HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-19, Page 3Business 'Directory 1 I ihu6o . 4 REAre JAS. WILSON, D.,P., , Another Stock 1 DIES AT TO,KONTO Salesman in Court High Place Presbytenarrehureb • "Felendssin thia diatriet learned with' regret of the death, of BeV. Dr. Jteraeg Wilson, which oecUrred on Sgturday at his hOnee f.Poront(). Dr. 'Wilson Was a native of 'West 'We.wanoSh and at- tended tGoclerich Iligh ISch461, efter- ward* atteading, Itnox teellege. Toronto paper . hey. ' the fellow/0g reference; Nearly Fifty Years in Iflinistry Rey. ' Jemes Wilson, JI.A., #in the ministry of ehetPresbyteriati, Church , for ilearlY half a Century, died 'on Sat- urday at his home, 34 Northeliffe bOule- esard. Ike was in his Seventy-Sixtheyear and had.been IU onle two Weehs with pneumonia. . , No minister in 10e.nadg's 'religious life Wae better lruoWa than Dr, "Jim"Wil soli. Iie retiredefrons the active. fnin- istry 111'1038, but after his retirement, he wae, if anything, snore active than before. On Mae 271t11 he attended Toronto Presbytery of the Presbyterian OlIureJi et Itnox cburch ani;although be: complained of feeling 'under the weather," lie remained at the meeting ...„ until adjounement. Dining his- three years of...retirement he preached frequently and was one of the most interepted members of Toronto Presbetery, whe're his *wise *counsel was valued by all his colleagues. Be'had on several occasions declined noxnirl- ation for. the moderatorship or General AssemblY, but had held the pes'ition of moderator of Toronto Presbytery and "also of the Synod of Toronto and Kingston. Born in Huron county, Dr. Wilson graduated from „Knox College in 1893 and the same yeer was orddiped to the rainiStey of the Presbyterian Church ,netelemeilexemelelelelel Presbyterian church. He sereed at .this chnrch for .seven years, iSubsequeatiy he miuistered tp congregations -sat Glencee, Jqoverdourt -RoadesToronteeesesereeheeremaineer for twenty year, Brampton and Wych- wood churches. WhUe,r,eit Reyereouxt Road and. WyclisToIM he Wee ie'spons- ible for the erection of. the present church buildings. In 1922 he .Aas honored with the degree •of doctor of divinity by Knox 'College Sliireiving are •his widowJessie Sands -Wilson, one daughter, Miss Ruth Marion ,Wilson, of Toronto, and one brother, Joseph, of Huron eounty. in 114W IlambUrg Man CoMmitted on Three Counts—To' race Further Charges snUDLEY Be HOLMES Barrister, 10te. Ofilee-Court 1�ue. GOderiteh. Telephone 56,' plam.sess' WM. A. SIPIIIIERLAND' Barrister and Solicitor First Mortgage .Security. Urban Loan., Avallanle. OffiCee-North sSt, Goderiele, Phone .750 com41imb4mONTANT rioqvant, au it MONTEITH, Chattered. 4.ccoutsta21t0' 77 Downie Street, Stratford Toronto Office; 302 Bay Street edeses-eee,;seeseesesseesemeeeeieseseesSesiessis VETERINARY. SURGEON DIJIAOTT , , • VETERINARY Stitaboisi Pleene 203 . Pinto's, --AMNON. AUCTIONEERING Ifetill another extensive selling of al- legedly worthless gold mining shares •in Ilurina eounty was reeeakel inCounty Police Court last Thursday when George Ianson, of New Hamburg, was coneleted on time counts of ealiing at private homes for the purpoee Of eelling stock and one of trading without license- lie Was Temended teejall until Thureday of 'this week, When he will fece three chargee of theft. It Is al leged Viet he not. only sOld shares of. Hughmar Gold. Mines Limited, but that 'he converted some of Ine proceeds to hie..osen, use., L While Istnson was in t ourt In blade - rich two others were facing trial at Walkerton for similar offences in Bruce county concerning the same gold•Mining shares. They were 'given jail terms and heavily fined.. The evidence iniGOderich, as brought out by i�rewn Attorney Hohnes, wee pretty much the ,D1a,.