HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-05, Page 8c'J r, SIAM NEWS OF AUBURN 41.001)1AN, June 4. -Mr. and Mrs. StomderScaecht, Harry and Maynard, Of DIatrolt, Went the week -end With Mrs., lienderkneclit's (parents, Ur. and (Ito...Beattie. We are tiorry 'to *report 'that Mro. Thomas Adantii is eritiCallY M •in .011inton hoivital. Mr*lloddeur of •CalgarY, 'vislitin ler nude, Mr, Wan. 1)043% and Mrs. - • • . M. and Mrs. 'Matt. *Allen spent the week -end 'with friends tvt Flint, Mich. Degin,aing next Sunday, June 8, divine service in Knok Pre*byterian church will commence at010 a.m. in- stead et 11 oe1Qe1. Sunda scheOl will be lit '9,15, mesoanies, Edgar Lawsoia,!' Gordon Taylor, James Woods and F. Boss and Miss 'Margaret King attendecl;the ds triet annual meeting of the Women's . Institute held on Wedne,sday , at Wirighara. , • WU". and Mi. IlloWard Adams and M. and "Mrs. Gordon Adams of Toronto and Mrs. Gregory -Oswald of Kitchener were weekrend visitors here. Rev. ,11. C. Wilson is attending the Xiondon Conference of the United Chureh being held at Windsor. .Rev; M.'1.Boyle is attending the tGeneral Assembly a the Presbyterian Church In -,04nacla, which is meeting Musical Recital' • , , presented ' by ' , The GODERICH •MUSIC CLUB Pirogram will include Glee Club SeleettolicPutilla of teaChersqn the club and other performers.• .VICTORIA ST. UNITED CHURCH' • MON.; JUNE 9th stuivit poizEoTio67. Net proceeds. for Red CF(),S, A - -23- THE GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR ilnoronVtg,„icteria. rwiiihWrZa4 datirek $usieiab returned home en Friday Otter visiting Mr. and M. John R'obertson a ooderia. Big. Night VOining011 Wednesday evening, June 11, the 'local Red -Creas wIWAponsorra "'big night." The Blue Boyle' concert party a the Port Albert by kind pernaission ' of Oroup Captain P, D.' Robertson, win provide the Program.. There win be bingo and other amusements and a booth.. The prograu, starts* at 8 p.a. • After the 'program, there will be Jitney ,aarut,Ilngmuvysitch.. Arthur's eirchestra Pro - vi .VM8. Meethig..-The (United cluireh • The regular monthly meeting ot Central Ilmae and School Club w'M be heId in,e0entral school Tuesday, after- hodn, June 10th, at 4 p.m. An tie members are asked to be present to hear a talk on lionve and School Club war work. Lunch will be served. Reserve ;Tilly 4th for Knox ehurcli L.A. garden party. Goderich 'L4on0 are stfonsUririg an invitation dance to ,be •held at tbe' Pavilion on:,Vriday evening,,june•lath. Niggle by ICA.F.'orchestra. Tickets are $1.50 per 'couple, eXtra lady 50c, Extra invitations may 'be had on application W.M.S. met on Tuesday afternoon with ,,to- Ur. W. J. Iclodge, chairman of the Mrs. Howard BobertS(in iiiCliarge of a dauce.,,,conunittee. • - splendid meeting. The. Lord's Prayer A u,he Iiitargaret Seager Club• of ((St, was repeated in unison and MTS.,. Bert 'Marsh Pewit the Scripture. Miss Sadie •gre°rgers church held a tea' on FritlaY last at Oarter led in prayer. /Miss Betty the rectory. The dor a raw f red. with a solo, and, Mars. H. war S"ilig's eerrifkat'q wa'w*n112157" Oraig favo wiLscal gave A. -reading. Tee tooe Mrs. Reg. Fraser, ltfordDuring Sa, , theafternoon $50 was raised.. Was taken LW- Mrs. RObertson, who Ialso ''gave a reading in, Iceeping • with the theme Of. the •meeting, "Community Friendship.'