HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-05, Page 411/41111111 YOU*
41, D
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skin, large and fullof Clan
Juice ---Dozen -large Size4.0‘,
BEANS: I.5c POTATOES- "9- 25c
•west& Green ALABAMA NO. 1 NEW
Carrots 2 hun13c BANANAS 9c
Tomatoes "'' 19c I Celery 2 for 25c
BAGS23c nees 98c
tiots', FLOUR,
24,1h. QK„ 7-1h. 900
Bag ()tn., • Rag Aline
Grapefruit' Juice
Tins 19c
Apr* Juice 2 ;,:z. 17c
Sliced Bacon. .' 33c
Butter Ar:setstade P. 33c
CORN STARCH • !Pkg.. 10c•
. BLUE RYBBON 8 -oz. 16 -oz:
MAYONNAISE Jar ,21c Jar 39c
.TOM. jITICE 2 2-sqt. tins 190,
2 --,SODAS' 2-1b. pkgs 25q
- SALMON '''Keta • Tall tin 17c .
Let's help finish_ thejob.
Buy War' Savings StamPi
—A. low price for freedom
SYRUP 2-1b. tin 24c
5-1b. tin 53c
The annual play for .th6 Fred T.
Oraigie Memorial trOphY teek plaM at
the Iawn bowling greenS last, (ed
4') evening. The winner WaS X.. E.
Jiluekins, with 2 WilaS and a plus or lc
Other prin-winners wer,e; 2nd, 4. 13•.
,Swscffield,' .2 wins,. plus 15; 3r4, A.
2 wins, pluS 14; 4t1,' M. a.
• Ainslie, 2 WIL1S, plus 13; iith. F. WOO:
2 vvinsi plus •i3 6tbN. J. Pridhani,
wins, plus 13iL T. Eflyvards,
2 wins, plus 19; 8th, 1(1. GMiLeEWari,
2 wins, plus W; tii, 'Bert SanderSon,
wins, plus S.
• Winners in last Friday riiglitt.e local'
1; tournament were: 1, W. J. Baker and
IF. 'Rouse; ,2nul, Mr. .13ropks., and A.
1, On Monday night Peter. BisSet and
, p. Iluckins were the winning team;
•" 2s Neil Maelcay and A. R. Scott, ,
1 Invitations are 'being issued to outi
•side clubs for 'an Irish trebles twiligh.t
•; tournament to be held on the Goderieb
• greens on Wednesday evening, June
IlthEntries to close at 8.30; play
to begin at 7.30 sharp.
Though- aetual play in the Bantam
teligitie—reiill—ribt obliriffellee
untit echool closes, ,.the boyis are prac-
• tising three mornings a week—Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, from 7' to 8
o'clock—to get in trim for the, earning'
contests. As many as twenty-two were
out One morning, and IC/each Arnold
MeConnell would like to see as many
more as -can possibly be there. l'sText
Monday afternoon at Agricultural
Park there will be an exhtbition game
!between teanAs pieked from, tliese who
have 'been out • ger_Pra:cticer'
The first weekly field day for the
ladies of the 'Maitland Golf Club was
held on Friday, May 31st. The winners
• in a • 9 -hole competition were : 1.4w
gross, Miss Ruth Nicol; low net, Mrs.
T. M, Costello,
1 The _weekly field day will the_ held
every Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
A prize is being given for' the best
three- 18 -hole scores handed . in by
June 15th. •
the :Tentoe. with ypur
rar wooa: •makes your paint
paint ..— whenever you paint
go further. and last 'longer.
mem, HighlY effective., t' penwit "
raw ;
• sitabill
preventsunder the paint — a common.
rot and nset a
failuit of ordinary paints.
Rot under the paint causes expensive repairs.
•cooa Painters always" add "PentOx" to their
Pints 'MO s' ,Gafiii7asig'ilt31411"'!"Cpala•
ns 1$1.7.51-
The regular meeting of the Gederich--
Music rClub was held' at MricKaY
on M,oric141 evening. The guest artist
for the evening was Miss Eloise' Werner,
of Mitehell. This talented, young
pianist is a pupil of Miss Cora ,Ahrens
of 'Stratford. She was heard in three
different groups :
1 "Hark 'Hark! The Lark"—Sehnbert.
'Romance in D • 1.
Impromptu in F sharp Major,--
Chbpin. •••.
2 Prelude in E flat minor--Baelf.
. Sonata in D (litniOvement),(Elaydn.
Sonato Op. 22 (1.st Inoyern'ent)---:-
.• I3eetheyen. •
3 Rapsodie-litE fiat major--11311/41ims,
Valse Briliante in E majer-FMoS-
• lowski. • • .
.Each number displayed -careful study
and sympathetic interpretation.
The regularmonthly meeting -the-
tadler--"Aids-ef iKirox Presbyterian,
chnrch was held- on Friday aft rnoonl
in the lecture room, with the pr ident,
Alex. Straiton; • esicling: The
Scripture was re t 'by rss'. Con:
Bissett, .konow y prayer • frs:
1Via. 'Sanderson. The members were
favored With a vocal solo by Mrs.
Lanaway and a violin selection by Mrs.
Schutz. They were delighted also, to
hear all histrdinental, solo by little
Miss 'Roslyn IGies-On of Cleveland. The
Meeting was closed with prayer.
, A. curler's souvenir in was picked up'
in the Square some days ago'—possiblY
dropped 'iby someone „attending court
here—and may be, had bY the ovvner on
application to the finder, Mr. george
MaeVicar. • It has a design of thistles
and ibeaver,with the word `9Scotland,"
over a maple leaf with the ,words
v04 -c.
• .„
LC Cafl ote
rviees • •
Co , •
PTIHESE are the men: --Canada's fighting fortes ---who must have modern
mechanized implements of war. The Dominion Government asks the
Canadian people to lend through the yictoiy Loan so that these men who
are doing battle can have the necessary equipment.
The Canadian Bank of Cothrnerce puts .forward ail its facilities to
•'ensure the Su6cess of anada's "Victory Loan 1941":
'1.. If dine is required to pay. for Victory Bondi this Bank will lend •
you the money for a period ofsix months at low rates y the cost
of carrying the loan being covered by the interest on the bonds.
This Bank willoaccept delivery of the Victory Bonds: on ydite
behalf whether, you pay for them in full or desire to borraW"
against them. ' Siinply tell the authorized canvasser who calls
on you that you want tetake delivery ofyour bonds through ns4
5. Safety Deposit 'Boxes, or,„ adequate safekeeping facilities • are
available at all branches of the Bank for protection of 'your
Victory Bonds and other valu'ables, at low cost.
I.00Ati. A.. if ARSCOTT,
ototieloto ' • • Gifiodi likmegor
What is it Worth? 1 FATAXERO° MEXTINGS
"Vhat is ,it worth to you to be i°free
an or a rrep Woman in a free land?
As, free eitizelle we aro facing 'our
greateet Oriels. Many °tour people are
offering; their Verve In the battle' 'for
•freedom, and now .we are 'asked to
lend our money to baek theat
• There isino (10Ubt in our minds about
•the werthineSs of' the ea.use for which
We all know that the men
vvito are hi the front lige of our battle
have to be SOPPerted. We must give
them tanks, plane, gine, ammunitirn.
• and all the technical equipment
necessary to enable them to stand Up
against •the Jeng-prepared armies •of
•ties. dictefors..° Thin 'take e meney 'Which
we on ithe le;iline, front Must euplilY,
..„Every Canadian has to face the person-
al reeponeibility • of subscribing 'tO
'OaPada's Vietery loan. ,
Canadians an be counted -on to put
their- shoulders te ate wheel when
they understand the need. It is a nee -d
,not only to help in the defence 'of
)Britain but to stop tbk aggresserS
before ....they reach across the ocean.'
