HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-12, Page 30 _Ertl:
GODE1itii,-ONTA13,16,— JUNE-1th, 1941
• Business Pireciory
O1tice-40o1rt licmat? Go41,-ich.
Telephonic 55. ,
Barrister and. Solicitor
First aiortgaV SeeUritY. ,
Urban I.Rans Amenable. a
Office -f -North St., Goderich. Phene 7
1,110TDITH and
Ohartered AeedUlitallts-
77 DoWiiie Street, Stratford ,
Toronto, Pince: 302 Bay Street
Phone 2,03 _ Clinton.
Pte. Theodore% 1)Q1e,
Wolseley iBarraeke, Loudon, Ont.*
writer regarding a paragraph in the
May .9tit issue of this paper in- which
it was,stated that he had been arrested
by Police %Sergeant J'ennings on the
.eharge of desertion.:
Woulde'apPrelate it if yell would
print the truth in Your paper.. Iwas
not „eharged, with 'desertion.' I ,was
charged with being, A.W.0.(14 fifteen
day% Yeu are not a deserter until you
are gene twenty-one days. ,And as a
matter of fact Sergeant Jennings was
not asked by the provost police to ar-
rest me. I had a court Martial all
right, but not for what , your, paper
states. I would appreciate it If yon
would give tleie piece the same eon
sideration that you gaVe (Sergeant Jen-
nings' little ipiece."
Telephone 119
Sales attended to anywhere .and
every effort made to give satisfaction.
Farmers' salenotes' discounted.
AIRY1310N14.1E1t FUR HURON -
• t, COUNTY.
„A satisfactory, courteous service for
1-broperty or Household „Sales.
Ratei-ReaSenaible. -
DX IA J. R. FOR$91414, EYE, DAR,
Late Hauge Surge= New York,
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as
instant at Moorefield .14ye. Hospital and
-Golden Square Throat nlospital,' Lon-
don, 'England,
53 Witeeloo , Street Sz,;•.Stratford.
• Telephene 267.
Next visit Bedford' Hotel, Goderiah,
Wednesday, June 25th, .f
llroin 2'
ti5 p.m. •
Buck it up right now
andleel like a mdllonl
Tyr liver is the largest organ in your body
and most important to your health, It pours out
We to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies
'fteweRerirballoira proper nourislmient to reach
your blow. When your liver gets outof order
food decomposes in your intestines. You be -
Cense constipated, stomach and kidneys can't
work properly. You feel "rotten" -headachy,
backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the time.
Foi over 35 years thousands have won prompt
relief from these miseries -with Fruit -a -fives.
S4t can you now. Try Fnit-a4ives-you'll be
shok delighted how Tfiddr like a
new Person, ',NAPPY and well *Phi. 25t, Se,c.
RUITAIIVES t-geowlin,
Live Tabfsts
• • :
------,------,---1----- .
Goderich, Ppone 341
Office hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5• .
and 7 to 8 -.p.m., Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday. .
---- 10 to 12 a..,14,,_onl on •Wednesday,
Monday and 'hursday at Miteheil. •
„ - Mineral' fu e_ baths by appointment
' OnlY.._,
51 South St.
S ANCE 00.—Farm and iso-
t,.9‘._n property insured.
Oliteeo. \Valium bluox, President,
FJCilltietharo • W. R. Archibald,. Vice-
• President, `seal:brat ; M. A. Reid,
filanager an • Sectetary-Treasurer, Sew-,
DiTeCtUriS in. Knox, Loadesboro;
Alex. • 13„roa pot Seaforth; .Ohrist
Leonhardt; Dublin; E. J. TreWartha,
Clinton; Thos. Moylan, Seafoith; W.
R. Archibald, SeafOrtli ; Alex. alcEwing,,
Blyth; Frank Mc'Gregor, Clinton; 1-1ligh
• Alexander, Walton.
