirrolt-- nection, it should be 'remembered that the cost of living in 1929 was over twelve- per cent higher. than in September, 1940, when the above, stan- dard was set. With these conditions, and with growing and -steady employment, the great' Ma- jority ,spf •Canadian industrial' employeeswere contented and were, .concentrating their abilities and energies on helpingin every poSsible waY to carry on the war.. ' Miring the past fe-w months, a sinister chan,ge 'has appeared. - Demands for large in- creases of wages and control of plant operations have nuiltiplied, accompanied by applications • xor boards of conciliation 'under thr)at or strikes. There is ample evidence tliat th e'se de- mands, are promoted by small minority grotps ;Who are seeking to .aequire influenCe over thou- sandsof, new, workers ill industry by holdino. out promises of higher wages than those do ,caredby the Government to be reasonabk. These same groups • are-. elemanding practically control of plant operations: With profits largelytakeh by war taxati'lon, t ST. WILILLIAIN Rasp. or Straw. Jam urn 2-1418. increased 'wage s in war production. 'must • be added to the prices. paid by the Canadian and Sritish, Governments for mimitiowi. Further increases in, the cost of prcoduation of goods for war purposes, 'must erase similar increases in the cost of goods used by the civilian population or exported to other countries. • Recent representatiOns of organizations of farmers show that they are Apprehensive of too great a spread developing between the'prices of what they. have to buy and what th.0 have to sell. Prices of farm -products have not risen in this, war as they did in. the last The greatly in- creased demand for industrial labor draws young. people away fromthe farins' and Makes it dif- " ficult 'for farmers to retain neeessary help, In these circumstances, the farmers naturally are concerned at the 'prospect of industrial ,costs, and, consequently, prices , of goods,' ,mounting still higher. The big item rn these,. costs is wages and from the farmers' point of view the industrial' workers are already in a privileged position. • .. 0 Further increases 'of industrial wages will create, an unfortunate contrast -in paany cases with the pay of those ° in the army, navy and air force. This may adversely affect .enlistment, conditions of labor -were, on the whole,, satis- and wOuld not be fair in., any ease.' Employers are ,practically he1p1essiijihis •COOL SUMMER DRESSE-S IN GREAT- VAEIETY "SUNNIVALE," PRINT, S-Crease:resisting-Washable and Smartly sty -led in Sizes for juniors, misses and women, also half -sizes. SpeCial $3.95 ea. WOMEN'S SHEERS' iii half sizes with.matehing slips. . A few ,With separate 'jackets. P • $6.95 to $10.95 •••• • COOL D4RK, VOILES -in broken sizes. Extra value $1.95 each. SPECIAL -About 35 ehildren's Print Dresses,' size 4 to 14x. To7eTear at each AIL, ‘tin, SUMMER Sniart styleand real value , ;b. white or champagne shade. $4.95 to $14.95 HANDBAGS -GLOVES -HOSE - .SPORT, liVEAE.-,-=SWim Suits, Play Suits, Beach ,Capes Slacks, Shorts, Blottses, etc. Your tIrn Store ULU 4 W. SC H AFTEL Late Phone 59 1.4 matter. They are so few in -number that they have little influence. 