HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-12, Page 801EfT THE GODER1011. SIGNAL.STAR Bukr;' will be pre-"ented by the Y.P..17. of Vietoria e,treet ellureb, Veederieh. Seippc-r' frono 6 to 8 p.m. Adults 40c, Jdrg 241e. 2-1-4,1x hold their annuat, pienie at the Evik001 Victoria Time and , eletb will Relerve JulY 4th for Knon eallre4 on finursday afernoon, June 19, ut garden party. . 2.01 A. strawberry suPper under the, M jigsbrk1g Eia11 eaela Monday au,sprakes of the W.A.. a North, OtreOt evogngt at 0 pan. 110$ moKouzio- aud 'United ehureli be held. on tile I his Orehestra. Admission 35c. 16tf varsonage lawn ou Friday, .11',une 2Ot1iA spevial Ineeting,41 ,the Goderielt 'from 5M to -8 o'clock, konaission- Womeit's Hospital Auxiliary • will be gaUlta,33e, vhildren 2,16. " 23-4,7U held Monday, June 16t1i, at 4 P.m., Backrite for the, kidtit7s. eanap- t the PubIie LibrarybeUs. 3t1, Reser‘v July 3rd for -garden party ,SitraWberry- Ifestisal, Union e1XUre1i at Anglieau ebuivh, I (Art n . . Goderieli township, IVednestl.iy, June 24I 23th. The play, "The Return igf Asa The Arthur (irele of Knox Presbyter- churetk. will meet ond Monday, june 16th, at 8 pan., in the U.eture reotn, Mrs. 1), J. Lanes group will ltave charge. The annual meeting of the 'Unroll Cloudy Tritstees' and Ratepayers 'As- Soeiation will be he'd nt BrusseIs on. I ThursilhY, • June '10th, opening at , 2 "o'clock, The. Women's Institute met in Mae - Kay Hall en hfiernOon last. The riewe1eeteI piesMeut • mester •John,ston, presided. DUring the progyani there was. a shoWer for the - soldiers' iln)xes, consisting of , canoe% t`cannedi ,geotits, e1garette9 and l'he regular Meeting of the (Goderieb Toi-aship. Hospital AuxillarY1' will be n•. held at the home of the iMisse0 SalkeRL Bayllield road, okL,-ThurOay, June 1:0th. at 2.45 The W.10:1`.(1. will hold its regular Meeting at Mrs. P. tea telen's, Light- hota5e street, on Tne-sday, Ju e 17th, at 3 pan. :All members are -asked to, be present, as election of °Meet's Will be held. 13ena:411er' garden Party jnne Bluevale play, °Ana Tillie Goes to 71,76Til." Admission 50e' and 42.5e. -24 'supper from, 6 to 6 p.m. Rev. W. W. A. (Gardiner, B.A., R.D., Egmendville, 'will preach :morning and eveningat Victoria, street United !church ,on Sunday, June 15th. Rev. A. ,L Mac- condUet ,anitlyersary seryleeS° at Egmondville Uxdt eliureh, MOrnitif and evvning. Mrs. Donald Frase rl Of Stratford 10 visiting ,Mrs. A. A. VoNvlie, Elgin atenue. WOMEN WANTED TURIN 'YOUR TIMO, INTO 0011LIARS. - by selling_Thrtnilex ,Produets tq the" people in your community. . :Be the Only one n your territory to 3:na1e Money with, our line of 200 guaranteed necessities. ' No . experience 'needed, - Begin. 'with ,a few dollars and own Ys2ur business. No risk. For catalogueand complete (Total's:" 570 St. tOleinelattreet, Montreal. • 24 TitURILU JUNE 12t11, 1941 For Results - A Classified A AN'IleffiO WANTED. ---MAID FOR GENERAI tomewerk ; Plain COOking. BOX 33/I4S2t2.3x WANWD.