HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-05-29, Page 1t. orribining The doderich Signal and The Goderich Star Activity on Site of Ne* Radio School Bilikling0 Springing Up 011, the e Ttildalie-Ferin ',Seal., Of ° ornitOn . A. fair-sized mushroora toWn is springing Up on tire eite of the new air radio 'School South of Clinton. It is eaid that ever tiro theirsand students -more *Ole tha.0 there axe -Ve--;r-ouSer ,there. sTheressare new 2,500 radio ▪ students taking the technician's coase in theiiiiiVersities of ,Oanada. .,,This is the •Second. radio sch-dol to be erected sin 'Canada s the -other is at Montreal, - .• . A Beautiful Setting A visit to the site of the new School, 0* .s the third in Illuren countY, reveals that beildings are already springing up everywhere on What was once the Verdant term. of Norman., Tyndall. It is set in bn'autiful landscape surround- . ings, and although the ground, carpeted' with fresh green spring and fall crops, appears as level as the proverbial billiard table, poiverful automatic icreper, With dumping equipment, was busy on the back end of the farm scran- ing off the knolls, 'and fillieg in the hollows. A Signal -Star, reporter hail a, talk with •--(the. Government , enlieeer_in ,oharge, Mr. Hedges. He was ,Cetiftentiii- iblit not informative, for obvious rea- sons, .13e said tite airport, for which the -Piggott ponsfruction 0o.. are the con,traetorS, - was being constructed ;under R.O.A.F. auspices for the British Government How really• buildings there Would 'eventually be, or their nature, he idid not say. A full set oX plans had not yet arrived. - Mr. Hedges ' said the Tyndall barb and drive -shed would be torn. dorvit but that the house would reniain.., gravel road issundersconstructionsalmost the full'length ot the farm. Piles of lumber arerising..-(Ground has bee,n cleared and numerous huts have' been staked, out Fesindation posts dot the land:- ' scape and :before this is read roofs . he on some of the buildings. Con- tractors' office and refreshment booths . already are, completed. - To Have•Latest•Ratlio Instruments Whig Commander pok and a group of -teehnicians are nate on the that- thereffes to - Supervise .constructi6n with' particular regard ;to the technical and scientific aspects: The report is that some -of the anoet advanced .secret lestruments used In modern radiology will be housed, in a big building on the new raVio 'school site and that it will be "-under heavy guards The same source of information has it that there w111 be a landing strip on the site4but that no airplanes Wilt be ,housed there. , Hydro officials are making prepara- tions to supply the school forthwith with 2,000 horsepower energy. Half bf. this will be taken front the No: 8 high - Way high-tension line at Clintoe and half from the No. 4 highway_ line .at Rxeter: Estimated cost of the new school is one million dollars. TOWNSHIPS- LOSE TAXES -Airport property is now located en •four 'towirehips of Huron( 0Oun.ty. Its - transfer to the Government means that it is exempt .fprn taxation,and that the townshipe affected will lose varied amountsin taxes each year. The situ- - ationaffects the County's. equalized Assessment and it will have to be re - vied and brought up to date ' Inthis onnection tb.e equalization •coinmittee of the County Council met 'on• Tuesday •and instrneted • County • Clerk Nornian Miller to prepare. a new table for submission to the June ses- • sion. 'Colborne has lost $15,000 in assessment, Ashfield $17,000, Tucker- • smith $0,900, and Stanley a• • Small :amount. Total 'figures of the County • ecpitilized as,sessment •cannot be ehanged ; but What the four tewnships1 have last will have to ..be absorbed, Itissd said, by 'those municipalities ,wIlose equalized assessments were raised at the fast "countsewide equaliz- ation. In this instanee the amourtt, of ,•Money InVolved Is only a fen' hundred ' dollars. ' WATER RATES IVLUST BE PAID • • Eefore Water' Turned On-P.U.C. • Regulation Upheld by Judge • Judge Ts (Costello last week --,,hantled• down a decision to the effeet that mars of asaters.eatee_ are cols Iectibles under the bylitwe f the''-`10eal ?Public Grnm5intjthoUt :reference to the statute of