HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-12, Page 4a iiiE GODERICII SIGI4AL.STAR GOODRICII COMMANDERS Size 30x3y2 $6.65 Size 4.50x20 8.60 Size 4.75X19' 820, BUY NOW AND SAYE GOODRICH V -TYPE, FAN BELTS LAST LONGER. . BECAUSE THEY'RE STRONGER Cuts' grease and dirt. Leaves, brilliant lustre. POLISH CLEANER BATTERY "SPECIAL oodrichr Goodrich Commander ti. Plate. • . $5.55 USED TIRES xter Kipgs,tod ,.• Lint lel Phone 5.15 Shell Service Station Report on Justice the Council ehaanteer, There are only 'titration of 'the aiparatw waR mivelu in AeCOUlltS in Iluron thrce comity /10=3 in the, Province -Withotat the egnipment, " A re:lunation which. "viewed with (Continued frOci page 3.) alarm" the inereaging vo5t of indigent costs of administration of justice. IT hospitalization, U3 d ashed the.Govern. anent to take step to place a closer cheek on the admission of patients and the duration their .Stay, was unquimonsly paSsed.- • ' .LAWIST BOWLING Twentv-two towns a three took part in the -lawn bowlilfg tournament at the' ricton street greens on, WedneSdlly night. Besides thirteen local teams, there were three from Wingham, two (a1) from, Seaforth and Mitchell, and. one.eac% from Irensall and Exeter. The Wingham team of'W. A. Wilson and,Sturdy took first prize with three wins and a plus a ,28. Other prize -winners were: 2nd-4geo. Mathie- son, J. Nesvicombe, E. Allison,' Oode- rich, 3 wins.„Plus 118; 8rdi—j. 11. Lawler, M. J. Ainslie, W. ISewcombe, ,Goderich, 3 wins, Plus 4; 4th . Spreat, Dr. .Seaforth, 2 the Crown Attorney Were paid a saki* the fees would 6011 be collected by the ert)wn .Attorney and paid to the Pro- vince' and the 'Province Would pay his salary. In this case, the Province sets the salary. Under the fee system, the (Mown Attorney must return to . the Provinee fifty per cent. a all his' earn. lags over $4,000. If his earnings are aver $5,000, he must return seventy - Ave per cent, and ewer $0,000 he returns 87% per eenr. It is t� be noted. that a great deal of the cO'sts of administration a Justwe, caused !by julles and witnesses at jury cases. In manyeases the accused has the •right to ask for trial 10 judge and jury. Ike and that there has been real co-oriertftion in 'the county to en- d,eavor to eliminate juries when not necessary. In this respect, defence counsels as well as the Crown Attorney Bechely, G, 'Brightral are to be commended. wins, plus 14; 5th—I. R. Wheeler, Dr. We find that in 1.038 the system 'of Graham, A, Icitton, :Goderich, 2, wins, maintaining' the Magistrate's oilice was changed. 'Under the present system, plus 12. In Friday doubles play, the Province takes sixty per cent. of P. Bisset and W. Hodge were,the theiees. golleeted— The office .must be maintained out or the 'N'ilinzairff 'Warr' balaum. If after maintaining the of - to maintain the Magistrate's office but y. , thchCounty had 1101k ELDERLY OIAN: ficv any money is left'sit reverts to the Count!Prior to 1038 the municipalities collected -the fees. average of twenty-five per cent. of the We find that over a P*Iott of years an ESCAPED, BACKACHE, total cost of the - administration of oillstice has been recovered from the province. We also find that under the Revised 'Statutes eourt criers' will no longer be required! and .the number of jurymen has been reduced, thereby lessening the Many people think that backache is a trouble that comes natufally with advancing .years„ but this woman of 71 proves that it is not. "1 suffered fora long time from. backache," she writes, "but put it Cost to a considerable- degree. down to my age"(71). Reading your We feel that through the investiga-1 announcement, I thought I woul4 tion we were able to carry out there try. Kripchen Salts. 1 have been is justification for the increase in the( taking it for some time and have found great relief. 1 thought you would like to know it has done me a world of goocl."--(Mrs:) When pains in the back are catised..:bjnactive kidneys and . failure of the digestive system to throw off poisonous iraplirities, - ..