The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-12, Page 5TIITIRS081; JIATNT 12th; *it THE GODERICH SIGNAL- AB ilgATURE, TAN AND With% AND A,LL WITITE NITRO= (Trade-Namle) PUMPS GORES t—u- TIES .• 7 AT $3.65 — $3.95 —;$4.95 FOR PRACTICAL ' STYLE- AND COMFORT , "Murray's" White "GRADS $7.50 1111111k. • Buy Now mins pow= Tilly's SURE -WHITE SHUSHINE "IT" 'WHITE DUX Reg -250-15c ,3-51 25c 16c • 'vmmawasyymis KINGSBRIDGE The Late John Kelly.—John a welliknown youhg Man of this place, paOsett away on May alst in Alexandra Hospital, Groderich, 'after an illness of, several weeks. He was born at St. Augustine tiventy-severP years ago, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly -of that—place, and -111s---mether dying when he was qUite young and "*"hig-fitherbecoming an in.i4alid; he -was taken under the' aarge of Rev. W. A, Dean, then .pastor of St'.' Augnstine;- and later became a member of the Dean -household, here, remaining son until his death. The funeral took place frem the Dean residence- on June 2nd to St. Joseph's ch'uech, where requiem mass was sung by the pastor, Rev. J. R: Quigley, who also officiated at the grave, assisted by Rev. Father Veiten- heimer of Stp. Augustine. The pall- bearers were Leon 'Sullivan, Michael Martin, Jos. 'Bowler, Gerald Dalton, James O'Neil and Maurice Bowler. KINTAIL BORN: ATIRLIRN Guy Durham, of Si., 'George, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. John Vergu- son. On her returnyshe wao accompan- ied by, her sister, Slim Mae Permason, who will 'visit her. , Mr. and Mr% J. 0. Stoltz spent the week -end vitiltiaag relatives at Ayr.. Mr. Carl Yungblut o1 thuni1onapent the weekend with his parent here. Mr. and M. Bert Marsh and family were Week -end visitors with. Zr, and Mrs. Gornaley Thompson, of ilrampton. !Atarsh, remained at Dranip. ton and will spend the -summer there. Sirs. Thomas Anderson, of Gloderich visited over the weekend with car. and Mr. John 1101,1StMa. lIorn.--On Monday, June 2, at Kospital, to Mr, and Mrs, Fred. Yungblut (nee Doris Wagner}, a son. Mesdames John Houston, W. T. son, P. Ross and 'Wesley 1:Iraduoek at- tended an executive meeting of HurOrl Presbyterial W7M, held on Tuesday lia (Minton Presbyterian chuith. , Jim Houston, only son of Mr, and, Mrs. John Houston, has..ben called to the R.IQ.A.F. and is at present sta- tioned at the , Manning Pool, Toronto. Qur best wishes go with him in the canse of right which he is going to- 2npholdt LAO. Jack We was transferred re- Cently from ,Sky Harbor airport to an airport near Oshawa. ' Miss Margaret King spent a conple of day's in Gdderieh, the guest a her sister -in -Jaw, !Mrs, Albert mug. At the United church on Sunday, Ohildren's Day wil be observed, and a children's choir will lead] in the serVice of praise, and render special selections. The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be Aeld in the Foresters' Hall on Tuesday, ,T,une 17th, at 130' p.m, A report of the, district annual meeting held. recently at Wingham will be given by Mrs. Jos; Woods and Mrs, Gordon Taylor. The hostesses are airs. Chas, Strapghan,Vrs. J. J. Wilson and '11rs. J. C. ,Stortz,.. Baptist Ladies' Aid.—The Dadieis' Aid of the Baptist church held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. 'Stanley Johnston, with Mrs. C. A. flowson in charge. Tbe devotional ,period is taken by Mrs. John Raiehby and Mrs. Howen. Readings were given by Mrs: Jas. WebSter, Miss Amelia Mrs. Thos. MeNall, Miss Toll and Mr. 