HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-12, Page 6TIIE GODERICIT SIGNAL -STAR
Ilsley f.14.T4,1e41, Oritata taiio
Lit', tk,r(Kio tow of
vim port'aWe piarplus.
roiL4 Cenipiaouithim nclit frtlita Yt'ar, absorbing the en-
•Ap Ot'ontitlud Iv= page 2) On cheese, Air. ,Gardiner annotuwed
ear atlowaitte 1.'rime'-'.11.1a,*2ANL. the p.tyment au additional eent sler
APproni-Matelv tau of Mr. Ring fipounel by the Canadian 'Government.
illoverment," oaiR no
letter, ad to _ttte ont,,was by the'
PrL-ne Minister, tilo/ve o thee train6
itv,; -Vans in Canada itariir6.' been
devi•loPel much. beyond -Me untnimunt
originally plaiinfid and at a pave
which is farahead of. tle orig:nal
come°, as IV:rime ,Minit,,ter will, g,o in ,,,,iiiits incrt,ase, (with..earlier :Aid givo..;n, t3(140.1u10- . .
•D...ininiou inzotne taxet3. ' bY itiw, 110111inion •ana Pxovincial ititv- rbis ' voitstitutes a reniar4ab1e
Incidentaily, tlw third war loan i knune.ats inu oiatario aud uuthhe,„;,1,aehlevement by he Canadian, until-
eettzs to be :going 91,7er quite weii,brings-'tize haste priCe to IS .e-ents ilk"r (t)iritsitie,osirwhtorahillik'ine gulasienhltylorer i‘z‘z.)htiNiti.,hblev,,s!'.17.11;
rig,ht acrom the ' ihnuinion, '-ii[w• ' pound, or more,' for tbe. ibt*st zradt..s. •
, - .' Inarkell invreasein the uniniber ot The • Dominion tkilovernineut will pay we believe, be one a •the most weighty
oinaller sUbseribers, 4,,o1upared with' i!tit :$1,70,4,000 in, inereil.sed . vikve,se and tleciive factors in gztining vit-
. tory for our arras," Mr. Maelionillti*their effeetiveness, are expected' to
(iNtriter (loans in titi3 war, shows the: Drives tills vear he veraltrked ,
pile, latest ;plan for training lit it,islt,' kz,ir;duce oizalple cc OuollaWs. ereater
One pad kiile Oleo all. day and every ' results of the intensive or raniztatztial - ' '' - ' ' '4 4
Any for 2 or 4, wciks. S pads inL each. set npt for the earagviiirn •r:+•o-- tb." i Itt`14rdiut'; t't)bat:(''°' it i* 4110Wu that (1"4"M'
'4...'N'" 0115cials of the Trade and. 4,1oranterve Of eivillan iperSonnel,,,,rather than
TUBlUX J4Ti 12th, 190
every te(anadian loo/i. to Ms ow
t4trlto the avineyard to see tluIS it it5,
r4te. if this is done, larger, aRairs
will 1oo4 after titeint-Avc*
The special Commons. committee o
war expenditures', under X. T. Thor-
son, 11M. tor i'elkir14'.hat3, &sub-
mitted 'quite a oOnStructive repat o
its (preliminary enilairy. 4111e
mittee has launched Gttpd to bring
about grater control- of ex-
penditures in he three dtikenee
paitments, which, without curtailing
iniCket. itproyinc,, no nticki
ness, country. t expected
some leer ari, flyers in the states, combined, with! 'r 'De othrerS, in,recoltimended int the
lb0 bod odor. Ask your Drusci629 that ',the Attt,""1,00-0 "' and ..kgrieulture Departments
' the ComnionWealth Air Training, /Plan three tiefene.e:. departments. Drastic
OtIO loan, with. 4` IV
4arr g c
On active ne-otiationis with
,coeery or General Store. 4 , $140,000,00,4 additional conversion, will! 37 • 11 arid separate, additional .1rftish,.' et4oliomies are urged on such, items as
t. he 1.1ritish Government for the export
t)', of vousid;erable Canadian tobacco_ till.,4 , operated training ksehools in Vanada„! St4tionery„ pr u 1 ,,, „ e g, .