'The ,question of whatjn- dustrial wages are to be paid is, under war, con- ditions, now largely in the hands of the.Golvern- ment. The great majority of industrial 'em- ployees are loyal and reasonable citizeps. They do not want to , increase the, prices of war .pro- ,ducIs_to_ike_ Canadian and Braish ,Governmeni, nor -the -prices of civilian goods, of -1:v. hrer themselves, are the largest buyers, to the public. n.Ot.2,0P,9nd_ to patrioticor reasonable appeal should be dealt with firml3r by the Government. Existing laws, ...which° permit or encou e frivelous demands for boards, of conci1iatioxiThnd unjustifiable tie- :. man& for • higher wages, She be amended. - • Strikes and lockouts in plants engaged on, war production should be prohibited for the ddration of the,war. • ,• AMMER Boneless Chicken 1.0Z. TIN 21c Upton's Red Label .1/2-11). pkg. 390 . Heinz Tomato , KETOIITJP ie btle 190 Catelli ' ' 15 -oz. SPAGFTETTI....2 tins 3.9c SOAP 2. bars 11c' I• COFFEE NABOB - Public opinion is .a valuable ally, Let the publicknow the 'wages that are being paid in p1ant4',..where demands: for increases arc made, and the public will compare these.demands and existing ,wages witii`t#eir.'own incomes and fqrm their judgments of the, merits of the case. . Can- adians, generally, are not prp_pared to,.. see the -c-oinitry's industrial war ,efforf 'dislocated and curtailed by, the, activities of mipority groups whose main object,' - apparently, - is to seetirea large measure of 'control. of the key. war in- „dustries, where wagesi,, are 'well known t -o among the highest paid- anywhere. The "Govern- ment should act immediately and firmly before the situation becomes even more serious than it is at present. n • AUBURN AUBURN, June 18. -Mrs. ja:sephine Adams, of Miami, Florida, is visiting Mrs. games Carter and other- friends here. Mr. and Mrs". Wm. Armstrong and daughter, of Toronto, spent the week- end with the. former's *mother, Mrs. 'Mart. Armstrong. • Mrs. James 'Howitt has returned home after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Percy Manning, and Mr:•Manning, of Clinton. 'Mr. John Beadle, of Saskatoon, Sask., visiting his brother, Mr. George ,Beadle, and Mrs. Bead -le.. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. T. Robison anti Mps. Golden Net SALUON....% size tin 17c Green aant PEAS 10 oz tin 15e sm. ` Igo 5.0.5....pkg. 140 pkg. 230' -Gillett's LYE ..... ....31-11 120 Tin51- And one 25e Roitie Nabob Flavoring Kellogg's - ALL -BRAN Snowflake Allen's APPLE Rua. lge pkg. 23d 2pk 116 2 tins 20 -oz, 17q MT? 13, Champion . • 'DOG FOOD 2 tint! 1.90 :CIER,T6 btle 26o Heavy •Aylinef 1g -oz. llea, '61•, ,TOMATOES 2 tins 190 'RUBBER RINGS, 4" doi.-250 t3.4C•19_4t .24 • kr. and Mrs, Bert McDonald and The Scripture was read 11)y beor.ge- Miss 'Gertrude MeDonald; of Pickford, 3-, Robertson. Individual-- 'piano. solos • Mich., and SIi. and 0Mrs. :Carman -1 were given :by Shirley Aubertson and Gayler, of st,Ignace, Mich., were guests i Haroldlteid, The topic, "The...Heart," last :week of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred i was given by George :Raithby, and at Asquith. . , 1 the ctinclu.sion of his talk, Mr. Raitliby •,, Mrs. Carrie „Armstrong and- little sangi,''''Ir the ileart• RingS Trtie,'-' George Wzyne Dawson are visiting 1 Elmer Robertson closed, themeeting friends in Toronto. with. prayer. ". The next meeting' will be t_. Miss, Mary lioustion, who'hal's taught .f ' ''-i ' 'W tu charge' a - - rb. m. Haggitt and at' Prosperity- school for the ,past two Nirs• W!-L1Per• - __,- years, has been appointed te assist-' Ntie4`• - Red 'Cross o .V1- ie local Red Cross held a- quilting in elle Orange . mit prihcipalship of ra. continuation - Hell PridaY afternoon. _ Five 'quilts school near tOttawa. Miss Jell 11 1IOUS- were quilri.‘d, one being donated by ton, teacher at SS. ,No. 1, !Colborne Mys. Wm. ,Jackson, of Toronto. At (CarloW), has a sehool near Bowman- ville. ' s • 1 1.-thi.s nieeting the treasurer, Miss Jose - Thine Weir, announced, that some $35 . ' There WaS no sekice in S. Mark's - .. • , ..h-•. ,.; '1'» _ .,, • „ : hall hksen 'raised- through tl.te series of • • 'Mr, and Mrs Jos, :Spain, of Detroit, are, gueSts•at thebPark House. _ Lieut. -100i; A. 0. 'Gray and his sister, of Winnipeg, were Visitors in iGoderich at the week-errd with Ur. and Mrs, J. E. Mason. - • Mrs. 