-es,14 Story. The slick salesman started in the fields, walking the -furrows. witheilleetermer, gradually working his way to the barn- yard, to the verandah and 'finally into ril,CMAS• "GUNDRY, GODERICII, the home to unfold his story of hand: LIV 10 STOCK AND 61-111N/1itAL Seane and quick retiitns to the entire, AUCTIONA4104 family. Thousands of mining shares Telephone 119 were sold at ,pr_fr ices ranging om fifte Sales ettended to Maywhere suid cents to one dollar per share, many of every effort made to, give satisfaction. them to 'women. Farmers' sate notes discounted. Those who gave evidence here were: Miss IGertrode Aitcheson,R.R., 2, Luck - ,w; Marshall Stonehouse, .R.R. Belgrave; 'Cecil Wheeler, Tt.lit. 6, Brus- -selsesMiss.Agnese.Wat-sne....E.Iteste.,Wale, to; ; John Watson, same address :1 Brown Harper, R.R. 2, Lucknow ; Mrs. J.' M. Coulteeessind her -husband. J.- M. Cartney, RJR. 2, Bluevale; James Mor- rison,eR,R: 2, 'Walton. W. el. Chisholmyauditor for the On- tario, iSecurities 1Commissione was the 'only *other 'Crown witness. J. 4. Mahon, cthronission •solicitor, assisted In the prosecution. E. G. Thompson, (Strafford, defence eounsel, instructed his client not to CleORDON M. GRANT, LICENSED AUCYTIONEER OCR IIPRON , A. satisfactory, courteous iservice for sse_reeseesieroperty or Honsehold Sales. - • sitateseReasonabie. - MEDICAL D4. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROA.T • - Late ° House, Surgeen New York Ophthalinic and Aural Hospital, as- sistant -at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Loa - don, England. ' EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED , 153' WaterlOo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit Bedfor IoteI, Octderich, Wednesday, June 25W, from 2 p.m, till 0 P.m. PRACTITIONER PAIROP,BAC'TOR, AND DRUG -LESS THER,AAST - "Giiderich, Phone 341 Office' hours -10 to 12 a.111-, 2 to 5 and'? to 8 p.m., Tuesday; Friday and Saturday. 10 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday, Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. Mineral' furne baths by appointment only. " A. N. ATKINSON 51 Sonth St. INSURANCE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN: ma SURANCE CO. -Farm' and iso- lated town property insured. ,Ofdeetos-William Ktox, Preeildeat, LonefatborO; W. R. Archibald; Vice - President,' Seafortie ; M. A. Reid, Mana.ger and Sectetary-Treamrer, Sea-- foeth. Directors -Wm. Knox, Londesboro ; Broadfoot,_ Seaforth;.. Chris. Leenhardt, Dublin; De J. Trewartha, Clinton ; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth ; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth ; Alex. awing, Blythc.leriink McGregcsr, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Agents -E. A. Y'ecelt.R. 1, Goderich; • James Watt,' Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Brucefield ; R. P. lifeKercher, E.R. 1, Doblin; j. F. Prueter, Brod- hagen. . `PoliCy-holders can make all f pay- . Utenta and gettheir cards reeeiptled. at the Royal Bank, Clinton; ivth antes Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderieffessersr J. H. Reid's General Store, Bayfield. STRATFORD GODERICH COACH LINES Daily 7.30 le' .m. 4.25 pen. -Leaves "Goderich for Stratford, Toronto, Vamilton, Buffalo, Lohdon, Detroit, Tavistock and ,WoodstOelts---Depots -- 13edfotd, British and Royal Hotel.i. Phone hotelS or 305 for information. OGDENST1 CIGARETTE TOBACCO irwriamm J. We Craigie INSURANCE4 and REAL ESTATE Get Our „Automobile Rates Phone 24 ' Godericb AIIIIINC,41.11111111111, Geo. G. MacEwa,n, Fire, Accident and 'Motor Car INSURANCE Offiee::-Masonic Temple,. West Street, GOderich Phone 230 'GODERICH P. J. RYAN Real Estate and Insurand Office and_Residence: • 11 Trafalgar gtreet Phone 663 FOR SALE -Houses of all kinds, choice branding lots, business property and eeveral good farms, Let. Me show ,ou some real bargains. Buy now. BUY VICTORY BONDS 4 - CAPITAL: THEATRE COUNTY TAX RATE FOR 1941 SAME AS LAST YEAR, 3.75 Reeve Scott Tirgew that Varmerii -Go into Packing Business for Themselves It will require theeum of $254,750 tO ffaance the 'County erJeluroii tbis year, A tax rate of 3:75 mills, the same as last year, will raise $203,469,' while atUnicinalities outside high school. areas 'Must pay a further $51,290 for the secondary School educatiOe of their, elsildren elsewhere. Thee liggres are • revealed -in the estimates Which were tabled by Teass urer A. H. Erskine at the June -session, referred. to the anew* eommittee, and 'MANY adopted by Colwell at'it e eon - eluding session. e Although the 0oulty of Huron IS free "of debenture debt for the first tiane in its history, any reduction that might have been expected on That score is offset by the exigencies of war, the• rising cost -of. edutation, and lesser items. The,..cose of,;seeondary schools M. ;$57.0Q9 APO „t..11g...0?Plniqratle..4..,P,f, justice $1,000. A similar amount is provided for the ,formation of a ,branelt of .the 'Canadian Federation of Agri- culture. ' plead or elect, objecting to the inform- ations a§ not hieing sufficiently speeffic. They covered a year's time. Magistrate Makineoverruled his .objection, entering not guilty plea. and proceeding.with• the trial. The three theft charges yet to be beard originate from the Dungannon seetien. ,Ilusband.and Wife Reunited An estranged husband and wife were rennited after a non-support charge bad 'been'read. The husband, who now has a good job in a far-off city, promised to provide a home. . Arthine Rawlston, convicted two weeks ago of two Wingham robberies and remanded to jail for sentence, was again remanded. Be i'S". at presonf Walkerton jail facing other robbery counts • in Bruce. • Dran• Ilartleib, Hay township, • was fined $10 and costs for Obstructing police who sought to search his house foe liquor. Alexander eldRee went, to jail -for seven days for drunk-driVing. There was no accident. He pleaded guilty. A.C.A. SECRETARY -MANAGER A rebent isswe of -Marketing" has the following reference to a former Godierichite: Athol Mega/free has, been appointed. seeretarY.manager ot the Association of .Canaslien Advertisers, Inc. Mr. .McQuarrie is 4probably best known through hit former nine years' associ- ation Seith tile Western Canada Ilene 31ills Company, I/Milted, Torontcr, as advertising manager.- has had some years of ageney eene;ience.on the staffs of McConnell, , Ea s t ma n & Company, Limited, and. A. MoKine Limited. More recently he has be in neWspaper work and returns to 'Toronto from Quebec City to take' up hie new position. riTOP WOOD ROT PHONX' .47 Now Playing-Bing•Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorotity Lamour in "Road- to Zanzibar" Monday, Tuesday and, Wednesday 1, . .. . , CarOle Lombard-LhRobert Montgomery and Gene* RaYMend pre -sent a new hi"gli in hilarity. A daring and deliglatful story ofoa marriage run by 'rules, ruled by riot and alnlost ;wrecked by l'ieoinance. - • 'MR. and MRS. SMITH" ThurSday, rriday and Saturday MADELEINE CARROLL-FRED MacMILIBRAV • Heleh, Broderick—Stirling Hayden—ilarie Wilson and Carolyn Lee A supkiative east in a glorious Teehnicolor presentation of, an 411)- pmling tSouthern adventure -1'01=0k "VIRGINIA" Matinees Weirs, Satand holidays at 3 P.M. Coming Robert Young, ln "Western Union," 'the "Patrol" with your pant whenever yoti paint wood: It makes your paint gg further and last rapt. rlighly effective. " Pinto% " ,prevents rot and itiiect. attack under