HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-12, Page 1o butt Cprnbining The GoderickSignal and The Godel:ich Star KINF/ZY-FOORTH„ XDAAt k• • GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 120, 1941 COUNCIL INAUGURATES EFFOIM TO OBTAIN LOWER. POWER RATES Corvette. "Goderich" to Make a Call at This Port: Pyobab/,3r4 in BP•irlY: ° • 'Ttlat in 'view of itlie inerease fl COu- sumption of eleetrie power due to three large,airports Moving intotlifS diStriet Mayer Brownorganize :a,' 'cenamittee cenaprising taembers from ,the Town, 'Coupe -11s4 UtWtie Oommissions and Boards of Trade of the towns. o1')Gode- rich,101inton and Seaforth.and that this committee approach. . the ILE.P.C. at Toronto in an effort to obtain lower • poWer. rates and deal with. certairkeur- , _plus: fends accumula tekt a,. date." Ci OM Attridge and •11.1u.ekins' at the meeting of the Tois-n. Couneil on Friday night and was adopted after a brief discussion. . A,fter remarks by the • mover and sseonder "'Reeve Turner • endorsed the proposal and said .1),e would never be .satistied until thenlocal Hydro surplus wide rethrned to ase people, Mayor Brown ma1e the Interesting ' announcement that the eorvette, "God - rich" recently launched is to make a call at this bort. ,His Worship ,seid he bait written to Ottawa suggesting that one of. the corvettes built on ' the Georgian • Bay might call at Goderich on its way doWn, the lakes, and in reply he receieed a letter from -the Depart - anent of National Defen& stating that . H.M.C.,S. "Goderich" will be 'here, prob- ably in- 4.-)arly tall. "YOU- Will be nati, fled," said the letter, of the exact dute on which the vessel wi11 'call at Gode. rich sufficiently in advance to permit -janx -pl'ePa rations- or..iirrangementS YOU. may see tit to Milke-."---rt Nvas-.adet) . that the visit Ivould necessarily be a short one. -- All the members of ,Counell were present except Coun. Graham. ,••• A Written request trona ,Cfoun. Gra- ham for the removal of a tre. on Church- street was Sent to- the parks. committees • The reefuest of the 'Navy League of ,Oitnada for permission to hold a tag day in Goderich on August Iliad was promptly granted. Applications for Building. Permits " ApplicaV.ons far building permits wegeas follows; From-dienjuitin Pear- son, for rebuildine a:brick bu Wing on Quebec street fo he used as a dwelling; from • George w: Hadden, for a new cementellilock dwelling, 24 x 26, one and one -halt stories, on 1Iincks street; A. Medd, garage on St. Patrick's street; Mrs. Annie Cousin's, Albert 'street, John Boyle, Victoria street; A. Higginson„ Cambria road, Mrs. J. D. Parrish, Pic- • ten street, H. P. Warrener, Brock •• street, Chas. J. Gibbons, Huron road, George 'Mumby, -Hincks- street, minor repairs hnd improvements. • An advertising • propositio•n from Point Edward was referred to the special committee. Notice lof the annual Meeting of the. Ontario Mimicipal Association,' to be held at Toronto; August- 26.29, was sent to the special commatee,..„--- Committee ReifortS The fin ante-&munit tee recommended a grant of $300.te Alexandra Hospital, and that the Town take a one-eighth page advertisement In the Finaneial News of Lonclon, England, at 'A pritie -$.175..--A-number -of. test 'adjustments also were repoeted. • The public works committee recom- mended the purchase • of a carload of Imperial asphalt' road-siarfacing ma- terial; also that the matter of the eon. "truetion of a bituminous sidewalk on S. David's street be left with the chair- --- man of the conupittee. The Special- committe recominended that'a license for sale a refreshine.ritS frotit an auto -wagon be granted to P. ' A. Zimmerman upen, payment of the usual fee, but riot to include selling on •ISandayal. aetiOn be taken on E•:*-cproposal front the 13rantfbrd City Counil with reference to vest • of rail- way travel of 'Soldiers on active service; • that .fiecessary alterations be made 1n the new police uniform 'made to order for Alex, 'Butler, since resigned. _.-The cemetery and parles-:Coannaittee , recommended tbat the C.P.R. be asked for a lease of the mineral spring site at the harbor at a nominal sum, and if the water be 'found •satisfadtory on test the,eommittee 'be empoWered to mit the place in proper Shape; that posts be •• put up at Lighthouse Point to line the• . area leased from the: Government.; that the chairman have power to p.ro- cure 100 feet of 11/2 -;in, pipe to be ,added • tb the cemetery -,watencrorks •system; that the Cominittee be empowered to repair the summer -house on the river bank opPosite tho Jail and also the one oa the lake bartjt opposite the anchor. •*. The water, ,light and 1ial:10r eena- mittee reeominended that .the offer of •'red Hunt 10 install,new.sanitary 'con- veniences' at the bathing Ifouse at the harbor, for the sum of V371258, be -ac- cepted ; that the offer of John