? A trio,, MrS. liertr, Mogrid.ge, 'Mrs. Jas. Jack- son and • Miss Sadie •Carter, sang a number. The heralds Were given JO; Mrs, purl Wightman, gis. Ernest 1}zt. terson' and *Mrs. liarry Wagner. Mrs. Moods ,-, had-- *harge-,-of -the-business- peried.' At this meeting the birthday teawas held, of which •the proceed were $32.80. • The meeting, Was Closed with prayer by :qrs. Jas. Woods. Ladies' Guild. -The Anglican Ladies' Guild met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Gordon Taylor presiding. Mrs. A.Vin Letherland Eoffered prayer and Mrs, ;Clifford Brown read the Scripture. retter cif, thanks Was'. read from Asq-aith for the watch presented tod him reeently by the church. It 'was • decided to decorate the church With flags. Mrs. George ,Beadle was in charge of the program, which included the following nUmbers: Reading, Elsie Patterson ; solo, 'Mrs. Wm. Haggitt; -reading, Mrs. S. +.11. Johnston. The topic, prepared by Miss Margaret Small, 4,4 r• s Any farmer $:Iort of seed for sowilig immediately, •and Who yvoluld care to put in Oil Flax Seed, may secure what. they require by _calling at the Flax 2E11 at Blyth and agree- • ing to 80w same at once, returning in the Fall the same , • number of bushels as received, and. givini the straw' to Flax Companv, Whowill haul it away. The Blyth Flax Lil1S , r • 41 • 1,4 LOW, EVERYDAY * PRICES BOY VICTORY -1- °- IBONIDS OLD CHEESE Ib 24c 'RED CIRCLE MILD CHEESE ib • 19c Coffee Bt ANS wlogk 3211= ac Bat . : 31 1 lb ANN PAGE • • RAISIN LOAF , 1 "-I: 2. .... • BREAD Sliced or Plain White" ' '24 -o11 z. Loaves , idatutter DAY'S 'SPORT HERE, Seaforth June lIth, 14stowel June 18th, Stratford June 25th are nearby ',centres on the,' big harness • race circuit. Twelve' events daily Admission 50e. 'BuniPer erowds are being arranged for. • .:23 A • strageberrY -supper wader, the -auspices-of I he of -North -street= •United •church will 'be held on the - parsonage lawn on Friday, .June 20th, Vromr-5.30--to-8-- O'clock. Admission - adults 35c, children 2. 23-4-5 Backrite for the kidneys. Camp- bell's. • .8tf The Goderich Music Olub is present - lug a recital in Victoria street chu•rch on Monday, June 9, at 8.15 p.m. -23 At Kingsbridge Hall, ach Moray evening, at 9 p.m. 'Roy McKenzie:. and his 'orchestra. Admission 35c. 18tf CATCHUP LIBBY'S Itci. 15 ,q HEINZ 2 iirs..23c SPARIETTI TEA Red .Rose, Red Label 39 Ic IRISH.STEW Puries' 2 Tins CHICKEN Volgss•20 c • MUFFET• S Q-UAKER • for SARDINES BRUNSWICK Tix2 for 11 1 - :CORNED. BEEF l2oz :1 SALMON To_d's Tier TOMATOES , lianev Tins A & 2 28z. • SOAP COS Bulk Box fa 19c nounlio•ial Household 214b.87c LOBSIER Fanci Canadian 27c MAYONNAISE., Ann. Page - • .16c t TOASTED WHEAT u( ivt2 for 15 Sunnyfield 26 -oz. 23, Jar ,„ 32 -oz PICKLES ASST. MARMALADE lona, °rano & Grapefruit FRUITS & VEGETABLES Ontario grown 'Vegetables, „Spinach, Head Lettuce, Radishes, Cabbage, Green,' Onions, II.H. Tomatoes , Han. Ottoumbers, arriving fres4 daily' at .your " :4_46 P Store, . BANANAS, Empire grolp, golden ..ripe`.4...3 lhs 2o CAPXOT,S, tender fresh, original bunches- 2 for lac warmPLowial, ontgrown, lge, snow white, ea. 17o POTATOES, New Alabama. ... . . ... 