Vtgetits--E. A. Yet), R.R. 1, Goderich;
.. James Watti John. E. Pepper,
Rat. 1, Brtfeefield; •R. Ir. lIcKercher,-
R.R. 1, Dublin; J. If.Priteter, Brod-
hagen.- • ,
Policy -holders can make all pay-
ments and get their cards receipted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton ; Calvin Cutt's
Grocery, Kingston Street, °Goderieh, or
n. Reids General Store, Bayfield.
Men.40, 50
PEP; VIM, VIGOR,*.aulmormal?.
Want normal pep, vim,- vigor, vitality?
wry Ostrex Tonic TabletA. ContAlns
tops, -stimulant, oyster elements -
aids to normal pep after 30, 40 or 50.
Grt.a special introductory Size for only
Try this aid to 'normal pep and vim
today. For sale at all good drug storc.s.
• t '4t-
Driver of Faulty Carl
a -Potential Killer -•
There was a happy meeting in Gode:
Judge Clement'Finding
s In ,,,,,,wriell oft Sunday when two firet cousiee,
Williams Case StresseH
New Point of Law ...lc. rred arrier. a 4oaktiffo Wale,
_I now .at tile. Ite.t S. Air Navigation
A significant eon/action, one that, may School at Pert Albert, and Willlant
Lodevick, of Oleteland, .0., met for the
be ot fat -reaching, importance, e
-a- w s e ,.
rte, time in their lives Incidentally
recorded ineGoderiela last Friday when Mr, 1.,odwick Was here on Ins honey -
a. C4eneral Sessions Enron gountir jury, moon. LAC.. Harris' father, rred
coinposeil mostly a tanner% atter ilixJames 11°111% as4 Mr' JActwick's
, mother,'Bessie Harris, are brother and'
hourS and thirty -dye minutes' deliber-, Meter. The Lodwicke came to ,the
tin, returned a verdict of "guilty" in United( *tates before the Port -Albert
the...ease of Earl T. 'Williems, aged airman was born, but the farailiee have
twenty-four, of laoderich townshiP, kept in toueh by letter for over fifty
charged with "(driving, a motor :vehicle years.. William. Lodweek, now a brake
11 a manner dangerotts to the public." men on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail -
William's was given two neonthe sue- way, ie a member of one of Cleveland's
-pepded -eentenee-aed, Aliged , to give _a laegestefamilles, eighteen boys aed
r4ea.kntizellee to reimburse the igounty some of MUM' -are*tiond, )Ut JAC.'
to the extent of $1.00.tositaed the eost of Harris- says. he has quite a few more
Ails trial and not to drive a Motor ear first cousins whom he is looking for -
until' January 1st, Al% and. not. even ward to'meeting for the first time.
then unless .he can -satisfactorily' pass
an eyeeifht test.
The conviction is significa.nt becanse The June executive .meeting of. the
It means, in effect, that anY,one wb
drives an automeibile on the highway
Whieli bee impror brakes. or lights,
or which is otlaerMse mechanically de-
fective and liable to cause an accident,
may be Minty of driving a motor car
in a man4er dangerous to the public,
• whether or not he has an accident.
Daily 7.30 a.M., 4:25 p.m.—Leaves
Goderich for Stratford, • Toronto;
ilamilton; Buffalie London, Detroit,
, „Tayistock and Woodstock. Depots —
Bedford; British •and Royal Hotels.
none hatelS or 305 for information.
J. *. Craigie
Get Our Automobile Rates
Plume 24
All through prosecution of ,the
chargeiOrown Attorney Holmes stressed
this point and in his .address to ,the
'jury Judge E. W. Olement brought it
very much to the fore. 'His illonor told.
the.. jury that NVilliams was not being
charged with causing the de".1411 of
Mrs. E, Kirby on.Detembdr 2(4, 1940,
or of seriously fnjurink hei: aged
Enforcing Anti.