Jeffery to •builds it toilet room af the :bathing • house in eonntetion With the hew • sanitary conrveniences, for the sum of ,be accepted; that the „offer - a Bert Macdonald to pay *25 per month •rent for -Jaly and August for the pavilion 4t the bathing beach be voted, he to art as eonStabte and life- guard and lOok after, till 'Town pro- perty at the harbor; that the tender of Allaire and Weston, at $180, .for painting of the tWo freight sheds at , the harbor, • including 1Yrandalk, stun - mer -house on theaeli, benches and tables, • be accepted, the 'Town to supply the • paint. • The tire committee reemarniended that • C, 13axter be permitted, t� build the top part Of hiS dairy on ;West street of frame covered -with tfireProof asbesitoS Shingles, •,• PropoSe,il Purellage Of Tin& 1)0007 Reeve 'Baker, whe As ;Chair• - Man of the public wOrks eemmittee, Said he felt that a let of WW1 was, being, done with the Wheelbarrow that should be done VVith a truekfl had. been •-• „. HOLSTEIN 1E BES' PICNIC . , itlannal Event Hetd Sulecessfully at • Rayileld 'On Monday The .1-Iuron • Holstein Breeders' Club Chose Jowett 's Grove at' Bayfield for , their4ilainua1 picnic, held on Menday • last, and the event was quite success - l• ulin the morning there w,-,,aS a' series *of judging Contests for men, women and 'boys • under • eighteen,. One plass of cows andtwo,.of heifers were judged. The men, were placed aS follows: Percy DavitiSon,Listowel; 2nd, Dr. K,. Jackson, Whiten ; 3rd, Wm. Bissetjr., Goderich; 4th, Bert cieland, Listowel Seaforth •7th, Hamilton Clutton, Goderich, • Junioree-let„ Douglas Cleland., towel 2nd, Ed. Outten, R:It. S, Gocle- rich ; 3rd, Albert Steep, ,Cliptou ; 4th, ROSS- 1Leeming, ;Walton ; 5t11, Mel. Hulley: Walton ; oth, Sandy Bisset, Goderich. :NIrs. Norman Scha de, Walton; 2nd, Mrs. EB, • Goudie, ,Sea - forth; 3r4, Mrs. J. A. Marshall, Wal- ton ; 4th, INIrs. It. E. Holmes, clinton; .5th, Mrs. Adam Steep; ciinton ; 6th, Mrs. Albert ,Dunn, Bitytield. * . A. special prize for the family :coming the greatest distance.' was awarded- to Mrs. Johnston, Howick toweship, and -one- for the largest family went to nrs. Astain Steep, Clinton. Valuable prizes, for the winners in the various classes were .denatea by mer oli an es- and, -Others in the county. ° Dinner was,' served in picnic Style •to... about two' buntirsd, peeple, and was en- • livened, • by the music of the bagpipes Was followed by a program of speeeltes, president of the .Club,• acting as 'chairmae. The gethering was tiedresed by L. E. c,ardiff, M.P..; lifton . Jeuvey of' Ingersoll, _fieldenan of the Do- ' miipon Holstein -Friesian Association :20Western Ontario, and (lei). Graham of -Brantford, chief of the ex ton s io 11 'st a if 'of the Aseociation. Alr.',Graham, Who has only . recently been appointed to thisposition7was introduced by J. C. Shearer, agricultural repre seri t a t ive for 'the county. • •, • • . A "Tote of thanks was extended to the speakers an motion of 'Gordon Bisset and liurae-Clutton. Olutton, secretary of the Club, .read a letter from the Dominion As- sociation expressing 'appreciation of the Club's -co-operaton' in the recent calf auctiop at Brampton, at 'Which 101 -calves were soldand the 'proceeds. devoted to war relief purposes. • Ps, • • HOLY NAIVIR.RALLY 'District :bothering at Wingham M- • dressed .by .Fathei. Power,'" Re- :demptorist Preacher • 'Members oftheliolY NamSociety of .St. Veters chureb attendedthe annual 'Holy Name rally at Wingham on San - day afternoon. gepresentatives:. from •-Winghasn, St. .Augustine, iLucknow, • Iiingebridge and Brussels also Are present. The 'Holy Name parade, us- ually , a feature .ok"the rally, Was can- celled, the mem'bers- me•relitakingsr.- ,'14111.eeS iri St i Joseph's iletreli lin lnibdiately upon their arrival. During the service. a discourse on the obligations -ofr.the-iHoly-Name-,Soeiety with relation • to world eventl; was de- livered by • Father Power of the Ile- demptotist Order.. .• • After the Sternum the litany of the tHoly. Name of Jesus was, recited, an act • of aspiration to tile Holy 'Name was offered and •the members, under the direction of RCN'. J. F. Paquette, Wing- bam renewed their Hely Name pledges. The service conclu•cled with benedietion celebrated by Father J. R. QtligleriSf-Ringsbridge-and the -singing of 'Moly God, We Praise Thy Name." „_....preseet. in the sanctuary diming the • service.s.• were ; Rev. J. P. *Paquette ef Wingham, Itev. C. Nagle and•Rev. H. Fallon of Goderich, (Rev. J. It. 'Qttigley of XingSbridge, (Rev. W. Veiteziheimer of 18t. Augustine, and Father Power. • • TWO MORE-, FOR 'THE- R.C.A.T. .Itleira1d..0'Brien,.son of Mr. and "Mrs. D. ,11/1.' O'Brien, who eplisted, with the • Royal Canadian Air Force some, weeks ago, left- on' Wednesday of this wireolc for London, whence he texpeCted to be sent to the Manning Pool at .81. liabert, QUe„ near 'Montreal, for training as -a -- pilot observer. "Jerry" has been tut The ,RignalMtar's reportorial staff the last two years, and the 'best wishes a • his felloWeWorkers, aa well as of •a host of friends in the town; go 'With him. "Another Goderieb young nib, Albert trlauley, sat of Mi. and Mrs. 