6 1b 19 DItANGES, Valencia, attractive 'size, doz. 290 TOMAT9ES, fresh, flrm, quind e1eeted 1h, 103 OUCIIIIREES, Ont. grown II.H., large size..2 for 256 IlEA1) LE,TTUCTI, new croi), Ont. grown...2 for ltio - A& P SELF-SERVICE,400D STORES Priest subJece to markt changes. Purchases nmited to taintly-weekly I teldirements, • • For Results WANTZ0 ANTED. -AT , ONCE, A, 1.10V to,9kinix.1* GOLD about 16 or 17 at "PHE SIGNAL - 0'11411: , wrist -watch, Iblaek. band, *10.00 l'ew'ard,• MRS. GARAPOIC,, 44.11uron ANTEID,-m.A.th rou, ViEgiERAL road, Goderich, 23x A Classified Ad • LOST ,•The Clitreh Women's Guild of St. George's church will hoM their annual BORN, , garden Party on Friday, July 25, on 01114EDLLY.-At Alexandra Hos •the rectory (grOunds.- Admission '35 Goderieh, on May 30th, 1941, to i r, cents. • - ' • 21 ----------- a daughter. and Mrs. Mervyn •O'Reilly, Gqderich, 1 -SOHLEGEL.-At Alexandra Hospital, .4T-4. MRIS. HARRY 'MEW IS ,OFFERLNG Goderich, .on June 1st, 1941, ,ta Mr. •' • for sale her residence and house- -, and Mrs, Fred " Schlegel, -Goderich, a how contents • by +public auction soon: son. ' .•Watch or the Sale bills.. • 23x , • DIED„ . IFOR SALE. -EIGHT -ROOM FRAME BELL -X& IGOderich on . ,May 29t1, house .with garage on Anglesea -1941s Sarah--11=CLeod, •widow of the street. ISPiendidscoiaditiiin ; nei-c-itloors. late Henry Bell, in her 82n4 year For farther information apply to MRS. SOTTLEGOL.---At Alexandra Hospital,, C. ARMISTIRONG 'Or K. K. DAWSON,' PERSONAL MENTION - Goderich, on June 2;ad, 1941, infant Auburn, Ontario. • - ' . 2.1,4x, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. -Schlegel, Gotlerich. ,•. . , IN MEMORIAM with a fishing party. .. • i MORRENG.--In- loving :memory of my • „irs,s4r,. ,aml Mrs: Wm. Clark and son 1 4, , 1 dear dad, Roy Mohring, who, passed • oviray two ,years ago -June 3, 1939. Calvin, of Pictot, were recent guests I do not forget you, nor do I intend; with .Mr.• and Mrs. .A. C. :Clark. • I- think Of 'You- often, and will to the. Sign. Glen• Lodge was home for the ehd; '• *. • week - end from Camp Baden and was Gon” and forgotten by some you may be, •• •But dear to my memory you ever Will •accompanied by 'Sp: Armand LeBlanc. be.•••. Mr. and- Mrs. John G....Leiner see --Sadly missed by daughter Donne. . Chicago are visiting Miv. Leiner ,---,--, ' 23i: „ • mother, Mrs. Chas. A. Wells, Barfield] ' --- road. - . • - 110Y. -In loving memory of a dear ,Mrs. A. Fox and •(laughter Isabel, wife and Mother, Mrs. Robert Hoy, at whiteehureh, and Mrs. Roy Patton, who passed `away three year 8 ago - of Georgetown,' visited with Mr. and 'June 0th, +1938. .Mrs. A. Tebbutt. •-• -Take her in Thine arms, =dear Lord; Rev. Dr; T. Wardlaw Taylor is at And ever let her be ' Toronto In attendance at the meeting A 'messenger of • love ' of the Presbyterian General Assembly, Between °Ur hearts and Thee. of which he -is clerk. • -s• - - -Eger remembered -by HUSBAND, Mr. L. R. Bendei of Kitehener -and DAUGHTERS and •SONS. - 23k• . -Air. Ac_. Dempsey of ,Stratford were • s . _ 4 reeent -guests of Mr. and -IfFs.- Win. MUHRING:.-=In loving meinery of a teraigie, East street.' •. • • dear husband- and father, Roy s Mr. and Mrs, Frank O'Brien, of Mohring, who passed away June 3rd, Detroit, called on friends in town on - 1939. ` .: ,• • 40' •- • Friday last • on • their way to visit done •to •the light that shines so fair, relatives at Lueknow. „ Gone from this land of sorrow and care. Mr. Deuglas Goodwin of Hudson Resting those hands that did their best, Bay • Junction, SaSk.; is visiting his Gone, dear fathei, gone to rest, sister, Mrs. MacMath, and sus. ss ,T, -Ever • remembered by •wife and ' MacMath, , East street. • children. Mr. Jebn A. Vanslone of Los Angeles, .' .tousework; Plain cooking. BOX 33; -SIKINA+L-STAR.- - 23x YoUINIG clerk in gr'neer, Former' experi- ence not necessary. pox 30, SIGN. ALi- srrAin, 235E wAiwo.--%Aco FOR GRTERA.L " )10111.SeWOr1t. 'Sleep Ota. Apply ATRS. E. R, WEGLE, 'Wellington street. • 23x WANTED. -SETTLED WOMAN. oa dependable girl, • general honse- ..Worli; an4ly 4, two, no ehildreni light %mkt • *110137 MR1 MOHARDX, 'Anglesea 'street. , 22xWANTED. MAN FOR 13READ "• Wo.gon route. Phone 619 or aPP1Y 86 Brock street. -23 WANTED. -TO DIJY 014 'imam and dead cattle; must ,be suitable for mink feed,; removed I -promptly. FRED GILBERT, R.R: 2, Daylielo FOR It1•NT.7,4TWO-R00MAPART• ,- la/vent,- 'with bath,: on St. Vincent street. Immediate possession. AlSo 11 larger furnished. apartment by July 1st; attractive loeation near lake and river. M. W. 'HOWELL, •g34 IVIVENT.,-.S)WOMR coOTTA.GE lianeer%4113.0xh, furnishk. Apply MRS:, F.. OORT, 220 Wellington street, Stratford. Phone .2,343-R. • TQ RENT. -;-RED 113RdOK" HOUSE, furnished; all conveniences', electrie heater, water 'water and range ;' Are - place. Full information and inspection 'on request. Write 'BOX 34, SIGNAL - STAR. • 23tf FOR ENT - JAGI ON LAICE shore, tiVo miles north a Goderich. Electricity, water, indnor for. - 113.0, 1Goderieh. , . 23-4' TO, REN.T.,-TWO ' LARGE ROOMS. - furnished for •light housekeeping, just,redecorated‘. Large lawn; located convenient to Square and near lake bank. 105 10 ighthouse street; phone 624, P.O. BOX 412. • 22-4 • , ANTED.--G1RL OR W0S1AN FOR ,•plain cooking for summer months; sleep out if preferred ; •good, wages. Apply P.O. BOX 128,(Goderich. • -28 WANTED. - TEA'ORE'R, PR0PPST- `17 ANT, for 5.8.,No;.6,4oderich town- . ship. 'State Wary, and, , experience. Duties to eommence 'September 2nd, 1941. 'GORDON ORR,, Secretary - treasurer, R.R. 2, :Goderich... 23-4 ita IMP SPEOIAL ELEKIITUIC :WASUER.-4-•:1 •' only, used electric 'washer, ean be had for balance of payanents. tiood as new. I used eleetrie cleaner,,per- feet condition; guaranteed. Walt.; SELL's HARDWARE. • . • 28x was read by Margaret Nesbitt. Mrs. Beadle,- Mrs. E, Phillips, Mrs. tether - land and Mrs. G. Taylor were appointed • to attend a Deanery meeting to be held in the near future. Lunch Was • zersidaY-AlrA-Ileal-Tg, ilaggitt and Mrs. Brown-. ' • UURD&ZAIM 5th, 1941 111011141111 iltik,11)11111111111 IRV% 04 14 tillk 01, VIA 11141111k PROCLAMATION! 