„KruscAen Salts Torill give real hell) in setting the matter .right. Because • Kruschen has a diuretic .action which -helps to flush youf kidneYs ----and--livers.. After ;that, ypiir. blood throws bff all imPucrities; you get happy relief from, pani. costs of administration of. justice. •( Signed) B. J. 'BOWMAN, Chairman. •- • Red ,Cross 'Grant , The Warden's coinmittee reported re- cOmmendin g that ,the' $1000 grant made in, January t6. the Canadian Reil Cross Society be rescinded -fl_nd • that the money be divided among nineteen branches_ of the 'Society in Huron county, which will reeeiX-e,$487.75-each, and 161,1. other-tranehesborder, Lucknow and Clifford, each of which was allotted $244.25-, and Kirkton and Woodham; $112,25 each— a total of $10,000.. It was explained that the money_wassoted originally for the Red ,Oross 1941 'arupfigiu far flindsi which can4mign has .been cancelled. Up to date the sum of $16,52'5 has .been spent on war effort, but of a total of $27,500 voted for the year: The, old hangar at Sky Harbor was sold to 1.1;ar1. Westbrook, as it .stands, .for 1;105. • There was a lengthy debate en a I rroN6 of iSeaforfh metion- to abandon Ithe 'voluntary method of raising rnOney • for war. effOrt, in favor of direct tax- ation, but • the voluntav method will be retained,the. fluids so raised to be ----Ficsupplementedby grants out of taies.• Some very interesting,discussion Wit.8 ' heard. It was stated that too few pe:ople, act* as .canivasserS,.were doing too 'Muth and getting, very little thanks and some abuse. Some large PropetIty- 'Owners, rich men too, were not con- tributing. n, fair share, some nothing at Rich Man Gives 25e, Poor Woman $5 One 'reeve said, a man owning SOO acres, tree of debt, had given hita twentymdve centfor the, War !Services Fund.- A. washwomah in the same mu,nicipality had given hfive dollars. Nearly every member contributed to the debate, telling his canvassing ex- perience, but • was feared the public Would lose interest in the wa-r effort :rf thq Toluntttry systm. Were. entirely' andened, • 'I' InStallation in the ,Coupty Home of orratttoniatieifire alarrasfstena-at-acost- of $1885 was recommended by the County 'Home committee and ,anthorized by -Council..-. It was explained that two inmates had. 'bequeathed -the' initittition. a • tOtal of $2,000 and .that • tbis „money would, b:e used to safeguard the lives of -thraged people by the installation 'of the fire protection System. A •tlenion- . Aig.t13111,MeInties, Ab'. Bill Carter and AC. Bill 'Hoggarth, stationed with the . at St. 'Thomas, spent the week- end at their homes here., What a Joyful Sound The hum of the lawn inow• er is Music to the ear after a long winter. But if that hum isn ",t a joy 40 the ,oper ator, take it to • • *Geo. W. Stokes ' Machinist East St. • . ThOnt 206J 44.111_141.1101111.1.01. ruNtgia OF MRS.- HENRY' BELL PIGEONS FLY FROM TORONTO' Fifty-two, bird S were released' at Tor - Among those from out. of town.whol attended the funeral 'of the late Mrs. • onto in the weekly flight under the nus - Henry 13ell were her brothers', a B. and L ;McLeod, of Windsor; Mr and 4r,s. Albert E. Arnold; Detrbit r Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, Mary and Hugh, of Holyrood; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam McIntyre, of Lucknow, and :Miss Henrietta 'Ourwen, of OttaWa. ,The pallbea.rerssyere *Geo rgie-MeGlbe, pices of the •Goderich Homing Pigeon Club. The distance is 120 miles and the birds, released at 7 a faced a strong bead wind. First to arrive was Percy, Johnston's "Whiz-bang," at 11.:10, and second was Bird Jerry's "Young Corrigan," at 11.119.The next eight, Were : Bakers, 11.23 ; II. Jerry's,' 11.25 and 11.30 S. ,McKay's, 11.32; W. Baker's, 11.35; C. Ladd's , (Auburn), Wilmot Haacke, Charles Walters and Robert Fuller—not Wm. Fulford as st'ated -in last week's -paper. • • STARTING ANOTHER CLASS Another trade class will be started_ on July lst for motor mechanics, driver mechanics electricians •and fitters. Men who are'interested in this branch of army.. work can get all necessary In- forrnahon at the !Goderich armories. 