HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-05, Page 6KZ T I E..O DERIClT SIGNAL -STAR Roose`ell Speech latt:ViLoheuree!,1,11t„: Well Received wen Ougeh,upTlbywin The tire with the famous life-saver tread. Gives the quickest non-skid stops you ever had. Built with DURAMIN, the amazing new B: 'F. Goodrich discovery' that fights -tire wear—Adds thousands of miles to tire life: A• huskier tire that is' double cured. inside arid ou+: with wider, flatter, quick -stopping tread and new streamlined sidewalk. Second only 'to the. life-saver Silvertown for per, -ormance: r (Continued from t (5 2) ' ;Ment Thele admit, as fea.rctt by. Mr,` ,Jepburn, that the anew tax will unduly interfere with 'future Provinncial financ- ing. It appeals the 'tax wt *tame'. Mr. Hepburn, ,nee again, stem to -,be jockeying for position, with ids promise 'to light the legislation in the eGurts. As \ear as the Doxuinion !Government L ,concerned, its taxes on non -resident - held securities, sand Aeome, corporation 'and succession duties will stand. ,Figures given out here this week .snow that at least X8;100 Americans have coin over to enlist in the (Yantudian air and army forces. O'thez have en- isted, in the navy, 'but no figures have +laeen i .0 4 in.that connection. ,Talk of New Millionnaires Unfounded Mr. Ilsley told: the CiePanlOntS Jae is. entirely satisfied and 'orally certain that reports to' the of eet that twenty or more new milliennaites have been created in € ana.da :since war began park wholly unfounded and inventive statements. (With the current scale of income, exeese profits _rind, - corporation taxes, it is diliictu1t, to see how new i amillionnaires' toadibe Rnade. ` i.'ariiamentarians who heard. Prince 3,1initste`t Robert Mensies of Australia speak here°a short. time ago are pleased khat tth la st by-election in the 00m- ,mOxt�vealt} shrea�i'gtheris ;fir. itenz`ie r ,Government in aloe, Rt, Hon. Gordon (Coates, member of the New 'Zealand war . cabinet, anda former prime 'minister of that -Mr -Wish dominion, will also, visit Ottawa shortly„ Mr. 'Coates was last here as eliief New/.realand delegate at ,the Imperial-Gonference in 1932. Death. of Dr. Alli4mas Deslauribrs; Liberal, Sit. Mary's division of Montreal, on Wednesday, removed a man who haid been member of "the Ooinmons ,coutinu- `ously since 1917. • The Ooramons • railway commiittee • re omnaended that, -more Government business should be. given to. the Can- adianNational Railway. The Gosern- ment's :business is now divided with the Canadian Pacific Railway about, evenly', but the connn1ttee.members felt a some - ,what larger -=phare- should te--given -to the Government-owned railway. Justice Minister 'Lapointe 'announced: that James 'Murphy of ,Toronto, Can- adian' •Broad..caating._Corporation • em- .....: )19.Yc, ,had ! u.arrelted nnler,lhe De- fence of to lit Re— 1-il tions; for -11: leged' Communistic., activities. Murphy is .si labor organizer. Major Cockeraan's Dual 'Position !mongst Members there ia an increas• mr, opinion that 'members, should avoid' dual ;responsibilities as M.P.'s and members of the defen e forces. Thus the .House accorded small sympathy to Major Alan Ooe Bram, Conservative, York - South, protesting against a letter written him by ,Ool. J. L. Ralston about a critical sch he. made at a' l recent politicameeting near Toronto. Being a ineamber of Parliament is a full-time job ;.or being an officer in the - defence (forces ought to be a full -+time . jot No man can be in; two - places ,at 401' y, nor carry en twQ jolts of import- ance well. Also why should M.P.'s eel their full $4,000 indemnity while not Attending 'Parliament and yet draw officer's. salary,,,.andseparation and de- pendents' Allowances as well? 'The''C',einmeus . lint most of the week en further coiisideratiou,' in the final ,bill stage, of various angles of the budget. The house ,will have to stip along or 'it will hardly conclude the session for adjournment by the end of. iext.wee•k, as has been expected. ate: - : 7,,F Heee's a big, full -moulded bargain tire for the thrifty, motorist. The deep -grooved tread insures` long mileage at low cost; and -• what's more. it is fully guaranteed by B. F. Goodrich, tl USED TIRES Spf#$ IQ? if you cannot pay for them at present; arrange to PciPay for. Them by . December • For those,, who wish to .participate,, in Canada's new 'Victory . Loan' but who find it inconvenient to min full..for a bond or bonds by June 1 $tli, th.e date of issue, • arrangements are available at any office of