HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-19, Page 2ft
obtritil *StiOttat4tar
4301)EllIVII SIGNAL/ AND Tilt Oomituelf wrAit
. • ,
*111,3bca by' Signal,Star VMS% Limited, '
West Street. Goderieh; Ontario -
A -
1.111.l1W,%1)..VIZ, ITNE 196„ 1041
PhilOsiterefLajztlipdows�3T IJ*t&7 11
niele Jonathan is pf,,itiently hhiing
his time until the ten:sus-taker ealls on
Ihim, Aetually he is AN:litittsr, a spirit
, of revenge, because he WrOte th'e
Or 'HISTORY been telling us that it 4.1anada doesn t , -
'sentiment last „pear and adyis()4 -them
A TWEINEWMTI1 6olaae, 9f our most loyal. orators have
• A :
It • is Just. yeai since VranCe
OPttulated to the inVadiug
Inch has sin&' Neen written on Alike
SnAl.o hNtOtir, ltnia 3tothing of v,,roat,.,,,,r
import tha'n' the shiry' of the heroie
and suiwes0,11 resistanee of Britain.
,For a Alert time almost thud ZrY t10
i',‘01141ve 94' their alIT. the imtominlons
surrender,' of Franees forees
laud and )n pea, and the eonsequent
peril' to the British isles and to the
talvanUtt the.peole a ,urttxtuL
rallied' tinder the *leadership of their
bulldog Prime Minister, 'held on
thiough weetes and 'months. )gravest
peria,and dittivult.,y, and iiow, tire aiet
to see the sun of promised ›ielry
Shining throualt the elouds. •
Todav. while +Germany has. exteutPd
her armed might twer almost the whole .
zfielded to the enentY foot,, of her
vnst Empire. with the exeeption of a
wale lap the Nanis will be over hem.
Is the Bence Nullity man to tie blamed
for saying the same thing?
i * .
Wodehouse, the English writer, twr"'.4 1Fkil 3114 'bellla "I Liberal' WSted
easn believing that he had sa‘•ed t114.
dtsappeared in the eollapse • of 'Franee eountry from what was. in his opinion,
a year ago, and there has been eon. nuneeessary debt.
that owing to war eonditions he mom.
they should liostpone the eensure -nele
„Tenathan, being a emrut induent n
our eoneesSioli, 'Itavipg two himdrea
Rollie as to Nvhat bevame or him. It
. .
ite Was shoched beyond words ,by
Joseph T. Thorson Ta4ext into Cabinet as Minister of .National Wari
Setvioes Shipments of Wheat Pulpwood to Japan under
Discussion -. Prime Minister Declares the War' • Situation
Favorable to Britain—Caliadians, Howexer, May Be Rationed
as to Such. Things as GasOline and Cream
Atly Hume, Special Correspond.
ent) the rentainiiir, two-thirdS or the cost;
Government and the railtraz to split
4)1VNWA, June 14._7,-..„WednesdaY Statement by nutritious and SupplY
hinted Out: to he -one of the busiest, 'Ilnister C. I). tHowe that Canada ean
most important dayS this session. 9Che be well pleased, with iter armantent,l)ro-
hill a fare embraced' the following durtion and that, Canadian industrY
Colorful Vietory torch :ceremony on. vapable of still further .ea.-pansion; ex7
ntrliament with a stirritig appeal planation6by the •:Prinie litutsler that
by Prime i'llialster Mackennie King for recent:eornparatively small shipinents
Teem:fits for the army; appointment of of Canadian wheat and pulpWood tO•
• d bee rmitted for the
the turn of 'events when it was. an- Joseph T, Thorson, as„ .1P.1
ts PAlw alintlurfed that the ilt.ana$"IP:t .11011134x‘d thivi. the iviis" w°14Iti'be ttlkell* Minister of 'National War ;Services, 'with 1: definite purpose of armintaining existing
of a new booti, written hs' aim in h Refusiing, to/believe that his adviee lrad direction' over ratiio, Government .1111)-- i Peaceful relations with Japart•;: an
int4.,ruareent eamp,'IS on its way ,I not het.'n taken, 'he 444 t t, I,-1
o ‘;•- i- -a tion kik re work and the Canadittivi' noun&qnent from., aptidon that lt,t. llon.