'William Vrauley, Oxford street, iias catered, upon • actiVe service with the ile • lea on Itomitay for Torontofor training QS a-WiteleSS operates- rind air gleaner. • • • Miss nose Aitken 'attended the -meeting of the Ontario Libra fy Ate:omeia- tionl at !London this weelc. I, AT ‘I'llE WATERFRONT It has 'been a eoMParatively elUiet week at the narbor. ArriV,Als at the elevator were: June 6—Massey, 37,600 "buewheate41,000 bus. *ate. June 0-- Vendoe, 260,000 bus. wheat. June 16— Super1or, 38,000 .bus'. oats, 27,000 bus. wheat, no() bus. barley. At the mill: June &hum), 106,p00 bus. wheat. •• - The fe'uperier took on a eargb of salt and left for Wallaceburg. OBITUARY 'MRS. IC. G. mrnmEtro,N Report on. Jiu$tice Accounts in, Huron Conanittee . Reports to • County Council—Increased Costs • Discussed , • What has every prospect of .being a light One session of 'County Cohncil "opened 'on Tuesday afternoon, there being nothing or Outstanding import - mice or Of a eontentious nature on the, agenda: , At " the on -ening Meeting Warden, James Isefper pointed with ,, pride to Unron's dine record in the war services . The death Of. Jean 'Clement, wife of ahd VictorY Wan cainnaig'ns, •ra space o. Middleton,f -former Sheriff of or 1110 Posvohooint f•;i: Tbef coutenniat eelebretipn until after• the 'wAr and lieetea_lese" urred _en Saturdeev at Tor- att-eertIelm-71.,effr c'rt oniiiirtluieGilettarittioffr ent o, Wise YiliTh'••TalanfriFelThar treatment. eMis. iNliddleton was of but .111 all citizens to achieve victory -over the enemy., e Council •passed a resolution request- ing the Hydro -Electric PoWer Commis., siou io adopt • a flat lute for. electric power in Order to remove the present discriminatory sehed,ule whist' has re- tarded „she, industrial development ef tin a. t,1Ion of th Provineet Approval was given to a revision of the equalized ass,e,ssment so as to com- pensate . four township which have los1, taxes by reason of the use of farm lauds for airport purposes. On Wednesday morning Au Invita- tion was accepted f rOm the Huron Cotinty• Plying Training School to have dinner at Sky Harbor* the 'same even- ing and to inspect the AirpOrt. After. Much diScuseion the Services of Mary Mien Isitn, \\Vow et 'Joseph I Los•J otinson, -C'Ornborer lektector, were , ,•,• Fellowsepeesed eway- on. Sunday morn- dispensed with for the balance of the eat at her . home ,at the corner of thc Huron road and Oxford: stie4 if For -many- y.ears__she_hati been &Offerer Triffirusthani, but ber final Ulnsswas of 'only' a few' days. She was ‘..si native of Dublin, Ont., but had been a resident Goderich. for thirt/7-1iVe years. Her husband predeceased her eight years. S'he leaves to sonseJohn, of town, and Francis, of iSarnia, ' and one daughter, Mrs. Ed. Forgie of Islington; • also ten grandChildren. 'Surviving • also are • three 11i -others, William and. Patrick Farr of town and Michael Farr of Detroit. 'She was -a member of • St. Peter's church and of the later Society of that •church. The funeral service was conducted at :St. Peter's church on Tuesdhy morning by Rev. H. _Fallon -'and interment was in the Roman ,Csithelic cemetery' in Colborne Ownship, the pallbearers being Joeeph Fieh„ Leo Chisholm,. Wm.' 'Hale, P. J. Ryan, L. Overholt and JOS.. ljlellows. MRS. JOHN CCENItiNTS Scottish birth and came to Capada about twenty yeath ago. For some years she was engaged in the apiary, busineSe on No. 8 highway near ,Gode- rich in partnership with MisS Shepherd under the ,firm name of iShepherd and Clement. Later • she became • deputy' sheriff and stenographer In the ,Sheriff's otJic1nGielerieles ,Her -uktrriageLto.-. Mr. Middleton took.place in June, 1940, and they haa since resided in the -Mid, dleton home a short distance west of (71inton. The funeral took Place from the resider ou. Tuesday afternoon to the 'Ciliate cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. A. 11. O'Neil, rector of St. Pail 's Anglican chureh, Mit S. JOSEPH FELLOWS. , Impossible to hire a truck pVlien it was \needed 'arid he believed it tvonid ,g00d illeVeStrnerft fait thelown to bag The matter wae Xeferred to committee of t,lie-'whole, as' 'was the " platter ot• repairs At th.e Perk 'House as proposed by Coma. igeoney'. „ •„` , • In committee the freblie works chair - main was empowered to procure Price§ and other 'information • regerding the purehase of it truelc, and repair's mad Painting at the ParksIioutte were left In theAlands Of the chairman of the parks ecetatiittee. Mayor Brown Was empowered to tonthitte cerrespondenee With reference