HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-05-29, Page 840 NEWS OF AUBURN ..11.U1)170,K, MaY' rand Mrs. 3. J. 1"/I1iden. and Mr. arid Mr,s. WesicY Iiradneoels fopeat the weeloeend with Mr. *ad )1Lro. oR Nieholson, of Galt, ler. B. C. Weir 4u1d Josephine and LA,O. jOhn 'Weir cvialte(1 ois SuTr Isith the Miseea, Weir Of StrathroY: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, Of TOronto, spent the weelseend with Mr. and 31ra;'1,V1 IL Sheppard. , 'Mrs, J. ,Cliopin of -Toronto Visited (S*i4 the "week -end with her p4eents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q'Stoltz,- 1)r. Win. Robb of Winnipeg spent the latter part oflast week with ,his M mother, rs. Alice Robb. Mr e antle Mrs. Chas. 'McNeil, of Tor - Ont -O, Were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. A.squith. litr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby, Bill and 'Marie Visited- 'over the Weekend with friende at Toronto. Mr. Stewart Foreuson ef Tottenham vva 'FFek,.en1".3';isitor at his home tf.tre,X ' - -44 Mr., and Mrs. . 'Carter f$tratp, ray visited over the •vvevissend with 'Mes, „Jame Carter and Miss Sadie e Wee Mary Nesbitt of Toronto Spent . the,weelsend with ]ie r perents, Mr, • and Mrs. Alfred, Nesbitt. , We are sorry, to rePort that, Mrs - john McKnight net With a painful ac- onseMo 'adasse[exhileeePlie*s'd=eate-. • he home. She fell off the stepladder and received a nasty gash in her head :whigh had te be closed with stitches. • She was -badly shaken up also. She is at Pfeseet eorifined to bed. ' Mr. • and Mrs, John Snelling and family left on Mond ey for Vineland; -• near SteCatharines, where MreSnelling has seeueed employment on a fruit farm. •by the combination. The to to plant bearing fruit, one tomato being en- tirely ripe,R le about two inehes in diameter. ;Om RoberiSon:,E411,sts0hu no- erteon, emkssif Mr. and Mrs, j.• Howard Roberts, has enlisted in the Tank Corps Of ,the. Canadian army. -11e left yesterday (Tuesday) for :a point In Nova ScOtia, Our best wishes •ego with him In the worthy cause Tor which he ie going to, rfight. "Letter from lEliglauds---Mr. Ephraim Bell receiveda letter last week from his grandson, Russell Reid, who is with the R.C.A.F. in JnTglaiU r1iefellpwing are a, few portieus taken from the `letter : "You are wondering mostly•pew. dangerous Is here.. . I have hot s'et seen or heard a boinb fall singe I came here two menthe ago. The ,damage not half as lead as yeti, think it is, .and people here take What there is so 'very well. Very few people pay an3r ats -tentioh to air eaide, and MO don't go into slieltere, but just roll over and'go • to sleep. . . There are a fev‘; shortages here in the line of food, but you' never get up from, a meal -hungrY. People live and think from day to days but have absolutely no thought about our losing thisquabble. We visited, the King and Queen •the first few days we were here and we Nvere verremuch eleleekedeetoese,aseetethingeofshewilderes1- 11. have seen St. Paul's, Piccadilly and places too numerous to mention." TWE GODEMOR SIGNAL.STAR Mrs. E. J. Haughton, of Toronto, • is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles •-"Asquith, and Mr. Asquith. Miss` Isabel Fox a Whitechurch and. Miss Lottie Fox of Hamilton visited con' Sunday with Mr. aad Mrs': E. E. Phillips. Mise Alma Mutele of Toronto, spent tlie week -end with her. mother, Mrs. Jas. Mutch. Mrk James Jackson and Miss 'Margaret Jackson ofeTeronto were Week -end 'visitors here. • Dr. B. C.. Weir is displaying, a • to, mato Plant- Which grew in his house :Tinethe same pot as a eallajily: The' growth of neither:plant was hampered muisommarmiumminiimmr • Getstarteq now: on your • - •ENGLISH, . DINNER SET England need's the money.