'Stanley Johnston. Mrs. Glen Raithby aTcd„,, Ph-illips,Sang‘ a duet. Mrs., Fred toll, jr., was guest speaker and gave a splenchd talk .on, `17.1ie Parable." Mrs. A. E. Silver sang a solo. Mrs. Walper closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch -was servfd. - Signing of the Serell.—The signing of the scroll last Wednesday in connection with the Victory loan campaign took the form of a solemn and impressive eeremony. Mr. W. L. White, president of Sky Harbor, presided for a brief program. The Liberty flag, bearing the torch, was presented to the reeves of East -Wawanosh, -Colbor ;and 11,,al1ett BRINDLDr—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June •8tb, .1941, to Mr. " and Mrs. Clifford! Brindley,14,.R. No. 6, iGoderich, a -daughter. HAZLITT.—At WOM.e.)1S .College, flos- pItal, Toronto; on Jane 9th, 1041, to -and Mrs. Kenneth ,Hazlitt (nee Norma Hifi), a son. LARDER.—At Alexandra Hospital, —•:Goderich,-On 'June -6t4;--- to -Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Larder, Goderich, a son. -STUTHSON.—At LiStevVel;,oniiY22nff.' .1941, to Mr. aag.Mrs, J. k".'Murison, -clatgh ter. . 'REVII--At....Mount Hamilton Hospital, to' Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth Reid of Pamilton, a. son—Glen! Kenneth. 'W IT IT E . —A t Alexandra Hospital, Goderich' on June (9fh, to Mr., and Mrs. Gordon White, Goderieh, a daughter. • %Vernon's Institute.—The When's Institnle held their June meeting last Thursday it the home of Mrs. Fred MCGregor. Mrs. Robt. Scott presided. There,was a good attendance of both inembers and viSitors. The *Irnsingss part of the meeting ,was -shortened, as a Red !Cross tea was served at the con- clusion. Plans were *made for a pot7 luck supper to .be „held on Thursday, June 19th, at, the home of Mrs. Donald Blue, Amborley. Arrangements were also begunifor, the annual picnic. Mrs. Scott and others gave reports of the district annual meeting at Winghtim., A' quilt WaS on display which the 12th concession ladies had quilted.' Miss 'Esther O'Connell and Miss Dorothy Shuppe, of Portland, Oregon, are visiting Mrs. E. R. Wigle fdr'a few .. — days. Rev, „A.. has. been..,,at Landon -this -Week attending the annual - meeting of the 'Baptist •Convention of Ontario and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Will John - gem and Mr. John Staekhouse, of the Goderich Baptist congregation, at- tended the 'Convention yesterday. virmormi.mmemoom DIED • . OLEMENTS.—In Goderech Township, 'on `),,Ionday, June 9th, 1941,, Mildred Grace Powell, Wife of John•Clements; by .Rev. Dr., J. Barne t, -•of Goderieh. • ' 'Blue Water highway, in ,her 21st . • • .. The scroll was read by Mr. Pooley, year. • * - ,zone commander -of tbe Legion, and,was WILSON' Goderieh, WedneSday, a f tenwards signed by 'Reeve 'Raymond Redmond of East Wawanosh,.. Reeve WM. Thom of 'Colborne and Warden anies Leiper of Hulleft. The schools of S.S. No. 5, Hullett, and S.& *NO., 16, East Wawanosh, sang two numbers, after • which Rev. 'Arthur. Sinclair,- of Blyth pronounced the benediction. National Anthem closedthe ceremony.. 