the Bank Q . of Montreal. Purchasers of bonds maturing in .1951 may arrang6 to pay 1 O% by June 15th, wif hwthe balance in fives Monthly instalments thereafter. Your payrrnents will bear.interest' at the coupon rate of the bond. Special arrangements 'pre .dine av&i1abie,to purchasers of bonds�Taturirag ire 1946:' g The Banko Montreal �will pleased leased to arrange any reasonable plan.to suit individual -requirements and will welcome your enquiries. We urge . you to. see ,the manager of the nearest branch of the Bank now, without delay .. Buy Victory Bonds -they are, an .investment in human°°freedom. o n. • ,r rW PORT: ALBERT PORT A`LB'ER°Z• June 3. --Mira Wild Orawford, Bert- and Charlene Spent' last weekend in Toronto Visiting relatives there: Mr. and Mrs. Archie Grenier and :s'ir's Annie Young of 'Detroit spent last week -end at the lame of Mr. and Mrs. ras. 'Young. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham and family visited last Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs; «orlon Orr . of, ,G oderiCh township, ' 'The AsShileed Patriotic 'Society will hold its 'regular monthly' meeting on Tuesday*' afternoon of next week at the home of Mrs. Roy' Petrie. 'All ladies ar entirely welcomer Visitors, at' the home of Mr. and AIrs R•' Reed last week -end were Mr. and 0417 .Y, JUNE by X$t l Mrs, wairbcourn and 4aughter Mary Lon,' of Detroit; Mr. and Mrd, Ray. mann Carter and two elniidren; Toronto, and Mir. ()artery , Clinton; Mrs. ,W. II. Reed and daughter Vorothy, of 'Goderieh ; Mr. and Mrs. Ila* old llttc eaati and baby, y, Of Theanvilley and lir. Will McLean, of •SaitfOrd. Mrs. Jas. l'oupg, who Iwo been in poor health tor dome tine, was taken to the London eoovital last 'Sunday 'or tw'eatraent. We all wish .her xauch improvexl� bents when she is able to return 1 ore. Church services in the United church' this coming Sunday will be in charge of Rev, d'. It. Peters of Varna. .& ,good attendance is requested. Patriotic' Concert. —.`he Ashfield Patri'ctte'Society held a concert in the United church on Thursday evening last, with :a •large attendance, The •program was well takencare of by fent. BROPHEY'S FUNIRA L SERVICE (Established ) 1875) TR;AIIITIONAL SINCERITY AND - EXPERIENCE. Prompt ['l . 1.�rt th Id'anee--,Ser ut ceti--,� - Phone 120 FLOYD M. 'LODGE, Director • , SUNBURN POISON IVY ASID INSECT BITES .. L!WPEE THE ANTISEPTIC' LINIMENT_ �.�aRy REMOVAL �� a. DEAD or 4Z6* DISABLED AIV I MALS Phcwe �Collecttothis number "901,r 12 Clinton" or 21 INGERSOLL WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD achee►1i1—oreWE'a (*dim 'Y lQy, *1 p- Pardtom dud ,Poach Albert, tix R34.3r., boys entertained with several nuxar$ " which, ,were Inueh enjoyed by "f* audience. J. R., Wheeler ''nerd' Diame•ter nnd-»mbalmer'' All, cabs promptly attended • e day er night. —AMBULANCE SERVICE—. • Phones: Store 335. Res. 355W. Handl ten ° Street, ' COd'er.,ieh e. .. Cranston Funeral Jiome Complete Service, at- Reason' hie rricos +14^5...4:1 ._w4�17B:i�AD- SER'f'CE. No extra: charge for the use of our modern Funeral Home. 17 Montreal St. "Phone 399 Monumental To those -contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get Tony, prices before 'buying. Cemetery Let ening a specialty. All 'work ' guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE' - & GRANITE WORKS_ Clinton • Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe w CARLOW CARLOW, June` .$', l3;lr.'ands Mrs. Peter Gowans, Winghain, .Visited c^enttj- with: Air. Alex. Young and -Mrs. Henderson. Mr. !George.,)' oreman, Woodstock, and Mr. J ames Fd eman and family, I!`linti Mich:, were week -end visitors .With the for;ne�r's sister, Mrs. Allan .Wilson, -and. Mr. and Mrs. Stoll. ° - ' Rev.. It. {-x." Hazlewood took as his text .on Sunday afternoon, •"Yeare the light of the world." Next 'Sunday, Rev. W. A.. Bremner, of -Se afort h, -will occupy the pulpit *and Present the claims of the Temperance Federatioiti. Mr. and Mrs. Ifitzttewood Q dre at'tenifing Conference this week at Windsor. The 'news of the death . in Toronto hospital of Mr. William L. Mackenzie) Of Lucknow, carne as a 'shock to many in this district, • 4vith whom Mr. 'Mac- Kenzie, was.,well and favurably 'known. as a good business man. The# funeral on ,Tuesday was largely attended Iby friends and relatives.. - The C. C. Club held -their monthly religious reefing onSunday night, with the convener, Mr. Frank Mcilwaw, in elia-rge. 11r. Fordyte - Clark read the Stripfure lesson.antl Miss.ituth Tyndall and .1'ratia.ALet1'wain sang a duet: