HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-06-05, Page 1GoinbiningThe Goderich Signal arid The Goderich Star
uron's War Loan
Campaign under Way
.Flag-raisiug Pledge.signing
Ceremonies Create
'On Sunday morning, after the dturelr
services, ao brief flageraising eereMenY
was beld in Court HonSe Park, pledg-
ing Goderich to the raising of itS 'quota
of .1541,000. •Similar cerenSeelleS Were
beld in teVentysthree other mupiellaal-
ities, Canlaseing areas, throughout
the cciunty, TO a tair,sized audience
Mayor Brown explained , the OS11100310
Of thellenoepledge flag, Stating that
when it'vventYsttv ,Per bent' 'Over ,the •
would be lowered and . a blue -Pennant
attached to signify the accom'plishment.
The same procedure would be followed
-when fifty_ and _seventy4YO „Weent,
over the quota had been reached. Itei.
. A.. 0, Calder offered a. prayer for the
success of the -campaign and the geth.
ering sang the National, Anthem.. •
eeTheeeremonY-was-beld ikt
flagstaff :because of the ideal surroun -
ings as eompared with those prevailing
at theTown Hall, the Mayor explained,
but on Mondasemoreingethe big. five-
ihystenefoot pure .woollen rag, specially)
designed fOr the eceaelon, Was trans'.
• teried to the munintal dagstaffefifiteh
had ° been repaired tor tise occasion..
giteerge James raised and unfurled the
7 Hag to the Yyreeze. A group of war
veterans, wearing berets, stood. at at;
s tention closeesto the scene. . •
-Plenty` of Noise -• .
The campaign Was officielly Opened
at o'elock. on Monday morning with
the' boOmingoof giant rockets which ex-
-bladed. in inidsaireewitle cannon -like
'effect, the sehrieking of the fire siren,
,the 'blowing of factory whietles, the
,ringing of bells and 'the racing through,
the streets of metoriesid fire apparatus,
with sirens wailing and ibelle clanging.
It -was quite a racket and -people PoPPed'
. out of Storetand homes to see what it
, was all about. It • had the desired
PsYcltologicaleeffect, for the news soon' spread that, 'Canadians had actually
started a .drive to raise six hundred
million dollars, to -help Greet eBritaine
teniporarily 'fighting with her back to
the wall,. struggle sthrofigh- vietoey
over the Axis powers. eit was a re-
minder, too,that 'Goderich and Huron
county people were 'being called upon to
contribute their share, • as they have
done :before.
• No. 1 in the Province
At AR aan. :V1onday merning
(9.0 "TOetIllte tiPle) .t119 telephone
rane- in' thee-irosirs; of W. E.
Young, Provincial chairnien of the
sPeeial names committee. The gentle-
anan was shaeing in preparation for his
,day'e 'work, but he came to the Vieille
with lathered face to learn- that Hulett
County - had .oversubscrihed its special
names - quota ef $100,000, one minute
after the campaign opened. It was
• the firet Web accomplishment in the
Province, the surprised Mr. Young an-
emia -iced. At the 'Goderich end of the
telephone Was theeastute R K:Wtirtele,
eechairman of ,I.Wron Csalatil.
names committee, whoshopes before the
campaign. closes to treble his *.quota.
The ettbscriptiense are confined to
$25,000 and OVer. •
Menday eyeeing it waSsannetinced
that he 'ifillage of Brussels, where ex -
Warden R. J. 'Bowman is chairmanehad
oversebecribed its .quota of $22,750. by
' .twentYlfive per cent. and was entitled
'teor`an honpennant on its pledge flag,
, the first in Huron coentse 'Clinton „and
eaforth did 'better than, reach the half -
ay mark on the first day and one-
' ird of Goderieh's" quetaeof $159,060
-was subscribed through the banks on-
e_ s. the 'first day, exclusive Of subscelptione
- secureSby canvassers.
Good Progress in Subscriptions ,
Complete Vietory leap eeturns for the
first• two do.ys-of the campaign -Mon-
day and Tuesday -show that Huron
, County Subscribed over $600,000; �r
et nearly half of the. county'e quota of
This heartening announcement ev
made last night by 'Major , Knowlee„
Neal organizerrTrola eamPaige head• -
quarters. A statement of the Subseripi
tions by municipalities had not yet been
°compiled: ,
' It wns announced that already four'
of the teentaefour municipalitlea In the
county -Brussels, ,tHensalI; Exeter and
Seaforth-hads,exceeded their quotas,
• Remelt three times Over. ,
With nineteen dalS'iriefiliiis stilito
, come in the eommittee has lopes.. of
reeching double the objective„ or
$2,800,900, which IS the high -Water
figure on tile huge thermometer erected
• ()e'er the door at campeign headquarters
Vietory Pledge Signed by MuniCipal.
• • Heads -
The "torch"' eeremony, a high -Tight
of the. Vietory, loan cebaphign, *tie held
in 'ClotneVIIeuee Park on ,Wednesday
noon ank WAS Offended by a' large as-
, seesblage`ef sehool children and older
citizens. The IS.A.11. band from Port
Albert WAS in attendance. The roar
and drone of Anon 'bombers from Port
Albert was heard overhead throngliout
the brief proceedings.1
A mlifieture scroll, pledging the town
of :Goderich and the teWeehipe et Col-
borne and :Gederieh each to raise its
Vietory loan quota and to 'fight the sleet
e• to. a finish and -to 'victory ,was signed
�v ':Nlayor` E. D. 'Brown, Iteevee Williaxn
Thom and Ben Itathwell, respeetively,
all of evhom iteltireese(F the aseernblage.
• It was 4xpla1ned that 'the acre% with
()there of its 'kind, and a large one
signed by the heade Of etitte.of 'Canada
and'its Provin"ceS, will be.flOW11 to Eng-
land in a bothber and Presented-.,. to
Petzne 'Minister Winston Churchill on
July ist next,
The teet statea 'Canada, with the
ether nations of the. *British 'Common-
w,ealth and their allies, will fight on to
victory no Matter bow long' and toil-
aome,the road. t, Give us the tools and
we shall .finisli the job. ICanada'13 Vic-
tory loan, 1041, is part of, the tools.
'IN& scroll represents the pledge of our
PeOPlee eigned, tealed and delivered,'
Arrivals at the harbor the past week
wire: Thursday; 51ay 21)--Berryton,
`040,500.Aus. -wheat; Vandec, 210,000
buswheat., illaY til,--*tassey, 108,006
bus. wheat; illudson-100,000 '1bus.
wheat, 20,,000 bits. feed Ofki8.. June 2
Mantadoc, 258,000 bus:wheat ; Super.
ior, 20,000 bus. oats, 10,000 barley,
e0400 screenings, '20,000 rye; 7,500
*wheat,' AlI eargoes, were for the
elevator. .
s -The Hudson after discharging her
eargo went on dela% the lake and re-'
turnhxg yeaterday• took on salt and
cleared early 'this mernhag for eR ti
lakes. •
TwoGoderich Boys OENSDO-TAKING.
as Seals TO BEGIN "14E Mi
Maly Qu �n to, Be Arlfeertied when
the Enumerator Calk. Around
When 'Their Skiff upsets, They On Wednesday, June 11t1, enumera-
Swim ,,to Safety- over • tors throughout the Dominion will sset
a. Mile of -Water out upon the eighth eenmis, 'of Canada:
They will present in'each home a form
with forty questions to be answered by
fbe, head of the ,house, and the toxin
for farmers emitains no fewer than
107 'questions. -
It was the original intention te,fbegin
the eenslas4alting on June 244, but a
postponement WAS made On, riceciimt of
the War loan taMpaign. The -facts
to be recorded,, however, will be as Of
the original dates An Infant born atter
midnight. June let; will not . be
counted, but persons wile, were .4.1ive
at that time. willbe enumerated even
If they beam. since -
-It' is hoped that the public will
operate and assist in the task to the
fullest extent,
In North' Minn
Boys who frequent the water .are,in
the way of 'adventure, and two
°rich lads Itad'in experience last Satur-
day that they will not soon ',forget
The. two 'boys, Fred Dowker and Billy ,
10410444 teen of.'f',Skipper" Bill Mee-
donald), both in their middle 'teens,
had been out sailing all'afternoon hA a
104eelt MLitt when .stress of wind. and
sea got: the better of thein, the boat
upset, and tbeY foluld thentselveS
, 'The tug W 'Rllen M. (Captain 3!..fen- separated by a ttnile or so of deep, cold
eray) on Nfonday brought two million water fremethe neereetlelieeeotsefetye
t-raut-.10--from-411e-4orttinuttiritzW" tlie nortli brealswatere
hatchery, and deposited a portion. of With most boys it would have been
them off 'Point Clark and the rest off "Ail up with us," but this rugged pair
this port were not, daunted. They stripped,
The _tug_ W 14_1"orrest left yesterday themselves of their • clothes- and made
emorning-for Antherstburg in charge ef for the breakwater, which they reached
Capt. McQueen of that place. It is after a strenuous swim of about three -
reported that the Forrest, which has fourths of an hour -a feat of which
been. around this, port for twenty-nine few men would be capable. Climbing
years, has ben soldAelnherethUrg. aP,PP., the eenerefe.!brealPkaster in „their
parties.. - e • birthday sults the lads found some
The strs,. Win. ISchupp and Massey sacks that had leeen left behind by
are expected at the elevator. • fishermen and donned thein, eorapleting
the warnting-up operation by running
G C.I. STA,FF along the ;breakwater. They ,were
time it W'AS early dusk and those who
sighted fro M the lake bank, but ;by thle,
Miss Helen Bisset to SucceedMks
- saw them ' had no idea the boys Were
Pali( m Classical Department—distress of any sort. Hours later
The Collegiate Inetitute Board has aaptain Bert Macdonald was roused
engaged 'Miss Helen ;Bisset, BA., • as by his Sister-in-law, who had become
„teacher of claesies and ancient history, 'alarmed by the failure- of her eon to
-filling. the place left vacant by -the return home, and at 2 o'elock Sunday
resignation of Miss Park. MissiBisset, morning the lade were bronght• in on
who is -the daughter of Mr. and -Mrs: the "Animmac" from the brealew.ater;
James llissets.IStiltford 'Heights, was a whgr,e,„.tpheY .hasienbeenteleaereorted for
brilliant student at G.C.L before taking s476,'holirs,...,1They were a ,bit heuagry,
her University course at Toronto. She -of eou•ise, but .otherease Seemed to be
has the eequited specialist- standing in ',none the worse tor their adventure. '
classics. MiBleset w111 begin her The skiff was sighted, seine five miks
work here, in 'Septemberi. ° set shore by a .passing freighter., but ti'e
The other teachers on the staff have not been recovered --and some-Gederldh
'all, been re-engaged, with 'salary 2 in mothers hope it never will -be.
creases- totalling $000. '
Mr. W. F. Malkoin, instructor in EXAMINATION TIME
shop work, has received an pffer from a The students at - the Collegiate
school at 'Niagara Falls at an increase Institute are engulfed sin . studies ft.t
'upon (his salary here. Re, has how- present In preparation for ' the ap-
ever,' declined' the offer, preferring to pioaching. ,final • examinations. The
remain in GOderich for the presentfinals' for. middle and lower school he-
g1n en PridaY, June 13, and conehide
„ .ENGAGEMENTS- ANNOUNCED ',Thee 17. • T'hoee papils having a
Mr. :and Mrs. 'Albert Shore wish to certain &Swage in any subject will
announce the engagement Of theironly net be required to 'write on that par -
daughter, 'Gladys Lucy; to 4obert tictdar subject. Th "upper school,
Frederick Nicholson, son of Mr. and _recommendations have been ohan-
.Mrs. A. E. Nicholson of St 'Catharines, cloned by the 'Department , of Eelti-
•Onte; the marrieere to take place the catiee; thus necessitating the writing
latter part of June: ,. , • of all papers. Uppee school exams
Dr. and Mrs. Allen S. Eagles, Mea- commence Wednesday, June 18, and
fordeannounce the engagement of their conclude June 27.
daughter, DorislBlanche, to Mr: Robert
an. Orde ;Stewart,. iGoderich, son of
'Mr. and Mrs. John L. (Stewart, Toronto,
'the wedding t� take place on 'Saturday,
June'28th, at lehrist church, lefeatord.
Mr. and Mrs? Elmer 1Sheardowet,
Goderich, announce the engagement of
their second daughter, Olive Isobel, to
HarryeOha ries Cook, of 1Goderich, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gook of
Goderieh, the marriage to ta.ke place in
June. '
Msr. and. Mrs. Rotere Campbell, of
Mere -Mop, n n ou nee the en g agemen t
Mr. Oampbell'e sesier, Margaret Vera
(Beta), to -Mr. John Richmond Orr, of
Goderich, Ontario; the marriage to take
place • quietly early in one.
The death occurred' in Elma town-
ship, near Listowel, on Thursday last,
of John Twaealey, 'father of Lieut..
Bruce Twathley of Gotlerich.' Decoaced,
a lifelong 'resident of the Listowel
district, was in his -seventy-fifth year.
This is the send 'bereavement Lieut.
Twantley has suffered within a brief
Period, as his mother passed 'away
only seven anotiths ago.. Re attended
the funeral en Saturday. Besides
Lieut. Te-amley, deceased kft four
sons andetwo daughters:
The next 'collection of Salvage will,be
matleineGoderich on .Saturday morning.
Householders are asked to tie their
bundles Of papers securely in order to
assiSt the deiveos end those who later -
bale the paper after if reaches the .Ex-
hibitfen building where it has to be
sorted tor shipment. This also applies
to magazines.
Rags, Scrapiron, clear glass and bones
Will also be picked up as beforee
Have your •materials on the boule-
vards to save the truckere' time.
, •
Provincial .Constable Frank gox,
,newly-appoihted senior officer and.iligh
County -constable for Ham. Gounty,•
arrived from Welland on. 'Sundoy and
already has taken seer -his new duties.,
'Constable Fox is at present staying at
a -private home, having been unalsle as
yet. to secure. a house here.
. •
that we shall fight on to the end and
that end shall be Victory,"
The . pledge was" read by Mayor
Brown, and repeated in unison by the
large gathering. Plight -Lieut. Rev. D.
J. Lane offered the eledigation prayer.
Similar impressive .ceremonies were
he'd yesterday in all municipalities in
Huron eattnty, a motor eavaleftde 'leav-
ing ,Goderich shortly after 1 o'clock in
which' Were included Warden James
Lelperereeves of iefrioue menicipalities,
tounte officials, and Victory loan
e Latest Returns .
sReterps are incomplete and the Wel
Is known to be eonsiderably highee
than the $000,000 mark. 4News this
morning is that Seaforth hasesioubled
ItS quota Of 102,000; Clinton has ex -
OMNI !tee objettive of $65,000 bY
$17,000; Gederich township with
quota of '$42,000 has gone ovvr the
top, and Howl& Is within retteh.of its
$80,400. The town of Goderich Was
reported to have setbseribed,
total ofk 000 but only bank returns
were in, ,
-11re. Edith asf.- Tremblay received'
word on .Monday from her Sister-in-
law at Esterbazy, 'Sask., of the death
of the latter's [husband Mr: F C. Me -
Dougall: Mr. afebougall, who •wa.$
manager .for over ' thirty year at
different posts itelyeetern 'Canada for
the telephone system, 'had climbed up
a pole in his work when the ipole broke
and fell across his body, sTlereevag'
seriously injured and died the sante
night, May 21st. Mre. 'McDougall 'is
the former 'Mee Tremblay, youngest
sister cyf the late W. H. Tremblay of
, •
Major a, C. MacLean_ of Wingham,
dIllef enumerator forortb. Huron,
has held schools Of instruction at'
Wingham, /Bruise's, Dungannon and
Goderielt for those who are to take the
census in this riding. The last of -these
schools--' wae - Godericho en- Tuesday'
and Wednesday ef this week and was•
attended by the enumerators for Clin-
ton, Gloderich and the townships' of
Qolborne and Gederieh.
The census is to lee. taken in North
Huron by: forty-nine enumerators.
Those in the western part of the riding
are: • ' -• •
'Goderieh-Geo G MacIlwan, Thos.
Pritchard, Mrs. Fred Murney,..W. E.
MeVittle, - A.- F. - Somersall,
Dorothy 'Westbrook.
Clinton-ZVI-los. Herman. Gordon
Township of CollbOrne-H. A, Mc.
OreathSSFeank '
Township of IGeclerich-. H. Somer-
Sall, Murray M'CDougall, Wilbert D.
-Finials •
mownshiP of Ashfield -Lorne John.:
.sten, Wilfred -11.. ''llackett, John S.
Dalton,' John MacLennan.
Township of West !Wawanosh-W. A..
SifeWert, Wm. Watson, Ross 'Murray,'
-W. G. MeCrostie.
' Townebip of East Waayanosh-
Norman Radford, James 11.' Oue rite
Jelin 'MeGiee. •
Sequel. of Christmas
Eve FatalityEarl, Williams in Court on
°barge of Dangerous
One heur after the June,'Sessions
, opened before Judge E. W. Clement Of,
Kitchener on Tuesday efternoon the
grdrid jury returned true bilis in the
Only two yaks on the erirainal docket.
They, were tho,se, of Earl William's, of
Godeiich township; eharged . with
dangerous driving arising out of a fatal
motor accident last Christmas Ewe, and
the ease of Frank Rutledge, aged nine"
teen, of Erusselh,
earitall knowledge Of a girl betw-eenlhe
ages of foUrteen and SiXteell, �V
previous ehaete eharactere,
The -Rutledge •ease wag' .preteesled
With 'first and was in progress the re-
mainder ofsT4e,s(lay and most of NVed-
riesday. In all six witnesses were
After deliberating less than half an
hour the jliry returned with a Verdict
Of "not guilty.' •
• Judge Clement ha,d little comnfent to
'make on the jury's verdict. "I am
not going to lecture .you. You are free
to go," was all he had to say to the
adused young man. -
The grand jury inspected only the
County gaol, other publiesbuildings
having been -recently visited by other
juries. In a short presentmeut it was
recorded 'that the gaol is being efficient-
ly managed and that the ibuilding-is in'
A good 'and 'sanitary condition. At
present 'there is only one prisoner in
the inStitutioils °
• On the grand jury were Fred
Anderson, Harvey Anderson, Sheldon
Bricker, Carmen Bride, Alastair Broad -
foot, -ThomAssiBurke, Arthur Tdgar;.
Donald McKenzie,. Walter Pettman,
George yan, 'Arthur Straughan,
Norman 'Tyndall , and Stanley Privett
(foreman). •
Dangerous. Driving Charge
The trial .of Earl ,T, Williams,
charged with driving a motor veliiele
In a mannerdangerous to the public,
was commenced late Wednesday after-
noon and when adjournment came near-
ing 6 o'cleek three- witnesses had been
Omen Attorney Holmes told the
jury that the fatal aacident out of
which the prosecution arose occurred
on NO.,. 8 highway, a short distence
west of Clinton, at 6.30 on Christmas
Eve last. He said- that Henry Thomp-
son, Rod-. !Goderich township farmer,
and his daughter, Mrs. Kirby of I
Oshawa, were driving west in a buggy.
lantern, one side of the glass red,
the other side clears hung from the
left sideeorlifeintggy. The buggy was
well on its right side of the road, two
wheerS on the eboulder, tWoe on .the
pavement, the visibility good; He said
the aCcused, driving a Motor vehicle
Two 'SGoderich .girls, the Misses
Phyllis and Lorraine Allen, cousins, re-
,ceived abrasions; cute and • shock in
a motor aedident vehigh occurred' on
No. 8 highway, a short distance east of
Taylor's 'Corner, at 9 o'clocle oi
TuestlaY nlght.s They Were attended
by Dr: Nerinan Jackson, • to ' whose
office .they were taken, from the
scene „,of the accident. One of the
cars in the •rear -end cellision was driven
by Pilot 'Officer Victitr Dudes, R.A.P.,
Port .Allbert, who Was, accompanied by
Pilot Officer Ian. 'Bishop. The lights 'on
'the Ducks car failed as it was being
diVen east to Qlinton and it was pulled
partly over ob the sheulder of the road
for examivation. ',While there aeother
car, driven by Gordoitegiarrison, 'Vic-
toria street, - Goderich, m which the
ele'were passengers, crashed into the
rear of the' darkened airmen's auto-
mobile: No others besides thetwo girls
were injured apart from a few bruises
and a shaking-np. Both cars were
badly' damaged. Traffic Officer ,James
Culp investigated.
' Through a regrettableerror,
the name et mr: A. Cornfield was
last week omitted trona the list of
local men who are sponsoring tile
Moron . County n iiiortletoming
Week, June 28 to July 0,
/Cornfield always pre-
pared .to assist any 'eoennunity
effort, andehe is. particularly
elnterested in encouraging vieitors
from the:United Stites to emne
Ged'erieh. Any .of his frieMIS
from across the border who can
visit this town are 'therefore Sure
of a double welcome, from him-
self and from the ether citizens
, of Gloderich.
Mi. and Mrs. John Chishohn 'Honored
- • by FiLuily and Friends
Fifty years Ago, on June 3rd, Miss
MarY 'Carney and Mre'Telln Chisholia,
both of Colborne tOwifship,were united
in marriage, and partook of.the wed-
ding dinner' inthe same house as. gt.at
ip which they celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary on Tuesday. of
this week -the Carney homestead, now
occupied be Mr. Ben Chisholm, som-of
the bride and groom of tatty years -ago.
'rhe entire fatailyeeeneleting of five sone
ancl two daughters,"ipent the day ',with'
-thein and attended morning .m.ifes sung
by their son, Rev. J. Et. Chish.olm, at St.
Peter's church, Goderich.. After' a
splendid noon -day meal the couple were
the recipjents Of a purse froin the fam-
ily as well as many gifts and felicita-
tions tram other _relatives and friends.
Menibers of the family attending were
Rev. J. 11. Chisholm, of West Lorne;
John Chisholm, of West Wawanosit ;
Thomas and Ben, of Colborite township,
and Joseph, ateshOnle.S.Xre. Wilfred.
Smith •(Helexe), of the Brae Water
highway, and Mrs Albert McGee
(Beatrice),, of, Ashfield; These , were
accompanied by their wives and hus-
bands, r,espe'ctivelys - •
I ,
pemniner United cherch parsonage
was the setting for' a pretty wed:ding
on 'Saturday afternoon, May 31et, at
4 p.m., when .Miss Francee,
daughter Of '.11r. and Mrs. Frank Martin,
Colborne township, was ertitedsin mare
,riage to James Farrishejon of 'Mrs.
Parrish and the late -MIA ft 'Parrish, . of
Goderieh. Rey. R. G.• Hazlewood of-
ficiated and Miss Mona. McManus., R.N.,
of Kitchener, and Mr. Robert Farrish
of Goderieleattended the.bridal" couple.
Thesbride was aetraCtively dressed in e
street-leugth dreSs of (pale blue with
'beige accessories, 'carrying a sheaf sif
pink roses, and Miss .McManus wore a
rose-colored dress ofEset with blue ac-
cessories and -pbilk • carnations. After
a meter trip the young couple 'will
reside inis •Goderich, where the groans
conducts a meat market.
erashed into the rear of the. buggy, •
fatally itijuring, Mrs'. :Kirby ed severe- • • PRICE -WHITELY .
ly injuring her aged father. , A pretty,..Wedding -tools place onSat-
seek to prove that the. WilliWgn0 ear's Virday last at '1St. Peter's church when
'The 'Creels Attofney aid he would
lights and brakes were le poor con- Frances Elaine Whitely, daughter of
Mrs Whitely and late ,Dr. J. Benson
(Litton atethe time and that acee.sed's
eyesight-. was net geed': Whitely, became the bride of Corporal
Ronald Reginald. Priee,, R:A.F., son of
, Drs. :Shaw ane Oakes of Clinton were
Mr. and Mrs. F. Priceleirmiugham,
among the first witnesses e ailed and Eng. !Rev. IS. .1. Fallon officiated. At
Mr. 'Thompson; still crippled from the the offertory, • Aircraftsman Middleton
eccidene; gate his evidence from
chair in the witnese .box. of the .Roaell Air Form, Poet Albert, sang
• • Franz, Sehubert's "Ave Marie." The
pretty bride, given in marriage 'by her
brother, J. Bensen :Whitely,• wore 'a
graceful ;roma of bridal satin, with
Sereetheart neekline, long puffed -sleeves
.which fell' in pOinte over the • hands,
eight -fitting .bodice, the Skirt falling
in Vo 1 flowieg, train. She wore a Sweet-
h'eart headdress with orange blossoms,
from willch flowed a full-length veil
of.selk.illesien, and carried- an armful
of Madonna 111 -1e -4e Mrs. William
Robinson,' sister of the bride, as maid
of honor, were shell pink net over
matehing taffeta made in bouffant
style with shirred embreidered bOdiee
and long -paged eleeves. Her matching
bat ;was of pink mohair with streamers
•f the same shade. She wore, . long
glows fo mateh, and carried pale pink
1 11
That is a question every Canadian should ask today.'
You are asked to buy Victory Bonds to speed the day of
victoyy .for our fighting forcesi.