'- i ti t4.--ladv rtisin low -
10 CENTS PER PACKET ,, „he oversubscribed and that close t'
$1,090,,1100,1.100 will be forthcoming frOnt -, , . means that (practimus lull hritish „Air distance'telepholle iealls all4 telegrams •
ii„, . le n t peo
tl tIt a lian ple befote the vam:t T(4414'' 41 111' Buci-11' 6' ernnit'llt * llits training is' being transferred to the! in. the defence departments. (The
WIlY 'PAY. 1110RE9
,. !rim ;WILSON KY PAD CO., ilachiltor,IN,Orgt. pain is 'closed, . •
already agreed ,to take a, proportionate „
• . • -"t P liam ut
taken from the t tilted States. A•year
share Of Ottnadian tobaeco L. that th, Ainerican cOntinent. Ti iis will, voiniiiiittee of twenty-four members
Fanner$ Vaia4 Their Part T • ** free British( azrports tor offensive andl will continue -to sit atter or e
. . • ,'-7•• • . ' ..kgriculture Minister J. G. Gardiner I ' • . - defensive PurPo.ses4 ' i adjourns, the members being paid V.o
- —
A . minister was asked by one of it & fiHad will! ago eight •million 'pounds ef Canadmit. war ta,_ -
- - - - - -i ' told the 'commons "that ort, the Fla'Ist Consideration per day subsistence allowance. • _-.
'least ,respectable members, . to „, say , ! tobacco. Were ex:ported • to ,Britaial?`„, -Finance afiniSter ' J. I,,iisley, till
help win the war and that Canadian - No Evidence of Graft .
Prayes on Sunday' for .kuna Refl. The.1 farmers are playing their part. in ero-' tiltnx:44 . .1) • ,
It none was, e - Orted last year furthet• diselistdon Of budget proposabir --' A long-awaited report •by ,W. N.
clergyman' dild so. A few dnYts later anethg it -31'ore staple Canailigurr: Wartitue , industrial training h
r-" during the, week,. made -tile olguiticanti Tilley,. K.C.' ,Toronto, on construetton
farm rodui-ts• of all liin41.4 exeeptl l'etql giro), "t° 37,871:.. mel• in lig-) .°141.- statement- that' "the prosperitV of, thei of the ,Eztaern, Watt:age:airport at
the pastor askea the church 'member if '
he desired the Prayers for Anna bell , wheat amd ti,p91,,,, Itre•disroi,i,,d1 ailian , voeational scnools and sliops,
to be repeated. "No, thank you hind- Of today than before the Crawtford of ' the labor 00,
replied the eliurch member. "She ..we have brottg.ilt oidtlIzaion ommlittee of the Labor De -
Gardiner observed.
went stated thiti• week. Of this
iven% last'WtminesaaS -'4A41-(44 t() .°1-1e*" ' the fahners rono'h I he past t wo otht rt•11
Coanadian People, their nutterial Dartmouth, N.S., revealed little. Some
"being and (comfort. is not the primary extravagance waS 'noted, Wit no. '41.,
consideration at the present , time."1 denee of graft gwas found.
None of the comfortable type of ipros-r Amensitnents to the War Charities
man - wert into Industry . I At h Iv een introduced to gave the
lo _the trame of tuind wher,4 , , pet ity assmiated with a boom wi I, , e
' tht-"Y.' be Joltrated by the Government in' Goveriunent More complete7'eo
air fo ntrel
fondest hopes 'in the prodn.lion of, • * 1111 3 . wa•r-time, "TriTs1- nit -war -funds --raiscd,,t,u.-Ihe
• •• "
to:Hi," , Nlinii4ter added. anival branehes' ,the anti:4% U". As the poliey of the Government and i About $27,201,400 has been raised, in
Illeon exports to Brttain hai-e in- it will hold to it .whether -or not it is various war funds since- the war- be-
Cra wford thinks the time •has t-oure
tt a in _ mit Ian NA ow( ot
ereasNed from 104) million 'VS ilt hire
sidcrin the war before to 450 million , nieehanical and induistrial work.
this year, 418 rdiner .sta ted. There The Air !Prattling P1an-
;eenic-1 no limit tO' .what allay te ex- Rt. Hon. Malcolm 'MaeDonald,
ported in the future. United ° Kingdom,' high -commissioner.
• ClieeSe7 exports -he -glatt • has- givrn. Canada t#fl1h1i reassura nee -the. euryent --eampaign- for 32,000:.• v. --
have inereased from 72 tnil1in p013154,1,s that, 'the plan for training, 7,000 Bti- emits. Today's ttgures put enlist'.
• -beftife the war to 104 million' Pounds 11•11 airmen 'in the l'uited States will ments tit 10,000. Expressing his. con -
,t •
last year. This year J.12 million in no way reduve the scope of the joint fidence that the 'reeruiting campaign
pt•onds •be export ed. And next' air tr:tining- .plan in • Canada." nor -will be crowned • twitli . success, 4 701.
re9r, he 1)re,1iote41,, t•heese• export wi,11; "With those _other measures of assist_
r, ti) 144 million pounds. - anee in the" ftvl 1 of.$pir training ,.sg)
Cnrrent nar t ia 1 ii In 1111 t e. Mr:1 generously a fforded by the Ca nadia
attaelml," the Minister added.
Defence Minister J. L. Ralston in
formed the Comns moyesterday that
7,03 recrukts have beetigigeured for
the army, so far, IR connection with
Ralston ,asked members of ''Parliament
"to put their brks into the vam-
p:lie-A". Ho urged every member and
Mr. King goes .to 7.4w York an June
17 to *speak on Canada's war effort to
the assoviated canadian organizations,
there. He will receive an honorary
degree from Princeton. Univ.erSiti
the same time. Col. Ralston will get
an honorary degree from Colgate
University at • Hamilton, W.Y.. on
Monday, when he, too, will speak On
'he eountrY's war effott.
Arrang,i;mentq have been made for
'Mennonites and Doukhobors, who. ate
y Use A "Sissy
'Chun* constipation las to .410
with the colon or large, itgestine.
Unless the large bowel Is thor-
oughly emptied, front time- to
time . you, become a Victim a
chromo constipation and poisoning
of the system which inay. result in
colitis or other serious aisease.
Miki or "sissy" laxatives merely
cause a Movement of the bowels
without effecting thorough clean-
ing out of the eel= or large bowel.
For reason You. are'nusled into
thinking that you 'are doing all you
- can. to overcome Et. constipated.and
poisoned condition of the em.
These who know I)r. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills ap_preciate the
value of a real medicine which
pt.( only effects a thorough cleans-
- mg of the colon or large bowel but.,
also arouses the liver and kidneys
to actiVity in filtering poisons from
the blood.
Once you have proven the merits
of Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
yoy will never return to .the use of
"sissy" laxatives. Keep regular by
using Dr, Chase's KidneyZiver
Pills once or twice a week.
conseientious pbjectors with regard eo
military tr„iiniug service, to undertate
four months' labor service ,at 50 cents
per day, chletly road work, as their
contribution to, the country. at war.
First '• Irishman : "Which, would yez'
tEtlfer be in, ,Pat ---an explosion or a
colUon?"' Second ditto; "in a
lision. 'Because in a collision there yez'
are, hat in an eXplosion where are yez?"
St. Veter'st church, Drysdale, was'.
'the scene iq a. pretty 'Wedding When.
Joan Marotret,: daughter of Ir. and
'ars, joseph ,Gelituts, 'Zurich, became
the bride ipt, 'Clement Joseph, SQ11 ef Mr.
and Mrs, tl3enjamin, 11Iteann, • 1,1t,
Caere. p.o
Carmol. n. meaarillut.lal mass was sung by
Have You Renewed Your Subscription?
(Established 1875)
—0 ---
Ambulance Service
Phone 120 •
FLOYD M. LODGE, Director
J. R. Wheeler
-Funeral Direetor and Embahder
All calls promptly ttended to •
day Or night
Phones:. Store 335. Res.. 355W.
Hamilton Street, Goderich
,-Cunningham '8z
We invite you to in-spect off
stock of
Cemetery Memorials
All enquiries' will be . promptly
attended to °
EXETER—Phone .41
t „-t•-• *
-k.of:DEAD- or
Lolledto this number
"901r .
Complete Service at Reasonable
No extra charge for the •nie of
our modern Funeral Home.
17 Montreal St.: Phone 399
Tothose contenipia,ting
ing ,a 'lloniumen•t . Get mY s.
priber before buying. CemeterY
Letteririg a- specialtY.'4'-
All wank -gtiaranteed,
Clinton • Ontario
Our prices have not advanced from last year.
• Large stock of Foreign and Canadian Granites to choose -from,
147 St: Patrick St. STRATFORD • Phone
Britons 'fought and suffered and died in order that
their children and their thildrea's Flaildren might
be free. Today the forces of da'rknes threaten to
eugulf us once more. Shall we give up tho,se rights
which our forefathers von?
Today our country mist arm. No time can be lost
We muit build the"greatest war mathine the' world
.has ever known. We must accomplish in two years
,more than the eneiny has accomplished in seven.
That is why,Canada needs your Savings— not as.a
but only as a loan. Canada's army must be
• saint 'gated and equipped with the most modern
.fighting mathanes. S&ares of warshfo and merchant
vessels.must be built, 'Thousands of planes, thousands
of pilots must be thshed to the scene of Conflict
So,Canada needs the use of your money now. Later
on, Canada will repay you in full. In the mea-ntim? e,
you will receive regular intetiest'on your loan.
When you buy' Victory 13orids, all Canada is xour
security. 'These Bonds are More readily turned into
cash than any other. °
HOW TO BUY—Give. your order to -the canvasser who
Calls on'you, Or place In the hands of any branch of any
bank, Or give it to any trust company. Or send it to your
local Victory Loan Headquarters. Bonds maybe bought in
denominations of $50, $100, $500,, $1;000 and larger. ,
Canva.sse, bank, trust company or your local Victory, Loan
Headquarters will be glad to give you every assistance
making out your order forna.
•L'ItOM the innermost fibre
to the sensational new
Gear Grip Tread, every.
thing in this., smart, stream.
lined Firestone Champion
tire i trew and different; It
sets up entirely new stand.
lards of safety and long a
mileage because it is 'the•re.
sult of Firestone' s quarter.
century of experience- in
building tires for race track
Here are some of the things
you get in Firestone Cham-
pion tires—new Safety -Lock
cords treated with a new and
odvanced "Gum.Dipping pro.
cess; 27% stronger *bond be. •
tvoeen tread and body; 35%
•Zred.tr t heat protection
against 1)10wOntS ; , on
amazing new tread with
thousands of sharp,edged
• anglpp for quick stops—a
• tread that gives 11%
more non:sicid miitage.
'Mot or0 is the( Firestone
Chatnpion an engineering
• triumph but it is silver.
value as well—for, with
.all its extra ,value, it dpet
• net Vest one fent thUe
tha ordinary, ta..**11ae-s'—
yopr nearby Firestone
Dealer pat them on today.
Nationoi comrstit, Victory
Mawr, Carlotta