'Gordon. Blaberr of -T'eronto is the guest of Mrs. 'T.:H. Lander and is , renewing alcquaintance8 izi tovvn. • • 04 'Sheriff a•itd MrS. W. Hill, •Mr. a.nd •--Mrs. W. J. 'Hodge, 'Mr, and M. F.J], " Hibbert,, Mr: and Mrs. E. ,Cronstnn and A. ff,-, Arskine attended the Lions eonvention at Toronto this week. Mrs:, John Neweombe and Miss'Cler- trade, Haigt wemat TorontO this week , attending, the Rebekah .ASS•emblYfl - session there. Public_ Meeting usl . • TOWNSHIP HALL, CARIOW TUESDAY, JUNE 24,8 p.m. Speakers -Dr: C. W. MacGillivray, Ontario Veterinary- . ,College; - S. -B. Stothers, ,,..Agricultural Representative, • Wellington County; -J. C. -Shearer, Clint`on. EVERYBODY WELCOME. J. S. KERNIGHAN, - GEO.' b. FEAGAN; Sec 'y. , • President. chain. teas iwid. At thconclusion of F. noSs spent Thursday at %tratford. owing to confirmation servict;‘at 'Myth. e. the meeting a pot -luck supper- was On their return they were accompanied ,At this service,"rhos. Johnston, Thos. • • o 1.1 • th ki hr Miss Ruth .Frost, Qlf • Mich.,' whe will 'visit . with her aunt; "Sirs. Robison. • • Hag.gitt and Clifford Brown were re-, " " • - conunittee, Mrs. 'Herb N'fogridge, MrS. ceived into membership inithe Anglican Roand Miss Josephine Weir ss , Church. •Bishot; ,Seager preaehed the 11'.- 1 iLULI LUV LVL+ 1 1.11 Mr. and MrA.-IT'oe •Scott, of Toronto:. kfrnon. . . . , , . . . . coutzlining tartello,wing articles visited on Sunday with MrsCA:. „Howson and Mr. and .1Irs.11;J..Phillips. tio'.161kr; Zi14-1 Wilson, Mrs.. Wesley Brad - 13 quilts, 1.2 boys' stills, 2 girl•s" dresseS, The Auburn FIouse, bought last year Josephiee' McAllister, ,NIrs. bay Huron County, has b•een greatly inv. '‘,Irea. 'Wilson, Mr . Wallace Wilson, Mr . and Mrs. .lanies WilsOni, Mr. David Me- i, l';‘..itrina''', : "-- Pair ,fbe'sl-Pyjamas, .12 pair raen's 24 Hampton pads, r2 pneu-. 1..provtld in .aPpearanee ,by a .eoat of - Aflister;: Mr.. and- ND'S. Mason .MAIIISter ' 'mania jackets; 1 hospitargown,' 7 gauze . ' stabco. The job was 'dont by Mfle-, handkerchiefs, 30 palr .ariny soeks, 2 Donalds of Ailsa 'Craig: and Mrs. Arehie Messer attended_ on i Th 6 helmets and 4 pair Illell'S hilt l::;. P te. iStti n10- Ball, Of the Royal Can- Tuesday the funeral at Toronto Of Rev. . Dr. Jeans Wilb'on. Outstanding l'resrbY- The "Big Night." --;'Phe Ited 'Cross' held [Winn Array ,Serriee Corps.at .London, terian cl(rgvman. 4 )T. Wil.g011, a ea tive , a successful . big night" en Wed - was a recent .visitor with his 'parents,; ot• west wawnno,h, Da,sed ass.,,as. 0,n, neseay eV•ell lug. The 'attendance was Mr. and Mrs: A.mos Ball, . good,, and the Blue Boys'. concert party. Stanley MeNall, of the R.C.A.F., Tor - :Saturday after a brief illness. Children's Day.--Children'S Da v Wks of the dt.,.:-F--:, ,port Albert, staged an Onto, was a iveek-end .iihon ie at his hoe. observed at thU e nd e itehurch.on Sun- excellent Jitel entertaining concert. e. . • There were variOus artinsements'on the her dny, with an impressive.tuul interesting gr6unds: •bbigo, in . charge of It. Kenneth 'Ca•tripbell,,, son of Mr. 'nail ;servto, Te _. Mrs. W. -A. !Campbell, has joined the.. e .church • was bed, utifully Phillips, erown and ,anehor _in charge decorated .with'peonis and roses, find ' :AJO:vel fan:1(14in Nityy„Re is at. present 1 eight ',canaries providitd sweet inusic. of 1). It'. Mooney anti John •'Balter of Goderich, the ring game, in charge of Wbrking in Toronto awaiting call. ' I .A child -tees choir led in the service Of Alf1"1 Rollim•mn The annual .memorial Orvilieoif Ball's i praise, and iiISO sang anthems.. At tbis-.1... The refmhment s booth was; inn by Gordon Tayloud cemetery will the beld an the grounds On serViee, Rev.,: II. C. 