--,.. you need the Dhint3r Set. • f ALL. OPEN' STOCK. „ :Smith's Art & Gift, Simi East St. • Phone, 198 The Home of English .China - - 1 • 14 twits 61 Vegetables. .Ask for Ontario Grown Vegetables. Asparagus, • Green 11. -Tomatoes, . Onions, Rhubarb. Spinach. Read Lettuce. Radishes, 0. H. IL Cucumbers • COUNTY WEED MEETING A 'weed meeting open to all interested, and especially for weed • inspectors, Township road- superintendents, rural reeves and deputy reeves, the County en,ginter and school inspectors, has 'been arranged 'for Thursday, June 5th, at 2 P.m„ to be held in the Agricultural 13eard Robin, Clinton. Dr. •W.. J. Stephen, Toronto, Will discuss the ad- ministration of the Weed-Centrol Act, the eradication of weeds• and 'brush by means of chemicals, • and will ,also demonstrate spraying with a power sprayer for efficient weed -killing. Mr. 1.,0-aug,h1and, -Guelph, will take 'up effective and economical weed' control measuresednring wartime. Interested Persons are, ,invited to attend this The Maple Leaf Chapter, LO-.D.E., Will hold its regOlar 'Meeting On ThurS. day, June Otis, at 3 p. ,.,, at the 'Pnblie !Library. _•-• I Rummage sale in MaeKay lIall, May' 31.at, at 1 Peale by Group 2, North Street Evening Auxiliary. 20 The annual •aneeting of Goderieh Towiaship North End, ranch Red, 'Oroes iSOCiety will be held at NO. 1 scheol hose on WedneedaY, June 4th, at 8' p.m. A. good attendanee is requested. f..e. It. Rundleeeecretary.. , The monthly ineeting of the Salqers1 Red Cross will" be held- at the fhionte ,of .Mrs. Ralph Jewell, on Thursday, Julie 5th,-. at 2 p.m, •' -Goderieh Lions aee spensorieg an in:Vita-am danee to be held at the Pavilion on 1J'x1day evening, June 13th, • Music by 11.A.P. *orchestra. Tickets ere 81.50 per couple, eXtra Judy 50c. Extea. invitations -lady be had on apPViea.tion to Mr. W. 3. frodge, chairman of the dance committee. •7 . ' A new collection of white hats in an hatere.stinV variety of summer Styles. MISS MacVICAR, Kingston Street, 22. Bacitrite Tor the kidneys. Camp- bell's, • . 3tf • Thenext meeting of the, GOderich em.t.10es,X111,4e,V)1 e.h.e.--11, .9.-41,--a..t.--41,„AcKsItYe Hall on Monday evening, June -2nd. Miss Eloise Werner, 'pianist, - of Mitchell, a -pupil of Miss Cora 13. Ahens, Stratford,- will provide the pro- gram. The Glee Olub will practise at 8 o'clbek sharp. ., The three -act •play, "Rebellion of Youth" will be presented -in Victoria street United ehureh.. on Tuesday, June 3rd, at 8.15 p.m., under auspices of group 2 of -the _Wornares_Jtesociation„ Admission 25c. ., • -22 The Nurses' Alumnae' will meet on Fridays June '6th, at 8 p.k., at the nurses' residenee. At Kingsbridge Hall, -each Morday evening, at 9 p.m. Roy McKenzie, and his orchestra. Admissior. 35c. . 18tf The regular meeting -Of the Women!s Inetitute will be held at MacKay Hall, on ,Thursday,, June 5th, at 3 'pee. A ,reporr- of -the -district .-- annual- meeting held this week at Wingham will be - meeting, - •given.. • COURME'S CORNE • For Results -•A Classified Ad WANTED ANVIED. BOARDERS AND rooraeris; large -airyre°• . S; tee- trally located. Apply '44 St Darvid'e • street, Goderich. "1.1,1-12x ANTEU --7- wOUAN' OR {MVP; general housework ; eleep in or out; Wednesday afternoons, off and. every. other Sunday. Write 13OXal,SIGNAL- -STAR, Goelerieln. •22x .ANTED.