1, • Upo•n request of the Dominion War Loan Organization and by the direction of the •• Municipal Council, the 'people 'of the Dr. L. M. Mabee has returned- from a ten days' holiday' in Algonquin Relit, • - CaliforniO,Arrivedlin town_en Saturday POLLOCK.-In loving_memory of a and will spend the summer _with hisdear husband,and father, Mr. George sister, Mrs. Thos. Tabb. • Pollock,, who passed. away one year Miss Emilie 'Buchanan_ is in _Toronto' ago -June 2nd, 11940. • - attending University convoeation, at We often sit and think of him, when which Mr. C. NV. J. ArmstrOng receives -1 we are all alone, the degree of doctor of philosophy. • For memory is the only friend that and Mrs. Wm. Videan, of Free- grief can call its own; man,: and Mr. and Mrs. O. SPears, of Like ivy •en the withered oak, when ail tuffalo,', wereweek-end guests with other things decay, • Mrs. Robt. Johnston", Cambria road. Our love for him will still keep green, . Mr. 'and Mrs. McDougall, of Toronto, - and never lade awaY, accompanced by Mr. and Mrs. T. H. -Fondly remembered" by wife and Millionand family, of 'Buffalo, Were. family. , 23x week -end guests of Mrs, 13,d: Million and • Mrs. E. A. Million. • -• CHURCH NOTES Mr. R.' G. Campbell, St. David'i• LL 'S&G'NS POINT -TO A GOOD • •• poultry year. Be prepared 'by. ordering .Bray May hatched :Leghorn pullets now. Or June heavy breeds: Order. Bray' summer chicks now too. N. H. 'SOMERSAIIL, R.R. 2, Goderleh. 23 — ' tl 1 FOIL SME. -EXTRA cuoIpE, , tomato, early -cabbage, pepper, Brussels sprouts, asters, salvia, petunia and ther plants; per doz. 19.- eents. •Cauliflower 15 cents. -Late , cabbage .40 cents per 100. "Vigorous plants well 'rooted and hardened to open air. =.1A+S. OtJ1Ji1ItT, cor. Cambria And s • Elgin avenue, • "21-6x POR SALE. RESIDENCE PRO- ' PERTY ; woufd make good business site on main highway. For particulars write BOX 32, SIGNAL-STA.R. 234x distributed amongst the parties ititled - thereto, ;having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. • ' DATED at -Wingham this twenty- slitli (Tarot -may,. -A-...1!)-1941. • • J. H.CRAWFORD, • • , • , Winghain, Ontario, 22-24 Solicitor for Mei Executrii are '• requested to asoist in floating the. 1941 Victory Loan ° , by decbrating, all business' places and houses with flags and otherwise, luring the Campaign,- irOM MAY 29th to JUNE 21st„.1941. • FLY 'THE FLAG AND BUY BONDS . • Goderich, May 27th; 1941. GOD SAVE CANADA ! GOD -SAVE THE KING' Plt • • t, E: D. BROWN, Mayor, '' NOTICE To cREDrrows .„ NoTIOE TO CREDIToRS. Notice is hereby given to all persons having any clahne against the Estate M Ante; stottirt Andrews, who died- • at the city of Cleveland 'Heights, in the State of Ohio, on or abOut the Itgy day of January, .1941, to Send same, -duly verifiedt,--to the undersigned..on or before the 30th day of May, 1941, as on an4 afterstliat date the Executor will proceed to distribute .the, assets of the -"estate; having regard enly to the claims of which he then has notice. Dated at •Goderich this f7t11 day of May, A.D. 1941. , R. C. HS, Goderich, Ontario, 21-23 Solicitor for the said Estate - NOZ'ICE TO. CREDITORS. - 411. persons having claims against the estate of Levi G. Marwood, late of the Village of Auburn,- hi the County of Huron, Mired