the a common failure iq ordinary paipti. to under the faint causes expensive fel:Wt.:. Good painters always add "Pentox" to th4r paint. , SAVE MONEY — o,RDER TODAY -Corantatd Packsges (di Pints 1250 %aril (35c) Gallons 4$1.25) OnITAV PENETRATING, T.135.1C INEll I VA, COLORLESS POWDER Keeps Paint and Wand in Sound Conclitinn 111. D. l'ALSE1t 11ARDW1RE Does Your treou Cause You, Distress? The impairment of the otomesh is often of serious eonsequenses, for Only by properly digssted foodeis tho fityritotri nourished anti Sliftt nurdocit .13lood Bitrers is a liable remedy for Atomach flisto.dtwa each a's dyspepsia, hilligetition, sour 'stomach, belthIng of glo, teethe hes. ete. It begiotti etinAnte the of dama and evi..(ir jun.' , the main factor it digestion, tio01,11,/ora acidity, tones up the '10 01 branes of the stOntatqt, allt/ 1e:"lotstg- All0 natural, l:( 11113::': digestion. 0 Put yol: 1 41,1.t tei no ;AN. quiods y wfl Mart to enjoy your inetdp, free trom digestive ttpublet). . The T. Ott,. TorultIto, Oat, • County Clerk N. W: Miller told Conn. cil there, has been an increase in tthe attendance days in secondary schools, it is costing more per diem per Pupil,, and more pupils are attending technical schools. As an 'illustration, in 1940 seven students from Iffiron were inat- tendance at London Tech. .This year the number is twen*-two and the .cost of their maintenance has risen proportionately. The total increase in salaries in secondary Schools of the niz....oltereltset-ifeereshaesebeeneg,. and the debenture debt is up consider- ebly owing to tla€ addition of shop Work and home eel:monies accommoda--- tion Following are„the estimates: Revised Estinaates for 1941 GEINERAL ACCOUNT Expenditurea; Administration, of justice 24,000 Hospitals ....... 13,000 'Municipal goverument Children's Aid Society, - Grants , Jail County .Home p. L. interest Insurance, heat, telephone • County property s Printing and postage Registry Office Audit • Oorwborer New equipment Sthools Other than secondary•-.. titl.1-ziedrVo.ior unforeseen expend i- i•••• ,tures Exchange • .().AP. committee Secondary sehools -War effort t Y for the financing of the eeurity bralach of the Federetion of Agricultureefttet with disfavor. It was agreetlethat Such action would have to be e overed by an aet of tise LegiSlature. Council went onrecord expressing its pleasure in the elefa,tion of Rt. Hon, R, o.• Bennett to the House of Lards and of Vincent Ma4See, Canada's Higb Commissioner at lemd0R, to thee Privy Courseil. Ass"nnbstantial grant" wa0 promised si. delegation of women •free) Clinton, headed by ' Miss Isabel ,Chowen, who propose to establish a 'wer service club In Clinton for the accoanmodation of airmen who will attend the new R.X.F. radio school now under construction. , IA E. (Cardiff, M.P., addressed iCouns ' ell` briefly on thirMerLSe .",i4a in the national war effBe ort:eur ed - that agriculture receive more attentien from the Federal 4overnment than it is at present receiving. He 'predicted that Canada's big wheat Suieffus would eventually prove an important factor in ton has been for some years one of the final victory. -----,noerengemaech ,194 2 . ePinaliesiOner.e.vg..0* pal 'Telephone Systemi: J. C. (Shearer, County agricultural MOTORISTS MUST DO THEIR, 008102ING namortatz Anther good old Goderieb custom Is due for the scrap heati: -Before Magis: trate Makias laSt '"ThurSday; aoseph Durnin and Harold Ashton paid $5 and cotss each for "driving at -slow epeed and blecking tratlie.!' This le the tlefinitien for two care driving abreast around the Square, at a five-M1le-an-h0iir elkeede the drivel* the while swappiug the latest goeeiP (4 the old town through the ear window, causing other metorists to '1"'e1rele round" tio pess theni on either Side. Constable At 0. 