-MAID FOR GENERAL ' -housework. 'Sleep out. Apply 'MRS.*E„'R. WEGIA/Wellington, street. . 23x iATANT,1111).-,--TO B1 S 011*.fl HOR.5pS 4 and dead cattle; must be" suitabl for mink. reed; removed promptly. FltED GILBERT, R.R. •2, Bayileid Phone 908 r 22, Clinton. Calls • paid for., ANTED.- OWEN:1MR WANT'S work, town or Country, ,ReaSon- able. ' Write 110.X 36, ,SIGNATATAlt. 24x NOTICE' 11,ELIABLE MAN, BETWEEN 2* and 53 yearS of age,- with, ' ear, needed Iminediately to band out 041313, soap, baking powder and cocoa to established enstonaers in this eOmmun- Ity. Farm experience helPfx(1.1Selling ex- perience not necessarras we train You, . ComPanY: representative will vicinity toluterview prospeets 'shortly. Apply.in first instance stating qualifica- tions to TIIIE J. It: 'WATKINS )01aM.- PANY, 2177 Masson. 'St., Montreal, Que., Dept..0-G-1B. .NOTECE. ee yourtOockshutt dealer in 'Clinton, Ont„ for Pockshutt machinery and repairs. - 24-43x tl.ledIARLESIVORM. lowaimmommomempowor ,LiTiifj)S ydL AP' T 76 4 -Ib. Ro Lge" 721(es. r for .11.1 );,c). (ie Everiday fivivigs -amb Ste Aylmer - Tin - COrill.Stareh u • la 1, (glre Spaghetti CateIli Tin ile AT739/2 °Juice - • 2 iri"S 15c (1.1_11AN6E':u (F11IT • :f6;. (71';.32 • 0z. 'jar, 20c Pork t Beans 14 -oz. -IA 20-cz. e ' to Tins -1-1-1%, 'Tin ellogg's Lge. ,oe Tan_ . ha • • Bulk ‘SultPkg ana • 611,lbs. 19 -• e peichte'-§_l Dessert z ,`'` i5rizs 21c p.0 Iona 4 SIeVe 9 16-1/45c eaS 7 1- % E". 1..'()eit'll.; TtDIFFEE pk. 4) ., 2 ,,.... . ae t.' TFEIISCIIITC'Il MINTS IAN,I nit, . • TortiatOs I"' "Z. 10e Mayonnaise 1. 15t_Sakron 111-6-c Flour Pastry Flour Beans ruits for Salad 'Canadian ANN PAGE DAKED GOODS CHOCOLATE. MARSHMALLOW ° ROLLS ° Ea. .15c Doighmitt§ Doz 12c Angel Cake Plain 16 -oz. 911„ • so-tilh121be. 494;11,.. Fruit Cake- Style BK Sliced or. Unsliced e Atm Page White Whole Wheat 15e 2=1:oi;IVII.tAPPED LOAVES Clekigeri' - -Big 5 3. for 13e . .. Powdek. An" 'age 15c ' • Baking - -Tin_ Dressing, ' ' - ifirk Page 8414- 11 1 .Fiencli Style Ja-i-T."Rib. , Qld Cheese - . . ' Nippy lb. 24c Mild .,Cheese. 1,e,v lb. 19c -Pure Laid ,,I.,f„,,,iieid .2 lbs. 15e Cheese ' PI:. 2, 'az; 29c . Lobs -ter "c,'",,,= 1,;',:„ 25c CrA6meat - Canadian WI5 yin Or Salad. •Dressing 8 -oz. Ann Page Bananas, golden rifie Cal. Cantaloupe 45's Tomatoeg - C21.170.encia,Or.anges 220's TO Eg,NT POE RENT.-;-TW0410011 • A.PART- - 'merit, With bath, (ni St, Vincent street. Immediate POSSe,$S1(41. `48.1S0 larger furnish.ed apartment, bY JulS' 4.st ; attractive location near- lake and 'river.. M. 1". 110WEI.45. 2a-4 L4.1abania Potatoes - Carrots Head Lettice (native) • '15c1971bc 29c doz. 6 lbs". 27c 2 bunches. 15e .5c INI FOR RENT.,-001.1TAGN ON :LAKE. . Shore; twe miles north of Gederieh.. Electricity, water.indOor, 'good ibvaell. Apply T. 1t. pATTERSON, Goderieh: 2B-4 TO RDN'T.