'Wilson- baptized -I r 9 1 Thos. Johnston. Arthur's .orchestra June 29t1i. at 2 o'ploek in the afternpont i four infants : • Shirley Jane, daughter provided musie for dancing The net of Me. and Mts. ..'"e son i'a' etson , proceeds zfroiu the •night were $205, Gladys 'Doreen, daughter of ' Mr.,' and I After the coneert, the concert party spent :an hour- in knox Presbyterian,, eh -ureic singing hymn§ in a most beent+-- ful manner, which left nothiit'g toile desired. The entire serviee will be in charge of the Anglian ,Church', Auburn, and will be eondueted :by Rev. IL M. Weekes, of Myth. - • ..25-6 ..masstranes.tilittalisos 44-01 -'0 4 The Least We ALL Should bo is -Oar UTMOST Victor fli 44 Doiniiiitors Textile Company Limited „ e .1MONTRgAL TORONTO Mrs. .Sidney McClinehey ; Garth Winston _Mire, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Vere Cunnhighain ; and Donald Meredith', son of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Young. • Women's ' ,Institute.-frhe monthly meeting of the Wortien's, Institute was .held in the Yoresters' Hall on Tuesday • with the president, Mrs. Lawson, pre- •Mis's, tin 'Craig favored with a piano instrumental.)• Mrs. VA Woods and Mrs: Gordon Taylor gave a splendid report of the aigtrtet annual, me&ing reeently held at Wingham. Ourrent eVelltS wore given'iby Miss: ituth Prost. Mrs. It. J. gave a read- ing: Miss Margaret Xing gave, t. re - .port of,ithe year's wnik. .The roll edit was .allswered with "NO° rovorite newer." The singing of the National An t hein lb rough t tire meeting tO eelose. A dainty lunch 'was espmed by the hOstesses, Ntrs. Ohas FI:tirglidiMr.g. - .1. 3. Wilgon 11411(1.3Am 3V, Stoltz. Meeting, ---The met Sunday ovening with 'gr. and Mrs. Miner(Robertson. in • charge. Avow ',Sung (by Elaine Johnston, with gantry accomPotrtiment,-Welin Itaithby and .11.teyee itarold Itelti of- - AIM prayer, neadingS were given by Riffle 'Robertson and Radom dtoberthon- 11111111.11111110111111.111.111111111111111011111111111111.1111111111 Check Discharges - From the Bowels • Vowel troubles, although happen- * • ing at may time of the year,. are, more prevalent during the hot sum - later and early fall months. Summer Flu is one of the worst troubles, but diarthcea, dysentery, gone, dranaps and paina in the in- testineg, Or any looseneas of the bowels should have immediate at- tention. The action of Dr. Rowley's Extract of 'Wird StraWberry ia pleasant, rapid, reliable and effectual in help- ingtecheck titunnatural dia eharae3. . It has been on the ,ms,rlipt for the past 94 years, so 'why experiment with new and untried remedirsT get l (Dr. r'owIelr's" and fcel safe. Milburn Ort.„ Ltd„ Toronto...01a, BUY YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY Ypip COAL NOW AND SAVE Seabrook.Coal ' FLASH! • . , Canadian Dealers Urged to 'Store Supply' of Coal • • OTTAWA,, June 12---...(C1')----411 coa1 coukuners and dealers in Canada were ,,urged by the ,War-Thne Wrieeg and Trades ,Board t4b- day to "4,tore, as much coal as is practical 'between new and October 1," ,to prent a ''severe •strain" on transportation Utilities• latelater.- rla a statement issued,M, J. moq. Stewart, coal administrator unde.tthe board. It wa's 1)oi1Ites1 out that coal stooks for. future use hy industries, Public utilities, .raSNads and.other consumers must be ruaintained at all •costs." • ' "InereaSing production and istorege of oal during the summe• month s ,will lessen,the peak dentitiqler transportation later on in' the year when there is likely' to be a, Severe strain on transportation-, facilities," the statement added. I* • , EGG ANTHRACItE STOVE NUT PEA 1 t no• '1 PO'CAHONTAS BRIQUETTES (Alberta) caliatia's .11Irottest PM; 100% &ailutn-linitorm, size No eliniters-lkio slack -I -No - rock. ° CASH. it 4'ONA SEABROOK 'COAL CO. mow 587 •