te Donee rentelS In Goderich„ The COttheil aidtbel-ieed :an inv,eet- • Meta of $0,500' in War* Ioan bonds': $1,000. frond, the OW.S. itailWity fund, $500 frets the Robert l‘laCitaV eemetery fund, and $5,000 fretti the TOWn'e. gen, Oral ateoUnt. •TOWNISHIE—Tife com- munity was saddened by the news of the sudden pasofMrs. John Clem- ents On Monday evenl,fig Prior to 'her marriage. WO years ago,. Mrs. Clements was Miss ,Mildred Powell, •aaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry. Powell, Oth con- cession', Godefieh tow:psi:alp. The de- • Parte(1 young w.omare who was .only in her twenty-first ,.year, had a host of friends which her happy disposition had won for her. LBesides be.r sorrow- ing young nu -Shand and her- -parents, she leaves to meurst herioss !five sisters land • ,five brotheTs: Mrs. John -Green 1(01iy-e-)•, Mrs. Jos. Wilson (reanna), • Lottie, Edna ,.,.and Freda ; Orville,. Herbert., Robert, Ernest and 'Laverne, all Of ,Goderich township. The .funeral 'tb-ok --pieces exr-Wettneedayseafteratroon from the haree of •her husband'? parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barry ,Clements, .13ayf1eld road, ,the services being conducted by Rev. A. J. MaeKaye and Rev. D. J. Lane. Interment was in Maitland cemetery, the- pallbearers being .Fred Rrett, "Wm. Powell, Thos. Latham, Fred • • Bell, Roy Wilson and tilaTold Bell. . • •'WILLIAM P. —The' death of 'William, P". Abell oc- curred with sta.ftling suddenness en Saturda pight. Mr. Abell had been ill for sonie *eke with 'a heart con- dition, but haderetarned to his work at. Craigie's news-stand about two weeks ago, cfeeling much improved On Sat- urday night about 10.45 he left the newsstand and on his way home di -appear in at •Fld ward's tod. office for a chat.- - While there he • waswith • a heart attaek and died in a_ few min- utes. ,He Wa in WS sixtieth year. 'Billy.'" Abell came to Slroderieh. as a .oupg man, about thirty-ftlye years age, .aiid soon became widely known anti popular.' ne• waiSboxe at Nen forth, son , the late Mrs and Mrs. ,Joeeph Abell, ando. after, .Coming to ,Goderich Was, en- gaged for many Years ,as .a plumber. .For the last few years he had ,been ,em- ,PloYed 'ea estlesmax at Craigiv'S news. .etand. Be was a Member of 'Knox Presbyterian chtirdi n past noble grand • of Huron IsidgeeNo. 02, ,and A meueber of the iGoderie.h Ile is survived, lby his wife', toemedy Miss Aleatina,- Craiele„ and three children : Mrs-. G. C.. •White (Irene) • and John, of Toronto, ,,and James, at ''hcarae•; also by it brothels Henry, and two sisters, Missed GortrUde and Ella' Abell, all of London. • The.re. Was a large attereltince at the funeeti% Whieh took place me Tuesday -afternoon from the family residence. Servieee were tonducted by Rev., D. J. rian{, and at the graveside 514 MaltialA cemetery the buriaLrites of the Is0.0.F. were perforined, a very large -represents Aqt1011 Of Huron Ledge being present. Theliskilbearere 'Were inemberii of, IIeron Lodge ; John INewcondlie, J. :Calvin Outt, W. J. Baker. Fred Toole; W. Heitman and Emerson Evans, A great profusion of beautiful Ilersere eonveyed silent messages of regret and sympathy. Pre- sent Vora out of town were Mr. &ad Mrs. G. C. White, John Abell, Nr. and Mr, 'Dotter and -,-Mon, Fred, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Qewald Craigie, Buffalo; Mrs. 'Donald Fraser, Strat- ford ; Mr. 'atull Mrs. R. C..BroOkS, (Harry Abell and .the MisSeS, JGOrtrtitW and Ella Abell, London; • • Mrs'. Agnes Dieleson, ef ,I4etinaingtoti, made it brief Tigit With friendg iiitown thiv. Wee)t. year. There are stillsome stubble &ids to, be clean.ed up in a Campaign to stamps on-ti,-thitii.-increttAng--sc.ourge, but it 'MIS, exNainedithitt it was now too 'late in tliezeason .to deal effectively with the pest,. A,vhich by this tittle has become .a ,full.fleaged. butterfly.. ,Coun. eli is ertvinted,that °lie inspector can- not , :clover .the vounty in the. tines allotted. .-- T0rrotect,gieaants , Reeve Fred ,Livermore of ,i_761inttin,. speaking' fee the Tifton Counts Fish and Game Assoeiation, asked the assist- ance and, co7oporatio•11. of qouncil and of all citilens in it campaign now under .,way to larease the nuinber English. pheasants, whichalready inhabit .Gode- rich, MeKiliop, Tuekers,mith and .Hay townships. ile toldof the successful hatching • by hens- of seventestive of these birds lasf year and of the setting, of .five . hundred eggs this year. • The Olinton .Reeve •complaleed, ,there had been . ..unlawful shooting of these pheasants and. asked •all and sundry to give their assistance in affoeding pro- tection.. Be .saia :Huron. was .an ideal spot for pheasents. He also-expreesed his ,epposition to the .Government's leasing- private trout Streams'. • County Highways Weed -free - The- 'Council was: :.congratulated by .G..A.