farmer, -who died, on or about the twenty-sixth day of A•pril, 1941, are notified to send to J Ji Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on -or, ibefore the fourteenth day of June, AD. 1041, full, particulars t •of -their claims in 'writing. Immediately after the said fourteenth day of June; the assets of the said testator will. be - . FOR• SALE. -CHOICE • TOMATO, cabbage and • cauliflower, plants: Tomato 45 cents, cabbage 30 cents per .hundred. • -Caug,Viower, aster and- ottim* plants, 10 cents per .deien. H.. r. LASHBROOK, 30 Widder street, Bri- tannia' road, near ,Sunset .Hotel (turn at Burrows' store). 21-tf •FOR, SALE. -DESIRABLE RESI- DENOE centrally located. Hard- woo1 floors throughout. Hot water heating system in splendid condition. Large sun porch at front and screened eating.-.,porch-Xor -further particelarS_ write P.O. BOX 493. •21xtt FOR SALE. -- +CHRYSLER OAR, 18,000 mites, in good shape; also four-year-old percheron. gelding, 1500 lbs., good single or dquble: Ai•IGUS MCLEoD, .01inton.. ' 23x FOR :SAILE.1--WIM11E114F10NT modern furnished- 'Image ; furnace, cellar, twater, 'light, , !,seWer, bathing-. Or part. 'CHARLES REALE;'Bennett ,St., Goderieh. •• • (1 TENDERS WANTED street, -underwent an operation at Flower Sunday and Ohildren's Day I sirs Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Tues- will be observed at the morning service t TENDERS. day morning and latest reports are in° North street United church next • 'that -his condition. is favorable. Sunday. The junior ehoir will conduct Tenders , Hail This Happy 'Children's Day of will ie. - ten, "Ted, Dar's and Rota, Jearic---01 - received by the Mr. and" Mrs. a. iit:faaso., and cbild.; tht4 Grand Rapids, "Mich., TISite.d• Mrs' ' Flowers • and of Song." music ara_wilt ' as their antliees undersigned until 12 o'elock noon Sat, tuAridrpa.:',:t. fine ith, tOr tjie •sale i,f Am wooden hangar siteated on Sky harbor ---For particglam see the County 'Clerk at the Court 11911Se, 'Goderich, Ont. .. 22-23 N. W. ' MILLER, •,county Clerk, Rosel's sister, Mrs. • Ed. Million, and •other relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Farr returned last -week from Windsor, where- they spent the winter. P. had a serious illness during the winter which .4duced him • aimok to lathlike proportions, but a few weeks a Goderieh air will, ' we hope, restore hini to normal,condition. The Ohureh Women's Guild- of • St. George's church met on, Wednadlir afternoon, •Mrs.' E. • D. Brown pre• - siding. Mrs. Palmer read the Scrip- _ • ture lessmi fi'd'm Acts,. • Arrangements were made for the garden party next • month. 'Mrs. Tiehbbrne read some interesting and amusing icleces about , .--51Vpmen," :Thel meeting closed with • ......-- God Save the King" and .tea was 1 . - .served. - . •• 'NILE • - Wedding Gifts • „ SIIONVER. GIFTS A lovely :variety at• • Smith's. Art St Gift Store 'gait St. Phone 198 • YOUR, FAMILY • Proteet alt. your t'amili • AGAINST ANY ACCIDENT from ANY 1 • (lime • Prtmitun WM per person • $EE 11. Mi: FORD /NSURA.NCE amitton St. TeL 268W • NILE, *June 4. -The Weinen's As- sociation Will hold their monthly -Meets ing On Tuesday, Untie 17th, at the' home. of 'Mrs. 