Elmer Sheardown,
/tree_rthat company at eerch GdiAil' the
acket. "Maw' by motive fitter, who has lbeen employed
past twenty.eigirt years, ha* been
traesferred to WindSor and left tor 'Met
Jolty on (Sunday to take up his new
duties. 'Mr. Sheardown has long been
a, very active member of- the lown'e
volunteer fire -brigade and hiS servicee'
will be greatly missed by that orgenits-
ntiou.- Mrs. IShearidoEvia and family will
continue to reside in Godertele
•County Here 'Emptied Inben
•Igneaxdine 2out4 Taken,
• to Walkerton,
An echo of the Ifitreeracker outburst
in Gederich 1a6t.Nay 24th Was heard
in Police Court on Thursday last when
'rank Baer, ofeColliorne township, and
•Earl reagan, of Goderieh townshiP,
were eath fined' one dollar and eoste GODERT7011.1.10(7CsIl11IP,. June' 9.—
under. a town bylaw forbidding "the Mrs. Annie iSteepe of (Bertmiller is visit -
setting off of a firecracker within one 4.„„. her .1)„„, RAI A „I •
hundred yards of a building." Evident- "4b- """ '-hss'earna JennAn
Mr. 'Earl McAllister of 'Waterloo
ly the rnraladS had not head of this
firecracker bylaw, but police hope tliae visited over the weekend with. his
one dollar -and cests explosion fparients,31r. and 'Mrs. Robt. McAllister.
- is' stl-
ficiently loud for all and sundry to hear e. Roes S‘owerby left 'early rridnY
liabert,,walvaer,vawjwil,_,Anes iox .morning on a steamer northbound from
breaelies of the H.T.A., one of $5 and ederli.,11 tir the' Iead. lif"-the-Lairee:ee.
% . e ,
costs for careless driving and ,,$1.9 and PteEriMcAllister is new with
regiment, the Elgine, etationed , at
cests fer failure to possess an oper-
ator's permit, Alvin Reid, also paid SYdn,,Y', Nava f$e9tia.•
$5 -and eests for careless driving. Union Church Notes. --,-The regular
A deputy game ' overseer from meeting of. the Y.P.U. will be held. on
Kitthener visited Olo'elock On the
e, mouth of the Thutiday. eveningof this week, with
Mary Harwood in charge.... . The June
•meeting of the wil be held on.
Wednesday afternoon of this week at
the home of 'MI's. J. B. Or.r. ; There
was a good-sized congtegation at Union
on Sunday, when- the .pastor,Rev. A. J.
MeKaye, delivered a splendid s.ermon
on "What It 'Means to Follow -Christ."
During the service the choir sang an
anthem, "The Lights of Home."
d . a .
-Huron Presbyterial WM.'S, of the Pres-
Maitlan21ver t
byteriati Church in Canada was held in morning of June •2n4, -and Sound an
Olinton Presbyterian, church on Tues- enthusiastic angler with Ilea& b
day afternoon, When plans Were made taken almost a month before .the mw -
for the fail rally to be held in First ful time to fish the gamesters : Theline
PreSbyterian -ehurch, •Seaforth, in was ..$10 and costs.
September. The 'PreSbyterial president, • To Face Charges in Bruce.
Mrs. 1:1„- Jack of ..Seafortli, told -oif the 'Remanded. for .sentence e week pre -
splendid meetings held at Bratville viOus after pleading-leuilty to two rob -
by the lOntario Provincial W.M.S." and bery charges emanating from-Wingham,
stressed the need of the whole -hearted Arthur. illawlston, Kincardine 'Youth,
—sttpport- of every member if the work wa's again rem, anded. 'He has since
a the thureh and the Women's 'Mission- been removed to jail at Walkerton,
;xry Society is to be carried on. All the where he and th.ree others will face a
missionaries who -Were foreerd to series: of 'robbery -counts from Lukl
to 10anada are laeiv assigned -to other now, Kincardine and Wingham.