'Jennings laid the charges,: It's an old enetonebut a new charge -in Goderich, • HONOR ,,VOR. COLBOBNE MAN W. ,Ilunie Clutt,on Chosen, as President " Of Western Counties Telephone Assoeiation , - • At the annu,41 convention of the Western* Counties, Telephone *AsSocia- tion, herd on Thursday Jest at 1.4,ondone W. Hume "Pluttene eteCellsorhe towee, ship, was eleeted president. NU% 0 tit - representative, spiked rumors that the international Plowing xnateh, scheduled for Huron county in 12, would not be held. He 'emphasized thet the event . would definitely ;be held. Most important ftern in the: pollee committee's report was the 'recomeaend- ation that County Traffic -Officer Norm.an Lever be plated under the juris- diction of the police •coramittee, instead .ofthe road commission.. This was de- feated, althouth tt was -pointed out that Salary and expenses of the officer, amounting to about $20004 year, were paid out, of .general account ,and not out g weafer-., unds, ,fprmerty O. his . is not the ,first unsuccessful eftet to hitVe tne -traffie er •offie_transferr -trona the reade commission. • daily activrties of the t•raific. officer, were .eTadlye. nion MIST po.rts: de\t‘friling the tabled. One, that of May, .1941, was 'Connell deided to make'. stlitable recognition 02. three champion athletic clubs' in ,kthe eounty. They are the juvenile team- of Clinton, the, ,Seaforth 0•11-1.A. intermediate' "B" champions, and the ..Hensall intermed la te. , winners. . Urges Co-operative Padding Business . Friday morning- Saw an interesling debate, led by Reeve J. II: -Stott' of forth, on .on the condemnation tsex exacted by packers on farmers' •live- steekseen other words, deduCtions made for deherning -cattle -and for bruised and diseased animals. Iteeve7Seott was a -delegate to a meetting held in.Toronto last- February to discuss t h is question. • (iCyntinued on page 7) 9,000 4,50Q 4,600 4,500 7,000 7,000 3,000 1;800 1,300 , 600 250 350 SQ( 10,000 300 2,000 . 2 . 200 51,290 27,180 $172,990 Less Estimated ,Revenue: Townships, re hospitals $ 3,300 .Administration of justiee - 4,000 Licenses , 900 lines • 100 Registry 't Mice 2,775 Re cornborer 175 2.2 mills on assessment of $54;238,669.00 • -119,308 Secondary sehool levy 31,290 Estimated stftplus S:ummary General account -2.20 mills $ 1/9,368 ' County highways -1.55 mills /41,101 - , Secondary schools 51,290 $234,759 3.73 milL,4 for urbanTentreg. 3.75 mills phis.seCondary sehool levy for townships. „ No. Exemption for Farmers ln a short !but animated debate ('oun- cil an Thursday afro -ming turned, ,f I OW11' a resolution of Elgin County asking the 1.)otninion Govern men t to refrain frene calling to a ry setvice young men wholre employed in the -prodife- • tion • of food. The discussinn came duringconsideration of the report of the legislat lye 'emu -mit . -Young fe misers a re we n tee, :and needed. in the army,". said Deputy Reeve Weir of !Ilowick. "Don't „interfere. • 1,ei us ' strive • .little harder 10getalong and ,let the boys go," \vas -the contribution bf Reeve Roland Grain of 'Turnberry.. Reeves .:Gamble, Tnckee, RQd111011(1, Dorrlt nve and Alexander express61 vieves ,end the Elgin resolution was proMptly t u d 0W11 after the voinrnittee had, reported flIVOTably on it Just as premptly Council unanimous- ly endorsed a rescilution•ifrom the ToWn- ship of 'IlOwi'efi asking that labor strikes he declered illegal for the dur- of the war. • A report of The ednattofl corn m t was adopted $41.1pporting a City of Wele land resolution asking the vrovinetor tIrkeromeii.t to assume a greater share of the cost Of . education. • Reeve J W. Gamble, chairman of the. agrieultural committee, outde'llis rery)rt- on Thursday afternoon on the organ - 'Nation of a County of Huron Wench of the -Federation of Agricalture. Al- though $1000 had itleen granted for this. pisepose .only $3:53elin1 been spent, he said.' 