Make no mistake abont It, if the dic-
tators are not stopped, then all that'
ve lhAld dear in life will .ge 'down before
-ceireeeSS -or-thuld-tkit Is not nIS'
to be Measured by. tlie amount of money
subserihed, but also by • the large
•number of individual investments by
people of modest means and modest
Income. By subscribing • in large
•,numbers we demonstrate hew solidlY
Canadians are behind their sons and
lyrothers in 4iIs war. The larger the
,number, the more widely will purchas-
ing power in the form of interest be
distributed among every -day PeoPle in
:all Provinces. The more widely the
Victory bonds are Spread among our
people, the more easily we shall'meet
any problems of the future.
Here in Huron 'county., we have been
tasked to ,raise $1,300,000 as our quota,
Dig deep irito your savings and buy
Victory -bonds. • Wear a; Victory loan
button to show' that you are not just
looking at the war but that you are
iright in the wart • •
East Wsiavartosh OrgArtizing o.o lUnit
of redenitiOn of Agriculture
EAST WAWANOKI, June 2. --At a
meeting held in • the Foresters' Hall,
Belgr,a.ve„ on May 22nd, a motion MS
Ipassed' that the township of East
Wawanosh Should become an organ-
ized unit of the, 'Federation a. Agri-
.eultum. The following executive and
directors were appointed:, President,
-Harry L. !Sturdy, Attintrn ; viee-tpresi-
dent; leawrenee Taylor, '`.(Wing,hant;
Seeretary-treasurer, A. D. CanaPhell,
Elyth ; directors—Elmer Ireland, "'Wing -
ham ; Orval MeGoware Myth; Alex.
- Robertson, Wingham; Orval" Taylor,
Eelgrave ; Earl 'Caldwell, 'Myth ;Lewis
Ruddy, Auburn ;elk, Douglas 'Camppell,
. Elyth.; Vernon Ohamneye „Belgrave;
0110 Crain, Wingeham; Calvert; Fal-
coner, Illytit ; plias. ,Leaver, Wbagbant ;
3. D. Beecroft, Winglfam; Oliver Ander-
son, Blytb, ; "Ilarold "Walsh, BeIeraye;
Mrs. Oliver Anderson,"Wingham. "
This exeeutive met 'Nifty 29 at the
home of ,Orval Taylor,' SJSNo, 13, for
further organization and to. arrange e
series of Meetings to beeheld throughutthe townShip. . • ..
• The President, ,Harry L. Stur,dy, and
the seeretary-treasurer were aPpointed
delegates to represent the township unit
at all -
Federation of'" ,Agriculture ,•
Tiw following schedule of meetings
to be 'held in 'the township was ar-
ranged: The combined school sections
of 'U.S.S. No. 5 and U.S.S. No. 16, with
Lewis Buddy and Oliver Anderson as
directors, will hold their Meeting on
Jiine 9; U.S.,S.11•1o. 14, 3. D. Beecroft,
June 10; 'S.'S: No. 9 and U.S.S. No. 7,
ZetlanciElmer Ireland; Orton Grain,
June 12 -1787S-. ..No. 7, including that
Part of 'Thynnybrook section In East
Wawanosh, Vernon Chimney; Xttrie 13;
S.S. No. 8 and U.S.'S. No. 17,,Mrs. Oliver
Anderson and Harold 'Walsh, June 143;.
S.S. No. 13, Orval. Taylor, June 17;
U.S.S. No. 12 arid SS., No, 11, Chas.
Leaver and Alex. Robertson, June 18;
S.S.• No. 6. A. D. Campbell, June .19;
11.,S.S. 'No. ill, U.S.S. No, 3 and S.S.
No.° 10, Calvert* ,Falconer, Earl Cald-
well and Orval McGowan, June 20.
The Object Of these meetings is to
interest the farmers in all branches Of
agriculture. It ' is sincerely hoped by
the executive and directors that every
farmer in each schedi section will
attencl the meeting in his section,
The MuScipal Council _met in the
ardt-tur-Tuesttay, 31 a y ''' 6th;
with all memherS presentMinutes•
April ,meeting read and adopted, on
motion, of Wm.Marsh, seconded, by Wm.
CarresVolndence i. was, read from th
fellowing: • The public .Trustee, Tor-
onto, re Colborne cemetery funis for
investment ;., the Unemployment Relief
'Branch, re vacant land cultivation, and
re*terininatiou of national relief regis-
tration reports, and the Prinie Minister
of Ontario, honorary chairman of On-
tario Committee, re Dominion war loan
Organization. .