'Brooks. 'Miss Mary Bogie and Mrs. T. -Nixon are, the other hostesSeA. Mrs. Ada Stewartilas sold her house and property at Nile •to- Mr. Percy IIorne of Dune,-anniin. • Mr, -and Mrs. Clifford lIorton, of • Ilecchville, Miss.Ruth Cantwell and Mr. ItarVey FrOcland, of Delhi, spent 'Sun- day at the home of Mr. have .0tintwe1l. Ruth is staying home for WMc's holidays. •i• • • • • SliEPPARDTON RI1101=PARDTON, June 8, -.Miss Mary Vrooman is workingin Brantford., Mr. Ralph•Foster spent the week -end at Toronto.' Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pater over the week -end were their daughter, Mrs. Floyd Leslie of Leamington, their son ..and his wife, Mr, and Mrs. Vlaytan Foster,of Sarnia. We are sorry to rt:port Mrs. Foster is • under the doetor'S ,eare. We wish her it speedy reeovery. An enjoyable afternoon *as spent • at the . home of iMrs. 'Alex. llogie on 'Tuesday; When the Leeburn branch of Ihe Red CrosS" 1Soc2ety quilted two oats. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. • NOTICE), is • hereby ' given to a3 ..ersons* havins- any claim against th4 estate of Albert J. Goldthorpe, late Qi the Township of Colborne in-theCounts of Huron,,. farmer, Who" died -1111-'01" about the 81h day -of March, 1941, ta send Sanie, ,duly -verified, teethe under- • signed on or Wore the 14th day of june, 1941, as -on and after that date the executors -of the said estate shall proceed tb distribute the -assets thereof, haying regard onirto -the claims of +which they then have notice. MAO all persons owing the said estate are re. quested to make- payment Or satisfac tory arrangement for payment, on or !before the said date., Dated at Goderich this 26th -day of May, A.D. 1941. • ' R. C. HAYS, KC., 22-24 Solicitor for thesaid Estate. .TEIWERS FOR (PAINTING. • GODERICH COLLtGIATE BOARD • reqUests tenders forpainting the out- -side wood ,and iron 'work of the Col- • legiate building. • 0 Partieulars „will be obtained from either W. 'A. -/CeoltirarSt -MiteE,wan- • ' Sealed tenders Mil be received by the secretary up toiSaturday, June 21st. •The Work is to be.completed by August, 1st, 1941.- 4 2g- 'SECRETARY.. • CREWE - ---- !CREWE, June 2.-A few from around here attended the barn dance in lf..aicknow 'Saturday night. R,ev. J. It. Peters, of Varna will preaeh in 'Crewe church next' ,Sunday,. June_ 8th, at 1,80 o'clock.• , Mr.''and Mrs. John Curran, jr., had as guests on Sunday the"fellowing: Mr. and Mrs. Min .0tirran and ,little son, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, 'of East Wawanosh r Mr. and lIrs. nab., 'Onrispi and Bertram and' jr, and:Mrs.' Thos. Andersim, jr.'of the 9th canoession ;„ also Mr. John ',Wintry ; the oe- casion. being .the sixth anniversary of tlieir wedding. • Miss. Olive Blake, of the Oth con- cession of,Auhfield, visitql Mrs. 'Cecil Blake for a •few dap last week• . Mikr kernieo Dttrnin of Markdaie- • called on frients 'here on Sunday last. t� the Claims of wilic:11 they then harve notice. . Dated at O•derich this 4th day a June, A.CD...11941. HAYS, iGoderich, Ontario,., 23-25-, SolicitOr.for the said Estate. TEACHER WANTED TEACHER. WAN'I`ED. CLASS teacher -toil No. '8, . Stanley township.