-TWO LARGE ROOMS furnished Tor light hougekeeping, just redecorated. Large lawn; located convenient" to Square and near lake bank. 10$ Lighthouse Street ; phone 024, P.O.. BOX 4.12, ' 22-4 TO RENT.:---4TRNES1IEI) HOUSE by week or season, 'two Miles south .of Ooderich, 'on lake front. GEO. JOIiNSTON, Stanley • street, 'Phone -24 F°11. RENT. - HOSPITAL BED, - equipped with' all modern aPpli- ancess. Bed Will he set up wherever and when required. Ra,tles reasonable. Apply s• 1.11EvS. - FURNITURE, 'hone '13,1R(0120. I - 24Q5 . . ,AYFiELD: -LARGE- oottage-to-rent ; (fully equipp-edl Ove • bedrooms' ; soreened. verandah. "Corner lot, near lake, Rent .$100 menth. for July or .August. iSpecial -rate for season. .,1„,Pp1y ,CfrjAs. 10HA14N.004 london, On Robinson's tStore, Bayfield. -04 T.tACilift WANTED TEA CHER WANTED. - FIR,ST- ,OL.A.'S'S teacher, for S.S- No, 3, Stanlertownship. Duties to commence September 1st. Apply to PERCY JOHNSTON, Seeretary, Varna. 23-4x 'PINEAPPLE Australian 16 -oz. 19„ SI' d d C d 15c 16 -OZ: 3c Jar ice an she Tin TOMATOES TOdd's Tiger- 29 rs 5 2 Fancy Cohotc Tins C Tin' • e - (Mt Edge 49 -lb. $1....-35 Bread Bag • 98-1b. eq Bag e194iskti, Sunnyfield 5-1b. 1 2(-11). 61c itag -LotiBag.. Libbys' 2 .16.0z. 19c 6) 2.8 -oz. 3ic Deep A&P 6) 28 -oz. 99„ Fancy t7i Tin 4atM; CLARICS-SOUPS'--Tin - LOMBARD PLUMS As Tins- -1-tfit# 9 16 -oz. 19„ jAm Iona Straw. & Rasp, 32 -oz. 9g,, Color & Pectin Jar haulL, Brown Tins Tins PEACHES 51iced or Halves Tin Aylmer 15 oz , Sugar Pkg. 70 ' Crisp • Yukon Club GINGER ALE LIME :iPICKEY 23tto. z. 8 19c Contents Only, .SALADA".TEA - BROWN LABEL 36-11).42c 7-° 14b., Pkg. Pkg. CUL 1.1b. Pkg. tRend Pkg. ORANGE PEKOE Pkg. 49c . TEAr 14GS 18's 24c plilgY! Pkg. t StE Wlie aToasted 4,4 Pkgs tIOS7fiCid 9 6 -oz. 111, 70-80 Size lb. 9e Prunes Mac. or Flour 1' Syrup :Wafers " • ifiulk lb: a., pag , 'Aunt Jenhna pkgs. Pancake . • . )1d Colony Maple q1r. nY oz. 'Borne el.!L., _Pkg. "i oralituft v Purchases limited to family. %eddy reqUirements --- Prices Zubject to market „ MAX 1111.3 CENSUS. MAN »i SAG,' 111GOROUS,.1049 yiIHEY 4e. 8 O'CLOCK 1: 35( 1411.0 ARO MELLOW RED CIRCLE 'IA 31( RICII ARO FULL -ROMEO, FRESHLY GROUND At TME OF PURCHASE , #40.1.400,1re.,0070040,v,P4.,4.-..#0*P., BIXNDIES CATCHUP ODEX SOAP .2 Ca"es Ile SHRIMPS-- Fs aninaciy; - o z . 18c Tin . PRUNE . JUICE 13:lin 9cTin 13c 1.0z, CIIICKEN Oakleaf .1 s 19c IRISH STEW Aylmer 2. Ting 2ic Boneless Tin Ogilvie 2 Pkgs.15c Libby's 12 -oz. 1 A Ili Btl. -11-1-2t• • LOOK AT THE -SE EVER'YDA.Y.SAVIN6S. .0 CORNED- BEEF KETCHUP Heinz QUAKER MUFFETS TOMATOES Aylmer 3 15 -oz. Tips 23c. TOASTED WHEAT Sunnyfield 2 6roz. pkgg 13c fltlSI1 STEW «Clark's Tin 10c 12 -oz. Tin 14c g oz. Bd.--1.1c ) 2 Pkgs 1.7g TVNAFISII 'White MLt CIIICKEN HAppig CORN FLAW "Quaker BLACK TE4. Special.Mend 2. lbs. AMMONIA 4 ilandY 27-i* PORK and BEANS Clark's s tin '18c 2 Tins 29e:1, or ii•e"egg's 15c Bag 28c 'Bag 55c 3 Pkgs 13c 221 -oz. tins 15c , airtistimewrimmit-entiloaksitmsAvit4Git SELF-SERVICE STORES bin). In. As(5 all In.