00 '110',WAHD 4A/014TRONO, Torontp,' former u manager, a the olitteal dePt. of The T. aton Co., will be, 1:11 dalttge of' our oilice ne,4t vveek. June 11th, '1041, • Elizabeth Wilson, wife of the' late J. Bernard Wilsbn,'" in her 83rd year. The funeral will take .place from the home 'of her son, Mr. Fred. WIlsen; Hindi's street, Saturday, June 14th, at 2.. o'clock. Interment in" Maitland. — . cemetery. .11111111.1.111.111111110.1.111.111111111111 CARDS OP THANKS TITE FAMILY - OF "run- LATE !Willia-m- T. Abell 'wish to .express their- sincere appreciation to all' who, were so kind' in their recent bereavement. - 24x TEIVFAMTLY ()F THE LATE -IRS. , Joseph Fellows ,take4Athis means of thanking all those who 'sent eard's and flowers to them in their recent lbereave- ment and also those who loaned ears for the Ifnneral. • 24X ANID, MRS_ JAMES....,WIGGI_Z.,•TS extend grateful thanks to (all those wife, were, so kind. to ° them during the fatal 'illness of Mrs. Henry *- and also to thosetkindi friends who isent such !beautiful flowers •or..loaned •cars for the ftineraL OPTOKETRIST DUNGANNON • , DUNGANNON; June .11. ---Miss ATina "Andersen, who has 'completed her Normal course at Stratford, is 's•Upply: at Crewe school this week for MisS Winn, who was. In a motor, accident. antl,Mrs. David S. Brrington are visiting in Toronto with their daughter, Mrs. Stanley Hughes. , •;11iss Wffrna Treleaven, *Toronto, spent the 'week -end at her horde here. ),jr. Aithur Brown, 'Duhdas, spent the week -end at his ,home here. Mr, and 'Mrs. Pariiie Wiggins •and son Billy spent ,a week. With Mrs. xelatives t'Wyoming. . Mrs,. 'S. Herbert iStothers is enter- taining this week *at a Ti-ouSseau-te or her -eldest daughter, L'liza..,Lenore, 'bridelelecL • • "iis Millie Anderson' spent theTweek- end. with friends at Walkerton: . Mr, and' 11/14s„40has: 'Alton:and and Airs. John Blake attended ,annivers- arx:servicea ai Zion on Sunday. Misa rn Alton 'waS soloist at one of 'tile services. • - Mr. and Mrs. 'Leah' Consins and tivo children, of Detroit are spending a vacation. in these parts and at present are -at •Wing -ham.. Mrs, Cousins Was former1.3r 'N.laryMillion. • Mr. and Mrs. W. At Culbert, Will and l'Oora visited on 'Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Le,onard Crawford, ,Goderich. Mrs; • Matilda iCorigram, London, called on friends 'here last week. The directors of the Goderich Rural Telephone Co.* met on Tuesday and a - pointed Mrs. Lorne, IverS as secretary- treasurer..to succeed' Mrs. G. C. Tre- leaven, who had resigned th.e position, •f w •Treble--alillied.---4 quiet but pretty wedding took' 'place ,at no United_ church manse on .Saturday at 2 p.m., w heii -TWV.-117C,TWIlson anitedriu mar- riage Evelyn Susan daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.' George Million, of Col- borne, and Frank 'William Treble, son of Mr. ,Pand Mrs. Charles Treble of Western Canada. The bride looked lovely in 'a blue sheer redingote dress with beige accessories and wearing a corsage of sWeet peas and carnations. Her hridesraaid, Miss Evelyn Plaetzer, wore a pretty blue frock and had a corsage of pint -carnations. The groom was attendeil•by the ceremony, a luncheon was served at the hom:e of the blide's parents, after which the.couple left on a honey - mon to. be spent at' Niagara Falls. They will reside at London. =470 SEE THEM TOMORROW! - -- Mrs. 111e..13ville !Culbertspenta e. days last week at Stratford in con- nection with. the Victory,, loan campaign. She has , moved t� the , ho.tise belonging to the...Pentland estate, south of the village. . 14nni„Versary,....,services Will be 'held at Erskine Preslbyteifati aiiieif•CarKiii-diff next at 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev.F. 0., c, Fowler of Inue'Vale will be the speaker and special music is planned. ,United Church W.M.S.