The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-05, Page 741e, , tall, 10:1. a ppointed•earetaker of the Clinton !post, Qthee, retiring linter sixtees years in drat 'position. • ,Besides the widow, one son and two daughters survive, Ernest Walton and Mrs. 441 Jordan, Oiintoli, and Mrs, Fred Fraer, Windsor. The engagement is annonnce< of Miss 'Denah'llizal>eth, Reid, A.T.C.`A1,, 4augh- p ter o Fri and Mrs: Alex. geld, wi 'io ham, to ROY. John Crossley Thompson, B.A., oe Arntiieid, Torr of Mr. and Mrs., Gordon V. Thompson, Toronto ; the »anlage to take place ;Juzw 26tH, in he United ehurehi Wingham. Dolmage—Colesnan M the,:Presbyterian roan e, • eafortln, olr Saturday morning last, Rev, Hugh Jaek'performed the ',marriage ceremony uniting '-Pearl .Sarah A.%/les, younger daughter;of ler. and Mrs. P. J. Coleman, McKillop,' and Roy MelviDolma.g,e, too'touch foe insurauee but we'll sell you sure protection and quick service. J; W. itAtGIE, ,•GAlaElillCl NELSON •RILL GO a. C • • G. C, . "fi.R AIAV•11 N, DUNGANNON. REPRESENTING .� li'rriting selected risks in.- Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglary: Public. Liability, and ether general insurance. Head Qf lice,,'Toi onto., ASHFIELD her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Eldon Johnston, of,, Uen a11, while working on the roof of a barn Tell to the r^round and, had both legs broken. County wOrl mefi are reported td be,. Makin. 1;0od 'progress on the surfacing. of. the road between ISeaforth•.• and Rrueeiieid. Kineardiue prciiierty-owners are, to vote on .lame Otis on a =proposition to, spend '$10,000 for,' the construetion,of' a civic auditorium and skating rink. Elmer 1). Bell„, well-known • ilegVorth lawyer`, Ls entering active military, ser» vice as, adjutant of the 21st Field Bat- tery, with.. the rank of captain, , William Ziegler passed away On May 21st at his. home at Ethel, Grey town•. ship, in''hi'sixty-third year. For some years be eondueted a general store busi- .ness at DDthel. • Ile is ,survirved by his wife and a an resident, of Wingha'x far qty yearn,, Mrs.' Duncan 'MacPherson, died at her home in that town on May 22nd 11er' seventy -di th 3'ear.. , iler hue - too //ouch us- y aeRa,e.. 0 Rban& died twent)$our• years ago and surviving are three , daughters. The death on May 27th• ,of Harriet %:- lieife ikl=iatn� D raiz; removed a lifelong resident of Clinton- after an illness of ,three year Be- sides her husband, a `brother, John Leslie, of Oakland, 'California, .o.nd a sister, the. wife of Rev. Dr. J. J. Patterson of Sarnia, survive. The Hay Township Telephone. System IS having a building erecte at Das11- ood to be used as the central office in that town. The .building in..,,'gvhikh the. central' office has. been situatedwas recently sold for use • as the village Miss, Anne MacLennan . of (Chicago A.S'u3!`i IIs, June •, 2, --Miss, Helen H visited -recently with herbrother, Mr, 'Mrs. 1Lei11y and children, of Detroit, - ,spent the weekend with .Mr, 'Neil Ms,}c- •donald. ., Mr.Donald MacGregor of St. Thomas visited .with, his mother, Mrs. M. Mac- Gregor, over the week -end. Mr. and Airs. Macintosh pf Detroit are iguesta of Miss Annie Mae Mac- •donald. Mrs, D. A. 'Mac cionald is' in Hamilton .attending the graduation.of her daugh- ter, Miss Elizabeth Macdonald, as a • :aurse.' •nests witi‘Mrs. K. MacLennan last 'week were her raughters, Mrs. Robert ,Scott of Windsor and Mrs. Roy Mae- kenzie of Ripley. Mrs. 'Geor'ge Stuart of St. Helens and Dr. 'William MacGregor of Ohie+o ;visited .friends here on Saturday. s n Mr..ancl,Mrs. Archie Mael2urchy and Mr., and Mrs. Robert fronsi['ieS Of De- troit• were week -end guests at the home of Mr: W. L. Fr`ancey. Mrs. Reynolds Ester spent last week In.�ont:aF�ithe�siser�in�luua;�'1l;iso Pauline1er. 'firs; 'Fennetly, of Toronto is visiting FOR SUPERIOR BAKING RESULTS USE GODERICI'I TOWNSHIP GODER'IOH TOWN+SHIP, dune 2.— Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham and.fa]ni1y, of 'Sheppardton, spent 'Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Orr. Miss Alma Jenar ng� Stier—iSunday- in Benmiller . with Mr.: and . Mrs. Jonathan 'Fisher. '• The Diamatic Olub'will hold its June meeting on Friday evening of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art. Tichborne. • :Diss Bian'che -Graham of Sheppard - ton spent 'Sunday with her friend Miss Elva Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of, Strat- ford were recent guests at the tloine of Mr,- and Mrs. deg. Flrller, 'Union . Church Noks--The regular meeting of the Y.P:U, of Union chuith was held on Friday .evening, with fourteen members present. Viola Tic'h- borne$had-ohar+ge•-ot the• -meeting, the theme of which was 'Viewing Embers- Indian Folk Luxe and. 'Legends.".tlier McHwain offered prayer, followed by the 'Scripture lesson (Psalm 19:144), which,was read ;by Mary 'Harwood. A paper on the topic, "The *Life of Pauline Johnston," was read 'by•M,arion'C)alwell, with Edna S'omersall reading two of Miss Johnston's poems, "The Lullaby of ,the Iroquois" and "The Indian, Corn ,Husker." Diva Orr read some Indian folk lore from "Swam'py Cree Legends" Eby Charles .Olay. The roll can was answerelrwith books of the Bible. The meeting closed.. with. a hymn, the' Mizpab' benediction and the National ,16them... Sunday was' observed as "Shut-in's Day" at•Uniou church, the -pastor, Rev. MCKaye, delivering a splendid sermon en 'Lessons to Be :Learned' from the -Shutt-ins,"'from the text 1 'Samuel.. 17:45. During the service an 4n -them, I eep Sill ing, was sung .by -the choir. MADE IN 'CANADA. Yo HOURS of Heavy A c SOLUTION* of Gillett's Pure .CZ 'Flake Lye will take the drudgery oust of dozens of tasks. It "dears clogged drains ... lifts grease .and .hard„laked, food off pots and pains . It des rub- bing- tib-bing- and `scrubbing because it cute through dirt iwa jiffy. Keep • h tin handy. `REE” BOOKLET -- The Gillett'a Lye Rookclet tells how this po*erJful cleanser clears' clogged. drains. , keeps out., houses clean and odorless by'desttoking ti . contents of the closet... how it " p omnis dozens of tasks. Send for 'a free + copy to Standar :Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. and :Liberty Street, • Tema% Oat, LEEBURN • LE'HOU June 3:241r. Albert Wglfe is leaving this week to work at the airport, near :Clinton. We are sorry .iora.,.fyol�a AR1tr...nelhbQrhood �. _ . ars. H. Outten attended the funeral of the late Wm. Maelienzie in ILucknow on 'Tuesday afternoon. a The ladies of the 1.ed Cross are quilt - two -quilts at the home of Mrs. Alex. Bogie on Tuesday afternoon. , Airs. Robt, 'Blair returned to her home in Detroit on Thursday last after spending three, weeks with' her sister, Mrs.' C. McDonald: Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter -enter- tained, relatives from Detroit over • tile week -end, .it 'being !Decoration Day ,in the States. . •. )I• r. ,Geos Freeman is 'not enjoying goodealt'h. Mr. Arch. Horton Is at Gorier eh Hospital this' week for treat- ment. . BENMILLER, 'Jll NSIiLLER, June 3.—The Ben- miller pulpit of the United church will be -occupied on Sunday next by Rey. W. A. {Bromnrer,, in the interests of -the cause of temperance. Miss Geraldine, McEwen has been en- gaged as teacher of the I3enmiller school :for another year with an increase in salary. - .Mr. and • Mrs. Ralph Million Ind ;family, of, iStrafford.ville,' Spent o the weeI 4rnd here and 1t 'Luck/low. -'Mr. and Mrs: W. •Feag+an of Fingal• were visiting around the community on 'Saturday. Rev. I G. Hazlewood and Mr. W. Snider are attending the United Church Conference at Windsor this week. ..sever' 'dissolve 1 e.1,z hot water. 24he gr%ngoJ the lye itself heats the wafer. 4.1 Diarrhoea Dys�v(tery If you are suddenly attacked with diarrhoea,,y©entery, colic,, crap ps. or pains in the stomach,. or \bowels, or. 