limitatiline or other law. The case arose when a citizen, pur- 'chased a house which hadbeen un-, occupied for some time hnd in which, • under a previous tenaney, the water had ben turned off because o tittpeld zrates, The new ()Wrier asked to have 'he water turned •on and vnii loformed that aecording. to tile bylavcra of the Vtillties .0omniission the ar- rears, $22,08, would (tint have to lie paid. The wrier teek the cage to tourt, eeeking an order tO compel the Com. - •'emission to •turn on the water. judge •,Costellortiled that the Commission was •'within' its powers as tonferred, by the alyaro-eloetrie Aet. ' • , The arriatit3'-iiirve Since been paid arid . water has been turned tne, • NEN CLASS AT SICYHARBOR "Graduates" Leave to Continue Their Trailing Elsewhere -Nothing Of. Mal about Rumored Extension of Course A.• party of "graduates" ftom, Sky Harbor left yesterdayfor a Central 'Canada service flying sehool to eontinue their studies. Eath had to his credit, flying hours -*Tar in exeese" of the re- quired number of fifty, tOni t, same daY a .nevir elaseof student pilots ar- rived from the rearming depot at Toe- li-p'Zfia-rtertiat tlie airport. All hive already made their ifirsteftiglit: Douglas, manager of the airport, told The SignalsStar, there was nothirig ;official to give out on any proposed ex- tension of the Sirk Harbor eourse to include advanced fining in larger and faster'machines. *The Harvards thalt have been here are just visitors on a crogs-country .01ght," he said."The- Only work going, on here is the seeding and sodding of tire camp grounds, go as to beautify them."' Clean Record In nearly eight months of flying -at Sky Harbor there has .not ben one fatal flying accident, and it is the .ambition Of the inana.gement to keep the record clean, the reporter'lvas told. Rumors and reports ,persist that Sky Harbor is being equipped with.. flare- patbsandseleterance lights, but official comment on this was refueed. Pei),51°- f71-Tivain ountr tireferY proud • of Sky Harbor and iinmeesely interested in 'Its progress and develop ment--perhepS too mueh so, for officials paid they were told "plenty of things" they had never heard of. . They said, they also could give ont.many interest- ing news itenla,'" but that -regulations forbid., TWO GODERICH BOYS , ••RECEIVE WINGS 1, • • • Ae-nner_. Gmduates • George .Dowiter at Calgary iOn:Prigari 'last two iG(xlerieh young men gradUated in the (Commonwealth Air Trainirig Plan as full-fledged wire- . . ies.esoperater-air gunners, TheY are George DOwiter, son or Mr. G. N. inowker, .Ne}son street, and Edward Jenner; sen ot Mr. and. MAS. George •Jenner, East street •'•• -Edward -graduated- witiesthesranksof sergeant and received his single gun- ner's wing at a graduation eeremony at 'Fingal. He is at present visiting his parents •here on furlough, at thesend of which he .will report at Halifax. 'George received his single gunner's ,wing at the graduation exercises at No. 2 Wireless School, Calgary, on, Friday afternoon. He will shortly e- ioive'a fuliough to visit with his family them HOLIVIESVILLE CHEESE ' • FACTORY A BUSY SPOT' b• .. Holmesfille cheese factory is one of the busiest places in 'Huron county these days, what with the War demand for Cheese and the enhanced price. This factory turned out ..54 Awls of cheese in MO. Last year (1940) •it ufactured 838 tons, and this --ear the output will exceed 566 tons sl .It is the second largest Cheese faetory in Ontario. , Much new equipment has been added , and more help is beirag 'employed. • Refrigeration lockers for farmers are proving very, popular. In .1theee he keeps his fresh .meat, apples' and -ather perishables. The lockers 11Aave stopped a terrific waste. - BUSt WEEK FOR FIREMEN The fire brigade has had a busy. week. On1Sunday afternoon the -m.en ih ;answered e call to the' A: ricultural Park to extingtilsb a fiee• icht ,had (started in a straw pile. On Monday evening they hed a Prectice with the are 'pump installed some time ago on the north side of the harbor which gets its water supply direetly trent the harbor. On 'Wednesday the naspectoe 'of the File Underwriters' AssogiatiOn wagatre and the brigade tinned out to Show its stuff. Early this (Thursday) Morning there Was a real fire in a shed on the preperty of Mrs. Joseph Lee, (St. Datid's Street. The shed was burned tg the ground'. •A garage ad- joining, belongieg to Wm. Lullaby. and containing some artiClesof. value, was save iy 'entettafrof a ne s, . playing water from a esarden hose.on,it. SACTFORD HEARD PROM to, Harry McCreath of Saltford writs: "IPor a beautifitl dieplay of a wioteria see one in Saltford. We have every- • thing in .Saltford that is beautiful." CONGRATULATIONS Mr. William J. Blair, Cambria road, eniered the:, octogenarian ,eltiss- 'Monday, May 20th, having reaChed the age of 'eighty years. The occasion was •'remembered by neighbors and friends and he received Inessagee , of eon-, ,,eratulation from friends at a distance. Mr. Blair is a faithful reader of The ,Signal -Star, and the paper has been "in tile, family'? for siXty-five yearS, this fatherhaving first sUbeeribed In 1870. M, Blair Says he intends to continue WS Subserfirtion ate long as he liveseett.; nel. we hope fie Will 'be Orlf Our iist for a touele of deeades mom . THE WEATHER •The tenweratures fOr the past week • and for the' corresponding week last year, as efik&alIy reeorded, wer as follows:• " • 1041 1040 • INtax. Min. Max. Thurs., 'May 22 -17 58 • 75 - • 49 'Fri., May 23 52 00 43 Sat., May 21 41 04 13 May P5 07 42 04 4.8' Mon„ May 29 78 50 08 *• 50 Tires , May 2/ 78' Vi 48 lAre(g, MaY 28, 82 03 68 48 Scroll of Victory Here on Wednesday Solemn. Qei'eniOny of Signing the Scroll to Be lleld b. Court Bowie Park The people of •Goderich are asked by the "Victory loan .eOrdraittee to „par- ticipate „in the Solemn, cereMony of (the "signing of the seroll" in.'0Ourt House Square on Wednesday, June 4th, at' 12 , - This is the doeument Which, with the name's of the- and reeves 9g every municipality in-Huren county, will be carried by ifiyinglortress from (Canada to Britain and will be pre- sented to „Prime 'Minister Winston Churchill asdocumentary proof of the unalterable will of tbeeleeple of Canada tAtprosecute this war until final victory. The scroll Will be enclosed In the great metal torch which started its journey from Victoria, B.O., some days" ago headed for England. The -Ceremony here will be brief but impressive. Atter the signings the eeroll will Start on" a (WO -mile journey through Huron egunty, calling first at Dungannon, where the .Reeve of Ash- field will sign In the presenee of local people. The 'journey will then"con- tinue through Asubueerelyth, Wingham, • -Gorrie, Brussels, (Seaforth, Exettr, Oreditaa, Dashwood and Zurich ; ending •its busy day at Clinton, where the main eere.A.VAX ss's, • - At Clinton. Warden Leiper •and -e-"" Mayor of Clinton will sign the scroll In the presence Of all of those Coarity people who wi1 lia.ve joined the Caval- cade during ite' progress through:the eourity. Ineadditiort there will be a parade of school sehildren; the anion eounty companies of the* •Middlesex- auren Regiment, a company of the Kent Regiment, the (Clinton and Sea - forth bands, and. as great a eoneotree of.eitizens as can be gathered together. REMEMBER nit SHUT IN • A,g,*. readers of t.hiS Paper are aware, •the eontingSunday, 'Tune ist, is to be tobserved as Shut -We pay. Tire elergy are giving the movement gratifying euP' part, and in many of the gratifying sup- ' there Will be(fitting recognition of the day. , •-• On behalf of the shut-in members of society, the Canadian'Cheerie Club; ..evhiehe.is-sponsoring---Shut.inls' Day; - 'would" like to renal_nd the PeOle of kroderich and. district that any attention given to_ the stek- and di,sahled` `will be Sincerely appreelated. ANNIVERSARY SER,VIOES • At Victoria Street 'United Church on Sunday Well Attended Theanniversaiy eervices Of Victoria street ,United church on Sunday , last were well attended and interesting At the morning eerVice the congregation 'heard, a stirribg'serraon from Rev. If, C. Todd of LIACIEnOW. In the evening Itheserinoa was by Rev. A. 3. 