• Moved bY Wm, :Clark, .seconded- by
Wm,,Marsh, that the Court of Revision
on the assessment roll be held Tiles:
da, June 3rd, at 1 o'clock.
The collector's time was ettended one
month and all relief IS to be discoh-
tinned, from Mai ist. :-
The road vouchers and the following ,
accounts were ordered paid:- Road'
v,ouchers, $416.85; Miss L. Macpherson;
$1.001' W. C. Pettman, relief account, the tracks can, by mutual effort, help
$S; Jas.' Johnston, $15.25;i 13axter & to keep Canada tre ;becoming, a tree -
Linfield, ' $1.49 s +James Adams, work, less desolatiOn. '
$16; 'John Young, .$12; 'Oen. Pacific
.0o., $5; . County of Huron, $27.35; "Most of us tend, to casually accept
Signal -Star, $6; Wm. Watson, $45 ; Wm. ini: ppriesneen.oeTohfely;eaftyoomkapi4eles„%ndtiotnsoweiri-,
SalloWs, $80; 111.E.P.C., $7.95. grow; if destroyed they will take scores
• Council adjourned to ,meet June 3rd. of years to feplace. "If we destroy a
• WM. SALLOWS, Clerk. tree without replacing it with a young
• , ---- EAST WAWANOSH • �trreea we inagre orfol,lbebianugtyfnaturmie agesnoeurareteion,ofs
C ••
ouncil met on MIty 6th, with- all thewood, a vital necessity in our economy.
.memhers present. Minutes of previous If every land-owning individual wbuld
meeting were read and approVedcarry outhis own system of reforest --
Communications from the Depart- ation we would have no fear that tre'es
ment of 'Highways; giving approval to would ever vanish from: the earth.
by-law designating env:quits to be ex- "In th',6 summer many .of us go for
perided on roads - this season, the De- picnics or walks in the forests. Many
partment of Pablie Welfare, re' vacant of us smoke. And so each season many
land cultivation, and' J. G. Gaunt, thousands of dollars' w-orat ef wood -
drain inspector, on his report on tile land are destroyed in liamino- con -
drain on concession 13, were received flagration; A cigarette bud' may
and read. :•smoulder for a few minutes. .It may go
Two tenders- were received for crush- out. • Or it may, if tossed in a bed, of
ing and truelehig gravel, from' grusher dry leaves, start a forest 'fire that ..wM
.fhis -season; but ii's the prices submitted sweep across ten townShip4s. The moral,
were -in the opinion of Council exc'essive of this painful fact i* net to stop ismok-
Counell decided that no work, of this ing; but to exercise the are that will
natarewillbe,proceeded with at present, prevent an artiele from which we de -
with the expectation that lower *ices rive pleasure from causing untold pain.
• might be obtained for this work later Never toss a glOwing cigarette butt
in the season. •carelessly aside.
• The eollector' returned his roll of "Failing to put out a fire built .at a
1940, approximately 0600.00 of last picnic or canip-fire party is an aet be
year's faxes .being still outstanding, neath the mentality of the average
On motion of '13,eecroft and Ruddy this individual. (Rut it is still done. It is
official was relieved of any further re- to be, hoped that no one listening to
spOnsibilities in this connection and this lins.ever shown himself to be on
further june lst was set as the dead- this mental level. Don't justthrow a
line for receiving 1940 taxes, the treas- f•esir handfuls of earth on a hot fire.
urer being instructed. to forward all This may Put putt the flames and leave-
outstendip,g amounts after that date only a thin column of smoke. A ,fire is
to the Comity treasurer foreollection. ' not out untfl the last. ploWing ember
The following aecatints were paid: hos beenextinguished. when it is, the
:klitins Essay Contest
William Beatty's Contribution on
•, • Forest Protection Best in,
Three Counties
William, Beatty, .Goderich Collegiate
Institute student, wonfirst prize, a
mantel radio set, given by the Depart-
ment of Mines. and Resources in the
forestry contest conducted in conjunc-
tion with CKNX. 'His essay on "What
Can I . Do to Protect Our Forests?"