11.41; Rud Jerry, 9th and 10th, 11.45. The next fijght will be from Port llope.' . SELLS COW AT. $205 • . W. Hume Clutton,. Colborne township, sold 'a. Purebred Holstein, eow at $205. to Erb & Co. of Pennsylvania, the animal being shipped this week with "a carloa purchased in Western' Ontario: It pays o raiSe good stock - Tuvirsomr, gna 12tk, 1941 SEYOETI CTIVE UNL SAT. Md= .-OLOSING TIME, JUNE 14 wrinen sATIN• FLOUR 7's • 2,1,s "pCoffe RosE e 25c1 -1'47c Tin Tin JEWEL ShOrtenhig " 111)5' 27e- ro vonAm - Cheese 4:y1'11e 21.4ot 49c 4 • WHITE SATIN Tissue •NA% Y Tissue . Last 90-100 size 2-11). BOXES Prunes • 4 ms. 25e vas.spapiiiiaramexan7a:racciar=ar=ANag." • Clark's 12-0z, tin. 3 rolls 25c Corned Beef 17c • Lynn Valley Light Syrup 3 t -ms 25c 4 rails 25c Pears Norfow, straw? Bright's ' Jams Z, SALAD.'' .32-oe SNOW , FLAKE ch. es 2 ....!°1% 25e , Ib jar-27e7rea Dressing jar 39c Ammonia 5 Pk6 • GOLDEN YELLOW . • Itifie BANANAS ib 9c Help finish the weet, Skin,' and ;Juicy SUNKIST ORANGES Lger size. job. Buy Vic, Mea. SILO du. 21c tory Bonds. • 29c " RI•PE TOM'OSth.19ArEc Sound Investment—A VINE RIPENED • ••'Truly Patriotic Gesture— CANTALOUPES 11c A Small Sacrifice . for Freedom. Don't Wait. DOMINION SWIMS , • Mr. and Mrs.. Fraser :McTavish and-Wheie the llowers.were in memory of little son, Jimm-§;-----zr London, were.Mrs, Mernevish's father, the late 0 34% ' visitors in town `on •tuiday and at:Elliott, whose funeral service tvas held tended Victoria street! United church, in the churfh just a year asoo • 41. Competitive- 'Prices ,phis Personal Service ..essaa SPECIALS' AND REMINDERS FOR 'TODAY,. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO' LIMIT QUANTITIES.. FATHER'S DAY - SUNDAY, • JUNE' 15 - „ Don't forget,"dad"„ on his da3:; Select some little remembrance' • for him from these suggestions. GIVE HIM A: CAMERA Heie's the, sensational netv • BROWNIE ?Vtle REFLEX • , pk1 CAnnpi (4, „ . -easy to Use - • - I." • SMfirtly Makes 12 Pictiir-As i)er roll,...brilliant slze reflex finder, braided carrying cord. cf001011 crinfial ,f,inarit9 • LYSOL SOAP • 4c, 2' for '17c _ STERA-KLEVg--trial size free with reg. tin 45c VINOLIA—Castile Soap cakes._ . .6 for 10c REMEIVIBER • HLVI WITH • "SMOKE" , Favourite British 'Consols Cigare.ttes 22 fo‘r 25e ' Itt,a1 Ilriar !moo. Tobacco, for.cigarette or plPe 65e, 75c, et. Shaving comfort and comfol t. are contained in this man's set— . dinette's LONDONER ' SHAVING SET • Gillette's Tech Razor 5 Blue Gillette Blades Plastic Utility Case ` 89 0.64,4010.01.*, 44,4 lawamoissommiaisaiW • L D. A. BRAND HOUSEHOLD NEEDS , .Speelally priced for the week -end AIROMATTO CIASICAltA, '43. and 6-07* 19e, 37c MO,F, M ALIN, .1 lb reg. 15c 12e Iii4AV1:48, reg. 25e 19e •:(1 A T ,A1M ,IJOTION • reg. 25e 19e CORN itEMOVE31 reg. 25c 21e FTAXSUPeD, rwhole ,seed, 10 67 .Teg. 19e le 12e LIN'S'101111) MEAL; 12 -oz.. ... : . 15e -42e -- MITA OF MAGNESIA reg. 35e • 27e Sold on money -back guarantee 4* ..,7''' ,..s.wwwsr.gamiso.. Allfor-ammarioriat4 -11f. pkg. rirmor_d ; *44 "'PT :AM .1t4 Faraway. - 2 f ,Schick Razor'8 1Schick blades 1 ,..and large Palmolive Sladve •: ,,. -,, " Cream ' 5,0e c!2e9e ,Shaving Brushes, 41,, vultie„..79e nirdley".s 1.4having Bowl - ' 10 &A° -.25 Golf 13.all's • 25e, 4 for 95e -, . 25e others; , 50e, . 75e • Dveready Pidwights, 'with, -bat-Jar Rings 89e .,t.i...4„.. .i. • ;;1$1Kill quickly with :ffili2 for fic a,, - • . .............,.-...... -varookosonfammeemitetwa . 4, .4N4Ar4.,„'".....; TAT ANT TRAPS & . • 41 atiarafitecer to kill both Swef,t P inottc,,11:eas.0-eating, ants. ral. ., tire colonies destroyed. No bA 35c,-; f°1' • $]Jfl . . ....—;—..--,-- LID.A.MIEMBER, 'THE MPA N1ES A L L-CANADI AN 204. TED' COMPANY" 5 • 436C 8 O. Tin 24 1101113pV g SUPER HAND SIMIAVEITI 21'5 ny.rox fake less f6 kin " 16 Oz. TIs 43°. t7 FLV-TOX 1411/5.f M.0141.14111 NNOt9Ult.4 Large. Eetinoiny$ size -r37 .oz. 73e 41_ apripbeil'O. Welt • ,a.totie Pttotte 90 ,, Yaltir L D0 A. Store Goderich