'MacKay°, paStor of the ehureh. Tlie 'service at North street .United chureh was with- drawn for:the evening aael Rev. Ws P. •LanesSlessisted his fellowspastcir at rictoria street. Special music wat given at bath Services under the capable direetion of Miss AlMa Hewell, organist and. choirmaster. In the evening a ahdleiTis." of dlolmesville, 'Snell of I.endeshoro and Breckow of oderich-saeg with acceptance. • ---FIRWILIKACHT• •• • *ore -drain Cargoes'Arrive-sSSalt Going Up -,the Lakes • The 'yachting season was opened at the harbor on TuOesday afternoon veheri the yacht "Oakay" came in hem Sainia. The 'Clay"is ownedyer, Mr. Smallmart • of London. • • 'The str, Drumal• ioe. arrived. at this port • on Thursday, evetting last ' witit: -109,316 busesof seeheatsfrom,Dort sWils- ljatmsfer the elevator. The Stry Winnipeg _came in from the. 'lower lakes on Saturday afternoon And took on 150 tons of salt, clearing that eveningfor up the laket The • Superior arrived. on Sunday evening from Fort William with 7,57i bus. of oats, 18,440 bus. of flax, 7,27 bus. of wheat, 13,1815 bus. of feed tind 117,9124 bus. of 'barley for the elevator. She loaded salt and cleared on. Monday afternoon for Fort William. • The Priedoc came in , on Sunday evening from Fort 'William -with 21.6,255 bus. of w'heaefor theselevator.. The Kenora arrived early Tuesday morning from the lower lakes, unloaded re cargo of sugar atcthe freight sheds, and went en up the lake later the same day. ELEVATOR COMPANY HAD AtTIV.E SEASON IN 1940 . • , Shareholder.s of the-Goderich, Mew - ter 'and Transit Company; Limited, at their annual meeting held, at MacKay Hall yesterday, had ,beforethem the report of one, of. the Most aetive years in the history of the, Corapany. in the 1940 season the Ocatipany 'handled eighteen and one-half 'million of which two-thirds went for export. The direetors were reelected., as • fl - lows: Go L. Parsons, !H. J. A. MecEwitti, GOderich ; Chas. 11. -Hunt, D. B. Weldon; London.; Chas. . TS.. 'Bands-sTeronto; ,Senatar N. M. Paterson, Fort William; K. A. Powell, Winnipeg... At the subsequent directors' meeting G. Parsons waS re-elected president; treasurer and Manager; Chas. R. Hunt rviee-plesident, and Rs G. Sanderson eetretary. . TWO ooLtoitn 'OALVES^ IN WAT'P RELIEF SALE •— At in auction sale .held at 'Brampton on 'Tuesday. under the auspices of the 'Holstein -Friesian Association of Can- ada about 1 • TOR O Holstein breeders; inanity in Ontario; were sold, the proceeds to be apent for war relief in .Britain. The- offerings brougirt an • average of slightly more than ,$100, the • total premeds, being 811,000, I'veo of the, calves were donated bSr Bisset 13ros. and WM. Long,: of, Colborne toWnehits the Long calf 'bringing $105 and the Bisset ealf $100. W. Hume Chitton, Gordon and 'William Bisset and W1ll4e/1i' Long attended the 1 aake. • THOSE FIRECitACKERig „ The tieing by youths of lighted .fire- eraekers at and :into moving automo- biles had police on the hop, Saturday afia Sunday. Two youths -7 -•not kids, but youngnn in. their late 'teens -- wore allegedly caught in the net and have .been charged.- limier a municipal bylaw it is illegal to sell, postese or set off fireeraekers in .Gloderich. Not in years have so many been in evidenee In this town as at ilhe last lioliday week- Ond. Presumably they were purehased nutelde the corporation limits •and broughthere. It •is, .however, the dangerou3 practice' of throwinglighted iirecrackem at the driverg of auto, mObilai with which police are deter- mined to deal. It is senseless,- they. say, alid aiabliti to cause accidents and even. fatdiltie,s', LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN ° • On Monday afternoon, May '20, the Local Council of Wthth held its an- nual meeting in the lecture room of' North street United church. While the atfendane4 was not large, it represented iman_ctf the women's. organizatioe.s of the town. Atter Singing the National Anthemes-t-bose---Present,-Joieea in "the iLord's Prayer. Mrs.' W. P. Lane introduced the Pro- vincial president, Mrs. Millar,' of Ham.? ilton, who gave an eicellent address bn the work done by the Collie .41. Three things received special mention: 1. (Changing the law "-terprovide more px,o- Iteotion for women When astusband dies without a will. 2. Woruig to have Woken serve on nrie . Trying te -Inaveethescourtsage- -for venilessin- crea,sed from sixteen years to eighteen • year. -Now the Counell is takingas la special