.was Chosen first fromfifty-one entries
received 'frb`m Huron, Bruce and Wel-
lington Counties. This WAS the Prize-
winning essay:,
TIttlItaDAY, 3IUNE Cit 1
West :Huron Distlit
VITornela's Institute
Annual Meeting at Wiugham-
Kbitafl Be Meeting'
•Place,,Next Year
• With about "150- in attendance, the
annual 'meeting of the WOnlen's
'tut°, of the district of West Hurint was
held in the Town, Hall, Wingtalne en
Wednesday; May 28t1i, Mrs. Fred
aster,. Blyth, presided at both sessions,
at which representatives were present
from Goderich, OlintOn, Myth, Auburn,
Dungannon, IR. A.ugustine, Belgrave,
I'Vinglaam, St. Helens, Mitten and
trondesboro. •.
Devotional exereise% were led by Mrs:
Keatinge Belgrave, and Mrs.. Stanley
Halle Wingham, .The sum of $50 Was
votedto the Central Iustitute's fund
for War work. Mrs. W. 13, Mete)ol,
Winghem, favored with a sol•%
.Junior Work
Miss Flora Durnin, Dungannon,
Junior coach, introduced the work of
the junior homemaking clubs; and told
ot, the valuable instruction given to
the young Wonten and girls through
homeenaking elubS and projeet& This
• eworkelitelluroaecounty, -gradually -bre
creasing. The,girLe, she said, are Inalt-
ing a valitable eontribution to the war
effort, by "making elothing for- the
refugeee and war victims:, •
Secretaries of the eleven branches of
the 'district gave interesting accounts of
'their aetivities, of whieh *now war work
is chief. A total of $1,010.35 was raised
by alLbranches of the district. - I3esides
war wcirk,.,financial aid was given- to
cemeteries, prizes fof schools, field-
kitehent for the soldiers; linen and
touter 'Sky' ,HArbor airport hospital.
The- work of:the past year is a chal-
lenge fpr greater things in the future.
• Dinner was served, by the members
of the Wingliain, branch in the,..eouncil
chamber, and Ills Worship Mayor J. II.
OrawfOrd of Wingham gave the civic
welcome to the delegates and was -re-
plied to by • Mrs. .Gordim. Bisset of
Election of Officers ,
• The afternoon Session opened with
coMmunity singing capably led by 11.
V. Ppm •of Wingliam, after which elec-
tion of officers was conducted by Mrs.
T. 'Burn, of iBrownsville and resulted
s -follows: PresldentsMrs.
'Henderson, Wingham; 1st vice-
'Pfericreift; Mrs.;
2nd vice-president, Mrs. ,L. Ivers, Dun-
gannon; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. W.
H. Fraser, .Wingham; auditors, Mrs.
E. Webster and .s Mrs. J.: 'Kerr, Wihg--
haan; 'Federation. delegate, Mrs. F.
Oster, Blyth; delegates to, Area Con-
• vention, London, Mrs. W, Sr Henderson
and Mrs. Adams, Oljnton.*
,Conveners of ,standing committees:
'Canadianizatien, Mrs..Price,1Goderich;
legislation, 'Miss L. Brigham', Clinton;
education, Mrs. Durnin Phillips, Luek-
now, n.at. 2; home economics, Mrs. C.
Coultes, BelFrave ; health and elaild
welfare je . Mrs, P. Manning, Clinton;
agrictilture .and 40anadtan industries,
Mrs. Hall, Blyth; historical reSearcla,
Miss J. McAllister, Auburn, R.R. 2;
peace educatien,' MTS. Bower, Wing -
ham; community actinities and relief;
Mrs. C. W. Alton, Dungannon; public -
Yfiss M. Gray, eepreseryting-the
partment, addressed the gathering and
explained the co,operative program.
She advocated keeping the, 'family well
with geed food, growing -more vege-
tables fel; *homes use, purchasing Can-
adian and British-imade geode, buying
wisely and economically by purcha.sing
in larger quantities,
The district decided- to ask the De-
partment for anofficers' rally.