'Sixteen township and a eounty unit had been organized, Ile' said he had reeeived wonderful ea -operation in the organization :1114 was heartily con- gratulatod by Varions reeves for the effieient and evonomieal 1110911C hi %Youth the work was done. Beselution tin Farm Prices VouneiI carried a resolution asking that the earm prices level be kept (eta 1920 kvo1, so that there might ;he equality ot Naeritice in this war., (Itytm. en refused, however, to Join in ohjeet- log to the pegging Of hog and elreese prices. • A,reeommemlation of the agrieultural committee that Council debate the levy- ing of a one -cent -per -acre. tnx,. oresne! fifth of sr millthe 'County tax rate, . • $'181,808 $ 8,818 . OUNTY COURT CAS1E SETTLED The 'County ,Ootirt action of Omar Brooks, farmer, of Colborne township, against Edward Johnston, thresher, of tile vellage of Lueknow, set downl for the June Session of County Court and postponed to June 13, was reported settled (itt t of court when Judge Clement arrived tere last Friday to hear the case. Brooks ',claimed, $328.30; balance owing for a tractor supplied in • the -operation of a threshing outfit 'owned by Johnston. The 'defendant • counter-clairaed for $350. Particulars 4f4heeeett1ement ir.ai ounced. iesemereseessessessetieseliesionteesseasissalemeseeissiste {trio agriculture. An invitatiert is ex4 tended to all who Wisb to attend. BUYS 131CSINESS usToyypt, Listowel 'Banner; Mr. john F'a.releis of Goderich hate vurchaSed tke rePair , and welding business of ' Mr, We' C. Moore, awl takes posseeeion [next week, Ifr. and .Mrs. ,,FarrIsh have purchased . Mr.- Moores residence, on Union : streeto, and xassved this week. FLY PADS WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN SEVERAL DOLLARS'WORTH; OFANY OTHER FLY KILLER/ CLYDESDALE FIELD DAY A-"OlYiresdele-deld daY" wilr be .held' at the fair gro`hiids, Seaforth, "brxSat, urdav afternoon, June 28th, when there will be a judging competition and et general discussion on Clydesdale tyPe apd the place of the Clydesdale M On - IOC Beit of all fly: 'faille:1i. Clean, rquijek, are, flycheap. Ask your Drug - PAY ' • **fit; Grocer General . • Shire. • mogg. Tug wnsol, FLY PADco., Wain OM ONT.. „ True Tonic for Blood and N...erves- 'Invaluable at 'this season because it 1 supplies the Vitamin 11, and mineral substances so neeessary to .improve the eualitST of the, blood and help the nerves. For better appetite, better' digestion, better sleep and for better health use Dr. Chese's Nerve Food. - .11601•11•11111111•11110111.11.1111111.111. tv 0 — T OOK briefly into the short past. See a dim, sooty 14 oil lamp . Presto I—a 'clean, brilliant -eleGctric bulb. See a smoky, old-fashioned stove . . *. Presto !— a fast., cool, gleaming clean eleetrce" range. Magic indeed! Today, also arif by inagi.c, electric servants wash and iron the clothes, preserve and coolvthe food, speed the housecleaning—and do all these tasks with ease and economy undreamed, of before Hydro's "inaOic towers" began their march across the province. In verytruth your Hydro system brought the Twentieth Century to Ontario. It has put within reach of alinost everyfamily in this province the "electrical standard of living". For Ontario Hydro has nor only made power everywhere available but it , has also provided it at cost. BUY ' IncTpitv BONDS rho hydro',, chores dene tal,..v too, letchen and. THE HYDR0ELE °TRIO P0wER • . OUR WAR Errowr RELIES ON 1T...YOUR COMMUNITY DEPENDS Ole SUPPORT MARES IT STRONG SIN ere ION OF ONTARIO