-eCOOK, GENERAL, BE, TWEE,N twenty and thirty pre- ferred:; good plain cook essenfial. Apple' to MRS-. JONES-13A1YEMAN, Britannia. 22x -COURRIE'S -00B,NERS, May 20,— Mr. ands Mrs. Davld Little,• Miss Vera Little and Miss Mary Alton visited 'friends near Ripky on SOnday. • • Mise Pearl Roope of Goderieh epent last week with her friend,. Miss ',11yrtle Johnstone. . • .Mr, John Parrish, Mr. and Mre. Lbrne l'arrish, Miss Anna, Mae Parrish and 'P.0wer FarriSh visited MrsssJohn Parrish at Byron last Friday; • Mr, and, Mrs., Edgar Ritchie, jean "and Lyle, of Zion, and Mr, .and Mrs. Warnee Smyth, Phyllis and Audrey,. and Mrs. Olara Smyth, of Teeswaten. were visitors at the hom if Mr. Jas. •.Litele on Sundae: i Keith Johnstone, R.C.A., who is station4;01 .at Toronto, spent the week- end. at hikherne here. • virrimanneminisra PLES trnr:dtrw,ca for.,1 5, • CARROTS render 'Fresh iarge2 13 . . . Original Bunches C BANANAS-EII:Gl:17n.Glti°3 lbs" 20.c - 'POTATOES ;silvan% - 6n17 GRAPEFRUITmar'Larestess 80's Ea .& . tiELERY-HEARTs T hc en' __ers _rep- Bc- hs.1 7c • .., BLACK TEA Siteettil • Bag 27„ 1-1b. 5, Bag .BLA K . ,TEA Nectar %-lb. 32, 63c • Blended India Bag Bag MAYONNAISE Ann 8-0z.„ 15, - 16 2 -oz. 3„ Page Jar Jar 41,0101 Ciown, Beehive' Vs 2 or Lily White Tin 3c]1 51c OLD ClIEESE 24"" lb 19c A&P• COFFEE " • BOICAR 1 -lb 111 • e, Bag. O'CLOCK. liva 3c nac . RED • CIRCLE •Min PAGE Angel, Cake pjin ititt 25, D ouglinats • Doz 1 0 • BREAD sliced or taislieed' • Ann rage white lighole Wheat Croole4 Wheat 24"± 16 Looltes C POE, LARD .CORNED BEEF OXYDOL SALMON KETA 2 lbs. 15 %lg. 17c. ta. 22c is Tta 16c LOBSTER crutigran 27a LSolip suN iGHT • 10 nar49c 4,. QUAKER muFET5 2 Pkgi....19c P1111111ES — m• 10c CHICKEN 20c SOUP TobilViivtet. 2 23G PLUMS LoMliA.R6 21117. 15c APPLE JUICE 3 trs: 25c IRISH STEW auk'. 2 Tim 21 DESSW lig 234 PEACHES, Shredded,Whefit. 2 ;lc*. 21 'CLEANSER Plaill'nfid el6 PICKLES ROSEDALE •atrt.'250 - , AP. P SELF-StRV10E FOCD STORES Mow Sub rket c Pankow* Ltm1ed to Folk** 14, ' OtITUARY (!— MRS. H. SCHROEDER , Mrs. Oliver 'OA, 'East• street, has received word' of the death of ether 'Sister, Mrs. Herman Schroeder, former- ly Maude. E. Quaid, at ,San Frei:Wise°, Cele on Wednesday of last week. De- ceased was born at Dunlop sixty-five years ago, the eldeet daughter of the •bite Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quaid, and left- Dunlop forty -live yeats ago. • Sale was ill fey five 'years preceding her death.' Besides 'her ,husband,she leaves tele brothers, Bent and Rees Quaid, Detroit, and two sisters, Mrs. Norman :Hoover and Mr. -Oliver Ceok, Goderich. Two brothers 'predeceased her. TEe- funeral was held. on Friday afterneon at San Francisto. • •- MRS. ANDREW ,CoLIVEfft Mrs. Andrew 'Olieer; • Who passed away recently et Galt, at the age of eighty-one years, •WaSe'ea; sister of the -date Mrs. eklexander Saunders of Gode- rieh. She -Hived: in Goderich in her early years, having come here in 1862 'from Berlin (now Kitcheagr) with her parents, Mr. an* m Mrs. Moses Oressan., On her marriage, to the late -Mr. Oliver • she moved to 'Galt, where she had since lived. A son, Aleck, Vas killed in action in the last war. The only sur- yiving son, Thomas, live -e- -in Chicago.. Her brother, ;GeorgeeCressnian, -is now (the only surviving member of her 'Parents' family; the is living retired in T-oronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saiind- ere, Mr. and Mrs. • ClteeeleS Saunders and Miss Josie 'Saunders of town at. - tended their aunt's funeral. • WILLIAM S, SWAVVIELD The death ef William S. Swaffield, member of a well-known Goderich family, oceurreaoi Maye9th at Eston, ,Sake • where he had lived for many years. Deceased was born here in 1859, sore' of •the late .Mr. and Mrs. William Swaffield, and after learning, the trade of eabinet4naker hezlived for some yars at Cleyeland, Ohio, before 4-oing in,1912-to Western Canada, where he careied on a building and -contract- ing business. Ile took a prominent part • 111 Esten's commenity affairs and was tor some time president of the Bed Cross orgenblation there.„ He was •(twice married) first to Einma P. Henning o't Goderieh, who died -in 1921, and afterwards to Miss MarysE. Fergu- son -of Goderieh, who 'Survives. There are two sons and One daughter; Dr. W. R. Swaffield, of Prince Albert, Sask.; Captain' N, Swaffield, now stationed in Nova Scotia,' and Mrs, J. ;Beaumont, of Landon, Ont... Other surviving relatives are a brathen Joseph 33. Swaffield, and two sisters', Mrs. Jets: Adams and Miss Jessie Swaffield, all of Goderich. WANTED.--PROTESTA.NT' TEACH- `• ER wanted forAT,S.S. No. 6, East Wawanoslie., State salary and experi- elle*. Duties to commence September 2. •^EARL WIGHTMAN, SeeretarY, -22, • R.R. No, 2, Auburn. OwN A Bus:ENDss or 1:ova owN. A. profitable Watkins Route with established customers is now available. This Route will yield ai ineorae above the average. ,Oktly tieeesSarY invest- *ment-e-Your 'interest and effort. Ap- ,plleat4oneeinv1ted4romeambitimis-enen- eind women. Write promptlY—City Sales Dept., 2171 Masson St., Montreal. 20-22 ViTANTED.—SETTLED WOMAN OR Y." dependable girl, general- honse- work; family of two, no children.; light 'work; Apply- MRS. MCIIA,RDY, Anglesea street: 22x WANTED.—TO BUY OM HORSES • and dead cattle; must be suitable for mink feed; removed promptly FRED GILI3ERT, R.R. 2, Bayfiele' Phone 908 r 22. 011aton. Calls paid for. • 18-tt BORN BRINDLEY.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich on May 2rith, to Mr. •and • Mithr- Gbrdon Brindley, R.11.. '6, Goderichrit sem. 'CLA.RK.—In aelborne Township, on May 2$th, to 'Mr. and Mrs. W. • Clark, • 8thconees,sion Colborne •' Township, a daughter. FENNER.—At Alexandra" Hospital, -Goderieh, on May 28th, •to Mr. and • Mrs.' Chas. Fenner, Goderich, a soli.. WILSON.—Ar Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on ,May 27th, to Mr. 4d ' Mrs. Cha. Goderich, a daughter.. •" •- WILSON. -At • Alexandra -HOSpital, Geoderich, on May 23rd, to Mr. and • eleeseV; re Wake., iefoderich, u eon. • IN MEMORIAM IWALTERS.-L-In loving memory of Thomas_ Walters, wh7o passed away • four years ago. •, ;Four years have passed and gone Since lane We loved so Well " Was taken' from oer home on earth, • With Jesus 'Christ lo dwell.. —Ever remembered (by tva, Wilfred and Bernard. • • 22x CHURCH NOTES. Rev. C. F. Nagle and Rev. H. Fallon of St. Peter's church attended, Eubharistic • Congress held. al - St. Martin's church, South London, oil Tuesday. Several parishionCis also at- -tended. The Church Women's •Cu'ild • of St. George's churai will 'meet on Wednes- day, June 4th, in'the 'Guild room. Ar- rangements Will be made at this meet- ing for the garden party. All members are asked to be present. Next Sunday evening the minister and Choir of North street United Church will exchange services with Wingha•m United,ehurch. The service in iGode- rich will be at the lista' hour and Rev. , W. A. Beecroft and the ehoir directress •ifrom Wingham, Miss Lena Reid, will -oviduct an all musical service, "The -,Gospel in Song." • The W.M.S. of North street 'United Stara will meet,in the -Sunday eehool room on Monday, June 2nd, at 3 p.m., 'when the. Baby Band will be enter- tained. 'Tile ;Baby Band secretary will' have charge of the program. All the mother s and members of the, Baby Band are cordially invited to be present. 'Mrs. W. P. Lane will give a talk. ' • • M. E. F. KELLY., • Mies Loretta Kelly aiid brothers LeO" and Philip, of the -Royal Hotel, have tbeen bereaved by the death Of their !brother M. B. II; (.•Mike) Kelly, who passed away sudtlenly eat his kome, 2 Indien Grove, Toronto, on rriday night hist. He had been in good health until the sudden seizure, an attack a thromboaleseend his death Was, a great shock to 'his family and friendS. Ile is 'isurvived by his Widow; the former Gertrude Edwards, - of Toronto; two sons, Brian and D'Arcy, and. a' daugh- ter, • •Jaitie ; tsvo sisters Loretta, of Goderichenead Gertrudeeof the Separate School etaff,„Torento; and live brothers; ;Dr. CharIee 3. Kelly of Buffalo, Joseph 'of Toronto, Patrick a. of Campbellforcl, Philip and Leo of lasederich. , Mr. Kelly's eereer as a sportsman, soldier and businesemart earned' him. s • CiBp OF- THAN!iS MB. WAITAND' •family wlsh. to thank their friends ane) neighbors and alSo the Kirk Session •or Knox ehurch for the kind exPreesiobe of sympathy extended in. their recent bereavement. , -22 • COURT OF REVISION COURT OF REVISION. ; - • TOWNSHIP OP cordnD onN A Court of Revision ;to beer and determine complaints • against the assessment Of the Tewnehip oT Colborne for 1041 will be held. in the Township' Hall, Carlow, Tuesday, June 3rd, at 1 o'clock. • ' 21-2 WM. SA.LLOW'S Clerk, TENDERS VirANTED THURSDAY, MAI: 20th, 1041 110111i141114 1111111411410011i10011114 lit Ott Imt lot 11. LAMATIO Upon reque t of the • Dominion War ,Loan Qrgealiza ion and by the. dir,ection.. of the Municipal Council,the people of the • TENpreirt:s WANTED. Tenders will be received up until Saturday; June 14th, for the coeting' Of the roof of the Goderieh ,Public Library;work' amgoOSI, ° • 1.11:ciitdffif, 21-2 Chairman. •iSecretary. TENDERS'. • Teedees will. be received by the undersigned until 12 O'clock noon Sat- urday, June Tth, for the sale of the wooden hangar situated on .Sky Harbor A • For particulanssee the ;County Clerk at the Court -House; ,Goderich, Ont. • N. W. MILLEB„ • 22-23 County Clerk. e.eonereemease- TO RENT TO RENT.—spuoco. notsE, ON Essex street. 'Phone 102W. 20t2 TO.RENTUlnlEragOTTAGE Hunter's Beach, fiefitiehed. -Apply MRS. F. 'DORT, 229 Wellington street, !Stratford. Phone -2346-R: • , 21-3x TO RENT.—TWO. LARGE -BOOMS * furnished foe light. housekeeping, just redecorated. 'Large lawn.; located cenvenlent to Squaeb and near lake bank. 105 Lighthouse street ; phone 624, P.O. BOX 412. " 22-4 RENTseertJLLY 'FIT_ • _ZED summer "eottage at Bruce Beach. Pour bedrooms, electricity, easy itp- proach, garage,. convenientto golf links. Available immediatery. For • rent by month or season. Apply BOX 26, SIGNAL -STAR. 20-2k •.FOR SALE 13,RAy.IPU1ILETS ,S11-01.1th PAY good dividends.Immediate ship- ment slayoid; • started, especially Leg - horns; Barred RockS, N.H. x Jute or later ehicks should be ordered now---- lineited quantity' immediate shipment. See E. H. somEnsALL, R.R. 2, iGederich. -22 pait• SALE.--i0110I0E- TOMATO; cabbage and catilifiewer plants. Tomato ,45 cents, cabbage 30 cents per hundred. iCauliflowereaster and other plantS 10 cents per dozen: H. 'P. 'L.ASHB10OK,e30 Widder street,' Bei:- tannia road, near •Sunset Hotel •(turu at Burrows' store). 21-tf. 'FOR • SALE.—DESIRABLE RESI- DENIM `centrally located. Hard, - wood floors throughout. Hot _water heating system in splendid •condition. Large Sun porch -at front and screened eating porch. For furtherparticulars write P.O. BOX 493. • 21xbf ' .F OR SA L E.— SMALL FOUR - ROOMED new cottage to .be moved. :ispply • at once to MRS. EDITH M. TREMBLAY, South street. - 1.7tf • • CREWE may`26see•Anniversary s,er- viees will be held, in the, United church theye orisSmiddy, June 2nd; afternoon, at 2.30, evening at 7 eclock, With Rev. We -TA. ffieecroft of Wingham as guest speaker. • " Mr. and Mrs. 'Stanley* Fines • and slat:glister Susanna, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. Fines' brothers, Harold and „Cecil Blake, and- Mrs. , Visitors:at Mr. John Menary's for the ;holiday were MT. and Mrs. Begley of ....Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs, Kenny Campbell and family, of Detroit.' The Y.P.U. sponsored. a. play, -"Eyes of Love," in Blake's' hall, which was enjoyed by, all present last Friday ening, Much credit is due to ;Cecil Blake as trainer a the, ettet.'sAll • parts: were well acted. The proveds • are intended for patriotic purposes. "SoniesessOlteinent was caused -here act:A Thursday forenoon when a "-plane from 'iSkY Harbor landed -behind the ehurch in Mr. Orville Durbin's meadow • The Plane landed and took off safely ilIlhe reasensfor landing ,was fog, which confused the-pilote He borrowed a County road peep from 'Mr. S. Sher- wood to get his bearings and •fieve back in the afternoon and dropped the map. • No damage was done to the Planes a 'orriausraripir:wfterNiumiariii,tel,Wirri,rem. • YOUR,. FAMILY, Protect all your ramiy • • AGAINST' An• ACCIDENT. troll' ANY Cause Premium $6.4 per person SUE M.• FORD • INSUR,ANOE 3 Ilsollten StTeLs,268vit 'friends the length and breadth of Can- ada. At the' time*of hiS death he *as president of the 'Central Onterio braneh or.of theAmateur Athletic Association of Canada and vice-president of the Sports Service league of 0,antida. He was 'elected, to.the latter office only thenight before his death, Ile *as -IL -former president Of the 'Canadian and Ontario (Lacrosse Associationt. lie • was. a (veteran of the fird Great War. • Patera/ eervicee were hektiruesday morning at -the ehurch ofgt. Vincent de il?aul, and at the graveside in Mount illope cemetery, Toronto, ,and were at« tended by Mtn Loretta and the Mestrb. Philip Mid Leo /Kelly of Goderich. ' HELP THE RD CSS • iSA4111.--ExTRA' CHOICE, tomato, early cabbage, pepper, Brussels sprouts, asters, salvia, petunia and other plants; per doz. 10 cents. Cauliflower 15 cents. Late • cabbage 40 -cents per 100. Vigorous plants +well rooted and hardened to open air. JAS. CULBERT, cor. iCabelaria „and Elgin avenue. 21-6x \ own of Goderich are requested to assist in floating the Vietor$, Loom ''d,ecQrating all business plaeei and houses with . ;flags and otherwise, durifig the 'Campaign, from • • MAY.,29th to JUNE 21st, 1941.. . . . FLY ‘tr#E, FLAG AND BItY BONDS E. D. 13ROWN, GoclerAMay 27tli, '1941. GOD SAVE CANADA ! GOD SAVE THE KING! to4 FOR " iSIALEJ—WATTERFRONT modern fuinished, 'limese; furnace; cellar,water, lightsewee, bathing. Or part. 