to. Nt'NY Yory publishers. There will i
less to say, r nele Jonathan Was eruslieti I
print before he was ‘on•N 'nee( . •Nee
'' '- I - i' ' 11 '' It. 11 11 tt t C di n P me
Travel ,Dureau; introduetion of ',MIT.. 1 ' . mite , dormer ana a ri
Cora Ca. ssehnan, 'Edmonton East, first :Ntinister, has been =Welt triseOunt and
be ett-Y1"sttY' is t''.4 "It' eft"t" Of Naul i alid for the first time he began, to ery
, I/lberal woman ever to sit„ in Parlia7 i that Vincent )fassey, Canadian Iligh
environment on the ereator of aeeves. ont ,,,,Ithout the 't'aloveimment . . . not. mitt :•.nnnonneemerit by Defence 31ini Commissioner in Loudon, has been
r`loutt)v hill
gr4IttuallY• Ile , isier J LI 41.11/4on that, in (future, •made a niember.of the tauterial Privy
. , . . • , may 'travel on the railwayzsat one -t r . n:' ".N .1 McThrty that :the
1)oeS the TOWn Connell intend to do inem vs of Catuidais :defence folees ,; Connell; and anuouneement +by Labor
"- crieutleaeb, word ;that mis printed about
' the. census, fortifying himself against
anything, this ye' ar. about tIte par h,„ t
toe time when the eensus--taker should
tr duce next „ses-
automobiles on the :Square, particularlY 00.111+0, ge is prepared to eonfuse and ..._, •
of existing half -fare rates, the Government w I ln 0
on Saturtiay nights? For years there baffle that eenstts-taker st, that the re -
has been talk, off and on, abOut • doing ! Poroussions will he .felt otta.VM
„ . *
VIDA(' .1 omit ha n oulx one example.
<ante' hintr to lessen the congestion. but
Veqr tl•e 111 1,11ter $ts.11.$1.111 1 think t t the klorerninetit iS talthag,
PzASsed bofor,e tho „SOnne.ii actually untlece,”"ary dianoes in having the
of Western Europe. Britain has noO ev•: • - "
t a ckled he titles". t Air"dY t ben' ' have atiy idea a t co up t ry then
is indieltien 'that the situatien will he you'll know that life Government is •
• ; • 'a su ‘h. dry westhk,r. If you
few 4.hannol islands which were 1,ey,onti.,,
woisse thau oNt,r this year, :and shoUld ia.a.Med for many hiugs. INerhaps the .
d‘efemNe. On the °Ill" htuld" $11/'?'• - ^h . -It blame is not alttaehed direetly to Ot-
OA% t , t\\ lst1U
nyzIkte, 4,...onquost of Iialy's pAssessions ' , 11‘0 , ta,,va, but by means of 3 little
Northeast Africa k FalTrea-ami 1-talinn , aroUnd it is gaite easy to find solneanng
,,Vt, . 1 arasalt, .fia.ytnit
, and Yet \\Wild POrtil 1 tra the to moN t
tor whioli to blame the Government.
Alt1 Z.Vir a MO t We'll. take for exn mple that
to her own people and emperor. Ilritisn.
S;omalilatitil -and has restored 'Ethiopia r Itz irvki
* • thisty day when ;he et.,nsus 111 ,
511115 'f w•oir t'onotrninkv raugx! Wel •• • • • • , es. The grapevine •,f I'varty ,
s .
Alt nolign wera
. a't en t tv.int
anil st*.as of the world. whi,t, 4,-e 1111 11 VesS.Sel.," , , , • , , , . 1,1:.•
1.. s,„.sfortnegi ,e..vorsho,,iy Ivat h,e, on !xis
t say.- It as sant ti re aro sorno „peo,‘...t way...a/14 .s„,‘„ niv,,,h,r. ,o..,:k.sri ,z bo:bor...iroing.,
I V% no onoer not'"'snata can epay ' otii' to work i
- ll. the afiernoon. The,
• _ dare not show thetnselves outside ww iver re
_, s s
,,,„____.::_.4.11,,313•42.tie...,&•,..3_,11,0,d. Italian vii:.'.•,•selts" are 1- . • - .„ . . , , • ,• , t•• .011i/drer .1 INe 1111 'rill, 1117,1,•..1`r ::;': :.411.:14/.C. tree -
or,..harti and mother 1474,1rkinz in the . •
47 ,, iTit.‘sit a to to -1-11Y.-war:1 JYkr.11J;'-- fr..arli..4..::-..kitose•ri_ -zith-ur...z. --up , :1 alit --,4111et-an_se -a -L.-- .
. ,
7"-- - - ------1-4.Wita-111"--'4ilivi4-1113111-'t---1',f--1-11:V',,-)::11.t-:-t-the,c,--..w.1-1;.. ney.e.--..g-kY4,..4,1teir _tu.tme.K.11,1,1,'k. s',4"),-.4 VT: --.3 t' ' t‘TVOriitiZ.-
.. 14 • ..
he 'An ...',. ... II: .1 "'ant
, t lt,111-•0-117,1•11a state of tnin,i, The , " • '"' "-• ' - - - t•---‘` • - *t*'". -,,
"4"1'nitt3', Miss'etv -Of Ilte air. and itt- due6 .
.0autt...,1 wItherat, moni,,.. 711.1‘41 1 ht.,fabo.nt the-wen:11er and .
000nea Withut it -n- miles of their wh,‘, ront,,srint,ai,iy:
•44 1`
siOn, tegislation requiring,. as far as
practieal, ret.inployment, after the
warD ef any who Qulist in the defence
Adjourrintiont to NoveipPer 3rd
Commons eteacluded work
tOthIY '1UadJourned to 'November 3.
It wa,s made plain, holvever, that Pur.
liament may be re-suraraoned -o
that date. in the event a any emergency
or special business.
Elng was at pain% on two oceas.
ions, to speak to the ;Commons cabout
the wheat and pulPweed shipments to
japan. The. action arf the Canadian
Government was in aceordance with the
wishes of the British Government, he.
said. .The step was neeessarY and
Justiaed, he added„ in aceordance with
international usage and because of the
eritleal and delicate situation in, the,
Par East. Orders Ter the wheat and
PuIP had lieen placed through private
companies before the requirement ler
exPort licen.se permits was made on
February 13 last- Ifr. Icing -winted
out that no export permits or wheat or
flour ate reqtrired for Japan from either
the United ;States or Australia and, to,
this extent, CanaMs • preset, trade
restrictions With Japan are greater than.
thoseo of these countries. The wheat
was for coustunption in North.,China 111
territory -controlled .by: Japan. Had
4 -
Pitt( "4110A.Y. JiI7N14+ IOU
WORN our
t Ear A
Pit ILO 1113 IRT
Draping orouswil each
day, unable to do
housewOrk -- Cranky
with tho
fevIing miserable.
Wanking it on "awes!'
when the kidneys may
be out of order., When
kidneys fell the System
clop with ionPurities.„ _
Headaches -- bacuocne, riorynenuy foie%
giving Wore chence to reatere heat*
podaz., Kidney Pint help atm the spite_
And energy, Easy total*, Sale.
Doddi Kidney Pill$--
Canada stopped the shlinpents - eon-
eerned, %r. Zing teaged 111 would have
caused very ;onions embarraSsment in,
Briti,sh4apanese relations. (30. King
, did not say so, :bat it Is known the
views of the United States Government
were likewise +considered. - the
Earlier Oppositfai Leader. Hanson
(Continued on page 7)
v6441 the A.id $tates slw is ..-
, A I 1-:10 e..nsiderazion oug. •
ark arm) r.e.a.,a), 11:4.13. he oensus man arrives. 'There'll
4.r41 41 eontroi •EarIpe,..
t he r isn't w a ti 'tat). 'MO „ tIAN :11•C 11,S.