'any looseness of the bowels do not waste valuable time, but at once pro- cure a, bottle of Dr Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry and see how quickly it will give you relief. "Whent you use "Dr. Powler's" you are not experimenting with Son o new ana untried remedy, but one that "has stood the feat { of , time; one that has 'been on the market for the .past 04 years. Beware of substi- tutes, They mayy be dangerous' to your health. •• Get " r Dr.:1'owlor's" and feel safe. The W. Iilburn Go., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Stock -taking After iioueeieaning? I ° you" are ♦ , Zee ,. s suggest you'a ea11, at 11. BLMKSTONE'S • West. Street . phone' 240 and let no 13how you orae"nem f rniture ; or maybe some new • paint W ou1d . ; e you a few dollars. We h vel both. postoftice. The death of Miss Annie Theresa Moon, dlnghter Of the late .Mr, and Mrs.. John Moon, occurred on Saturday at the home of her brother -err -law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. !Charles Stewart, 8th eoncessien of Rullett township. 'Deceased 'vas in her 4txty-eigilithlvir. She; spent 'her early years on a favxn in (xoderieh township. . -• Rieha'rd Walton, a resident of Clinton for the last 'thirty years, died on Thursday last its his seventy-seventh year, after a long. period of failing health. 'lie was overseas in the last war and after his return 10.k-111/atoll was iaua aui of Mr, sad Mrs Amalfi XaAsliSie, tiu1iett, The rung eo*p t veill amide on the bridegroom's Sarre in Rullett, Are Goad A five -man '.team of tea? Wiug1 *u Retie 4.3du1} made, liistori for 'the club when .thee wou first p1aee, in a Douala. ion -wide sporting :rine goropetitlait at Toronto. The. match, a+ecording to The Toronto Telegram, wap. • tine largest asl rUn ride shofitr ever 'held in Van-. oda. " Therewere MO entries.. The team sCorea 41)0,2V. pointe otilt of a mos• BibleR,Qp,, Their individual scores were George :►lason• iO0.0 pts.; Win. Young 100,0 pts.; Norman R"intot;,l 1OO:5 pts.; Prank pSturdy its,; Elwell Webster 09.4 Pts. In tlic rapid41re 'con- test ontest Prank. 'Sturdy cavae 'through with fir. to usj bet, .1 beniad th smut rile —r. tion very uyrosilrst Mowing. MR burr of tie ,tela mil Mein solver s* dala. Clinton Wit Ws Moan J11wood F.Pios of 4lliutou 21booeislag Internationally known for nut s. ship in ritio shooting, lie, )mieeltUy west high rating in eaiitevtil in the United States and has "taken ;bit +y'Miat position in , the Canadian t.6 Ride Association, Mantreel, in * Dania - ion -wide contest. the won first Place by shooting 1371. points out of a qfr 900. Thin contest closed On Mink Si and the results' wow release. on May 14., E ips 'headed the Clinton Bine �A•s- Saera.tion, winners of the Canadian championship three Sears ager. IJtJLOp • 'FORT' PROVIDES WHAT NO OTHER TIRE CAN GIVE YOU Let us show you the wade range of Dunlop Quality Mires: a tire for every purse and pUrrsef aetlt price that challenge eowtpari rni in every price; rantri, TO GRIP THE ROAD FOR GREATER SAFETY -..,, 'FOR EVERY CANADIAN who sails the deep, -"for every airman: who flashes through the -skies, and for every other ma,. . n •1.n: the fi:ght,, �xug fors; .the- prayers of the nation "rise like a fountain, -night and day." , In times of crisis our people • stand steadfast. In - daily: devotions they, renew the flame :of faith and arm with unseen powers their warriors in the field. Oftentimes they discern the Unseen Hand. Witness the irn•rac. ` of Dunkirk. Witness, too,• in J o rS t1 the darkest hours the emergence of great inspiring figures to steady .the ranks of Democracy and fire • ,its courage " and' confidence. Church .bells are ringing throughout Canada calling men and women to worship and sacrifice it defence of ' our freedom, the sanctity .of out homes and the future of our children. Translate your faith into works by btyingVictory% Bonds. p • n ' Motional Committee, Victory Dean 1941, O'ttdwa, Canada