The treasurer's statement showed a
total of $325.58..in the' di.striet receipts,
with expenditures of $193.08, leaving
• a balance of $1132.50.
Mrs. B. -Hearn, Clinton, Sang tepleas-
ing solo: and responded to an encore,
Mrs. M. Agnew playing the accompani-
Mrs. T. Burn of Brownsville, the
Federation representative, gave a re-
port of the Provincial board meeting
,in November.
Next- Meeting at Kintail -
The invitation from Kintail to 1140
Che 1942 meeting at Kintail wae ac -
�p1, and Betgrave gave an invitation
to hold the 1043 ra1l3r there„ which was
accepted. °
An -expression of appreciation was
tendered to Mrs. Oster tor her six
years' service aa president, and the
new president was introduced.
The singing of the National Anthem
closed the meeting:
"Alone I Can ,do nothing. But your
I, and the man in the little house by
A. Mcilurney; .bala'nee , salary aS; col- fire is nolonger a source. of danger to
. lector,, $15; 0.0.F„ 113elgrave, half rent, our forests. , • „,
$40; L. Montgomery,- refund overeharge "Other dangers than . fire affect the
.in, taxes, 09,„centsetroad acceunts—S. life of our forests. Insects' are if con-
MeBdrney, salary and telephone, $34.- stant menace. " This Is one of the
42; Roy Robinson, snow plovving and reasons why ,Moderii forestry depends
• Get set for a
mileage record
with this big
guaranteed top
value tire . . .
we have your
size. °
21e 214/xe
.c.40DEgicg - • ONT.
-3"wpir McMillan, well-known
*field farmer and former Detroit real
estate- inan,„ "has- it three 'Illigers-iii-
his left bad(' as a result of an almost
unprecedented accident on his, farm last '
Friday. Joe,put, in twenty-five ecres of '.
Ilex this spring and borrowed., a home
from a neighbor to help him in the-' •
work. The horse hadmit been working
.,and was a little obstreperons. It was
What farmers call a 1 "tugger." While
Joe was tying theast to a 'hitdhing
post his left hand be awe entangled i
,the halter rope, betseen the post and
,the rope, as the horse kept tugging -7 ,
or jerking its head. Mr. McMillan's'
hand was so badly crushed. that Dr.
iGallow had to amputate three fingers
at the second knuckle, the oPeration
taking'Place in Alexandra Hospital, It
was a very painful injtry'. '•
:hrs. Floid SMUT' and her 'brother,*
Mr. 'Chas. Ross,. Mrs. Ross and two
children, all a Detroit, were week -end
gvisitors with 'Mr. Cliae. M. Ross, Elgin
Lakeview Casino
Grand Bend
and his' Ca.seade Rhythm
• Orchestra •
The first orchestra even to piny
a thirdseason at Grand Bend,!
Showlng. "Catalina's new swiin
• SllitS -
English China—Wedgwood and
Royal -Doulton
Few Weeks On Syntona IVIade
Big Difference In This Lady
rolling fence, $7; James-meGee, remov- on scientific fOundations. 'Skilled men. Tells How 'It Brought Quick
ing snow and rolling fenee3.40; Not- are continually, earrying on this part
Gus Devereaux, rre1ITOVIIT).; 13110WfOrtee, MOSt Of US, Can do little in a material ' From TWo Years- r:Sul-
man Jamieson, roiling snorwreliee, $1.80; of the work: They, need our help. !t•O. ef
tering with Stomach ,M,i.sliery,
60 cents; Fred Ceek, repairing .road, foreqtry. Bup yon7- I, and the man in , of . slap—Pure Herbal rormixia
$4.m;. a Logan, trwlcing gravel and the house by the tracks Can and slionld i _ "
repairing washout, $3: 1. Reavie,-"olf,
Ed. Nixon removing snowrenee, Way to further the various-bAithes
, Backache„ Head.aches, and oos.
give our full sup -Port hi the' form of
that nebulous thine called 'public opin-
ion.' .,w,6 Must base. finr opinion 'on a
knoWledge of the situation. If'' vv.& de
-this and use reaSonable ear° in our
behavior in wooded districts we
not have fallen down in our duty."