-Stevens, Provhicial weed -inspect- or, on its pulley of spraying the road - aides of.county highwayS to keeieweeds ,down. He said •that in his travels he alWays pointed to IIuron as an example. •to others and, urged the township reeves to emulate the Vounty'sliolley: - _District. Engineer Ludgate of the Department of Highways- was _another Government ' official heard. Be said _Huron 'Comity was Xecognized as having the beet highwaks in •Oritarie. • . sTreastitersA; ..11E're1dfie -tabled -the. reeised 1941 eStithatee calling ft/ea tax rate . of 3,75 mills, the .same as Jest year. The report was referred to the .finance committee. Administration of juStice. will •cost -$1,000 emote than ex- pected. The agricultural committees • requirements $1.000enore, owing to the grant for organization of • a branch of the •Federation of Agricul- ture, And the cost of secondary schools is up over $5,000. The combined amounts practicallY offset the" anneal debenture payMents on Provincial high- way. aecount, ,aa ow- retired PARCELS FOR, OVERSEAS COCOMittke! Deeiree Nailleit of Ur Who May. Theve Boen•Negletted SO Ear Pareels-vvere peeked by the eveleeee parcels emnonittee �u Tuesday night lagtr'when twelve men WhO WON." anablik the. West arrivals „• in England were remembered; The response loeally te recent appeals has 'been gnerous, reports ,Mrs, D. J. Lane,: co/settler of the committee, with the Tesielt that after the ewelvareels were •paeked 'some extra articles tie g'ether. with //bola $30 111 MI/ were left over. . • •"" It isfurther stated that :everyone now. lesown to be in England has been sent at least one parcel. The plan now is to begin again at the first' of the list and, work through again; The nanfeS and addresses, of. anyn 'who may lie overscas-aml---wito- ares-sanistaMrttrtlre- committee are urgenVy required. It is recognieed that tleyee may be someeuch, and relatives are aged to get in touch either, with Herb. Jane •onewith Mrs. D. J. Lane, to make sure that they are not being overlooked. There are twenty-one men on active .service abroad; in addition to those for whom parcels were peeked. on Tuesday, and boxee' could be., seet ()Al ef Ahem, if the present fusels were only moder- ately augmentedeither by cash, or by eetieles for inclusion in the boxes. To assist citizens .in making a selection of good things to send, a list is being drawn up and plaeed, in the postallies for all to see. It is hoped that plenty of little luxuries will be forthcoming, , Those ,assigting in the 'packing, _on, Titestlay, in addition to (Mrs. !ane,I in - eluded ,Rev. D. J. Lane, Mrs. :Walter News:610e; the treasurer,- Mrs. gtan. Snyder, Mrs.. Chester Johnston, and Mr. • and Mrs. Robe McMehen. In addition to the usual good things, e h - -Tuesaey'e- bo eluded. a pair of- socks, the elonatieti ties Goclerich brauch., of the Red Cross Society. Mrs. II. C. Dunlop, chairman of the women's •• section of the Red ross, •hopes1 that these wig'. be meieh enjoyed: No. Sit HURON. :REACHES ITS OBJECTIVE AND IS PUSHING ON AHEAD Every Dollar Subscribed a Blow ' for National Safety and NOTES FROM TRE LONDON CONFERENCE • The 'United OleUrch Of ,Canada organized inteeeleVen COnferenees from • coast to coast.. Thesmallest of these, Newfoundland, is politically outside Canada, but there is ,Cordial fellowship among alt., The. 4olulon, Conferenee Widen Met in Windsor last •week has hitherte•Censisted of eight, presbyteries) Ifuron, Perth, !Oxferd, *fight, ' litssex, 'Kent, Lambton and Middlesex. To give 'Loudon ,Conferetwe More 'direct connection With the 'Mission charge,s Of Northern 'Ontario,. Algoma :48)...beenetranSfereedefreassita, Conference this year, • and twenty-one delegates, including dive lady members, 'were introaueed as,irepresentattee the Presbytery of °Algoidas, One of thesewas Rt?.y. 'Reba J. ffern, B.A., who willshe the first woman minister to he T.-S(40(qt An the London !Conference. Her eharge is Varna, in the 'Huron Presbytery. • . The total attendance was .slightly larger- this-- year, the sat/miter- of Mins • iSterial and lay • members registered being 480. The billeting of this large" body, • especially if Conference met in one of the. smaller cities, has been an theme/singly difficult problem. This has been met by the decision of this Conferenm that in future all meetings iiiTIOntlon, and- an dele- gates will male their own arrange- ments, andthose froiu outside the city will remive -from* jeortference funds A cash allowance to cover their ek/enses. Time of Conference ShOrter The time of .gonference-bas-been eut- (lowu beginning this .year, all sessions Teing It/eluded inSsfeetes days, 7agAay Friday. The, ordination of ,candidates for the -ministry which "wee forinerly lieljl on the Sunday was held on Thurs- day evening 'this year. The inspirational speaker for the • dimming worship services was Rex. Dr. A. 8. Orton of Emmanuel College.