object the training of women for air raid precaution -work, similar to that done in Britaire-where. the women are giving sueli splendid assist- .iance. • 'Mrs. • Roberts of Hamilton, vice- president of the National Council, gave a short talk in wiii.dh She stressed the necessity of waited effort on the. part • of the women, if they are to aecomplish the best results. • • . • The meeteing was closed with tihe benediction. •' • CONFIRMATION AT ST, GEORGE'S On Wednesday evening •a: class of %some thirty candidates was presented to the Rt. Rev. C. AsSeager, Bishop of apron Diocese, at St. .George ls eharch, •for confirmation. Most of the candidates were young people, though ' several adults *ere - from Stratford, accom- panied -by Rev. John Thompson, of St. Paul's church of that city. - Three yobrig men attached to the airport at Poft Albert saLso were in the class. After the eonfirmation ceremony, His Lordship Bishop Seeger., gave an ,addrese. • Victoria Day at Maitland Golf Club Players Enjoy .67;Inpetitio'ns. of Opening Day, in Ideal 'Golf Weather The official opening of Maitland Golf IMO, for the 1941 ,season took place, ion May t?.4th in meet Auspicious circane; stances, The weather was ideal for golf, the.,..99.1117was ex elpj cs ditierfrand' there Wa.sca good attendance of playRs. , Afternoon tea was, served by the house:tommittee with Mrs. A. A. Nicol arid Mre. N.0, Jackson as conveners. • Mrs. George Willia.mS and Mrs. T. M. ,•CosMtelle poured tea.• rs. Frank Curry had elia.reee of the oodles' competitions. The ladies are holding their firet 'field day on Friday afternoou of this week. • 'Caterers from Macdonald Institute, Ouelph, have been engaged and will be at the elubhouse after June 15th. ' Winners In the -various events were as follows: Ladies' putting comeetition-let, Miss Ruth Nicol; 2nd, Miss Jean Lullaby' and Mrs. Lithe tied; ,3rd, Mrs. Sinith :and }Teilir tied. P s Ladies' approaching Competition -1St; Mie.s Reith:•Nicol, • Miss 'E,dith Williams and Mrs. Nicol tied; 20,, Mrs. Mooney and Miss ...MeNahghton tied. • Ladiesin driving coraetition-Long balls list, Mrs. •Nicol; •2nd, Miss AfergesreCsN,Icol.s„,,Aggregatessists Edith Williams; 2pd, Miss Ruth Nicol Men's 9 -bole competitionLow gross, 1st,- Vie Elliott; 2n6, Paul Deadman; 3rd, 0: X. Naftel. Low net, 1.st, 'L. Campeau and Scinedron Leader Dean tied ; 2nd, Geo. Jeener and A. • E. Hockley • 1eTt,wA.:rbsa. nihiexnedaf:(117G.?liiTe-jhorrjmoaWn ;g'1.2on7:2 ;Yfiss R. Johnston and R. Lloyd. Low net, 1st, Miss R. !Niece and Squadron Leader Dean; and, Miss MeNaughten 'andO. Kemp, Mrs, C. Kebap and Geo. Buchanan tied. •° s en s, &Wing eompetition - Aggre- gate, R. Lloyd. Long ball, Terry Costello. ' Vic. Elliott Shot a 35, ''par for the courses' to win the low gross in the men's 04o1e eompetition, • NEXT OOLLECTION JUNJIi "A"Itetilinder to Have BunilIes Rea,dy.. rid THE MEN oyEREmAs •Pareels for, eur WV; overseas are: again , in the ,,forefront et discussion • as the packing committee announces, through Mrs. D. J. Lane; the Chairman, tbat Packing day Is near' ,and there is stUl not enough cash or goo& for' the next lot of' ten parcels. • ' its nearly' as can be 'figured there are aboutefor tyeraen -from- IGioderich -now- eligible for remembrances from hemee Some have had two or More gifts and the later oim to go ,over8e4s have had 11011O.I t,IssirOpedsto semi-Pareele to et least ten of those so far not re- membered, but, if Contributione are adequate, more will be packed. This requires caSh or food articles and these have not yet -come in in. quantities suf. fielent to Make a packing poSsible. The' ehairraa.n or Mrs. Walter Newcombe, the treasurer, will be,pleased to aCcept gifts, of Money, and the' our stores, Jane's, Dunlop's, •MaeVicar's • and Schaefer'e, 'will look after 414 toed articles left -with them. • The committee would also like to get the names and .correct •addresses of all formerresidents.of the town .wholare L serving in any branch of the service over.seas or on a Ship actually in a theatre of war, that is, on the high, Seas. Men in barracks in ports like galifax are not ' eligible for parcels, although they will be when they are assigned 40'a Ship. The names and addresses are