'CHARLES 11E1LE; Bennett 1St., Gotlerich. 4UCTiON SALE A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FURNISH, IN1GS. • We have received instructions from Mrs. Lilian Hutchings to sell byPublic auction at her home, 42 East street, on • THURSDA--YrjUNE 5tlerats1:30,Altrp; all .the contents of the house (Living .room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen furniture,' studio • couch, 3 Marshall, spring mattresses, Beatty electric. washer, tubs, scande, etc., Westinghouse electric heater, McClary eleotrierstove, Empire 'cook stove with pipes and, 'Waterfront, also some window shades, .piano case • ergan, Raymond sewing machine, good radio, odd tables, chairs, • 75 feet garden hose, lawn mower, garden • tools, and numerous Other 'artieles. Everything to be sold, as Mrs. Hutchings is giving upe house- • keelflng. Terms cash. T. [GU•NDRY & SON, 21-2 Auctioneers. CLEARING ,,, ACTION RA'LE - OF 'Household Furniture and Effect's, including some choice pieces. We are iestructed by• Mr. J. Moser •to sell without reserve all the contents of the ishop on Hamilton street, Goderichslan !SATURDAY, MAY net, at -1.30 ,sharp. Everything in the shop will be (Hemmed f, including walnut pieces, two pianos, 2 oak sideboards, fumed 'oak writing, desk, with 'book ends, large wardrobe, 8 bedroom suites, tloor arid table lamps, dining, table,define, toilet- sets, ,child's tot,' china, • •glassware,, •refrigerator, cloeks, 3 good eodk stews, and numer- ous other ertieles. •'Everything must go, as the property is sold. Terms 'cash. •„ • MRS. J. mown, ' •Proprietress. • T. GUNDRY & SON, s22 Auctioneers. NOTICE ATIOTI10E.—TO Mi MANY PRIME Electric fenee'efriefidS, ff .wish •to' aanoeince thael-an3, able to supply -them -with the same service -that I halve In the -past. ALeo' can eupply my ctistom- ers With Shure Shock, a Canadian Machine, guaretnteed two years. Priced 'at•815 anti 818 „eoliiplete. • Ask' for information. . • NELSON SIeLARTY, • Godeeich-, RM. 5. 22-3 • Phene Carlow, 18-22. TENDERS FOR•PAINTING. Tenders addressed to the Undersigned will be received by the 'Perin ef Gode- rich for the paineing.of :the tvve,Town freight sheds aCithe dock, ixielliding verandahs, slimmer house on beach, •beneliee and tablei-e-to be eleaned and scraped, two coat 'brushed job, knots shellacedy the Town to Supply the paint ; all to e be complete and a. ;first-class jole mid' all to the satisfaction Of the Town. Job to be eompleted by June 28th.: Tenders to be in by Monday, June. 2nd.• • ror any further. particulars apply to: • T KNOX, Town, clerk. • R. E. TURNER, Chairman of Harbor Cominittee, • 21-2 NOTICE.' • The next' meeting of the Huron CountY' 'Connell willedee held in the -0oundil Chamber, epourt House, Gode- rich, commencing Vine lOtli, 1041, at n.m. '•„.• • ° - All aceountse notlees•Of deputations and ..other businese TegAiring the at: tention Com:tell should:be in the Ends of the County Clerk not later theft Saturday, June Ith, 1941, ••N MILLER, 22-3 County Clerk, IGoderich, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, •NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 'I1HE ESTATE of -George Stewart, •late -of the Toeineof Gederich, in. the County 'of Huron, Florist, deceased. Oreditore and others- having claimsagaint the above estate are required to, ;SadtflVtfcu1h 0�b&aiffiis t�. the undersigned- on oe before the 10th day of June, 1944,after which date the - .Estate's assets •will be distrib-uted, • having regard only to claims