- The guest speaker for the banquet held finder the ausPices of She 'Conference Lay •Associatien was Rev. W. J. John- Pstoit of Eglinton church, Tormite, • There -are 237,charges in the Confer- ence and a membership of 00,531,, an sinerease over last nag. There is a decline in !Sunday school attendance, .due largely to changing -conditions. Phis wiii iie serionsly considered dur- ing •the coming year. • , g.n the whole ,this Was considered a S a tisfa c tory eonfernce. • Rev. Harry Royle President The • nevv , president- is Rev. JEtarry' Rorie, now at Taihotville, a Newfound lander •whoecame into the Conference twenty-one .vears ago and had Nile, in the Huron Presbytery, as hisfirst charge. , Rev. R. B, Cunim,ing of *S;alfertl., at one time minister of..P,eniniller and Sinith'e Hill, is secretary of Conference, , n d Rev. W. T. Eddy of Watford, an- other Newfoundlander, is treasurer of tionference. - The officers ef the Conference Lay Association are : John Elliott, London, • honorary president;. A. II. Znrbrigg; Stratford,. president; E. N. Hannah, • bond an, v presiden t ; Hugh 'M (Ph a it, Mt. Brydges, secretarseereaeurer. • . •MAPLE :LEAF CHAPTER . The regular. monthly: meeting of the Maple leaf Chapter, 1.0,1).E., was held at the Public Library on Thureday afterneon last, the regent, Mrs. Me- Mehen, presiding. Owine-to the 'absence of Mrs. Barnes from TGoderich, Mrs. J. F. 'Gillespie was appointed viesteregent. A resolufien was passed that; Owing to the war saltation, we continue to •hold our regular 'monthly meetings during July and August;" - ,The names of seven new Members Were presented and paes'ed:. Miss .SaunderS gave a report • .the two airmen'levitation tiences. •and socials held in the 'Empire Theatre,' R.A.F. station, 'Port Albert. An invita- tion had been extended to all members of the LO.D.E. and helpers at the canteen, and Group Captain Robertson, A.M., and Flying Officer .Green, officer in•charge of the dithees, expressed their appreciation of the interest the mem- 'hers of the Chapter were taking in the men's social activities; • • • . 7ORR-4'AMPBELL • The in arriage of „Margaret Vera (Rent), daughter of the late 'Air. and v1is. R °bale .0 a usebell of tieKiliop, t John Itlehm•ond Orr, of fl ode.rich took place quietly *at the McKillop manse on Wednesday afternoon, June • 4th, Rev. R. W. Craw officiating. The• beide and _gro.o.m_were-attendea by MI', and Mrs. Robert W. Campbell of McKillop, 'bro- ther and siker-ha-law of the bride. Afterwards Mr. and .:Mrs. Oat left on a • trip to Toronto „and etheripoints. They will reside in Gederich. (,Jost *2 Administration of Justice , The special committee aPpointed at -the, January session' to inquire into The rising cost of the all -Ministration of justice tabled its •report. It was .adopteti without .discussion: it 'Teads: • We your eoinneit tee appointed at the January. session of ,County Council to invegrigate the inerease in -cost of., the administration of, justice anet Id the COunty 'Olerles-liffice on MM 28th. We. beg to submit the folewingi-epert _In the year 1925 the cost- of the administration of jes•the was 810,500.: (12. in theeyear 1920 " t he ,eoSt Of the adialnisfration -of justice was 02,378.- 88. From that period Jo 1.030 it .aver- • aged $12;000., • In. 1031 and 1032- it• it/MI/ea $5,000 oh nceount of ,the.MeNeil ,brothers' trial, lwho were eharged with robbery,- In 1931 the east dropjled back tit 1J051.44. ,Ii`ront there' 011 .to 14)30 tlia.esoet averaged $10,000.. In 1940 There was anotlwr „hfcrease of $5:000, :bringing it np to 824,000. , This extra 15,0001s Attributable to the murder and manslaughter charges which ..necessi- fated heavy jury otel Witifess"fiess, • • We believe that an increase of $3,000 Per year for the last six or seven years is due to the more extensive use of the •car, which enables one so inclined to• enema tchree or More offences in one night. There has aiso been on In- crease in motor traffic' accidents, many of them caused i1y people eutAide the county,: which inkeases the` est of ad1111111Sfration dtle to the fact that longer distances have to be covered to issue summons and to bring the acensed and Wthie.'4es to edurt. Another factor -which met be taken into consideration Is the fact that during the years 1030 and WO the salary end expenees _of Nornien. Lever, the traffic officer, were eharged to the administration a Justice,. thereby ceraising the total by, nearly another. $2,000. We find that the 'fees of the Sheriff. and• the 'Crown Attorney are set b))y statute and that the tIountY hag no AfriAlletion' overnthefia,1Put the More, &Wee the -More costs. In .many eases .the Preeinee pays a pereentage Of the ((ontitpedi on page *4) -* 1, • FRITZLEY—SHFIARDOWN Twt) .1Goderich young Jkople ex- changed „nuptial vows at the parsonage of North street United CliArek on Mon- day, .June ath, at 0 •o'clook p.m., when Ada Jean; ' only daughter of -11r. and Mrs. 