sergently---requieed- eastlat- Athe- record' may he caMplete and so that parcele -can be sent to 1-thern when they finally • The usual generousrespoffseis he'Ped for. The pareels-will be despatched as. sooh as enough eash or goods is tinned in. •s I 7/EMPIRE DAY AT SCHOOLS • Securely " - For the last week Several men have been devoting their evenings to sorting and baling the: paper which had been srettherel -by-th-e-ealeare 4n May. Their worts has been un- necessarily difficult, because enormous .,quantities of the paper were 'either tied with light string or not tied in any way. The consequence was the paper scat- tered in all directions as itswas.un; loaded from the trucks. Gathering and baling it has beeu any- thing but a pleasant job, but fortunate- ly a ,number of eitizens volunteered- to iclo the work in order to have the ex- hibition building ready for tbe. next 'collection on Saturday;sTune 7th, , The men who are doing the serting and baling, night atter night, are not receiving anything for ' their services, but aredonnflngthem as e sear eon. t ribution. • If every person will use strong string and tie the bundles securely,', it will make fhe work of those in Charge at the building both lighter and cleaner. • Citizens are reminded of the import- ance 'of having their salvage on the :boulevards ready for the motorman on Saturday morning, June' 7th. e ° „4,4 WHY CANADA MUST BORROW Preece& 02 Caeada'e 1041 Victory 'loan will be used for two purposes -eta 'help enanee eanada's war effort and 'te tender 'financial • assistance to- Great Britain. • Hon. J. L. Ileley, '1Clinister of ,,Finance, in his recent 'budget Address estimated that in the current ,fise'Ker year the Dominian Government - would have to raise about one billion dollars by Way of borrowing. 102 this amount, the major portion will be for the purpcsse of Pnaneing Britain's defitit in her balance of payments with Csertada, • arising out of huge pureltases of supplies and munitions in Canada. For the current fiscal' year British jilatehASee 1h Canada will reaCh "ePeroximately $1,500,000,000. On•this (basis it is estimated that 13ritairr's 4def1cit In her balance of .payments with Canada Will total approximately $1,160,000,000. In order that there may be no stoppage in the shiPment of Vital supplies Which. Britain is buying tram Carieda, ' the ,Dorniniore' Government has undertaleen- to finance stich proportion ss. , of the deficit as (Britain herself will be urmble to meet by the transfer of old or United States dollars to Canada.' 3 "The deficit in he balanee of payments,'" 'whieli Canada has, undertaken to finance, means" very' little to the great Majority of Canadians, To put It simply, Great Britain has ineuffielerit Canadian sd, ollans with whieh to pay for the supplies she wants- fret°. 'Canada and the Dominian, Government has undertaken to provide these :eloilars. iny buying Victory lbonds,Crinadianswill be providing aid to Great •Britain over and above the assistance being giVen by °the 'Canadian Navy, Army and Air Fame. They will be 'giving Prime Minister Winston Churchill part of wthe tool& he requested and Which have been ordered, from Canada. • The cost of • Capada's war effort in this fisear year. is estimated at' about $2,500 millions. Of this amount $1,70 millions has been allotted to the Navy, $007 millions, to the Army, $387 millions to the Air Pore*. In addition, financing Britain's requirements in Canada will take i$900 -millions to $1,150 millions. It will be 'noted that the biggest individual ifem is finaneineo • British purehages, Thig is made up of repatriation "of securities. and 'credits. These represent the method whereby 'Canada enables Britain to secure goods without having, to pay Qanada any caeli. By this means Britainsis able ,to blly, from Canadian factories war goods made by Canadian workmen.• • • IlVery bond purehased Will mean more wheati baeon, •ccheese, flour, guns, ships and mechanized equipment for .Vhe Motherland. Tile quota for the county of tilitron is $1,300,000, but this is the minimum and it is felt that quotas, should be Overssubseribed by at least .100 per 'cent, and -a6 result the Objeetive for the county of• should be eonelderetl as $2,000,000. • Next week all Canadians will have a real opportunity' if demenStrating &their' loyalty and it IS believed that make again all Canadians will prove willing totpake sacrifices rather titan submit ta defeat and elavery. ,Next week every Canadian will be asked to lend to our Government every dollar available and ?this plea mut be an3wered fully and quickly. pupils Told of the Imptirthilio of Membership in the British Com- . monwealth •-Empire Day -was litting7Torserved in • the Gaderich public:schoels on Friday last. .. At Victoria school the. pupils gathered in the aSsemisly hallsat 11.80 asn-for a half-hour eereniony. The program opened' with the singing , of "There'll Always Be an England'.! .and 'Garry • On" by thesptipilss Mayor ED. Brown •addressed the assemblage, speaking on theszeeads.resonrcessofethe- British- • Empire and the value to Canada of its membership in such an empire: Joan Scott recited "Flag of Britain" and Gertrude (Beattie recited -,"The Milan Jack." ".• The pup11e-11--en repeated the Oath of allegiance and saluted the fiag. Each class was given a talk on the Empire by the individnal' teachers during the day. At •Cientral school topics pertaining to the ,Empire were discnssed by the teachers of the various classes and patriotic songs were sung. There was no main assemblage. '• • COUNTY COLRT NEXT WEEK Two Criminal. Cases on the.-.Doeliet-:- , Judge Clement' to Preside Judge E. W. Clement of Kitchener will preside .at the County. Court -and GeneraliSessions of the Peace Whist open here next Tuesday ,at 2 pan. Petit and grand juries have been sum-, 1m. t1nd There . are two erimirial Cases on the list. "Earl Williams, aGoclerieh town- ship young Man, faces* a eharge 'of 'dangerous driving arising out of -a 'fatal erasb last Christmas Eve. Driv- ing a motor car, he is alleged to have -igtruck ''a horse and buggy from the rear,'at an intersectiona Short distance 'west of °Beton,: killing Mrs. Kirby of Oshawa and Injuring her father, IIenry Thampson, Gaderich t ownship farmer.. Frank Rutledge, a *Br -tassels' youth, will 'be.tried for allegedlyhaving carnal ik.nowiedge of a girl, ender the .age Of sixteen, • Thereselso are two civil eases on the list, one jury and one eon -jury.. ATTEND FUNERAL AT MITCHELL The death oecurred ,at Mitchell 'On Wednesday, ' May - 21,4t, of Harry R. 'Chapman, in his eighty-third year. MT. (Chapmap was one of the best-known liesidentesof the 'town, hits-hig lived in ,Michell for more than sixty 'years'. He was the father of Lieut. Fred (": Chap- man, of„the- R.C.A.F., Teronto, well known i Goo__ __________ (.as. K. minders, Miss Jesie San:riders arid Mr. Frank Saunders attended the funeral at lfitclaell on Saturday. • TOES AMPUTATED Working at the C.P.R. yards on Friday last, Elwin Everinghana, • a brakeman, had his left foot ereshed while conpling eers. TWo toes, the big one amt the one next to it, were amputated by Dr. W, P. Gallon' at Alexandra hospital the same • day. ,The. rest of the foot, although ertished, will .be saved, IGeeringliam eathe here to relieve during the grain rush'. Ile wilt be in hospital some days. • In soine manner he eaught his toes between the tetiniinge. • 9 • REDICROSS NOTES The Aim *2 880.50 has been, railvd to (late at the end ofethethird rotind the second Marathon bridge and %OW' party sponsored by the women workers of the Bed CrosselSociety. There are .threo more games to be pla4‘0,d, one next •week, •ant' eonie. -coet.ebutiene; e hkl hallo been promised, hav.. not yet bon turned in. A further reort will, be *Cc near the close of the serieS. iviaritot lliirotnliloConVZ:Aol uoot.a fotr tirtLietitbitoii Of the • county organization to atai* tlifs amount by the end of the Ara week of the eampaign,, beginning on Afonal.0*. June 2nd, and it le hoped to OOPS subseriptions for threeltims the quota' before the camPaign conclude& • The Connty killtOU has been. divided into quarterS by the exeentive Conimittee And X. C. 'Shearer'', elutiMil* of one of '01e fluarters, has challenged -1,th.e-W.