111,q$ Garrow of Toronto was the
guest. of Goderich friends for the week-
aWhen a medicine Will help me the
$4.10; Can. Oil Co., oil and gasoline,
, way Syntona did, I think it deserves
$32.10. . •
the highea praise," said Mrs. Harry
Connell adjourned 1.6 rne-et again on
EG. Ellis, 646 'Concession .St:, Hamiltcn,
Tnesday, 3rd, as a court ef revision
in a repart received only a few days
on the assessment roll and for ordinary
township busbies:4, • • ago . • e
A. "PORTnitrmran, clerk.• will never fort bow I sat up
night after night, suffering' with
. —4 -et , • ,
GODEitICII 'TOWNSHIP • stomach gas, cramps., new/ea and heart-
burn. I wta afraid tog* to bed because
Council met cm May .20 for '40durt
when 1 would lie down the trouble got
M Revision 4111d s'eneral business. There
were a feW 41.11WAS, hilt Only two assess- •
worse and I had difficulty keeping food
ments were lowered. Some dogs were •DaY1ni3O Mf. Les. Jervis fto shooting a in my stomach ,aff all, I was shblect
struck off, having', bei destroyed. 'The sheep dog was eeferred to the eteep to headaches, bacliaChe and diz"zy,
roll. was then* adopted for a'ssessment
- W. n. Lau , bilious spells.
valner, Mr.
purposeg for 1041.
. Council instructed the Clerk to wive'''. Y tIOne night I had a very bad attack
Communleation from 'sanitoria for
eonsitinptivee re Patients unable to pay;
there, being none in our Township there
was no action..
The ,I3e1I Telep"hone 'Co.. asked per
inimion to do'eserne improving on their
line on What le culled the Telephone
road, The Clerk was instructed to
reply granting' the ye -tea -est, under the
atipervision of the road superintendent.'
The Council ordered one steel, arch
• culvert from the Ingot Iron Co.
• Departntent of 'Welfare, re employ-
able per-6one not to get relief; read and
. "
, diffeeence of opinion regarding
tise for *tenders for crushing and 'de- of this trouble, so I sent out for a
livering apInoximately 3009 yards of bottle of Syntenee, and as soon as I got
crushed gravel to he delivered 'where it, I took a dose and went to beti.
the road ..f4uperiatielutont directe. 1. Well that night I got *the first de'elent
Aceounts paid : Department of ,night's sleep I had In ages. As 1 kept 'becomes ailine it 80 often affeets one or
Health,: inalliiii, Veal 'It McCartney, on taking Sentotue 1 soCin gOt go 1 could more of the o"thers. Food that should
dasezeor's salary, postage and. yeellailei. eat anything 1 liked without any a the gyve you strength, and energy only fee
leg three union echoele O1,$ -C„ Oturely; former trouble, I ain 'Tree of those mente in the Atoroneh.' Volsonous waste
repairs to Township flagpole, $2; awful 'headachee and dizzy spells flow, Matter is fed into the blood stream and
Sttperintendent, pay ,voneher No, , ,5, and the pains have gone out ef my baek soon the whole. syetem beeontes run"
$57.90. , ,„, . antimitsclee. "I am 80 pleaeed vvith the down.
for, the Victory loan campaign,
The 'flag ii to be hoisted Ott Jf1110 2 cbtvayglLynttooraiib:sotteolmpedkinioiewtlaibaotuIt wily, colInfoyorg cliiavnelpilinwer:dperritiell, osrt*Jel'attL,
A .
(,ortuell adionrned to meet on Mon- f.t'Ite reagon suchgood reolte are get yoursoit a "
treatment„ve the pries
of SY1141"----a' ,
., . i
day, July1, at 1,40 pan. ,. produced by ' a medicine that ig eoin.. tnilayYou, too, may recei.
H. G. 1:110'.11100011,, Clerk. ponthled to treat the stoat:tide liver, less benefits.
1th111e3?51 and bowels Itta the samet time is
simply this: The ,orgalle of asslmilatien
and elimination are so doggy related
In , their functions that when one