—The regular monthly meeting of the United eh-urch W.M.iS. was held on Friday afterncion, June 6th, with Mrs. -4.rthiir Elliott. in the chair, -After devotional* exercises, Mrs. Geo. Harris tccok' Charge • of the program and gave, an interesting paper on 4qCoximinnity MeWhinney read letters from the West - expressing .appreciation of bales of .clothing sent .by the Society. Mrs. A. 'Roach read an arfIele on i','Gardens of 'Friendliness."' Mrs. .Harris reid of the "life of tRei'. Mr. N-rdns at the "iSoo." 'The quii rterly-bift ht _w.as_ served' at' 6 o'clock. MOB =SPIES Ii1E1406110'S 2 pkgs 25c Van amp s Brungvcric Glacier Sir 1 PEACHES SPAGH4TTI IRISH STVW ANIDIER AREINZ Awns 2 15.0z. tins 25c . 2 10,04. tins 25c '2 II5-oz. tins 350 281'0Z• m nstie s itz. . 2 p gs Lynn Valley Pears, 2 tins 19c CHASE 'SANBORN 0OFFEN 1-1b. tin 53c ROYAL_YORK range Pekoe Tea SUPERIOR Baking Powder, 16 -oz. tin 23c FRUIT, BLOSSOM BISCUITS SALMON COFFEE' GOLDEN NET I BLUE BOY 1r1b. tin 29e 1-1b. bag 370‘ J. OALVIN. CIRT, J. J. MoEWEN - PHONE 116 PHONE 46 :111M1111.111.ram111111111,1111.1.11.111111.0.!! some years, ‘and much interest was created. 'Sides were -chosen in the old Rtyle, with Frank Hamilton and _Neil G. Mackenzie as ca.ptyns-, and a close - twice ensued,' Frank's team being de- ASHFIELD ASITFEELD, June 10. -,Miss Grettai Campbell of Lucl5now_spent Sunday 1i-fr4end5 ter*: - _01,111.e. _home of Mrs„,...M..C. Ilackeniie 1at 'week -end were .Miss Hazel Diekison, CSlisses AnnR,,Charlbtte and„Lois Maelcenzie and gr. 'Roderick Mackenzie, 'all of Toronto. , Mrs. Margaret Fletcher has returned ,Goderich after a two' weeks' visit with her brother, Mr. jobn McKay. ,Barn -raising. --An interesting event on Friday last was the barn -raising at- , the 'Collinson farm on Xintail , shle- road, the former Kenineth MacLean farm: • Mr. John Cameron, ef Goderieh, directed, the raising as he Dad' done many times years ago. An accidentoc- curred when a brace fell, hitting Borden Culbert on the ,head, and knocking him out. He was taken to a doctor, who closed the ,wound with five stitches. The next day he was able to return to work. When thework was done, Mrs. Collinson, assisted by her • neighbors, served' supper, and in the eiening- all enjoyed a dance in KintalI hall. It was - the first barn -raising in. Ashfield for • . Mrs. J. F.`,. Tom has arrived from Tor- . onto to spend the.stunmer at her home on Wellesley Street. - 1111111111111111111111 • clared the winners by a narrow margin. Considering that Many of... the men had never taken part in a barn-Aising before, the . 161b was done *' very erred it able. style. 4 JUNE 20-21 Froni GODERICH To, Station's Oshawa' and Easi to Cornwall. ineluslye,, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Camplaellford, Newmarket, Croliingwood, Mek ford,,‘Midland, .North Bay, Parry Sound, iCapreol and 'west .to Beard- more. - -4P...M. TRAINS FRIDAY, JUNE 20. ALL TRAINS 'SATURDAY,- '. JUNE 21 . to TORONTO S • , . • . also to Brantford, 'Chatham, Goderieh, Onelph, Ilamilton-,- Loudon, ' Niagara Falls; Ovven ,Sonnd,, St, 'Catharines, St. Maiys, Sarnia, Stratford, •Strathroy, Woodstock., **. See handbills fer complete list of destinations. For Fares, Return, Limits, Train Information, Tickets, ete.,• consult nearest -agent.