°iiiheLrytt lian*IYand alleonfat (.1a'rryinSelde, - stated he wouldiobtain, a larger amount - from his seefitm:';than any one of the others would.collect lnih, The Boy !Scouts have been. VerY 1141*. ful. 1 Ooderich and 'have been •filling sandbags te be used to decorate the front of the headquarters office.; A. R. Scott, principal ef 00deriek .aollegiate Institute, has been very help- „efugluiapnindht.as l,ent the organization rich oi• : , The Li** Clubs also are being of great assistance througleeut the county and ;have agreed to,supervise Ore decor- atiens of the towns of' Winghanr, -Sea- forth, Olinton, Outer and Godericia. A, contest will be run- whereby a prize Or $5 will be paid for the beSt-deediated ' store in each Of the above five towne and in Blyth, EHensallsand Brussel& There will alsobe a tonnty' prize iff $10 for the best In the .county. • Alex.' reortorfield, • ehairman for the ,s,v it w jl ;371111; *2 East Wawanosh, states that his quota is an insult and that be The organization is nearly' eonaPletOo but the names of some cauvaseers and pnblieity men are still lacking and they 'should be sent in as soon as posSible. • . R.. K. "Wurtele„ chairman of tie • special names committee, states thai- be . will make the total of 'special ,names subscriptions here in Huron county first in the Province, and as it is liadeXstoe'd Savings aceOunts in the ecninty of Huron are many times the quota of $1,400,000 in fact, many times double the quOta °•- -there is every reason °why the total of subscriptions obtained in the county of Huron shoul4 be much greater than the, amount elated. • • . •. War Loan: Allocation • . The war loan allocation forthc val- *us municipalities Of,,Herort County is Its follows t • Townsstipes •Auiq • $ 56,200 'Colborne • Goderieh 36,200 41,250s ' 1;850 -es • HR au 31,:•• 71,750 t 80450 . .44,4Z 50 . --er-- »Stanley • ' 41,02.° 056 - •Stephen - •771 -Tuebkorneresmith - 403:,52 us • Turnberry • • 49,300 East Wasvanosli Towns and Villages. West Wawanosh ..... '312988!ogo. j3rBlrYtitssheis 22,750 Clinton ... • 0 657,:000” Goderich• 15977. Eieter 5 Hensel]. • • 192 0;6001 •,Seaforth Wingham • 77,150 $1,aft000r FUNERAL OF W. G. MacEWAN • LARG,tLy •ATTENDED: , , There wasa large attendance • of relatives and friends at the funeral- ori Friday afterneon, of the late William G. AlacEwan. The service at die home on Albert street was conducted by Bev. I). J. Lane, minister of Knox Pres,- , byterien church, 'of which, the deceaSed • was aprominent member, The pall - •bearers were•P. J. MaeRwan, J. A. MacEwan, George G. MiteEwan,, Dr. F. T. Egener, Oapt, Donald E,geter • Lieut, Fred Egener. Honorary pall- •henrt'rs were il)r. A. If. Taylor, /7... )3. •Mustarel, C. K. Saunders, John' .1revi-- combo, Alex. Smith, Neil MeeKir,v, C. Dunlaii and N. C: Lanaway. The” Siotal tributes' were ;beautiful and in grea t 'Profusion, ,among them being , •those from the board of managers of ,Knox ehurch ; /Huron Lodge, No. 62, ,ro.o.y. '• ftGoderich Elevator & Trantit 00.; staff of the local breech Of, the alai& of Montreal J. B. Mustard, and Staff ;' the choir of ,CronynAfernerial ehurchelLondon. -epreSentation of Iitiron !Lodge of Odd - fellows -ohr 'the burial- service of the order was conducted at the gra veSide 111 Aaitland eemetery. In attendance from out of town ,Were iMr. D. A..McCarten and son Roberts 'Winnipeg, 'Mans; Dr. 1. T. Egener and Mrs. legener, Miss Margaret MarElwari, — 'Capt. 1)011811 :111(1 Ilre. teenersLondon ; .11.1eut. Fred Beerier, . Hamilton Mrs. III,aroid McLeod, Mrs. Neil • Larixonti, 'London.; Maleohn McDougaid, Mr. and Mese, Allan MeDopgald, :Nterean,'",. teromarty.; J. T. Goldthorpe; ICiriciand iLake; MissOlive•Goldthorpe, Um. rtoy ° ,Ohowen.,„ Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Alexf trerbes antreon Peteri 'ealinington ; Mr. anti Mrs. Allan *Moore, Stratford; Ws: lOe Goldthorpe, ',Ilaydeld; Mr. Donald 0,1eLean, Lneknow; Mrs. 'George rar- •quhar, Mrs. 1(1 r(1 Parquhar,. Um. W. It. 18. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. illeEwee, Chilton. • WOMEN WOrtliiNICS FOR FARMS I 31144.9 111. Jaele'son, of the Ontarie Pepartment Of Labor, was in towre,on,,, ;Friday last in eonnettioll witit icampaign to obtain women 'ettorkers to assist on fruit and vegetableifl Terme, eanneritel, Packing Ulises, etc 'Eight le amps are already operating in late,'Niagara district" With, eiXty-ilve giftsu each. ege