. Under our way of life, your nvestment in Victory Bonds
is voluntary. Under totalitarian methods, 'there would be
no such freedom.'
Itave you done, , enough? Think of -what our men and
women are doing;'in the arrny, the navy, the air forge, and
the nursing. service.' They have ,offered all, even life itsplf,
.° to fight for our freedoe from brutal aggression:
LEND your. money on the safest security -the Dominion of
Canada itself. • Buy all the bon& you can fin- cash, then
sign .up for' more On the .instalment plan.
Aci now — buy 'Victory Bonds'.
Hap. Finith the Job,
(This spae' e donated liy Signal -Star, Pies )
roses and I) tie sweet peas. Tile brides-
maids, MiessLenoreeWhitely, sister of
the 'bride,- and Mits, Prances Dalton,
1.011:414 _of the ibridei• were gowned in
pa le blue and arch id, respect reel y, . fash-
ioned like that of the maid' of honor,
'with matching hats and gloves. "They
carried pale pink roses and blue sweet
pees. . Plight Sergeant' John Pirie,,
R.A.F., was ;groomsman, and the uShers
wore Mr. Joseph O'Brien and Mr. Terry
Vostello: The service police' of the
Port Albert, of which the groom
is a member, formed a guard ef honor
as the bridal petty left the church. A
'Small reception was held at the home of
tle• . bride's -----mother, -St ,George's
Creerea t. nes. 'Whitely Nee heel the
guests wearing- a soldier's blue 'floor -
length dressF, With prape-tone picture
'hat With small -French 'flower.', mohair
soldier blue wiling draping the hat,
with. streamers to the waidline, and
eorsa go of sweet peas. LafetS'Corporal
.Price. and . his bride left on a Motor
trip, the . bride' travelling, in a dark
open snit wilt silver Pie.; jacket and
green aceessories: On their settees they
will reside In 'Goderich,.,
An interesting (visitor in town is Mr.
James L. Tobin, et' 'San Pranelseo,
Calif., who with his. daughter, VAS
Patricia Josephine, 10 the .gueet of Ms
brother, Mr. M. J. Tiibire; and 'Mrs.
Tobin. 'Mr. Tobin is a hative of 'Col-
borne to wile)) fp; bu t" for thitteefi se years
has been in newepaper work in Can-
adian and Milted •States eitieS.
Business 'Women's Club •
Seltford Hospital Auxiliary 50.00
teoderich Women's Institute , 25,00
Red (Owe *Workers' bridge, Sieve,
- bundled" And teas 85.73
Mrs o Bert Iloyes, school' cencert 10.70
Pledges inuo
olds"' Goderich
on Recruiting Trip-
Show.°Splendid Tildning
by the Lade
Goderidis gave a rotieing elele0the to
No, 1 platoon of the aent
!won't TnesdaY• and the treoPfir 11314er
eernmand :Lient. Reif GreellW004, lee t,
town 'On, Wednesday" Verning With a
high regartl for' the hOspitality i'Cletle-'
rich citizens, affer a twentystOtirshOur.
stay. ' •
Trareelling in. army' lorriee With full
eqUiPment, the Rentee ',reaehea'tewn at -
by three pipers, Marehed bite town WI
Paraded the principal street% befOre
'striking Camp at Agricaltitral Park. It ,
waSetheir second day of a countywide
week's toilr. . the eVening, on
Square, a smart demonstration wag--
given...of what an infantrY Unit is ealled
upon to learn to eqUiP itself for Modern
warffare-gaSelrill,bajTotet eharAVS and
ManY Other manoeuvree cOMISlon to tile
army, The troops were generouelY aes- •
plautled by a' large erewd.
Tile engin object ,of the demonstra-
tion, ead Greenwood, over a '
publie. address system, was to interest
the men Of military age to enlist. " He
said that sixteen 'recruits had Joined
up in Exeter the night before and that
the army ie in urgent need of recrnits.