(awstiolo ..fte“tvittelk, and (pm- . pletely as p(Esible. FOR SALE MRS. HARRY MEW IS •OFFERING , for sale her resident* and house- hold contents ' 'by Public auction On July- 5th. • - - • hoUse with,. garage on • Anglesea street. S'illendid condition; new floors; For further information apply,to MRS. C. ARMSTRONG or K. K. DAWSON, Auburn, Ontario. ... .23-4x _ VIM SALID.-EXTRA. ' CHOICE, ..t: tomato, early cabbage, pepper, Brussels -sprouts, asters, salvia, petunia and other plants; per .doz. 10 'cent's. Cauliflower '15 Cents. Late cabbage *40 .cents per 100. Vigorous 'plants well rooted and hardened to open air. --,AS:-CCIL"BIERT; --cfir.-CaiiiIrria-atilt Elgin avenue. .. 216x FOR SALE. - RESIDENCE pry°- , PERTY ; would make good business site on main highway. . For particulars *rite BOX 32, SIGNAL -STAR, 23-4x POR. SALE. -CHOICE ". TOMATO, -.1. cabbage and cauliflower pltants. Tomato 45 cents, cabbage 30 -cents «per hundred. Cauliflower, aster and ,other 'plants 10 cents per dozen. H. P. ' IAISIIIBROOK, 30-Widder .street, Bri- tannia toad, near 'Sunset Hotel •(-turn at Burrows' store): • - 21-tf. • FOR ISWiArlIEIRFRONT ---z. ' modern furnished house; furnace:, cellar, Water, , lih4 .sewer, bathing. Or part. 1011ARDES IMALE, Bennett St., Goderich. 21-ttf. FOR StALE.,-43tUELIDI,NIG LOT, WITH ' or without • the present "bullaings; on Lighthouse street opposite the Library; very reasonable. Apply P,.0. BOX 84, Clinton. ,. 24,5x A atiOD IPIOTHIPRY YEAR AHEAD. It' looks that wta*,v• to- uS. Get our eggs earlier by buying Bray started pullets now, especially Leghorns (ir . MM. x M.L. Pallets all ages, chicks. See' E. 11. SeiNIERIS.VJL, E.R. 2, Godierich.' 24 ..*_°""!'n.,m.`,"!!!!!!!!!!'''".... _,"Niswal•-•Iwirm.'"u!'.."`",- TENTinns FOR OrkURTIINO AD DELIVER:1.1.FG tOrRAVEIL: TowiNsinip. for rommgc$11 Tendiers wilt be received by the under- . -signed until July 5th for ciusbing and doliVering approximately 300 yarch of gravel, One ineh /nest, to be de• livered where the Road SUperintenden directs; work to be eompleted • be: October ri.st. ki.ouncil Will pay for th< gravol, Mit the eontractOr tei:piepa,r1 the pit. 'Ea& tender must be aeeom pained -by a Marked eheque fer $100 Which will be returned if the tender 1 not accepted. The lowest or any tende not neeessarily aecepted. Tenders anus . be 'in not late. than, July 5, 1041. For further inforniation apply t 77,4 rp,,,,s11 vAna• Annorintendeni r Eta(11-1•EtIt WANTED. - l'ROTLEST- .NINT, teacher,for S.$No'. 1, 001 -- borne, *Duties to start ink September 2, 1941. 'State salary, expe3.1e1ice and. qualificationS by June 18. . WM. WATS( )N, Sec.-Treas: 24- nOoderiele °. • WANTED. TEACITEIt,- ( YIEST. ANT, for N�.6, Goderich toWn- ship. State salary and experience. Duties, to commence tSoptember,.2nd, 1041. .GORDON ,ORR,,, 'Secretary- treasurerr,R.R. 2, Godorich. 