missionary (work, Mrs. Jack stated, -and •' RawistOn was ale only prisoner in
father, Henry Thompson, but of driving they need the pr'ityers and the support Hurbur(ounty jail and his remdval gave
recklessly with a ear with no brake- of the church in, the new , work they Governor_James B. Reynoldsn a . chance
bands .on the rear wheels and oliTt$ one are undertaking. .. . ' , .. to throw all jail .; doors open, figura-
itetlector on lils --teadlig,htS: Jude f Representa-Hvee-were-preseu-t-TxonL. tively_Ihrew the !RUA .dway, and run na
elementsaid'A-VilliaMS-AVUS- a--petentitell-•*tihnenc--Belgrave,,-40-11.n.ten",..-:..Exeterr. the-wbite flag of purity • .
lciller, whether or not he had rammed I Goderich, Hasa. and Seagorth. Those Jack Pane, airport worker, "jilniFelr'''
mw. eeti_from ((lode- his board bill at iSiiitfoi-d anINDIAN...0001r
d it was.
. Dr: J. , Lane, , ,lits••: J. weeks ibefore the law caught up with
. Rivers, Mrs. XI. • Bell
aylor. •
Dramatic Clulec-The June meeting Of
the Dramatic 'Orub was held. on Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Tichborne. with about forty members
present. Mary Harwood was chairman
for 'the Program, which commenced -with
offeeseeeme Speee41•111'imeee
root Whoopirel doply
pent/411114 — pow it*
viral stayadline pratuage
We poste lour to five liente
jii3t it 4" elbove and ,It.
ianw It gtOuntilioe
highly ceacsairotd. (Wive
rtwtociat used in loge quAnti"
t4) by the Powi,t Compoli.:4
$1.20 Wats 20. 25 posts
.„ , , 54.15 mete 35.100 'Ants
'connftunity einging. (Other iteMe were
guitar soloa by Edna iSomersalle read-.
ing.,_!,9Deaoon,,Brpyvies ;_vourts412," by
Marlon 40a,lwell; solo, "Wings over the
Navy," by Melville 'Harwood., Ether,
MeIlwain occupied the 'chair for the
'business Pellet}, in which. plart's Were
made for a. jOilitopienie with, the Sun-
daY schbol the 'latter part of Jul. The
meeting was then turned into a eon-
gregetional Meeting and James Young ,
tacted as ehairman when committee
were - appointed for the strawberry,
festiVal. , lepich was served by Mrs.
Tichborne and the evening was :brought
to a close with the singing of the
National Anthem.
Geo.:G IlacEwan
-Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Office:--alaoonic,Temple, °
• West Street, Goderieh
Phone 230 • GODERICII
ipto• the rear of the buggy in which the 'attending the
late ',31Irs-..4Kirby and' her father were_ _rich.. were Mrs
riding, ,,- . . • • . BiSset„ Mrs.• H
,It will. be •remembered that theac- and Mrs. A.. -.T
cident occurred liter' the intersection .„ .
of No. 8 highway .and the 16th con-
cession . of - .Goderich•) township last the glare of the -lights on a car behind
Ohrigtmas Dye at 0.30.
him. shining on his rear-view mirror.
Would WelcciMe Higher Court Decision • "You should have thrownthe mirror'
- After' the jiry had .retired Prank .out of kilter -ail slowed down," said
His. Honor, but instead you -kept lin
DollilellY,' defelte.e ,eounsel, 'entered a not 4owing what WAS ahead of
protest 'against Ord, trial judge's. addfesS,t_g°11.g,
, Real Estate and lInsurante
Office and _Residence:
I Trafalgar Street
- •Phone'
POR s.SALE—Houses of all kinds,
choice, building lots, business
property and several good farms.
Let me show you some real
? bargains. •Buy new.
• Now Playing—Jack Benny and. Fred •Allen in `Love,,Thy- Neighbor
With Mary;Martin'
Monday, Tiesday aiat, We pesclay,
Vivien Leigh and Lawrence Olivier
Present the spry of Emma Hamilton and Lord Nelson, the story of
=1 two imniortais who WOW the delidoteichallenge of their love- into
teeth of the go Ips. Directed by Alexander Ii:Orda
Thurqday, friday and Saturday
Bing Crosby—Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour
If yon •need a hearty laugh, if you erave some superbly tuneful
4.ntertainthent, then you'll anake a date to ,see
Matinees Wedo Sat.' and,kelidays at 3 p.m.
&ming—(1arole Lombard in "Mr. and Mrs'. Smith"
but His Honor reftsed. to reCall the --
• uOmment was made' on the' craze of
the present ,generation to getsome-
Where, • to go- Places, not,. knowing what,
to do. with themse1Ve.6-'.when they did•
reach their destination, and, .0,11
tendency to drive .41indly, assuming
that the r oa d had was clear..
CrtyWn. witnesses -.-were Dr. J. IV.
•Shaw, ,Dr.. Oakes, illenrY S. Thompson,
Gertrude '.1,,homps0n ; 'Frank Taylor and
times Culp, . t raffle °dicers;
WOlis and Edward Roaeit. Defence
witnesses 'were Ivan Jervis,„ Harry
Wafkius,'Edward MC.Leod, Arthur Cole
and liarry Bradley. • •
Motor Damage:CaSe-
The County .Court civil action of
Hunt versus lugiI1, a motor damage
CaSe arising odt of an itccident 'a short
distance east of 'Clinton, on No. 5 high-
way,. on March 17.rt1t,„1931), proceed,
with. ,interrupiions,.• parts of Friday •
morning and afterneon adjournment., -
being taken -until Jane 24i, at 10 a.m.
This adjou•rnmentwas made ,Pecause
county 47ouncil is tis.ing *the t•burt room
this week, and there is no othersuitable
Plaee' 111 t3o-diT1oln:.in•-wlit•c11--t0-• told-
• either 'court UT Couuty Council sessions.
Only sinalFinnounts of damages ;i
involved in Ibis caSe, .1110 l,1a111i 11T Ostt-
_Mg 1$350 and the ih,feadant Outlier-
elaiming $5.50, but it is estimated it
will take ;two 'more daS tit finish the )
jury, stating, he welcomed an appeal to
a higher court on the paint of whether
or not a man who goes on the highway'
with e 'fauly.„ cat is guilt -of -this
•new. offeece." He quoted Chief Justice
Lytaan Duff ,of 'Oen d a 's Supreme iConrt
as „stating that tb.e motering'public had
not kept abreast of the »tnauufaeturers
in the matter "of. motor -ear -improve-
'inents.• ° ' ‘'
Thequestion ,Of eyesikht
Was prominent in the e,vidence, whieh
took ,up tWo hours Of. WedneSday, all
day Thursday and part.of Eriday morn-
ing: ' 'Oil 'Itiss- own defeneW•11141Fins-
ma inthinett that hie eyesight was nort,
laktil.With the use of the same lenses, a'S
he wore on the night of the accident,
and cited the fact' tliat the. Motor
-Vehicles. Branch had issued him an
operator's pepluit as"a result of an ex-
amination •made, after the crash.
audge,('lement told Williams that •he
wa,s driving. .1)1111(1" \\then he -stru.ek
the buggy, 'aecused MN -nig admitted
•that he could not see ahead<lbecause of
Relieve, Asthma.
and Hay Fever
Quickly With ,
•lahn.• I1e was given one year's sus- ;no
pended sentence on pitying his landlady 1111
and court cats.
Host,: "Those are 'my grandmother's
ONT,r rilerf‘." Guest,: "1 )h, so the
poor :4°111 has passed." - IlOst; "No,
she k inst too lazy to loac for •an asb
..Tho whole
• IlealthfUl, refreshing
Spearmint Gum is a treat
for young andold. And the
chewing, helps keep Your
teeth. clean, bright and at,
tractive.' The delicious flavor
svv' Wens your breath,
freshensyau tip. Join, t141
milliona of happy families
who enjoy Spearmint after
every tqeal. '
ARJAiW, Ju'ne..j0.-, Many friend., of
Mrs. Wilbur La wl r 'formerly Mist.