that have: been received. • DATED thie43th day oMay,1941. • LOFTUS De DANCEk, 20-22 •- • .. Solicitor for Executors., ° •• Time "Here comes a, friend of mine. He's a hinnan dynamo.” L11: "Really” Trme 'Yes, ever'Ything helms on- is- -charged.". The Week's itau Story -PThie Weather reminds Inc ..of the time I was lit Alaoka. It got to cold onernight that the lamp-liame froze." "Yes, you lietraialrei, and, I've been' looking for you these 40 ears You broke that flame off and, threw it out, right dgaIntt my shack. Next day the flame melted and! -burned it down." -- Pathfinder. • • Young man:47410w 19 it thatwidows Icynic "/)141 it never occur to you that always seem to marry 'again? Viderly dead men tell no tales?" NOTICE TO CREDITORS. • "Notice is hereby given to' all pergens having any claims against the Estate of .Annie Steivart Andrews, who died, at the city of Cleveland Heights, in ' the 'State of Ohio, On' or about the 13th day of January, 1941, to eend same, duly verified to the, undersigned on •before the 30th day of May 1941; as'on• . and after thatedatesthe Executor will proceed to distribute the assets elf •the estate, having -regard only te the claims of which he then has notiee. 1). • Dated at Goderich. this 17th day of May, A.D. 1911., •-• R. 0: HAYS, • - 'Goderich, Ontario, 21-23 Solicitor for the geld Estate. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS. , •••••••I 5/A.11 persons heving claims against the estate of Levi G. 'Marwood, late a the Village, of Auburn, in -the 0Ounty of Boron, retired farmer, who died on Or about the twenty-eixth day of April, 4.D. 1941, are notified to send to J. 11, Crawford, Wingliam, Ontario, on or before the fourteenth day of Juae, Aire 1941, full particulars of -their claims in writing. •Immediately after the said • fourteenth day of June, the assets of the said testator . will be ' distributed amongst the partieS entitled thereto; having regard .only -to -claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. • . DATED at Wingham title twenty- sixth day of ,May, A.D. 1041. •• • J. H, CRAWFORD, Winghani, Ontario, aVii• Solicitor for the Executrit. NOTICE sTO, CREDITORS. NOTICE is • hereby given- toe- all rsone having anyclaim against the estate Of Albert J. Goldthorpe) late' of . the Township -of Colborne, in the County ef tittron,,, farmer, who died on or !about •the -7811 day'. at March, 1941, to gelid same, duly 'verified,' to the under- signed on of before the 14th! day' of aline, 1941, as on and after that dale the executors of the said estate shall proceed to distribute tbe assets thereat-, - iha*g regard only to the claims of iwweh they then have notice. Also all persons, owing thesaid estate are re- quested to ineke paynient or eakisfae7 tory arrangeMent for payinent, on or before the said date,' • Dated - at 1.Goderich till's 26th day' of May, A.D. 1941. R. O. HAYS, K.C., 22-24 • Solicitor for the, said Estate. y * ..., ° — , AINT. —,,,i, . •,Now is the time to do outside painting. We handle a full line of C.I.L. Paints and Vainishes. For a WHIVE paint that stays -white lise CIL,. TRUTONE WHITE:. Keeps •-- 4 white ,hOtisea Whiter. . ,“ . . COAL , Now is the time to put in /our vielitt winter's supply of coal. The price ii now at its lowest. . We.htock MI Cone - Cleaned Anthracite which is free from slate and clinkers, low in ash and high in heat units. f . Chas. . C. Lee For Ilardware, Plumbing and Heating, give um a ea.. Phones -0010 22 IOW lii , At the Harbor , y