23-4 - NOTICE -.1r91 CREDITORS • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons 'Lavin-. claims -against the estate of Ipevi G. Mrarwood, late a the Village of Auburn, in the 'County Of Huron, »retired farmer, who died og or about the twenty-sixth day -,,oil April, 1944, are notified to send' to J. IL Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or • D. -1941, ;full part1cular8,-"of their • claims- in wtiting. ',Immediately after the-„pid fourteenth day. of,Jime, _the_ assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only' to etaims, ' of which the executrix shall that have' notice, DATED at Wingham this twenty- sixth day of May, A.D.1041. , J. H. tORAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, 22-24 , Sonettor for the Execut41. NOTICE TO oiiiDiTons. NOTICE is hereby given :to al persbns having any claim against thc estate of Albert J. GoldtInn'pe, late of the Township of Coli3orne in the ,County of Huron, farmer, who died on o1 about the ..8th dav of Match, 1941, to, - send same, duly sekifted, to' the under :isigned on or before the 14th db Y 'of June, 1241, as on and after that date the executors of4he• said e4tate ball liroceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard only Ato the claims. of ° 'which they then have notice. Also an persons' owing the said estate are,re 'quested to make payment or satiSfa. tory arrangement for .payment, on or ibefore the said date. a May, A.). A.D. 1041. ' R. C. HAYS, IC.0„ . 22-24 Soneitor for the said Estate, • NOTICE, TO CREDITORS. • t, NOTIOD is her44 given • to alr ' 'persons having any claim against the estate of Ida Annetta Waite, late of the Town -of Goderich in the County Of :Huron, who died on or about the 18,th day of May4011, to send same to , the undersigned, 'duly verified, on or before the 20th of June, 1.941, as on and 'after that date theexecutors of the said estate shall iproceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard only to the, Claim of which they then have notice. • Dated ht Go.derich this 4th day of June, A.D. 1041•. , R. O. HAT'S Goderich, Ontario, 24-.0.25 Solleitor for the 'said Estate. 11.4t. 3, Caintou. , R. G. TiIIOMPSON, Clerk, 24-25 " Rat, 2elelinton. English Dinner Sets .4 $14.75 to $4500 Sets may be pnrebased by the piece at .any time. ,Start now. Smith's Art & Gift Store "The Home of English° Mint" East St. Phone 198 VETERANS, ATTENTION! YOu are invited to, attend a -„ MONSTER DRUIVIHEAD • sEkirwE iCUNTON ST;TNDAY,' JUNE 15th auspices, the 1Vlidd1esex-Iluron. 'tett . Vali in, public school grounds 2.15 p.m. Dress-Berefs and Medals CM:MOIL, ikee'y Branch 109, 10anadian Legion. • REGIIVIENTAL pruRoli 'PARADE , of Middlesex-Iluron Regiment • at CLINTON SUNDAY, JUNE 16t1 • at 24)i. 100% attendance of "C" Co'Y is requested, to represent Goke- 'via,'" and )surrounding district. •„a% „ ,