1)ora Wilkie of the (piraetelep:wpv; .
• central). met at the Pomo of Ars. Frank
Mcliwitin,' on Monday night and ,pre, •
'sewed her ‘Vitil 11 111i,.4,441111.4r,ls sliokNer
or useful and pi.e.tty gilt 4; iiritint.s t re
played On the lawnand' hlter-itil 81
jemmied t 1 the -house, where tit t 1."*N1 rv.- •
Clark• and Allan Wilsoii,. drew! in a
wagon loaded with hareeis' for .N.1.1H.:.
wlor. The guest of honor thanked.
the many friends -for the lovei gifts.
Refreshments vvere.served and idea--
0111'time witit. enjoyedby all.
• Mrs. 4Tiiit Clark ga‘e"ciier huiv for
a imiltinFiind 'tea on. Friday tiftec'iTholl,
when about twenty ladies, besides child-
ren, gathered. Two quilts. were made
for the refugees, wifile some k•ri:-. It•
was a beautiful day and Was Served
and work done, 00..the lawn.
• Mrs. All'n••:-Atilson spent Wednesday
.vy it a' Ars. IentlerSaeirttrl- la te'r•-vitsifFer
with her. son Frank find family at
• .
• •
Mr. Beenanees A«lress.—let‘v. R. (;,
Ilazfewood vas in (barge of the „service .
iti the ,Vnited eburch -en 'Sunday, when
Rev. W. '1',Venther se,tfort h presenled
the claims of the Temperance Federa..
tion. • The speaker touk for his 10.141,
"AM I My brother's keeper?T' 111(1 urged
that everything possible ,Shpuld be done -
to safeguard, the young, Oneration from . -•
the temptations of the, beverage rooms
and liquor stores, especially at this time
when $'‘) lii.any boys are intraining
camps. 1\fr.; Bremner it 111W11kg 11
TiSii-Oir at carlow United. ehnreh.
Women Woebers;Meet.---The
Aid held their .1 :mw
e "neting Pt the
home of Mr::. It. 110111, jr, lit the
absenoc of the presiden't, nes. Harvey
Fisher was. in charge, withrMri, Victor
Young as seaetary, Pro tem. After
the (101°0)10 petiod, OM, members,.
worked tit. 144 VroSs knitting% Nlr,st,,
McBride, who has been seeretary-
treasnrer, eeked to be relieved of the
of '•svereta IT. The t ter "
Cover fot •anot her meeting. A letter
of thanks from Mrs. Errington was
read for sympathy extended on- the
oecasion of her eister'sedeatit. At th&
close afternoon tea wee ,serveti met a
. eoCial hour enjeyed, . •
Coai your liver to healthy
• action! Help it keep the
• Bile juice flowing with'
"Dr. Morse's",-- the Im-
proved vegetable laxative.
'Ask lei" this • reliable,
remedy by -wile -- at
your,druggisVss" • 23
'Every duty, well and honestly done, is a contribution
-When you hear a -VOi-ce coming to you Oear
Ana distina over hundreds of miles :of tele-
• phone line, then repeater tubes are in Action.
They keep the voice uP' to-strengtli, no mat.
ter hey; far it is travelling.-
rmerly these repeater tubes required as,
much e1e9p-icity as a 15 -watt lamp and lasted
only -a few weeks. Bell Telephone research
and manufacture have developed a bite that -
now does a better job, lasts 20 thnes as long,
consumes 1/5 of the power and costs about a
• quarter of th& olcler tube.
That 3 fust.,-an.exampletiof,,what research is do-
• ing for telephone sane — improving it, ex-
tending its scope and, keeping costs. wi,thin
bounds. Research has made the telephone
equal to war -time.
demands. •