The recruiting is in charge of Lieut
Reg. Hey, assisre-by Lieut,
White. s' -
The 'Rents who Were herp looked very
fit and are splendidly trained. 'They
"shonld stimelate reeruittng on their
,Huron county tour. Men :of the ages• of
nineteen to tortysfive, 'inclusive, are -
being asked to join up. e
'VesineITtif -Cloclerfeh, Tier, had an,
important part In making the visit of ,
the 'tents, h4,re a pleasant. one. Each
of the torty-celd men was presented
with a 'parr Of socks by the local branch
'of the Red Cross Society, two packages
of cigarettes by the Woinen's Hospital
'Auxiliary, and at MaeRay Hall' in the
evening they* w•ere ,Serised with refresh-
mentS donated by StGeorge'church
Women's Guild, Knox church Ladies'
Aid; 'North street United ehurch
the Women' Institute and the two
ehaPters of the Later a dance
was held -the end of a busY day or the
visiting lads.
During. the demonstration In- front
of the Victory loan headquarters on
Tuesdayrtiglit it wasannounced that in
the firSt two days of the -campaign
citieens of Huron county had subscribed
Over $300,000 of its.$1,,400,000.objectlye,
and t,his was accordingly reeordect on
the big thermometer. It was stated
that the $300,000 included the.$100,000
raised by the special names committee.- -
If also was stated that • Henson had
subscribed its quota twice (,). er and
Exeter had exceeded' its quota by
twenty-five per cent
H .
AN. gxciu.N% OF CHOIRS
On Sunday.evening about lwenty-five
members of the 'choir of Notth street -
United church journeyed to liVingham
to Conduct a service of song in the
United church there while the members
of the Wingham choir led the service of -
praise at North street church. -
The choir aPenetlethe evening eervice,
at Wingham by singing "0 God, Our
Help in Ages Past," joined iXt the latter
part of the hymii lby*the congregation.
The anthems rendered during the ser-
vice were 'Dear .Land of Home" (Fin- '
landi), and "Softly NoW the Light of
Day." A girls' quartette, Misses Alva
Worthy,. Helen Howard, Freida Bar-'
bour and Mary -Buchanan, sang very
eyectively "Prayer Perfect." ,Mr.
Mervyn Snider was in eharge of the
organ feel Rev. J. B. Townend otepel-
grave was the preacher fa the evening.
The service at North street 'church
here was in charge. of Rev.- W. A.
Beecroft of Winghem; 'and 6nsist0±
mainly of the -singing of hymns, with a
central theme, the glad tidings c>f the
Gospel. Rev. W. P.• ;Jane, the ,North
street pastor, assisted in 'the service,
RED CROSS wokahns
The annual meeting of t s
oc er eh
TownshiplNerth End Branch Red Cross
Society -was held in ,school -house No. ,I.
op Wednesday evening. Mr. Roy
Rundle presented the treasurer's report,
steting ,that $470.95 had been raised, -
and Miss Mary, Salkeld reported $13.65
till on hand. Me. John Martin pre-
sided during the election of officers,
with the -following result :President, Ed.
Sowerby; 1st vice-president, Earl
Cooper; 2nd vice-president, Clayton.
Laithwalte ; secretary, Rey Rundle;
treasurer, Reg. Johnston;. work e6Itt'
Mittee,, Miss Mary Salkeld, Mrs.
Clement, Mrs. Wylie Johnston, Mrs. ,
Reg. Johnaton, - Mrs. Herb Lamprey,
Mrs, Clayton Laithevaite.. 'Miss Maty
Sallteld eave an interesting resume of
the weris donSeduring the •'.ear, stating
that 'the ,Speietv .had sent to head -
r ters 150 pairs of socks, 10 sweaters,
14 pyjamas, 12 helmets, ikt quilts, three
searees, six pairs of two-way mitts,
boys' shirts. The singing Of the
National Anthem -dosed the meeting,
An automobile of ancient vintage
.burned up on No. S highWeet, one Mlle
out of Goderielei earlySaturday morn-
Inegsoittan1 itbrov110low,hanwgisma
that three ILA.P. airmen tad purchased
;the ear in Mitchell only a few hours
befOre for a SUM running, into three
figures, paying h tibstant1a1 'amount
down. They bad ridden ii sha4e"ovor
thirty miles when the machine went
up in simike, The Vire was said to have
been calm], ,by leaking (gasoline falling
on 'a red hot manifold. Not being we-
etiStomed t� Canadian 'rega' latious, the
,Finglish airmen had negWted to secure
either'a transfer of ownee6 liee*o or
a driving permit. -Police say that too
many "old crocko" of automobiles are,
,finding their' tvast to the airpong via"
'thirfarioyiigur rokite,