'Samuel Sheard own, became the bride erHarry Fritzley, on or Mr„and Mrs. Jos. Pr.itzley. The ceremony was perforinea by Rev, W. P. Lane. The bride was 'becomingly at tired' in. powder blue erepe with pink trimmings and white accessories, with • a corsage of roses'S The •matron of honor, Mrs. Mur- irruy sistelaw of the bride, was in aqua blue crepe with blIlt neTeeSSOX-itS and corsage of roses The groomAman was Charles Sheardown, 'brother of the bride. The young couple • will Nedde itt Getleriele • • ( STODDART—GRAHAM Prettily attired ire_A eireet drese of heavenly blue sheer, Alia carrying a corsege of pink- 'roses and fergetesie. -Pete, MisSIrene 'Grace 'Granain, daugh- •' ter et Mr. And Mrs. Nelgose, Orn,haza, Port Albert, was mai-Tied on 'Satarclay Morning, 4uree 7th, in the parlor of • PASTORAt„CHAIR4ES . tilted kW -Ur -N.- C-Ongregations hatirOn County to Have New Ministers after July 1st At the meeting of the London 06ne fereme. of the United Church, held 'at Widilsor lost week, Rev. W. P. Lane of Si:oder-Ms was pieced on ,the super- annuatedielist, after , a minietry of t hi rty. t hreee years. MS' .suecessor in charge of North street' ehureh will be Rev. R. 11. Turnbull, at present of Port g Elgin. ' R4v. A. tJ. Maefta="yee,W‘iis confirmed lty aonferenee in the pastorate of Vic- toria street church. In the Presiwters •eif , Huron after Jute. lst ministers in the following chargeS Will he ehangecl : Asliile1l, Rev: James .Wilkin§ to be succeeded by Rev: C.: 'G. Howse; Bele:rave, •Ree-.• J. B. Townend 1>y Rev. C.1t. 'Dunlop; 'Bruce. field, Rev. II. ,E. Wright by Rev, G. F., N.- Atkieson ; teentealla, Rev. J. A. Falcon. 1gedge by• I2ev.111... J. 'Merriam; Kippen, Ref!. E. F. Chandler lar Rev. M. Gra 1; t MeKillop, 'Revs R. W.7 Craw ,by Rev. W. .1. Pa Ron ;• Ara rn a , Rev. a. R. Peters Jtv. 1bit E. Henn. J"rornGoierjch Rev. A. Mrs. R. T, and A. M. Robert - 15)11 Wet(' 111 nttenthin& nt 1110 Conference. MOWER FOR BRIDE -ELECT niiseellaneons shower was given for Miss Lenore iStothers on' Wednesday Knox Prffbyterian •church, (2°deric1)1of "Sq-;irigfaorrfylaislrt a (sivie:3,1 aTth(ttlu.;)1,1).lioleit!teo..1)). tef o Mr ., St&ldart. final Mr . I and Ma's". •IDavid 'Stoddart, Ailoaerice, woe taken by complete • surprise whet/ k4Itti; entered the room to lind sorne The ceremony was Performed by ReV. World :freedom The Victory loan eataPaign in Uurort • County is still going strong, despite'the faet that what IR called the ObjectiVe Of *4400,000 already has been overstrbscribed by nearly 100,000 and .subscriptions are, headed toward the two-anillion,mark. It is lipped that everyone ;realizes the Government needs all the anOney .it can get and that our tirPt Quota w.b.9 ouly, minitaura ...one," said Feta 4-affist-ty-roneHattlrevrg**T13;Ibtri' ' l'he 'town of Goderich uoir las 130 percent. of its quota rth $206,200 sub. 'Scribed. Ifensallt leads with 337 per ten, Exeter 205, Brussels 242, Gode. rich township 120, flowick 114$ Clinton 153, 'Wing -ham 157, !Set/forth 106 and Tuckersmith 12$ percent, • Ten: of the twenty-three. municipal- ities, inelndingalbnibatieentreS'eicept • Myth, have exeteded their quotas. Prize Decorations PrihC-winnei's of patriotic display,s in colineetion with the :Victory loan dis- plays' in Huron county were 'announced yesterday. .They are: Brussels, Ebner Bell, law oilice; Seaforth,,-.*Ketfzie's store; ilensall, Middleton's drug Atorea _ Exeter, '• SoUtheett • . Clinton, Ilnvey's drug store ;• Wingleine ton's hardware; Goderiche Craig,rie's ne\i„.-sistantl: ,Each was. the Winner or a be -4e11 ir prize.- ..Mrs. D. J. Lane and 0 committee of -women itid the The sN4-4*pstalte tounty winner is Mi'd- dleton's drug stoteeof intensall, a ten -- dollar prize, • Huron Second in Ontario Shortly after the noon hour on Satur- day last It 'MI.'S iallnounted, from _Victory loan headquarters that II/iron .0ounty- had .exteeded its NuOta cff *1,400,000. The e.,..miet dignre was $1,422,800. Hifron was the Second county ,in the Province to achieve its'objeetixe, being beaten 'by • Haldiniand Con:nay by onlk an hour in reporting to Proine1a1 jaeadquarrs'isa. Toronto. '001nPlimentary telegrants were re- ceived by the eounty organization frOna. I.Aon. J. L. Ileley„ Minister of Pinauce, A. E. Ad -scoff, Ontario ehairmaa And Lindsay, Graham,. district chairinan. • 1-ligh praise was given the cbmmittee, the eighty -Goa canvaaerat and ..the • county organikers, Messrs.. Knowles affd-. -Jaffray; e). • a J. Lane in'the peeeenee 0.2 a ow wenty-tive people waitingto greel her. 1111/41Pilia1e relatives., Ttle bride was The. room IN118 prettily decorated with attended by her =sister, Mrs. Abeeew afttoir nseni4t(arno letiltillensad bouriquestwil,e;t11;easg.xn white• 'Mr. Bogie, wbo was gowned in navy blue petoolimii evening Iva9 spent and . Andrew Ilog(e aeted as best