are living in, ;treat times, :Ind it -
behooves Ct•anatlians to pita. f"•,1/4rth,„ effOrts
worth 2,Ittlo n,)thing, Purolcs.-.2,.o../ of
a or po.lsess;„,,,1/.,. cnnelda'. witri 111 t'AN2, ".0 ::•,:itvller i:th4e -n
0i -der ;0 a4'..o0Matiotinte 'the oesal4=lis
tha't will give 4. 7411111 a pr'011.,1 1.1kal,Te s • s ' 1 and :hen bogin. "
waT 11.,',1141S 1S. :111 ,11.1-411 711 the szaf.t.•,t,...i 11
1114.". IIIM14.111
Int Osi 111't1 4. Or„ot her propert y s'inip:e Ma r 01 flSW01g a I (Ines-
• • P
the part -baser may have, ine'..ustifile: :10t.o's:111011: Zs • a,
„ comp'. :,ed now. A f the family ,
per...ona".„. freetio‘m,
tri10.S1 14,11s 1144 4,s_l)ees , 7,11: • 0411i -411S
• The announcetnent 411', • . ilr0000ti suoli questions . !
.p.eera/zo. ' h soat .101/4" deal tied 1, ye:17. Monter ;.7,012.1z, start
11_ 4.1. 4.1.,z7...iinor, 1 ltiron y r • „wit,
. •
the iienSe 1,,.•r•is. has el...ea:ea, \j'a : Prov .:11•CV: and t heir ; iv."4 4'. 414 and /74, She soar,-
- • 4.
1,0,11.7,. ;1;14 Ne..‘ A. art a ad Nil 1.14:, ,4 1-1 4114014 11,,. ht,r is „
1 r ',tonne: ,fontk,i tlite ana. 11-osition , 'the l'uffk‘: -Or" WI'17
trin : Ser`A'...oes too for ' :4, 4-.'. 74 the new zove Tamen: t1174:
...I; *: :7.4.01I4.7.7.11. 7.,•.T.i1.1$1;1011.
;‘,01;41::: ste -is ',1vOziintl
. • +1' -.. I .
, ..
• t.,,,.. 0..t. , nt 4, • "f.,•,....itka M,... t, r 4:7 yal gp s..„*.se 111 '''., 1..1 ',I f.s. N'"., hs,:ii'l 11 ,slIt,t1 I, lit' i '7frz) " 1 1.'4. r''''.411:"'1: ItN1'..s' ''.1 ila 1 11'1: Wil: 1e1111
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,.,-, ,of ;l1",e
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'VC 4 1 r' I'4 4t4'74
is ° 07":4-a.
• s. oseph .
, .
• TO GE1P TVE 10A111*
The complete. ranl,,,e of these world.
frandas tires includes a Dimlop for
every purse and purpose.
sommummionaiir Armomaimai
A , 7 t4. 7 krI4.S 7
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Yes, guns., tanks, armour,ed ears, mechanizpd
equipment of every deSeriptiort aNvait YOU
send them thundering down theroad to victory.
• (This 'is the opportunity you kale been ‘4,•?.ntixig
—the chance to 'Calk to the nun in the only
'slangUage he understands. So. join up NOW for
ACTION Werseas in old England.. or -44 hereveir
° The Canadian .teiro e Army
requires Mori for Art itierN ,
Cars'. TarAs,
1,Trant7port and S., pp
M4.iiiez11 anti etnintint,e, •
otlrik,r branches of the Ser-
vice. 'The Army is prepared
to teach t.nany trades. and
tti) t rain y oat to efficien if)
handle Oanaila`s .0ealtons
Go to >our nearest DIstrileA
Repro i t IT Office. Maui
c 1 4i-7 §t1.191 1 2 c 11 ni1Ls how
iCote:‘, 31,4,74rh. uhlit tilittitiv do.
• %*ere y744714'31 fit
See,,4.1Ie4:e 744pfartietalar
4,111 7 il=0!;.sess • e;Atill hest
lee utilized. na.0.**tra "Min tlip
f4ar• MN,
Istria 1106ruitmg.Oi
eit•e*e ;le .'s ?