- Duties to comment* • •Se tember ast. Apply to PEROT J Secretary, Varna: 2,3-4x onamos.-; ' WOMEN WANTED -OPPORTU.NATY OPEN! STEADY income full or part .time anteed Familex Products are at- tractively packaged, create instant eye - appeal, build and hold customers' con- fidence: • If yon are willing ,to adopt our methods and ingest a• few dollars, we will help you to progress surely and quickly, ',For free catalogue- and -ceinv plete MISS G.: ST, GEORGE, 570 •St. Clement, Montreal, •23 worriex iro Ncvnion is hereby given to all persons_ having_any elaim against the estate of Ida -Annetta Wafte,• late of the Town- Goderich in the County of Huron, who died on Or about the 18th day of Mays1941, to send same to the undersigned, drily verified, on or before the 20.1th of June, 1941, as on and after that date the executors, of the said estate shall proceed to distribute the assets thereat, having regard only 11ELP THU RED CROS • • , READ THE • CLASSIFIED 'ADS. • . - *1'..NOTICE • PTICE.-TO MY MANPRIME Electrie fence •friends, 1 wish'tu •announc'e that I am able to supply them with the same service that, I have in - the past. Also can supply my custom- ers - with, Shure Shock, a Canadian iMacbine, guaranteed two years,- Pried at 415 and $18 complete. Ask for information: NELSON MeLARTY, G-oderieb, R.R. 5. 224 • Phone Carlow, 18-22. -es NOTICE.. , • '['he next meeting of the Huron County- Council will be held in the -Connell Ctibilbers,-Colitt House, -Golfe- - -rich, commencing June 10th, 1941, at .2 Ixm. All accounts, notices of deputations and Other .busineg$ inquiring the at- tention -of Council should be in the h-nds of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 7th, 1941.- • N. W. MILLER, 22-3. County Clerk, +Goderich,. Ont. RELISBLE MAN, BETWEEN 26 and- 55 years' Of age, ,with ear, needed inunediately to hand out viRgiu soap, baking powder and • cocoa to establish customers in this coMmunity. rgarm experience helpful .Sellink .ex- perience not necessary as we train you. Oomipany • representative *ill he in • vicinity to interview prospects shortly: Apply in first instance -Stating qualifica- tions ta THE J. R. WATKINS COM- PANY, 2177 Masson +St., /VIontreal,_Que„--- De5pt. 0-G-113. •- 23-26 • Mr. John Oraig takes this opportuaty to express -his apology and regrets to Mrs. Irene 2IcKay,ISt. Patrick's street, Goderich, for having occasioned her any embarraSiment or injury In health, by reason of an incident occurring on • Ma Y 24t1i, 1041, whieh arose out' of ...eircumstances in which she was in nO way identified. - -23 • fir - 4, • .1. .......,44+.4.4.4..... ^ ' 4 0 PAINT' . , , , / • 4. • . • • Now ik,the time to ..do outside. painting: We handle a , full line of CIL. Paints and, Varnishes. For a WHITE , paint that stays white use CIL. TRUTONE 'WHITE. Keeps 'white houses whiter. 4 • , f, ' COAL • . - . Now w the time to put in your next winter's- supply of 'coat The pric'dis.now ai its lowest. ' We.stock D&H Cone: , Cleaned. Anthracite which is free from slate and clinkers, low in ash and high in heat units. • , .. ' - r ' Chas. C. Lee ' „. % For Hardware, riumVng and Iteatillg) give us 11' eall. Phones -0010e, 22 House 112 ' At the :Harbor fir - 4, •