man. Thi, wedding dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' AndTew Bogie before the Widal couple left on .the .2.40 train for it short honeymoon,' trip. The .bride. travelled in a ''White. ,figured dresv; with pry blue access- ories. Air. and'ALI'S, :Stoddart will nt:the their hoan In Goderiele The bride wee a member ef the staff of Alevaadra 'Hospital end a hitehen Shaver vvas given in her honor at the nurses: residence on May 20th. Friday, Mae 80th, • abont fourteen nuries in at the home of Mrs. Harold Illitekstone, where a Iniscellaneous .shower was held by the. graduating clam ofJoao, of which the bride was it member. The gifts,' packed in tt basltet (beautifully &mated in pink. and white, were presktea to the bride by 'Mrs. Blackstone and Miss Kathleen Vrawford, the address being read by Miss Bernice Bond. Afiaintily served hutch by'lfro. 'Blackstone added. t the enjoyment of the guest0. • , dainty lunch was served. • The party gathered in a cirele and the bride -elect was led into the eentre to d basket decorated in pink" and white and con- taining manybeautiful. gifts. MISS Stothers• responilcd rvery nieeiy. and the Ng/minder of t he 'ea -en in g was Spent in ,community • GOES TO WAIVAGAIN Dr. X. Harold Taylor, who was over. seas with the Cianqdian Army Medical Corps in the last war, has again heard the eall to patriotic serviec, and like the ardent Iiiritioher he is he has closed his otliee here ,and on Tuesday left for .Lontion to report at military `liead. • quarters' for, service again with the 13A-IA.11.C. Dr. Taylor wag at Calgary when the last \yap, brok.e out andhe served with the medical tOrP3 from April, -l013; nntil,lato in 1010. It WAS after this that he established bis praotice in ,Gotlerlch, Sucemling bis father, the,late or. A. Taylor. • SATURDAY'S SALVAGE EFFORT No less than fourteen truckloads 0r• salvage were collected, ibv the truckers Who. •undertook • that War effort last ' Saturday' morning.. •Godericif eitizen nia4e 4,.sPleudid respOnse to the request to • tie their papers securely and as a. • • result the-bele:kers:were able to handle - the bundles much mere easily and make better time. • -On Saturday there were . Practically no requests to climb into attics or go to the basements. for, material,. the people having placed their -bundles on the boulevards, a thoughtful- ness that Was appreciated by the' • truekers, the chairman of the salvage committee, 'Councilloe, Huai/m*7 and the offtcerS ,og the Boh,?.;t1 of, Trade sponsoring the effort. A special collection will be made in_a few days 'froni the storeS; Where it is understood there are 'such quantifies of tuaterial they 'could not be handled - during a town -wide clean-up, DRUMHEAD SERVICE AT CIJINITON- • A drumhead sersice sponsored, by the Aliddlesex-diuron -Regiment and the Canadian Legion branches of the county will be held in .Q1inton. wt.:8=1441Y'. Jun 15th, at '3 On., in support of the Victory loan campaign. The main - speaker will be s13rig. General A. E. Nash, M.C., of ,Ottawa,.DePuty Adjut- ant General. Other speakers', will in- clude Major the Rees F. G. Light - bourne 'of 'Strafford and J. D. Tito/nee, oi!,Goderich. The parade will include „ • the entire Middlesex -Huron- Regiment, Canadian Legion, jloy eouts. Girl Guides and conntv bands: `• PRACTICE GAME FOR BANTAMS . Prospective players, in the 'Bantam baseball :league :had a ehance to show their stuff on Monday afternoon, when a game was played between' sides cap- tained by Leonard. Dodkins and Jas. 1.1sset. The sbattery for the Donbas team was Mero 'and Burrows pitching and Allen eatehing;. for IliSset, Mac- Donald pitching and Westlake catch-. ing:,Thescore was 26 to 6 in favor of the bodkins team. The inItielders and outfielders were changed to different positions during the .progress .of the game, in order to discover in what position each player did his best work, STUART J, MASON BEREAVED Mrs, George Helyvig, who died at !Sud- bury on !Saturday as the result of in- juries from a fall onthe sidewalk out- side her bode, was a sister of Stuart J. Mason *I (Goderieh. bornitt Walker- ton, she lived at - Mildmay for some years before mOving to ISudbury. Her mother, Mrs. David Mason, resides at Galt, where the interment took Wave on Ttteaday. fr. 'Mason went to Gait to attend the funeral, ,Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Wilkins 4and Miss -Vera Wilkintm of Ooderich and Mr. 'Calmer Dawson of Auburn were in bohaoh on Friday,. ,guests at the Wilkins—Vraser -wedding. ,Mtr. John Murphy and daughters:Mrs. Raymond McCarthy, of Port Ituron, Mich.. were guests,' during the past week at the home of 'Ur.' and Alm John Iiussey. Walter 14.1. Johnson f the li.(1,N., ,stationed at Vancouver, 'has.) been at Itis home, ,37 St, David's Urt;tet, en an eighteen -day leave. He left for the (out on Tuesday, accompanieet by Mrs. jOinirs;on. •