- ' ' ¶t -178A. G-AN:A.,1) I A:S.., YOUR ORIGINAL I.D.A. STORE iizie -45'- 'r • , The bx•ug Store that brought lower pries to. Goderich. We are endeavoring all the time to bring to your, Drugstore -Tnecchandise 4_,,fair prices .a4id•feel,that we are cloing it. Would call Your attention particularly to the N'oxzemp, specials as advertised in this list of -specials for THURSDAY---FRIDA4--SATURDAY. • e • 4t* Many remarkable carsitrOed-in during the -Iasi fivii'busy:d4s, aerietetiON 840# if 1941 FORD DZI:UXE. COUPE Nv'i6 'auxilary seats Slightly driven, New price $1240 . Our price $1095 • Toinorrow anew grono of.ears add even new Interest to the nib. Every tar on the lot must go ...regardless of make, year or former price. Terms areWsy glicrvianCeS gre boosted. Notv's the time to buy and here's the place to save the money. OUR ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR'IS SENSATIONAL! t, 19,40,110RD poAdn Equipped with heater and' defrosters. 'VON miles. N6'w ear condition. Our price $895.00 tmsviliNommonlimmilluser' 1938, CHEVROLET COACH ComWeely overhauled. A nice clean la at Our price $875.00 1935 FORD COACH ,Mechanic's sp'deial. A buy at 3295,00 1932 FORD COACH An exceptionally clean ear. 4-,ey1inder and economical. Our pi:0 $275.00 And many other loW priced- Cars, including Chevg., Fords, Durantg, Bucks, Whippet. • SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY Lakeview Casino Grand Bend It Rained---:and—It Poured', .• Last Saturday but The Crowd Came and had. a Bang-up Tinse -t� • WILLIS "TIPPING and his __Cascade Music AGAIN • DAN( INGf SATURDAY, JUNE 14th, e THEN RINE 21st NIGHTLY 4, Bathhouse and Surf Shop open daily. 9.a.m. to 16' p.m. Cafraiina SWizn SuitsEnglish ,Ch in a -,Gift Wedgivood and Royal. Doulton • IDA Guaranteed Merchan- dise at special prices. )‘ 25 Cory Remover. • 21e :13 Milk of,. Magnesia 97c .It 25 Ca seara 45 ChSeara .37e 1 Ili: F.,,Dsoin Salts 12c 23 %Inv ()Jet 16 Oz. e:eed 4 oz. Semja Lea v.es 19e --- Pimples ' kill , Many a Romance. , Tho lives of 'many young, people are made miserable by the breaking Out of pimples on the face. IThe trouble is not so mueir ph*. cal pain, but it is the mental suffer- ing caused by the embarrassing dia.. Ffigurement of We face whiell very often makes flue sufferer askamed to .go out in eiouvany. - ' The .quiWeSt way to get IAA of , ltimp;e3 is to imprOve the genera1 'health by a thorough dewing of the blood of its impurities. r Burdoek Bleed, Bitter&arcane ' land purifies the blood —0et rid a rest phirepies by tilting 103.13. . 1 11$0. it lit*sest a., WI, 'pink* Oakt, FATHER'S tiAir, .GIFTS • CIGARETTES • 10e,* 25,e, 60e YARDLEY _,SIIIAV, II( YARDLEY •LOTIC YN ' 850 GILIJETTE' $5.04 14)11148. BA'1401t:' 36.95 A.TTPOsTRI)g RAZOR 79e . ;WHIM' liNJECT(Ylt" 31.00 23e, 49e TANICOE 49e, 980 TANIGEE ROUGE ....73e , SPECIAL A '25e Bottle of: Woodbury's new Aiinorid --Rose -Lotion with any 50e. jar Of Wood-- bury Cream Both for 49c 1•111011111, ERIC�MOT ORS GODERICH sontrn $T. COIGAT Alstimmor. EFFERVESCENT ELt.".f.,,TS aNn's - 980 Eic,(41 Ji iiai4'-rri 4111141..390 SAL ,••:..30e, 59e, $1.15 , KllUAii.S.ALTS 25e, 69e _ \I)'R1 11IVE11 SALTS,' • •-• ' 39c,, 67e, 79e - ,1111101M0 'SELTZER .10e, g5te,' .49e, 95e •WA,NIPOTAM GRAPE ,Sr‘Al",T.i4.... , • $1.00 1,0 13•1t2ITING CAPis 19e, 25e, 39e, 49e sten she itr.cnis• HONEY owl AIZIONI) tlittait .49e LI PER '0 Y SOAP 2 for 1.1.e. A Me tin of Bisodot Powder. and a 25,e tin of DiSodo1 • Mint„ a '60 value 39( TWO IfOXZEIVIA. SPECIALS A large 104z. jar Noxzema formerli", $1.08 size.. Seda1 ' 890 A 10e rake Noxzema Soap and a .59e jar Noxzema." Bef.tb, for ,590 . COLGATE'S